2009 09 22 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
September 22, 2009 7:05 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:05
p.m. by Chairman Ed Alderson who asked Commissioner Quill to lead
the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Paul Quill, Mark Weber, Robert
Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson.
Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, City Attorney Kathy
Jenson, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal Engineer Ed
Wimmer, Associate Planner Jay Wuu, and Executive Secretary Carolyn
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the minutes of
September 8, 2009. There being no comments or corrections it was
moved and seconded by Commissioners Weber/Wilkinson to approve the
minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Environmental Assessment 2008-601, Specific Plan 83-002,
Amendment 7, Tentative Tract Map 36139, Site Development Permit
2008-907; a request by Pyramid Project Management, LLC for
consideration of plans to subdivide the project site and construct the
PGA West Golf Villas; a 54-unit residential development consisting of
single-family attached duplex units and community center, located in
PGA West; on the west side of PGA Boulevard, south of Avenue 54.
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Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Associate Planner Jay Wuu presented the staff report, a copy of
which is on file in the Planning Department.
Associate Planner Wuu also referred to a memorandum from Timothy
Jonasson-Public Works Director, given to the Commissioners prior to
the meeting which stated:
Re: Requested Changes to the Recommended Conditions of
Approval for Tentative Tract Map 36139 and Site
Deve/opment Permit (SDPs1 2008-907 and 2009-911,
Pyramid Project Management, LLC.
Staff spoke with a representative of the developer team for the
above mentioned project and recommends the fol%wing change
to -the Recommended Conditions of Approval for the above
mentioned Tract Map and SDPs after publication of the Planning
Commission Agenda report. The Public Works Department
recommends the fol%wing changes:
1. Delete the fol%wing paragraph from Condition 44 of
Tract Map 36139, Condition 33 of SDP 09-911 and
Condition 36 of SDP 08-907:
"Said off-site improvements shall include ob/igations of
the PGA West Development not performed by KSL
Development Corporation or any of its entities, as
deemed necessary by the City of La Quinta. "
After the staff presentation and memorandum reference, Chairman
Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Barrows asked if the color palette was provided for in
the current specific plan for PGA West. Staff said no; they allowed
for architectural styles but did not provide an actual color scheme.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked about Eden Rock's color palette and
how it matched up with this project. Planning Director Johnson replied
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it was probably
were no colors
more of a medium- to light-brown variation. There
as dark as what was originally proposed by this
Commissioner Wilkinson said he thought they were a little darker than
what was typically out there. Staff responded they were.
Chairman Alderson said there was a leasing office noted on the plans
and asked if that was an error. Associate Planner Wuu said they were
single-family homes for sale and not for lease and confirmed the
leasing office designation was incorrect.
Chairman Alderson asked the staff if the recommendation about the
roof the type and toning down of the color palette had been presented
to the applicant. Staff said it had been discussed with the applicant.
There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if
the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Davis Sezna, 81-240 Golf View Drive, La Quinta, CA, President of
La Quinta Resort and PGA West, introduced himself and gave some
background on himself and his company. He then went on to give the
history of the purchase of the La Quinta Resort and PGA West. He
conveyed his impressions of the area and described what they wished
to do but, with the economy, they were taking their time. He said
they were very excited about the Resort Master Plan and this
development. He then introduced the Vice President of Pyramid
Project Management, Mr. Hoeppner.
Mr. Ken Hoeppner, Pyramid Project Management, One Post Office
Square, Boston, MA 02109, introduced their design team: Michael
Olson (Z Design Group, Denver CO-, Chris Bergh (MDS Consulting, La
Quinta CA-, Forrest Haag (Forrest Haag Landscape Architects, Laguna
Beach CA1, Rob Bernheimer, (CV Strategies, Special Entitlement
Assistant to Pyramid, Indian Wells CAI. Mr. Hoeppner then gave a
power point presentation giving some detail of the renovations they
have made to the resort and PGA West. He went on to discuss the
benefits of their renovations; including water sensitivity. He re-stated
the items presented in the staff report and showed site plans and color
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Mr. Hoeppner commented on the review comments by staff beginning
with stepbacks of the buildings. He said they went back to the design
team and the new plans showed significant stepbacks in the buildings
to give more depth to the building character.
Chairman Alderson asked Mr. Hoeppner to explain the stepbacks. Mr.
Hoeppner said instead of having all the duplexes being flush across
they have stepped them back approximately five feet, as well as
staggering the buildings up-and-down the road so they were not as
Mr. Hoeppner addressed the building colors on a power point slide. He
used an analogy, relating to the colors and what they vvere trying to
Mr. Hoeppner said it was their intent to create some vibrancy,
architecturally, within the community and they have achieved that
with the Stadium Clubhouse, as well as the private clubhouse. All of
their nine golf courses are all unique and different as are the three
restaurants within the spirit of the region and the community.
Mr. Hoeppner commented on one of the items discussed, regarding
more landscape buffer between the driveways and its relationship to
water consumption. He said they have decided that the entry water
feature, to the villas, would be deleted and they would do a landscape
component instead.
He then introduced Michael Olson, Principal with Z Design Group,
1877 Broadway, Boulder CO to talk about the architecture and how it
related to the villas; as well as the color palette. Mr. Olson then
showed a slide with regional style, architectural materials, and palettes
that exist as the Coachella Valley home style. The projects ranged
from Palm Springs through Indian Wells through La Quinta and
showed the spirit of the style and color palette they wanted to use. He
then pointed out the various types of materials and said sometimes, in
the initial presentations, the colors show up a little darker. He
commented on the color revisions made, after the ALRC meeting, and
then showed slides with the new color palettes for the condominiums.
He commented on the color identity used to create variety, interest
and articulation on the various models.
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Mr. Hoeppner said one of the key parts to this design was there
needed to be continuity between the clubhouse design, the
community building and the villas. Z Design is the architect for all of
those and that is critical because they understand the transgression of
the design.
Mr. Olson continued with his power point presentation and discussed
the fitness wing that was in addition to the PGA West Private
Clubhouse. He explained the features of the two buildings; including
such items as the concept of shading, and setback, for sun control
and energy conservation and the components which currently exist in
the Clubhouse. The intent was to play off those characteristics that
work well in the existing building. He pointed out the features of the
remodel versus the previous Clubhouse.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if any of the darker colors had been
deleted. Mr. Olson put up the appropriate exhibit and commented on
the stone being common in all the elevations and said the darker
colors had been deleted.
Chairman Alderson asked if the exhibit showed the revised version,
after ALRC looked at it. Planning Director Johnson said this was a
new exhibit that was being presented. The applicant had taken the
information, from the ALRC, and staff was also seeing it for the first
Commissioner Wilkinson asked Mr. Olson to put up the exhibit
showing the Clubhouse and the design of the villas. He commented
that one design was more contemporary than the other and asked if
that was intentional to blend in with what was existing out there and
asked how they arrived at this combination, in terms of compatibility.
Mr. Olson said they would term the existing clubhouse as being more
contemporary because of the nature of the glazing and the simplicity
of the detailing. He then explained some of the architectural details
and how the design was determined.
Mr. Hoeppner added there were two applications, and part of the
clubhouse was a transition from the existing architecture, which was
quite bland, to what they were proposing. They wanted to introduce
more colors and some vibrancy and have a bridge between the two.
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He said the Commission would see, (in the second application) how
they took the original architecture and transformed it into something
more unique and up-to-date. He added it's a fine line to try to bridge
the gap between existing architecture and the community building and
the residential units.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked staff if one of the colors shown on the
ABC color exhibit tended to be more like the Eden Rock colors. He
was concerned about compatibility between the two projects. Staff
responded it appeared to be close, but possibly a little darker. It was
definitely a softer color than what was originally proposed, but it was
probably somewhere between the colors shown on Color Schemes A
and C.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the Eden Rock color was more like
the first floor of A versus what was shown on Color Scheme C. Staff
said it was.
