0106-318 (PAT)'LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION .I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Busine91 and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License# Lic. Class. Exp. Date Date1•,' Signature of Contractor ''"' •'.r.- !r X _OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (,) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. STATE FUNI^ 09601-00' O (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). () I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply witK1,H6se provisions. Date: >a i Z- s Applicant `.. �.-' ✓r' / - -Warning:-Failure..to_secure•,Workers'-Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby-auffiorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspectionrpurposes.. Signature (Owner/Agent) �'�,,.�-_ - Date'-� ;"Xi BUrLDING PERMIT'. PERMIT# DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT MIE"1. ?�tiEi«B.t1 JOB SITE r APN ADDRESS 4 iii CAU.B .S..'9,�'.tA.BA•.?MARVis. . OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN &NEER CA 97.253 :E AI.M SPRING 4 CA 92264 ei60)8'T-$4£fs G`P#11 1825 USE OF PERMIT PAM 320 SIP A1,UM.a3V'&)CID PA710 C:OVERS(2 PORCHRATIO 3F WMIAU13) COEW OF CONSIRM-111C" H 4,256.00 PLAN CHECK IM101.0"t -439-318 MUD 6: t✓YRUiI'CUCTIaNME 101-000-418.000 .tl itONG MrJ°rION FM -1WIn 101-000-241-000 �t1 3 1C Y `fid 'C C11�S'!3tT3C:'i"t�C)N' A kW PT. kVf C:!lil?�It b11 ".30 LESS PRE. -PAID A= $0100 TOTAL f.17FEW DUE NOW $119,30 RECEIPT DATE / BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS r MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts [ Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade ReturnAir [ Steel Combustion Air { ( Roof Deck Exhaust Fans I O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. [ Framing Compressor } Insulation Vents [ i Fireplace P.L. Grills [ Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls [ Party Wail Insulation Condensate Lines [ Party Wall Firewall [ Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath [ ' 1 a [ Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS -SPAS steel ,Jet Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain [ Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location ) Underground Electric Underground Pibg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final [ Waste Lines Heater Final [ Water Piping Plumbing Final [ Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure [ Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover r Sewer Connection Encapsulation [ Gas Piping [ Gas Test Appliances I Final [ Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final 1 Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: SONRISA MAINT:ENAN:CE do.J. & W. Management Co. P.O..Box 