0009-146 (PAT)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and PrOessionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date 676Cc 1 1) /10/31 /2( Date ,,^C-tSignature of Contr ctor I OWN ER-BUILDER1DECLARATION I hereby affirm under. penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, wilLdo the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perform�ryce of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) II have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Sectidn 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier STATE, PI��J' D Policy No. 0460 -UNIT 07749-99 (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). () I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation p'r�o//visions of jSection 3700 of the Labor Code, I sh81, orthwl fi comply with tho's`eiprovi o js.) Date: f OA�plicant f 1 Warning: Failure to secure Worke s' CompUensation coverage is unlawful acid shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3766 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon Jl the above-mentioned property for inspectio urposes f Signature (Owner/Agent) % Da BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# DATE) VALUATION LOT 0009-146 TRACT / JOB SITE APN ADDRESS 44-9W CALIX SAWA..I3.rAiMARA - n OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN (NEER MKLAR%O ATL AW27I14G COA9PMY 44-920 CALLS UMTA BARBARA 754 'iTVI1.X,1P,MS ROAD LA, QITiN TA CA. 922:53 PALM SPRINGS CA 92264 (760)327.8466 CB1 1825 USE OF PERMIT PAS7:0 3431_1 ALUMA:WOOD PATIO CCI3 E41 PER APPROVED YL.ANSFICBO fL 2621P ONLY POR M/P.ATIO 343,00 SF ENTMX17D CCAS' OF C;ONMUC CION 4,5=5D P MY T.r "IE 9UNARY P11_XN CHECK TBE 101 -000-1139-318 $46.80 CONSTRUCTION FEE 101-000-419-000 3?2m STRONG MOTION FEE RESID . 101-000-241-000 x.30 Mi1S-rOTAL, COAISMUCTIO AND PI' MMCY $119.301 LEM PRE -PIM 1r -3 MOO 'D: C)`CAD I°'Ir' M'!T FETS b1:T.y P70_ 4tYd $119,30 RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR U 8 INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs 1 Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade 1 Return Air Steel ; Combustion Air Roof Deck ! Exhaust Fans O.K to Wrap I F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation I Vents Fireplace P.L. t Grills Fireplace T.O. 1 Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall I Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath f i Final } /�U-� cI�J'� BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Final POOLS - SPAS steel Set Backs i Electric Bond Footings f Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location ] Underground Electric I Underground PIN. Test Final i Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines 1 Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out I Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection 1 Encapsulation Gas Piping J Gas Test I Appliances } Final I Final Utility Notice (Gas) I ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole I Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures I Main Service f Sub Panels 'Exterior Receptacles' G.F.I. } Smoke Detectors 1 . Temp. Use of Power i 1 Final I Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: SINGLE SPAN ATTACHED CANTILEVERED ALUMA—WOOD PATIO STRUCTURE IZl' R 2*X 6 112-X 12. HANGER 6 H�DER OLLFORMED ALUM. RAFTER 2'X 6 1 1/2- FASCIA @ - Ilr OR 24* ROLLFORMED COVERING ROLL - D.C. ti HEADER FORMED HEADER OR ALTERNATE 2*X 6 1/2" ALUM. " FASC I 1/2-X 6 3/4"X 6* 1/2" OR WOOD ALTERNATE DECORATIVE 'FASCIA -TRIM NOTES 2" X 6 112" AL 1. FOR GENERAL NOTES, SEE DWC. #35003, SIDEPLATES - 01 .SHEETS. I OF 16 AND 2"OF 16. . .. EACH SIDE Of 2. FOR COVER PANEL INFO. I SEE . DRAWING COLUMN 135003. -SHT. '3 OF 16 DETAILS *A* & *B" & DWG.: #35030 SHT. 10 OF 10. 3. FOR LEDGER TO WALL CONNECTIONS SEE THE FOLLOWING: FOR ROLLFORMED- OWG 135003 SHT. 4 OF 16, DETAIL l: & SHT. 3 OF 16- DETAIL *C* FOR ALTERNATE AND OWd. #35030 SHT. 10 OF 10. Z'X 6 1/2 FOR EXTRUDED- DWG:, 135003: - SHT: 7 OF 16, ATTACHED I DETAIL -Ir 'SHT-7 OF 16 TYPICA DETAIL _-d AND DWC. 136030 SM.' 10 OF 10. t. FOR HEADER I TO COVER PANEL CONNECTION YX 8' SEE DWG. - - 35003, SHT. '5 OF. 16 'DETAIL "0" OR YX A MOA`SHT: 10 OF lb... . c. B 5. FOR SIDEPLATE -To COLUMN & HEADER CONNECTIONS SEE DWC. #35019 SHTS. 4, 5 AND: 6 -,,OF 6: 6. 'DESI ' GN:.PER UBC:,' 1991 EDITION. . 7. FOR-.iCOLUMN. TO; HEADER- &:,COLUMN To FOOTING BRACKET. . SEE, DWG '135010, SHT. 4.' 5- AND 6 OF 6. 8. USE rX'S X 0.024- ALUM. COLUMN OLUMN WHEN ATTACHING TO CONCRETE SLAB. USE 3*X 3*X .04(r Abu. cdLUMN WITH YX 8' ALUM. BOX BEAM HEADER WHEN 'ATTACHING TO. -FOOTING; USE TX_S'X 0.048' STEEL COLUMN WITH YX 8'X 12 CA. STEEL 'C" BEAM HEADER WHEN AtTkilik 10 FOOTING SEE OWG. 135003 SHT. 10 OF 16, DETAIL 'V V' FOR COLUMN FOOTING CONNECTION. COVER PANEL(6- FLAT PAN 12 -OR 18- V -PAN) MIN. SLOPE= 0.4'�Z[l 2"X 6 1/2' ALUM FASCIA OR ALUM. .[s�3" , X 8" ALUM. [iEADERX/ ALTERNATE OR 3"X 8"X 12 GA. EXISTING f� STEEL "C" BEAM STRUCTURE .PROJECTION '3"X 3"COLUMN MN ._SEE NOTE #8 im. OPT 3 1/2" lE CONCRETE SLAB -2 SAFETY STAKE OR A81SCO ANCHOR. LENGTH VARIES COLUMNS. 016—� —0�.tkl OF COLL -SIDE VIEW: 0. kND j_FNGT" W'1\80\]E FOR IAIII. LENGI� I jo,,Tf. MAX.LL p[R PAHEL SEE ScHEDU E SIAS FASiEtif-RS, -LAUNDER OF VO ALUM. FASCIA O'ROLLFORMED HEADER FRONT Al -10 SIDES. BOX BEAM 8"X 12 GA. STIL. EAM CANTILEVER HEADER c: mmlIII§IIIIIIIIIIII 12- • To . ...... _ OYIRNANG� COVER IAX-,4 PANEL )'HANG 57. OF OL: SPACING /2" ALUM. SIDEPLATES : q P I -:::!:: l�I ROVnLN blUt PLATES .1, OR 3 11r CONC. ALTERNATE 3"X 3" COLUMN d"- SLAB SEENOTE' WITH ALUM "H" BRACKET 'CONNECTING SEE SCHEDULE FOR * I ' 15 ON 00*4�13-. COLUMN TO HEADER. FOOTING SIZE -2-" 135003i .SHT. . 2 "NEWPORT" PATIO, STRUCTURE 'OF 16. No. 13857 xp. -3 - 7 civik or C mc\i ,e�ORECtJ�p. p.Cllq C OJESSI SIA " ,t�q�L�D�PR�OVjt 1, � �OF r Isslo-2 el A I t zy CHAL BRUCE BRUCE O. CHA N cKwiax f6267: p 29921 CHALLM 0%16 55087 lip 4!3-OpO33 cl ON, -%?m) vl" r Lt' OUlf fA SINCE SPAN 41AC1110 CANRLFWRfD ALUNA-w00D PA110 SIRU_MU_RC__ 10.20 AN1) PSF Ll. - 70 NP11-wIND SPEfl) COVER -`PANEL n7^ 0.017 X Tx Ir ALUNA-W000 BOX BEAM TYPE HEADER _f_ X 6 X 12 CA SII. 