2009 09 08 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
September 8, 2009 7:03 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:03
p.m. by Chairman Ed Alderson who asked Commissioner Barrows to
lead the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Paul Quill, Mark Weber, Robert
Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson.
Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, City Attorney Kathy
Jenson, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Assistant Planner Yvonne
Franco, Assistant Planner Eric Ceja, and Executive Secretary Carolyn
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the minutes of July
28, 2009. There being no comments or corrections it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Quill to approve the minutes as
submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Site Development Permit 2007-879 Time Extension No. 1; a request
by The Foundation Group for consideration of a one-year time
extension fora 6,200 square foot retail building located within the La
Quinta Village Shopping Center located on the northwest corner of
Washington Street and Calle Tampico.
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September 8, 2009
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the staff report, a copy of which
is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Weber commented on the staff report notation that the
applicant was working with the adjacent property owners regarding
the fountain. He asked if anything new had developed. Staff said the
applicant had been working with the property owner on landscaping of
the retention basin. Commissioner Weber asked if that included
landscaping around the fountain. Staff said yes.
Commissioner Weber asked for clarification of the location of the
waste receptacles. Staff responded it was just off to the west and
noted the location on the exhibit. Commissioner Weber said he wanted
to make sure the trash receptacle would not be placed near the bus
stop that was a part of this parcel.
Commissioner Weber asked if the parcel was actually larger than the
drawing the Commission received IA-51. Staff said yes.
Commissioner Weber commented on the parking and asked if it was
sufficient for the project. Staff replied it was.
Chairman Alderson asked if the highlighted items were new conditions
and primarily procedural issues and with nothing major having to do
with construction of the building and/or any grade elevation changes.
Staff said it was correct.
Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant was there. Staff responded
the applicant was not present. Chairman Alderson asked if the
applicant had agreed to all the Conditions of Approval. Staff said they
Commissioner Weber had several comments on the parking lot
lighting. He was specifically concerned about two items; 11• Some of
the existing lighting is placed close to the bus stop and buried in a
tree, causing the standard to be visibly moved and creating a hazard,
which could be a Code Enforcement issue, and, 21• other lights are
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also buried in the overgrown mesquite trees, particularly one west of
the corner of the building, near the bus stop, on that site.
Chairman Alderson asked if Commissioner Weber was suggesting that,
in the interest of public safety, Code Enforcement should look into
these situations. Commissioner Weber said yes.
Commissioner Weber said he assumed the other parcel owner was
taking care of all the parking lot lighting, including this parcel since the
lighting was already there. He wondered if there were any issues,
with that, since it was a separate ownership.
Planning Director Johnson responded it was a separate ownership but
he understood there was a reciprocal agreement with regards to the
use of the parking lot; including the lighting and the trash receptacles.
He gave a brief background on the history of the site and how it
became separate from the rest of the parcel, as well as the
information on the reciprocal agreement. He then said staff would
make sure Code Enforcement addressed the issue of the proper
maintenance of the trees with both property owners.
Commissioner Weber thanked staff and encouraged them to take care
of this as soon as possible because it was definitely a problem.
There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant was available and would like to address the
The applicant was not present and Chairman Alderson asked if there
was any public comment.
There being no public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the public
participation portion of the meeting and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
There being no further discussion it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Weber to approve Resolution 2009-023
approving Site Development Permit 2007-879, Time Extension No. 1
as submitted. Unanimously approved.
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Planning Commission Minutes
September 8, 2009
B. Conditional Use Permit 2009-085, Amendment No. 1; a request by
Royal Street Communications for consideration to allow for the co-
location of six panel antennas on an existing telecommunication
monopalm tower located at 54-001 Madison Street; Riverside County
Fire Station #70.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the staff report, a copy of which
is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Quill commented on the Fire Station being owned by
the City of La Quinta, and asked if any additional ground leases or
equipment from another company provided revenue to the City of La
Quinta. Staff said yes.
Commissioner Weber asked if there was a picture, or any other
detailed renderings of the actual array, provided. Staff said no. The
applicant was not doing additional antenna arrays. The new antennas
would be attached in the radius around the pole.
Commissioner Weber said he was hoping to see an actual picture of
what was already approved since there was an existing tower, and a
pending tower that was proposed at 55 feet.
Commissioner Weber commented on the pending ground lease and the
fact that it would have been helpful to actually see the final plans
since this was such a prominent corner and a real visual issue.