Commissioner Quill commented the architecture was nice. He said the
existing clubhouse was very dated and did need refreshing. It was
definitely time to do it. He wanted to know what the plan was and
how it was going to work; once the project was approved, and when
would they be starting.
Mr. Hoeppner said they wanted to do it this year, but things have
been pulled back. Their company wanted to be ahead of the curve so
that when things do come around they would have these projects
ready to go and not miss an opportunity. He said possibly next year,
depending upon the economy and market demand.
Commissioner Quill asked what assurance they could provide that, if
they demolished the existing facilities, they would go on and rebuild to
avoid another blighted area like Eden Rock.
Mr. Hoeppner commented on the economic climate, but said they owe
it to their members to make sure facilities were maintained. There
would be some logistical issues in terms of the construction of both of
them, but they were compelled to meet those obligations.
Commissioner Quill asked if he was referring to the clubhouse remodel
and then the new development model. His previous comment was if
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the tennis clubhouse facilities and the tennis facilities are demolished,
what assurances did they provide that they were going to construct
the new community center and tennis courts and in what phases.
Mr. Sezna responded the whole picture was very important to the
Company. They would never create a construction site in the middle
of their investment until they were ready to develop. He commented
on the grass lot tennis courts and the workout facility and said the
tennis clubhouse would remain until they were ready to do the master
plan of the private clubhouse. He then commented on the timing of
the project coinciding with the end of one Bob Hope Classic and the
start of another. He commented on the statement they want to make
and the lifestyle they want to convey. He said it was important not to
have a scar in the middle of their investment.
Commissioner Quill said they would discuss the clubhouse in the next
hearing item, so they were not referring to it now, but to this
development. He then asked if they intended to do the clubhouse
remodel before this development.
Mr. Sezna said he would let Mr. Hoeppner answer that question as his
whole point was they have a much bigger master plan and they are
Mr. Hoeppner said the projects were not necessarily tied together and
they did not have to be. He said with a phased construction, they
could build phases of the residential units without any impacts to the
Commissioner Quill asked which phase of the residential they would
start with. Mr. Hoeppner said he could not answer that question
because it was too early in the project. He went on to explain how
the decision of phasing would be made and he gave examples of how
the decision would be made.
Commissioner Quill asked about civil improvements; such as access.
He then asked what they would be doing to keep it aesthetically
proper and dust-free for the neighborhood while they were moving
from phase to phase during the construction process.
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Mr. Hoeppner said, pending approval, they would like to proceed
immediately with the construction documents and the permanent
application part for the infrastructure. He said the building permit
applications would probably include construction phasing and
temporary restoration as well as addressing dust control issues.
Commissioner Quill asked if he would be amenable to planting the
improved lots with some vegetative cover; such as Gazania.
Mr. Hoeppner said they could certainly entertain that and reiterated
Mr. Sezna's comments about this being very special and an important
asset. The last thing they want to do is impact how that looks during
the Bob Hope Classic and while their Clubhouse guests are there, so
they were going to be really very sensitive to that.
Commissioner Quill said he was more worried about the neighbors
since they are the ones that are there all the time. He then asked
about the phasing and staging and if they would assure that the
community center, the four new tennis courts, and the new building
would be built prior to, or with, the very first duplex units. He said he
wanted to know, straight out, if they had any intention of doing that
or would they be open to a condition of approval that said, prior to the
Certificate of Occupancy of the first duplex, those facilities would be
complete and available to the owners.
Mr. Hoeppner responded the tennis courts would need to be
completed because they are a critical part of their business and an
amenity for the clubhouse members. As far as the community building
was concerned they would certainly entertain a discussion or a
commitment to build it by a certain point. He then gave examples of
the performance of a project and staging and said they would be open
to discussing a certain number at a certain stage.
Mr. Hoeppner continued saying, as an example, many times with
condominium projects, lots of times the homeowners' association is
turned over to the owners when it reaches 50% sold. He said that
might be a good trigger for the homeowners as well because then
their amenities are in place at the same time.
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Commissioner Quill then asked if this was intended or being designed
to be a condo-hotel type of venture. Mr. Hoeppner replied just
condominiums, no hotel.
Commissioner Quill asked if there was any assurance that the
community center would be built with the first phase of development.
Mr. Hoeppner explained the phasing again.
Commissioner Quill asked if they had met with the neighbors in the
cul-de-sac. Mr. Hoeppner said yes.
Commissioner Quill said at one time this was the premier tennis
facility in the Valley. He asked about the state of tennis users that live
at PGA West.
Mr. Hoeppner said the PGA West tennis usage had dropped
significantly over the years. He said they had great facilities at the
Resort and around the community. He said their future focus was that
tennis would be a micro business used to sell the Resort, and not a
major business entity like golf. That's why they were building smaller,
higher quality tennis facilities.
Commissioner Quill asked if the tennis facilities were open to the
general ownership and membership of the club. Mr. Hoeppner said it
was primarily for the private and tennis club members.
Commissioner Quill said the new tennis courts would be for the
private club members, not just for the 56 units. Mr. Hoeppner said
that was correct. The Villa owners, themselves, might also have
tennis memberships.
Commissioner Quill said the tennis facility was part of the membership
of the private club and not necessarily tied to those condominium-
duplex units. Mr. Hoeppner said that's correct.
Commissioner Quill asked if the concrete wood piece that was on the
board (#8) was the fascia on top of the community center.
Chairman Alderson asked if that was the metal siding he was referring
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Commissioner Quill said the concrete wood piece (#8) was faux wood.
Mr. Olson said it was actually a concrete wood siding product and
was going to be used as a wood accent on the elevation. Mr. Olson
pointed out on the slide where it was located.
Mr. Hoeppner said it was in lieu of wood products as it provided better
durability in this area; especially in the summer climate.
Commissioner Quill asked if they would be maintaining and operating
the tennis facility until they are permitted for demolition and
construction of the new subdivi sion. Mr. Hoeppner said that was
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if he knew how many tennis
memberships they currently 'had. Mr. Sezna said about 350.
Commissioner Wilkinson then asked how many were active. Mr.
Sezna said he knew they- were underutilized.
Commissioner Weber said he was still confused on staging and asked
about the significance of the sequence numbering shown on the plans.
Forrest Haag, Forrest Haag Architects, 1254 N. Coast Highway,
Laguna Beach CA responded there was no significance in the
numbering other than as plan reference numbers.
Commissioner Weber asked if the plan numbers had any significance
on which units would be built first. Mr. Hoeppner said there hasn't
been any discussion on that: He said, for discussion sake, it would be
better to start from the west and work out rather than from the front
door. He added, looking at the infrastructure, water and sewer
installations, and elevations, that would play a lot into where they
Commissioner Weber said what he was concerned about was what
was going to happen after the project was approved and grading
started. He was concerned. that the project would sit with a green
fence around it, and the City Council would get complaints about it
being up there too long. He understood they had certain standards to
maintain but, early on in the process, there should be some kind of
assurance whether conditions or not have to be made in regards to
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staging to make sure that there was some kind of commitment. He
was most concerned about the tennis side of things and what was
going to happen. He said he understood that they were underutilized,
but didn't think the statistics on the underutilization of the tennis
courts had really been shared. He wanted to hear about the process
they used to determine that tennis was going to be more of a micro
business, in the future compared to golf, and did they factor in the
aging of the PGA West population as having a significant impact to
the percentage of folks looking at tennis.
