1991 06 26 ECC01
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A regular Meeting to be held at the
La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado
La Quinta, California
June 26, 1991
7:00 P.M.
I. CALL TO ORDER - Flag Salute
Minutes of April 24, 1991, and May 29, 1991
A. Review and comment on draft letters to property owners and
conservancy gencies.
B. Future meeting dates and times
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
April 24, 1991
7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:11 P.M. by Planning Director
Jerry Herman and he led the Flag Salute
A. Planning Director Jerry Herman asked that the roll be called. Present:
Committee Members: Laura Hinderaker, Jackie Johnson, Robert
Metkus, Paul Quill, Katie Barrows, Planning Commission
Representative, and Sharon Kennedy, Community Services Commission.
Absent: Committee Member Steve Brummel.
B . Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Fred
Baker, Associate Planner Wally Nesbit, and Department Secretary Betty
A. This being the first meeting of this Committee Planning Director Jerry
Herman discussed with the members the Council direction for the
Committee and their responsibilities which are:
1. The Committee shall be advisory only.
2. The Committee shall have an initial time frame of one year.
3. The Committee shall be appointed by the City Council.
4. The Committee should be composed of seven members including
one from the Planning Commission, two from the Community
Services Commission and four from the public sector to be
appointed by each City Council member appointing one member.
5. The Committee should organize with a chairperson and vice
6. The Committee should abide by all rules & regulations required
by law and allow and encourage public comment and input.
7. The City shall provide all reasonable support.
8. The Committee shall meet at least once a month and provide
minutes and written reports to the City Council.
B. Planning Director Jerry Herman then asked the Commission to elect a
Chairman and Vice Chairman. Committee Member Hinderaker nominated
Sharon Kennedy. Ms. Kennedy declined the nomination. Committee
Member Quill nominated Katie Barrows. Committee Member Kennedy
seconded the motion and the nominations were closed. Katie Barrows
was elected Chairman unanimously.
C. Planning Director Jerry opened nominations for Vice Chairman.
Committee Member Johnson nominated Paul Quill. Committee Member
Hinderaker seconded the motion and nominations were closed. Paul
Quill was elected unanimously.
D. Planning Director Jerry Herman then directed the Committee to the City
Council Minutes of September 4, 1990 and reviewed the direction of the
Committee. The direction of the Council was:
Assigned Staff and the Environmental Conservation Committee
shall review and evaluate the options presented in the Staff
report plus all other pertinent material.
Staff shall contact all organizations that buy or trade open space
lands as identified in Section D of the Staff report obtaining
commitments of action where possible.
3. Staff shall contact all owners of parcels in the open space areas
of La Quinta ascertaining:
a. Which owners would be willing to sell or exchange their
parcels voluntarily.
b. Which owners would be willing to dedicate their parcels to
the City.
C. Which owners would prefer to keep their parcels zoned for
no development.
d. To identify which owners would prefer to keep their
parcels zoned to allow development consistent with the
open space and Hillside Conservation Ordinance.
None of the above.
City Staff shall serve as a middle man facilitator bringing owners
and appropriate organizations and entities together where
City Staff and the Committee shall develop a strategy for affected
property owners not willing to participate in any implementation
program for the City Council review and approval.
City Staff shall provide a full report not later than October 1,
1991, plus periodic informational updates.
We shall re-form an Environmental Conservation Committee
Lastly, the City Council reserves to itself all legal and planning
E. He then explained the various handout that had been past out to the
members and asked the Committee to make a determination as to a day
and time to meet. Chairman Barrows asked the Committee if the last
Wednesday of each month would be acceptable to the members.
Following discussion it was a concurrence of the members to meet on the
last Wednesday of each month. Committee member Metkus felt an
additional meeting was necessary due to the summer months coming and
members that would be on vacations. Chairman Barrows suggested a
tour of the hillsides be planned for the Committee before the next
regular meeting. It was decided to meet on May 15th, at 7:00 A.M.
F. Planning Director Jerry Herman discussed with the Committee the
hillside properties that were privately owned, or BLM owned. In
addition he discussed the various projects that abut the hillside and
what the City had conditioned those projects to allow.
G. Committee Member Quill asked Planning Director what the purpose of
the Committee was to be. Planning Director Herman stated that the
Committee had been directed by Council to review the Hillside
Ordinance and make a recommendation to the Council. The Committee
needed to come up with a program to acquire or convert the private land
to public lands for open space. Discussion followed as to the direction
the Committee would take to accomplish this program.