Planning Director Johnson responded by explaining what was being
placed at that site; including how the arrays would be placed. He also
said one of the conditions of approval included the possibility of some
screening options that staff would work on, with the applicant. He
went over the possible options and their impact. He said the Code
encourages the use of co-location sites and staff felt that, at a
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minimum, the cables should be painted to match and, since they were
tightly placed against the pole, there was no need for a full rendering
to be submitted.
Commissioner Weber asked if the color was going to be the same as
the base so it would blend in with the trunk. Staff said yes.
Commissioner Weber asked if this was going to be similar to
sornething proposed recently at another location. Planning Director
Johnson responded there was a similar proposal in North La Quinta,
north of Corporate Center and Adams.
Commissioner Barrows asked for confirmation of the language
regarding screening in condition #33 where it identified that the
proposed equipment on the ground would not "be visible above the
surrounding wall". Assistant Planner Ceja said that was correct.
Commissioner Barrows asked if staff was suggesting that an
additional condition, or statement, be added to that. Staff said no. It
was just referencing the fact that they would not be visible, since the
plans show they are visible. Staff recommended this condition so that
the equipment would be completely screened from view.
Commissioner Barrows just wanted to clarify that where the condition
states "shall not be visible above the surrounding wall"; the intent was
it could include screening. Staff said yes.
Chairman Alderson commented on the fact there would have to be a
lease in place, signed, and activated prior to this becoming a
functional tower. Planning Director Johnson responded that the
property owner (City of La Quinta) had given consent to allow this to
be presented to the Commission and, if it is approved, the City would
then enter into negotiations to secure a lease prior to a building permit
being granted.
There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Ms. Veronica Arvizu, 29-504 Masters Drive, Murrieta CA 92563
introduced herself and gave some background information on
condition #36, where it mentions the cables need to be placed inside
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the tower. She said she had a structural analysis of the tower
performed, by TowerCo, which is the owner of the tower and the
analysis showed that the cables cannot fit inside the tower due to the
tower's width,. She gave anecdotal information on a similar situation
regarding a tower in the City of Riverside and how they resolved it.
She said the outcome looked really good and offered to bring samples
of the materials used to the Planning Director. She was requesting
that the condition be changed to read "to be disguised" or words to
that effect.
Commissioner Weber asked if the cable was 7/8's diameter. Ms.
Arvizu said yes.
Commissioner Weber asked why they could not fit three such cables
in the tower. Ms. Arvizu said that was what the structural report
Chairman Alderson asked if she meant the cables would not physically
fit. She said that was correct because there were currently 12 cables
in the trunk, and the additional three would not fit inside. They would
have to be placed on the outside per the structural calculations..
Chairman Alderson asked if placing the cables on the outside of the
tower was a standard of the industry. Ms. Arvizu said if they were
renting from, or co-locating, with Sprint they were not allowed to
place any cables on the inside of the towers. However, this tower is
owned by TowerCo and they intended to place the cables inside until
they saw the structural report and realized it was not possible.
Commissioner Weber asked about the diameter of the tower and said
his sketch showed the cables would fit. He wondered why they
wouldn't fit and if it was based on being attached in the interior.
Ms. Arvizu responded the cables did not have to be attached, as they
would be "free-hanging". She added the tower is tapered and it gets
smaller at the top; therefore they could not get to the exit port, at the
50-foot mark, because the diameter gets too skinny up at the top.
They have their cables pulled all the way up to the palm fronds. So,
at the 50-foot height, which is where they would have to be pulled
out, there's just not enough space to actually pull them through.
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Commissioner Weber asked if there was a punch out, or a way to bore
into that, would the structure be compromised. Ms. Arvizu said yes.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked how far up the column they could go
before they lost their space. Ms. Arvizu said she believed it was
about half-way, or approximately 25 feet.
Commissioner Wilkinson suggested it might be less obtrusive if the
cables could be inside half-way up and then outside from that point
on. He commented that, from a visual standpoint, the farther away it
was from people looking at it the less obtrusive it would be.
Ms. Arvizu said they had to cut portholes at the 25 foot height and
she was not sure, structurally, if that was possible but she would look
into it.
Chairman Alderson said there was an existing tower there and asked
how it was wired. Ms. Arvizu said this tower has had several owners
with their cables still present which was why there was not adequate
space to add new cables.
