BSOL2015-003378-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: BSOL2015-0033 Property Address: 79111 CASA VIDA CIR APW 602170024 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Application Description: RANCHO LA QUINTA / OKUN /SOLAR Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $25,000.00 Applicant: REVCO SOLAR ENGINEERING INC 2663 CABOT RD STE B LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed 9 (commencing ith Section 7000) of Division 3 of the B and my License is In full force and effect. License Classy C4 C1y0 License No.:3872 Dat ( Contractor Code, I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that i am exempt from.the':Contractor'sState License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5; Business and Professions Code: Any cityor county -that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any -structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is;licensed pursuant to the.provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professlons.Codej or that he or she is exempt.therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: " 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work; and,the structure is not Intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors"State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, and who doesthe work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that.the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not'bulld,orImprove for the purpose of sale.). I I I,as owner of the•property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business>and Professions Code: The Contractors'' State License Law.does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects wlWa contractors) Ilcensed,pursuant to the Contractors'' State; License Law.). (--) I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of.perjury that there isa construction lending agency for the performance.ofthe work for which this,permit'is issued (Sec. 3097, :Civ. C,) Lender's Name: Lender's VOICE (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 (949)367-0740 Llc. No.- 387219 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I'hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of th�work•for which thi's permit is issued. C� ve and will maintain workers' compensation: insurance, as required by Section3700.of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work.forwhich this permit Is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier:_ Policy!Number:_ I certify thatin the performance of the work for which this per .tis issu shall not employ any person in any manner so as to beco ub' ct t e wor S. compensation laws Callfornla; and agree.that, if I s becom ject he workers' compe XInrovisions of Section 37 a Lab 1 II fort ith comply wit plons. Date: r17141" . AppiiC WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WO ERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER O CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100;000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES A5PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is, hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth onthis application: 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application9s made, each person at whose request and for whosebenefit work is performedvnder or pursuant to any permit issued as:a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any actor omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance:of thispermit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void'if work is not -commenced within'180 days from date of issuance of -such permit, or cessation of Work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation.. I certify that I have, read -this application and state that the above.lnf I agree to comply wilp all city and county ordinances and state laws construction, andeb uthorize representatives of this city.to mentioned p y inspection purposes. /-1 Dafe:' Signature.(Applicant or Date: 4/7/2015 Owner: FREDERICK OKUN 79111 CASA VIDA:CIRCLE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 z ocj J� -n a� s Contractor: REVCO SOLAR ENGINEERING'INC a N 2663 CABOT RD STE B v LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949)367-0740 Llc. No.- 387219 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I'hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of th�work•for which thi's permit is issued. C� ve and will maintain workers' compensation: insurance, as required by Section3700.of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work.forwhich this permit Is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier:_ Policy!Number:_ I certify thatin the performance of the work for which this per .tis issu shall not employ any person in any manner so as to beco ub' ct t e wor S. compensation laws Callfornla; and agree.that, if I s becom ject he workers' compe XInrovisions of Section 37 a Lab 1 II fort ith comply wit plons. Date: r17141" . AppiiC WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WO ERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER O CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100;000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES A5PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is, hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth onthis application: 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application9s made, each person at whose request and for whosebenefit work is performedvnder or pursuant to any permit issued as:a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any actor omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance:of thispermit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void'if work is not -commenced within'180 days from date of issuance of -such permit, or cessation of Work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation.. I certify that I have, read -this application and state that the above.lnf I agree to comply wilp all city and county ordinances and state laws construction, andeb uthorize representatives of this city.to mentioned p y inspection purposes. /-1 Dafe:' Signature.(Applicant or AFORIVIATION DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT' QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $0.00 PAID BY - METHOD_ � � � iRECEIPT'#CHECK4 CLTD'BY Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA $1.00 $0.00 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT , QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE PV SYSTEM -ARRAY, FIRST'20 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $0.00 PAID; BY METHOD RECEIPT"# CHECK # CLTD BY DESCRIPTION, ACCOUNT QTY' AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.1.7 $0.00 PAID BY' METHOD RECEIPT '# CHECK,#. CLTD BY Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $48.34 $0.00 _ DESCRIPTION,, - -. ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00 PAID BYMETHOD RECEIP.T,# CHECK #' CLTD BY Total Paid forPERMiT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 TO�� Description: RANCHO LA QUINTA / OKUN / SOLAR Type: SOLAR Subtype: Status: APPROVED Applied: 3/27/2015 SKH Approved: 4/3/2015 JFU Parcel No: 602170024 Site Address: 79111 CASA VIDA CIR LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 28912 Block: Lot: 68 Issued: Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft:'0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $25,000,00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL Details: 17.658 kW SOLAR ARRAY - (54) SUNPOWER E20427 MODULES W/ (1) FRONIUS IG PLUS ADV 5:0-1UN1 INVERTER + (1) FRONIUS IG PLUS ADV 11.4-1UNI INVERTER t MAIN BREAKER DOWN GRADE TO 175A [864SF) 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE. ADDITIONAL SITES. Printed: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 2:55:55 PM 1 of 2 CWw'YSreMS CHRONCILOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE` :, STAFF: NAME ACTION aA. TE' . ` .' COMPLETION DATE NOTES' PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL STEPHANIE KHATAMI 3/27/2015 3/27/2015 RECEIVED TELEPHONE CALL JAKE FUSON 4/3/2015 4/3/2015 NOTIFIED JOE DEISENROTH OF REVCO SOLAR THAT PLANS WERE APPROVED AND PERMIT WAS READY TO ISSUE. CONDITIONS CONTACTS. '. `NAME T�Y,PE°' _ w NAME.: ` ;} .. _ !ADDRESSI . _ CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT REVCO SOLAR ENGINEERING INC 2663 CABOT RD STE B LAGUNA HILLS CA 92653 ( CIRCLE Printed: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 2:55:55 PM 1 of 2 CWw'YSreMS INSPECTIONS SCHEDULED COMPLTD ULSEQID" INSPONPE- INSPECTORREMARKS NOTES l DATE DATE a. R SOLAR FINAL" BLD PARENT PROJECTS BOND INFORMATION. ATTACHMENTS Printed: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 2:55:55 PM 2 of 2 CRWYSTEMS INFORMATION FINANCIAL DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY' AMOUNT - - • . METHOD PAID B CLTD PAID CHEC PAID DATE RECEIPT_- "°K;#: Y BY BSAS.SB1473 FEE 10140000-20306 0 $1.00 $0.00 Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $0.00 BSA: PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101 -MO -42403 0 $24.17 $0.00 FIRST 20 PV SYSTEM -ARRAY, 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 FIRST 20 PC Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $48.34 $0.00 PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00 Total Paid forPERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 TOTALS:00 INSPECTIONS SCHEDULED COMPLTD ULSEQID" INSPONPE- INSPECTORREMARKS NOTES l DATE DATE a. R SOLAR FINAL" BLD PARENT PROJECTS BOND INFORMATION. ATTACHMENTS Printed: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 2:55:55 PM 2 of 2 CRWYSTEMS Bkf - Aenmtt 3'3 ®� PV)Jed 9111 Casa Clty. of La Quints Bt�tdtr>$ e[ Safety Dii�ral . P.Q Box 1504, 76.495 Cali TamOw 4.QtaW4 CA 92253 -{760} 7777012 Building Permit Appllcadon' and Tracking Sheet a r . o�aNw= re un. A. P: Number: Address: 79111 Casa Vida Or �sr, zip: LaQuinta, CA 92253 or. Revco Solar EngineeringTeh e: 26631 a ', rA. tip:Laguna Hills, CA 92653 760-625-3479 , # 387219 Lia f: ]PV solar system per plan Amh., Bng�•., Designer: ° ' Address: City, ST. Zip: Teitippone SWe Ur. g: Name of Camtaix Ped�mt Joe Deisenroth Casdsb melon Type: Docupwcy: project type (=do ams): New Add'n Aker Repair Demo Sq, g T hone # of Cwua Pmm.760-625-3479 EOmdAod vatic of Proja $25000 APPUCAW: DO NOT WRITE BEWW TM UNE P MmIUM RWd Seed TRAXINC PERMT'FM- r4z seb Plan C>teeb submitted Ytrm Amomt strgebad Cdm Rnkvf4 read, or ewmetltlm `i 3 Plau Cheek Deposit. . Tdva (ala. Copal comb Perm y Pled Cl ads Salaam. TiNe24 Clalee. "• �>�,,�+� coos . now Pbft Pin Pitme rambaiiffa0- . MecLadkal GMAM p" 2'! Review; r8wv fav cw named 8abeooeaebr Iitt Cancel coabdPvwa Planabiag " GrW Deed Plum pleked up sada. W aotlsr� '~ 'CAM, ready for Devdnper Impact Fee Planta Approvd- Caned CantactPeaon AJLP.P. Pak R!lo<Appr Date orpormk issue school Fees TOW Pernik Fe s a ;. Residential Standard Calculation 94"I a7 Okun Residence a. Version 2014 STEP 1 Article 220.42 8.220.52 Belmont Energy sq tt 3077 General Lighting load 91231 VA 27441 Monfote 2 Small Appliance 3,000 VA Mission`Vie1o, Ca. 92692 1 Laundry circuit 1,500 VA (949) 7935544 Gen. Lgt„SmAppA,Laun. Load 13,731 VA 3=201514:18 CSLB963824 3,000 VA Q 100%= 3,000 VA 10;731 VA ® 35%= 3,758 VA VA ® 25%= VA STEP 2 Article 220.50 & 220.51 t] General Lighting Demand Load 6,756 VA AIC Condenser & Fhcad.Electric Space H Wr,g QTY Ston T 4,275 VA AHU 1 , GAS 1 `-. 1,200 VA 1 IT Heating Load 2,400 VA 14 ton 5,700 VA AHU 2! eAs 1 1',200 VA CU Load 12,375 VA 5 ton 7,130 VA AHU 3 ' GAs 1 �' 1;200 VA A/C #4 V; VA AHU 4 select VA QtY Greater of Host100%vsJVC @ 100% 12,375 VA A/C #5 VVA AHU 51 select VA Qty T STEP 3 Article 220.53 Appliance Dereand Load 10,883 VA Cas Water Heater VA 11,400 VA V. 1 Refrigerator 1,400 VA Dryer Demand Load VA 800 VA '11 Freezer VA rzwvA T, 1 Dishwasher 1;200 VA Range Demand Load VA 1 1;127 VA T 1 Disposal 1,,127 VA Sao VA 1 Range Hood 540 VA Service'Demand 30,014 VA 1,400 VA , �� 1 Microwave ❑ 1,440 VA T 1 Central Val: 1,: OF LA O U I NTAn Load 0@ 24oV,1 ph 125 A 1288 VA 17, 1 Mini Refrig 11400va Compares MALDING & SAFETY DEPT. Neutral Demand 60 A ❑ ,2,000 vA .. Tankless heater P P R OV E 1,SOOVA ,' Wine Cooler VVA /� ❑ � T] Jacuzzi Tub WFOR CONSTRUCTION Min.Service Req. 150A ❑ select V,1 Sprinkler VA L ❑ select - Well Pump VA select Fountain Pump DAy select Elevator Pool Equip. Panel 5;337 VA 100% Demand ❑ Otherload VA No Demand ❑ Other load VA No Demand Total Appliance Load 12,732 VA 4 or more demand ® 75% plus 100% demand loads 10,883 VA STEP 4 Article 220.54 Electric Clothes Dryers STEP 5 Article 220.55 Electric Ranges W Col C demand 11000 or Number of appliances 2 Cooktop Col B demand 2:W& Sm for Gas Range Cooktop C01 B demand 79111 Casa Vida Circle La Quanta Ca Ovens) Col B demand Oven(s) Col B demand Number of appliances 0 Dem. Factor 0% Cooktop &Oven Demand Load W Pool Panel Feeder Calculation Continuous Motors Non -continuous Spa heated! kVA Pool heater 3.5 ton Pool heater 5 ton Pool Light '300 Blower select . other bed other bad ❑ Min.Co r Pool Feeder (See.Nots) 3,450 ...... 1567 ...... , , , 0 ...... 0 ❑ 240v 0 ❑ 240V 0 ❑ 240v # 10 AWG A B N 1725 1725 0 794 794 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 300 0 300 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 23 A 21 Al3 A Minimum Panel Rating30A Phase Amperes Neut. load Continuous Non -continuous Motors Motors 12 hp V ❑ .240v 3/4 hp V ❑ 24N 1 select - ❑ 24N alea v [I 24N select V, ❑ 240V ❑ 240V select. ❑ 240v select V ❑ 240v select �' ❑ 240v select t ❑ 240v 0.0 Motor Neutral Load Max.Unbalanced Neutral Load 20.4%-:effi0ency -Ideal'for roofs where space is at a premium- or remium-- orwhere:fuhrreexpansori mighf be - needed - S;f{i9h pBiformande 9 Delivers excellent performance. in. real world cond`dions, such as high temperatures, clouds and low: ligfrt.l z 3 :. Provim "clue Designed for residential' naoftops; .E-5eries. panels deliver .the features,. value and performance for any home:_ Mmoeat� Sdiv CeFwWmmftgy l beew. Engineered for performance, designed for durability.. Engineered for peace of mind Designed to deliver consistent, trouble+ee energy over a very long lifetime.4,5 Designed ;for durability The SunPower Maxeon Solar Cell is the only cell built on a: solid copper foundation. Virtually impervious to the corrosion and . cracking that degrade�Convenfional Panels'.4'5 - #1 Ranked in Fraunhofer durability test. i0 100% powermaintained in Atlas 25+ comprehensive PVDI Durability test." HIGH PERFORMANCE & EXCELLENT DURABILITY 08 SERIES E20 - 327 PANEL HIGH EFFICIENCY° Generate more energy per square foot E-Seriesresidential panels convert more sunlight to electricity producing 36% more power per panel,' and 60% more energy per square foot over 2.5 years. 3,4 HIGH ENERGY PRODUCTION Produce more energy per rated watt High yearone performance delivers T9% more energy per rated watt.3 This advantage increases over time, producing 20% more energy over the first 25 years to meet your needs.4 0 20%[=2 0% More Energy \ 110 Yo......... ....... _. Per Rated Watt ° 100% 8%;.rilore;eork== _ i - p 90% _ _ _ - - -- - - 35%- more, a year 25 >. 80% 21 70% LU Conventional 60% N 50% 0 5 10 15 20 25 Years a 10% ---- - _...... -....... Maintains High \. Power at High Temps y rn 0 a _ Degradation -- a High Average Watts rn Better Low -Light and m Spectral Response C W High -Performance No Light -Induced b% I a% - Anti -Reflective Glass �r1ERGY p� \ .PHOTON www.sunpower.com 100% 95' % 90% 85A 80% 75% SUNP.OWER;OFFERS THE.BEST COMBINED POWER AND PRODUCT WARRANTY POWER WARRANTY 0 5 10 15 20 25 Years More guaranteed power: 95% for first,5 years, -0.4%/yr. to year 25.8 REFERENCES: 1 All comparisons are SPR -E20327 vs. a representative -conventional panel: 250W, approx. 1.6 m2, 15.3% efficiency. 2 PVEvoIution'lobs "SunPower Shading Study;" Feb,2013. 3 Typically 7-9% more energy per waft, BEW/DNV Engineering "SunPower Yield Report,' Jan 2013. 4 SunPower 0:25%/yr degradation vs. 1.0%/yr cony: panel. Campeau, Z. et al. "SunPower Module Degradation Rate," SunPower white paper, Feb 2013; Jordan,, Dirk-"SunPower Test Report," NREI, Oct 2012. 5 "SunPower Module 40 -Year Useful life" SunPower white paper, Feb 2013. Useful life is 99 out of 100 panels operating, at more than 70% of rated power.. 6 Second highest, after SunPower X -Series, of over 3,200 silicon solar panels, Photon Module Survey, Feb 2014. 7 8% more energy than the average of the top 10 panel companies tested in 2012 (151 panels, 102 companies), Photon International,. Feb 2013. 8 Compared with the top 15 manufacturers. SunPower Warranty Review, Feb 2013. 9 Some, exclusions apply, See warranty for details.. 10 5 of 8 parcel manufacturers from 2013 report were tested, 3 additional silicon solar panels for the 2014. Ferrara, C., et al. "Fraunhofer PV Durability Initiative for Solar Modules: Part'2". Photovoltaics irdemational,,77-85. 2014. 11 Compared with the nori*w*tested control panel: Atlas 25+ Durability, test report, Feb 2013:from 2013 report were tasted, 3 additional silicon solar panels. for the 2014, Ferrara, C., et aL "Fraunhofer PV Durability Initiative for Solar Modules: Part 2". Photovokics International, 77-85., 2014. 12 Standard Test Conditions (1000 W/m' irradiance, AM 1.5, 25" C): 13`Bosed on average of measured,power values during production PRODUCT WARRANTY D 5 10 15 20 25 Years Combined'Power andhoducUdefect25 year coverage that includes panel replacement costs. OPEIZ4TING CONDITION MEC -C- Hk ICAI. DATA FLECK 7RICAfDATA - 40"F to +l 85°F (- 40"C to +85°C( E2D-327 E19 -M Nominal Power"(Pnom) 327 W 320 W Power Tolerance +5/-0% +5/-0% Avg. Panel Efficiency!" 20.4% 19.8% Rated' Voltage (Vmpp) 54:7 V 54.7 V Rated Current (Impp) 5.98 A 5:86 A Open -Circuit Voltage (Voc) 64.9 V 64.8 V Short -Circuit Current (Isc) 6.46 A 6.24 A Max. System Voltage 600 V UL 8r 1000 V IEC Maximum Series Fuse 15 A. Power. Tamp. Coef. -0.38% / °C Voltage Temp Coef. -176:6 mV / "C Current Temp Coef. 3.5 mA /'aC REFERENCES: 1 All comparisons are SPR -E20327 vs. a representative -conventional panel: 250W, approx. 1.6 m2, 15.3% efficiency. 2 PVEvoIution'lobs "SunPower Shading Study;" Feb,2013. 3 Typically 7-9% more energy per waft, BEW/DNV Engineering "SunPower Yield Report,' Jan 2013. 4 SunPower 0:25%/yr degradation vs. 1.0%/yr cony: panel. Campeau, Z. et al. "SunPower Module Degradation Rate," SunPower white paper, Feb 2013; Jordan,, Dirk-"SunPower Test Report," NREI, Oct 2012. 5 "SunPower Module 40 -Year Useful life" SunPower white paper, Feb 2013. Useful life is 99 out of 100 panels operating, at more than 70% of rated power.. 6 Second highest, after SunPower X -Series, of over 3,200 silicon solar panels, Photon Module Survey, Feb 2014. 7 8% more energy than the average of the top 10 panel companies tested in 2012 (151 panels, 102 companies), Photon International,. Feb 2013. 8 Compared with the top 15 manufacturers. SunPower Warranty Review, Feb 2013. 9 Some, exclusions apply, See warranty for details.. 10 5 of 8 parcel manufacturers from 2013 report were tested, 3 additional silicon solar panels for the 2014. Ferrara, C., et al. "Fraunhofer PV Durability Initiative for Solar Modules: Part'2". Photovoltaics irdemational,,77-85. 2014. 11 Compared with the nori*w*tested control panel: Atlas 25+ Durability, test report, Feb 2013:from 2013 report were tasted, 3 additional silicon solar panels. for the 2014, Ferrara, C., et aL "Fraunhofer PV Durability Initiative for Solar Modules: Part 2". Photovokics International, 77-85., 2014. 12 Standard Test Conditions (1000 W/m' irradiance, AM 1.5, 25" C): 13`Bosed on average of measured,power values during production PRODUCT WARRANTY D 5 10 15 20 25 Years Combined'Power andhoducUdefect25 year coverage that includes panel replacement costs. OPEIZ4TING CONDITION MEC -C- Hk ICAI. DATA Temperature - 40"F to +l 85°F (- 40"C to +85°C( Max load Wind: 50 psf, 2400 Pa, 245 kg/m2 front 8 back Snow: 112 psf, 5400 Pa, 550 kg/m2 front Impact resistance 1 inch (25mm) diameter hail at 52. mph (23 m/s). Appearance Class A Solar Cells 96 Monocrystalline Maxson Gen II Tempered Glass High transmission tempered Anti -Reflective Junction Box IP -65 Rated Connectors MCA Compatible Connectors Frame Class 1 black anodized (highest AAMA.rating, Weight Al lbs (1.8.6 kg) [61..4in] See *://www.sunpower.com/fods for more reference information. For more details, we odwKW datashwt.www.sunpower.com/dabsheeb. Read wf q and4 skttalion instructions boFore wing this product: wWw.sunpower.com CDecember 2014 SunPower,Cafwiation. Alt right reswved. SUNPOWER, the SUNPOWER logo, MAMCN, MORUNERGY. FOR OFE., and SIGNATURE ars trademarks or registered D” nr 01504860Itw 0 /tT1-us trudenwrts aF SunPawer Carporagon. Specifications inducted in this dotoshow ore subied io charge wWwut notice. TESTS AND CERTIFICATIONS - - —� Standard tests LfLI703 (Type 2 Fire Rating), IEC 6,1215, IEC 61730 Quality tests ISO 9001:2008; ISO 14001:2004 EHS Compliance ROHS, OHSAS .18001:2007, lead4ree Ammonia test IEC 62716 r Salt Spray'test IEC' 61701 (passed maximum severity) I PID test PotentioPriduced Degradation free: 1000V10 I Available listings UL, CEC, CSA, TUV,.JET„KEMCO,.MCS, IFSEC [61..4in] See *://www.sunpower.com/fods for more reference information. For more details, we odwKW datashwt.www.sunpower.com/dabsheeb. Read wf q and4 skttalion instructions boFore wing this product: wWw.sunpower.com CDecember 2014 SunPower,Cafwiation. Alt right reswved. SUNPOWER, the SUNPOWER logo, MAMCN, MORUNERGY. FOR OFE., and SIGNATURE ars trademarks or registered D” nr 01504860Itw 0 /tT1-us trudenwrts aF SunPawer Carporagon. Specifications inducted in this dotoshow ore subied io charge wWwut notice. m ). f�lli�enhnotogy�`�FAart Lrmts�ocmer` AicFaiiltCunriit ` /Qmck Y/SmeitGru! JWfEiimeclace =.TechrrotE The Fronius IG Plus Advanced was the first complete: -inverter lineup of NEC 20.11 compliant; AFCI protected; . inverters in the United States and continues to be the leaden in quality inverter technology: Power classes ranging from 3 to 12 -kW yin both sin_ gle� and trice= 3-phase applications with integrated. Fronius MIX?M Technology and wide voltage. windows are the perfect snatch for your Sys m design: TECHNICAL DATA FRONIUS IG PLUS ADVANCED _ INPUTyDATA 16.4=1y��10.;03pew, 111 -Al 11 4-3nuri,}12,0-3 Recommended PV-Power(kWp) 2.50 - 3.45' 3.20 - 4.40 4.25- 5:75 E 5.10 - 6.90 6.35 - 8.60 8:50-11.50 8'50-11.50 910 - 13.10 9.70 -.13'10 10.20 - 13.80 I iulnal`TiritutGurioeni'-- - __- •8:d.A == 7d,rA '_I,r-=fid 8-¢ -F� l6'S.A_- 10.7b ;L7:b;A--_ _ 37,/iA=-=-3:L+A IIIA - 33:1A y Max. Usable Input Current u 14.0.A 17.8 A 23:4=A 28.1 A 35.1 A 46.7 A 46.7 A 53.3 A 53:3''A 56.1 A _ AefffSrnita,W°tiaiia - - _ - - - -_ - = 156, 500 V' DC Startup 260 V 1 ,Mi}ir; I.Wgt-y6talgr- - - - _- _ - - _ = _ - - - - _ - -=- - - = 600y Admissable Conditctor'Size (DC) No. 14 to 6AWG: For larger wire, use Fronius connecting distributor. bffiit: Ciisrem. per DClnpul'Perm#trap_ = t __ _ d0�ieii`�ko�lrr-input_eucteru,-rise PPonuts_eouneatin tlisidbutoc__ --_-- - - _-, OUTPUT DATA - �i-3:0-iont �- 3:8 tai 5 01n�t 6 Q1 7 5 lye �110:Q-1� 10:0-3 11 4 lnrt 11.4-3� 20-3 71 Nominal Output Power 3,000 W 3,800 W 5,000 W s 6,000 W 7,500 W 9,995' W 9,995 W 11,400 W 11,400-W 12,000 W �1ar�t:imtiminru (7ql pill-7'nwee 3,Qo f W- ;: .3;865-W - �i,()f)0' V i�_'6;(1@tl W' --:' 7,SO11 V1+ I! -9,994W �, 9,!195 W=, 11:4Lt0'W _ 11,4i)l1 W 1L.00II,W -' AC Output Voltage 20.8/240/277 208/240 208/240/277 208/240 '480/277 WYE; . _ 1 Kf mbg__oI Aases5 i -F_ - - - -1s = - - - _ - --3 - - 1 - 3 Admissible. Conductor Size (AC) No. 14;- 4 AWG ;N"aix: Contlitnutts litili[-8iiek%id,Clrre_rtt_ _ - - - - _- - _- _ - -_ QA. - - NominafOutputFrequency 60 Hz Oknacing Frequeu! Rad a -_ _ - - - -_ *83'.