Mr. Hoeppner said certainly golf was their core business. They have
nine courses, and they are very expensive assets. Over time things
evolved, including the dwindling requirement for tennis from guests
and groups. They have heard from their tennis membership and
potential businesses that they would like to see the quality of the
facilities improve. They have had internal discussions ongoing with
the Resort on how to create better amenities, by having the optimum
number of courts. There is currently very little play on the tennis
courts at the Resort and PGA West.
Commissioner Weber asked if that substantially differed in ten years,
or so, what would be the plan of attack.
Mr. Hoeppner responded they have other areas where they could build
tennis courts, if needed. They could also do paddle ball or racquetball
or whatever came about. He compared these amenities with the
current need for spas. They are currently very cachet. Everyone has
to have one, not as an amenity to guests, but to attract groups and
also for local residents. It's an ever-evolving business.
Commissioner Weber said they addressed a lot of the ALRC
comments, and that was really good because there could have been
some issues of concern. And they were working with staff and the
consultants and made the right move on that. He asked that they
clarify if the darker color was still a part of the options they wanted to
Mr. Hoeppner said what they presented was just options for
discussion and they were perfectly happy with what they heard from
the ALRC; in that they wanted to see some variety instead of
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everything being one color. They had no problem with that. He
commented they had offered several different shades for discussion.
He said they just wanted to be sensitive that there would be a little bit
of variation.
Chairman Alderson said that point was made early on. The ALRC and
staff recommendations to tone down the colors have been done so
that point has been made.
Commissioner Weber said he was trying to make sure he understood
that this was an option.
Commissioner Weber asked if they could talk a little about the process
for outreach or notification of the membership.
Mr. Hoeppner explained they had previously held an open house at the
PGA Stadium clubhouse. It was attended by about 40 or 50 people;
all homeowners' association members or residents. They had a
presentation with himself, Forrest Haag, and Davis Sezna. It was very
well received and they took comments/feedback from that meeting
and incorporated it into the plans. There were issues such as the
entry drive, the maintenance access drive, and landscape buffers.
They were very favorably received and they documented to staff what
those comments were and how they addressed them. They also met
with the homeowners' associations to request their incorporation of
this project into the master homeowners' association, and that was a
very successful meeting as well.
Commissioner Weber asked if they felt it was pretty favorable. Mr.
Hoeppner said yes. Commissioner Weber asked since you addressed
the homeowners' association I assume the areas along the PGA
Boulevard would be part of the master and would this then be part of
its own separate homeowners' association. Mr. Hoeppner said it
would be incorporated into the Residential 2 Homeowners'
Commissioner Weber asked if those conversations had occurred with
the Residential 1 and Residential 2 homeowners' associations. Mr.
Hoeppner said he had a letter of acceptance and agreement.
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Commissioner Barrows said she just wanted to follow up on a
question on the tennis issue. Was there any specific feedback, in the
sessions held with homeowners and others, about the tennis issue and
the reduction in the amount of tennis courts. Mr. Hoeppner said not in
this project. Commissioner Barrows said, so that has not been a
concern from that community. Mr. Hoeppner said no.
Commissioner Barrows asked for an explanation of the designation
Tuscan Territorial Modernism.
Mr. Olson responded it is a style of architecture that has a heritage of
desert contemporary that has existed in the Valley for years.
Modified Tuscan and his interjection of the term "territorial" is a
similar term his firm has used in Arizona and Nevada. It really is the
core of using materials that are regional. You look out to the Santa
Rosa mountains and it is all rock. You're sitting on a geological granite
formation here, so that term of territorial means to integrate more of
the regional materials that probably would have been used in the early
days. Existing readily available materials like stone, like a lot of sand
being used in stucco and site walls and things like that.
Commissioner Barrows said they mentioned green practices and water
conservation and it looked like the community center had a very nice
overhang to help ameliorate the sun. falling on the windows, but she
didn't see that in the villa units. The front elevations are going to be
facing different directions in this area, the south and west exposure in
particular, are pretty severe and it was not clear how there was going
to be any shading or any type of protection, for the windows.
Mr. Olson responded there would be a variety of technology to help
temper those conditions; such as low-E glass. They have deeper set
windows, the use of shade and shadow, and they've tried to
incorporate some shade devices like trellises, but not to the extent of
large structured horizontal shade structures, like the community
Commissioner Barrows asked if those windows would be deeper set.
Mr. Olson explained they were and pointed out several windows and
their setbacks. He explained the setback differences between these
and traditional windows.
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Commissioner Barrows -said it was a question she was interested in
because she was concerned about the potential homeowners, and said
you can ameliorate that with low E and with triple-glazed windows.
In terms of the colors, she just wanted to clarify- this because it
sounded like the suggestion was this was a proposal and the
Commissioners could provide some feedback and some discussion on
that. So the color palette that was shown was for three different
colors; 5, 6, and 7. She asked if all of those colors now were no
longer part of that presentation or were they talking about the lightest
color. Mr. Olson said just the darker colors, like 6 and 7; they would
probably still use 5. Commissioner Barrows asked if 6 would be an
accent color. Mr. Olson said it was a little hard to see, but 6 would
be the darkest for an accent, but they would definitely drop 7.
Commissioner Barrows asked if the colors in the new presentation are
all different or was 5 in there since it was hard to tell..
Mr. Hoeppner said when they went through the building permit
process, they would submit a new. color palette that was consistent
with the design instead of trying to come up with a board tonight.
They wanted to get a flavor for the Commission's direction and then
incorporate that direction in the final building permit design.
Commissioner Barrows said she appreciated that, but she was trying
to get a sense of it. She said some of the A, B, C presentations, lost a
little bit in taking out some of the deeper colors. She said they added
a richness, and she wanted to make sure she knew which colors they
were talking about.
Mr. Hoeppner asked if it would help if they said they would offer
colors A and C for approval, as a solution, versus saying "pick one".
Commissioner Barrows, said maybe, as she was possibly more
tolerant of the darker colors than others, it looked to her like it was a
whole different set of colors. Mr. Hoeppner said yes.
Commissioner Barrows said you mentioned the water feature and it
changed with this presentation. Mr. Hoeppner said they spoke with
staff and understood the water concerns in terms of excess water use
and water conservation. Water features are everywhere at entrances
to residential developments so they automatically did that. They are
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going to replace the water feature with a landscape or sculpture-type
monument entrance instead of a water feature.
Commissioner Barrows asked if there was turf proposed along the
walkways for the residential area, or some smaller areas of turf. She
said there was a condition that limited the extent to which that turf
can occur up against the sidewalk.
Mr. Haag said they are controlled by what CVWD allowed them to
irrigate and obviously the plant palette was very much desert species,
with drought-tolerant plants. Some areas of concentrated turf blended
more closely with the look of the Palmer Course, etc., and some of
the other common areas to the residential areas that exist. There is a
new ethic so there is going to be a lot more desertscape.
Chairman Alderson said you have an elevation that has been modified
to fit the requests of staff and the ALRC, now you have to provide a
color palette that matches that. Is that what we are talking about.
Mr. Hoeppner said yes.
Chairman Alderson said the ALRC didn't come up with a firm
recommendation, but we have a lot of good comments from them,
both pro and con on this project and asked staff to let them know that
the Commission had taken them into consideration.
Chairman Alderson said marketing will dictate your phasing, is that in
effect what you told Commissioner Quill. Mr. Hoeppner said yes.
Chairman Alderson said when you get out into the parking lot I don't
see a lot of infrastructure. Change is required when you're talking
about feeding the main clubhouse and also the subordinate piping
coming off underground wet-and-dry utilities to this clubhouse. So the
work that I see in the parking lot is primarily restructuring of
hardscape paving and paving striping; not a lot of underground work.
MI•. Hoeppner replied there was not in the main entrance to the
clubhouse. Chairman Alderson commented it was not going to be torn
up too badly other than to re-stripe and re-configure the site concrete.