H. Committee members inquired of the gravel pit as to what was planned
for this area. Planning Director Herman explained the County plans for
the gravel pit and what potential property owners in the area were
planning. Discussion followed as to the City's plans for this area as well
as the alluvial fan at the top of the Cove. Also discussed were the
percentages of slopes allowed to build on.
Planning Director Jerry Herman stated Staff would prepare a copy of
the map of the hillside, prepare a list of the names and addresses of
those property owners and get them to the Committee Members.
IV. OTHER - None
A motion was made by Committee Member Johnson and seconded by Committee Member
Metkus to adjourn to a special meeting on May 15, 1991, at 7:00 A.M. in the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta
Environmental Conservation Committee was adjourned at 7:52 P.M.
PCMIN4-23 3
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
75-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
May 29, 1991
7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:14 P.M. by Chairperson Barrows
and Paul Quill led the Flag Salute
A. Chairperson Barrows asked for the roll call. Present: Committee
Members: Jackie Johnson, Robert Metkus, Paul Quill, Sharo
Kennedy, Community Services Commission, and Chairperson Kati
Barrows. Absent: Committee Member Laura Hinderaker. Committee
Member Quill moved and Committee Member Johnson seconded a motion
to excuse Laura Hinderaker from the meeting. Committee Member
Brummell arrived late.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Associate Planner
Wally Nesbit, and Department Secretary Betty Anthony.
A. Chairperson Barrows asked Associate Planner Wally Nesbit to give a
recap of the Hillside field trip. Items viewed were:
1. The upper part of the cove into the flood control area and
discussed where the boundary lines were for the private
ownerships as compared to the public lands. Suggested an aerial
would help the members to identify the different areas.
2. The County Gravel Pit and again discussed which was private
versus public, plus discussed contacting other public agencies
as to acquiring land and the options available to do this.
3. The Ranch of the 7th Range area and the outcropping to the
west. Noted some structures and investigated as part of the
visit to this area.
B. Chairperson Barrows inquired if all members had received copies of the
C. Member Jackie Johnson asked if Staff had the names of the private
property owners. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated Staff does
have this information and it will be forwarded to the Committee. Staff
is in the process of preparing letters to be sent to these people and this
draft will also be sent to the Committee.
D. Planning Director Jerry Herman discussed with the Committee the
purpose of the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy as being the
same purpose of this Committee. A copy of our draft letter will be sent
to this organization for their use.
E. Member Metkus asked if a map could be prepared for the Members
showing the owners of the property. Planning Director Jerry Herman
stated the maps available did not make it a possibility as it would be to
much information for the space available. He stated the Staff would
prepare in some fashion the information for the Committee.
F. Discussion continued among the members the responsibility of the Staff
to contact these people. The Committee would determine the contents
of the letter and determine the strategy to influence these people to
dedicate their land to the City.
G. Member Kennedy suggested that a forum be held with the Bureau of
Land Management, the Nature Conservancy, and a City representative
to meet with these people to discuss the purpose of the land exchange
or sell out for the purpose of determining the attitude of these property
owners. This would help eliminate a lot of time.
H. Discussion followed regarding aerials to be used by the Staff and
Committee to visually determine the ownership of the properties.
I. Chairperson Barrows asked that a list of agencies be made as to which
agencies could and/or should be participating with this process.
Planning Director Jerry Herman stated a letter would be drafted to the
agencies to determine their willingness to participate at a forum in
September and make a report to the Council in October.
J. Discussion followed as to contacting those property owners who the City
feels are most likely to sell their property and start with those people.
K. Member Steve Brummel suggested the Committee might look at larger
issues relative to the mountains and get community involvement
regarding what needs to be preserved, how it might best be
accomplished, the goal of open space and not have development up the
mountain side, if this is the direction Council would have the Committee
proceed. In addition what lands or geologic surfaces should be
identified as prime areas for preservation, most likely to be preserved
and address those properties first as well as seeing which land owners
are willing to sell rather than just randomly purchasing any property.
The Committee should prioritize what property should be approached
first according to what the City is trying to accomplish. Planning
Director Jerry Herman stated that the Council's direction under the
ECCMIN5-29 2
adoption of the Hillside Ordinance was to preserve all of the open space
designated property in La Quinta and require any development to
justify how the property could be developed. In addition, the
Ordinance does not allow any development on certain slopes. Therefore
the hillsides should be approached as a whole for preservation.
Discussion followed as to the direction of the Committee.
L. Chairperson Barrows stated that the Committee should have some sort
of justification to present to these property owners as to why the City
is trying to preserve these lands, but felt this had been addressed by
the previous Environmental Conservation Committee. Discussion
followed regarding the Member's interpretation of their direction, the
time frame the Committee had to fulfill their directives, and what the
priority of the Committee should be.
M. Councilman Sniff addressed the Committee and stated he felt the
Committee should proceed in an orderly fashion and not be consumed
with a deadline. It is more important to concentrate on producing a
product as quickly as possible rather than trying to meet deadlines.
Reports should be regularly made to the Council so the Council can be
kept aware of the Committee's progress.
N. The Members discussed the need to develop a letter to the property
owners and what the contents should be. Member Paul Quill inquired
if the Coachella Valley Mountain Conservancy had decided on any form
of funding to accomplish their goal. Planning Director Jerry Herman
stated that they had asked the Valley cities for seed money to staff the
Conservancy and a funding mechanism of Federal grants or some other
source would be addressed at a later date. Member Steve Brummel
would contact the agency to determine their progress. Members asked
if other agencies should be contacted. Planning Director Jerry Herman
stated his letter would ask if these agencies knew of any other agencies
we could contact. Chairperson Barrows stated she knew of some other
agencies that were not on the current list and she would provide Staff
with those mailing addresses.
O. Member Paul Quill asked Staff if any reasons had been clearly stated as
to why the mountains should be preserved. Member Steve Brummel
stated that Coachella Valley Water District could supply Staff with
information as to how the mountains aid the maintenance of the aquifer,
the geology of the mountains, and the names of the different ridges.
Member Jackie Johnson asked if the City knew of the migratory route
of the animals, or if there were any endangered animals or plants.
Chairperson Barrows addressed the question. Member Sharon Kennedy
inquired if any of this land could be Indian burial grounds. Discussion
followed as the opportunity the Committee had to inform the Community
regarding this information.
P. Following discussion it was moved by Member Steve Brummel and
seconded by Member Sharon Kennedy to adopt Minute Motion 91-001
instructing Staff to draft a letter and survey to the prospective
property owners asking for their cooperation in selling their property
to the City or another public agency. Unanimously approved.
Q. It was further moved by Member Steve Brummel and seconded by
Member Jackie Johnson that a second invitation letter be drafted to
Federal and State agencies and any other organization asking for their
support and input. Unanimously approved.
R. In addition it was moved by Member Steve Brummel and seconded by
Member Paul Quill that a file be established for the accumulation of facts
and information pertaining to the history of the mountains.
Unanimously approved.
Planning Director asked for a clarification as to the method the
Committee would like to have these motion accomplished. It was decided
that this would be accomplished by mail with the final draft to be
approved at the next meeting.
Future meeting dates during the summer would be established at each meeting.
A motion was made by Member Sharon Kennedy and seconded by Member Quill to
adjourn to a special meeting on June 26, 1991, at 7:00 A.M. in the La Quinta City
Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta
Environmental Conservation Committee was adjourned at 8:31 P.M.
DATE: JUNE 14, 1991
As requested at your May 29, 1991 meeting, Staff has prepared
draft letters on the above subject for your review. Please
make any changes you feel are appropriate and bring your
concerns to your next scheduled meeting of June 26, 1991, at
7:00 PM. We will discuss any changes at that time, but should
you have any questions prior to the meeting, contact Jerry
Herman or Wally Nesbit.
MEMOWN.024/CS _1_
to their disposition with regards to preserving the hillside
areas of La Quinta.
There are many incentives, beyond the obvious beauty of our
majestic mountain ranges, for preserving these areas as
undisturbed land.
o The mountains contain physical watersheds, formed
over long geologic periods of time, which affect
the potential for flooding as well as a source to
replenish our groundwater.
o In maintaining the mountains as open space,
development is precluded from areas subject to
hazards such as rock slides and other geotechnic
o These mountain areas serve as a range for a number
of species of flora & fauna, some of which are
listed as endangered. Two of these faunal species
are the Bighorn Sheep, and the Prairie Falcon,
which may range into the Santa Rosa Mountains above
La Quinta.
o A great deal of prehistory is evident in these
mountains. Numerous Indian camps, caves and trails
emanate through the Santa Rosa Mountains.
o The mountain trails also provide a significant
recreational opportunity for hikers and equestrians.