Chairman Alderson asked if these were coaxial cables. Ms. Arvizu
said yes.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if she knew of a location where this
had been done so the Commission, or staff, could see it. Ms. Arvizu
referenced back to the previous discussion about the tower in the City
of Riverside.
Planning Director Johnson asked if the structural report stated that all
three cables could not fit inside, or was there the potential that two of
the three could possibly be placed inside the tower. Ms. Arvizu said
the report stated they have to be outside, but she would check into
that possibility.
Planning Director Johnson said one option, to help from an aesthetic
standpoint and minimize the affect, would be to place as many cables
as possible inside the tower. If the Commission was supportive of
this, staff could work with the applicant on the placement. He
suggested they be placed more towards the south west side. Even
though there were homes there, the views would be very limited from
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September 8, 2009
those residences as well as what would be seen from either Madison
or Avenue 54. At a minimum, they should be required to put as many
cables as possible inside the tower.
Ms. Arvizu said there was also a cluster of trees in that area and they
could put them facing the trees so they would not be seen from the
residential side.
Discussion followed of what was located in the area and the
advantages to staff's suggestions.
Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment. There
being no public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the public
participation portion of the meeting and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
Chairman Alderson asked if the Commissioners wanted to discuss
staff's suggestions.
Commissioner Weber wanted to comment on Commissioner
Wilkinson's comment regarding approving the application and leaving
it up to staff and the Planning Director to come up with a solution. He
thought the solutions that needed to be explored were to 11. keeping
the cables interior as far up as possible, 21• going up 20 feet or so and
then popping out, if possible, and 3). putting as many as possible in
the interior and then minimizing what had to be placed on the exterior.
There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Weber/Wilkinson to approve Resolution 2009-024
recommending approval of Conditional Use Permit 2009-085,
Amendment No. 1, with the following suggestion:
Condition number 36 will be left to the discretion of the Planning
Director with the strong recommendation to find a way to minimize
the coaxial cables being viewed from the exterior and having them go
interior for as long as they can up the pole and then popping out, or
getting the cables interior and minimizing the amount of cables that
have to be place on the exterior.
Unanimously approved.
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September 8, 2009
A. Street Name Change 2009-019; a request by East of Madison, LLC for
consideration of adoption of a resolution of intention to change a
street name from Fremont Way to Happy Place Lane, located north of
Baffin Avenue, west of Pike Place; within the Madison Club.
Chairman Alderson advised the Commissioners this was a business
item, not a public hearing, for consideration of adoption of a
Resolution of Intention to change a street name. He added the
Commission was not ruling on the actual street name, but rather the
minimal requirements for public hearing. He then asked staff for
confirmation of that statement.
Planning Manager David Sawyer responded it was correct. The action
by the Commission was to set the hearing date. The item would then
come back to the Planning Commission, as a public hearing, for
recommendation and then would be forwarded to the City Council for
their public hearing.
Chairman Alderson then asked for Commissioner comments.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if there was any conflict with the
names Happy Point and Happy Place. Chairman Alderson reaffirmed
this was not the forum in which to discuss this as it would come back
as a public hearing item. The intent of this meeting was to approve
the passing of the resolution.
Commissioner Weber said there were ten parcels with nine owners
and only six signatures on the request. He asked if there was any
issue with the signatures; especially since two of the parcels had one
owner. He asked if there were any legalities they needed to be
concerned about because of the 60% of signatures.
Planning Manager Sawyer said they looked at this as 60% of the
properties and not the individual owners, therefore, the multiple
ownership would not be an issue.
Commissioner Weber said he thought it would have been nice to see
more property owners signing off on this and hoped the City could
contact all the parcel owners for the public hearing.
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Chairman Alderson said he was sure staff had met all the legal
requirements that allowed the Commission to go to the next level.
The Commissioners would be able to address Commissioner Weber's
comments at the public hearing.
City Attorney Jenson said all the legal parcel owners would receive a
copy of the hearing notice. She also clarified the previous statement of
60% of the properties, saying it is 60% of the lineal footage of
There being no further discussion it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Weber to approve Resolution 2009-025
approving the Resolution of Intention to Change a Street Name
Change 2009-019 as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. Architectural Design Review; a request by Mr. & Mrs. Doug Bogren for
consideration to allow an architectural design that is not compatible
with the Cove Architectural Design Guidelines for a residence to be
located at 51-705 Avenida Madero; within the La Quinta Cove.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Assistant Planner Yvonne Franco presented the staff report, a copy of
which is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Quill commented on the Oriental and Feng Shui
influences on the design of the house. He asked if this was going to
be a the roof and if there was a color board available. Staff responded
the color was shown on Exhibit Sheet Two and the tiles would be
Commissioner Wilkinson asked staff to verify it would be the dark
green color; because it looked blue in the lower picture and the dark
green was also highlighted. Staff said the two lower pictures were
just examples of existing roof tiles of what the applicant wanted to
incorporate into his roof. The one on top is what he is proposing.
