1997 02 05 RVi F z v a CF pt` b OF rN� AGENDA RECREATIONAL VEHICLE AID HOC COMMITTEE La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico February 5, 1997 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT III. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Review the draft Recreational Vehicle Regulations proposed by the Committee IV. ADJOURNMENT 9.60.130 Recreational Vehicle Parking A. Purpose. Recreational vehicles may be parked or stored on residentially zoned property only in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Section. Recreational vehicles parked within a validly established recreation vehicle storage facility are exempt from the requirements of this Section. B. Definition. For purposes of this Code a "recreational vehicle" or "RV" shall mean all trailers or any vehicle placed on a trailer such as a boat, watercraft, or other vehicle, plus any vehicle designed and used for temporary habitation, including motorhomes, travel trailers, "5`" wheels", and camper shells that extend more than 12" above the roof of the pickup truck on which it is located Passenger vans which have n converted for use as a recreational vehicles and do not exceed 9 feet in height are exempt from this Section. C. Storage of RV's 1 Street Storage, No RV shall be parked or stored for more than 72 hours at any public street location or combination of public street locations within the City. low 2 Storage on Residential Property No person shall store park or maintain any RV or parts thereof in any required front yard area of any property coned RVL RL or RM. The recreational vehicle or parts thereof may be stored or parked in a side or rear yard provided that a lawfully installed and permanently maintained solid wall or fence six feet in height screens such RV, or parts thereof from abutting property and from the public right of way. The area in which the RV is arked or stored must be paved with concrete, asphalt. gravel or similar materials. Areas containing grass or native soil are not approved for the perking or storage of RV's RV's may be parked or stored in the front side or rear ymds of residential properties located in the RC Zone provided that the area in which the RV is parked or stored is paved with concrete asphalt gravel or similar materials Areas cQotaining arass or native soil are not approved for the parking or storage of RV's. it is in a validly.h• RV storage wt . ..• . . • .. • ..• • . • • •• • h• IILLallC•.11\'/S�LIa�>fu�lflal��e.IwMr�.�ny�.��•.u..i.�-a-.�.-..-...-..._�______�_- _ .• I ■.• • • ••. •. -1 • • -1 • •- 1 • 1 • 1 , • • Wnw11 -j I • 1 • MOA M • • • * Committee discussions regarding habitation allowed for 72 hours on private property as well as on the public street. Staff requests that the committee review this issue in light of Municipal Code Section 11.04.030 (attached). Also if habitation on the public streets is not restricted, any RV could park in front of any house and the inhabitants of the RV could stay for 72 hours. Owners of the house would have no recourse. i 11.04.010 k. Chapter 11.04 UNSAFE CONDUCT Sections: 11.04.010 Provisions not to be deemed duplicative of state law. 11.04.020 Sleeping in vehicles —Finding of fact. 11.04.030 Sleeping in vehicles —Prohibited in public places. 11.04.010 Provisions not to be deemed duplicative of state law. No provision contained in this title is intended, nor shall it be deemed or construed, to make punishable any act or acts which are prohibited by any law of the state. (Ord.10 § 1 (part), 1982) 11.04.020 Sleeping in vehicles —Finding of fact The city council finds that a definite problem is posed by persons sleeping in automobiles which are parked along the public streets within the city. The residential neighborhoods disturbed by this activity call the police to report a suspicious vehicle in the area. In addition, persons who are parked in developed areas become a target for criminal attack. (Ord.10 § 1 (part), 1982) 11.04.030 Sleeping in vehicles —Prohibited in public places. No person shall sleep in any automobile or other vehicle parked on any sidewalk, street, alley, or other public place, including any approved private street or right-of-way, within the corporate limits of the city. (Ord.10 § I (part),1982) 391 RECREATIONAL VEHICLE AD HOC COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 16, 1997 CALL TO ORDER The Recreational Vehicle Ad Hoc Committee meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. ROLL CALL' MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Tom Kirk Steve Robbins Pete Platamone Bill Simmons Ronald Klinginsmith Denver Ammerman Cal Hutcheson Dan Corey A.C. Moore Robert Burt Mike Seems Barbara Irwin Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director Jerry Herman, Community Development Director Director Herman briefly explained Brown Act provisions. II. PUBLIC COMMENT Keith Sellars spoke and voiced concerns opposed to restricting RV's in the Cove area. He encouraged members of the committee to visit the Cove area so they could see that RV storage is not creating a problem. Questioned the purpose of the Ordinance. III. BUSINESS ITEMS The Committee discussed the storage of RV's and reached a consensus on the following items: 1. The definition of RV shall be all trailers, any vehicle placed on a trailer such as a boat, water craft, or other vehicle; motor homes, campers, 51" wheelers, and camper shells that extend more than 12" above the roof of the pickup on which it is located. (Vans are not to be included in the definition). rVminl 15.wpd 1 2. No RV shall be parked or stored for more than 72 hours at any street location or combination of street locations within the City. 3. Electric service may be run to an RV while it is legally parked on the street. 4. No water or sewer may be run to any RV at any location except for maintenance service purposes. 5. No generator may be used in any RV, at any location, except for servicing or during power outages. 6. Habitation of any RV is not to exceed 72 hours at any location. Staff was asked to bring the following information to the next meeting: 1. Does La Quinta have a maximum curb cut? 2. Is it feasible/legal for the City to adopt an ordinance that would in effect enforce existing CC&R's for areas with public streets? 3. Can there be different restrictions for different zones? IV. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 29, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. .rdnan, Director nity Development �f Tom Hartung, Director Building & Safety rvmin115.wpd 061 RECREATIONAL VEHICLE AD HOC COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 29, 1997 I. CALL TO ORDER The Recreational Vehicle Ad Hoc Committee meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Tom Kirk Cal Hutcheson Pete Platamone Bill Simmons Ronald Klinginsmith Denver Ammerman Steve Robbins Dan Corey A.C. Moore Robert Burt Mike Seems Barbara Irwin Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director Jerry Herman, Community Development Director Director Herman briefly addressed the Committee that the maximum curb cut is 30 feet. He also relayed the City Attorney's opinion that different regulations for different zones are feasible, however different regulations within the same zone are not. The Committee was also informed that City enforcement of CC&R's would be difficult to justify. II. PUBLIC COMMENT None III. BUSINESS ITEMS The Committee discussed and reached consensus on the following items: 1. Different zones should have different regulations; 2. No storage regulations needed for the RMH and RH zones; rvmin115.wpd 1 3. The RVL, RM and RL zones should be modeled after the Baldwin Park ordinance, with the addition of allowing backyard parking and requiring the parking areas to be designated by paving, gravel, etc. 4. RC zone to allow storage anywhere on the property as long as it was designated as a parking area by paving, gravel, etc. IV. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 5, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Irman, Director nity Development Tom Hartung, Director Building & Safety rvmin115.wpd 2