Chairman Alderson said there were eight units which were adjacent
to the street behind. He commented on the one-story versus two-story
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homes and the Commission's sensitivity to sight pollution. He also
mentioned some very large shrubbery-laden fencing along the entire
south of the entire project and asked if they were going to be able to
salvage that in construction so the screening could mature and remain.
Mr. Hoeppner said they identified that as being important to maintain.
They have designed/made provisions within their plan to keep those
plantings. Chairman Alderson asked if that was a yes. Mr. Hoeppner
said yes.
Chairman Alderson said Commissioner Quill was talking about
conditioning the project with reference to the phasing. He didn't get a
solid answer as to whether or not the applicant would commit to
phasing, to holding up occupancy of the first unit unless they had the
clubhouse and the tennis courts.
Commissioner Quill said, just for clarification, he was talking about
this community center, not the clubhouse. He wasn't referring to the
clubhouse remodel, and when he referred to infrastructure he wasn't
referring to the parking lot of the clubhouse, but to the street; internal
improvements within this project.
Chairman Alderson said, but the infrastructure he referred to would
affect both of them and asked if the applicant could say yes or no to
Mr. Hoeppner said if it was based on the first unit to be occupied, or
certificate of occupancy (based on a duplex of two or four, they
would probably not be able to do that economically. However, if there
is a mechanism to trigger the construction or completion of the option
as he mentioned earlier as being when 50% of the project was sold,
or occupied, then the development would be turned over to the
owners, that would be a good milestone to have the clubhouse up and
running. He said it was their intention to have it built sooner, rather
than later, because otherwise they would have a lot of unhappy
purchasers. He said, in fairness to the business and the economy, they
would like to have that come at a more economical time to the
process versus laboring the project early on with that cost.
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Chairman Alderson said he didn't have concerns about the financial
viability of this project because of Pyramid's reputation. He asked if
they would be using local builders and general contractors.
Mr. Hoeppner said it was their company's policy to work with local
contractors and consultants. It is a benefit to the community to keep
the local people employed; whether it's local craftsman or suppliers.
Commissioner Weber had a question on exhibit C4 which showed the
layout, prepared by MDS, regarding the hedge along Double Eagle
Way. He said it was a very large space on the layout and was noted
as being a proposed perimeter open space, he questioned whether the
hedge was going to be retained when the plan showed a proposed
perimeter open space.
Mr. Hoeppner said it was shown as being retained in the attachment
package, but not on the screen exhibit.
Commissioner Weber said it was shown as open space. Did that
mean it would not have structures on it; and the hedge was going to
be retained. Mr. Hoeppner said yes.
Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment.
Mr. Gary Tomak, 54-991 Tanglewood, La Quinta CA, (PGA West)
introduced himself and said he has lived there for about 20 years. He
said he has never been disappointed with anything that has been
developed out there and nor with anything the City has approved. It
has been a gorgeous place to live. He was not for or against this
project, but had one concern, regarding the timing of the issue.
Because of the housing downturn there's going to be more homes in
foreclosure coming on the market, and he has been waiting to see the
development of the residential project which has been put on hold. He
commented on nearby projects that have been put on hold and have
become eyesores. He added that in PGA West there are timeshares
that are sort of half-completed and residents are waiting to see a
finish on that, so that the green screens will not continue on for years.
He commented on the housing bubble and asked what impact the
addition of 54 more units would have on the completion of the
existing projects in La Quinta, and the homes that are currently on the
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Mr. Howard Culver, 55-501 Southern Hills, La Quinta CA (PGA West)
introduced himself and said he wanted to address a couple of issues.
The first issue had to do with architectural vibrancy and asked that
the Planning Commission, and staff, temper architectural vibrancy
with architectural compatibility. He commented on the mountain
views from PGA West and that he didn't think the steel and metal
finishes proposed were compatible with that. He said the Commission
had been concerned with color and the applicant had revised the color
to a more moderate tone but, as stated by a staff member, this is the
first time they have seen it. They really haven't seen what it is going
to look like. He thought the members at PGA West would prefer
consideration of something more compatible with the general area
around where this is going to be located and go to compatibility before
Mr. Culver continued with his second issue which had to do with the
presentation of timing and sequencing of the development. He said, as
residents of PGA West, they had always been told that before any
construction of the villas, that the tennis courts and the existing gym/
fitness facility would be done at the main clubhouse so that there
would be no period of time where there would be no tennis courts or
fitness facilities. The plan does call for modifications of the main
clubhouse; but it has always been presented that the fitness facility
would be totally new and developed and the main clubhouse and the
tennis courts built before any work was done to demolish existing
facilities. If that is a change then I think everyone needs to know
about it because that is not what has been presented before you. I am
unclear right now as to whether there is going to be a fitness facility
at the main clubhouse, up and operating in full extent before the
existing one is torn down and whether the new tennis courts are going
to be up and operating before the old ones are taken out. There were
going to be five tennis courts, which meant they were going from
nineteen to five and the five were going to be on new property. He
asked if the five tennis courts currently existed.
Chairman Alderson responded there were going to be five courts in a
different location.
Mr. Culver asked if the new courts would be built before the old
courts were taken down.
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Chairman Alderson said that was not how he understood it.
Mr. Culver reiterated would there be a period of time where there
would be no tennis courts at all?
Chairman Alderson said unless there were some other tennis courts.
- Mr. Culver responded there were no other tennis courts.
Chairman Alderson said then the assumption was probably correct.
Mr. Culver then suggested the Commission ask about the fitness
facility because there was no other fitness facility. If the existing
health and fitness club was torn down and there wasn't one built at
the clubhouse, there would be no health and fitness facility for an
undetermined period of time. All of those representations had been
made to all the PGA West membership that there would be no
interruption in tennis facilities or the fitness center.
Chairman Alderson told Mr. Culver some of his concerns would be
addressed in the next presentation about the clubhouse.
Mr. Culver said it was never clarified as to what the sequencing would
Chairman Alderson said they would be touching on that shortly.
Commissioner Quill had a question for Mr. Culver regarding his first
point. He said PGA West was started in 1983, when it was
constructed, some of the first duplex and triplex units were
contemporary in design. Then they started going to a more Tuscan or
Mediterranean, or Spanish Colonial and then there were the custom
homes that were built some of which are extremely contemporary in
their design in textures and use of materials and the actual clubhouse
facilities which were very contemporary and didn't necessarily have a
tie to the existing structures. PGA West, in and of itself, is a very
eclectic architectural design community right now. He asked Mr.
Culver what he wanted because there wasn't anything about the
architecture at PGA West that was consistent.
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Mr. Culver responded there was a certain compatibility, in terms of
color and general architectural style and exterior furnishings. He
agreed that the existing clubhouse and health and fitness facility were
not the models to go by, but in terms of the colors they are very dark
colors which are totally incompatible with anything in PGA West and a
lot of the desert. If the applicant is toning them down, we don't know
how much they have toned them down. I appreciate their willingness
to do it. My concern is that you drive around PGA West and see the
colors there and have them change the colors to be more compatible
with those, not something glaring and different and that would
probably go with the main clubhouse. I know we're going to get to the
main clubhouse later on and I will save my comments for a major
objection to what they are trying to put there. He didn't have any
problem with general modifications to the main clubhouse because it
is dated, it is not necessarily compatible, but it is low and sort of
Chairman Alderson asked if he intended to speak on the other project.
Mr. Culver said yes.
There being no further public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the
public participation portion of the meeting and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
City Attorney Jenson wanted to point out that since some of the
facilities that they were talking about were within the footprint of this
map, they could add a condition of approval relating to there being no
demolition permit on the existing tennis clubhouse or the tennis courts
until the replacement facilities were up and ready.