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Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the tower element was a chimney.
Staff said yes and that had been addressed in the plan check
comments. It would have to be lowered to comply with the height
Commissioner Weber asked if the Architecture and Landscaping
Review Committee (ALRC) had reviewed this application. Staff said
Chairman Alderson asked if they were going to look at it. Staff
responded no. Commissioner Weber added it was not required but the
Planning Commission could direct that the ALRC review this
Planning Director Johnson said it could be directed to them, but the
architectural standards in the Cove Guidelines state significant
variations go directly to the Planning Commission for consideration.
Cammissioner Weber said there are guidelines and standards
established, for single family homes in the Cove residential area. He
drove the area and did not see anything like this architecture. Staff
commented they were familiar with the area and did not know of any
existing residence that had this type of roof design, either in the Cove
or elsewhere in La Quinta.
Commissioner Barrows asked if the height of the spark arrestors had
been addressed. Staff said yes.
Chairman Alderson said he did not believe there was any other home,
in the Cove, with this type of roof construction.
Planning Director Johnson said, several staff members had driven
throughout the Cove and had not seen this architectural style. He did
not know if the applicant, or his architect, was aware of any other
examples of this architecture within the Cove. He added there were
other examples in other communities, but nothing that he could point
to within the Cove, or anywhere else in the La Quinta community.
There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant was available and would like to address the
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Mr. Bogren 51-705 Avenida Madero, La Quinta CA 92253, introduced
himself and said one of the main purposes of this architecture was to
do the arched ridges. He said they were a little bit dramatic (the flying
eavesl, but they would be reduced to about half of what appeared on
the exhibits. He added, the main focus was to do an arched ridgeline.
He acknowledged that the house design reflected Asian influence and
it was different from all the homes surrounding it.
Commissioner Quill asked if Mr. Bogren was the builder. Mr. Bogren
said yes.
Commissioner Quill asked if Mr. Bogren would be the owner or was he
building the house for someone in particular. Mr. Bogren said he and
his wife would own the house. He said his wife was interested in
Asian themes and this was the fifth house he'd built or remodeled.
Commissioner Quill confirmed the Asian interest was Mr. and Mrs.
Bogren's interest. Mr. Bogren said this was a Feng Shui-designed
house. He said, if you looked at the pictures you would see the
unusual front entrance and there was a large dragon in the courtyard
as well as a waterfall and fountain. He also said their idea was to
carry through on the Asian theme.
Commissioner Quill asked for confirmation that the Commission was
not being asked to approve any deviation of zoning setbacks or
anything of that nature but deciding on a strictly aesthetic treatment
type of issue. Staff said that was correct and the language in the
design standards was specific in stating that significant variations
required Planning Commission approval. Staff viewed this as a
significant variation.
Commissioner Quill asked if the roof-mounted equipment would be
going away. Mr. Bogren said yes.
Commissioner Weber asked if the second bedroom was actually 69
square feet as he was concerned when he saw a 69 square foot
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September 8, 2009
Mr. Santiago Lopez, 52-608 Avenida Diaz, La Quinta, CA, the
architect, introduced himself and responded that it was a 69-foot
addition to the existing bedroom.
Commissioner Weber then asked if that was the third, or second,
bedroom noted on the drawing. Mr. Bogren said that was the front
Commissioner Weber commented to the applicant that he had
indicated that the roof hip curvatures were not really intended to be as
depicted in the drawing provided to the Commission and asked if
about half of that was correct. Mr. Bogren said the flying eave part
(the part that flies up when you come to the eave) is not as dramatic
as that. Commissioner Weber asked if he had the updated drawings
available for the Commission. The architect, Mr. Lopez, responded he
did not.
Commissioner Weber asked Mr. Bogren if he had any conversations
with the neighbors. Mr. Bogren said no and pointed out how many
vacant properties there were in the area, as well as rentals, and said
he had a total of two neighbors.