1398. Palm Desert, CA 92261 (760)568-0349 June 18, 2001 Anita Griffith c/o Atlas Awning & Screen 44-800 Calle Santa Barbara La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Griffith: Please be advised the Architectural Review Committee of the Sonrisa Owners' Association has approved your request for construction of a Alumawood Lattice Patio Cover at your property at 44-800 Calle Santa Barbara in Sonrisa in La Quinta. This approval should not be considered a building permit. All necessary approvals and permits must be obtained from the City of La Quinta-before any construction begins. All rules and regulations pertaining to construction must be adhere&to during course of construction. If you have any questions, please call me. n*-- - - -- I -- cc: Board of Directors q Calif. Contractors. ` TLAS41"' License Nq. b7825b MIN.,, _ _:. _. .•.yam � �oO. .. / G 754, Williams Road and SCREEN Pal M. Springs-, CA 92269 z• PH; 760-327-8466 FAX: 760 327.-8467. Park: �� 1:S`6� _� Phone: UJI, Sty e_ r LIVE I me LOAD VVDT1 VDINO AND ATTACHED LATTICE PATIO STRUCTURES Y1m' STETS C BEAM LIVE TRIG MAXMUN MAXRRIN COLUMN SPALVNO FOR ATTACHED LATTICE ON SLAB MAX HEADER MUST BE ABLE 70SPAH COLUMN USING COLUMN W ALL 011FR SPACING S 16.17- -1T-T' Z7E•1 I17. ' 2r4r 211.8 MAX COLUMN SPACING 1CONS. FREE FOOTING AITAC1 .:Q 1!•1' 1241• Ira' 1r-0- Ir -r FREE ATTACHED F7R V T 17-1' tr-T U'•T 1Sa 26{ 27 22 C 6 1vr. Ira 178 1Y-1• 2S -r 26 22 C V V -r Va' 11'-4' 11.-W 241-3' 26 23 C Iv V41' V-tv 1041• 10141' 274r 26 23 C III 741• Va v-4' 741• 21•-11' 2s 23 c 17 ra T•1' 0'41• 64121'4r 27 25 24 C 17 6417 6.41 T-17 V-11 201-2' 25 25 C 71• 641 6.4' rl. Ta' 174' 25 25 C Is S•r 5.17 6-17 Ta 10.47 ' 25 25 C 1V 6J• Sd 641' V -r 16'•2' 26 20 C 1T Sa S•r 641 6-r 1T -T 25 25 c 1V !-0' 2.11' Sa' 6.17 IT•I• 26 26 c 1V 14•-0' 4'41' S4- Sa- 164' 26 26 C w V-17 6'•1- SMT 16.3- 27 27 C 21' 941• 4'•17 Sa WAIT 26 26 C S 16.17 1T•r 2q-5" 211.8 MAX COLUMN SPACING 1CONS. FREE FOOTING AITAC1 S� 6 ICA* 111 8• 1r-0- Ir -r FREE ATTACHED F7R V FIR Y MBI TYPE Qi:- T 17.1• 17-T It 'r 1Sa 27-r 29 24 C 6 IG -r 118 12'41 17.1• 201.9' 20. 24 C V V-1• 7a'11--4• 114' 11.8• 17-r 2e 25 c 1V V4' 6.17 1V.i' 1Va• Ir -T 2826 24 - C 11• Ta' 641 7.1' 7.41• IT -a' 27 25 c 17 Ta 74' 6'41- 641• 16.11• 27 2'C C 17 6417 6a 1.17 V•1' 16.3• 27 27 c 14' 641 6.4• T74• Ta• 151a• 27 27 C 1S S•T 5.17 6.17 Ta 15.2' 27 27 C 1V 646417-V 641' 6S 6•T If -a:28 27 28 C 1T 641 6-r '641, . 6-r . 