For these reasons, the City is requesting all hillside area
property owners to respond to the enclosed survey. Please take
a few minutes to fill out this survey and return in the
enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Your input is
extremely important to our decisions for implementing
procedures to preserve our hillside areas.
Very truly yours,
LTRWN.130/CS -3-
Please be aware that answers to any of these questions do not
commit you to any obligation with regards to your property. At
this time these questions are purely exploratory in nature and
are only to be used as an indicator of current sentiment of
Hillside property owners. Addition space is provided for any
comments or elaboration on your answer.
1. Would you be willing to sell or exchange your hillside
2. If so, how much of your hillside land holding(s) would
you be willing to sell or exchange?
3. Would you be willing to dedicate any of your hillside
property to the City of La Quinta or any other public
4. Currently, all or part of your hillside land holdings are
designated as Open Space on the La Quinta General Plan
Land Use Map. Would you be adverse to keeping your
property zoned for no development?
5. Would an incentive program, such as purchase or transfers
of development rights, affect your decision to develop or
sell your hillside property?
June 14, 1991
Mr. Wally Nesbit
City of La Quinta
PO Box 1504
La Quinta, CA 92253
Dear Mr. Nesbit:
The City of La Quinta is currently conducting property owner
surveys and requesting support for the preservation of the
City's hillside areas through a program of public acquisition
of these lands. Tax records indicate that your agency has land
holdings within our hillside study area.
The City has become aware that some agencies may be working
towards the sale of these lands to private development
interests. This would be in conflict with our goals and
objectives relative to the hillside above La Quinta.
The City recently formed an Environmental Conservation
Committee, with the primary goal of studying procedures and
possible programs for implementing our Hillside Conservation
Zoning District. Naturally, we would be concerned about any
LTRWN.131/CS -1-
potential development proposals at this early stage of our
study of implementing measures.
On behalf of the Environmental conservation Committee and the
La Quinta City Council, the City respectfully requests that you
keep us informed of any potential development interests
regarding your hillside property. This would be mutually
beneficial, as the current Hillside Conservation Zoning may
significantly restrict the type of development envisioned by a
potential developer/buyer.
It is important to us to have your cooperation and support, as
well as to keep you informed of our activities.
Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned.
Very truly yours,
Jerry Herman
Planning & Development Director
LTRWN.131/CS -2-
June 14, 1991
Mr. Wally Nesbit
City of La Quinta
PO Box 1504
La Quinta, CA 92253
Dear Mr. Nesbit:
The City of La Quinta is currently trying to address the issue
of Hillside Preservation. Although we have had a Hillside
Conservation Zoning District in effect for approximately two
years, we have been wrestling with implementation concerns for
most of that time.
The City recently formed an Environmental Conservation
Committee, which has as its primary function, the task of
developing an implementing program for the current Hillside
Conservation Zone Designation. Our goal is to work with
private property owners to transfer hillside lands into public
ownership without interfering with private owners' ability to
capture the value of their property.
The City is interested in preserving all property within our
Open Space land use designation in its natu;al state.
Aesthetics is only one of several significant factors which
LTRWN.132/CS -1_
have become more and more important over the past years. This
letter is our request to you for assistance in our endeavors to
obtain our goal of hillside preservation. We would like to
receive any information you may have regarding your land
acquisition policies and procedures with regards to this type
of program. We also ask for your written support for our
Committee and it's efforts, and invite your organization's
representatives to attend any of our Environmental Conservation
Committee meetings to offer guidance and input. Hopefully, we
can form a strong working relationship and achieve a common
goal which is beneficial to all involved.
Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned.
Very truly yours,
Jerry Herman
Planning & Development Director
LTRWN.132/CS -2-
cE%b OF ll��
A regular Meeting to be held at the
La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado
La Quinta, California
June 26, 1991
7:00 P.1VI.
I. CALL TO ORDER - Flag Salute
Minutes of April 24, 1991, and May 29, 1991
A. Review and comment on draft letters to property owners and
conservancy gencies.