Commissioner Weber said he spoke to some of the people in the area
and apparently there were a lot of rentals. He then commented on
who/what was in the area.
Mr. Bogren said there was only one homeowner and they were across
the street.
Commissioner Barrows asked the applicant to explain what the arched
ridge feature was. Mr. Bogren gave an explanation of what the
arched ridge feature was.
Chairman Alderson asked if Mr. Bogren, as the owner/builder, was
going to put up a concrete the roof on top of the existing roof. Mr.
Bogren said he was putting ceramic tile.
Chairman Alderson repeated the word "existing" and asked if there
was any structural consideration because of the doubling of weight on
the roof. Mr. Bogren said no, because the ceramic they were using
was a lightweight tile.
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Chairman Alderson said the applicant had some new front entry work
in an oriental design and asked if that had all been permitted. Mr.
Bogren replied yes.
Chairman Alderson said because of the type of application, it was not
noticed to the public or to the neighbors. Mr. Bogren said that was
Chairman Alderson asked if Mr. Bogren was going to raise the roof
any inordinate amount that would affect anyone's view. Mr. Bogren
said no. Chairman Alderson commented the applicant was doubling
the size of the house.
Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment.
There being no public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the public
participation portion of the meeting and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
Commissioner Wilkinson said he would suggest this go to the
Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) since he did
not see this fitting into the neighborhood. It was not like anything else
the Commission had ever approved and nobody around them knew
what was going on. He said this could not be done in a new
development and if it went to architectural review then they could
take a better look at it, since they are more technically versed in this.
Chairman Alderson asked if Commissioner Wilkinson was suggesting
this be sent to the ALRC.
Commissioner Wilkinson said that would be his suggestion; yes. The
suggestion was "so noted" by Chairman Alderson.
Commissioner Quill said he probably lived within sight of this house,
but not within 500 feet. He commented, as a long-time resident, the
Cove was eclectic by its very nature. Those that live there like all
forms of architecture. He then gave a little background on some of
the many different forms of architecture, in the Cove; such as 70's
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style, Tuscan, Spanish Colonial, and others. He commented this was
an upgrade to the neighborhood and he didn't have a problem with it,
even though it was a little different and unique.
Commissioner Barrows said she would concur with Commissioner
Quill's comments because she has lived in the Cove for 20-plus years
and part of the reason that she liked it was because of the diversity
and the willingness of the community to tolerate some of that
diversity. The guidelines and standards of the Cove, that staff
provided the Commission, gave the determination to the Planning
Commission. The project was described as a significant variation from
the style, but the neighborhood Commissioner Barrows lives in
contains French chateaus, southwest style homes, and 50's block
houses. It has a lot of diversity and looks very interesting. She did
not think the applicant's design was radical in terms of design and
thought if fit nicely with the neighborhood. She did not see any
reason why the Planning Commission could not make a decision about
it and was willing to make the decision without sending it to the
Commissioner Weber said he was less radical and not convinced this
design was appropriate for the neighborhood, as it was extremely
divergent from the standards in the area. He respected those
Commissioners that lived in the Cove, but the reason this came before
the Planning Commission was that it was so radically different. He
commented you could have a Feng Shui-style house without having
the exterior look like this. He was also concerned that it had not been
noticed to the neighbors and they did not have an opportunity to
comment on it; whether they were absentee owners or not. He also
had a concern that the architectural standards were not more
compliant to a more homogenous design pattern for the area and was
not in favor of it.
Commissioner Quill interjected that homogenous was not what was
wanted in the Cove. The Cove was not a tract.
Commissioner Weber said maybe that was a bad word to use, but he
did not see anything in the Cove that was similar to this design and
questioned whether it was appropriate.
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Chairman Alderson said he had seen the house and the neighbors and
came prepared to take a negative look at it until the applicant said he
was going to take the eaves down. If the eaves were taken down the
"radical-Hess" of the project would be reduced and then he would be
inclined to agree with Commissioners Quill and Barrows that it would
be less of a severe architectural change. He asked for the applicant's
assurance that the eave angles would be made less severe, then he
would be included to support the request.
Commissioner Weber said that was one reason why he specifically
asked whether drawings were available. He said it was entirely
appropriate for the Planning Commission to ask for a copy of those
drawings. He said he had a problem with the Commission being
presented with an application and a design that was not what was
being approved. He assumed that the architectural design was going
to be re-worked on this before construction and said it was entirely
appropriate that it come back before the Planning Commission at that
time to make the decision.
Commissioner Wilkinson concurred with Commissioner Weber. He
said if the design was going to change the Commissioners should have
the opportunity to look at the design and to confirm the angle and
pitch of what was going to be approved.
Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant had his architect with him,
which he did.
Chairman Alderson addressed Mr. Lopez, the architect, saying you've
seen and heard the dilemma that we're faced with. It's within our
power to continue this and have you come back and bring revised
architectural drawings showing this roof element altered per the
testimony tonight, we can approve it as is, or we can disapprove it.
City Attorney Jenson told the Commission they could conditionally
approve it, just carrying out the representation that the angle is going
to be reduced a certain amount.
Chairman Alderson responded that Commissioner Weber would like to
see that. Mr. Lopez said, at this time, you could see the elevations on
the screen, but the total part of the corner was just one foot.
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Chairman Alderson asked if the kick-up was one foot. Mr. Lopez said
the fascia, the higher part, was one foot.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the exhibits shown represented what
the applicant was going to do. Mr. Lopez said that was what was
Commissioner Quill asked for confirmation that this was less than
what was depicted in the example pictures but was, in fact, the
correct scale of what was going to be built. Mr. Lopez said yes. Mr.
Lopez said the photographs were just examples of what the applicant
Commissioner Quill said he was prepared to approve it as submitted.
He said the applicant was not suggesting that they want to change it,
he was okay with it and ready to make a motion to approve it as
Commissioner Weber said he heard something different than
Commissioner Quill. What he heard was the photographs did not
depict the correct dimensions. He also heard that the architectural
submittal did not depict what was going to be built either. Also that
the eave was going to be a foot on the outside and the architectural
plans submitted did not correctly depict the scale. He asked if that
was correct. Mr. Lopez said it was in scale and it was one foot at the
Commissioner Weber asked if the renderings, provided to the
Commission, were going to be revised to reflect a foot on the corner,
not what was currently being shown.
Commissioner Quill said they currently reflect one foot and that was
what was going to be built. He said typical fascia was six inches and
this was basically six inches taller, at the corners, than the typical
fascia. At the corner the fascia goes up, with that curve to it, twelve
inches. Chairman Alderson said it was asix-inch kick-up.
Commissioner Weber wanted to make a clarification and said he was
looking at the rendering and did not think it was to scale. He saw a
six-inch reveal on the fascia and the corner was more than double of
what he was seeing. He said the drawings they had were not
P:\Reports- PC\2009\9-22-09\PC MIN_9-8-09_Approved.doc 1~
Planning Commission Minutes
September 8, 2009
correctly reflecting the actual dimensions and scale. He then pointed
out the corner appeared to be more than six inches.
There being no further discussion it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Barrows to approve Minute Motion 2009-007
allowing the architectural design as submitted; understanding that the
change at the corner of the eaves will not exceed 12-inches in height.
AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, and Chairman Alderson. NOES:
Commissioners Weber, and Wilkinson. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN:
A. Report on City Council Meeting of August 4, 2009, from
Commissioner Weber.
He gave a brief rundown of items for that meeting and commented on
the discussion of speed postings.
Chairman Alderson was unable to attend the meeting of September 1,
2009; however Commissioner Wilkinson was in attendance and gave
a brief rundown of the meeting. He commented on several items,
1. The fact that several dust control fences, around the City, were
looking tattered and torn. He said one resident commented on
actually taking down the fences.
2. Stan Ford (CV Parks & Recreation) gave a presentation of
coming events in the City.
3. The date of the Joint Council Meeting; which is scheduled for
October 27, 2009. (Staff commented they would confirm the
starting time and advise the Commissioners at their next
B. Chairman Alderson noted Commissioner Wilkinson was scheduled to
report on the City Council Meeting of September 15, 2009, but since
he attended the September 15S meeting, Chairman Alderson offered to
attend that meeting.
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Planning Commission Minutes
September 8, 2009
A. Housing Element Update
Planning Director Johnson gave an update on the progress of the
Housing Element update and said he hoped to have the matter before
the Commission in October or November.
B. General Plan Update
Planning Director Johnson reported on where staff was with the
General Plan Update. General discussion followed.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Chairman
Alderson/Commissioner Wilkinson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to the next regular meeting to be held on September 22, 2009. This
regular meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m. on September 8, 2009.
Respectfully submitted,
~~~~ ~~
Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
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