2009 05 21 HPC MinutesMINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A Regular meeting held in the Study Session Room at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA May 21, 2009 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairwoman Puente at 3:01 p.m. who asked for the roll call. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call. Present: Absent: Staff Present: II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None Commissioners Redmon, Sharp, Wilbur, Wright, and Chairwoman Puente None Planning Manager David Sawyer and Secretary Monika Radeva. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Wilbur to approve the minutes of March 19, 2009, as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: None VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: A. Attendance Update There was general discussion regarding the Commissioners' attendance records. Commissioner Sharp joined the meeting at 3:04 p.m. Historic Preservation Commission May 21, 2009 VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Discussion of the California Preservation Conference -Palm Springs, California -April 16-19, 2009. The Commission and staff discussed and shared information from the classes they attended at the California Preservation Conference. Chairwoman Puente commented she was very pleased with all of the knowledge and information she gathered, and with the people she met and established contacts with at the Conference. She suggested building relationships with the other Historic Preservation Commissions in neighboring cities, developing a brochure, and developing a historic preservation section on the City's website. Commissioner Wilbur said he was very happy with the Conference as well. He shared information on what he learned about in the several classes he attended. There was discussion regarding multiple listings, updating the Historic Record Survey, the Historical Context Statement, and different ways to interest people in the history of the community. Commissioner Wright said previously, the Commission had concentrated primarily on the archaeological aspect of historic preservation due to the on-going construction in the city over the last few years and had not spent a lot of time on historic structures that are fifty years old or older. He noted, now that construction has slowed down, it would be a good time for the Commission to do that and update the Historic Record Survey. General discussion followed regarding the next California Preservation Conference which would be held in Grass Valley, California. VIII. PLANNING STAFF ITEMS: A. Discussion regarding Work Program for Fiscal Year 2009/2010. Chairwoman Puente said the California Preservation Conference had inspired her a great deal and she felt the Commission could be more proactive in the community. She discussed a few items of suggestion amongst which: 2 Historic Preservation Commission May 21, 2009 • Update the Timeline and Accomplishments to current date • California ,Preservation Trends regarding buildings that may qualify as historic sites in the near future • Identify possible buildings that may qualify to be identified as historic sites • Create an active network with all neighboring cities' Historic Preservation Commissions • Work together with the La Quinta Museum • Development of La Quinta Brochure Chairwoman Puente suggested a brochure be put together that would give developers and builders a reference to the City's landscape water conservation policies, energy efficiency requirements, indoor environmental features, emission of air pollution, etc. at a glance. Commissioner Wright said the City did not yet have established policies and ordinances on all of the above items. Planning Manager Sawyer said these items would be better addressed by the Planning Commission and City Council. General discussion followed regarding local Indian Tribes, the La Quinta Museum, and other items mentioned during the Conference. B. Discussion regarding Commission Summer Meeting Schedule. Planning Manager Sawyer said the Commission should discuss and decide on which meeting the Commission would go dark. He noted the City Council would be dark the second meeting in August and the first meeting in September. He stated the Planning Commission had not yet decided. Commissioner Puente said she would not be attending the meeting in June because she would be out of the country, but she would be back for the meeting in August. General discussion followed regarding the Commission's past summer meeting schedules. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Redmon/Wright for the Commission to go dark during the month of July. Unanimously approved. - _- 3 Historic Preservation Commission May 21, 2009 X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Redmon/Wright to adjourn this Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next Regular Meeting to be held on June 18, 2009. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Unanimously approved. Submitted by: Monika Radeva Secretary 4