Chairman Alderson asked Counsel if she was saying they could
condition the tennis facility to have to be done first so those facilities
were functioning which would force that phasing on to the developer.
City Attorney Jenson said yes the Commission could add a
requirement that there would not be a demolition permit issued for the
existing tennis clubhouse or the existing tennis courts until the new
ones were in place.
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Commissioner Quill suggested the public hearing be re-opened to
allow the applicant to respond to the some of the comments and then
keep it open to allow questions.
Chairman Alderson asked the applicant if it would be beneficial to him
to have the public hearing re-opened, so he could respond to the
comments he'd heard. Mr. Hoeppner said yes.
Chairman Alderson then re-opened the Public hearing portion of the
Mr. Hoeppner said, in response to the comments, their intent would be
to replace the existing tennis courts prior to start of construction
because the tennis courts already existed fairly close by. It would be
easy to construct those tennis courts without any impact to the level
of play or service to the members. There's already tennis courts there
so they would just be re-surfaced and it would be worked out, in
terms of logistics, of when certain courts closed and the other ones
open. The tennis courts exist there already. We'd just be improving
those prior to starting construction and demolition of the other ones.
Commissioner Weber asked if the applicant was referring to the five
new courts where there were currently some grass courts there.
Mr. Hoeppner pointed to the map and showed where those courts
already existed and the extension of the green area. So those courts
could be constructed prior to demolition.
Chairman Alderson asked the applicant if he would have no objection
to a condition in that regard. Mr. Hoeppner said that was correct.
Mr. Hoeppner said the clubhouse situation, and replacement of that,
would have to be staged and said it might be better addressed in the
clubhouse application because this may actually end up staying there
while the other one was being constructed.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the existing exercise/workout facility,
clubhouse for the tennis courts would remain until after the
remodeling for the main clubhouse facility was finished and all the
equipment was moved.
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Rob Bernheimer, 45-025 Manitou Drive, Indian Wells, CA introduced
himself and asked if the Commission could hold off on the discussion
of dealing with this building until we get to the application on this
building. He said they could agree to the condition, regarding the
construction of the tennis courts, but it would end there for this
application. He added they could talk about demolition during the next
agenda item.
Chairman Alderson commented his comments on the tennis courts
would help solve part of the problem. Mr. Bernheimer said yes.
Commissioner Wilkinson said there were some suriken grass courts
out there. He asked if the elevations of the courts were going to
remain the same, as he didn't see a grading plan. Mr. Hoeppner said it
was about the same. Commissioner Wilkinson asked if it could be cut
out and other courts built. Mr. Hoeppner said right, pointed out the
slope, and then gave an explanation of what was going to be done.
City Attorney Jenson said, for clarification, since the existing
clubhouse was within the footprint of this map, it is appropriate to add
that condition to this map because otherwise you would be creating
lots underneath the existing building. You could put it in the other
Site Development Permit as well, but you would want to have it in this
geographic area because it is covering this map and if there is no
intention to demolish that building in advance of doing the other then
it shouldn't be a problem. She recommended that it actually be a
condition. on this map because this map shows homes where the
existing clubhouse is.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if she was saying the condition would
read that the demolition permit could not be issued until the clubhouse
remodeling was finished.
Chairman Alderson commented on the dovetailing of issues with the
big clubhouse remodel into this project, interacting with both and
really getting complicated.
Planning Director Johnson said the key thing to remember is that the
Commission has four actions to review. One is a map which covers all
25 acres, including the adjacent clubhouse and as long as the
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condition is connected to the map, and not the Site Development
Permit, that would be fine. He also added he thought the issue was
the need for assurance that the amenities would not be lost for an
interim period.
Mr. Bernheimer said he thought that was a good comment and added
he didn't have any objection to saying they would have to provide for
this amenity somewhere on this overall site, before that's torn down,
but they didn't know what the timing would be and how it would
relate to the clubhouse. So, there could be some transitional
application of that and they might have to create a facility for workout
while construction and demolition was going on. If the condition was
worded that the amenity be provided for without disruption of the use
of the amenity, rather than just saying they could not tear this down
until the entire thing was complete, then that was something they
could live with.
Chairman Alderson asked if the work on the big clubhouse was
completed, and was made functional, so that you had a workout
facility, that would take care of one of the concerns. The other
concern would be to have tennis facilities ongoing and if the five
tennis courts were put in, without the clubhouse, you would then
need them both. That would then force you to do the big clubhouse
first and we have not reviewed that application yet.
Mr. Bernheimer said the conditions should be worded so that Pyramid
would be required to provide a minimum of four or five tennis courts
at all times, during construction and they would not have to parcel up
the map. They would also have to provide similar workout facilities
for the membership, in this building, without saying you can't
demolish this building. He said they were fine with having the
conditions applied to both maps, but not to isolate different facilities.
He was concerned that, right now, it appears as though they don't
need material for grading, but what would happen if when they begin
work and they have to demolish a few courts, but then leave four or
five courts going while doing some of that site work. He said if we
just talk about amenities, instead of actual physical structures, it
would provide more flexibility.
City Attorney Jenson said it was perfectly fine to say the amenities
could be provided with the area.
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Chairman Alderson said that condition could be attached to the parcel
Mr. Bernheimer said they were fine with both of those.
Mr. Culver responded by saying what they had proposed had merit.
However, he cautioned the Commission to make sure the applicant
would not have an opportunity to provide the tennis or fitness facilities
at the La Quinta Resort, since there are tennis courts and fitness
facilities on that site. The PGA West residents would then have to go
to the Resort to use their facilities.
Chairman Alderson asked if Mr. Culver wanted the condition to be site
Mr. Culver reiterated his comments about the promise of no demolition
without replacement facilities and he was concerned the applicant
would say the PGA West residents would have to go to the La Quinta
Resort for their fitness and tennis facilities for an undetermined
number of months.
Chairman Alderson then closed the public hearing portion of the
meeting and asked Commissioners if they had any additional
comments or questions.
Commissioner Weber asked if the surfaces of the existing courts were
grass, clay, or hard courts. The applicant responded there were all
three types. Commissioner Weber asked if the five new tennis courts
would be grass or hard courts. Mr. Hoeppner said it was yet to be
Commissioner Barrows asked Counsel about Commissioner Quill's
previous question on Site Development Permit condition #37; which
related to the improvements, building permits, and the project being
partially completed. She asked if the current condition addressed that.
Commissioner Barrows then read condition #37 which states:
Shou/d the applicant fai/ to construct the improvements for the
development, or fai/ to satisfy its obligations for the development in a
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timely manner, the City shall have the right to halt issuance of building
permits, and/or final building inspections, withhold other approvals
related to the development of the project, or call upon the surety to
complete the improvements.
City Attorney Jenson said the Commission would have to define what
they meant by a "timely manner". She referenced the discussion they
had about the new community center and whether to require it before
the first Certificate of Occupancy, or when they were halfway
through. She then gave examples of the types of wording that could
be used and said those were items that could be specified in the
condition. She recommended that they not rely on condition #37 as
that related to the improvement security and was not appropriate. It
needed to be spelled out in a new condition.
Commissioner Barrows said she was concerned about one potential
condition which related to provision of the facilities on an on-going
basis for the recreational facilities and asked for further clarification,
from Counsel, on the provision discussed.
City Attorney Jenson said the construction was in reference to the
timing of the construction of the new community center. She said the
new facility would be designed for the 54 villa units and the
remodeling of the clubhouse would be discussed in the next public
hearing item.
Commissioner Barrows said she was concerned about what would
happen after construction began and wanted to prevent being left with
a graded, fenced, empty lot. That was what she wanted to address.