B. Future meeting dates and times
A regular meeting held at the La Quints, City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quints, California
April 24, 1991
7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:11 P.M. by Planning Director
Jerry Herman and he led the Flag Salute
A. Planning Director Jerry Herman asked that the roll be called. Present:
Committee Members: Laura Hinderaker, Jackie Johnson, Robert
Metkus, Paul Quill, Katie Barrows, Planning Commission
Representative, and Sharon Kennedy, Community Services Commission.
Absent: Committee Member Steve Brummel.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Fred
Baker, Associate Planner Wally Nesbit, and Department Secretary Betty
A. This being the first meeting of this Committee Planning Director Jerry
Herman discussed with the members the Council direction for the
Committee and their responsibilities which are:
1. The Committee shall be advisory only.
2. The Committee shall have an initial time frame of one year.
3. The Committee shall be appointed by the City Council.
4. The Committee should be composed of seven members including
one from the Planning Commission, two from the Community
Services Commission and four from the public sector to be
appointed by each City Council member appointing one member.
5. The Committee should organize with a chairperson and vice
6. The Committee should abide by all rules & regulations required
by law and allow and encourage public comment and input.
7. The City shall provide all reasonable support.
8. The Committee shall meet at least once a month and provide
minutes and written reports to the City Council.
B . Planning Director Jerry Herman then asked the Commission to elect a
Chairman and Vice Chairman. Committee Member Hinderaker nominated
Sharon Kennedy. Ms. Kennedy declined the nomination. Committee
Member Quill nominated Katie Barrows. Committee Member Kennedy
seconded the motion and the nominations were closed. Katie Barrows
was elected Chairman unanimously.
C. Planning Director Jerry opened nominations for Vice Chairman.
Committee Member Johnson nominated Paul Quill. Committee Member
Hinderaker seconded the motion and nominations were closed. Paul
Quill was elected unanimously.
D. Planning Director Jerry Herman then directed the Committee to the City
Council Minutes of September 4, 1990 and reviewed the direction of the
Committee. The direction of the Council was:
1. Assigned Staff and the Environmental Conservation Committee
shall review and evaluate the options presented in the Staff
report plus all other pertinent material.
2. Staff shall contact all organizations that buy or trade open space
lands as identified in Section D of the Staff report obtaining
commitments of action where possible.
3. Staff shall contact all owners of parcels in the open space areas
of La Quinta ascertaining:
a. Which owners would be willing to sell or exchange their
parcels voluntarily.
b. Which owners would be willing to dedicate their parcels to
the City.
C. Which owners would prefer to keep their parcels zoned for
no development.
d. To identify which owners would prefer to keep their
parcels zoned to allow development consistent with the
open space and Hillside Conservation Ordinance.
e. None of the above.
4. City Staff shall serve as a middle man facilitator bringing owners
and appropriate organizations and entities together where
5. City Staff and the Committee shall develop a strategy for affected
property owners not willing to participate in any implementation
program for the City Council review and approval.
6. City Staff shall provide a full report not later than October 1,
1991, plus periodic informational updates.
7. We shall re-form an Environmental Conservation Committee
Lastly, the City Council reserves to itself all legal and planning
E. He then explained the various handout that had been past out to the
members and asked the Committee to make a determination as to a day
and time to meet. Chairman Barrows asked the Committee if the last
Wednesday of each month would be acceptable to the members.
Following discussion it was a concurrence of the members to meet on the
last Wednesday of each month. Committee member Metkus felt an
additional meeting was necessary due to the summer months coming and
members that would be on vacations. Chairman Barrows suggested a
tour of the hillsides be planned for the Committee before the next
regular meeting. It was decided to meet on May 15th, at 7:00 A.M.
F. Planning Director Jerry Herman discussed with the Committee the
hillside properties that were privately owned, or BLM owned. In
addition he discussed the various projects that abut the hillside and
what the City had conditioned those projects to allow.
G. Committee Member Quill asked Planning Director what the purpose of
the Committee was to be. Planning Director Herman stated that the
Committee had been directed by Council to review the Hillside
Ordinance and make a recommendation to the Council. The Committee
needed to come up with a program to acquire or convert the private land
to public lands for open space. Discussion followed as to the direction
the Committee would take to accomplish this program.
