May 13, 2009
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at
the hour of 4:30 p.m. by Chairman Ross, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Moulin, Deniel, Ross, Rassi and Park
OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Vianka Orrantia, Senior
A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on April 8, 2009 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
Board Member Rassi requested a correction be made on page 3, first
sentence changing "bee" to "been."
MOTION: It was moved Board Members Moulin/Deniel to approve the
minutes of April 8, 2009 as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for March 2009
In response to Board Member Deniel, Mr. Falconer advised those
interested in applying to the Investment Advisory Board should submit
their applications for consideration directly to the City Clerk's office
before the middle of May.
Board Member Park advised that Mr. Paul Rabbit will not be applying,
who was the April meeting.
General discussion ensued by the Board regarding the candidates and
their qualifications.
Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the staff report advising the Board
that a treasury bill, reflected on page 6, had matured and was reinvested
for another six months. In addition, he also advised of the decline of the
cash balance by $8.2 million with the bulk of the decline due to the RDA
debt service payments. Mr. Falconer further advised that the portfolio
maturities remain short, (at 69 days) with a continuance of the City's
policy to buy and hold.
Mr. Falconer advised that page 8 reflects the changes discussed at the
previous month's meeting with the cash flow analysis now reflecting the
difference between the revenue and expenses as a "Favorable
(Unfavorable-" variance.
Board Member Deniel commented that the sales tax year-to-date forecast
was better than expected.
In response to Board Member Deniel, Mr. Falconer and Chairman Ross
advised the salary and fringe benefits variance in question from the
previous month's meeting on page 8 was clarified on the cover page of
Business Session B, Background Section third bullet point.
Board Member Deniel suggested that if there is a variance reflected on a
monthly report, perhaps staff could give a brief explanation describing the
variance either verbally or on the report.
In response to Board Member Deniel, Mr. Falconer advised the second
golf course and the clubhouse at Silverrock have been indefinitely
In response to Chairman Ross, Mr. Falconer clarified the title "LAIF
balance" on page 8 of the report is the City's liquid cash balance.
It was suggested by Board Member Deniel to re-title "LAIF Balance" to
either available "Cash Balance" or available "Funds for Reinvestment."
In response to Chairman Ross, Mr. Falconer clarified the maturing
investments in the months of April and May have been rolled over and
were reinvested in T-Bills. Mr. Falconer further clarified that the maturity
lengths have recently been shortened due to the economic market.
Board Member Deniel commented that changes to the Treasurer's report
have helped simplify the report and reflects useful information.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Deniel to approve,
receive and file the Treasury Report for March 2009. Motion carried
B. Continued Discussion of the Investment Advisory Board 2008/09 Work
Plan and 2009/10 Investment Policy
Mr. Falconer advised of the follow-up items from the previous meeting:
Internal Controls - Upon his review with staff in regards to internal
controls, there are no recommendations at this time.
TLGP -Presented to the Board was the draft staff report to be submitted
to the City Council on June 19, 2009, for their consideration and
approval. Also included within the report was a note stating the program
will end June 30`" for new issues, but with a large secondary market,
there will be investments available in the next fiscal year.
General discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding the
TLGP, their yields and the FDIC's guarantee.
Mr. Falconer advised in recent conversation with broker/dealers, recently
investors have been pulling out of the TLGP and have been reinvesting in
Corporate Notes due to a "stabilization" in the economy.
In response to Chairman Ross, Mr. Falconer advised the third bullet was a
follow-up item from the previous month's meeting.
In response to Board Member Deniel, Mr. Falconer advised any future
variances in the.Treasurer's Report will be noted with an explanation.
Chairman Ross summarized the TLGP discussion from the previous
month's meeting and stated. Board Member Moulin was not in favor of
the TLGP; the remaining Board members in favor of the program.
Mr. Falconer advised that the drafted Staff Report would be his
recommendation to amend Section X. 15) and (81 the Fiscal Year 2008/09
Investment Policy and continue with the program through the Fiscal Year
2009/10 Investment Policy.
In response to Chairman Ross, Mr. Falconer advised that at the next
scheduled meeting in June, the Board will meet with the City Manager
and City Attorney, and at that time, the Board would recommend any
changes to the Investment Policy. If there is a Board Member who does
not agree with the recommended changes, that Board member could
make a minority report stating their opposition.
General discussion ensued amongst the Board regarding the TLGP's
maturities, comparable investments and the suggested language within
the "draft" staff report.
It was agreed upon by the Board to make the following changes to the
draft staff report:
Chairman Ross suggested that the TLGP is also included in Section 5.
Prime Commercial Paper.
Mr. Falconer advised that TLGP would be listed in Section 5 in the
2009/10 Investment Policy.
The Board agreed to the following recommended changes to the draft
staff report:
Section 5, last sentence should read:
The City is also permitted to invest in commercial paper issued [...]
Discussion ensued amongst the Board regarding the underlined sentences
within the current policy; it was recommended by Chairman Ross that a
form change be made at the next scheduled meeting for the upcoming
2009/10 Investment Policy. Board concurred.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Deniel/Rassi to approve the
amended language to the draft staff report dated May 19, 2009. Motion
carried unanimously.
Board Member Moulin stated page 14 of the Investment Policy, second
paragraph, references the auditor's comments in a "management letter"
and suggested the term "management letter" be changed.
Mr. Falconer advised the management letter is directed to the City
Council and the term "management letter" is a generic term used.
The Board reviewed the attached Investment Policy and
changes/additions/deletions are shown in amended form.
General discussion ensued among the Board regarding the term
"management letter;" it was agreed by the Board that Board Member
Moulin draft suggested language and present it at the next scheduled
Board meeting.
Mr. Falconer advised that he would forward the most recent letter from
the auditors to Board Member Moulin.
Board Member Moulin suggested that on page 15 of the Investment
Policy, Section XVIII Investment Advisory Board -first paragraph that the
word "five" be omitted so that it would give the City Council flexibility if
they decided to change the number of members on the Board.
Mr. Falconer advised that the number of Board members is also included
in the municipal code; if the number is deleted in the Investment Policy,
the municipal code would also have to be changed.
Board Member Moulin advised that on page 22, the function of "Security
of Investments at City," the "Responsible Party" is currently listed as
"Vault" and should reflect a person(s).
Mr. Falconer advised that the responsible parties are the Accounting
Manager and the Senior Secretary.
Mr. Falconer advised that on page 23 item 4, Broker/Dealer Services, the
group Merrill Lynch has been replaced with Banc of America Securities.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Deniel/Rassi to continue the
review of the investment policy, the work plan and the review of the
TLGP to the next scheduled meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
In response to Mr. Falconer, Chairman Ross advised staff should proceed
with the TLGP staff report based on the recommended changes during
the Board meeting.
Board Member Deniel advised she would not be in attendance at the next
scheduled meeting.
A. Month End Cash Report and other selected Financial Data -April 2009
Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the month-end cash report advising
the Board page 3 reflects the LAIF performance reflecting a slight decline
and ending at 1.05%, and page 4 reflects the 30 to 90 day commercial
paper rates with the AA paper at .53% and the asset backed paper at
3.01 %.
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports -January 2009
Noted and Filed
C. Update on California Municipal Treasurers Association Conference
General comments were made by Board Members and staff who attended
the conference.
Chairman Ross advised that one of the seminars he attended during the
CMTA Conference was focused on the CDARS program; he thought this
would be item of consideration for 2009/10 work plan.
The conference was attended by four of the five Board members.
Noted & Filed
General comments and discussion ensued regarding the handout from Board
Member Moulin.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Deniel/Park to adjourn the
meeting at 5:48p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Senior Secretary