-60511x Total Harmonic Distortion !3% - _ ' =- _ - _ - ntKS� l.insl /.•rip. _ i Operating AC Voltage: Range 208 V 183 - 229 V (-12 /+10 %) =2411V -JBL 279-V J+10%)_ I 277' V 244 - 305 V (-12 / +10%) Mar:.comwilous Outpurbirreift `.2R V : -14.415: -:1 1k3 A I. 24:01A - I, AAA I 3C:1 -A_ - ,t 48:IaA11' 2'7:!' A' 54.87A i 31:6 V aLa. i "I 240 V 12.5 A 15.8 A 20:8 A 25.0 A 31.3 A 41.7 A 24:0 A' 47.5 A 27.4 A` n.a. -- __-27.E ft 10 8 AJ_i :1$i7 A 18;1 A 2L7 2 0 .A 3� 6 T A �41.2.A nai. 14:4 M Zaphase , �16raemi Wi Pi.® is•a rrgisle`ed l�ackniaik ul'dhe^Wi-h.Alliance: r TECHNICAL DATA FRONIUS IG PLUS ADYANCE,D ami ;r 4 �-- } - - z— r 6ENEMlDATAf 3 0 1y,a=ii 3 8 last S O�tga� b71"1aq II i5 loat 10 0-1_=10A 30a�11 0•�:ua�€1474 3a�t 1210 Sar Max. Efficiency i 96.2% - I_fI"nit.liunrnsthna -rl� t ___ -- .=1�3::2i-S 0° i-ur= L,Z.1'Ok4rcdi A= CEC Efficiency 208'VI 95.0' % X95.0`% 95.5% 95.5.% 910% 95:0 % 95.5% 95:5 % 95:0 % n.a. - 277 V' '95.5% 95.5'% 96.0% 96:0 % 96:0 % 96.0% in.a. 96:0 % n.a. 96.0'% Consutit tion Durin Tuition 81W 15 W 20 W nC7tTiir=�irFalilt�%xxw]'lari� Enclosure Type NEMA 3R 'Wiring Compartment Weight 2416s._(11 kg) 26 lbs. (12 kg) drai�sa ledimBte u Clperatrn� Cent tawce € = = _ - - - — - 03t 1"9fi{74i' - Advanced 'Grid Feaiures Active and reactive power control,.low voltage ride -through - 3 *r �� : � - ifL�f74T�Qi0 EE�]b4 003;.TE� 7: l" 9 A- "NST EEE`C44a¢7 4 GYan .li AFI, �19Eix+A �'{� 640 'C:22f �Ntr -' a�'mft_��''� y �' f, . i �_� '7 ik-101tt�4 ,art ifrl�lt �:jL g�rw�w S�lSlar�ttTa�P�rrrg = - Df�ntl •Yi• 1tMerrre.Inr3 �A���'eirr�rflurtAnne;t S1fetYYtrA � OJfECLIYEfE IpMEA17 t 3 0 -ti 3 8 1 ( � _ + _ _�. utu r -art�� aNt ? a4o aat sl0sOL3 � Jt �1�a� 71 4=3�,,. 12 3 Ground Fault Protection Internal,GFDI (Ground Fault'Detector Interrupter) in accordance with, UL 1741-2010'andiNEC Art: 690 Islanding Protection Internal; in accordance with UL 1741-2010,1EEE.1547-2003 and NEC. _ - — - =6_er - - — _ — �tvietPran_ - _ — _ wOufi>r ` w d4mtan ud'y _ _ Arc -Fault Circuit Protection , Internal AFCI (Arc -Fault, Circuit Interrupter); in accgrdance withML 1699 Outline of Investigation for Photovoltaic (PV) DC Arc Fault Circuit Proteci&; (Issue Number 2, January 14, 2013), ' _ _ - 3 - - _ - - - - - - - 8�, m m.V 6 E = vs s z /-Perfect Welding /'Solar Energy I Perfect. Charging WE HAVE THREE SIYISIONS AND ONE PASSION _SHIFTING�;THE"LIMITS OF - .SSIBILITY. o k Whether: welding technology, photovokaics or battery. -charging technology - our goal is clearly defined: to be the innovation leader: With around G 3,000 employees-worfdwide, we shift the -limits of what's possible-_our-rnore'than 8501active patents are testirriony to this.'While-others progress - o step:by: step,,we innovate, in leaps and bounds., Just as we ve alwaW-done: The.responsible use of our'resources:fortns.the basis of our corporate policy - b O E 6 Furfficr informationabourall'Fronitis products and our global partners ht5d rvpicsemafivc9 cambc.foundialwww3roniugkom - Fronius USA LLC 6797 Fronius:Drive Portage; IN 463.68 USA PV-Su,pport-usai@fronius.com onius.com www.fronius-,usa.com Safety and Installation Instructions United States and Canada This document applies to all SunPower Modules listed in Section 3 of this document NEW: This document includes references to SunPower NE modules, plus new E-serles (SPR-EYY-=) and X -series (SPR-XYY-=) PV Modules. The E, X and NE series modules do not have grounding restrictions and are compatible with high -efficiency transformer -less inverters SunPower Corporation www.sunpowercorp.com Document 001-14158 Rev N PM 100345 Safety and Installation Instructions (United States and Canada) 1.0 Introduction This manual provides safety and installation instructions for UL - listed SunPowerphotovoitaic:(PV) modules (including the new SunPower E/X series and NE modules) carrying the UL logo on the. product label (Figure 1). C�11= FIgure 1. Important -1 Please read this Instruction manual In Its endrety bet ore Installing, wiring or using this product In anyway. Failureto comply with these lnstructlons-will Invalidate the SunPower Limited Warranty for PV Modules. 1.1 Disclaimer of Liability The installation techniques, handling and use of this product are beyond company control. Therefore; SunPower does not assume responsibility for loss, damage or expense resulting from improper installation,, handling or use. 1.2 Underrwibers LaboretorfeS fUL) Lisdng. Inkrmadon This product meets or exceeds the requirements set forth by UL170&and ULC/ORD-C1703-01 for PV'Modules. These Standards,cover flat -plate. PV modules and panels Intended for installation -on buildings or those intended to be freestanding. To satisfy the listing for this product the modules must be mounted with a rack or standof f structure. The, UL listing does not include integration into a building surface because additional requirements may apply. This product is not intended for use where artificially concentrated sunlightis applied to the module. 1.3 Limited Waffantyr Module limited warranties are described in full in the SunPowrer warranty certificates obtainable at www.sunoowereoro:com. In summary, the Limited Warranties do not apply to any of the following; PV modules;which in SunPower's absolute judgment. have beemsubjected to: misuse, abuse, neglect or accident; alteration, improper installation, application or removal. Including, but not limited to installation, application or removal by any party other than a SunPower authorized deafer, non -observance of SunPowees installation, users and/or maintenance instructions; repair or modifications by someone other than an. approved service technician of SunPower, power failure surges, lightning, flood, fire, accidental breakage or other events outside SunPower's.control'. .2.0 Safety Precautions Before.installing'this device, read all safety instructions in this document. Danser/ Module interconnection cables pass.direct current (DC) and are sources of voltage when the module is.under load and when it is exposed to light. Direct current can arc across gaps and may cause Injury or death ff Improper connection or disconnection Is made, or K contact Is, made with module leads ithat are flayed or tom. Do not connect or disconnect moduleswhen current from the modules or external source is present. • Cover all modules in the PV array with an opaque cloth or material before making or breaking electrical, connections. • If local codes ,require, insure that PV connectors have a locking feature in order to defend against untrained personnel disconnecting the modules once they. have .been installed: • All installationsimust:be performed incompliance wlth the National Electrical Code (NEC) and any applicable local :codes. 1 SUNPOWER CORPORATION Safety and Installation Instructions- Document 001-14158 Rev N • There are no user serviceable parts within the module. Do not attempt to repair any partof the module. • Installation should be performed only by authorized personnel. • Remove all metallic jewelry prior to installing this product:to reduce the chance of accidental exposure to live circuits.. • Use insulated tools to reduce your risk of electric shock. • Do not stand on, drop; scratch, or allow objects to fall on modules. • If the front glass. is broken, or the, sheet is tom, contact with:any module surface or module frame can cause electric shock. • Brokenj=boxes and/or broken connectors are electrical hazards,as well as laceration hazards. The dealer orinstallers should remove the module from the array and contact the supplier for disposal instructions. • Do not, install or handle the modules when they are wet. or during periods of high wind. • Contact, your module supplier If maintenance is necessary. • Suggested cable,minimum bend -radius. We advise..a conservative bend of equal to or greater then a 40mm (1.51 radius or80mm (3) diameter for the smallest module cable bend -radius. • Save'these instructional 3.0 Electrical Characteristics The module electrical ratings are within 10% of UL's measured values under Standard' Test Conditions (STC) of 1 kWle irradiance with Air Mass of 1.5 solar-spectraPi radiance -distribution and a cell temperature of 25' C.. The electrical characteristics of SunPower modules are•listed in Figure 2,01' the appendix: If an installation involves a SunPower module which does not appear on this list please consultthe product label on the back of the module or visitwww.Sunoowercom.com for the product datasheet. Bypass diodes for each module are rated and factory installed in the modules. The component diodes are not, considered user replaceable in the field onceinstalled. The diode oonflguration'for96 cell modules is:2 diodes for 2 strings of 24 oellsitn series, plus one diode for a single string of 48 cells in series. For 128 cell modules, the configuration is 2 diodes installed for 2 strings of 32 cell in series„plus one diode for a single string of 64 cells in series. The diodes are, one of the following ratings; 1. Schottky type, I5A, 45 PIV'(Peak Inverse Voltage) for Woell modules. 