1991 09 25 ECC` o wed CWa "ton la CFy OF ENVIRONMENTAL C01VSERVATI01V COMMITTEE CITY OF LA QUINTA AGENDA A regular Meeting to be held at the La Quints City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California September 25, 1991 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER - Flag Salute II. ROLL CALL III. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Due to; a lack of a quorum, there are no minutes to be reviewed. IV. BUSINESS SESSION A. Election of Chairperson for the Committee B. A representative of BLM will address the Committee on Bureau of Land Management acquisition procedures and strategies and answer questions. C. Review and comment on survey responses received to date. D. Report of response from support agencies contacted. E. Future meeting dates and times V. OTHER V. ADJOURNMENT KATIE BARROWS 53277Avenida Diaz, La Quinta, CA 92253 (619) 564.2413 17 September 1991 Honorable Mayor John Pena Members of the City Council City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mayor Pena and Members of the City Council: By way of this letter, I submit to you my resignation from the Environmental Conservation Committee, effective immediately. I have served as the Planning Commission representative to this Committee since April of this year. I have recently become associated with Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy, which has as its mission the protection of the mountainous lands surrounding the Coachella Valley. In my capacity as consulting staff to the Conservancy, in association with Dangermond and Associates of Sacramento, I will be working as a local liaison with the Conservancy Board, government agencies, and the local community. I have chosen to resign from the Committee to avoid any potential conflict of interest with respect to my position with the Conservancy and as a member of the City's Planning Commission. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve on the City's behalf with the Environmental Conservation Committee. I have been very impressed with the enthusiasm and dedication of my fellow committee members and I feel confident that they will serve the City well. I also wish to express my appreciation to the City staff who have been very supportive of the Committee's activities. Sincerely, 0«� Katie Barrows cc: Jerry Herman, Planning Director Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager Members of the Environmental Conservation Committee Dawn Honeywell, City Attorney Jon Goetz, Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth FILE COPY 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (6191 564.2246 FAX (619) 564.5617 September 12, 1991 Mr. Russ Kaldenberg Area Manager Bureau of Land Management 400 S. Farrell, Suite B-205 Palm Springs, CA 92262 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 25, 1991 Dear Mr. Kaldenberg: On August 14, 1991, Mr. Steve Nagle of your office attended the La Quinta Environmental Conservation Committee meeting, in response to our earlier request for a brief informative presentation on the Bureau's acquisition and exchange program. Unfortunately, we did not have a quorum of the Committee present, and therefore were unable to conduct a regular meeting. Mr. Nagle did make a presentation at the request of those members present, and the information which he provided caused those present to ask the Bureau to return to the next scheduled meeting of September 25, 1991, for the benefit of all the Committee members. It was indicated by Mr. Nagle, at the August 14th meeting, that the Bureau of Land Management will be able to attend the September 25th meeting, scheduled for 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Council Chambers. If this is not the case, please confirm this with our office prior to September 20, 1991. If you*have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner WHN:ccs cc: Steven Nagle; Bureau of Land Management Jerry Herman; Planning Director Fred Baker; Principal Planner MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 LTRWN.138/CS t 'o V uwln. * M, M4 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRPERSON & MEMBERS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 1991 SUBJECT: RESPONSES TO OPEN SPACE SURVEY On July 26, 1991, Staff mailed out a survey to all private property owners in the City of La Quinta with landholdings in the open space designation as shown on the La Quinta General Plan. As of this date, we do not have full response from mailing of the survey. We have received 19 completed surveys which represent 59% of the number of landholders identified (32). Of the responses received, six were from owners of property which contains a principal residence. Additionally: - one survey was returned as undeliverable - two landowners responded that they no longer held certain properties as listed - one landowner indicated that he did not wish to respond to the survey at this time (see Attachment #1) Two of the responding parties have been working with the Bureau of Land Management towards effecting a land exchange, and requested to attend tonights meeting. Attachment #2 shows a summation of the 19 responses received to date. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC AGENCY LETTER Staff has received a response to our letter of cooperation sent out to public agency landholders, which asked those agencies to keep us informed as to any potential sales/lease to private interests. The one response received is shown on Attachment #3. MEMOWN.034/CS AUGUST 5, 1991 CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. BOX 1054 LA QUINTA CA 92253 ,47"rAcAr4 alvr# 1 P.O. BOX 657M783 • LOS ANGELES, CA 90065-0783 THEATRES WITHIN A THEATRE RECEIVto AUG i z +nos CITY ur ui vuiNTA PLANNING 3 DEVELOPMENT ATTN: PLANNING G DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR RE: YOUR LETTER OF 7126/91 S QUESTIONNAIRE, APM 761-060-004 PERTAINING TO YOUR REQUEST, THE PARCEL HAD BEEN PART OF A PROGRAM PROPOSED TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT ON SEPTEMBER 22, 1986. WE HAVE RECEIVED NO REPLY TO DATE AS TO OUR PROPOSAL. THE COMBINED DETAILS OF PERMITTED USE AND PUBLIC ACCESS HAD BEEN THE MAJOR CONCERN TO THE PROGRAM. IF SOME REPLY BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA OF THE CIVIC -ORIENTED PROJECT ON THIS PROPERTY, WE MAY FURTHER NOTIFY OF INFORMATION TO THE PROPOSED USE OF THE LAND. YOUR EARLIEST REPLY WOULD BE MOST APPRECIATED. SINCERELY, IaQAKE 's' JK:CS Twyl 4 4a0" FILE COPY 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564.2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 /fi�VO.-I* 70 ATTAI'� 0 .Z August 21, 1991 Mr. John Kwake P. O. Box 65783-0783 Los Angeles, CA 90065-0783 Dear Mr. Kwake: We have received your letter dated August 5, 1991, regarding our Open Space Survey Questionnaire mailed to you on July 26, 1991. To date, we have not received any detailed information on the proposal you refer to in your letter. We would need site plans, building elevations, etc. , in sufficient detail to facilitate review by the appropriate City Departments. Until we have received this information, we cannot provide you with any substantial response or input on your proposal. I suggest you contact Mr. Stan Sawa, Principal Planner, for the pertinent details in regards to submitting your proposal, either as a preliminary (no fee) review or as a formal application. In the interim, we would appreciate your earliest response to the survey in question. Should you have any questions regarding submittal of your proposal, please contact either myself or Mr. Sawa at (619) 564-2246. )VlaRRnnery truly yours, EY HERMAN ing &Development Director JH : WN : bja Attachment cc: Stan Sawa, Principal Planner Wallace Nesbit, Associate Planner LTRWN.019 MAILING ADDRESS • P.O. BOX 1504 . LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CITY OF LA QUINTA X477-AGlgMFLN4 �z HILLSIDE PROPERTY SURVEY Please be aware that answers to any of these questions do not commit you to any obligation with regards to your property. At this time these questions are purely exploratory in nature and are only to be used as an indicator of current sentiment of Hillside property owners. Additional space is provided for any comments or elaboration on your answer. 1. When did you acquire your property, and what purpose did you acquire the property for? Personal residence use: 6 Range from 1952 to 1991 Investment/Development: 12 Other/Inheritance: 1 2. Would you be willing to sell or exchange your hillside property?. Yes: 10 No: 9 3. If so, how much of your hillside land holding(s) would you be willing to sell or exchange? All: 7 None: 9 Some: 3 4.a. Would you be willing to property to the City of agency? dedicate any of your hillside La Quinta or any other public Yes: 0 No: 12 Maybe: 6 N/R: 1 b. Would tax advantages associated with transferring your property to a nonprofit organization be of interest to you? Yes: 3 No: 14 Maybe: 2 5. Currently, all or part of your hillside land holdings are designated as Open Space on the La Quinta General Plan Land Use Map. Would you be adverse to keeping your property zoned for no development? Yes: 12 No: 4 Uncertain: 3 6. Would an incentive program, such as purchase or transfers of development rights, affect your decision to develop or sell your hillside property? Yes: 7 No: 9 Uncertain: 3 * Another 4 owners have not responded by returning the survey. DOCWN.008/CS IN REPLY REFER TO. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mr. Jerry Herman Planning & Development City of La Quints 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California Dear Mr. Herman: BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Palm Springs Field Office P.O. Box 2245 Palm Springs, CA 92263 AiTAc-H^i£A�,r 40,3 ��Ctivt� AUG 21 1991 AUG 2 '? �oo� C11 `1 yr ,1 pNp1Nf• � �� Director 92253 Thank you for your letter dated July 26, 1991 in which you asked for our cooperation in keeping the City informed of any potential development interests regarding hillside open space property. The Palm Springs Field office does not have any property in the La Quinta area. This office's jurisdiction is confined to Palm Springs, Cathedral City and Rancho Mirage. Any trust land outside of this limited area is under the jurisdiction of the Southern California Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 3600 Lime, Suite 722, Riverside, California 92501, (714) 276-6626. We are forwarding your letter to the Riverside Agency for their disposition. ACTING cc: Southern California Agency Wi/Incoming Sincerely, Director ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quints, California June 26, 1991 CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. A. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M. by Chairperson Barrows and Committee Member Brummel led the Flag Salute II. ROLL CALL A. Chairperson Barrows asked for the roll call. Present: Committee Members: Laura Hinderaker, Robert Metkus, Paul Quill, Steve Brummel, Sharon Kennedy, and Chairperson Katie Barrows. Absent: Committee Member Jackie Johnson. Committee Member Quill moved and Committee Member Metkus seconded a motion to excuse Jackie Johnson from the meeting. B . Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Fred Baker, Associate Planner Wally Nesbit, and Department Secretary Betty Anthony. III. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Committee Member Brummel asked that the minutes be amended to state the next meeting of the Committee would be 7:00 P.M. not A.M. It was moved by Committee Member Kennedy and seconded by Committee Member Brummel to approve the Minutes of April 24, 1991 and May 29, 1991, as amended. Unanimously approved. IV. BUSINESS SESSION A. Review of draft letters to property owners and other agencies. 1. Committee Member Metkus stated he felt the letters should state who the Environmental Conservation Committee is and when and how they were formed. 2. Committee Member Hinderaker asked Staff when the majority of these people acquired their land and how it got its zoning. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated the land had been purchased over the years and when the City incorporated it remained under County zoning until Council passed the Hillside Conservation Ordinance. 3. Committee Member Kennedy inquired if the Bighorn Sheep and Prairie Falcon do range in this area and if so the word "may" should be dropped. Chairperson Barrows stated these particular animals do range in these mountains. 4. Committee Member Brummel suggested that a sentence be added letting the property owner know his input is important to the Committee while they make these decisions. 5. Committee Member Brummel suggested that a question be added to the questionnaire asking the property owner when he bought his property and what his purpose was in purchasing the property. 6. Chairperson Barrows asked that the question be added regarding whether a tax advantage associated with transferring their property to a non-profit organization would be of interest to the property owner. 7. Chairperson Barrows asked if the City was aware of any agencies that are in the process of transferring any properties. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that the Bureau of Land Management has some in process. 8. Chairperson Barrows suggested that the BLM be invited to a meeting with the Committee to gain their support and to gain information before meeting with the property owners. B. Committee Member Quill asked if in any of the previous Council meetings on adoption of the Hillside Conservation Zone there were any comments from these property owners. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated there were some and he would see copies were given to the Committee. 10. Committee Member Hinderaker asked Staff to explain the difference between open Space and Hillside. Planning Director Jerry Herman explained the difference. 11. The Committee discussed other changes they wanted incorporated into the letters . 12. Committee Member Brummel stated he had made several attempts to reach the Coachella Valley Mountain Conservancy and had been unsuccessful. Chairperson Barrows explained the differences between the various mountain conservancy groups and where they originated from. ECCMIN6-26 0 ECCMIN6-26 Direction of the Committee Committee Member Brummel stated he had met with the Mayor and the Mayor had expressed his desire to see the Committee continue to pursue the issue he had brought up at the last meeting of justifying the City's reason for preserving the mountains. In addition, from the information collected from the property owners a list of priorities should be established. 2. Councilman Sniff expressed that the Committee needed to be moving forward. A document would be beneficial but the Committee needed to be moving toward approaching these property owners. 3. Chairperson Barrows expressed her concern regarding trying to determine the options to protect hillsides and felt that these priorities would come as they pursued the options available. She felt it important that as these issues came to light that they be acknowleded to inform the public as much as possible, but the Committee should concentrate on the direction given them by the Council which is to pursue acquiring these lands for public ownership. 4. Staff asked for clarification as to whether the Committee would like the letters to the property owners to ask them to respond by a certain date. The Committee expressed their desire for this to be done in a non -threatening way. 5. Committee Member Quill inquired how many property owners would Staff be contacting. Associate Planner Nesbit stated approximately 40. 6. Associate Planner Nesbit asked if the Committee would also like Staff to not only invite BLM to meet with the Committee but also make a presentation as to what their capabilities are in regards to assisting the City in this matter. Committee members stated yes. 7. Committee Member Quill asked Staff if the City would be willing to offer some type of enhancement to property owners who owned property that would be split by the Hillside Ordinance. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated Staff would look into this. 8. Committee Member Brummel asked Staff to look into the possibility of a tax rebate for property owners who are willing to exchange. B. Meeting Dates Following discussion it was decided that the Committee would meet on August 14, 1991, for a regular meeting and on September 11, 1991, or September 25, 1991 depending on the acceptance of the BLM representative. V. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Member Sharon Kennedy and seconded by Member Metkus to adjourn to a special meeting on August 14, 1991, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. This meeting of the La Quints, Environmental Conservation Committee was adjourned at 8:19 P.M. ECCMIN6-26 MINUTES ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE - CITY OF LA QUINTA August 13, 1991 A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:25 P.M. by Chairperson Barrows and adjourned due to a lack of a quorum. II. ROLL CALL A. Those present were Chairperson Barrows and Sharon Kennedy. III. ADJOURNMENT This meeting of the Environmental Conservation Committee adjourn to a regular meeting of September 25, 1991, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. oO Q/ Ya 2a inla V - S FM of� ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE CITY OF LA QUINTA AGENDA A regular Meeting to be held at the IA Quanta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California September 25, 1991 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER - Flag Salute II. ROLL CALL III. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Due to a lack of a quorum, there are no minutes to be reviewed. IV. BUSINESS SESSION A. Election of Chairperson for the Committee B. A representative of BLM will address the Committee on Bureau of Land Management acquisition procedures and strategies and answer questions. C. Review and comment on survey responses received to date. D. Report of response from support agencies contacted. E. Future meeting dates and times V. OTHER V. ADJOURNMENT KATIE BARROWS 53277Avenida Diaz, La Quinta, CA 92253 (619) 564-2413 17 September 1991 Honorable Mayor John Pena Members of the City Council City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mayor Pena and Members of the City Council: By way of this letter, I submit to you my resignation from the Environmental Conservation Committee, effective immediately. I have served as the Planning Commission representative to this Committee since April of this year. I have recently become associated with Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy, which has as its mission the protection of the mountainous lands surrounding the Coachella Valley. In my capacity as consulting staff to the Conservancy, in association with Dangermond and Associates of Sacramento, I will be working as a local liaison with the Conservancy Board, government agencies, and the local community. I have chosen to resign from the Committee to avoid any potential conflict of interest with respect to my position with the Conservancy and as a member of the City's Planning Commission. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve on the City's behalf with the Environmental Conservation Committee. I have been very impressed with the enthusiasm and dedication of my fellow committee members and I feel confident that they will serve the City well. I also wish to express my appreciation to the City staff who have been very supportive of the Committee's activities. Sincerely, /� V� B -, vt OZ Katie Barrows cc: Jerry Herman, Planning Director Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager Members of the Environmental Conservation Committee Dawn Honeywell, City Attorney Jon Goetz, Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth FILE COPY T4tvI 4 4a Qa4ircu -TrE/_1 TT, g. 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564.2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 September 12, 1991 Mr. Russ Kaldenberg Area Manager Bureau of Land Management 400 S. Farrell, Suite B-205 Palm Springs, CA 92262 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 25, 1991 Dear Mr. Kaldenberg: On August 14, 1991, Mr. Steve Nagle of your office attended the La Quinta Environmental Conservation Committee meeting, in response to our earlier request for a brief informative presentation on the Bureau's acquisition and exchange program. Unfortunately, we did not have a quorum of the Committee present, and therefore were unable to conduct a regular meeting. Mr. Nagle did make a presentation at the request of those members present, and the information which he provided caused those present to ask the Bureau to return to the next scheduled meeting of September 25, 1991, for the benefit of all the Committee members. It was indicated by Mr. Nagle, at the August 14th meeting, that the Bureau of Land Management will be able to attend the September 25th meeting, scheduled for 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Council Chambers. If this is not the case, please confirm this with our office prior to September 20, 1991. If you -have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING 6 DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner WHN:ccs cc: Steven Nagle; Bureau of Land Management Jerry Herman; Planning Director Fred Baker; Principal Planner MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 T 9 DtJM _ 1 '1R /CS TWyl 4 4Qa`qrcv MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRPERSON & MEMBERS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 1991 SUBJECT: RESPONSES TO OPEN SPACE SURVEY On July 26, 1991, Staff mailed out a survey to all private property owners in the City of La Quinta with landholdings in the open space designation as shown on the La Quinta General Plan. As of this date, we do not have full response from mailing of the survey. We have received 19 completed surveys which represent 59% of the number of landholders identified (32). Of the responses received, six were from owners of property which contains a principal residence. Additionally: - one survey was returned as undeliverable - two landowners responded that they no longer held. certain properties as listed - one landowner indicated that he did not wish to respond to the survey at this time (see Attachment #1) Two of the responding parties have been working with the Bureau of Land Management towards effecting a land exchange, and requested to attend tonights meeting. Attachment #2 shows a summation of the 19 responses received to date. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC AGENCY LETTER Staff has received a response to our letter of cooperation sent out to public agency landholders, which asked those agencies to keep us informed as to any potential sales/lease to private interests. The one response received is shown on Attachment #3. MEMOWN.034/CS ,4TTAu,rl igNr * 1 P.O. BOX 657M783 • LOS ANGELES, CA 90065-0783 AUGUST 5, 1991 CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. BOX 1054 LA QUINTA CA 92253 ATTN: PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR THEATRES WM IN A THEATRE RECEtvku AUG iz+nm CITY ur Ln quINTA PORING 3 DEYEIAPMM DEM RE: YOUR LETTER OF 7/26/91 6 QUESTIONNAIRE, APM 761-060-004 PERTAINING TO YOUR REQUEST.. THE PARCEL FWD BEEN PART OF A PROGRAM PROPOSED TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT ON'SEPTEMBER 22.. 1986. WE HAVE RECEIVED ND REPLY TO DATE AS TO OUR PROPOSAL. PERMITTEDTrIE CoteINED DETAILS OF THE MA" CONCERN TO THEE PROGRAM. IFDPUBLIC ACCESS SOW REPLY�BY TFfCITY OFLA QUINNTA�OFF THE CIVIC -ORIENTED PROJECT ON THIS PROPERTY, WE MAY FURTHER NOTIFY OF INFORMATION TO THE PROPOSED USE OF THE LAND. YOUR EARLIEST REPLY WOULD SE MOST APPRECIATED. SINCERELY.. Lar�94- JK:CS 4 4va&rcu FILE COPY 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564.6617 1rj'Q400V'* 7t> Ai7Ar August 21, 1991 Mr. John Kwake P. O. Box 65783-0783 Los Angeles, CA 90065-0783 Dear Mr. Kwake: We have received your letter dated August 5, 1991, regarding our Open Space Survey Questionnaire mailed to you on July 26, 1991. To date, we have not received any detailed information on the proposal you refer to in your letter. We would need site plans, building elevations, etc., in sufficient detail to facilitate review by the appropriate City Departments. Until we have received this information, we cannot provide you with any substantial response or input on your proposal. I suggest you contact Mr. Stan Sawa, Principal Planner, for the pertinent details in regards to submitting your proposal, either as a preliminary (no fee) review or as a formal application. In the interim, we would appreciate your earliest response to the survey in question. Should you have any questions regarding submittal of your proposal, please contact either myself or Mr. Sawa at (619) 564-2246. Very truly yours, JJERRY HERMAN Planning & Development Director JH : WN : bja Attachment cc: Stan Sawa, Principal Planner Wallace Nesbit, Associate Planner LTRWN.019 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CITY OF LA QUINTA 1477_AC'#fM61Vr 4&2 HILLSIDE PROPERTY SURVEY Please be aware that answers to any of these questions do not commit you to any obligation with regards to your property. At this time these questions are purely exploratory in nature and are only to be used as an indicator of current sentiment of Hillside property owners. Additional space is provided for any comments or elaboration on your answer. 