City Attorney Jenson said the Commission could spell out those items;
such as requiring the roadway improvements be installed. She
suggested Principal Engineer, Ed Wimmer, would help with what is
typically done for subdivision phasing. If there was something in
particular the Commission wanted spelled out, it would have to be
done, and could not be bonded for. If the Commission wanted the
condition to read "prior to the first building permit", that would have
to be spelled out.
Chairman Alderson said that was the key. If site improvements get
half-done, and not completed, what would be the point in holding the
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building permits as they would not go forward anyway, but if you had
a bond on it, that would be helpful.
City Attorney Jensori said there would be bonds required for all the
off-sites, but some of things are not required as map conditions, such
as the tennis courts and she did not thing the City would be holding
bonds for those. She deferred to Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer for an
Commissioner Quill commented that even if there was a bond it would
take four years to get the money. It was a moot issue and not worth
discussing, as a bond does not protect you. He did not think that was
worth going into.
Chairman Alderson said the point I made regarding the financial
stability of our developer-client here, hopefully, covers that.
Commissioner Quill commented on the economic atmosphere and the
instability of large brand name firms. His biggest concern was that
they not demolish, or close anything, until they know they are going
to build the other amenities. If they're going to build models for pre-
sale, they should find a location within this site before they. begin
demolition. They might have to demolish some tennis courts but not
the fitness center or clubhouse. He asked if they could provide
assurance to the Commission that they intend to build the community
center and tennis courts; and, during construction, provide some kind
of replacement fitness and clubhouse facilities prior to any demolition..
Chairman Alderson commented on what the Commission was
discussing for this public hearing item and asked if Council would
repeat her earlier remarks on the suggested condition.
City Attorney Jenson said the Commission could add a condition, to
the tract map, that said the existing, tennis courts, tennis clubhouse
and their amenities, would not be demolished until new replacement
amenities were provided within the site of this map. That did not
cover the clubhouse or the community center for these 54 homes.
Commissioner Quill said they could do that by building permit.
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City Attorney Jenson said the Commission could designate a certain
numbered building permit would have to be in place prior to obtaining
a Certificate of Occupancy.
Chairman Alderson said he thought that covered the concerns of all
they had heard.
Commissioner Weber read condition 75 on page 109, which stated:
All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be completely screened
from view behind the parapet. Utility transformers or other
ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be fully screened
with a screening wall or landscaping and painted to match the
adjacent buildings.
He asked that "and painted to match the adjacent buildings" be struck
out because the transformers were utility-owned and that was not the
developer's prerogative to paint them to match the adjacent buildings.
He also wanted to add that the screening and landscaping be in
compliance with the utility's regulations because there were issues
regarding plantings around transformers and he wanted to see that
Commissioner Weber said he appreciated the ALRC's debate on this.
There were two opposing views, and a lot of consternation, and he
was glad there was an ALRC. He was still concerned as to why the
phasing could not be clarified. He then commented on the applicant's
responses to the setbacks, the water features, and the colors. He
commented the Commission should be very strict about the amenities
being in place prior to demolition. He said he still had an issue with
the tennis courts being reduced from nineteen to five. He was not
convinced that 20 years from now tennis would not be more than just
a micro-business and saw this as moving in a direction that worries
Chairman Alderson wanted it entered into the record that Ms. Sharon
Burton, 55-099 Tanglewood, La Quinta CA, sent a letter regarding this
project giving her thoughts on water preservation. He also read a
letter from Mr. B. Richins, 54-299 Shoal Creek Road, La Quinta, CA,
stating he opposed the project.
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Commissioner Quill said he'd just like to recommend that the following
wording be added to Condition #75: you add "per the specifications
of the appropriate utility", or words to that affect. That way it would
cover IID (Imperial Irrigation District, or any other utility, from that
Commissioner Weber said this is a major issue and the landscaping
perimeters, around the equipment need to be maintained. Imperial
Irrigation is actually going in and trying to work on this issue now. So,
if this is a standard condition, it needs to be changed because the
standard is no longer acceptable:
Commissioner Wilkinson asked to see the ABC color palette exhibit.
He said he was not opposed to the darker color, but was looking for
compatibility with the` surrounding architecture; in particular the
adjacent project. Discussion followed regarding what was shown and
what the original colors were.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the Commission was to designate
colors, was the applicant to select A, B, and C, and had the original
designated color been dropped from the palette.
Commissioner Barrows said that depended on how the motion was
Chairman Alderson asked if Commissioner Wilkinson wanted to
condition the project to utilize colors as is dictated in the revised
condition. Commissioner Wilkinson said yes.
Commissioner Barrows just wanted to clarify one thing regarding
Commissioner Wilkinson's question on the colors. She said there is an
existing condition that references the color palette being amended to
represent the lighter colors typically found in PGA West and she
thought what the Commission wanted to refer to was the colors
presented at the meeting.
Commissioner Weber asked if the community center was the
residential center. Commissioner Quill responded that the community
center was the building that was intended for the 54 unit tract.
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Commissioner Weber added he wanted to clarify and make sure he
understood there would be no demolition of the existing tennis
clubhouse or a majority of the tennis courts prior to replacement
facilities being in place, within the tract boundary.
There being no further discussion it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Barrows to approve Resolution 2009-026
approving Environment Assessment 2008-601 as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
There being no further discussion it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Barrows to approve Resolution 2009-027
approving Specific Plan 83-002, Amendment 7 as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
There being no further discussion it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson to approve Resolution 2009-028
approving Tentative Tract Map 36139 with amendments as follows:
1. Delete the following paragraph from Condition 44 which
"Said off-site improvements shall include obligations of
the PGA West Development not performed by KSL
Development Corporation. or any of its entities, as
deemed necessary by the City of La Quinta."
2. Change condition #84 to read:
"No demolition permit shall be issued for the existing
tennis courts or existing Health & Racquet Club prior to
construction of the new permanent facilities at the
adjacent Private Clubhouse or construction of temporary
replacement facilities located within the boundaries of
Tract 36139."
There being no further discussion it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson to approve Resolution 2009-029
approving Site Development Permit 2008-907 with the
inclusion/amendment of the following conditions:
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1. Delete the following paragraph from Condition 36 which
"Said off-site improvements shall include obligations of
the PGA West Development not performed by KSL
Development Corporation or any of its entities, as
deemed necessary by the City of La Quinta."
2. .Change condition #74 to read:
"All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be completely
screened from view behind the parapet. Utility
transformers or other ground-mounted mechanical
equipment shall be fully screened with a screening wall or
landscaping. The applicant shall coordinate with Planning
Department staff and Imperial Irrigation District
representatives regarding the painting of all ground-
mounted mechanical equipment. "
3. Change condition #76 to read:
"The architectural color palette and roofing material for
both the Villas and community building shall be amended
to represent the lighter colors and concrete S-tile
presented to the Planning Commission at the September
22, 2009 hearing. A copy of the amended palette shall
be kept on file. The final color palette shall be reviewed
and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance
of any building permits for the site."
4. Change Condition #78 to read:
"The community recreation building and associated
recreation facilities (pool area/tennis courts/etc.) proposed
on Lot 2 shall be completed prior to the issuance of the
30`h building permit within the Villas project."
5. Change condition #79 to read:
"No demolition permit shall be issued for the existing
tennis courts or existing Health & Racquet Club prior to
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construction of the new permanent facilities at the
adjacent Private Clubhouse or construction of temporary
replacement facilities located within the boundaries of
Tract 36139."
Unanimously approved.
B. Site Development Permit 2009-911; a request by Pyramid Project
Management, LLC for consideration of plans for the remodel and
expansion of the PGA West private clubhouse located at 56-140 PGA
Boulevard; PGA West; west of PGA Boulevard.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Chairman Alderson prefaced the staff report by saying this was being
presented by the same applicant and there had been a lot of
discussion of some of the issues involved with this project which did
not need to be repeated. The Commission is now fairly familiar with
the project and would not have to go over the same points. He then
asked for the staff report.
