MUP 2004-503r - P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 August 6, 2004 Mr. James Avenell Southern Hills Development, Inc. 81070 Chanticleer Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 M (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 RE: Minor Use Permit 2004-503; Construction trailer at The Weiskopf Course 81070 Chanticleer Drive - Tract 24197-1 Dear Mr. Avenell: The Community Development Department has reviewed your application for. the above referenced Minor Use Permit. The request for a construction trailer at the referenced location is, approved in accordance. with the following conditions: GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Install one 2A1 013C fire extinguisher inside the trailer by the front exit door. 2. Any temporary lighting shall be. directed away from surrounding residential properties and properly shielded, in accordance with the City Outdoor Lighting requirements. 3. No set-up of the trailer shall be permitted until a grading or building.permit is issued. Obtain. a building permit including any electrical permit for temporary power. 4. This approval is for location of -a construction office trailer only; it does not allow establishment of any fencing, equipment storage/staging areas, etc. 5. One 2' x 3' trailer -mounted sign shall be placed close to the front door, displaying a 24-hour emergency phone number (minimum 1 " high letters) which emergency personnel may call in case problems arise that need prompt attention. The sign shall include any temporary address, and may include the company name for the purpose of identification. 6. Restroom facilities shall be provided as may be required 7. The applicant/developer agrees to.indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel at its sole discretion. WN, 8. Approval of Minor Use Permit 2004-503 shall be in effect 15 days from the date of this letter, 'unless appealed pursuant to Section 9:200.120. It will expire one year from the date of this letter. An extension may be applied for by filing a written request to the Community Development Director, pursuant to Section 9.200.080.D. of -.the La Quinta Zoning Code.. The City may impose additional conditions to this application to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed .to .the Planning Commission provided the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 are filed with this office within 15 days of the date of this approval letter. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7069. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner c: Building and Safety Fire Marshal Code Compliance 8, aLAJ I~ �� N 86'52'04'E 342.68 86'10'49'E 27037' � _ N` N 14'37'39'V 75.73' l J l 15 RAD N' '53'37'V 37.00 1 2. 14 12,13 .. 3. 4 1 1 10 pC 7 B 1 _ 59. 7 8 16 65AA 18 17 Z ;:. 63 43 - 21 20 1 1 44 0 23 22 42 24 45 / VALHALLA A 25 GATE, 1 , Q 41 46 26 4,0 I / ti M 'P.. 27 47 5 N 28Q 1 48 / ti 29 1 Reso # _ Date Apgroved b e 3 ` 49 4 tanning Commission _ r----` City P• , SK SHEET NO. 5 SEE SHEET N0. 6 SEE 50 p Council . Dept. ---- 01 = I SHEET N0: 7 Community Dev. 31 Iitjals GOLF' COURSE 5.1 �. cn. �. 62 Case No. 101 L-400,-/-S-b 32 31..516. ACRES 52 E hibit With. 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Number: Address: S6- /G/ _%w1rWZ,JA1 /j%LLS " Legal Description: 4ef-4j0 TRA&T QQfd/?-/ City,ST, Zip: �,if.JiIf �, ,7$-155 ' Contractor: L6 A N o CaJ c �llxf g7P f G Ali .,l � -$ Tele % Address: 78 -m70 &dA4E aPtZ Project Description: I' ''I City.ST, Zip: LA Qia,,J -rA, e4. 'j 2243 _.. .. �6u �SAL�j I U! Z 1 �/ Telephone: I. - B 7 �% 3 P l�-5 -i 6 Ail State Lic. # : 7 Y3 -SO .__, ` ' City Lic. #:,3Q 517 ' Arch.. Engr Designer: XR f ,I -ad ;LL-,',Ifi/f l f4fZCSPVJ Address:,gO '��-. e 7 rLLS � �$%b''f� 1 �•Soa7 �ERrI' � .7 2000 4 City. ST, Zip: /A6.JnJ r,4 Ui' . g22i � U� LA QUWT . Telephone: . 9 ' 71= 1 lPtS 8 S y Construction T e: Occupancy: YP w! u an % P cY 1 i Li#. c. L c. Pr ' o ect a (circle one): e . ew A ' J n'P ) dd n Alter Repair e air D emo 0 P Name of Contact Person: XtA At edet-a: S 3 � - � 121 Sq. 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