H. Committee members inquired of the gravel pit as to what was planned
for this area. Planning Director Herman explained the County plans for
the gravel pit and what potential property owners in the area were
planning. Discussion followed as to the City's plans for this area as well
as the alluvial fan at the top of the Cove. Also discussed were the
percentages of slopes allowed to build on.
I. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated Staff would prepare a copy of
the map of the hillside, prepare a list of the names and addresses of
those property owners and get them to the Committee Members.
IV. OTHER - None
A motion was made by Committee Member Johnson and seconded by Committee Member
Metkus to adjourn to a special meeting on May 15, 1991, at 7:00 A.M. in the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. This meeting of the La Quints.
Environmental Conservation Committee was adjourned at 7:52 P.M.
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quints, California
May 29, 1991
7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:14 P.M. by Chairperson Barrows
and Paul Quill led the Flag Salute
A. Chairperson Barrows asked for the roll call. Present: Committee
Members: Jackie Johnson, Robert Metkus, Paul Quill, Sharo
Kennedy, Community Services Commission, and Chairperson Kati
Barrows. Absent: Committee Member Laura Hinderaker. Committee
Member Quill moved and Committee Member Johnson seconded a motion
to excuse Laura Hinderaker from the meeting. Committee Member
Brummell arrived late.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Associate Planner
Wally Nesbit, and Department Secretary Betty Anthony.
A. Chairperson Barrows asked Associate Planner Wally Nesbit to give a
recap of the Hillside field trip. Items viewed were:
1. The upper part of the cove into the flood control area and
discussed where the boundary lines were for the private
ownerships as compared to the public lands. Suggested an aerial
would help the members to identify the different areas.
2. The County Gravel Pit and again discussed which was private
versus public, plus discussed contacting other public agencies
as to acquiring land and the options available to do this.
3. The Ranch of the 7th Range area and the outcropping to the
west. Noted some structures and investigated as part of the
visit to this area.
B . Chairperson Barrows inquired if all members had received copies of the
C. Member Jackie Johnson asked if Staff had the names of the private
property owners. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated Staff does
have this information and it will be forwarded to the Committee. Staff
is in the process of preparing letters to be sent to these people and this
draft will also be sent to the Committee.
D. Planning Director Jerry Herman discussed with the Committee the
purpose of the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy as being the
same purpose of this Committee. A copy of our draft letter will be sent
to this organization for their use.
E. Member Metkus asked if a map could be prepared for the Members
showing the owners of the property. Planning Director Jerry Herman
stated the maps available did not make it a possibility as it would be to
much information for the space available. He stated the Staff would
prepare in some fashion the information for the Committee.
F. Discussion continued among the members the responsibility of the Staff
to contact these people. The Committee would determine the contents
of the letter and determine the strategy to influence these people to
dedicate their land to the City.
G. Member Kennedy suggested that a forum be held with the Bureau of
Land Management, the Nature Conservancy, and a City representative
to meet with these people to discuss the purpose of the land exchange
or sell out for the purpose of determining the attitude of these property
owners. This would help eliminate a lot of time.
H. Discussion followed regarding aerials to be used by the Staff and
Committee to visually determine the ownership of the properties.
I. Chairperson Barrows asked that a list of agencies be made as to which
agencies could and/or should be participating with this process.
Planning Director Jerry Herman stated a letter would be drafted to the
agencies to determine their willingness to participate at a forum in
September and make a report to the Council in October.
J. Discussion followed as to contacting those property owners who the City
feels are most likely to sell their property and start with those people.
K. Member Steve Brummel suggested the Committee might look at larger
issues relative to the mountains and get community involvement
regarding what needs to be preserved, how it might best be
accomplished, the goal of open space and not have development up the
mountain side, if this is the direction Council would have the Committee
proceed. In addition what lands or geologic surfaces should be
identified as prime areas for preservation, most likely to be preserved
and address those properties first as well as seeing which land owners
are willing to sell rather than just randomly purchasing any property.
The Committee should prioritize what property should be approached
first according to what the City is trying to accomplish. Planning
Director Jerry Herman stated that the Council's direction under the
adoption of the Hillside Ordinance was to preserve all of the open space
designated property in La Quinta and require any development to
justify how the property could be developed. In addition, the
Ordinance does not allow any development on certain slopes. Therefore
the hillsides should be approached as a whole for preservation.
Discussion followed as to the direction of the Committee.
L. Chairperson Barrows stated that the Committee should have some sort
of justification to present to these property owners as to why the City
is trying to preserve these lands, but felt this had been addressed by
the previous Environmental Conservation Committee. Discussion
followed regarding the Member's interpretation of their direction, the
time frame the Committee had to fulfill their directives, and what the
priority of the Committee should be.
M. Councilman Sniff addressed the Committee and stated he felt the
Committee should proceed in an orderly fashion and not be consumed
with a deadline. It is more important to concentrate on producing a
product as quickly as possible rather than trying to meet deadlines.
Reports should be regularly made to the Council so the Council can be
kept aware of the Committee's progress.
N. The Members discussed the need to develop a letter to the property
owners and what the contents should be. Member Paul Quill inquired
if the Coachella Valley Mountain Conservancy had decided on any form
of funding to accomplish their goal. Planning Director Jerry Herman
stated that they had asked the Valley cities for seed money to staff the
Conservancy and a funding mechanism of Federal grants or some other
source would be addressed at a later date. Member Steve Brummel
would contact the agency to determine their progress. Members asked
if other agencies should be contacted. Planning Director Jerry Herman
stated his letter would ask if these agencies knew of any other agencies
we could contact. Chairperson Barrows stated she knew of some other
agencies that were not on the current list and she would provide Staff
with those mailing addresses.
O. Member Paul Quill asked Staff if any reasons had been clearly stated as
to why the mountains should be preserved. Member Steve Brummel
stated that Coachella Valley Water District could supply Staff with
information as to how the mountains aid the maintenance of the aquifer,
the geology of the mountains, and the names of the different ridges.
Member Jackie Johnson asked if the City knew of the migratory route
of the animals, or if there were any endangered animals or plants.
Chairperson Barrows addressed the question. Member Sharon Kennedy
inquired if any of this land could be Indian burial grounds. Discussion
followed as the opportunity the Committee had to inform the Community
regarding this information.
P. Following discussion it was moved by Member Steve Brummel and
seconded by Member Sharon Kennedy to adopt Minute Motion 91-001
instructing Staff to draft a letter and survey to the prospective
property owners asking for their cooperation in selling their property
to the City or another public agency. Unanimously approved.
Q. It was further moved by Member Steve Brummel and seconded by
Member Jackie Johnson that a second invitation letter be drafted to
Federal and State agencies and any other organization asking for their
support and input. Unanimously approved.
R. In addition it was moved by Member Steve Brummel and seconded by
Member Paul Quill that a file be established for the accumulation of facts
and information pertaining to the history of the mountains.
Unanimously approved.
S. Planning Director asked for a clarification as to the method the
Committee would like to have these motion accomplished. It was decided
that this would be accomplished by mail with the final draft to be
approved at the next meeting.
Future meeting dates during the summer would be established at each meeting.
A motion was made by Member Sharon Kennedy and seconded by Member Quill to
adjourn to a special meeting on June 26, 1991, at 7:00 A.M. in the La Quinta City
Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. This meeting of the La Quinta
Environmental Conservation Committee was adjourned at 8:31 P.M.
DATE: JUNE 14, 1991
As requested at your May 29, 1991 meeting, Staff has prepared
draft letters on the above subject for your review. Please
make any changes you feel are appropriate and bring your
concerns to your next scheduled meeting of June 26, 1991, at
7:00 PM. We will discuss any changes at that time, but should
you have any questions prior to the meeting, contact Jerry
Herman or Wally Nesbit.
June 14, 1991
Mr. Wally Nesbit
City of La Quinta
PO Box 1504
La Quinta, CA 92253
APN 769-303-998, 769-554-998, 774-774-222, 769-332-449, 769-354-987
Dear Mr. Nesbit:
According to the latest updates of the County tax assessment
rolls, you are listed as the owner of the above mentioned
parcel(s) within the City of La Quinta.
The City has recently formed an Environmental Conservation
Committee which has the primary task of implementing our
Hillside Conservation Zoning District, which was adopted about
2 years ago. This survey letter represents our first formal
attempt to solicit all landowners, both public and private, as
LTRWN.130/CS -1-
to their disposition with regards to preserving the hillside
areas of La Quinta.