2. Schottky type; 20A, 45 PN (Peak Inverse Voltage) for 128 cell modules: 3. Schottky type,20A, 100 PIV (Peak Inverse Voltage) for96 and 128 cell modules. A photovoltaic module may produce more.current and/or voltagethan reported at STC. Sunny,. cool weather and reflection from snow or water can increase current and power output. Therefore, the values of I. marked on the module should be multiplied by: a factor of 1.25 when determining component ampacity ratings to comply with NEC„Article 690.8(A). An additional 1.25 multiplier isy be required by the NEC for sizing: fuses and conductors as described in NEC Section 690-8(B). The series fuse must'have an interrupting rating that is equal to or greater than the maximum fault current the fuse is required to : interrupt, including contributions from all connected sources or energy. The maximum module string open circuit voltage (V,) shall be calculated as the, sum ofthe rated open -circuit voltage of the.serles-connected photovoltaic modules corrected for the lowest expected ambient temperature (NEC 2008, Article 690.7). One source for statistically valid, lowest -expected, ambient temperature design data for various locations is the Extreme Annual Mean Minimum Design Dry Bulb Temperature found in the ASHRAE Handbook — Fundamentals. These temperature data cam be used to calculate maximum voltage using the manufacturer's temperature coefficients:relative.to the rating,temperature of 25"C (NEC 2011, Article note to. 690.7). SunPower recommends the use of open -circuit voltage temperature coefficients listed in Figure 2 of the appendix, when determining Maximum System Voltage. For modules rated higher than 600V DC:System Voltage, refer to NEC Article 100,, part 11 for appropriate series fuse ratings. 3.1 Fire Rating The module is Class C fire rated. March 2013 SunPower Corporation. All rghts reserved. Specifications Included In this manual are subject to change wlthoutnotim. 4.0 Electrical Connections Modules may be connected in series and/or parallel to achieve the desired electrical, output as long as certain conditions are met. Please use,only the sarnetype of modules in a combined source circuit. SunPower modules -ship with loddng connectors or safety dip, whichonce connected requires the use of a tool to disconnect module -to -module connections. This defends against.untrained personnel disconnecting the modules when under load (which may cause injury or death as stated in Section 2.0) and complies with the NEC 2008 code for safety with PV connectors. 4,1 Equipment Grounding To reduce the possibility of electrical shock, ground the frame of the module or array before wiring the circuit using a grounding method that meets NEC requirements for grounding solar electrical systems. In order to Install in accordance with the UL listing of this product, SunPower modules shall be grounded ming grounding hardware that has been certified to meet'requirements for grounding systemslin UL467, UL1703, or UL1741 on anodized aluminum frames. SunPower recommends using 1 of the following five methods of grounding1hemodulef tame. In addition, avoid corrosion due to the use of dissimilar metals (we:suggest stainless steel between copper and aluminum). 1) Attach a ground conductor to a grounding lay -in lug mounted at one of the four designated 0.1 r grounding holes on the module framer Afternatively, any unused mounting hole can be used to mount the lug. Use a grounding lug such as Ilsco GBL-4DBT, Bumdy CL50-DB- T or Tyco Solklip 1954381-2, and stainless steel hardware (bolt, washers, and nut)..A.starwasher should be used between the grounding Jug and the module frame in order to break.through the anodizing and establish electrical contact with the aluminum. The assembly muitend wilh.a nut -and be torqued between 20'inch-pound to 25 inc-pound for a #10-32"bott. A lock washer or other loddng mechanism is needed to maintain tension between the. bolt and the assembly. The copper conductor must be attached to the ground lug using the stainless steel set screw provided by the manufacturer. Please refer to NEC Article 690 on grounding PV arrays for specific requirements, 2) SunPower systems may also be grounded through the use of SunPower supplied "IFF dips" which are UL Listed (1703 and 1741). A,minimumtoique of 10 In -lbs is required for grounding, however higher torque values will be required to ensure structural integrity. General torque values are 35 to 451n4bsdora 1/4-20 or MB.bolt, but may higher in spedfic applications. When using these dips, the array frame (raddng) must be:grounded in accordance with NEC Article, 250. To ensure system safety and structural integrity, strict adherenoe,to application-spedfic.SunPower documentation is required. 3) The-SunPower PV Grounding Clip mayalso be used only in applications where the modules are attached to a SunPower torque tube, #1,11380. This device consists.of Rall Clip #1505-994, Retainer Bar#1504-979; Carriage Bolt (2) #1506-224, Nut (2)V503-098, Lock Washer (2) #1503-099. Hardware must be torqueto 120 in -lbs. The PV Grounding Clip has been evaluated for bonding to the Torque. Tube for use with'an over -current protective device rated,20 Amps maximum and a circuit capacity of 600 V, 5000 Amps. 'Note` Methods 4=5 were evaluated to UL 1703by ETL. A&such, the use of these devices is not considered part of the UL Listing of these modules. 4) Sunpower modules may also be grounded through the use of an ETL Listed. PV Attach Grounding washer #1508-66.6, which may be�used only in applications where the modules are. attached to a Sunpower Saddle #1508-738 or #1508-741 using a 1/4 inch rivet. 5) If the Unirac.Solannount system is used for mounting the modules, grounding is achieved using either the Wiley Electronics WEEB:UMC ,or UGC -1 grounding dips in combination with UniRads Mid or End camps.and 1/4-20 bolt and flanged- nut, torqued to 120 in4bs. If the Solarmount-I system is used grounding is achieved with the UniRac UGC -2 grounding dips,in combination with UniRac's Mid or End damps:and Sliders with a 1/4-20 bolt and flanged nut, torqued to 120 In -lbs. When using methods 2. 3, 4 or 5 the:array frame -(racking) SUNPOWER CORPORATION Safety and Installation Instructions - Document 001-14158 Rev N must be grounded in, accordance with NEC Article 250. To ensure system safety and structural: integrity, strict adherence to application- specific SunPower documentation is required. 42 System Grounding Review the following tables for the proper grounding techniques to'use for the Installation of your SunPower PV system. - AAoduleutlernelGraankt3n t M44PaIE& X.9eri 4*W kE r"OQ�'"6 - ° Legacy 7SPRimnodulsk vvin�irmafomrer Ieee t7t } (TIL)syetems:mwith - - positivg: - Sheyi,;lieve no ey"a4ein4 instructiori below). : , ..g"rouwurm reetificfiafa SPR=EYY :SPR-Ew=_BLK, SPR; WHT-0. SPR=EYY�==COM - SPR�=WHTZ SPR�JE WHT=D. - SPR-' MV -M` -SPR' XYY- -BLK. SP1R;=E4LKZ SPR`-XYY--M-CQ* SPR$$LK-0 ;SPR =NE_43 -0, • Standard modules grounding reference Important! For optimal performance, SunPower PV Modules must only be used in configurations as described above. Failure to comply with this requirement will reduce the performance of the system and Invalidate SunPower's Limited Power Warranty for PV Modules. For more information on grounding the system correctly, Visit our website, at www.sunoowercorn.com/inverters or contact SunPower technical support at 1 -877 -SUN -0123. 4.3 Sodas Connection The modules may be.wired in series to produce the desired voltage output. Do not exceed the maximum system voltage shown in Figure 2. 4.4 Parallel Connection The modules may be combined in parallel to produce the desired current output. Each serles.string or module may be required to be fused prior to combining with other strings. Figure 2 describes the maximum fuse.size allowed (number of modules which can be connected in parallel and protected by one fuse). Please refer to the NEC.Artide 690;1or additional fusing requirements. 5.0 Module Mounting The SunPowerLimited'.Wananty for PV Modules is contingent upon modules being mounted in accordance with the requirements described in this section. 51 Site Considerations SunPower modules should be mounted in locations that meet the following, requirements: ®March 2013 SunPower Corporation. All rigts reserved. Specfficetlons included in this manual are subject to diange without notice. Operating Temperatures All SunPower modules must be mounted in environments that ensure SunPowermodules will operate within the following maximum and+minimum operating temperatures: Maximum Operating Temperature +85' Celsius, +185'' Fahrenheit Minimum Operating Temperature -40' Celsius, -.40' Fahrenheit Care should betaken to provide adequate ventilation behind the modules, especially in hot environments. Deslan Strenath: SunPower modules are, designed to meet a maximum positive (or upward, e.g. wind) and negative, (or downward, e.g. static load) design pressure of -2400 Pa (Pascals; 245 kg/m) when mounted: in ag of the mounting configurations specified .in Section 5.2.. Design strength of 2400 Pa corresponds approximately to a wind speed of 130 km/h (approximately t800Pa, per IEC reference) with a safety factor of 3 for gusty winds. NOTES any racking application must have a separate rating per Me racking or'mounting system utilized by the modulelarray installer. This mounting system must meet or exceed the certifrcetion levels of the installation jurisdiction. SunPower modules are also designed. to meet a maximum negative .(or downward, e.g. snow load) of 5400 Pa (Pascals; 550 kg/m only, when mounted in adherence to Section 5.2 below. 5400 Pa design strength has been verified by SunPower and TUV. 1) 72 cell modules with dimensions of (1559mm x 798mm) meet 5400 Pa in the following mounting configurations described in Sectiom:5.2 below a. Frame Holes b. Pressure Clamps orClips c. End Mount 2) 96 cell modules with dimensions. of (1559mm x 1046mm) meet 5400 Pa In the following mounting configurations described in Section 5.2 below a. Frame Holes b. Pressure Clamps or Clips 3) 128 cell modules with dimensions of (2067mm x 1046mm) meet 5400 Pa in the following mounting configurations described in Section 5:2 below a. Frame Holes b. Pressure Clamps.or Clips When mounting modules in snow prone or high wind environments, special care should be taken to mount the modules Ina manner that provides suffident:design strength while meeting local code requirements (mounting system must meet or exceed the certification levels of the installation jurisdktion). Excluded Operating EnvironM2nts 8 Reconflourstione Certain operating environments are not recommended for SunPower modules, and are excluded from the SunPower Limited Warranty of these modules. Request the regional dealer to contact SunPowerif there are any unanswered questions concerning the operating environment: When the PV modules are not generating power they must remain in the system grounding,mode with which they were installed, or In a floating mode. When.the modules are not generating power, the process of disconnecting the installation from its commissioned ground or float then connecting an outside voltage source to the modules; will,.void the module product warranty. 