Associate Planner Jay Wuu presented the staff report, a copy of
which is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked staff to identify the location of the
clock tower. Staff pointed out its location.
Chairman Alderson asked if staff had the same color concerns as they
did on the previous project. Staff said no, but the question of color did
come up at the ALRC so it could be a point of discussion for the
There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Ken Hoeppner showed a slide presentation regarding the
clubhouse. He started with staff and ALRC's previous comments,
some of which were regarding water features, at both the front entry
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and the rear of their proposal. Unlike the water feature introduced in
.the prior application, this water feature was truly interactive and a key
part of their marketing and business model, at the Resort and at the
clubhouse. It would be a great opportunity for wedding and group
photos, and they would like to keep the water features, but they
would certainly be aware of water conservation issues to minimize
water usage. He also commented on their use of green building
initiatives since this was an old building and needed updating. He
discussed some of those updates. He also commented on access to
'the tennis courts which would be provided by a walkway from the
clubhouse to the tennis courts. At last there was the issue of
architectural design in which they tried to introduce uniqueness and
character to liven up the existing architecture at the clubhouse. They
introduced some different materials and elevations and he showed
slide renderings and perspectives of what the proposed clubhouse
would look like.
Chairman Alderson commented this was the first time the
Commissioners had seen the renderings as it was not in their packet.
He then asked if the circular planter shown was existing. Mr.
Hoeppner said that was approximately in the same location as the
current drop off. Chairman Alderson then asked if that was an active
water feature. Mr. Hoeppner said yes.
Commissioner Quill asked if the blue designated area next to the entry
was water. Mr. Hoeppner said yes.
Mr. Hoeppner went on with a slide presentation which showed some
of the work previously done at the Stadium Course Clubhouse as well
at the existing facility, at the private clubhouse, before and after.
Commissioner Quill asked about the water features and Mr. Hoeppner
pointed to one of the slides which showed a water wall.
Chairman Alderson asked if that was the water feature Mr. Hoeppner
referred to earlier, for photo opportunities. Mr. Hoeppner said yes.
Commissioner Quill asked if it was similar in size and scope to the one
in the present resort hotel courtyard. Mr. Hoeppner said it was a larger
scale than that.
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Commissioner Quill asked about water usage in the front entry. Mr.
Hoeppner said they recognized the sensitivity to water conservation
and would try reuse and minimize water usage.
Commissioner Aldersori asked about the three circular water fountains
noted on the plans. Mr. Hoeppner said the only water feature would
be in the center, by the porte-cochere. The rest of the circular
notations were landscape islands. He then explained where the
rotunda would be and the water feature in the middle of the drive
court, as well as the water around the palm trees, at each side of the
Commissioner Weber asked which ones were new. Mr. Hoeppner said
they were all new; except the center one replaced an existing one.
Commissioner Quill said he liked the plans.
Commissioner Barrows commented on the various locations on water
features. She the read Condition #59, which states:
"Landscape areas shall have permanent irrigation improvements
meeting the requirements of the Planning Director. Use of lawn
areas shall be minimized with no lawn, or spray irrigation, being
placed within 24 inches of curbs along public streets.'
She then noted there was grass shown right up to the curb contrary to
this Condition.
Commissioner Quill pointed out they were not public streets.
Commissioner Barrows said regardless of that it would still create
water runoff into the street or other surface. It would be a
maintenance issue for the City if it were a public street, but it still
creates a condition where water is running off onto pavement and not
being productive. She was concerned about that and the lack of
information on the water features. She commented on the fact the
Commission has been reviewing water features very carefully to
ensure that the water source is recycled water she assumed that was
the case. Mr. Hoeppner said he was assuming that. Commissioner
Barrows said it was difficult to assess them without a complete
presentation. Mr. Hoeppner said he understood.
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Chairman Alderson asked about the landscape plans coming back to
the Commission. Planning Director Johnson said the standard
procedure was to have it go to the ARLC, and then be reviewed by
the Planning Director.
Chairman Alderson said the Commission could make a
recommendation to review those plans since Commissioners Barrows
and Quill had those concerns regarding the configuration, size and
function of the water features. Staff responded the Commission could
direct it to come back as a business item.
Chairman Alderson said he did not think it was worth bringing back
the entire project. Commissioner Quill clarified that he just wanted the
water features brought back, as a general business item. Mr.
Hoeppner said they could certainly accommodate that.
Commissioner Barrows said she thought it was a great looking building
and didn't have any concerns about the architectural compatibility or
colors. She did say the report contained comments regarding
sustainable or green building construction elements which did not
appear to be a focus of the proposed remodeling and expansion plans;
however, the applicant's presentation stated they were a focus. She
commented the City is encouraging green and sustainable building
practices and asked if the client could give the Commission a little
more information on their plans.
Mr. Hoeppner explained his company's philosophy and-the fact that
California has will be adopting more strict building and energy codes.
They would definitely be in compliance with that and would support
incorporating those building codes into the project.
Commissioner Barrows said the clubhouse addressed her concerns
with regards to shading, but she did have a concern about landscaping
and water runoff.
Chairman Alderson asked the applicant if this could be addressed. Mr.
Hoeppner said he believed so. Chairman Alderson asked if
Commissioner Barrow's concerns could be covered in the landscape
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plans forthcoming. Mr. Hoeppner said he believed so and said they
could look at decomposed granite (DG) and other kinds of alternate
Commissioner Barrows said a lot of that had to do with the irrigation
system. Mr. Hoeppner said that was correct.
Commissioner Weber asked what shade fabric was to be used. Mr.
Hoeppner said it would be Sunbrella.
Commissioner Weber said he echoed the comments about energy
efficiency and Title 24. He added that the City of La Quinta tried to go
beyond that as energy and water efficiency is becoming more of a
focus. He then commented on State requirements and the importance
of water. He added, the water features needed to come back as a
business item since the Commission had so many questions on those
Chairman Alderson commented on the fact that the applicant removed
140 parking stalls and asked if he was still in conformance. Mr.
Hoeppner said yes. Chairman Alderson asked about the location of
the turnaround versus the current driveway. Mr. Hoeppner referred to
its location on the site plan.
Chairman Alderson asked if the flow of the traffic would remain the
same. Mr. Hoeppner said the front door is in exactly the same place.
Chairman Alderson asked if they were able to save any of the large
specimen palm trees. Mr. Hoeppner responded that was part of what
their proposal included.
Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment.
Mr. Culver asked about various buildings, shown on the power point
slides. Mr. Hoeppner pointed out what each building would be.
Mr. Culver asked if, procedurally, this matter could be considered,
since he received a notice about one public hearing item, but not the
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Chairman Alderson asked if they had been noticed on the same
Staff responded both hearing notices were sent out. They did not
know why Mr. Culver received one and not the other, but said they
had documentation representing the distribution.
Mr. Culver commented on an earlier discussion regarding site pollution
and said he was opposed to the 45 foot clock tower. He referred back
to the (City Council) Eden Rock proceedings and the denial of their
clock tower. He was shocked to see another proposal to put a clock
tower in to block the view of the mountains and thought it should be
eliminated here as it was incompatible with the surrounding
architecture. He then commented on some of the pictures, the
prominent position of the clock tower, and the relationship of the
signature mountains behind it. He then urged the Commission to deny
the clock tower.
Mr. Culver also inquired about the shade structure on the terrace and
asked if they would be included on the dining terrace. He also
commented on the previously-raised issue of window shades and
covers and wondered how extensive the shading would be and asked
if there were any pictures included in the proposal.
Chairman Alderson thanked Mr. Culver and said he appreciated his
comments. He then asked if the applicant would like to address Mr.