'C BrAIA HEADER MAX. COLUMN SPACING MAX. COLUMN SPACING LM PRa_ (INCHES) STRUCTURE LENGTH & PANEL FASTENERS PER JOINT LOAD AND FOOTING SIZES AND EOOrIrtC SIZES (Psr) ECTION �- 2 I/tx It I 1/tx IIr ON sue. wren Foonuc •1 oa s1�e1wlm rooujH�c .. UNENCLOSED STRC7R. ENCLOSED STRCTR. (n.) PAn. PNL PUL COLUMN SPACING CoLuNN Sppauc FooRNc s¢r c01.uM:1 spotic lc:LOUNN SPACIUG I FOOlu1c saE MIN. LENCfIjU10 SAIS/JNi. NIN. LENCTH Yrn Srlt/.uJT _- - --� 4'-0' IL -S.— _ d=IT 3'_5 g 4=0, 1R- 3'-2' tT- `� g • ON`SLAfr'INCLUDES ATTACHING COLUMN'TO SAFETY STAKE OR A13ESCO EARTH ANCHOR. SEE •, DRAWING . j735003; SHL 10 'OF 6" FOR DETAILS. FOR 'ATTACHING TO SLAB USE HILTI ;KW BOLTSsOR EQUAL, SEE' SHTS. 4; 5, AND. 6, OF 6. •s-FOR':.FOOTING'ATTACHMENT TO COLUMN SEE SCHEDULE "F' (DETAIL 'UU") ON DWG. 35003, SHEET' 10 OF 16. a `= No. 13857 r . Exp. 3.31.97 Jf CFYLI. 9jFOF CAUSQW, cP�`O\ w►f�°y . `O .nOBEC7J�``f G� O C.. �0FESS7O�7 � .� Ewa 9 z v4 BBRUCE �o mJ `�Q,�IE/ 1j � ,9Q t a • •aux oaRanµ • D. N �• Z w Mo. 6794 Z awuw CHAIIAAAN . 34971 BRUCE D. 0 �, 239z1 2W p IAI(O• V cli 1A �•w . %. A(T3, (�� anc OYID�' WW y CIYII '� UON/\LEt► RED 0% dr �s d IV -11- I -4 211-T I 7 1 PER U.B.C. 1991 EOOON O,%TF REVIS!ONS - Illy ull �u LU M-AyM A p mr d Al.. rokxaw 21.axe k.. 1465r,Dallai Pak.oy; Sw1t.3$0 —�r-10-'-- 6-5 BUILDING PRODUCTS INC. oauar, L: Is7/o-w6 20 AIF 0.01 .0.01 0.01117 7,- - 0.01 �4=1� J= lir ' 277 ..-- 15'� d- yjjr -- _ d=29• —6•-Cj0.01F 7'- IS�f :a P IISINCLE SPAU ATTACHED ALUNA-WOOD PA110' - =1 5'-11 1'- _ I'-3'-- — 6,_6 = 0.01 .0.01 .. _ T - IT I'0.03f0.03. 4' -Il •- 0.037 T- =1 =�914' _ d_ 0 _ 5'-5` —� �Z11 —_4c2� d� '- —19 11'- ::,13EA 33019 0.0 0.03 - / -5•— -II 1 i• -r -- —21 _ - 1 — 6'-1 —Ion--! — 19_1 7 T —1 '- 2/'- _- - --� 4'-0' IL -S.— _ d=IT 3'_5 g 4=0, 1R- 3'-2' tT- `� g • ON`SLAfr'INCLUDES ATTACHING COLUMN'TO SAFETY STAKE OR A13ESCO EARTH ANCHOR. SEE •, DRAWING . j735003; SHL 10 'OF 6" FOR DETAILS. FOR 'ATTACHING TO SLAB USE HILTI ;KW BOLTSsOR EQUAL, SEE' SHTS. 4; 5, AND. 6, OF 6. •s-FOR':.FOOTING'ATTACHMENT TO COLUMN SEE SCHEDULE "F' (DETAIL 'UU") ON DWG. 35003, SHEET' 10 OF 16. a `= No. 13857 r . Exp. 3.31.97 Jf CFYLI. 9jFOF CAUSQW, cP�`O\ w►f�°y . `O .nOBEC7J�``f G� O C.. �0FESS7O�7 � .� Ewa 9 z v4 BBRUCE �o mJ `�Q,�IE/ 1j � ,9Q t a • •aux oaRanµ • D. N �• Z w Mo. 6794 Z awuw CHAIIAAAN . 34971 BRUCE D. 0 �, 239z1 2W p IAI(O• V cli 1A �•w . %. A(T3, (�� anc OYID�' WW y CIYII '� UON/\LEt► RED 0% dr �s d IV -11- I -4 211-T I 7 1 PER U.B.C. 1991 EOOON O,%TF REVIS!ONS - Illy ull �u LU M-AyM A p mr d Al.. rokxaw 21.axe k.. 1465r,Dallai Pak.oy; Sw1t.3$0 BUILDING PRODUCTS INC. oauar, L: Is7/o-w6 AIF ICBO ES::ALUATIO -REPORT, W -262- :a P IISINCLE SPAU ATTACHED ALUNA-WOOD PA110' NONE ::,13EA 33019 2 OF 6 •�,rtE ms.. ipl-1 \GIN(' 7 :62671 OfE1tQ1 yB 27 €w NE.1•��� ?�r 6b R . �q�•� r �&I • ..... e C14