5.2 Mounting. Configurations For a non -integral' module, the assembly is.to be mounted over a fire resistant roof -covering rated. for the application.. Modules may be mounted at anyangl% from horizontal to, vertical. Class C fire rating is maintained at all installation slopes. Select the°appropriate orientation to maximize sunlight exposure. Specific inf6rmatiomon module dimensions and the location of mounting and'grounding holes is shown in (Figures 3, 4, and 5). In order to prevent water from entering the. junction box, which could present a safetyhazard, modules should be oriented with the junction box in the uppermost, position, and. not be mounted such that the fronittop:glass SUNPOWER CORPORATION Safety and Installation Instructions- Document 001-14158 Rev N; faces downward (e.g., on a tracking structure that positions the modules with'the junction box facing skyward during sleep mode). Clearance between the module frames and structure.or ground'is required to prevent wiring damage and allows airto circulate behind the module. For 128 cell modules a minimum of 4 inches of clearance Is requited, for all other modules a minimum of 1.5 inches is required between the module frame and structure orground. The module is onlyUL Listed foruse when Its factory frame is fully intact. Do notsemove or alter the, module frame. Creating�additional mounting, holes may damage the module, and reduce the: strength of the frame. Modules maybe mounted using 'thefoilowing methods°only: 1) Frame Holes: Secure the module to the structure usingithe factory mounting hole pairs.. Four 1/4' steel bolts, with nuts, washers, and lock washers are recommended per module tightened to a min. torque of 10, in -lbs. Referto Figures 3, 4 and 5forthe module dimensions and hole locations. This method has been certified by a third-partyorganization according to UL 1703. 2) Pressure Clamps orCllps:;Mount the module with the IFF dips on the side frame of the module. The side frames are attached to the longer sides of the.module. The centertine,of theclips should be between 61051rom the end of each of the side frames. Installers should ensure the damps are of sufficient strength to allow for the maximum design pressure of the module. The IFF dip`hardware should be tightened to a min. of 10 in -lbs. 3) Erni Mount:. End mounting is,the capture mounting of the -module's end frame. to a supporting rail, (The end frames are on the shorter dimensions of the module),.using. IFF dips tightened to a min. torque of 10,ln4bs. The end -mounting rail and dips or must be of sufficient strength to allow.for the maximum.designpressureof the module. Vertfy this capacity with the mounting system vendor before installation. 4) Center Mount PV .Grounding clip: A PV Grounding Clip (as Described above in Section 4A, item 3) may be usedto damp the bottom flange of the franm at the center of the long sides. Minimum. damping length,shall be 6" on top of flange and 4" on bottom The damps must be of sufficient strength to allow for the maximum design pressure of the module. Verify this capacity with the mounting system vendor before installation. 5) SunPower specified or SunPower supplied mounting systems: Modules mounted with strict adherence to SunPowerdocumentation, using hardware systems'supplied by or specified by SunPower. Mounting hardware should not secure the module, by applying direct pressure to the front glass, Including frame locatlons'where,gless Is exposed In "drainage notch" openings. 5 3 Handling of Modules during Installaction Do not place modules faee4orward indirecUcontact with abrasive surfaces. like roofs, driveways, wooden pallets, railings, stucco walls, etc.... The module,front,surface glass is sensitive to oils and abrasive, surfaces, which may lead to scratches and irregular soiling. Modules that feature antireflective coated glass are prone to visible finger print marks If touched on the front glass.surface. SunPower recommends handling modules with anti -reflective glass with.gloves or limiting touching of the front surface. Any finger print marks resulting from installation will naturally disappear over time or -can be reduced byfollowing the washing guidelines In Section 6.0' below. Product datasheets specify the glass type Used by a particular module. 6.0 Maintenance Visually inspect all modules annualy for safe electrical connections, sound mechanical connection, and freedom from corrosion This visual inspection should be performed from ground level, unless performed by trained SunPower dealers or trained SunPowersupport personnel. Periodic cleaning of modules.is recommended, but is not required. Periodic cleaning has resulted in improved performance levels, especially in regions with low levels of annual precipitation (less the 18.25 inches oMarch 2013 SunPower Corporation. All rights. reserved. Specfiatlons inducted in thi&rnanual we a0act to change without notice. (46.3cm)). Consul your dealer or supplier aboutrecommended cleaning schedules for your area. To clean.a module, wash with potable, non -heated, water. Normal water pressure is more than adequate, but, pressurized water up to 1500psi may beused. Fingerprints, stains, or accumulations of dilt:on the front surface maybe removed with standard over -the counter glass deaners,(e.g. Windex) containing ammonia and orvinegarorWith a 3%soap and water solution. If only a few panels: first rinse off area and let soak for a short period of time (5 -minutes): Re -wet and uses soft sponge or seamless cloth to wipe glass surfade ima circular motion. Me targe system;'wet Figurel: Electrical CharacterisIdW SUNPOWER CORPORATION Safety -and Installation Instructions -Document 001-141.58 Rev N panels with cleaning solution, allow soaking and follow with high pressure rinse or soft.squeegee (sponge: or soft rubber). Fingerprints typically, can be removed with; a soft doth or sponge and water after wetting. Do not use harsh industrial strength cleaning materials. such as scouring powder, steel wool, scrapers, blades, or, other sharp instruments to dean the glass surface.of the module. Use of such materials or cleaning without consultation will invalidate the product warranty. • Figures•3, 4, and 5 are on the next page. - '_ • -tltloaple . Ter®.: .` J6aente -,z Tommao.er v ; k V~ILL VAWEC SPR=X21-345-COM +5/-3345 345 57.3' 6:02 68.201 6.39 20 1000 SPR -X21-045 +5J-0 800 SPR -X21-335 SPR-X21-335-BLK. +5/-0 335 57:3 5.85 67.88 6.23 20 600 1000 SPR -X20 -327 -COM +51 m2l1000 327 5713 5.71 67.60 6.07' 20 1000 SPR-X20-327-BLK +5/-o 600 SPR=X21'-255 +5/-0 255 42:8 5.95 51:00 6.30 20 600 1000 SPR-X20-250-BLK, +5/-0 250 42:8 5:84 50.93 6.20 20 600 1000 .SPR -X21-245 45 /'-0 245 42:8 5'.72 50.78 6.08 20 600 1000 SPR419-240-BLK +5'/'-0• 240 42.8 5.61' 50.58 5.98 20 800 1000 SPR-435NE-WHT +/-5 SPWE20-435-60M +/-5 435 72:9. 5:97 85.6 6:43 20 1000 1000 SPR-425E-WKr +/- 5' 425 72.9 5:83 85.6 6.18 20 600 1000 SPR-415E-WHT +/-,5 415 72.9 5.69 85.3 6.09 20 600 1000 SPR-41ONE-WHT +F:5 SPR=E19-410-COM' +/-5 410 72:9 5162 85.3 6.01 20 1000 1000, SPR-400E-WHT +/-s 400 72.9 5.49 85.3 5.87 20 600 1000 SPR-390E-WKr +/-5' 390 72.9 5.35 85.3 5:72, 20 600 10ooj SPR-343(J/X)-BLK +5/-3 343 57:3 5.99 68.1 6:37 20 600 1000 SPR-327NE-WHT SPR -E20-327 +5 / 0. 600 +5/-3 327 54:7' 5:98 64.8 6.46 20 1000 SPR=E20-327-COM +5 /`-0 1000 SPR-325NE-WHT +5/-3 325 .547 5.95 64.8 6.46 20 600' 1000 SPR-320E-WHT +5h3 SPR -E19-320 +5/-0 320 54.7 5.86 64.7 8.24 20 600 1000 SPR-316E-WHT +5/-0 318 54.7 5.82 64.7 6.2. 20 600 1000 SPR•-315NE-WW, SPR-315E-WHT +5/-3 SPR -E19-315 +51-0 315 54.7 5.76 84.6 6.14 20 600 1000 SPR-310NE-WHT, SPR-310E-WHT Soo +5/-3 SPR -E19 -310 -COM +5/-3 310 54.7 5.67 64.4 6.05 20 1000 1000 SPR-308E-WH17 #5/-3 308 547 5.64 64.3 6.02, 20 600 1000 SPR-305NE-WHT„SPR-305E=WHT +5/-3 305 54.7 5.58 64.2 5.96 20 600 1000 SPR-300NE-BLK SPR-300E-WHT SPR-300E-BLK +5/-3 300 54.7 5.49 64 5.87 20 600 1000 SPR-295E-WHT 800 +5/-3 +5 /;3 295 54,2 5:45 63.3 $:63 20 1000 SPR -EIB -.295 -COM- 1000 SPR-29ONE-BLK SPR-290E-BLK -3 290 53:3 5:45 82:1 5:83 20 600 1000 SPR-290E-WHT SPR-245NE-WHT +5/-3 SPR -E20-245. +5/-0 245 40.5 6.05 46.8 6.43 20 600 1000 SPRc240NE-VV SPR-240E-WHT +50 240 40.5 5.93 48.6 6.3 20 600 1000 SPR-238E-WHT' +5/-3 238 40.5 5.88 48,.5• 825 20 600' 1000 SPR-23SE-WK. T, SPR-235E-WHT +5/-3 SPR' -E19-235 +5 /-0 235 40.5 5.80 48.4 6:175' 20 Soo: 1000. SPR-235E-BL'K SPR-230NE-BLK SPR-230E-BLK SPR'-230E-WKr +5/-0 230 40.5 5.68 48:2 6:05 20 800 1000 SPR-225NE-WHT, SPR-225E-WHT SPR-225NE=BLK; SPR'-225E-BLK +5/-3 225 40.5 5.55 48 5125 20 Soo 1000 SPR-217E-WHT +5/-3 217 39.3 5.51 47 5.9 15 600 1000 S01R-215E-WHT +5/-3 215 39.3 5.47 47 5.86 _ 15 600 , 1000 SPR=214E-BLK +5/-3 .214 39.3 5:45 47 5.83 16 NA 1600 SPR-210N-WKr +5/-3 210. 40 5.25 47.7 5.75 15 NA 1000 SPR -200N WHT +51-3 200 40 5:00 47;8 5.4 i 15 NA 1000 'See Produd.Rating Label for Maximum, System Voltage. ®Mardi 2013 SunPower Corporatlon. All riphts"reserved. Specificaf ona.inctxlwl in this manual are suf3jed to change Wftaut nobos. Figure 3 72 -cell. MM (iM SUNPOWER CORPORATION Safety and Installation Instructions. - Document 00,1'-14158 Rev N 2X 14.8 [.581 - 2X-576[71.68] 179[7.06] 2X 30 [1.181 32 [12.66] 4X 23C pa rB , m BOTH EN x N (A 4X-5712.04] 91s[36.o2) 45 [ 1.771_ -� lIPl 1200 [47.24] (A) -,MOUNTING HOLES (B) - GROUNDING HOLES 121.461 1535 [60.45] 12X.06.6 [.261 10X`0,4.2 [.171 (C) - DRAIN HOLES 4X 04.8 1.191 Figure 4: 96 -cell (Notes Stacking pins are not Included on all modules -,check the datashest for details). 2X 14.8[.581 - MM 2X 576 [2168]179[7.U1 , - (1M 4X 398 [15.683 (C) - -� 30[l.181 . 322 [ 12.67] �--- 4X 228.3 [B.991 - n M Figure S: 128 -cell MM 300[71.81] . 764[30.07] ,ON) 30.0_[1 _18], 883[34.78] 433[ 17A6] 4X,398 ['15.68[ (C) 322[ 12:671 4X 230.4[9:07] ENDS-, v o v � i 8 Ll(B 54[2.13] A 4X'52[2:04] 2067[81.36] 539[21.22] (D) (A) - MOUNTING HOLES (B)-GROUNDING.HOLES TL-� 4x 3(C,13j 1 0[47241 16X 06:6 1261 6X 04.2:[.17] 1423[56.021 C-STACIUNG,PINS (D), -DRAIN HOLES 4 . A X3.2[0.24X.131 4X 04.8 [.191 Warch'2013 SunPower Corporation. All -rights reserved. Specifications included in this manual are subject to.ohangs wMW notice. a BOTH 2 S, EN N (A) - 46(1.81) �--- 4X 52[2.04] 915[36.021 3:2 [:13] JDJ (A) - MOUNTING HOLES(B) (B) -GROUNDING HOLES (�[ 1200 [47.24] 12X 06.6 [.261 1OX'04.2 [.171 12[.46] 1535[60.45]. A&STACKING;PINS (D) - DRAIN HOLES 1 X•3:2'[0:24 X .13J, 4X 00 [.19] n M Figure S: 128 -cell MM 300[71.81] . 764[30.07] ,ON) 30.0_[1 _18], 883[34.78] 433[ 17A6] 4X,398 ['15.68[ (C) 322[ 12:671 4X 230.4[9:07] ENDS-, v o v � i 8 Ll(B 54[2.13] A 4X'52[2:04] 2067[81.36] 539[21.22] (D) (A) - MOUNTING HOLES (B)-GROUNDING.HOLES TL-� 4x 3(C,13j 1 0[47241 16X 06:6 1261 6X 04.2:[.17] 1423[56.021 C-STACIUNG,PINS (D), -DRAIN HOLES 4 . A X3.2[0.24X.131 4X 04.8 [.191 Warch'2013 SunPower Corporation. All -rights reserved. Specifications included in this manual are subject to.ohangs wMW notice. ED -T Atr I = - ft -V Outdoor Rain -Resistant Aluminum Enclosure The OutBack Power .Systems FLEXware PV combiner series sets the new standard for PV balance -of -system hardware. Ideal for both small or Optimized Wre Routing For large systems, the FLEXware PV8 and FLEXware PV12 accommodates the Easy Installation overcurrent protection requirements of your application_ . From 150VDC breakers for low voltage PV systems, to 60OVDCfuse holders for high Tinted Flame -Retardant voltage PV systems, the FLEXware PV Combiner series handles it all. POlyearbo _nate Deadfront Designed to survive in outdoor environments, the rainproof, UL type Panel A powder coated aluminum chassis can be mounted on a wall, sloped roof or pole. The unique angled. negative terminal bus bar design makes Generous ging Conduit wiring fast and easy without the larger output conductors blocking access Knockouts to the smaller input terminals. Dual output lug terminals are included for up to 2/0 AWG conductors. The tinted flame-retardant polycarbonate Wall, Roof or Pole deadfront panel creates a clean appearance while preventing accidental Mountable. contact with the live terminals and is easily removable during installation. Accommodates dual2/0 AWG output. wiring The FLEXware PV Combiner:makes it easy to take your installation to the next level. Accommodates 150VDC. DC Breakers or 600 VDC Fuses. FLEXWare" PV Specifications FWPV-8 FWPV=12 -_ - = Plevdetricxia'oed _= _ _ withsEaicdeas+!