14•-0' 25 20 C 1V 441• f-11• 54• V-17 tY•1v 26 28 C 17 Ta• 1'41• 941• , sa• 174• 2e 26 c 2V S-1• SQ' 13'•1' 29 29 C 21' 174 C 4'•17 Sa IT -r 29 29 C S 16.17 1T•r 274• 21"a MAX COLUMN SPACING 1CONS. FREE FOOTING AITAC1 S� 6 14'•1' Icr. tTa 1Td FREE ATTACHED F7R V FIR Y MBI TYPE Qi:- T 17-1' 17.1 14'41 1518 23'•1 27 23 C V 1V•T Ira 17.7 IT -11 27-1' 27 24 C 7 7.4' V-0• 114' 11'8• 26.17 27 24 C 10, 6.51 6-17 lair 10141' IV -r 26 24 C 11' Td Va V•4' 741• 16'•10' 26 25 C 17 Ta r-4• .W -W VS' 16-0' 25 25 C 17 6.6' 6.7 1.17 e'•1• Ir -4' 20 25 c 14' C-0164• 6{ r4* Ta' 16-01 26 26 c 19 S -T S•lv 6.17 Ta 16.1' 27 27 C 1V SJ' 641' 66 6-r is -r 27 27 C 1T Sa S -r 641 6•Y 15'•1 27 27 C 1V ra r-11- Sa• S•17 14'8' 26 28 C 1V Ta• 4.41• Sb' T -r 144' 2028 27 C 201 S-1' 841' 13'-11' 27 27 C 21' 174 C 4'•17 Sa 13,•r 26 26 c S 16-1v 1r -T 201-0- 21•'8 MAX COLUMN SPACING 1CONS. FREE FOOTING AITAC1 S� 6- 1f•1- Ira' 1Ta lr4r FREE ATTACHED F7R V FIR Y MBI TYPE Qi:- T 17.1' 17-r 14'-r 1Sa 17.11 30 25 C 6 101-r 11'8 Ira' 17-1' 1r-17 29 25 C V 7.4• 7-r 11'-4• 11'8- 16-17 29 26 c 1V 651 Env 1v -r 1vS 15.11- 28 26 c 11• Ta- 641 01.4. 7411 15.7- 28 27 c 17 Ta Ti- 641' 6.01• 14•-T 20 25 C 13' V -r 64r 1.17 V-1' 14'8 26 24 c 14 641 6{ r-4• Ta- 174- 25 28 C IT 6-r IF -Ir V -11V Ta 178 29 29 C JO 7�A' STET -1 C GENA MAX CONS FOOQI DAN COLUMN FREE A77 ALL SPACING FTR FIR OTHERS 'r V 1 LIVE LOAD TRIB WIDTH DW6.r.r8OXBEAM 0,042-,3-x 8• BOX BEAM OOVBLE0.067x1x6 MAX COLUMN SPACING 1CONS. FREE FOOTING AITAC1 S� MAX COLUMN CONS FOOTNG SIZE MAX COLUMN SPACING CONS FREE FOOTING SIZE ATTACHED FREE ATTACHED F7R V FIR Y MBI TYPE Qi:- SPACING FTR FTR •f Zr YI1. COLUMN TYPE FIR 'f FTR 16f1 'f COLUMN TYPE 10 It 111.2 90 aim WWDSPEED 26 17 17 OR LESS A 114' 29 20 A 1S -Y 26 t9 A 1V 1V 29 441• r-11• ra• rd' 541' SS S-1- 6'•10' 6-C SJ' I 11'-11' 11••r 1101' 29 3o 30 1 29 3o 30 1 C c C 17 S 6 T 6'41' TS 6d' 25 23 23 18A 17 16 A A 14--Y2a 11'-11• 1V•r 26 26 21 20 21 A A A if -1' 17.11- 17.1' 26 27 27 21 21 22 A A A 21• 28 28 2.17 Sa 8 11' 31 31 C 1741'28 V S -T 23 17 A 81.11• 25 21 A 114• 26 22 A• 27 r-11' 0.042 for 1••01' 101-9' 30 30 C WA 7 1V 4'•111 C-5125 25 18 19 A A T-11• T•r 25 25 20 21 A A 101-W 101-r 26 26 23 24 A• A• 30 29 11'8 17£ 17-9, 1.17 7-1- V-4' r -T S WAIT V -r70.9• S 11'8 V -r TJ r -S T 20 1' S'a• 22 14 A V -r 25 16 A II* -r 28 17 A- 6 T-4- Ta• V-111 7.2• 25 0 IF 7 S f -T 22 15 A T -r 23 16 A 1Vnr 26 19 A• T 64• 6-r Ta• 1.17 1V-1' 30 25 C 27 6 IV V -i•• 23 16 A V-4' 25,19 174 C V 5'41' S•9' v4r 6.17 11.17 .29 25 C FLUTED COLUMN ALUM. 0007 T 1Y 501' 23 17 A &a• 25 20 C 7 r-11• S•r S-11' 6-T 16-17 29 25 D F 0 e' 174 174 4' 7.17 4'41 1 f -r 23 17 A 6-1' 25 21 C 10, 4'-7- SJ• 5'41- 15-11• 28 25 D V Ta• 23 20 C V4r 1Sd• 2E 27 0 10, TO• 22 21 c 17 1'41' 1'•T1 f•T 28 20 D 25 4' T -r 23 15 A 1014- 26 17 A' 13' 14'8 26 28 D v S'-11' 22 15 A V-2'25 16 C 14' 1Yd 26 28 D 6 4--11' 22 16 A 0'-51 25 19 C is 17829 29 D T T -r 23 18 C 1V 1T ,17-T 121J• 30 30 30 30 D E a' V TJ' 6-17 23 23 19 20 C C 16 11'-11' 30 29 E 