Culver's comments.
Mr. Hoeppner said the shade structure was on the rear of the patio
area just like the one at the Stadium Clubhouse.
Chairman Alderson asked if that was a dining area with individual
seating and umbrellas. Mr. Hoeppner said no, it had a shade structure.
Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant understood the concern and
could deal with it. Mr. Hoeppner said yes.
Commissioner Quill said the clock tower looked no higher than the
fireplace chimney. He asked how much taller the clock tower was
than the top of the parapet. Mr. Hoeppner said he did not have the
dimensions handy.
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Chairman Alderson said on the west elevation it appeared the clock
tower was the same height as the building.
Commissioner Quill said it looked like it is the same height as the
parapet for the equipment. Mr. Hoeppner said it was about the same
height of the building; or five feet higher in certain locations.
Planning Director Johnson said, based on the information available,
there is a one foot difference from the highest parapet point of the
Mr. Culver said one of the pictures, he saw, showed very clearly that
it was more than a foot. Mr. Hoeppner located the slide and said that
was a perspective picture.
Mr. Culver said people would look at that perspective and see the
clock tower was more than a foot above. Mr. Hoeppner then explained
about the slide showing perspective.
Chairman Alderson said the dimension drawings do show the. scale
and that alleviated his concern.
Mr. Culver asked if there was a clock on the clock tower. Planning
Director Johnson offered to show Mr. Culver the plans which went
into more detail. Chairman Alderson told Mr. Culver to see staff to
review those plans.
Mr. Culver said he had one more issue and that was to urge the
Commission, and staff, to postpone this item until later in the season.
Right now there were only 10% of the PGA West residents present
and this should be presented later. He said, in other words, ask the
Council to consider this in the winter season, when 90% of the PGA
Residents could be present instead of trying to pass it through when
there was virtually no one around. Chairman Alderson said it was so
noted and thanked Mr. Culver for his comments.
There being no further public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the
public participation portion of the meeting and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
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September 22, 2009
Commissioner Weber asked when this project would be presented to
City Council. Staff said if the recommendation was- brought forward
this evening then this matter would go to Council on October 6, 2009.
Commissioner Weber asked that this information be shared with
Council and said the only other issue he had was regarding the
standard utility comments.
Commissioner Barrows commented the building might look better
without a clock tower. She did not have any concerns about the
architectural compatibility, as it was a good territorially-inclined
modernization of the site. She did think the Commission should
review the water feature, as a future business item, and commented
on adding a recommendation about the lawn/water runoff issue.
Chairman Alderson asked staff if they address Commissioner Barrow's
concerns on the landscape designs. Staff if it was the Commission's
recommendation to Council, they would make sure it was clearly
stated in their conditions.
Chairman Alderson said Commissioner Barrow's comments and
concerns should be shown on the landscape plans that were yet to be
designed and brought before the Commission. Commissioner Barrows
said that could be added as a condition.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the clock tower was any different in
height than the chimney, at the maximum height. Staff said there
was approximately a one-foot height difference. Commissioner
Wilkinson said he did not see a specific height listed for the chimney,
but looked about the same height or lower.
Commissioner Wilkinson commented on line-of-sight and the
possibility the clock tower would probably not be seem as you drove
in. He then commented on the proximity of the closest residents and
pointed out the location on an aerial. He then said, after looking at
those locations, he did not think that it blocked any views, or has any
line-of-sight restrictions for any of the residents. Chairman Alderson
There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Weber to approve Resolution 2009-030
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recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2009-911 with
additional recommendation as follows:
1. Delete the following paragraph from Condition 33 which
"Said off-site improvements shall include obligations of
the PGA West Development not performed by KSL
Development Corporation or any of its entities, as
deemed necessary by the City of La Quinta."
2. Condition #59 shall be amended to read:
"Landscape areas shall have permanent irrigation
improvements meeting the requirements of the Planning
Director. Use of lawn areas shall be minimized with no
lawn, or spray irrigation, being placed within 24 inches of
curbs along public streets. The use of turf in proximity to
handscape throughout the project site shall be minimized
in order to prevent irrigation overspray."
3 Condition #70 shall be amended to read:
"All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be completely
' screened from view behind the parapet. Utility
transformers or other ground-mounted mechanical
equipment shall be fully screened with a screening wall or
landscaping. The applicant shall coordinate with Planning
Department staff and Imperial Irrigation District
representatives regarding the painting of all ground-
mounted mechanical equipment. "
4. Condition #72 shall be added to state:
"Detailed description of water features shall be returned
to the Planning Commission, as a Business Item, for
approval, prior to any building permits being issued."
Unanimously approved.
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A. Planning Director Johnson provided the Commissioners with
information on the Correspondence which was received as a result of
the mailing of a Notice of Preparation regarding the La Quinta Resort.
The Commission was not required to take any. action, and this was
provided as informational only.
A. Report on City Council Meeting of September 15, 2009, from
Chairman Alderson, with the following items highlighted:
• Comments on the City's establishment of a Housing
• The Coachella Valley Multi-Species Habitat Conservation
Plan (CVMSHCP-, Desert Hot Springs, and the cost of
• SilverRock Resort and consideration of its future.
B. Chairman Alderson noted he is scheduled to report on the City Council
Meeting of October 6, 2009.
A. Joint Council Meeting Discussion Items.
Planning Director Johnson referred to the memo included in the
Commissioners' packet, but said the Commissioners were not limited
to the items listed.
Discussion followed regarding which items should be brought before
Council, at the Joint Meeting. Staff said, with the time limitations, it
would probably be wise to limit the list to three items, if possible, but
more could be added if necessary. It was then concluded the
following items would be brought forward:
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• Item #2:
Discuss estab/ishing provisions that encourages, or even
mandates, solar control (recessed windows and g/ass doors,
awnings, trellises, landscaping, etc.l on non-residential and
multi-family buildings. Consider increasing shade requirements
for parking lots. Require installation of conduit and any
applicable structural upgrades necessary for the future
installation of solar panels on new commercial buildings.
• Item #3:
Discuss establishing stronger provisions that address non-
motorized and vehicu/ar connectivity with the adjacent streets
and between existing and future developments.
• Item #4:
Discussion of improvements to the City's transportation/
circulation plan to ensure that other non-traditional motorized
transportation modes are strongly encouraged, such as golf
carts and neighborhood electric vehicles (NEVI. Ensure that
walkways, trails, Class /and 11 Bike Trails, and connection to
such with nearby cities is strongly encouraged.
• Item #7:
Consider review and analysis of City's parking standards (LQMC
Chapter 9.9501. Project review observations have brought into
question the number of spaces currently required for several
land uses and if the current standards are requiring more
parking spaces than is necessary to serve said uses.
Additional discussion followed on the economic climate and the
Planning Commission's role in helping further the economy. Staff said
this could be brought up as a global topic. However, with the time
constraints it was important to focus on the key topics.
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Staff stated the ALRC would also be discussing suggested items at
their October 7, 2009, meeting. Staff would report back on what
those items were.
The Joint Council/Commission meeting is scheduled for October 27,
2009, at 5:00 p.m., in the Study Session room.
B. Staff reported back on Site Development Permit 2007-879, Time
Extension #1„ The Foundation Group development in the La Quinta
Village Shopping Center, located on the northwest corner of
Washington Street and Calle Tampico.
Commissioner Weber had concerns about the trees and lighting
maintenance in the Center. Staff responded they had contacted the
Code Compliance Department who reported back that they were
working with the property owner to resolve the problems.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Wilkinson/Barrows to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to
the next regular meeting to be held on October 6, 2009. This regular meeting. was
adjourned at 10:04 p.m. on September 22, 2009.
Respectfully submitted,
~ ~ ~~~
Carolyn alker, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
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