►azifiiace� _ Mounting Options Vertical wall mount, pole mount or Vertical wall mount,. pole mount or sloped roof mount to 14 degrees sloped, roof mount to 14 degrees incline (3 in 12 roof pitch) incline (3 in 12, roof pitch) _�I�Lfypp+R-.� - rno�"UL`T`rpe3RE .7 MT - Enclosure Security Padlock hole in chassis Padlock hole in chassis and cover for up to 3/8 -Inch, pad lock and cover for up to 3/8 inch pad lock r' = , .. �� 7rR3i�trn��ru 9 - VOW z-4Fr1�fU°14WG'(7a183 tne�): _ f- - C yllAla _ 47 r� ter_t �„ ilKJrti �s -_ - u s�1e — =_r• _ s M. .-- 111ltmsber of separaRo dmdts One Orarit One orTwo Circuits iwc:�w1r!s - ..-� '�.._=ice y fir_ s - - i%TAW r. r- - _ - - :_-- -1= = upV 6. - F. ■rte - tlFS�v 'nL [LRV �u0jn f1�OV= Plttmnber ad 600VDCtase Aobders: upao $ (two gnonps a(`tour) 08830 - Sant Boi de Uobregat �- �%4�4+AWG �f�B-�33arriti� � + t � r - =�`FG?e TO�TOA i = a G?(2 08 S2Qr(r r U1104xWXD) ISYX42z3.9'M7x23 1 xis T53x12Jx39'(387x322x99_an? !II �S!1110 g(l xWW _ _ 43x95XTV(1O9)t24Jx493.an1 3x i3x77(1Q9:x33z4$3aei)• 7- - S4sr(iTft- _ IF IFLEXware- PV8 FLEXware— PVI 2 VEND Q ti d� EJOD (Y MACES) /MEAD a VEW 15.Y 1/Y PhWW) vM%leack Systems Main Office: European, Office: 19009 62nd Avenue NE C/ Castel16, 17 Arlington,'WA 98223 USA 08830 - Sant Boi de Uobregat Phone: (360) 435.6030 BARCELONA, Espana Fax: (360) 435.6019 Phone: +34.93:654.9568 www.outbackpowencom 1/YEAD(12PUYCES). / 3JYE100(tPlam) 1'Exo Available From: r UrEW Y (Each S*)' L 3/8-16 X 3/4 HEX HEAD BOLT 3/8-16 FLANGE NUT OO 000 00 um © 2008 UNIRAC, INC. m D G3LaC�� 1411 BROADWAY BLVD NE ALBUQUERQUE, Nu 67102 USA PHONE 505.242.6411 UNIRAC.COM URASSY-0002 Installation Detail SolarMount Rail L -Foot Connection October 30, 2014 UniRac 1411 Broadway Boulevard NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102-1545 TEL: (505),242-6411 FAX: (505) 242-6412 Atte.: Engineering Department, Re: Engineering Certification for UniRac's SolarMount Design & Engineering. Guide PZSE, Inc. -Structural Engineers has reviewed, UniRac's "SolarMount Design & Engineering Guide" and specifically the enhancements of the SolarMount Flush -to -Roof System, Pressure Lookup Tables, and Downward & Upward Span Length Tables. This certification excludes connections to building structures and the effects on. building structure components. All information, data and analysis contained within the Installation Manual are based on, and comply with the following: 1. 2012 International Building Code, by International Code Council, Inc., 2012 2. 2013 California Building Code, by California Building Standards Commission, 2013 3. ASCE/SEI 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures 4. 2010 Aluminum Design Manual, by The Aluminum Association, 2010 5. AC428, Acceptance Criteria for Modular Framing Systems Used to Support Photovoltaic (PV) Panels, effective June 2012 by ICC -ES This letter certifies that the structural calculations contained within UniRac's "SolarMount Design & Engineering. Guide" are in compliance with the above Codes. If you have any questions on .the above, do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Paul Zacher, SE - President 8150 Sierra College Boulevard, Suite 150 • Roseville, CA 95661 9 916.961.3960 P • 916:961.3965 9 www.pzse.com Certificate ceriomte no. r VS. 8214003&01 Lkwtse,flolder Unirac Inc., 1411 Broadway NE Albuquerque NM 87102 USA I ManufteturIng Plant: Unirac Inc. 141.1 Broadway N9 Albuquerque NM 87102 USA 'Testreport-vo-:VSA31-440,029 001 CHent Reftifice.- Johft'-N&gyvaCry Tested toi Subject 2703 N6. 2 (11=13'-2012) TOVRheinlaned Certffled Product: Module .-g Rack Mounting em Llceuse Fee T. Unfts - - System Model Designation: SolarMbunt (SM) Maximum Size of PV Module: 6S" long and 39.125" wide Maximum System, Voltage of PV Module: 10-00 VDC Maximum overcutrent protection rating of PV Module; 3*0 A Fire Rating: Class when installed with Type 1 fire -rated modules, Type 2 fire rated.modules,' Type 3 fire rated modules.., Type 10 fire rated modules. (continued) -7 Appendix: 1,1-4 Licensed Test mark; Date of Issue (day/mo/yr) 19/12/2014 TIE I JVRheNin )us TOV Rheinland PTL LLC, 2210 South Roosevelt Street. Temps. Arizona 85282, Tel (480) 96661700, Fax (775) 314-0458 Certifi-cate- o��CMmefe o -- US' 8214U038 02 Ueem Howler: mmubdutting'Piant: Unrac Inc. Un'irac Inc. 1411 Broadway NE 1411 Broadway NE Albuquerque NM '87102 Albuquerque NM 87102 USA USA Testrgwft 6d.: USA- 3144.0029 001 - C-HentRe r*fiew-John Nagy�zary Tested,to: Subject 2703 No. 2 (11-13-26-12) TUVRheinland' ^ CerWWProduet:' Module Rack MouhFE,g-System: License Fee -Units ,continued) 7 Modules Evaluated & Qualified for Mechanical Load: Trina Solar TSM=255PA05.08 Design Load: Positive = 112 psf; Negative = 5.0 psf Centrosolar TP6 250 SW and E 2508 Design Load: Positive = 112 ps:f,.'Negat ve = 50 psf TSMC Solar TS -150.C-2 Design Load: Positive = 35 psf, .Negative = 35 psf Modules from the same. series with same frame are qualified if their area is less than or equal to test, module area. (.continued) Appendix.: 1,1-4 Licensed Test mark TWHheinland U s 7 Date of Issue (day/mo/yr) 19/12'/2014 TOM Rhefrdw. d PTL. LLC, 2210'Scuth'P=ww Jt street. Tampa. Admna 85282. Tit (480) 888=1700. Fax (775) 3146458 , Certificate U -S .9.2,14 License Holder., Unirac inc. 14.11 Broadway NE Albuquerque NM 87102 USA Manufacturing Plant: Unirac Inc. 1411 -Broadway NE, Albuquerque NM 83.102 USA Test,riport noz. USA 3144.OD29- .001 -ClientRefiron6w-John Naqvary. Tested to: Subject 2703. No.:. 2 (11=13-2012) TUVRWnland Certilied'Product. Module Rack -M6q1nti!!fq System LicenseFee-Unfts .(continued) Modules Evaluated & Qualified for Electrical Bonding: AU Optronics (BenQ,Solar) PM Series Canadian Solar CS5A-M, C96P-M, C'S6P-P, CSX --.p Centrosola - r America C -Series, E -Series -s ET Solar ET AC Modul6l, ET Module Hanwha SolarOne HSL 60 - Hyundai Heavy Industries MG Series Kyocera KD -F Series LG Electronics Mono Neon, Mono X Phono Solar Technology All Standard Modules (tohtiniied) Appehdik,: 1j1-4 Licensed Test mark: TOVIRheinland )US 7 7 - Date of. Issue (day/mo/yr) 19/12/20i4 TOV Rh91nkwW PTL, LLC, 2210 South Roosmit Strmt, Tempe.,Adzona 85262, Tel (480) 966-1700, Fax (776) 3146458 Certificate VS 91140038'0, License Halder: UA,iriic Inc. 1411 Btoadway NE Alb4quarque NM 87102 USA,' Manufactar�ng Plant; Un 1411 Broadway NE Albuquerque W! 8,7102. USA I Test7t1port no.: UW- 314.40-029 -CHejitlUferescw-Johii-'Na-g--y'v-ary- 'Tested to: Subj,ect 2703 No-. 2 (11=13-2'012,) TUVRheiftland Certdied.P'roduct: Module Rack Motintikq system Ucense Fee -_URW (.continued), 7 Modul&'6 Qualified for Electrical Bonding '[continued'], Renesola All 60=cell Modules .Sharp ND'2'40QCJIf . ­ ;. -&S, 100235V-4 ND240Q Suniva MV.Series, OPTIMTjS Series Sunpower. AQ, E-Serles, Sig Black, X -Series' Sun -tech STP Xxx Tr-iha PDOS, -PAI05 Yingli Panda '60, YGE, 60 Yingli YGE-Z 60 Sun Edison MEMC F -Series, R -Series SolarWorld sunmodule Protect., SuhModiile Plus, 7' Appendix: 1, 1-4 Lkinisedlest RIATt' Date of Issue (day/mo/yr) 19/12/2014 TOWtheinland' TW Rh&bnd PTL, LLC; 2210. SOUth.RWWVOI fteet TeMM. kt=SL65282, Tel (480),"CITW, Fax (77M1314-6458 Business Stream Products Renewable and Solar Technology Attn: John Nagyvary Unirac Inc. 141.1 Broadway Blvd Albuquerque, NM 87102 Phone: +505 242 6411 Email: john.nagyvary@Unirac.com UL SU 2703 Qualification Testing Completed Type of Equipment: PV Mounting System Model Designation: Unirac Solar Mount Test Requirement: UI -Subject 2703, Issue 2 TOV Rheinland File Number: L1-URC140710B TOV Rheinland Project Number. URC140710B Dear Mr. Nagyvary, - TOV Rheinland PTL Email: jcastagna®us.tuv .corn 480-968-1700, x153 October 14, 2014 This letter is confirmation that the Unirac Solar Mount (SM) PV Mounting System has successfully completed electrical bonding tests and mechanical loading tests according to the UL Subject 2703 standard. Congratulations on this achievement: The four PV modules„used.for mechanical load testingvere: • TSMC—TS-150C2, CIGS_Series_C2 (also known as CS Vision) • Trina — TSM-255PA05.08 • Centro E Series — E 2508, 60 cell module • Centro"T Series — TP6 250 SW,,60 cell module. TUV Rheinland PTL Attached are the test results of the Bonding Conductor tests according to Section 22 of Photovoltaic Testing Laboratory 2210 South Roosevelt street UL Subject 2703. Complete test results will be provided to you separately when the full Tempe, Arizona 65262 report is completed. Main :Phone: 480-968-1700 You may use this correspondence as a an interim Letter of Compliance (LOC) indicating Mainfax 775-3146456 the Unirac Solar Mount (SM) PV Mounting System has met the relevant bonding and Email: nrro@tuvp8.com mechanical load requirements of UL Subject 2703 (Issue 2) pending publication of the final certificate on the TOV Rheinland Certipedia website. TOO Rheinland North.America Holding, Inc. Sincerely, 1 Federal Street r ((e Boston, MA 02110 Main Phone: 617-426-4888 «<!!! ash- Main Fax 617-426-6888 Jack Castagna Member or Solar Components Program Manager TOV Rheinland Group TOV Rheinland PTL, LLC Attachment 1: Bonding Conductor Test Data W14A BONDING CONDUCTOR TEST BONDING CCONDUCTOR TEST RCURRENT TEST AT -200/9 FOR 2 hEN UTES 13ONDING PATH RESISTANCE TEST CONTACT RESISTANCE TEST AFTER I:IIiiI M-SHORT,CIRCUTT TEST OF 5,000-AMFS Contact Resistance with DIRO Q.25 Amos DC Sample Number Sample Type 0013A L -Foot Sample —Foot to Rail 00138 L -Foot Sample — Bonding Clip. to Rail 0014A L -Foot Sample — Footto Rail 0014B L -Foot Sample —Bonding Clip to Rail 0029A End Clamp — Frame to Rail 0029B End Clamp — Clip to Rail 0030A End Clamp — Frame to Rall 0030B End Clamp — Clip'to Rail Sample Number Sample Type 0005A ,Mid Clamp-- Frame A to Rail 00058 Mid Clamp -Frame Bto Reil 0006A Mid Clamp -Frame A'to Rail 00066 'Mid Clamp -.Frame B to,Rail 0021 Rail Splice 0022 Rail Splice 0043A Anodized' Mounting Plate to Rail 00436 Anodized Mount BONDING CONDUCTOR TEST OVERCUMUENT TEST AT 135°to FOR 60 MI WTES DEVICE SIN: TEST Ap�BS mi7l�Voit D�a� R�ist�ce M_ inch= _ 0005A A05 4243 mV 0:01047 00058 405 419.7 mV 0:01036 0006A 405 Amps 4895 mV 0:01208 00068 405 4x3.6 mV 0:01120 0021 40S 80.3 mV 0. 00199 0022 405 90.9 mV 0.00224 0043A .405 324 2 mV 0:00800 00438 BONDING CONDUCTOR TEST 306.1 mV 000751 OVERC.URRENT TEST AT 20(°lo FOR 2'MINiJTES SX- S TEST AIDES nMVoit Rsis>m m dLms GMA 60 575.2 mV 0.00095 00058 60 574.6 m 0.07 0.009570006A 0006A 60Anip 609.4 mV 0.01013 00068 60 628.6 mV 0.01017 0021 60 122.4 mV 0.00204 0022 i 60Angs _ 141.9=V "0.00236 0043A 60 449.7mV 0.00749 !00 438 6D 4673mV 0.00771 BONDING PATH RESISTANCE TEST CONTACT RESISTANCE TEST AFTER LAUrED-SHOAT-CIRCUIT TEST OF 5,000 AMPS Contact Redsbawe with DLRO 25 DC DEVICE SIN: TEST 'AT4 SM Rte+ � mmmu)hms Reamro inUlms 0005A 25 Amps DC 35.16 m 0.03516 00058 25 DC 39.22 m, 0.03922 0006A 25. DC 1137 m 0.01137 000dE 25 Amps DC 19.48 m 0.01948 0021 25 DC 0932 m 0.00932 0022 .25 DC 1239 m 0.01239 0043A 25 DC 13.45 m 0.01345 0043B '25 DC 23.96 m 0.02396 Sample Number Sample Type 0005A ,Mid Clamp-- Frame A to Rail 00058 Mid Clamp -Frame Bto Reil 0006A Mid Clamp -Frame A'to Rail 00066 'Mid Clamp -.Frame B to,Rail 0021 Rail Splice 0022 Rail Splice 0043A Anodized' Mounting Plate to Rail 00436 Anodized Mount ing Plate to Rail 00199 0022 405 90.9 mV 0.00224 0043A .405 324 2 mV 0:00800 00438 405 A� 306.1 mV 000751 ing Plate to Rail BONDING CONDUCTOR TEST BONDING CONDUCTOR TEST OVERCURRENT TEST AT200•!. FOR 2 MIAWM DEVICESlN_ TMAMPERES ma-Vou Resummeinc ms 0039 6GAnys 355:7 mV 0.00593 0040 60Angs 473.0 mV 0.00788 0048 60Amps 4463:mV 0.00744 0049 6OAnys 701.0 mV 001168 BONDING PATH RESISTANCE TEST CONTACT RESISTANCE TEST AFM LII MED -SHORT-CIRCUIT TEST 'OF 5;000 AMPS! Contact -Resistance with DLRO Q 25 AMDs DC DlEVXE SCAT: MST MOMS Resis=e m M2MM ma Resiasate in Ohms 0039 25 Amps DC 41.19 m 0.04119 0040 25 Anus DC 38.0 m 0.03862 0048 23 Amps DC 53:87 m 0.05387 0049 25 Amps DC 39:95 m 0.03995" Sample Number Sample Type 0039 Enphase Micro Inverter to Rail 0040 Enphase Micro. Inverter to Rail 0048 End Clamp Sample wfth Keps Nut 0049 End Clamp Sample with Keps Nut _ ... � _. T - - -SOLAR-.- MOUNT_ I I RA = H HILTLGROUP {0f 1PAN v INTEGRATED BONDING:& PRE ASSEMBLED PARTS = _ (c rnponciin 6iE pre ,,su,)L'ir d ,ani ooimiziedtc,Ieducr rnstallarion t p, _ \ and s3 \-ilar x tutu Our n(.1,v grounding ixndina prose . elin)inatcs copper _ - � INTEGRATED BONDING wire and grounding snaps Or bonding junapefs'lo-reduce Cpsls Ll zr' the = __ - _ _ MIDCLAMP-. - _ Inr0: rpr II ei t< r mnu ra 1tlYa wl rt-- roar gag rl7ar_n t clipfnr an ONE PRODUCT.- MANY APPLICATIONS Uulckly ser module tliish to the iouf ui at a de ned tilt nnyle. Change in. dule onerrration to pcltl in or-I rrnl c p w hd? secliring a_I ige`variery or tiamed INTEGRATED°BONDING nrodul s on rl,t, lovv stcpz!d or steeploitdied roofs v iILible in mill dear Ind dal k SPLICE_BAR / - anodized finishes lc:.oulper (.ICn your piojecls manual 3n 1 3e5tiaetic aspiration,. NATIONWIDENETWORK - - y Unirac rnarnt Ins the lTrr..tzst n tw Ib of°smcl Ing Irmbutrls for uul-racking- �'./�•` - _ _ INTEGRATED_ BONDING_ O i)tior Atli 111tei s=have =dlatingLJ hed -ti i Ir Ie',Yl Of.. is 0111p r rrj:l rt.- . L FOOT w/ T BOLT nailabrlrrv, and overall-valcie, thereto Providing thr,f�ighe tlevel of ervice,tu _ users.ofUnn<ic.I:Iuducrs.(-o[init oliour pall tnelsForfast .,nd'_CCurat-dell ,c r,/ to- meet' ow pi ojecr objectives: ',,isit Unlr aC .:om for a I ist of cQti hiitors. - DESIGN PLATFORM AT YOUR -SERVICE INTEGRATED BONDING Creating a_pill'of rriaterj�l 'is- just i`few chcbs a.vay witISJJ_f3uittj r, a MICROINVERTER MOUNT _ -- - w/ WIRE_MANAGEMENT _ pti��erful cintrrk-mut- [lint Strrainlirics the plxr=s of cl2sit,nrnp a code- - - - - --- ` coriapll nt solar mounting sl,lstem Save time by creat ng i riser profile and recall preferences and=p otei is jutumaticaLl./-whin iou lcrq Ili- YOU will enjoy the ability to share projects with cll,toli ersaliar2; no need tc pl`rn[ - - - - - - - re.�.ilts an (I sen ito arliStnbutdr, ju t C1 Lk and pare TECHNICAL_ SUPPORT CERTIF.IEDYQUALITY PROVIDER BANKABLE,- WARRANTY --- U.nirac's technical- sUppurt-lcam- is_dedicaled _ _= Unir lc;is,[he bnl!:PV'Ineunting venclur With ISO A, a_Hilri Croup--Company,Unirac has-the ,hnanciat to . n,wei ing questions &: - acfrlr Ino= it ties = lcuinca[ions- fol 9001<2008. 19001 700,1 and-1-1rcngch to back our products acid ieduc. V()urrisk " in -real time. An online `library Of documents - nHSAS-190b1:.2d07. which means we =delrver -- Have peace of mind -knowing you are receiving including engineeling.Iepclis, 'stamped _it. tt�I.- the hicie. st standards for fit form: and function` prordUCtS. of ?xcefti�nat quaho/ ,S0LAPr,10lJt1T and technical data slieets-greatly smiplrfies These _certincatic,n demonstrate cur exceltence ---_ Is -covered by-- a 1Dve tr limited_ produn - =your_permith rg and. prolert pl inning, process - and romrnitfnerrt to first ctass'busines, praciicrs _ wimamy and a 5 vcar limited °finish warranty.- FJ f?LIR'i 1072'. DISrFP.L UPDAFES Y SYSTEM FIRE :aUNIRAC CLASSIFICATION TOWheiniand. AHILTI GROUP COMPANY 'OL210 CLASS A- TYPE 1, 2,3 & 10 MODULES us 4 NO ADDITIONAL PARTS REQUIRED. BUSINESS AS USUAL. Unirac product lines do not require any additional parts or to their existing system components•to achieve a UL1703 and UL2703 Class A Rating / Fire Certification. Enjoy the same great labor savings with no additional component costs. Refer to,each product's Installation Guide and Design & Engineering Guide for specific details. RMROFINUNT CLASS A- TYPE 1, 2 & 3 MODULES' BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. TESTING / CERTIFICATION PROCESS. )000 JOOO 1 J_1 �% �N MODULE -TYPE CLASSICATION —MOUNTING F COVERING CLASS RATING COMPONENTS BUILDING CODE The International Building Code (IBC) 2012 has been, adopted in serval states and includes new requirements for the fire classification of solar systems. These requirements are included in Chapter 15 - Roofing. The IBC applies to commercial buildings and in some instances residential buildings: IBC 2012 has been adopted by the State of'Califomia and,the new requirements for the,fire classification of solar systems will be. effective January 2015. CERTIFIED STANDARDS UL 1703 and 2703 have been updated to rellect'the new requirements in the IBC 2012. The testing requirements include: • Module.Typing (Types 1 and 2 are the most common; Type 3 and 10 refer to Glass - Glass modules or ThinFilm modules) • Spread of Flame Testing (System = Module+ Mounting) • Burning Brand Testing (System = Module +Mounting) WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW .1. Check with your local AHI to determine the required roof classification of your building. The fire classification of the solar system*U,need to match or be greater than the roof classification. 2. Check to see what'Type.of Module* you are purchasing. 3. Check to see if your mounting system has been tested with this `Type of Module'; what fire classification was achieved, and if any additional. components or installation requirements are needed. This information should be included in the mounting manufacturer's installation instructions and certification documentation. 4. Provide the mounting manufacturers installation instructions and certification documentation to your AN for approvaL SPREAD OF FLAME TEST Flame atsouthem edge ofroofis aimed upthe koofasa fan blows at 12 MPH. The flame cant, spread 6 -feet or more in 10 mins. BURNING BRAND TEST Miklied Root Only) A burning wood block is placedon module as a fan Blows at. 12 MPH. The flame cant be seen on the underside of the roof within 90 minutes TESTING PROCEDURES ® DIGITAL PUB 150101 QUESTIONS Info@unirac.com rd PaI'ty- Lib Teste 1 ut value : . T 'IeTt 8 1 rd C Patent #5,746,029 Tile Roof Structural Attachment The patented 1iileTroco attachment allows for a structural roof rafter connection with optimal attachment stud location adjustability. Design results in the best looking systems in the industry. Tile Trac ® for s -curve concrete file (6" Tall Threaded Stud) Port # TF18-T6 TideTrac® for flat concrete the (4" Tall Threaded Stud) Port # Ti 1814 Benefits of the, TileTrac• Industry's most cost effective file • : Aluminum and Stainless Steel components for attachment- product- corrosion resistance. and strength • Minimal install labor and. time 1,7AQ lbs of 3rd -party lab tested pullout strength Over 12 years of industry Water -tight seal lab tested for 7 days under 34 preferred design inches of Water, zero leakage • 'Requires- only one Stainless Steel: 10 s __ inches of base area evenly distributes roof lag bolt (included) load and provides sufficient sealant bonding area The Tile Trac - Design. Structurally attaches to roof rafter and allows the rail attachment stud to be located at the strongest point of the tile (the crown) where water does not flow. Without TileTrac® Rafter Not structurally attached to the rafter With UeTrac® Water Flows. High Point/ Su ort Rail in the Valley / Crown pp of the Tile / of the Tile i ����-- (optimum) "*- TileTrac® assembly Rafter 71 structurally attached to the rafter Installation steps for both's-curve andflat concrete tile* STEP 1: Select a file in the area of the roof rafter. Step 4: Seal the initial file nail hole. Using a 3/16" drilf.Wand drill guide (F1 -Drill), drill pilot hole along thwrofter center STEP 2: Remove the the by pushing and pulling. It is usually held in plan: by'a small nail. Step S: Insert the lag bob and washer through the McTrac® and apply fresh room temperature sealant to the base. Stop 7: After bolting the base to the roof, slide the.upper carriage into the carred position under the am of the tib. For Flottib, slide the upper carriage near the middle of the:tle. Step 8: Replace the file bylining up the snap lines and mark the.drill location accordingly. Step 10: Insertihe'threaded stud through the file and Step ll'. Unbind nuts and remove from stud. Apply UV rated tighten with'9/16" wrenches to.engage stud with base. Bindsealont'between stud base and the and compress with e two 3/8' nuts(included) using 9/16' wrenches and tighten. 3/8" washer. Apply UV rated sealant around top of washer. STEP 3: Usinngg an electr nic stud finder (recommended), or outer means, locate the. rafter center. Mark areference point on the file above. Step 6: Using 0/2" socket, instoll'the lag bob until seated: Do not overtighten. The sealant should flow outward sealing any holes. Step 9: Using a 3/8' carbide drill bit and ROTARY HAMMER DRlll in hammer mode, drill through the tile. See online video af.www.prosolar.com for details. Step 12: Fasten rail with lower and upper 3/8" nuts/woshers:as shown. *Not recommended for clay or slate tiles. ©Professional Solar Products, Inc. June 2008. TIleTrac°is a registered trademark and covered under Pat. #5,746,029 SJGS CLIENT: PROFESSIONAL SOLAR PRODUCTS, INC. 1551 S. Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA 93033 Atte: Kristina Ullman Teat Report No: 1064614 Date: July 21, 2007 SAMPLE ID: The following teat materiel was submitted and *r Mied by the Cftnt One ffneTrec " test assembly mounted on a simulated roof system. A detailed drawing of the test assembly is provided in the appendix of this report. DATE OF RECEIPT: The asst material was entered into the SGS U.S. Testing Company sample tracking system on July 10, 2007 and was assigned. Sample Tracking Number 42205. TESTING PERIOD: July 27, 2007. AUTHORIZATION: Full payment In. advance, TEST REQUESTED: Perform a pull -to ffsifure test on the submitted assembly, per Cfnte. specified test procedums. TEST PROCEDURE: The test assembly was placed in an Intron UTM machine and pulled M tension at a constant crossheed speed of 0.05 Wmin. TEST RESULTS: Ttie puWtD4WIure teat resulted in an uldnete load of 1,740 pounds. Failure occurred as a result of he 41,e x Sm lag bolt pulling from the 02 x C wood beam. Tested By Signed'for and on behalf of �• SOS U.1L Testing Company Inc. . Pr*d Spedam Managw,nBuilding IInto 'We Page 1 of 2 Tnb repert Is Wuad..0y 808 Y.B. Testing Company Ins. oader Its General Ceadlasee for Testing services loopy rAftme upon request). 808 Y.B. TostbWs r2ep0081baay ender tIft report is Undid to pewee eppgsaee snd will in no sane be aetn tua ao amain: Of we a"hos. lasso: by 111100181 arron0etneM6 wallies are net regleed a$06 U.B. To" formore than 30 dep. The results ebssis an ads "at,rep . ro' ' only to pa aaaplelol losad $iWM,OMWVAw U82K ender ao esndltlons agreed upon. Anyone retying on hhh report should endetaped ere of ate dstaits of alae engegemeet tteltter the soap, aeeh, marts nor Insists of 808 U.B. Testing an be wood In any adesAhlog or preandenal, anebriels wlafak tlo prier wHOM apprsysl 01'808 U.e. Toon". Tbi test room sonnet be rupredsend, eaaept ie fan. wMheut pNor reeHba pohMss" of 80811.8. Testing COM pny tae. "AMnOr hot* Srnrcrat R YV urr e7ak iwawu ,i Yie� r�.:pa rjn :A 917'y1 1 �17iG-0ill. 1IM 413MM "WW SO.ean wewmari6fwss -SG$- Report. No: 1064614 Date: July 31, 2007 CLIENT: PROFESSIONAL SOLAR PRODUCTS, INC: Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX Pull-to-Fallure Test Setup rHr.=q.m.a�� Illustration of MIsT sce Device Mr x P 88 Tkmaft l Mad _30• 88 Neic No Wgd,mr lair =f , s L U End of Report professional sow "products AAWARNING All Professional Solar Products (ProSolar) are engi- neered and tested to withstand stated specifica- tions (as stated on published specification sheets) when installed properly. Failure to install properly may decrease the performance: of the installation. O SAFETY All regional safety requirements should be followed when installing ProSolar Products. All tools and equipment located on the roof should be secured to avoid falling object haz- ards: All equipment/tools should be properly maintained and inspected prior to use. Any exposed studs should be protectively capped to help avoid injury. This installation manual is intended for use by professional installers with a working knowledge of construction principles. Tildroc 0 Installation Manual Date Modified: 09/12/07 APPLICATION., The TileTracs attachment can be used on both composition (comp) and concrete tile roof surfaces. The TileTracs TT -18S is in- tended for use on comp roofs and the Tile - Trac® TT -18T is intended for use on tile roofs. Note: The TileTracs is not recommended for clay tile roofs. Explanation orinstall Tp = Important;Product .,Performance Information . Critical for Safety Tool ListI :. e r: • Chalk line • Cordless rotary hammer drill with 3/8" carbide masonry bit (for concrete roof tile drilling). • Cordless standard drill with 3/16" long drill bit (for lag bolt pilot hole) • Cordless standard drill' with 1/4" carbide masonry bit{for breaking through composition roof shingle surface -only, NOT FOR PILOT HOLE) • Cordless Impact wrench with 1/2" socket • Mastic or roof sealant recommended: Tripolymer based; such as Geocel 2300 • Lumber Crayon • 3/16" T -handle hex key (for composition shingle roof) • Precision electronic stud sensor • Dead -blow hammer (approx. 20 oz) Pagel of 8 Jammer drift is fiighly recon- . mended. A Rotary - ,Hammer diall (est retail: $500-$700) reduces cdncrete.rodf td&drill time: tq approx. 2 seconds..A hammer4riff (est:retail: $250), with: dramaticallyin- crease drill time to over one minute.-Aise of a standard . drift will increase time to approxi 10 minutes.. ,- 0 Tildrac 0 Installation Manual Date Modified: 09/12/07 1) System layout & chalk line marking 2) Locating roof rafters along chalk lines 3a) Sealing/attaching TileTrac® (S -Tile Roof) 3b) Sealing/attaching TileTrac® (Composition Shingle Roof) 4) Clean up/Quality Inspection Step 1: System layout & chalk line marking Prior to beginning attachment work, the system roof layout should be defined. A drawing or sketch, prior to roof work, is recommended. Upon finalizing layout, use chalk lines to mark. support rail locations. The chalk lines will be used to align TileTrac® attachment points. l Note: All support rails should be placed 48" apart along the module length. The rail dis- tance from the end of the module will vary based on module size. Chalk• line— to reference support rail placement Note. When configuring U,, -- layout. jlayout account for a 0.6" inter - module clamp space between modules and 2" for each end of the module array for end clamp spacing The:48 gnd design is -based on.12";16 or 24" on. center (ojc) :rafter spacing, (12"x4=48",16"x3=48',240.x2=48") - - All productspecficabo-hs are based 6n:48" paired supportrail;spacin - Proper module/rail orientation—single array sample 0.6" Intermodule clamp spacing 2.0" End Clamp spacing Page 2 of 8 Clamps must secure the module on the long end of the frame. The span of the two support rails should be 48". EXAMPLE: (Using a 64" long module) 8" 1 h, A 6 3" W professional sow "produ The measurements and formulas listed above are the, recommended:.and engi- neered values for the RoofTrac® mount- ing ounting system—non-tilt up. MeTrac 0 Installation Manual Date Modified: 09/.12/07 For, installations requiring more than one row, with no spacing between rows, the distance between adjacent rail pairs will measure approximately the length of the module less 48". Snap chalk lines along the location of where the support rails will be placed once spacing is calculated and measured. 48" Actual spacing will be,deter- mined on pattern of the roofing material to ensure a proper seal'. Step 2: Locating roof rafters along chalk lines 1) Sincerafters are normally located every 48" on center (o/c), finding one reference rafter should be sufficient for approximating the lo- cation of additional rafters by measuring 48" from the center of the first. 2) If the roof eve (bottom edge of roof) is ex- posed, reference the bottom edge of the roof rafter location and use to approximate the lo- cation of the roof rafter/intersection chalk line on the upper section of roof. (EASIEST FOR TILE ROOF) If the -roof ham a: closOd or blind softt . .(enclosed -rafters not visible at;roof edge), the:naffingpattem ailongthiefascia board` -(board aitiched to ends of -rafters) may ind cafe the -rafter 4oca-bon at the bottom edge -of the, roof Page 3 of 8 �> (AttachmenU \�4 - TileTrac 0 Installation Manual Date Modified: 09/12/07 Step 3a: Attaching/ Sealing TileTrac@ (Concrete Curve Tile Roof) - Mark (with lumbar, crayon) or account for ALL holes, including small nail holes to rtsttre roof is l = _ - property sealed: Appro)dmafie-w adilf Jseaiing time S nfitL per aftachment.. STEP 1: Select a tile in the area of the roof rafter referenced by your chalk lines. STEP 2: Remove the tile by push- ing and pulling the tile, usually held in place.by a small nail. STEP'3: Using an electronic stud finder locate the rafter center. Mark a reference point on the the above. Aftftiv fieinethodls of finding taRw bail (S EP1,3): r r i) - tlsing_a dea"low-:hammer; figt y.tap perpendicular to the rafter until a s_orld sounds.heard.'Mark,#%:locatioii. 2)' ff attic is aooessible, driving a nail upward beside the rafter may providean adequate.reference point _ STEP 4: Drill several holes (if nec- essary) to locate the exact rafter center. A 3/16" pilot hole drill bit is recommended. STEP 5: Insert the lag bolt and washer through the TileTrac® and apply fresh sealant to the base. PageA of 8 professional SOLAR produ TileTrac 0 Installation Manual ., Date Modified: 09/12/07 STEP 6: Install the lag bolt into the roof (cordless impact wrench rec- ommended) using a Y2" socket drive until the lag bolt is seated. DO NOT"OVERTIGHTEN. The sealant should flow outward sealing any holes made to locate the rafter. STEP 7: After bolting TileTrac® to the roof; slide the upper carriage into the correct position under the crown of the tile. Before replacing tiles, be sure I AALL'holes have been property ; sealed, including the original: hole used tofiold the tilei professional SOLAR produft STEP 11: Apply UV rated sealant around the threaded shaft and com- press with a 3/8" washer included in the kit: The 3/8" box -end wrench can be used for this. Tildrac' Installation Manual Date Modified: 09/12/07 STEP 12: Apply UV rated sealant around the top of the washer to com- plete the waterproof tile seal. Now the tile is completely waterproof. Step 3b: Attaching/ Sealing TileTrac® (Composition Roof STEP 1: Using.a precision stud finder, locate the absolute center of the rafter. Mark with a crayon/chalk. See section 3a Install' 1p for additional methods,for locating rafters. STEP 2: Drilla 3/16" pilot hole to depth of the lag bolt. Use of a 1/4" carbide -Upped drill bit for 'breaking, f through the rougfti.composition shingle surface only (not.for pilot hote)' wilE avoid premature pilot hole drill bit Wear. The rise of two:dditl -one for breaking through:surface;.one for pilot hole.dn-D- Ing= to decrease drill time is recommended.- Page,6 of 8 STEP 3: Apply a generous amount of fresh sealant (polyurethane based, such as Sikaflex.1-a recom- mended) to the base. Roofing irrasfic/see lant�must be ap- plied per ma-hulfabtuier's specifica tions. Mastic/sealant should be -=fresh and:applied at;room temperature, as necessary.. J professional Sow `produc TileTrac 0 Installation Manual Date Modified: 09/12/07 STEP 4: Install the lag bolt and washer into the roof (cordless im- pact wrench recommended) using a W socket drive until the lag bolt is seated. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.. The sealant should flow outward sealing any holes that were made to locate the rafter. STEP 5: After bolting TileTrac® to the roof, slide the upper carriage into the desired position. Step 5: Clean up/ Quality Inspection Clean -Up: Account for all tools and clean area as necessary. Quality Inspection: Contractors are advised to perform a final attachment quality inspection prior to installing the RoofTrac® mounting system to ensure all attachments are properly fastened. Page 7 of 8 STEP 6: Thread the short cup head stud into the upper carriage with a hex key and tighten to 14 ft/lbs. The nut/washer combination will be installed after the support rail is in place-. Repeat steps 1-6 until all TIIeTrac® attachments are installed, then refer to the RoafTrac® Installation guide for the support rail and mod- ule clamping installation steps. Make sure'all installation crew members on the roof are mind- ful of protruding roof attach- ments to prevent tripping. -All instaltabon crew -members should}:utilize proper safety equipment ti?�err installing. a - solar -system