10, .641' 101 11•1 30 30 E 30 4' 6•r 23 15 A 014' 2G 111.1 30 30 E S W-11• 22 15 A V -r 21' 11'8 3,0 30 E 6 Ta' 2T 10'•9' , 30 30 E T 6' r-1• 641' r 0'-11' Vim' 101.17 11'-1' S T•r TS 641' e'-11' 40 4• 4'41• 22 14 A 6••2' 6 5'-11- 6.3• r -r 14' S• T•4• T 5.1- S-4' 6-Y 6.4' iV-1• 30 25 C 6 6-r V W -Ir fa' S41' 6'-T 1T-17 29 25 C 60 4' W-1' 22 14 A 6.21 231 7 f•1v f-11• 16.17 29 26 D 5'-+� S -T 1 V 15'-/ 1' 28 26 D - TABLE 42 11' WE PANEL PANEL LOAD T 1S•3, 2a 27 D 17 RANG 10 0.036 2Tf 14'-T 26 20 D 17' 20 0.036 1f.W W -W If4r 28 28 D 11' 25 11'd T -T W-61 1741'28 17-r 28 D 1S 7.7 Ta• YAW 0D42 1Y -Ir 29 29 D 16 64r r-11' 0.042 11•-7 17-r 30 30 0 1T WA 0.042 1.17 5•-7 17.3• 30 30 E 16 4••9' 518 V-81 11'-11' 30 29 E r Ta- 1.17 7-1- V-4' r -T 1'41- S 641 V -r TJ r -S T 6 6'41 6•7 6.11 6•r A 0.022x3- SQUARE ALUM COLUMN 11'4 V T Cor S -r 51.1' IV -r 30 25 0 IF 7 1'41• 4'41' tTa 29 25 D V E SCROLL COLUMN 641 16-10' 29 26 E 10, 14'.9• 26 26 E 16,3' 29 27 E IV lf-3' 15'8' 26 27 E CLEARSPANS FOR 9 X e RAFTER WE PANEL PANEL LOAD T 7090 OVER (PSF) PHI MPR RANG 10 0.036 2Tf w -w 6a 0.042 21.1 134.1 20 0.036 1f.W W -W W-11- 0.042 17-17 V-11• 250.036 25 11'd T -T W-61 O.o4x 17-r WAIT 30 0.036 7.7 Ta• YAW 0D42 15-T 41'•1' 40 0.036 7-4• 64r r-11' 0.042 11•-7 Ta 60 0.036 W-11' 4'•11' WA 0.042 1.17 5•-7 CLEARSPANS FOR 2 X 6 RAFTER LIVE PANEL 24' O.C. LOAD T 7090 OVER ETABLE 4.3 MPH HANG 10 0.021 131.1 6a 29 0.072 16.2 741 20 0.024 V-17 W-11- 0.032 IY-T 6•T 25 0.024 8'•17 W-61 ELKHART _IN_46514 0.032 11'•01' 5'-17 30 0.024 Ta• YAW 16 0.032 lG-7 5141' 10 0.024 5.17 r-11' E 0.032 V-4' 4'41- 60 0.024 WA WA 0.072 Ta' 3'•17 12' STRUCTURES AND BlTERM DIATE COLUMNS FOR . MULTLSPAN STRUCTURES COLUMN I NOTES 15'-Y 26 26 ETABLE 4.3 13' N 17 MAX COLUMN LENGTH 14•-10' 29 29 E FOR 10 PSF DOUBLE RAFTERS MAY Be USED 48.O.C. 14' BUIl.DRVC PRODWM VC 1140 ALL PRO DRIVE 101 14'8- 29 1 29 1 E 24 25 1 15' BUILDING & SAFE i DEPT. ELKHART _IN_46514 11' 14'-2' 30 30 E 27 16 E IGBO [S [VALUATION REPORT CR -2621P 17.17 30 $0 E E 41 Sa• 5-11' 6-17 Ta � COLUMN SCHEDULE MAX S 4'd 4••9' 518 V-81 COL FOR ATTACHED LATTICE COLUMN IF r -T 1'41- PA710 STRUCTURES HGHT T 16.1 29 24 E A 0.022x3- SQUARE ALUM COLUMN 11'4 V 15-17 20 24 E B 0.037 A 1 1? SQUARE ALUM 7 1SW 28 25 E SCROLL COLUMN 641 1v 14'.9• 26 26 E B 0.077'AY SQUARE ALUM COLUMN 1/'-r 11' lf-3' 241 27 E C 0.040'A T CLOVERLEAF COLUMN 174 17 17-17 27 27 E D FLUTED COLUMN ALUM. 0007 174 1Y +741• 25 20 E E 6 CLOVERLEAF STEEL 0.046 'i74 11'1 1X47 1 28 1 28 1 E 1 F 0 T SQUARE STEEL COLUMN 4' SQUARE STEEL COLUMN 174 174 4' 7.17 4'41 1 1'-T I 4,.r 1 S 6 A• • V NAXML IM COURM LENGTH A- 101 WAX "COLUBNN LENGTH MAR 0 3 2000 I COLUMN SCHEDULE FOR FREESTANDING STRUCTURES AND BlTERM DIATE COLUMNS FOR . MULTLSPAN STRUCTURES COLUMN I NOTES E 6-r MAX COLUMN LENGTH F 11' MAX COLUMN LENGTH G 17 MAX COLUMN LENGM N 17 MAX COLUMN LENGTH ALL COLUMNS MAY BE REPLACED WITH A STRONGER COLUMN 'A' MAY BE REPLACED W7 BU '6 MAY BE REPLACED WI C.J. ETC. LINEAR INTERPOLATION FOR ALL CALCULATIONS IS ALLOWED C it V 2p ii E1 ML 1 T' 7 -I ° BUIl.DRVC PRODWM VC 1140 ALL PRO DRIVE 101 13•-f 17-17 27 27 1 24 25 1 E E BUILDING & SAFE i DEPT. ELKHART _IN_46514 11' 1751 27 2e E IGBO [S [VALUATION REPORT CR -2621P 1 7 E APPROVED 100TCN sucN,u+n Cau1NMN� vE IbR SARDC UDACITC•D2 � SNCCTE6 DFIe a 2000 FOR CONSTRUCT►O b DATE BY / OPT. 312 N ONC. r5 ON SHEET 97GN02 SINGLE ATTACHED i LATTICESTR CTURE .; RAPIER NOTE: SEE TAM 4.3, 4.5, 5.3 AND 5.4 6' MIN. O'HANG F. 11 ll: 9l RAFTER SPAN 0 SPAN) OR MORE SPANS —1' X B 1/2' OR 3' X 8' ALUM. /yRAFTSRS O 24' O.C. I �S A 4101e MULTISPAN FREESTANDING 1-1/2'1 X 66'' LONG --1-------1A! V I PUCE 1— 1 2 0X 6' STEEL SINGLE SPAN FR STANDIN • "� gqR /S/SHOWN Il1&E SFE SCHEDULE FOd• FOODNc 512E W�SEE SCHEDULE FOR E �I FOOTING SIZE. I TW TW TW _ TWTWI TW TW RpFES DATE REVISION DATE REVISION �--� III��� ��'f�__",��tti-ff�---Q IO'HANG----I OVERHANG —+ . FREESTANDING STRUCTURE ATTACHED STRUCTURE TRIBUTARY WIDTH (TW DIAGRAM T ' "mR NO 6 0 MF�MeAmax Engineering Services 1140 All Pro Drive 6d.3`� Elkhmt, IN 46514 HT. AJF IC80 ES EVALUATION REPORT NO. ER -2621P CAL\Fj DRAVANG NONE OR PART STRUCTURAL CONFIGURATIONS NAME SHEI N E STAMP 2/8/2000 ff1w 97SCO2 2 OF 2 l OF CLEAN SPAN 3'X 6'X 12 GA STEEL "C' BEAM FOR BEAM WRAP DETAIL, SEE SHEET 97LT03, DETAIL 'L23'. �.,6 i W �P ,`!JU `sP,w IC FS 0J �, OPT. 3 1/2' CONC. SLAB ,.�a • p�."�( �p sf c4• A. FOR FOOTING SIZE �P SEE SCHEDULE�00k,y SEE P 'd RAFTER NOTE 2" X 6 1/2" OR 3" X 8" J�E _ ALUM. RAFTERS ®24" O.C. Cp m MAX. O'FUNG 25X 0.0118E x 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" ® 3" O.C. MINIMUM OR J�9• N� S OF COLUMN SPACING 2 "x 2" ® 4' O.C. MIN. sEE SCHEDULE FOR COLUMNS. ALL COLUMNS oy " Hp W � 100 V�• TOBEMAYAy�MALLED1FHCAILY. AN OPT. 3 1/2' CO C. 1Yp a`: '� �a�g " 2 COLUMNS. POONAL 3 1/2' CONCRETE SLAB SLAB. F MULTISPAN FREESTANDING 1-1/2'1 X 66'' LONG --1-------1A! V I PUCE 1— 1 2 0X 6' STEEL SINGLE SPAN FR STANDIN • "� gqR /S/SHOWN Il1&E SFE SCHEDULE FOd• FOODNc 512E W�SEE SCHEDULE FOR E �I FOOTING SIZE. I TW TW TW _ TWTWI TW TW RpFES DATE REVISION DATE REVISION �--� III��� ��'f�__",��tti-ff�---Q IO'HANG----I OVERHANG —+ . FREESTANDING STRUCTURE ATTACHED STRUCTURE TRIBUTARY WIDTH (TW DIAGRAM T ' "mR NO 6 0 MF�MeAmax Engineering Services 1140 All Pro Drive 6d.3`� Elkhmt, IN 46514 HT. AJF IC80 ES EVALUATION REPORT NO. ER -2621P CAL\Fj DRAVANG NONE OR PART STRUCTURAL CONFIGURATIONS NAME SHEI N E STAMP 2/8/2000 ff1w 97SCO2 2 OF 2