There are many incentives, beyond the obvious beauty of our
majestic mountain ranges, for preserving these areas as
undisturbed land.
o The mountains contain physical watersheds, formed
over long geologic periods of time, which affect
the potential for flooding as well as a source to
replenish our groundwater.
o In maintaining the mountains as open space,
development is precluded from areas subject to
hazards such as rock slides and other geotechnic
o These mountain areas serve as a range for a number
of species of flora & fauna, some of which are
listed as endangered. Two of these faunal species
are the Bighorn Sheep, and the Prairie Falcon,
which may range into the Santa Rosa Mountains above
La Quinta.
o A great deal of prehistory is evident in these
mountains. Numerous Indian camps, caves and trails
emanate through the Santa Rosa Mountains.
LTRWN.130/CS -2-
o The mountain trails also provide a significant
recreational opportunity for hikers and equestrians.
For these reasons, the City is requesting all hillside area
property owners to respond to the enclosed survey. Please take
a few minutes to fill out this survey and return in the
enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Your input is
extremely important to our decisions for implementing
procedures to preserve our hillside areas.
Very truly yours,
LTRWN.130/Cs -3-
Please be aware that answers to any of these questions do not
commit you to any obligation with regards to your property. At
this time these questions are purely exploratory in nature and
are only to be used as an indicator of current sentiment of
Hillside property owners. Addition space is provided for any
comments or elaboration on your answer.
1. Would you be willing to sell or exchange your hillside
2. If so, how much of your hillside land holding(s) would
you be willing to sell or exchange?
3. Would you be willing to dedicate any of your hillside
property to the City of La Quinta or any other public
4. Currently, all or part of your hillside land holdings are
designated as Open Space on the La Quinta General Plan
Land Use Map. Would you be adverse to keeping your
property zoned for no development?
5. Would an incentive program, such as purchase or transfers
of development rights, affect your decision to develop or
sell your hillside property?
June 14, 1991
Mr. Wally Nesbit
City of La Quinta
PO Box 1504
La Quinta, CA 92253
Dear Mr. Nesbit:
The City of La Quinta is currently conducting property owner
surveys and requesting support for the preservation of the
City's hillside areas through a program of public acquisition
of these lands. Tax records indicate that your agency has land
holdings within our hillside study area.
The City has become aware that some agencies may be working
towards the sale of these lands to private development
interests. This would be in conflict with our goals and
objectives relative to the hillside above La Quinta.
The City recently formed an Environmental Conservation
Committee, with the primary goal of studying procedures and
possible programs for implementing our Hillside Conservation
Zoning District. Naturally, we would be concerned about any
LTRWN.131/CS -1-
potential development proposals at this early stage of our
study of implementing measures.
on behalf of the Environmental conservation Committee and the
La Quinta City Council, the City respectfully requests that you
keep us informed of any potential development interests
regarding your hillside property. This would be mutually
beneficial, as the current Hillside Conservation Zoning may
significantly restrict the type of development envisioned by a
potential developer/buyer.
It is important to us to have your cooperation and support, as
well as to keep you informed of our activities.
Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned.
Very truly yours,
Jerry Herman
Planning & Development Director
LTRWN.131/CS -2-
June 14, 1991
Mr. Wally Nesbit
City of La Quinta
PO Box 1504
La Quinta, CA 92253
Dear Mr. Nesbit:
The City of La Quinta is currently trying to address the issue
of Hillside Preservation. Although we have had a Hillside
Conservation Zoning District in effect for approximately two
years, we have been wrestling with implementation concerns for
most of that time.
The City recently formed an Environmental Conservation
Committee, which has as its primary function, the task of
developing an implementing program for the current Hillside
Conservation Zone Designation. Our goal is to work with
private property owners to transfer hillside lands into public
ownership without interfering with private owners' ability to
capture the value of their property.
The City is interested in preserving all property within our
Open Space land use designation in its natu;al state.
Aesthetics is only one of several significant factors which
LTRWN.132/CS -1-
have become more and more important over the past years. This
letter is our request to you for assistance in our endeavors to
obtain our goal of hillside preservation. We would like to
receive any information you may have regarding your land
acquisition policies and procedures with regards to this type
of program. We also ask for your written support for our
Committee and it's efforts, and invite your organization's
representatives to attend any of our Environmental Conservation
Committee meetings to offer guidance and input. Hopefully, we
can form a strong working relationship and achieve a common
goal which is beneficial to all involved.
Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned.
Very truly yours,
Jerry Herman
Planning & Development Director
LTRWN.132/CS -2-