1. When did you acquire your property, and what purpose did you acquire the property for? Personal residence use: 6 Range from 1952 to 1991 Investment/Development: 12 Other/Inheritance: 1 2. Would you be willing to sell or exchange your hillside property?, Yes: 10 No: 9 3. If so, how much of your hillside land holding(s) would you be willing.to sell or exchange? All: 7 None: 9 Some: 3 4.a. Would you be willing to dedicate any of your hillside property to the City of La Quinta or any other public _agency? Yes: 0 No: 12 Maybe: 6 N/R: 1 b. Would tax advantages associated with transferring your property to a nonprofit organization be of interest to you? Yes: 3 No: 14 Maybe: 2 5. Currently, all or part of your hillside land holdings are designated as Open Space on the La Quinta General Plan Land Use Map. Would you be adverse to keeping your property zoned for no development? Yes: 12 No: 4 Uncertain: 3 6. Would an incentive program, such as purchase or transfers of development rights, affect your decision to develop or sell your hillside property? Yes: 7 No: 9 Uncertain: 3 * Another 4 owners have not responded by returning the survey. DOCWN.0081CS IN REMY REFER TO.. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mr. Jerry Herman Planning 6 Development City of La 8uinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Ouinta, California Dear Mr. Herman: BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Palm Springs Field Office P.O. Box 2245 Palm Springs, CA 92263 ,47T?1GN1-1£N7" 4e.4-3 Gr%sop LV AUG 21 1991 AUG 2 9 goo+ ItAT ilk, u DEVOIpo o ^E Director 92253 Thank you for your letter dated July 26, 1991 in which you asked for our cooperation in keeping the City informed of any potential development interests regarding hillside open space property. The Palm Springs Field Office does not have any property in the La 6uinta area. This office's jurisdiction is confined to Palm Springs, Cathedral City and Rancho Mirage. Any trust land outside of this limited area is under the jurisdiction of the Southern California Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 3600 Lime, Suite 722,'Riveraide, California 92501, (714) 276-6626. We are forwarding your letter to the Riverside Agency for their disposition. ACTING cc: Southern California Agency Wi/Incoming Sincerely, w Director 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 September 12, 1991 Mr. Russ Kaldenberg Area Manager Bureau of Land Management 400 S. Farrell, Suite B-205 Palm Springs, CA 92262 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 25, 1991 Dear Mr. Kaldenberg: On August 14, 1991, Mr. Steve Nagle of your office attended the La Quinta Environmental Conservation Committee meeting, in response to our earlier request for a brief informative presentation on the Bureau's acquisition and exchange program. Unfortunately, we did not have a quorum of ,the Committee present, and therefore were unable to conduct a regular meeting. Mr. Nagle did make a presentation at the request of those members present, and the information which he provided caused those present to ask the Bureau to return to the next scheduled meeting of September 25, 1991, for the benefit of all the Committee members. It was indicated by Mr. Nagle, at the August 14th meeting, that the Bureau of Land Management will be able to attend the September 25th meeting, scheduled for 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Council Chambers. If this is not the case, please confirm this with our office prior to September 20, 1991. If you 'have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner WHN:ccs cc: Steven Nagle; Bureau of Land Management Jerry Herman; Planning Director Fred Baker; Principal Planner MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 LTRWN.138/CS 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 September 30, 1991 Mr. Russ Kaldenberg Area Manager Bureau of Land Management 400 S. Farrell, Suite B-205 Palm Springs, CA 92262 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 25, 1991 Dear Mr. Kaldenberg: In regards to the above subject meeting, the Environmental Conservation Committee again requested that the Bureau of Land Management be present to reiterate their current land acquisition strategies and procedures. We are sorry that you were ill and therefore unable to attend. The Committee also requested staff to contact certain property owners who have responded to a City survey regarding open space acquisition. We are inviting these property owners to the next meeting, to be held on October 30, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Council Chambers. We would invite and appreciate the attendance of the Bureau of Land Management at this meeting, which will hopefully serve to facilitate some discussion for an implementation program to preserve open space/hillside lands. Please let us know at your earliest convenience whether yourself or a designee can be present at this meeting. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner WHN:ccs cc: Steve Nagle; Bureau of Land Management Jerry Herman; Planning & Development Director Fred Baker; Principal Planner MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 LTRWN.142/CS