25953 (SFD)Certificate -of Occupancy City of La Quints uldn and Safet Dqpar�tment , v . This Certificate issued pursuant to; the :requirements of Section 109 of the Uniform Bq#ding; Code,.. 9certifying"that, at. ,the time of issuance,. this structure was in compliance . with the various ordinances of the Cit- r..egu/ating bbui/ding construction or use For ttie fo/%wing: BUILDING, ADDRESS: 44-6.10CALLE;SANTA7 BARBARA Use Classification: SFD Bldg. Perrriit No.: 25953 Occupancy'Group: R3 -U1 Type of Construction: VN Land Use. Zone: RL Owner. of Building: Oliphant and -Williams Address: 77-900 :Avenue of the States k City Palm Desert, CA 9221;9 By: Greg Fox Date: 2-20-2001 Building Official POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE