2009 11 03 CC&(# 4 44d4a City Council agendas are available on the City's web page @ www.la-quinta.org CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2009 3:30 P.M. Closed Session / 4:00 P.M. Open Session Beginning Resolution No. 2009-089 Ordinance No. 474 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Council Members: Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Sniff, and Mayor Adolph PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CLOSED SESSION NOTE: Time permitting the City Council may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. In addition, persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the Closed Session meeting when acquisition of real property is considered. 1. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, DOUGLAS R. EVANS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTHEAST OF THE MILES AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET INTERSECTION AND NORTH OF THE WHITEWATER STORM CHANNEL. PROPERTY OWNER/ NEGOTIATOR: CP DEVELOPMENT LA QUINTA, LLC, RICHARD OLIPHANT. City Council Agenda 1 November 3, 2009" 001 RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESENTATION OF THE HELEN PUTNAM AWARD TO THE CITY FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES IN RECOGNITION OF VISTA DUNES COURTYARD HOMES. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE FROM ROBERT AND LISA DELGADO, LAS CASUELAS QUINTA, DATED OCTOBER 23, 2009, REGARDING MONUMENT SIGN. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 20, 2009. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED NOVEMBER 3, 2009. ...") 002 City Council Agenda 2 November 3, 2009 2. APPROVAL TO APPROPRIATE FUNDING FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY FOR THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION FORMULA BLOCK GRANT. 3. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A DONATION FROM COUNCIL MEMBER HENDERSON. 4. APPROVAL OF PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 009-N TO CITY OF LA QUINTA MASTER AGREEMENT 08-5433R FOR CONGESTION MANAGEMENT AIR QUALITY (CMAQ) FUNDING TOWARD THE HIGHWAY 111 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT AND INTERCONNECT PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 2008-16. 5. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 32879, GRIFFIN RANCH, MCCOMIC-GRIFFIN, LLC AND GRIFFIN RANCH, LLC. 6. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 32879, GRIFFIN RANCH, MCCOMIC-GRIFFIN, LLC AND GRIFFIN RANCH, LLC. 7. APPROVAL OF AN ADVANCE FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE SILVERROCK GOLF ENTERPRISE FUND. 8. APPROVAL OF THE TRANSFER OF TEN PARCELS OF LAND FROM THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (APNs: 604-040-057, 604-470-001, 770-184-001, 773-101- 001, AND -002, 769-083-007, -008, AND -009, AND LOTS E, F, G, H, AND I OF PARCEL MAP 31116, AND LOT D OF PARCEL MAP 33588. 9. APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO STEINY AND COMPANY, INC. TO CONSTRUCT A NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT DESERT CLUB DRIVE AND AVENUE 52, PROJECT NO. 2008-02. 10. APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO CONSTRUCT THE PHASE I VILLAGE ENHANCED PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS AND TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES, PROJECT NO. 2008-04 AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS IF APPLICABLE. 11. APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH THE PLANNING CENTER FOR PREPARATION OF THE LA QUINTA HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE. City Council Agenda 3 November 3, 2009 n ,"»• 003 12. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2009-083 AND EXTENDING THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 31627, THE RESIDENCE CLUB AT PGA WEST, NADADOR, LLC. 13. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2009-084 AND EXTENDING THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 31627, THE RESIDENCE CLUB AT PGA WEST, NADADOR, LLC. 14. AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT TO CONSTRUCT A COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS (CNG) DISPENSING STATION FOR FIRE STATION 32, PROJECT NO. 2008-03, AND PHASE I OF THE CORPORATE YARD, PROJECT NO. 2007-08. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF 2No QUARTER COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANTS AND FUNDING REQUESTS. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 2. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE ADDING SUBSECTION 12.69 TO CHAPTER 12 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, PERTAINING TO REGULATIONS FOR GOLF CARTS ON CERTAIN STREETS AND ASSOCIATED MATERIALS TO IMPLEMENT PHASE I OF THE GOLF CART PROGRAM. A. TAKE UP ORDINANCE BY TITLE AND NUMBER ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING B. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. ON FIRST READING STUDY SESSION — NONE REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (FRANKLIN) 2. BOB HOPE CLASSIC FUND DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 3. CITY COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS City Council Agenda 4 November 3, 20091a. r 004 4. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS 5. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 6. C.V. CONSERVATION COMMISSION (SNIFF) 7. C.V. MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (ROBERT COX) 8. C.V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (FRANKLIN) 9. C.V.W.D. JOINT WATER POLICY COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 10. IID ENERGY CONSUMERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FRANKLIN) 11. JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (FRANKLIN) 12. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES (HENDERSON) 13. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORT COMMUNITIES CONVENTION & VISITORS AUTHORITY (EVANS) 14. PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION (NANCY DORIA) 15. RIVERSIDE COUNTY FREE LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DIANE GUNN) 16. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (HENDERSON) 17. SANTA ROSA/SAN JACINTO NATIONAL MONUMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (HENDERSON) 18. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY/SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP (ADOLPH) 19. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 14, 2009 DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK A. JANUARY 5, 2010 CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING 4. BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 5. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 6. FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 7. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 8. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 9. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 10. FIRE DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY REPORT - NONE MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS - NONE RECESS TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING RECESS TO 7:00 P.M. City Council Agenda 5 November 3, 2009 005 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. PRESENTATIONS — NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to consideration of that item. A person may submit written comments to City Council before a public hearing or appear in support or opposition to the approval of a project. If you challenge a project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to the public hearing. 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A ONE-YEAR TIME EXTENSION FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-866, A 13.79± ACRE BOUTIQUE HOTEL SITE (200 UNITS AND 259 KEYS) CONSISTING OF A 25,000± SQUARE FOOT PARKING STRUCTURE AND 29 CONDOMINIUM HOTEL UNIT BUILDINGS CONTAINING A MEETING FACILITY, RESTAURANT, AND RESORT SPA ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF AVENUE 52 AND EAST OF SILVERROCK WAY. APPLICANT: LOWE DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT (LDD) SILVERROCK, LLC. A. RESOLUTION ACTION ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on November 17, 2009, commencing with closed session at 3:00 p.m. and open session at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. n 006 City Council Agenda 6 November 3, 2009 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Veronica Montecino, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting of November 3, 2009, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 111, on October 30, 2009. DATED: October 30, 2009 VERONICA J. NTECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7103, twenty- four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangement should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 777- 7103. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the City Council during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the City Clerk counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. 'N..9 pp 7 City Council Agenda 7 November 3, 2009 WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE ITEM: Letter to Ma or a Cou Restauraute - - Caut{ua y � y October 23, 2009 City of La Quinta h� 3 M J P.O. Box 1504 I I La Quinta, Ca. 92247 L GUY Gr to 0tl!A CITY MANAGER'S OFPI Re: New monument sign at the corner of Washington Street and Highway 11 I Dear Mayor Adolph and Members of the La Quinta City Council, II� As owners of Las Casuelas Quinta we have been proudly operating our restaurant since 2003 on the finest W corner and in the best city in the desert. The decision to locate on that corner was not taken lightly or quickly and was done at significant cost. The Delgado family has been serving the valley for over 50 years and our commitment to our respective communities is considerable. In the last fiscal year Las Casuelas Quinta alone has paid roughly $270,000 in sales tax and $50,000 in property taxes and we also contribute by the fact we employ at least 80 employees, many of who reside in the city, and have made numerous charitable contributions to local schools and worthy causes. One obvious choice for Las Casuelas Quinta's location was the marketability through the high visibility and positioning at such a high traffic intersection. We feel that the new monument sign which has been installed a mere few feet from our building ,and the "Las Casuelas Quinta" lighted sign/logo, clashes loudly with our buildings muted earthen tones with its' loud blue color. The large blue banner clearly takes away from the restaurants aesthetics but more importantly sets a very poor precedent and message to other businesses not located in "the Village" Visitor's attention arriving southbound on Washington street is now directed away from our purposely designed signage and building towards this vague and enticing blue bannered sign announcing "the Village" and an arrow directing the arriving visitors away from possibly visiting one of the centers located in our area and the 1 I 1 corridor. Those guests arriving southbound are more than likely traveling towards one of the La Quinta village resorts or timeshares anyway and the sign would be just as effective if located away from competing businesses further down Washington street. The precedent constitutes a message that the city would foster more importance to one area as opposed to a balanced message benefiting all our city's businesses. We all know the city is land locked and sandwiched, perhaps the marketing effort should focus a sign near the Washington and I-10 on -ramp announcing the I I 1 business corridor and "the Village" offerings. Or is the city planning placement of these blue banner signs at other locations, perhaps one a few feet in front of Arnold Palmer's restaurant and its` own signage or Old Town La Quinta, directing visitor's away from the village area announcing and directing visitors towards the 111 corridor? We would kindly request, at the November 3rd meeting or at your earliest convenience, discussion for the removal of this sign before it damages us, our center and the surrounding businesses. We think removal by at least a week or two before the Thanksgiving rush would be fair in our estimation. We believe this was an innocent oversight and perhaps a representative committee could help formulate a better advertising strategy that would benefit us all. Our sincerest thanks in helping us with this resolution. Gratefully, e an isa gado Owners, Las Casuelas Quinta 78-480 Hwy 11t, La Quinta, California 92263 O wy 1118 Washington) 008 760.777.7716 - 760.777.7716 Fax N www,lascasuelasquinta.com COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated November 3, 2009 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Demand Register Dated November 3, 2009 BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants: 84828 - 848691 84870 - 84895) Voids? Wire Transfers} P/R 35849 - 358591 P/R Tax Transfers} Payable Warrants: 84896 - 850251 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash - City Demand of Cash - RDA John M. Falconer, Finance Director 110,280.83 97,943.13 (63.00) 204,603.98 233,475.77 62,079.21 1,450,554.20 $2,158,874.12 $1,884,058.16 $274,815.96 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING 009 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 10/14/09 - 10/27/09 10/16/09 WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 10/16/09 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 10/20/09 WIRE TRANSFER - TASC 10/22/09 WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK $13,487.10 $24,130.71 $1,077.04 $165,909.13 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFER OUT $204,603.98 010 = I >"MM � Z S I A A m m m m m m m m m m m m m Om I Z�Om F F F F F F F F F F F F F I7 I XVO m m m m m m m m m IN, m m m x i AD F W W W W W W W W W W N N OODA o 1p m J P In F W N Y o 10 m i ommm < r Y mIanmo zz 1m s\ VI F N VI 1 00 1roWY O F b N N Y F m P VI O� rCFITI ZNPN Y J m m Y W Y V V P Y VI N m nn )- o o O O a n 0 m m m m D D D a ' A• �O n O m a A Y D A r t7 0 1 0 N A N D A r o m A Z o ti m m 100 2 A l'9 > V O m A O T a > Y O 2 m m O 1-A W 2 I mr O Z 0 T m A r O m m D <. n Y 0 •• m 2 r A N < N O (l A I Z m Z m F y r O Z C O DZ O "o O A D S O N O n D N n TO Z Y A O < D z 2 n D N m A A Y P is m D .+ 0 m z o o < m a m r Z 1 r Y Z z r o m In D m m m O m A A A Z A Y N x < m E D O n m a m i m A N A v m n O r v Y 3 A 0 0 0 0000m000000 0 m o 0 0 0 0 000 0 0. 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A A 1 M M M M O r r r o M -OM irrr < M A i T 9 I D D D O O n I A0 M G o .Mn o v o 00 o .0Zo n a i r O z N O W 1 m Oo V N r0 < 0 D N o r Z eM y N I m G y 1 o r D 2 A nM m m i O o r c o I r A 9 M r I M n m v on y A 0. 0 0-1 i M c o O O Z o G y p \ T OM O O. o r yr \ DO DD o m < o m Do 0 o lq 00 < r. m m2 m z e o cn o T o �. 00 I nA p m z an W I yD W n m m r oe �cM MO cc rT Mo O < o A o a Om -z Mr z Z M \r mo a N• n0 P JC A \m NM O Z om DD OZ S m 0o m n < c v c l m M •y r a a yM r �z zx < A AM m nm o zm T y Z G 3 m m A A m v 0 A O i M y z n c \ 2 A mn ma my -I S A m N ao m Mc o za 1z O m P i r m 053 Tihf 4 4 a" AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Approval to Appropriate Funding from the United States Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency CONSENT CALENDAR: and Conservation Formula Block Grant STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Appropriate $180,700 in funding from the United States Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Formula Block Grant. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: An appropriation in the amount of $180,700 (101-1004-413.32-15) and an offsetting revenue account (101-1000-331.55-00) in the amount of $180,700 will be established. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) appropriated funding for the United States Department of Energy (DOE) to issue/award formula -based grants to states, U.S. territories, units of local government, and Indian tribes under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program. Projects awarded under the ARRA are to spur economic growth, decrease total energy consumption, create and/or retain jobs and improve energy efficiency in the transportation, building, and other energy -consuming sectors. The City of La Quinta was awarded $180,700 based on population and energy usage. On May 19, 2009, City Council approved an application to the DOE, National Energy Technology Laboratory for the ARRA — EECBG. The City submitted two project activities for EECBG funding consideration: 1) • 054 Energy Efficiency Retrofits on Municipal Buildings, and 2) Solar Study. Both project activities were approved and funded. The total cost for projects is $180,700. On November 18, 2008, the City Council accepted an Energy Efficiency Feasibility and Green House Gas Emission Study provided by Imperial Irrigation District (IID), which focused on municipal buildings identifying energy efficiency retrofit measures (EEM). Municipal buildings included the City Hall, Library, Fire Station and Senior Center. The City was able to use this study as the basis for the first project activity in the EECBG application submitted to the DOE. The study identified ten EEM's, however, only nine were submitted due to funding constraints. EEM's are noted below: EEM #1 Replace existing incandescent lighting with compact fluorescent lighting (CFL's) with upgraded pendant enclosures and conversion of some T-12 fluorescent interior and exterior lighting to high -efficiency Super T8 fluorescent lighting with upgraded electronic ballasts in the City Hall building — Annual Electricity Savings: 30,852 kWh; Annual Electricity Cost Savings: $4,011 EEM #2 Install Power Management software for desktop computers in Civic Center Building — Annual Electricity Savings: 24,414 kWh; Annual Electricity Cost Savings: $3,174 EEM #3 Install high efficiency packaged units with differential enthalpy economizers at the Senior Center — Annual Electricity Savings: 55,381 kWh; Annual Electricity Cost Savings: $7,200 EEM #4 Install CO2 sensors for Demand Control Ventilation in the Senior Center Multipurpose Room and Council Chambers at City Hall - Annual Electricity Savings: 16,206 kWh; Annual Electricity Cost Savings: $2,107 EEM #5 Remove the existing Inlet Guide Vanes and install of Variable Frequency Drives (VFD's) on the three Air Handler Units at the Senior Center- Annual Electricity Savings: 43,129 kWh; Annual Electricity Cost Savings: $5,607 EEM #6 Install premium efficiency motors for the supply and return fans in the Air Handler Units at the Senior Center- Annual Electricity Savings: 12,267 kWh; Annual Electricity Cost Savings: $1,595 EEM #7 Replace existing split air conditioning systems with higher efficiency split systems at the Civic Center - Annual Electricity Savings: 11,898 kWh; Annual Electricity Cost Savings: $1,547 EEM #8 Re -commission the 13 rooftop packaged air conditioning systems in the City Hall Building to ensure the proper functioning of dampers in the economizers - Annual Electricity Savings: 5,610 kWh; Annual Electricity Cost Savings: $729 EEM #9 Perform pump retrofit operations for the circulation and lake transfer pumps (40HP) - Annual Electricity Savings: 49,287 kWh; Annual Electricity Cost Savings: $6,407 Total Annual Electricity Savings: 249,044 kWh Total Annual Electricity Cost Savings: $32,377 Total Green House Gas Emissions Reduction: 14% 2 In addition, the cost for an updated study is included in the EECBG funding in order to update the above EEM costs and data. IID will update the Solar Study they previously completed, which describes potential energy savings and financial analysis of a photo -voltaic power generation installation over the south facing carport roofs of the Civic Center/City Hall municipal building, Senior Center and Library. This Solar Study will be used as the basis to apply for future grant funding. Based on the City Council's direction, staff submitted an application for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Formula Block. Since the time of the application, additional energy retrofits were identified such as replacing the air conditioning unit in the computer room. Staff is working with DOE personnel to re -allocate potential savings in funding from the Solar Study to these additional energy efficiency retrofits. Staff is asking for City Council's approval in accepting and appropriating funding for DOE- EECBG funding and for the additional energy efficiency retrofits that have been identified. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Appropriate $180,700 in funding from the United States Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Formula Block Grant; 2. Do not appropriate $180,700 in funding from the United States Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Formula Block Grant; 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, /MLJ � L /1"1, .C�_ Br t M. Plumlee Assistant City Manager — Management Services Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager ��• 056 3 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution Accepting a Donation from Council Member Terry Henderson RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council accepting a donation from Council Member Terry Henderson. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Council Member Henderson would like to donate an antique golf practice device to the La Quinta Museum. The item titled "Folda Fairway Home Golf Course Shot Analyzer" was produced by A.E. Peterson Manufacturing Company in the 1940's (Attachment 1). The practice device has one side with metal gauge showing the hitting distance in yards, 25 to 350. The item stands 36 inches tall. The item will be on temporary display in the upstairs gallery alongside other museum artifacts for the "Sweet Spot" Golf Exhibit in January and February 2010, and will then be placed in the museum collection. Once the donation is accepted, Council Member Terry Henderson will retain no rights to the donation of the item donated. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council accepting a donation from Council Member Terry Henderson; or 11 057 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council accepting a donation from Council Member Terry Henderson; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction Respectfully submitted, Edie Hylton Community Services Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Photo of Folda Fairway Golf Course Shot Analyzer 058 Pa RESOLUTION NO. 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA. ACCEPTING A DONATION FROM COUNCIL MEMBER TERRY HENDERSON WHEREAS, on November 3, 2009, Council Member Terry Henderson generously offered a donation of a Folda Fairway Golf Course Shot Analyzer to be given to the La Quinta Museum as a contribution for the patrons who utilize the facility; and WHEREAS, the gift was offered for donation to the City of La Quinta and was not given to or limited to the use of any particular employee or official; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of La Quinta to accept the donation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: The City of La Quinta hereby accepts the donation of the Folda Fairway Golf Course Shot Analyzer as a contribution to the patrons who utilize the facility. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 3rd day of November 2009, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 059 3 Resolution No. 2009- Council Member Terry Henderson Donation Adopted: November 3, 2009 Page 2 ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California .. C60 0 � - 4. �� tj/(1/ r f��., d; _ 1��„� .+,� .. .. _ .--- :_ F� a �._ Taf 4 4 auha COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Program Supplemental Agreement No. 009-N to City of La Quinta Master Agreement 08-5433R for Congestion Management Air Quality (CMAQ) Funding Toward the Highway 111 Traffic Signal Equipment Replacement and Interconnect Project, Project Number 2008-16 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Authorize the City Manager to execute Program Supplemental Agreement 009-N (Attachment 1) to Agency -State Agreement Number 08-5433R for Congestion Management Air Quality (CMAQ) funding toward the Highway 111 Traffic Signal Equipment Replacement and Interconnect Project, Project Number 2008-16. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following is the project's proposed funding and funding sources: CMAQ Grant Funds $177,000 General Fund (Required Local Match) $62,500 Total Funding Available: $239,500 The following is the anticipated project budget: Inspection/Testing/Survey: $19,500 Construction (Equipment Replacement/Interconnect): $200,000 Contingency: $20,000 Total: $239,500 62. The grant funding is for construction activities only and soft costs (design, inspection, testing, survey, and administration) are not eligible for reimbursement. The design costs associated with this project were previously provided from the 2008-2009 Public Works Department Operating Budget. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: The project is partially funded with Federal CMAQ funding. As such, the project will be advertised with prevailing wage requirements. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The purpose of the project is to replace the existing Caltrans traffic signal controllers on Highway 111 with new traffic controllers that are compatible with the City's Aries Central Control Software. The project will also interconnect the traffic signals within the corridor. This will not only facilitate traffic signal coordination on Highway 111 but also coordination on the cross streets will be possible now that all of the City's signal controllers will be able to communicate with one another. In early 2007, the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) announced a call for projects for application of funding from CMAQ program funds provided through the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). On July 17, 2007, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the submittal of an application to CVAG for partial funding for the purchase and replacement of traffic signal controllers on Highway 111. In addition, the City Council was advised that the City's application for funding toward the replacement of the traffic signal controllers included a provision that the City of La Quinta would provide an 1 1 .47% local match. The total estimated cost of the project was $200,000. The CMAQ funds will provide $177,000 and the City's mandatory local match is $23,000. The grant funding is for construction activities only and soft costs (design, inspection, and testing, survey) are not eligible for reimbursement and will increase the local contribution to $62,500. On October 29, 2007, CVAG's Executive Committee approved the City's application for CMAQ funding in the amount of $177,000 as partial funding (88.53%) for the purchase and replacement of traffic signal controllers on Highway 1 1 1. The City's project was submitted to the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) for inclusion, through formal amendment number 2, in the 2008 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP). The RTIP amendment number 2, which included the project, was approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on to..... 063 February 2, 2009. The project's federal environmental document was approved on June 22, 2009 and the City submitted its request for authorization to proceed with construction and the PS&E certification to Caltrans on July 1, 2009. On August 4, 2009, the City Council appropriated CMAQ grant funds in the amount of $177,000, appropriated unassigned general fund reserve funds in the amount of $62,500, approved the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E), and authorized staff to advertise for bid the Highway 111 Traffic Signal Equipment Replacement and Interconnect Project, Project Number 2008-16. The attached program supplement agreement 009-N to agency -state agreement number 08-5433R provides $177,000 of federal funding toward the construction phase of the Highway 111 2008-16. In addition to the City's execution of the original agreement, the City Clerk will be required to provide a certified "Minute Order" that clearly identifies the project and the official authorized to execute the agreement. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Authorize the City Manager to execute program supplemental agreement 009-N to agency -state agreement number 08-5433R for CMAQ funding toward the Highway 111 Traffic Signal Equipment Replacement and Interconnect Project, Project Number 2008-16; or 2. Do not authorize the City Manager to execute Program Supplemental Agreement 009-N to Agency -State Agreement Number 08-5433R for CMAQ funding toward the Highway 111 Traffic Signal Equipment Replacement and Interconnect Project, Project Number 2008-16; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, T othy na so , P.E. Public Wo s Dir or/City Engineer 064 Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Program Supplemental Agreement 009-N C'65 ATTACHMENT PROGRAM SUP,=MENT NO. N009 to ADMINISTERING AGENCY -STATE AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL -AID PROJECTS NO. 08-5433R Date: September 2S. 2009 Location: OS-RIP'-0-LQNT Project Number: CNIL-�433(o0Q E.A. Number:0i-925135 This Program Supplement hereby incorporates the Administering Agenc}-State Agreement fm FecicraI Air[ which wits entered into between the Administering Agency and the State on 12'I8/06 and is subject to all the teens and conditions thereof. This Program Suppicm.cnt is executed in accordance with Article I of the aforementioned Piaster Agreement under autlwrity of Resolution No. . approved by the Administering Agency on (Sec copy at,tachap. The Achninistering Agencv further stipulates that as a coacimon to the payment by State of any funds derived from sources noted below obligated to this project. the .Administering Agency accepts anti will comply with the Special covenants or Remarks setfonh on the following paces. PROJECT LOCATION: Former State Route 11 I from \Vashington Street to Jefferson Street TYPE OF WORK: Replace signal cont-olle:s LENGTH: 1.8(MILES) Estimated Cost Federal Funds Matching Funds S215,000.00 L400 S177!000.00 LOCAL S38,000.00 S0.00 OTHER So.fo CITY OF LA QUINTA By Date Attest Title STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation By Chief, Office of Project Implementation Division of Local Assistance Date I hereby certify upon my personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for this encumbrance: Accounting Officer Date _,C ] S17zoo0.00 Chapter Statutes Item %�' Year Program BC Category Fund Source AMOUNT 268 2008 2660-102-890 2008-2009 C 262040 892-F 177.000.00 p6b Program Supplement 08-5433R-NO09- ISTEA Page 1 orL j 08-RIV-0-LQNT CML-5433(009) //L SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS 1. The ADMINISTERING AGENCY will advertise, award and administer this project in accordance with the current published Local Assistance Procedures Manual. 2. Award information shall be submitted by the ADMINISTERING AGENCY to the District Local Assistance Engineer within 60 days after the project contract award. A copy of the award package shall also be included with the submittal of the ADMINISTERING AGENCY's first invoice for the construction contract to: Department of Transportation Division of Accounting Local Programs Accounting Branch, MS #33 P. O. Box 942874 Sacramento, CA 94274-0001 Failure to do so will cause a delay in the State processing invoices for the construction phase. Please refer to Section 15.7 "Award Package" of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual. 3. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees that it will only proceed with work authorized for specific phase(s) with an "Authorization to Proceed" and will not proceed with future phase(s) of this project prior to receiving an "Authorization to Proceed" from the STATE for that phase(s) unless no further State or Federal funds are needed for those future phase(s). 4. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees, as a minimum, to submit invoices at least once every six months commencing after the funds are encumbered for each phase by the execution of this Project Program Supplement Agreement, or by STATE's approval of an applicable Finance Letter. STATE reserves the right to suspend future authorizations/obligations, and invoice payments for any on -going or future federal -aid project by ADMINISTERING AGENCY if PROJECT costs have not been invoiced by ADMINISTERING AGENCY for a six-month period. If no costs have been invoiced for a six-month period, ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to submit for each phase a written explanation of the absence of PROJECT activity along with target billing date and target billing amount. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to submit the final report documents that collectively constitute a "Report of Expenditures" within one hundred eighty (180) days of PROJECT completion. Failure of ADMINISTERING AGENCY to submit a "Final Report of Expenditures" within 180 days of PROJECT completion will result in STATE imposing sanctions upon ADMINISTERING AGENCY in accordance with the current Local Assistance Procedures Manual, 5. The Administering Agency shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, C67 Program Supplement 08-5433R-N009- ISTEA Page 2 of 3 08-RIV-0-LQNT - CML-5433(009) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS / disability, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of any Federal - assisted contract or in the administration of its DBE Program Implementation Agreement. The Administering Agency shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR Part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of Federal -assisted contracts. The Administering Agency's DBE Implementation Agreement is incorporated by reference in this Agreement. Implementation of the DBE Implementation Agreement, including but not limited to timely reporting of DBE commitments and utilization, is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this Agreement. Upon notification to the Administering Agency of its failure to carry out its DBE Implementation Agreement, the State may impose sanctions as provided for under 49 CFR Part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). 6. As a condition for receiving federal -aid highway funds for the PROJECT, the Administering Agency certifies that NO members of the elected board, council, or other key decision makers are on the Federal Government Excluded Parties List System (EPLS). 7. This project must be in conformity with the National ITS Architecture, adhere to ITS Standards and undergo Systems Engineering. 8. Any State and Federal funds that may have been encumbered for this project are only available for disbursement for a period of five (5) years and seven (7) years, respectively, from the start of the fiscal year(s) that those funds were appropriated within the State Budget Act. All project funds not liquidated within these periods will revert unless an executed Cooperative Work Agreement extending these dates is requested and is approved by the California Department of Finance per Government Code Section 16304. The exact date of each fund reversion will be reflected in the approved finance letter(s) issued for this project. Notwithstanding the unliquidated sums of project specific State and Federal funding remaining and available to fund project work, any invoice for reimbursement that is not submitted to the Department on or before 60 days after that applicable fixed fund reversion date will not be paid from that fiscal year's encumbered funds because all of these unexpended funds will be irrevocably reverted by the Department's Division of Accounting on that date. Pursuant to a directive from the State Controller's Office and the Department of Finance, the last date to submit invoices for reimbursed work in each fiscal year is May 15th in order for payment to be made out of those then current appropriations. Project work performed and invoiced after May 15th will be reimbursed only out of available funding that might be encumbered in the subsequent fiscal year, and then only when those funds are actually allocated and encumbered as authorized by the California Transportation Commission and the Department's Accounting Office. 068 Program Supplement 08-5433R-N009- ISTEA Page 3 of 3 Tw(f 4 4 46(mraj COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the Off -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, McComic-Griffin, LLC and Griffin Ranch, LLC RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to September 16, 2010 for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, McComic-Griffin, LLC and Griffin Ranch, LLC. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Griffin Ranch (Tract Map No. 32879) is located south of Avenue 54, north of Airport Boulevard, east of Madison Street, and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1). On January 16, 2006, the City and McComic-Griffin, LLC and Griffin Ranch, LLC entered into an SIA for Griffin Ranch. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the C 69 improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the improvements." On April 3, 2007, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2008. On December 2, 2008, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a second time extension for the completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2009. In a letter dated October 15, 2009 (Attachment 2), the developer states that the project continues to be in a holding pattern due to the severe downturn in the economy. The remaining off -site improvements include the perimeter landscaping by the Avenue 54 entrance area, which is currently used as a construction entrance. The developer requests a time extension to September 16, 2010 for completion of the off -site improvements. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for approval of the third time extension of the SIA. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2010 for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the off -site improvements time as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2010 for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. ». 070 Respectfully submitted, Ti othy ona n, P.E. ublic Wor s Dir or/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Trans West Housing dated October 15, 2009 .... 071 RESOLUTION NO. 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 16, 2010 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32879, GRIFFIN RANCH. WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, on January 16, 2006; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by September 16, 2009, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of the off -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to September 16, 2010. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on September 16, 2010. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. 2 Resolution No. 2009- Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch Adopted: November 3, 2009 Page 2 Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 3rd day of November 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 073 TM 32879 GRIFFIN RANCH L w U) ATTACHMENT 1 AVENUE 54 Uj w Ln w w Of Cn o U) � - z 0 z � 0 o AIRPORT BLVD a VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 3, 2009 0 Y ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the Off -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, McComic-Griffin, LLC and Griffin Ranch, LLC APPLICANT: Mr. Chris McComic, Trans West Housing ��.. 074 ATTACHMENT 2 TRANS October 15, 2009 WEST HOUSING 7 Quate Court, Suite A Poway, CA 92064 Mr. Timothy Jonasson Public Works Director/City Engineer City of La Quints, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA. 92253 RE: Tract 32879, Griffin Ranch Dear Mr. Jonasson: RECEIVED OCT 19 2003 I am in receipt of your letter regarding the Subdivision Improvement Agreement for the above referenced tract. At this time I would request a one year extension to complete the improvements in the agreement. We currently have all street improvements on the exterior of the project complete and we have one additional entrance gate at 54a' Avenue and some landscaping at the gate to complete. The interior of the project has two thirds of the infrastructure complete. Due to the severe downturn in the economy we have been in a holding pattern waiting for the real estate market to improve. The work on the exterior and interior could be completed within a 4 to 6 month time period. It would appear that the economy is improving although slowly and we hope to be able to resume building within the time frame requested. Thank you for considering my request and I will await your decision. Sincerely, TRANS WE HOUSING, INC. �s cComi C.75 T4hf 4 4 QUIAM COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, McComic-Griffin, LLC and Griffin Ranch, LLC RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to September 16, 2010 for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, McComic-Griffin, LLC and Griffin Ranch,LLC. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Griffin Ranch (Tract Map No. 32879) is located south of Avenue 54, north of Airport Boulevard, east of Madison Street, and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1). On January 16, 2006, the City and McComic-Griffin, LLC and Griffin Ranch, LLC entered into an SIA for Griffin Ranch. Section 6 of the SIA requires: 'that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the 076 improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the improvements. " On April 3, 2007, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2008. On December 2, 2008, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a second time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2009. In a letter dated October 15, 2009 (Attachment 2), the developer states that the project continues to be in a holding pattern due to the severe downturn in the economy. The remaining on -site improvements include the installation of the entrance gate on Avenue 54 and the completion of the grading, paving, storm drain, sewer, water, and landscaping improvements in the easterly half of the property. The developer requests a time extension to September 16, 2010 for completion of the on - site improvements. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for approval of the third time extension of the SIA. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2010 for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements time as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2010 for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. .....i 077 Respectfully submitted, 6mothy on s on, P.E. Public Wo s Di ctor/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Trans West Housing dated October 15, 2009 .....r� 078 RESOLUTION NO. 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 16, 2010 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32879, GRIFFIN RANCH. WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, on January 16, 2006; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by September 16, 2009, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of the on -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to September 16, 2010. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on September 16, 2010. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. 079 Resolution No. 2009- Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch Adopted: November 3, 2009 Page 2 Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 3rd day of November 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CIVIC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 080 TM 32879 GRIFFIN RANCH L] w Of F- U) ATTACHMENT 1 AVENUE 54 wLLJ w � o Of o c i cn .. z 0 z � o AIRPORT BLVD R 1'/KNOZi-01 NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 3, 2009 0 V) Y ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, McComic-Griffin, LLC and Griffin Ranch, LLC APPLICANT: Mr. Chris McComic, Trans West Housing 21 0 81 ATTACHMENT 2 TRANS October 15, 2009 NEST HOUSING 13117 Quate Court, Suite A Poway, CA 92064 Mr. Timothy Jonasson Public Works Director/City Engineer City of La Quints, 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA. 92253 RE: Tract 32879, Griffin Ranch Dear Mr. Jonasson: RECE1vED OCT 19 2009 I am in receipt of your letter regarding the Subdivision Improvement Agreement for the above referenced tract. At this time I would request a one year extension to complete the improvements in the agreement. We currently have all street improvements on the exterior of the project complete and we have one additional entrance gate at 50 Avenue and some landscaping at the gate to complete. The interior of the project has two thirds of the infrastructure complete. Due to the severe downturn in the economy we have been in a holding pattern waiting for the real estate market to improve. The work on the exterior and interior could be completed within a 4 to 6 month time period. It would appear that the economy is improving although slowly and we hope to be able to resume building within the time frame requested. Thank you for considering my request and I will await your decision. Sincerely, T NS WE HOUSING, INC. J cComii COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE ce;,y 4 .ffvQw.r., November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Approval of an Advance from the General Fund to the SilverRock Golf Enterprise Fund RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: q STUDY SESSION: LIIL'3A [�l:I �llt1l►[1'A Approve an advance not to exceed $756,400 from the General Fund to the SilverRock Golf Enterprise Fund to cover the purchase of golf course equipment for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The outstanding advances will be charged to the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) earnings rate on a quarterly basis. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On October 20, 2009, the City Council approved the purchase of equipment in the amount of $756,400. The fiscal impact section of that staff report stated the need for such an advance which is being requested at this time. It is anticipated that this advances will be repaid from future income from SilverRock activities such as Transient Occupancy Tax, sales tax and golf course net income generated on the site in future years. ,. t 83 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the advance from the General Fund to the SilverRock Golf Enterprise Fund not to exceed $756,400; or 2. Do not approve the advance from the General Fund to the SilverRock Golf Enterprises Fund; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted: John M. Falconer, Finance Director Approved for Submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 084 `a O� 0� D --F'y OF Tom' COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: October 6, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Transfer of Ten Parcels of Land from the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency to the City of La .Quinta and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Certificate of Acceptance (APNs 604-040-057, 604-470-001, 770-184-001, 773-101-001, 002, 769-083-007, 008, 009), Lots E, F, G, H, and I of Parcel Map 31116, and Lot D of Parcel Map 33588) RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: b STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the transfer of ten properties from the Redevelopment Agency to the City and authorize the City Attorney to prepare and the City Manger to execute the Certificates of Acceptance. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None at this time. All operation and maintenance costs are currently in the City Budget. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Staff has been in the process of cataloging Agency and City property. In reviewing the Agency -owned properties, staff determined that a number of parcels should be transferred to the City for on -going operation, maintenance purposes, and future disposition. Attachment 1 is a map identifying the location of the parcels. These properties are described as follows: the Pioneer Park within the Centre Pointe project (APN 604-040-057) (Map #1); the La Quinta Community Park (APN 604-470- 001) (Map #2) on Westward Ho Drive and Adams Street; that portion of Fritz Burns Park (770-184-001) (Map #3) acquired in the Avenue 52 realignment; and the La Quinta Museum (APN 773-101-001, 002) (Map #4). These parcels should be transferred to the City for operation and maintenance. 085 Two landscaped lots, Lots E, F, G, H, and I of Parcel Map 31116-Centre Pointe (Map #5), and Lot D of Parcel Map 33588-Stamko Development Co. (Map #6), were not transferred to the City by the County when the Parcel Maps were recorded. The maps stipulated the lots were to be deeded to the City; in speaking with the County Recorders Office, it was an oversight during the map recording. Staff is therefore requesting authorization to make the transfer for on -going maintenance purposes. In addition, there are three lots (APNs 769-083-007, 008, 009) (Map #7-9) that are part of the Senior Center and Library complex that should be included in this transfer for future disposition of the land. Funding sources for the original purchase of the above properties are as follows: 1) the La Quinta Community Park and Pioneer Park were purchased with Capital Project Fund -Project Area No. 2 non -housing funds and 1995 Low -Mod Income Housing Bond Proceeds respectively; 2) the addition to Fritz Burns Park was purchased with Capital Project Fund -Project Area No. 1 Non -Housing Tax Increment Funds; 3) the Museum was purchased with Project Area No. 1 Non -Housing Tax Increment Funds; and 4) the three lots on Main Street/Avenida La Fonda were purchased with Capital Project Fund - Project Area No. 1 Non -Housing Funds FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency Board include: 1. Approve the transfer of ten properties from the Redevelopment Agency to the City and authorize the City Attorney to prepare and the City Manger to execute the Certificate of Acceptance; or 2. Do not approve the transfer; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respect submitt W Douglas . Evans Assistant City Manager — Development Services Approved for submissjon by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Vicinity Map 086 City of La Quinta w Redevelopment Agency -owned Properties (as of April, 200.9j' 087 y s La(�wntar s� OFTHF. AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Approval to Award a Contract to Steiny CONSENT CALENDAR: and Company, Inc. to Construct a New Traffic Signal STUDY SESSION: at Desert Club Drive and Avenue 52, Project Number 2008-02 PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION Award a contract to Steiny and Company, Inc., in the amount of $123,668, to construct the new traffic signal at Desert Club Drive and Avenue 52 (Attachment 1), Project Number 2008-02 and authorize the City Manager to execute the same. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following is the project's approved funding and funding sources: County Fire Credit Fund Total Funding Available: $430,000 $430,000 Based on the low bid received from Steiny and Company, Inc. in the amount of $123,668, the following is the estimated project budget to complete the project: Professional $10,750 Design: $43,000 Inspection/Testing/Survey: $33,325 Construction (Signal Contractor): $123,668 Construction (Equipment Purchase): $100,987 Administration: $21,500 Contingency: $96,770 Total: $430,000 088 As illustrated, adequate funding is available to support staff's recommendation. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: The project is funded with County Fire Credit Funds. As such, the project was bid as a prevailing wage improvement. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The proposed improvement will add a new traffic signal at the intersection of Desert Club Drive and Avenue 52 at the entrance to the new fire station and corporation yard. On April 15, 2008, the City Council adopted Resolution 2008-023 approving the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 through 2012-2013 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The new traffic signal at Desert Club and Avenue 52 is included within the adopted CIP and scheduled for funding during Fiscal Years 2008-2009. On September 16, 2008, the City Council authorized staff to distribute a Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain professional engineering services to prepare the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) for the new traffic signal at Desert Club Drive and Avenue 52, Project Number 2008-02. On December 2, 2008, the City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement (PSA), in the amount of $18,000, with Willdan Engineering to prepare the PS&E for the new traffic signal at Desert Club Drive and Avenue 52, Project Number 2008-02. On August 4, 2009, the City Council approved the PS&E and authorized staff to advertise for bid the New Traffic Signal at Desert Club Drive and Avenue 52, Project Number 2008-02. On September 15, 2009, the City Council authorized staff to procure the traffic signal equipment and poles for the new traffic signal at Avenue 52 and Desert Club Drive, Project Number 2008-02. On October 20, 2009, five (5) sealed bids were received for the construction of this project. A detailed bid comparison summary is provided for the City Council's review (Attachment 2). The basis of award is the lowest combined price of the base bid area. Staff therefore recommends the project be awarded to the lowest bidder, Steiny and Company, Inc., in the amount of $123,668. ... 089 Contingent upon City Council authorization to award a construction contract on November 3, 2009, the following is the project schedule: City Council Awards Contract Sign Contracts and Mobilize Construction Project Closeout FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: November 3, 2009 November 4 - 20, 2009 November 2009 - January 2010 February 2010 The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Award a contract to Steiny and Company, Inc., in the amount of $123,668, to construct the new traffic signal at Avenue 52 and Desert Club Drive, Project Number 2008-02 and authorize the City Manager to execute the same: or 2. Do not award a contract to Steiny and Company, Inc., in the amount of $123,668, to construct the new traffic signal at Avenue 52 and Desert Club Drive, Project Number 2008-02; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, imothy onas P.E. ublic Wor s Dire r/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Bid Comparison Summary ,._ ^ 090 ATTACHMENT 1 PROPOSED TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECT NUMBER 2008-02 CCLLE HIDALGO AVENIDA SINALOA VI 0 w m a 0 Z w Q AVENIDA Y NOT TO SCALE LA FONDA m J U w w 0 5q, SITE MAP 091 ATTACHMENT 2 CITY OF LA DUINTA TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT AVENUE 52 AND DESERT CLUB DRIVE PROJECT 200842 BID COMPARISON SUMMARY ENGINEER'S ES"FINIATE Steiny and Company, Inc. DBX, Inc. ITEM NO, DESCRIPTION QTy UNT T UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICE EXTENDED I PRICE BASE BID AREA 1 1 Mobilization I LS S10,000.00 $10,000,00 5500.00j $500.00 $1,500.001 S1,500.0 2 3 Traffic Control ust ontro I 1 LS LS $10,000.00 $10000.00 $10,000.00 510000.0 $I,000.00 $500.00 $I,000.0 5500.0 $5,500.00 $500.00 55,500.0 $500A Cc 4 Simin., Striping and Markers com fete perplan I LS $9.350.00 $9,350.0 $8,480.00 $8,480.0 58,231,00 58,231.0 5 Install Ttaffic Sig al at Avenue 52 and Desert Club Drive, complete per plan. I LS $175,570.00 $175,570.0 $113,188.00 $113,188.00 $112,748.00 $112,749.0 TOTAL BASE BID ITEMS 1-5: $214920.00 $123,668.0 S12%,479.00 PTM General Engineering Sierra Pacific Electrical UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICE I EXTENDED PRICE S3,000.00 $3,000.00 $8,620.00 $8,620.00 71,000.00 S1,000.00 S9,240.00 S9,240.00 $500.00 $500.0 $4,540.00 $4.540.0 $6,600.00 $6,600.00 $6,580.00 $6,580,0 $120,930.00 $120,930.00 $104,446.00 $104,446.0 S132.030.001 $133,426.0 Christopher R. Morales, UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE $2,500.00 $2,500.0 $1,000.00 $1,000.0 $500.00 $500.0 $6,000.00 $6,000.0 $139,978.00 $139,978,00 $149,978.0 1...:' 092 �a (iw.rc#a„c Wait 4 X4P Q�w t T� rRC� i. N....�5 Fy OFT v COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Approval to Award a Contract to Construct the Phase 1 Village Enhanced Pedestrian Crossing and Traffic Calming Devices, Project Number 2008-04 and Appropriation of Funds if Applicable RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: �C/ STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Award a Contract to the lowest responsive bidder, in the amount to be determined to construct the Phase 1 Village Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings and Traffic Calming Devices, Project Number 2008-04 (Attachment 1). FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following is the project's approved funding and funding sources: 3I97Yel1R� ORS State Gas Tax Funds Total Funding Available: $308,832 $594,393 $903,225 Bids for this project were received on October 30, 2009 and were therefore not available in time for this report. A supplemental memorandum will be distributed prior to the Council meeting identifying the lowest responsible bidder and the amount of the contract. Based on the engineer's estimate, the following is the estimated project budget: Design: $55,130 Professional: $8,620 Inspection/Testing/Survey: $42,023 Construction: $658,518 093 Administration: $21,550 Contingency: $1 17,384 Total: $903,225 A revised budget will be prepared once the lowest responsive bidder is determined and will be included in the supplemental memorandum. As illustrated, adequate funding is available to construct the Phase 1 improvements as long as the lowest bid is at or below the engineers estimate. If the lowest bid is higher than the estimate stated above, staff will include an appropriation recommendation in the supplemental memorandum. RTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: The project is partially funded with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and State Gas Tax funds. As such, the project was bid as a prevailing wage improvement. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The purpose of the project is to install aesthetically pleasing pedestrian crossings and to calm traffic within the City's Village area near "Old Town". Specifically, improvements will be made to Avenida Bermudas, between Calle Tampico and Avenue 52, and to Desert Club Drive, between Calle Tampico and Avenue 52. Improvements to Avenida Bermudas include installing decorative pavers within the crosswalks at the Calle Tampico intersection, dry wells, an enhanced pedestrian crossing with speed tables, adjacent to the post office, and three speed humps between the new enhanced pedestrian crossing at the post office and Avenue 52. Improvements to Desert Club Drive include installing decorative pavers within the crosswalks at the Calle Tampico intersection, dry wells, an enhanced pedestrian crossing with speed tables, immediately south of Calle Tampico, four speed humps between Calle Tampico and Avenue 52, and striped parking lanes between Calle Tampico and Avenue 52. The Phase 1 improvements include installing speed humps on Desert Club Drive and on Avenida Bermudas, which are being constructed in support of the golf cart master plan which requires that speeds be lowered to 25 MPH or less for golf cart use. The second phase of the project which includes the decorative pavers, dry wells, and enhanced pedestrian crossings with speed tables will be advertised and 094 constructed after May 1, 2010 in order to avoid disruptions to retailers in the Village. On April 15, 2008, the City Council adopted Resolution 2008-023 approving the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 through 2012-2013 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Village Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings are included within the adopted CIP and scheduled for funding during Fiscal Years 2008-2009. On November 18, 2008, the City Council conducted a public hearing and adopted Resolution 2008-073 allocating the use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The public facility improvements included within the Village Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings and Traffic Calming Devices project were included in this action and allocated an additional $160,000. On August 4, 2009, the City Council approved the PS&E and authorized staff to advertise for bid the Village Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings and Traffic Calming Devices, Project Number 2008-04. The project scope was subsequently revised into two phases in order to expedite construction of the speed humps this fall prior to the start of the holiday season. The remaining improvements will be advertised and constructed in the spring and summer of 2010. On October 30, 2009, bids were received for the construction of this project. A detailed bid comparison summary will be provided along with an award recommendation for the City Council's review prior to the City Council meeting. Contingent, upon City Council's authorization to award a construction contract on November 3, 2009, the following is the anticipated project schedule: City Council Awards Contract Sign Contracts and Mobilize (10 Working Days) Construction (15 Working Days) Supplemental Speed Survey Project Close-out Approval of Supplemental Speed Survey November 3, 2009 November 4 - 17, 2009 November 18 — December 10, 2009 December 14 — December 18, 2009 January 1, 2010 January 5, 2010 It should be noted that this schedule assumes that the supplemental speed study determines that average speeds have been reduced to 25 MPH or less on Desert Club Drive and Avenida Bermudas. If this is not the case additional traffic calming improvements may be necessary. 095 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . To be provided in the Supplemental Memorandum prior to the City Council meeting. Respectfully submitted, Ti othy R. J sso , E. Public Works Direct /City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Vicinity Map 096 ATTACHMENT VILLAGE ENHANCED PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS AND TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES PROJECT NUMBER 2008-04 VICINITY MAP 097 C-/® / T^. L@'�� w °4 � Qum& F y OF TF1F MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Veronica J. Montecino, CMC, City Cler DATE: November 2, 2009 SUBJECT: Supplemental Information The supplemental report for Consent Calendar Item No. 10, award of contract for Phase 1 Village Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings and Traffic Calming Devices, has been completed and is attached for the City Council's consideration. Thank you. 098 a •� O� 4 4 QuiKrcv s OE'[K4'O COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Approval Construct the Phase 1 Crossing and Traffic Number 2008-04 and Applicable RECOMMENDATION: to Award a Contract to Village Enhanced Pedestrian Calming Devices, Project Appropriation of Funds if AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: /� uol)lemental STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Award a contract to Contreras Construction Co., in the amount of $47,014, to construct the Phase I Village Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings and Traffic Calming Devices, Project Number 2008-04 (Attachment 1). FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following is the project's approved funding and funding sources: CDBG Funds State Gas Tax Funds Total Funding Available: $308,832 $594,393 $903,225 Based on the low bid received from Contreras Construction Co., in the amount of $47,014, the following is the estimated project budget: Design: $55,130 Professional: $8,620 Inspection/Testing/Survey: $42,023 Phase I Construction: $47,014 Phase II Construction: $611,504 Administration: $21,550 Contingency: $1 17,384 Total: $903,225 099 As illustrated, adequate funding is available to construct the Phase 1 improvements. The balance of the construction budget, in the amount of $611,504, will be used to construct the second phase of the project. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: The project is partially funded with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and State Gas Tax funds. As such, the project was bid as a prevailing wage improvement. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The purpose of the project is to install aesthetically pleasing pedestrian crossings and to calm traffic within the City's Village area near "Old Town". Specifically, improvements will be made to Avenida Bermudas, between Calle Tampico and Avenue 52, and to Desert Club Drive, between Calle Tampico and Avenue 52. Improvements to Avenida Bermudas include installing decorative pavers within the crosswalks at the Calle Tampico intersection, dry wells, an enhanced pedestrian crossing with speed tables, adjacent to the post office, and three speed humps between the new enhanced pedestrian crossing at the post office and Avenue 52. Improvements to Desert Club Drive include installing decorative pavers within the crosswalks at the Calle Tampico intersection, dry wells, an enhanced pedestrian crossing with speed tables, immediately south of Calle Tampico, four speed humps between Calle Tampico and Avenue 52, and striped parking lanes between Calle Tampico and Avenue 52. The Phase 1 improvements include installing speed humps on Desert Club Drive and on Avenida Bermudas, which are being constructed in support of the golf cart master plan which requires that speeds be lowered to 25 MPH or less for golf cart use. The second phase of the project which includes the decorative pavers, dry wells, and enhanced pedestrian crossings with speed tables will be advertised and constructed after May 1, 2010 in order to avoid disruptions to retailers in the Village. On April 15, 2008, the City Council adopted Resolution 2008-023 approving the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 through 2012-2013 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Village Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings are included within the adopted CIP and scheduled for funding during Fiscal Years 2008-2009. On November 18, 2008, the City Council conducted a public hearing and adopted Resolution 2008-073 allocating the use of Community Development Block Grant 100 (CDBG) funds. The public facility improvements included within the Village Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings and Traffic Calming Devices project were included in this action and allocated an additional $160,000. On August 4, 2009, the City Council approved the PS&E and authorized staff to advertise for bid the Village Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings and Traffic Calming Devices, Project Number 2008-04. The project scope was subsequently revised into two phases in order to expedite construction of the speed humps this fall prior to the start of the holiday season. The remaining improvements will be advertised and constructed in the spring and summer of 2010. On October 30, 2009, two (2) sealed bids were received for the construction of this project. A detailed bid comparison summary is provided for the City Council's review (Attachment 2). The basis of award is the lowest combined price of the base bid area. Staff therefore recommends the project be awarded to the lowest bidder, Contreras Construction Co., in the amount of $47,014. Contingent upon City Council's authorization to award a construction contract on November 3, 2009, the following is the anticipated project schedule: City Council Awards Contract Sign Contracts and Mobilize (10 Working Days) Construction 0 5 Working Days) Supplemental Speed Survey Project Close-out Approval of Supplemental Speed Survey November 3, 2009 November 4 - 17, 2009 November 18 — December 10, 2009 December 14 — December 18, 2009 January 1, 2010 January 5, 2010 It should be noted that this schedule assumes that the supplemental speed study determines that average speeds have been reduced to 25 MPH or less on Desert Club Drive and Avenida Bermudas. If this is not the case additional traffic calming improvements may be necessary. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Award a contract to Contreras Construction Co., in the amount of $47,014, to construct the Phase I Village Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings and Traffic Calming Devices, Project Number 2008-04; or 2. Do not award a contract to Contreras Construction Co., in the amount of $47,014, to construct the Phase I Village Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings and Traffic Calming Devices, Project Number 2008-04; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Timo by R. Jonasson, .E. Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: ��vf/YYL.GO� Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Bid Comparison Summary •,.- 102 Attachment 1 VILLAGE ENHANCED PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS AND TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES PROJECT NUMBER 2008-04 VICINITY MAP 0 0 0 0 o O o A o 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 00 O O 00 O z U yy W "7 69 69 � 69 69 7� GaL � iFC o w� F o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl rs �o U o A V o z o 0 M o 0 e W G O O O M O O F W 0 6 o 0 o 0 zA 00 L ZU o00 �o � 0 U A 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A U o 0 o rn o w F W CIS sss v3 sa s�A W o 0 o vi o 0 W 0 0 o r o 0 U Z o 0o(A l 6A N bA z� aaa� a w EW" d�. F � C CO... F to [ � q W wl a W0 zo €A z z O ctl G a �1 y G. O U VJ y U O OC9 N iz ••� U to G E CG o 3 .N. A o NMI o Fza 0.1 F 4 4.0 Q"1Krcv c `y OF T� COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Contract Extension with The Planning Center for Preparation of the La Quinta Housing Element Update RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Complete the La Quinta Housing Element Update and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract extension to April 30, 2010, with The Planning Center. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The current contract has a not -to -exceed amount of $86,250 for completion of the Housing Element Update. The contract services agreement will be amended to include a change order of $8,000, bringing the total contract budget to $94,250. The 2009- 2010 Budget includes sufficient contract services funding (101-6002-463.32-10) to cover this additional expense. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On June 19, 2007, the City Council approved authorization for the City Manager to negotiate a contract with The Planning Center, to prepare the 2008 Housing Element (Attachment 1). The contract was originally negotiated for the term of July 18, 2007 to August 31, 2008, with a three-month extension allowance. That extension was exercised by the Contract Officer (i.e. Planning Director), extending the contract end date to November 30, 2008. On November 18, 2008, staff requested an additional contract extension, which was granted by City Council. Based on that extension, the current contract ends November 30, 2009. Staff requests a third contract extension to April 30, 2010, to facilitate additional work necessary to complete the Housing Element update. 105 Pursuant to Section 1.6 of the original contract, staff is also requesting that a change order of $8,000 be authorized, as additional responses to address Housing and Community Development (HCD) review comments are necessary. The original scope of work stated that "If additional HCD review beyond the two formal 60-day reviews is required, or if the Consultant must respond directly to comments from legal advocates, a change order to the budget will be required prior to making these additional responses. Section 1.6 of the contract requires City Council authorization for any additional compensation exceeding 5% of the total contract. HCD provided staff with review comments on June 30 and October 12, 2009. The October 12 comments from HCD still question whether the City has shown realistic and adequate capacity to accommodate its Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) allocations, and while staff and the Planning Center feel that this has been demonstrated, HCD continues to focus on several items which staff felt were substantially addressed under the first response to HCD. Staff is confident that more direct discussion with HCD will resolve their concerns with the City's approach. Given the State's continued dissatisfaction with the current land inventory, the change order is intended to budget for enough hours to perform revisions throughout the document, in case the State asks for significant changes. Conversely, the third round may be as simple as one or two additional conversations with the State, and just small changes to the document is all that will be necessary. In that event, costs will be less than the requested change order, and it is noted that this request is not on a fixed -cost basis, so that only actual time spent on the project will be billed. In order to complete the contract, staff requests a contract extension of six (6) months, to April 30, 2010, to the existing contract. Attachment 2 is a scope of services for the change order, in the amount of $8,000. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Authorize the City Manager to sign a contract extension to April 30, 2010, and change order for $8,000, with The Planning Center, to complete the 2008 La Quinta Housing Element Update; or 2. Do not authorize the City Manager to sign a contract extension to April 30, 2010, and change order for $8,000, with The Planning Center, to complete the 2008 La Quinta Housing Element Update; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. ,....' 106 Respectfully s JoF>fa'sot , Planning Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1 . Professional Services Agreement - 2008 Housing Element Update 2. Service Authorization Request �n... 107 ATTACHMENT 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, ("City"), a. California municipal corporation, and THE PLANNING CENTER ("Consultant"). The parties hereto agree as follows: 1.0 SERVICES OF CONSULTANT 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, Consultant shall provide those services related to preparation of the City's 2008 Housing Element Update as specified in the "Scope of Services" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference (the "services" or "work"). Consultant warrants that all services will be performed.in a competent, professional and satisfactory manner in accordance with the standards prevalent in the industry for such services. 1.2 Compliance with Law. All services rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, regulations and laws of the City of La Quinta and any Federal, State or local governmental agency of competent jurisdiction. 1.3 'Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments. Except as otherwise specified herein, Consultant shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits. and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. Consultant shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are necessary for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. 1.4 Familiarity with Work. By executing this Agreement, Consultant warrants that (a) it has thoroughly investigated and considered the work to be performed, (b) it has investigated the site of the work and fully acquainted itself with the conditions there existing, (c) . it has carefully considered how the work should be performed, and (d) it fully understands the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending performance of the work under this Agreement. Should Consultant discover any latent or unknown conditions materially differing from those inherent in the work or as represented by City, Consultant shall immediately inform City of such fact and shall not proceed except at Consultant's risk until written instructions are received from the Contract Officer (as defined in Section 4.2 hereof). 1.5 Care of Work and Standard of Work. 108 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update July 17, 2007 a. Care of Work. Consultant shall adopt reasonable methods during the life of the Agreement to furnish continuous protection to the work performed by Consultant, and the equipment, materials, papers and other components thereof to prevent losses ,or damages, and shall be responsible for all such damages, to persons or property, until acceptance of the work by City, except such losses or damages as may be caused by City's own negligence. The performance of services by Consultant shall not relieve Consultant from any obligation to correct any incomplete, inaccurate or defective work at no further cost to City, when such inaccuracies are due to the negligence of Consultant. b. Standard of Work. Consultant acknowledges and understands that the services and work contracted for under this Agreement require specialized skills and abilities and that, consistent with this understanding, Consultant's services and work will be held to a heightened standard of quality and workmanship. Consistent with Section 1.4 hereinabove, Consultant represents to City that it holds the necessary skills and abilities to satisfy the heightened standard of work as set forth in this Agreement. 1.6 Additional Services. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Consultant shall perform services in addition to those specified in the Scope of Services when directed to do so by. the Contract Officer, provided that Consultant shall not be required to perform any additional services without compensation. Any addition in compensation not exceeding five percent (5%) of the Contract Sum may be approved by the Contract Officer. Any greater increase must be approved by the City Council. 1.7 Special Requirements. Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in Exhibit "D" (the "Special Requirements"). In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Special Requirements and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of the Special Requirements shall govern. 2.0 COMPENSATION 2.1 Contract Sum. For the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Consultant shall be compensated in accordance with Exhibit "B" (the "Schedule of Compensation") in a total amount not to exceed Eighty-six Thousand, Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($86,250) (the "Contract Sum"), except as provided in Section 1.6. The method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation may h....` 109 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update July 17, 2007 Include a lump sum payment.upon completion, payment in accordance with.the percentage of completion of the services, payment for time and materials based upon Consultant's rate schedule, but not exceeding the Contract Sum, or such other methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. Compensation may include reimbursement for actual and . necessary expenditures for reproduction costs, transportation expense, telephone expense, and similar costs and expenses when and if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. 2.2 Method of Payment. Any month in which Consultant, wishes to receive payment, Consultant shall submit to City no later than the tenth (10th) working day of such month, in the form approved by City's Finance Director, an invoice for services rendered prior to the date of the invoice. Such invoice shall (1) describe in detail the services provided, including time and materials, and (2) specify each staff member who has provided services and the number of . hours assigned to each such staff member. Such invoice shall contain a certification by a principal member of Consultant specifying that the payment requested is for work performed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. City will pay. Consultant for all expenses stated thereon which are approved by City pursuant to. this Agreement no later than thirty (30) days after invoices are received by the City's Finance Department. 3.0 PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. 3.2 Schedule of Performance. All services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed diligently and within the time period established in Exhibit "C" (the "Schedule of Performance"). Extensions to the time period specified in the. Schedule .of Performance may be approved in writing by the Contract Officer. 3.3 Force Majeure. The time period specified in the Schedule of Performance for performance of the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of Consultant, including, but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, fires, earthquakes, floods; epidemic, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, acts of any governmental agency other than City, .and unusually severe weather, if Consultant shall within ten (10) days of the commencement of such delay notify the Contract Officer in writing.of -,... ` 110 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update l July 17, 2007 J the causes of the delay. The Contract Officer shall ascertain the facts and the extent of delay, and extend the time for performing the services for the period of the forced delay when and if in his or her judgment such delay is justified, and the Contract Officer's determination shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. 3.4 Term. The term of this agreement shall commence on July 18, 2007, and terminate on August 31, 2008 (initial term). This agreement may be extended for three (3) additional Months upon mutual agreement by both parties (extended term). Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Sections 7.7 or 7.8 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until completion of t 4.0 COORDINATION OF WORK 4.1 Representative of Consultant. The following principals of Consultant are hereby designated as being the principals and representatives of Consultant authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the work specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith: a. It is expressly understood that the experience, knowledge, capability, and reputation of the foregoing principals were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, the foregoing principals shall be responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all activities of Consultant and devoting sufficient time to personally supervise the services hereunder. The foregoing principals may not. be changed by Consultant and no other personnel may be assigned to perform the service required hereunder without the express written approval of City. 4.2 Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall be Les Johnson, Planning Director, or such other person as may be designated by the City Manager of City. It shall be Consultant's responsibility to assure that the Contract Officer is kept informed of the progress of the performance of the services and Consultant shall refer any decisions, which must be made by City to the Contract Officer. Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall mean the approval of the Contract Officer. 4.3 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of Consultant, its principals and employees 111 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update July 17, 2007 were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Except as set forth in this Agreement, Consultant shall not contract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the services required hereunder without the express written approval of City. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be assigned or transferred, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written approval of City. 4.4 Independent Contractor. Neither City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner, mode or means by which Consultant, its agents or employees, perform the services required herein, except as otherwise set forth. Consultant shall perform all services required herein as an independent contractor of City and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or -employees are agents or employees of City. 4.5 City Cooperation. City shall provide Consultant with any plans, publications, reports, statistics, records or other data or information pertinent to services to be performed hereunder which are reasonably available to Consultant only from or through action by City. 5.0 INSURANCE INDEMNIFICATION AND BONDS. 5.1 Insurance, Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work performed under this Agreement, Consultant shall procure and maintain, at its cost, and submit concurrently with its execution of this Agreement, personal and public liability and property damage insurance against all claims for injuries against persons or damages to property resulting from Consultant's acts or omissions rising out of or related to Consultant's performance under this Agreement. The insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause providing that the coverage shall be primary for losses arising out of Consultant's performance hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to any such loss. A certificate evidencing the foregoing and naming City and its officers and employees as additional insured shall be delivered to and approved by City prior to commencement of the services hereunder. The amount of insurance required hereunder shall be determined by the Contract Sum in accordance with the following table: 112 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update July 17, 2007 Contract Sum Personal Injury/Property Damage Coverage Less than $50,000 $100,000 per individual; $300,000 per occurrence $50,000 - $300,000 $250,000 per individual; $500,000 per occurrence Over $300,000 $500,000 per individual; $1,000,000 per occurance Consultant shall carry automobile liability insurance of $1,000,000 per accident against all claims for injuries against persons or damages to property arising out of the use of any automobile by Consultant, its officers, any. person directly or indirectly employed by Consultant, any subcontractor or agent, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, arising directly or.indirectly out of or related to Consultant's performance under this Agreement. If Consultant or Consultant's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Consultant shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. The term "automobile" includes, but is not limited to, a land motor vehicle, trailer or semi -trailer designed for travel on public roads. The automobile insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause providing that coverage shall be primary for losses arising out of Consultant's performance hereunder and neither. City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to such loss. A certificate evidencing the foregoing and naming City and its officers and employees as additional insured shall be delivered to and approved by City prior to commencement of the services hereunder. Consultant shall carry Workers' Compensation Insurance in accordance with State Worker's Compensation laws with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be writteri• on a policy form coverage specifically designed to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the consultant and "Covered Professional Services" as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay on behalf of" the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurers that are admitted carriers in the State of California and with an A.M. Bests rating of "A or better and a minimum financial size Vll. 113 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update July 17, 2007 All insurance required by this Section shall be kept in effect during the term of this Agreement and shall not be cancelable without thirty (30) days written notice to City of proposed cancellation. The procuring of such insurance or the delivery of policies or certificates evidencing the same shall not be construed as a limitation of Consultant's obligation to indemnify City, its officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, or agents. 5.2 Indemnification. a. General Indemnification Provision. 1. Indemnification for Professional Liability. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for Consultant's Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees and agents ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities of every kind, nature and description, damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Consultant or subconsultants), costs and expenses of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of .investigation, to the extent same are cause in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Consultant, its officers, agents, employees or subconsultants (or any entity or individual that Consultant shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this agreement. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Consultant shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit C without the written consent of the Consultant. 2. Indemnification for Other Than Professional Liability. Other than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, and any and all of its employees, officials and agents from and against any liability (including liability for claims,' suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses) incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, to the extent caused by the performance of this Agreement by ,.... 114 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update July 17, 2007 Consultant or by any individual or entity for which Consultant is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents,employees or subconsultants of Consultant. 3. Standard Indemnification Provisions. Consultant agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions identical to those set forth herein this section from each and every subconsultant or any other person or entity involved by, for, with or on behalf of Consultant in the performance of this agreement. In the event Consultant fails to obtain such indemnity obligations from others as required herein, Consultant agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms of this section. Failure of. City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder. This obligation to indemnify and defend City as set forth herein is binding on the successors, assigns or heirs of Consultant and shall survive the termination of this agreement or this section. 4. Indemnity Provisions for Contracts Related to Construction. Without affecting the rights of City under any provision of this agreement, Consultant shall not be required to indemnify and hold harmless City for liability attributable to the active negligence of City, provided such active negligence is determined by agreement between the parties or by the findings of a court of competent jurisdiction In instances where City is shown to have been . actively negligent and where City's active negligence accounts for only a percentage of the liability involved, the obligation of Consultant will be for that entire portion or percentage of liability not attributable to the active negligence of City. b. Indemnification Provision for Design Professionals. 1. Applicability of Section 5.2(b). Notwithstanding Section 5.2(a) hereinabove, the following indemnification provision shall apply to Consultants who constitute "design professionals" as the term is defined in paragraph 3 below. 2. Scope of Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City and City's agents, officers, officials, employees, representatives, and departments ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities of every kind, nature and description, damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Consultant or subconsultants), costs and expenses of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, and fees „_: 115 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update July 17, 2007 JJ of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, to the extent caused by_the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of Consultant, any subconsultant, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone that they control. 3. Design Professional Defined. As used in this Section 5.2(b), the term "design professional" shall be limited to licensed architects, registered professional engineers, licensed professional land surveyors and landscape architects, all as defined under current law, and as may be amended from time to time by Civil Code § 2782.8. 5.3 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies City may have if Consultant fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements, to the extent and within the time herein required, City may, at its sole option: a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement. b. Order Consultant to stop work under this Agreement . and/or withhold any payment(s) which become due to Consultant hereunder. until I Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof. c. Terminate this Agreement. Exercise of any of the above remedies, however, is an alternative to any other remedies City may have. The above remedies are not the exclusive remedies for Consultant's failure to maintain or secure appropriate policies or endorsements. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which Consultant may be held responsible for payments of damages to persons or property resulting from Consultant's or its subcontractors' performance of work under this Agreement. 5.4 General Conditions pertaining to provisions of. insurance coverage by Consultant. Consultant and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Consultant: 1. Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials, employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement. No. CG 2010 with an „_. 116 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update July 17, 2007 / edition prior to 1992. Consultant also -agrees to require all contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all contractors and subcontractors to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor. and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any contractor or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Consultant shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Consultant's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right , but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Consultant or deducted from sums due Consultant, at City option. The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update \ July 17, 2007 l 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide thirty (30) days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. 9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Consultant or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, non-contributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self insurance available to City. 10. Consultant agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto, or involved in the project by Consultant, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Consultant. Consultant agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant agrees that upon request,, all agreements With subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 11. Consultant agrees not to self -insure or to use any self -insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self -insure its obligations to City, If Consultant's existing coverage includes a deductible or self -insured retention, the deductible or self -insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall review options with the Consultant, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self -insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 12. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such. change results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City. 13. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking ,$O�. 118 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update July 17, 2007 any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Consultant of non-compliance with any Insurance requirement in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 15. Consultant will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 16. Consultant shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications :) applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five (5) days of the expiration of coverages. 17. The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Consultant under this agreement. Consultant expressly agrees not -to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. 18. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all-inclusive. 19. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update July 17, 2007 20. The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 21. Consultant agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any parry involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Consultant for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. Consultant agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Consultant arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right ibut not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. 6.0 RECORDS AND REPORTS. 6.1 Reaoyts. Consultant shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer such reports concerning Consultant's performance of the services required by this Agreement as the Contract Officer shall require. 6.2 Records. Consultant shall keep such books and records as shall be necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement and enable..the Contract Officer to evaluate the cost and the performance of such services. Books and records pertaining to costs shall be kept and prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals. The Contract Officer shall have full and free access to such books and records 'at'all reasonable times, including the right to inspect, copy, audit, and make records and transcripts from such records. 6.3 Ownership of Documents. Originals of all drawings, specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials, whether in hard copy or electronic form, which are prepared by Consultant, its employees, subcontractors and agents in the performance . of this Agreement, shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City upon termination of this Agreement or upon the earlier request of . the Contract Officer, and Consultant shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by City of its full rights of ownership of the documents and materials hereunder. Consultant shall cause all ..�. 120 The Planning Center 2608 Housing Element Update July 17, 2007 subcontractors to assign to City any documents or materials prepared by them, and in the event Consultant fails to secure such assignment, Consultant shall indemnify City for all damages suffered thereby. In the event City or any person, firm or corporation authorized by City reuses said documents and materials without written verification or adaptation by Consultant for the specific purpose intended and causes to be made or makes any changes or alterations in said documents and materials, City hereby releases, discharges, and exonerates Consultant from liability resulting from said change. The provisions of this clause shall survive the completion of this Contract and shall thereafter remain in full force and effect. 6.4 Release of Documents. The drawings, specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials prepared by Consultant in the performance of services under this Agreement shall not be released publicly without the.. prior. written approval of the Contract Officer or as required by law. Consultant shall not disclose to any other entity or person any information regarding the activities of City, except as required by law or as authorized by City. 7.0 ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT. 7.1 California Law. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws.of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Consultant covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. 7.2 Disputes. in the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, the injured party shall notify the injuring party in writing of its contentions by submitting a claim therefore. The injured party shall continue performing its obligations hereunder so long as the injuring party commences to cure such default within ten (10) days of service of such notice and completes the cure of .such default within forty-five (45) days after service of the notice, or such longer period as may be permitted by the Contract Officer; provided that if the default is an. immediate danger to the health, safety and general welfare, City may take such immediate action as City deems warranted. Compliance with the provisions of this section shall be a condition precedent to termination of this Agreement for cause and to any legal action, and such compliance shall not be a waiver of any party's «... 121 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update July 17, 2007 right to take legal action in the event that the dispute is not cured, provided that nothing herein shall. limit City's right to terminate this Agreement without cause pursuant to Section 7.8. 7.3 Retention of Funds. City may withhold from any monies payable to Consultant sufficient funds to compensate City for any losses, costs, liabilities, or damages it reasonably believes were suffered by City due to the default of Consultant in the performance of the services required by this Agreement. 7.4 Waiver. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of a non defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. City's consent or approval of any act by Consultant requiring City's consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary City's consent to or approval of any subsequent act of Consultant. Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision. of this Agreement. 7.5 Rights and Remedies are. Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. 7.6 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, at law or at equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. 7.7 Termination Prior To Expiration Of Term. This section shall govern any termination of this Agreement, except as specifically provided in the following . Section 7.8 for termination for cause. City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Consultant. Upon receipt of .any notice of termination, Consultant shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to receipt of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer thereafter in accordance with the 122 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update - July 17, 2007 Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer, except as provided in Section 7.3. 7.8 Termination for Default of Consultant. If termination is due to the failure of Consultant to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 7.2, take over work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and Consultant shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any payments to Consultant for the purpose of setoff or partial payment of the amounts owed City as previously stated in Section 7.3. 7.9 Attorneys' Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of suit from the losing party. 8.0 CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES: NONDISCRIMINATION. 8.1 Non -liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer or employee of City shall be personally liable to Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event or any default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 8.2 Conflict of Interest. No officer or employee of City shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects his or her personal interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which she or he is, directly or indirectly, interested, in violation of any State statute or regulation. Consultant warrants that it has not paid or given and will not pay or give any third party any money or general consideration for obtaining this Agreement. 8.3 Covenant against Discrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in the performance of this Agreement. Consultant shall take ��� 123 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update July 17, 2007 affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry. 9.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 Notice. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, communication either parry desires or is required to give the other party or any other person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail to the address set forth below. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. ,Notice shall be deemed communicated forty-eight (48) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this section. To City: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attention: Thomas P. Genovese City Manager 78-495 Calle Tampico P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92247-1504 To Consultant: THE PLANNING CENTER Attention: Colin Drukker 1580 Metro Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 9.2 Integrated Agreement. This Agreement contains all of the agreements of the parties and all previous understanding, negotiations and agreements are integrated into and superseded by this Agreement. 9.3 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties by an instrument in writing signed by both parties. 9.4 Severability. In the event that any one or more of the phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by a valid judgment or . decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the intent of the parties hereunder. 9.5 Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of said parties and that by so executing this Agreement the parties hereto are formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement. 124 The Planning Center 2008 Housing Element Update l July 17, 2007 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates stated below. CITY OF LA QUINTA a California municipal corporation Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Date 0 Veronica J. "tecino, CMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO Jenson, 9 iVAttorney CONSULTANT: THHEE PLANNING CENTER By: - e949 Name: Title: > Date:f 3 _ -- 125 Exhibit A Scope of Services 'I•- 1,26 PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK Task #1: Kickoff Meeting The Planning Center will need to meet with the City to review and refine the scope of work, discuss key Issues, and collect important data (such as GIS files, housing documents, and other information). It may also be necessary to conduct one or two site visits to assess potentially underutilized sites. Task#2: Introduction (Sections 1.0-3.0) The introductory sections of the Housing Element (1.0 Introduction, 2.0 Summary of Issues, and 3.0 Housing Vision) require minor updates to reflect the new planning period and any revised strategies and policies generated for the 2008-2014 planning period. Task#3: Needs Assessment (Section 4.0-7.0) Thocurrent Housing Element benefits from the use of 2000 Census or 2002 market data for much of the basic demographic and market analyses presented in Sections 4.0 and 5.0 of the Housing Element This potentially eliminates the need to update approximately 50 percent of the data. In general, . discussions based on data older than 2000 for the Community Profile, and 2004 for the Housing Profile, will require new data to ensure the demographic and market profiles presented in the Housing Element remain relevant for the City and the State Department of Housing and Community Development. The State considers the discussion of housing needs —particularly for special needs populations— extremely important and updates will be required for the majority of data in Section 6.0 (Housing Needs) to provide an accurate portrait of the most pressing housing needs so that responsive policies and programs can be fashioned. The City's regional housing needs allocation figures may require significant revisions to Section 7.0.,(Housing Constraints) —particularly in the discussion of governmental constraints if the City is require! to consider changes to development standards and processes. Task #4: Land Inventory (Section 8.0) Due to recent changes to State law and the potential interest of third parties, the Housing Element will require enhanced analysis to demonstrate that adequate land; development standards, and zoning are or will be in place to develop a variety of housing types for all income levels, commensurate with the regional housing needs allocation. Identifying appropriate and suitable housing sites will be the most critical task in the Housing Element With the City's resort nature and low densities, we will need to consider strategies that involve increasing densities; restrioling existing non -affordable housing developments; and identifying underutiliied sites for housing, including land currently zoned for nonresidential uses. Although we understand that such strategies may not be embraced by the City or its residents, such strategies will need to be explored to ensure the City can obtain certification from the State. We will also examine recent housing projects in the Coachella Valley and contact housing developers to assess the density thresholds suitable to facilitate a range of housing types and prices. We will then assess underutilized sites proposed for housing with respect to size and configuration, adequacy of public services, and proximity to noise and environmental hazards, among other factors. La Quinta Housing Element Proposal Page 1 ,...` 127 Additionally, State law permits the intercity transfer of a portion of the RHNA subject to certain limitations —although few cities have ever successfully navigated the stringent legislation, with the exception of several communities in northern California Under current State law, the potential for a RHNA transfer is limited to 500 units maximum. The City may wish to discuss transfer options with the adjacent jurisdictions of Indio and Coachella This proposal assumes that The Planning Center will be. available for an initial exploration of requirements and options limited to eight (8) hours. Any additional work will require an augment to the budget and scope of work. This proposal assumes that the City will provide GIS data and will be able to confirm the status of existing developments, pending projects, and recycling potential of underutilized lands. Our analysis may consider vacant sites zoned for residential use that can be upzoned, vacant sites zoned for uses that permit residendal development, and underutilized sites that can be rezoned or redesignated for residential uses. We will also update and discuss possible financial resources available to address housing needs, focusing on the major sources of state and federal funds. We will document the redevelopment set -aside balance and all other housing and community development funds required to be spent on housing and show projected expenditures.from City records. Also included will be an inventory of administrative resources, specifically those nonprofit and for -profit agencies that can assist the City's in achieving its housing goals.. Task#5: At•RiskAnalysis (Section 9.0) We will evaluate the affordable projects at risk of conversion (if any) to non -low-income uses based on a review of available state and federal databases, the California Housing Partnership databases, and other information provided by the City. Task #6: Review of Past Element (Section 10.0) Housing Bement law requires that the previous housing objectives be reviewed and evaluated for success.. We will review federal and state reports (e.g., CAPERS, Annual Reports, Redevelopment files) and interview City staff to determine how well the City has achieved its goals and objectives in maintaining, producing, and preserving housing. This task will assist in evaluating the need to modify existing programs; introduce new programs, and eliminate obsolete programs. Typically, we rely on annual progress reports completed by City staff for the general plan. When these progress reports are unavailable, we provide a policy/program matrix for City staff to complete that documents progress in achieving the housing objectives set forth in the t 998-2005 Housing. Element. This matrix will be used to evaluate why the City did/did not achieve its goals, and to make recommendations for modifying, adding, or deleting programs. For 2006, we assume the City will prepare the appropriate annual progress.report Task #7: Housing Plan and Objectives (Sections 11.0-13.0) We understand that the City Council is committed to developing realistic housing strategies and programs to help address the community's housing needs while retain the City's resort nature. While the City's goals, policies, and programs were recently updated, some significant changes may be necessary to provide adequate sties for the Chy's regional housing needs allocation. Any changes will be reflected in the City's Housing Plan and quantified objectives Task #8: Public Outreach Housing Element law requires that a diligent effort be made to include nonprofit groups, housing advocates, and the general public in the development and implementation of the housing element This requirement is typically satisfied by public workshops during preparation and adoption of the housing La Qulnta Housing Element Proposal Page 2 128 element. When third -party interests are involved, significant development projects are under consideration, or significant housing program changes are envisioned, additional public outreach is often advisable. With these considerations in mind, we have crafted the following outreach program: • Public Hearings (PC & CC). State law requires that two public hearings be held to consider, recommend, and adopt the Housing Element. Our cost proposal assumes the two (2) public hearings —one before the Planning Commission and one before the City Council. This proposal assumes that we will prepare necessary presentation materials and the City will prepare the staff report. (OPTIONAL) Pubic Workshops (PIN). We offer the option of including two (2) public workshops to educate and solicit input from the public and City officials on housing Issues and potential strategies to provide affordable housing. Generally, outreach conducted during general plan updates and preparation of documents such as consolidated plans can satisfy much of the outreach requirements of State law. During this planning period, however, we are not aware of any. recent outreach efforts conducted by the City concerning affordable housing. Our experience indicates that conducting public workshops early in and during the update process can insulate the City from complaints by third parties who seek to derail the City's efforts. The first workshop would be a Housing Element primer, which would discuss Housing Element requirements, address the most pressing housing needs of the community, and provide an overview of current housing programs. The second workshop would focus on recommended policy/program changes to the Housing Element. We would prepare the necessary presentation materials for these efforts. From these meetings, comments would be incorporated into the Housing Element before it is submitted to the State of California for review. • (OPTIONAL) Stakeholder Meetings (SM). Given the interest from housing advocates in the previous Housing Element update, we have included the option for conducting three (3) stakeholder meetings, which may focus on developers, service providers, philanthropic organizations,or legal advocates. These meetings will be designed to address particular Issues of concern and elicit focused input from, a particular stakeholder group. The scope and focus of these workshops will be determined during the Housing Element update, and may occur during the preparation of the Housing Element, the HOD review process (discussed below), or other junctures: We will prepare the necessary presentation materials for these workshops. Task#9: NCD Review State law requires that all Housing Elements be submitted to HOD for a mandatory 60-day review. HCD will review the draft Housing Element to determine whether the City's sites, zoning, development standards, and programs meet the intent of state law and are sufficient to facilitate housing that is affordable to all economic segments of the community. We will work closely with City staff and HCD reviewers to address any outstanding concerns. Following incorporation of changes to the Housing Element and City adoption, the Housing Element will be submitted to HCD for a final review, which is limited to 90 days under state law. We have budgeted for two formal rounds of negotiations with HCD (two 60tiay reviews) before a letter of approval Is issued. Additional rounds of review may occur if third -party review Is Involved, if controversial development projects are considered, or if HCD deems that a city has inadequate sites or significant housing constraints. If additional HCD review beyond the two formal 60-day reviews is required, or if the Consultant must respond directly comments from legal advocates, an augmentation to the budget will be required prior to making these additional responses. La Quinta Housing Element Proposal Page 3 ,.�.` 129 Task#10: Environmental Review Housing 8ements are required to secure environmental clearance prior to holding two public hearings for adoption. The environmental review typically takes the form of a Negative Declaration unless significant land use changes are proposed. The Planning Center will prepare an Initial Study and Negative Declaration (IS/ND) in compliance with State law. We will also circulate the IS/ND to the appropriate state and local agencies. if any changes arise from the update that will require enhanced environmental review, an augmentation to the budget and scope of work will be required. A maximum budget of $3,000 for reimbursables (of the project's $7,000 total refmbursables budget) has been allocated to generate hard and electronic copies of the environmental review documents for your review, distribution, and the public hearing process. If additional copies are required or requested that exceed this budget, an augmentation will be required. Task#11: Rnal Housing Element The Planning Center will prepare three final drafts of the Housing Element The first is the HOD Review Draft, which will be transmitted to State for their review. During the review period, a total of four hard copies of the HOD Review Draft will be produced for each review period (per Task #9, two review periods are envisioned). Two copies will be sent to the City, one copy will be sent to the State, and one copy will be retained for use by The Planning Center. After.the HOD Review process is complete, The Planning Center will prepare a Public Review Draft of the Housing Element for the public hearings. A total of 12 hard copies will be provided to the City for distribution, in addition to an electronic version suitable for electronic distribution or placement on the Ci y's website. After the City has adopted the Housing Element, a Final Draft of the Housing Element will be prepared to incorporate any comments or edits generated by the public review process. The Planning Center will provide a total of four hard copies of the Final Draft of the Housing Element, in addition to a CD containing electronic copies of critical project files for the City's records and use. Task#12: Project Management This task is necessary to provide for the day-to-day management of the project and product review and oversight, including coordination, billing activities, and budget and schedule maintenance. This assumes up to eight meetings with City staff, and two hours per month for administrative details, billing, and project coordination over the course of one year. Additional meetings and coordination with other groups will require an augmentation to this scope and budget Staff meetings are provided to coordinate the update effort, discuss housing programs, address land use issues, and, coordinate efforts with other consultants, such as major developers proposing residential . projects within the community which affect the land inventory. The Planning Center utilizes web conferencing software (GoTo Meeting) that enables the City to view what is on our computer screens. This proposal assumes that at least half of the staff meetings would be held as a conference call and use the GoTo Meeting software if desired. This minimizes the costs for travel and allows us to schedule meetings during any time of the day. Heimbursables Reimbursable expenses, including the costs for printing, copies, external data collection,, and deliveries are not included in this proposal but are charged at cost plus f 2.5%. La Quinta Housing Element Proposal Page 4 130 Schedule The following chart details the proposed schedule for the Housing Element in order for it to be reviewed by HQD and adopted by June 200& This schedule assumes timely receipt of Information from the City regarding land inventory, program evaluations, progress reports, and other supporting documentation. Housing Element Schedule 2007 24M Task TaskAv;c*don hsr M Aaa -qwl MI #W Ow Anj !eb As Apr AW Ax #1 I(IckoO Meo tap #2 Imnoductlon #3 Needs Assessment #4 Land InveatDry #5 At filsk rysis #S ReviewofPastAna9ement #9 HOD Review #10 Environment #11 FinalHousin{ #12 Pro(ectMana Note: SM (Stakeholder Meeting) and PW (Public Workshop) are optional tasks. La Qulnta Housing Element Proposal page 5 131 Budget Our proposed budget for the Housing Element update is $76,750 and is based on assigned staff and their billing rates. An additional $9,500 in optional tasks are presented in a second table. The budget assumes a 13-month timeframe for completion of the housing element no later than July 2008. Additional time beyond this will be subject to annual adjustments in labor rates. Housing dement Budget Task raskDesctlparn Cost #1 IOckoff Meeting $750 #2 Introduction $1,000 #3 Needs Assessment $7,500 #4 Land Inventory . $17,000 #5 At-RiskAnaWs $1,000 #6 Review of Past Element $3,000 #7 Housing Plan and Objectives $7,500 #8 Public Outreach $5,000 #9 HCD Review $10,000 #10 Environmental Review $7,000 #11 Final Housing Element $3,000 #12 Project Management $7,000 Labor Cost $6%750 Relmbursables 1 $7,000 TOTAL PROPOSED COST 1 $76,750 Optional Tasks Task r84 0ataimin Cost_ #8 Public Outreach Public Worlmhops 2 $5,500 Stakeholder Meetings (3) $3,000 Labor Cost $9,000 Relmbursa les $1,000 TOTAL PROPOSED COST $9,500 La Quints Housing Element Proposal Page 6 132 Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation Payment shall be on a "Fixed Fee" basis in accordance with the Consultants Schedule of Compensation attached herewith for the work tasks performed in conformance with Section 2.2 of the Agreement. Total compensation for all work under this contract shall not exceed Eighty-six Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($86,250) except as specified in Section 1.6 - Additional Services of the Agreement. 133 Exhibit C Schedule of Performance Consultants Project Schedule is attached and made a part of this agreement. Consultant shall complete services presented within the scope of work contained within Exhibit "A" in accordance with the attached project schedule. �•• 134 Exhibit D Special Requirements NONE. 135 ATTACHMENT #2 Service Authorization PROJECT NO. CLQ-03 I DATE October 21, 2009 PROJECT NAME La Quinta Housing Element Update TYPE OF AUTHORIZATION: ❑ Fixed Price Project ❑ Time and Materials Project ® Contract Extension ❑ Meetings Extra to Contract Reimbursables: ❑ No Charge ❑ Extra to Contract ® 12.5% Markup on Reimbursables and Subconsultants RETAINER: so ❑ yes* ® No *All retainers are either applied to the final invoice or refunded at the close of the project. BUDGET AMOUNT: s a,000.00 AGREEMENT BETWEEN: ® Not to Exceed ❑ Estimated CLIENT City of La Quinta CONSULTANT The Planning Center STREET ADDRESS 78-495 Calle Tampico STREET ADDRESS 1580 Metro Drive CITY STATE AND ZIP La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY STATE AND ZIP Costa Mesa, CA 92626 CONTACT Les Johnson CONTACT Colin Drukker Hereinafter referred to as "Client." Hereinafter referred to as "Consultant." This document authorizes the Consultant to execute the following services for the Client as indicated below: SCOPE AND DURATION OF SERVICES: The current scope of work (Task 9: HCD Review) provided for two formal rounds of negotiations with HCD (two 60-day reviews) before a letter of approval is issued. The scope of work also stated that "If additional HCD review beyond the two formal 60-day reviews is required, or if the Consultant must respond directly comments from legal advocates, an augmentation to the budget will be required prior to making these additional responses." We recently completed the second round of formal review with HCD on the Element. Unfortunately, the State sees a need for a third round of review before certification can be awarded. We held additional informal rounds of review with the State reviewer and tapped into the budget for the public hearing task and reimbursables budget in an attempt to avoid a request for a budget augment. With the budget for the public hearings, reimbursables, and HCD review exhausted, we are therefore requesting a budget augment of $8,000, which includes $7,640 for labor and $360 for reimbursables. The $7,640 in labor would allow for 46 hours of time from Colin Drukker (Senior Planner/Project Manager) and 12 hours of time from Michelle McCready (Project Planner). Up to 30 hours of time from Mr. Drukker and 12 hours from Michelle McCready would be on a third round of HCD Review. This would include phone calls and 158e METRO DRIVE I COSTA MESA CA 92626 i 7146669270 I -14.0669221 vI W W W.PLANNINGCENTER.COM 136 Service Authorization Page 2 meetings with the City to strategize, preparing formal responses to the State, phone calls or meetings with the State, and finalizing the Housing Element. The remaining labor (16 hours of Mr. Drukker's time) would be spent on attending and preparing for public hearings to adopt the Housing Element, and overall project management The $360 in reimbursables would cover up to a total of 4 color copies of the draft or final hearing draft of the Housing Element. The City would be responsible for reproduction of the Housing Element for the Planning Commission and City Council meetings, and for final City records and publication. RATE SCHEDULE: Billing will be monthly based upon our standard hourly rates of $45 to $250, depending upon the professional's level of expertise. GENERAL TERMS Of CONSULTING AGREEMENT: These General Terms are a part of this contract. All of the services to be provided are referred to collectively as the "Work." This Proposal expires if the Agreement is not signed within three months from the date that the proposal was issued: October 13, 2009. (1) Acceptance and Authorization to Proceed. When Client signs and returns to Consultant a copy of this Proposal or Service Authorization, an Agreement will be formed authorizing Consultant to proceed with the Work as described. (2) Performance by Consultant. Consultant will use all reasonable efforts to cause the Work to be performed by qualified persons under the supervision of Consultant. Except as provided below, the Work will proceed in accordance with the schedule included in this Agreement. (3) Scope of Work. The scope of services set forth in this Agreement is based on facts known to Consultant at the time Consultant signed the Proposal or Service Authorization, including, if applicable, information supplied by Client. For some projects involving conceptual or process development services, scope may not be fully definable during initial phases. As the project progresses, facts discovered may indicate that scope must be redefined. Consultant will promptly provide Client with an amendment to this Agreement to recognize the additional information learned and changes in defining the scope and pricing for the Work. Client will have fifteen (15) days after receiving the proposed amendment to sign and return the amendment. If Client fails to sign and return the amendment within that time, Consultant may suspend work until satisfactory arrangements are agreed to in writing by Consultant and Client. (4) Coordination with Client. Consultant and Client shall cooperate in proceeding with the Work under the direction and approval of the Client's Authorized Representative identified above, which representative or an alternate shall be available for Consultant at all reasonable times. Consultant and Client, recognizing that time is of the essence, agree that oral communications and instructions may be necessary. Consultant will, in the interest of the project, comply with such oral instructions. However, Consultant will promptly confirm its receipt of the oral instructions by sending Client a written memorandum by electronic or regular mail. The instructions will be deemed confirmed by the Client if the Consultant does not receive written withdrawal of or changes to the instructions within five (5) days after Consultant sent the confirmation to Client. If the instructions require changes in scope and pricing for the Work, Consultant will provide Client with an amendment for signature. Client will provide Consultant with access to the property which is the subject of the Work, along with all reports and other information which Client has concerning the Work. (5) Charges for Work. Client will be charged for, and Client shall pay for without deduction or offset, the Work performed, in accordance with Consultant's current schedule of charges, billing rates, and expense reimbursement policies. Work will be limited by the amount included in the total of estimated costs stated in the proposal unless an increase is authorized in writing by Client. Although Consultant's schedule of charges and billing rates is subject to periodic review and revision, the current schedule will remain in effect for six months from the date a Proposal or Service Authorization is submitted by Consultant. Changes in the scope of the Work must be made in writing and will be charged for in accordance with this Agreement. (6) Unanticipated Delays. Consultant shall not be liable for time delays or damages resulting from the actions or inactions of government agencies, including but not limited to, permit processings, environmental impact reports, general plans and amendments, and zoning matters. If the Work has not been completed in accordance with the schedule included in this Agreement, through no fault of Consultant, and the parties agree to an extension of the schedule, the fee schedule will be adjusted automatically to Consultant's current posted billing rates. Changes in a Client's Project Manager or changes in 137 Service Authorization Page 3 government plans, policies, programs, or ordinances may be a basis for Consultant to submit an Amendment to this Agreement addressing the impact of the change. (7) Reimbursable Expenses. All of Consultant's expenses for document copying, FAX, delivery, travel, services, equipment and facilities are charged to Client at Consultant's cost plus twelve and one-half percent (12.5%) (8) Billing and Payment. Time is of the essence in payment of invoices. Consultant invoices for Work performed will be issued at the close of each calendar month and upon completion of the Work. Any comments or questions which Client has concerning the contents of an invoice or the Work represented by an invoice must be submitted to Consultant in writing within fifteen (15) days after Client receives the invoice. If no such comments or questions are received by Consultant, the Work represented and the invoice shall be considered correct and accepted by Client. If payment for an invoice is not received by Consultant within forty-five (45) days after the date of the invoice, a reasonable late charge will be applied to all amounts outstanding, commencing thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice and continuing monthly until all amounts have been paid in full. (9) Suspension or Termination. Either party may suspend or terminate the Work at any time upon seven (7) days' written notice to the other party. Client shall pay all amounts due for the Work to the effective date of suspension or termination, plus all costs incurred by Consultant as a result of the termination or suspension. (10) Client Files. When the Work is completed or this Agreement is terminated and Consultant has been paid in full, Consultant will, upon written request of Client, provide Client with all files reports and exhibits prepared by Consultant in performing the Work, except computer programs or data prepared by or for Consultant in connection with the Work. Reuse of any documents or other deliverables, including electronic media, pertaining to the project by Client for any purpose other than that for which such documents or deliverables were originally prepared, or alteration of such documents or deliverables Consultant's written consent, shall be at Client's risk. Client shall indemnify and defend against, and hold harmless from, all claims, losses, liabilities, and expenses asserted against or incurred by Consultant arising out of or connected with any such unauthorized reuse or alteration. Unless instructed otherwise in writing it is Consultant's policy to destroy Clients' files five (5) years after the date of final billing for the Work. (11) Limitation of Liability. Consultant shall be liable to Client only for losses incurred by Client which are directly caused by (a) the acts or omissions of Consultant, in violation of this Agreement, and (b) willful misconduct or gross negligence of Consultant. Consultant shall not be liable to Client for (a) delays caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of Consultant, or (b) consequential damages. Consultant's liability to Client shall be further limited to the amount available from Consultant's insurance, if any. Except for claims for indemnification, the time period for bringing claims under this agreement expires one year after Consultant issues its final invoice for the Work. (12) Insurance Cooperation. Client may, at Client's expense, obtain insurance to protect it against any risk resulting from this Agreement or the Work, and Consultant will cooperate with Client in obtaining such insurance. (13) Indemnity to Consultant. Client shall indemnify and defend against, and hold Consultant harmless from all claims, losses, liabilities and expenses asserted against Consultant by third parties or incurred by Consultant as a result of such third party assertions. (14) Confidentiality. Consultant will take reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of information obtained by Consultant in performing the Work, when Client advises Consultant in writing of the confidential nature of such information. Consultant may use Client's name in general descriptions of the Work and services performed by Consultant. (15) Employee Solicitation. Neither Client nor Consultant shall offer to employ or employ any employee of the other during, and for a period of six (6) months after termination of this Agreement. (16) Settlement of Disputes. The parties will attempt in good faith to resolve any controversy or dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement promptly by negotiations. If any party reaches the conclusion that the controversy or dispute cannot be resolved by unassisted negotiations, such party may notify the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service ("JAMS") 500 North State College Boulevard, Suite 600, Orange, California 92668, (714) 939-1300. JAMS will promptly designate a mediator who is independent and impartial, and JAMS' decision about the identity of the mediator will be final and binding. The parties agree to conduct at least eight (8) consecutive hours of mediated negotiations within thirty (30) days after the notice is sent. If the dispute is not resolved by negotiation or mediation within thirty (30) days after the first notice to JAMS is sent, then, upon notice by any party to the other affected parties and to JAMS, the controversy or dispute shall be submitted to a sole arbitrator who is independent and impartial, selected by JAMS, for binding arbitration in accordance with JAMS' Rules for Non -Administered Arbitration of Business Disputes. The parties agree that they will faithfully observe the terms of this paragraph and will abide by and perform any award rendered by the arbitrator. The award or judgment of the arbitrator "'.. 1138 Service Authorization Page 4 shall be final and binding on all parties. No litigation or other proceeding may be instituted in any court for the purpose of adjudicating, interpreting or enforcing any of the rights or obligations relating to the subject matter of this Agreement or for the purpose of appealing any decision of an arbitrator, except a proceeding instituted for the sole purpose of having the award of judgment of an arbitrator entered and enforced. (17) Miscellaneous Provisions. (a) Amendment. This Agreement may be changed only by a written amendment signed by Client and Consultant. (b) Interpretation of Agreement. This Agreement shall be interpreted to give effect to its fair meaning and shall be construed as though it was prepared by both parties. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of Client and Consultant, and all prior negotiations, documents, and discussions are superseded by this Agreement. The parties acknowledge there are no applicable representations, warranties, or terms which are not stated in this Agreement. The invalidity of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this Agreement. Section headings are for convenience and shall not be used in interpreting this Agreement. (c) References. All references to this Agreement include reference to all amendments to this Agreement. All references to the Work include references to all or a part of the Work. References to Client or Consultant include, bind, and inure to the benefit of, their officers, agents, employees, successors in interest and assignees. (d) Time and Excusable Delays. Reference to days in this Agreement means consecutive calendar days including weekends and holidays. The time for performance of an obligation, other than the payment of money, shall be extended for the period during which a parry is prevented from performing by the act or omission of the other party, acts of God, government or other force or event beyond the reasonable control of such party. (e) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts all of which shall be one and the same Agreement. (f) Attorneys' Fees. If any action is commenced to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing parry shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, in addition to other relief as the court may award. (g) Prohibition of Assignment. No right or remedy under this Agreement may be assigned by any party. Any attempted assignment shall be void. (h) Notices. All notices required or allowed shall be in writing and shall be sent to the addresses shown at the beginning of this Agreement. A party may change its address for notices and consents by giving notice to the other party. Notice may be delivered by personal delivery, facsimile transmission during normal business hours of the recipient, an overnight delivery service, or U.S. Mail sent certified with return receipt requested. Notices and consents are effective on the earlier of the date received, the date of the delivery receipt, or the date delivery is refused, as applicable. The Planning Center's Authorized Representative Date: Client's Authorized Representative Date: 139 Twr ^F 44ahrw COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution Rescinding BUSINESS SESSION: Resolution 2009-083, and Extending the Time for Completion of the Off -Site Improvements for Tract CONSENT CALENDAR: Al Map 31627, the Residence Club at PGA West, STUDY SESSION: _ Nadador, LLC PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution rescinding the City Council Action of October 20, 2009 and extending the time for completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31627, the Residence Club at PGA West, Nadador, LLC. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Residence Club at PGA West is located south of Avenue 54, east of PGA Boulevard and west of Oak Tree (Attachment 1). Subsequent to the City Council's action on this matter at the last meeting, it was determined by staff that because the off -site subdivision improvements that are the subject of the SIA for the Residence Club at PGA West (Tract Map No. 31627) are located within 500 feet of certain common area owned by the PGA West Master Association, the two members of the City Council who are members of the Master Association should have abstained from the vote. Staff inadvertently failed to bring this to the affected Councilmembers' attention prior to the vote. The City Attorney .. 140 has recommended that City Council rescind the prior action and vote again on the matter to correct this inadvertent error. On April 15, 2004, the City and Nadador, LLC entered into a SIA for the Residence Club at PGA West. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the improvements. " On September 18, 2007, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the SIA to August 30, 2008. On August 5, 2008, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a second time extension for the completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the SIA to September 30, 2009 with the exception of the perimeter wall and sidewalk improvements to be completed by January 2, 2009. The perimeter wall and sidewalk improvements have been completed. In a letter dated September 8, 2009 (Attachment 2), the developer states that delays on the project completion date have been caused by the continuing "slow down in sales absorption". The off -site improvements have been completed. The developer requests a time extension to March 31, 2010 to complete pending items for final acceptance of the off -site improvements, which include obtaining utility agency acceptance letters, preparing record drawings, and submitting warranty security. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for approval of the third time extension of the SIA. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a resolution rescinding the City Council Action of October 20, 2009 and extending the time for completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31627, the Residence Club at PGA West; or 141 2. Do not rescind the City Council Action of October 20, 2009 and do not adopt a new Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the off - site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31627, the Residence Club at PGA West; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, . f� du T mothy R J nas n, P.E. blic Wor Dir for/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Nadador, LLC dated September 8, 2009 RESOLUTION NO. 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING PRIOR COUNCIL ACTION AND GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO MARCH 31, 2010 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 31627, THE RESIDENCE CLUB AT PGA WEST WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 31627, The Residence Club at PGA West, on April 15, 2004; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by September 30, 2009, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, on October 20, 2009, two members of the City Council inadvertently voted on this proposed time extension, and wish to rectify the matter by having the prior resolution rescinded. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The City Council vote on Resolution No. 2009-083 is hereby rescinded. Section 2. The time for the completion of the off -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to March 31, 2010. 143 Resolution No. 2009- Tract Map No. 31627, The Residence Club at PGA West Adopted: November 3, 2009 Page 2 Section 3. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on March 31, 2010. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 4. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. Section 5. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 3rd day of November 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (Seal) "o'!) 144 Resolution No. 2009- Tract Map No. 31627, The Residence Club at PGA West Adopted: November 3, 2009 Page 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 145 ATTACHMENT 1 TM 31627 RESIDENCE CLUB AT PGA WEST rn n m Vl O Z N -4 RaP aC�> X ao —a m MA WEST v 11 r" 53rd AVENUE 54th AVENUE X v 0 0 a � AIRPORT BLVD. m W 1 rn IT1 WEISKOPF � 58th AVENUE VICINIT' NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 3, 2009 F6 ITEM TITLE: Rescission of Action of October 20, 2009 and Readoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the Off -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 31627, The Residence Club at PGA West APPLICANT: Mr. Terry Manley, Nadador, LLC <� ` 146 ATTACHMENT 2 5eptgmber 8, 2M Mr. T M Joamon k ublia Works l ec r Ljty tsa 4lilft 7� a9s_Catia°Tmpiec SEP 0 9 2009 I.a ut I GA kc l for$xtendon Qi£ 9tn itbdiShffitdXr 4iAy f ettt A it m -T;Caci 31627 DOar Mr. 7+u�sori: fir 1 P`f .Y1F 1i SIQ�r a...: a:4a: :ri4uP cm;otl �'f l,? u.� m ,ioV" ate dK*Vq"y ra1*t * 5A - Aj; now completed t WslhUgf(5f&H1: espsetlouu, RoudW9n.Wdim6oAWMmh MID interior street ilk the > Q b W.R"o'4t%,MDWVLJ A<QUMt1wCA92'15c 7b&7,Lwo 147 Pap 2: Nadador, September $>jOi1,9 Tun J,onssaon, 04 oflA Qainta e proci�lt�:l darati!>riofou�raqueatY Wa-e wy.proudofourpzts�bt'aiid.irs rayrtxseat �mprovemBtlts i9eluttinghoAv9rvii 4 ii We lbp& ftwmd to 4gr continued relabortshilr and wo ag'.fto* to tha.woo—c stA completion of oqr Proj4eL 11 f i f na Kiper 0. .: o" ftobwmu 0*1A IAA "3 %6O 7ft.2m'. Tldf 4 4Q" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution Rescinding Resolution 2009-084, and Extending the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map 31627, the Residence Club at PGA West, Nadador, LLC RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution rescinding the City Council Action of October 20, 2009 and extending the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to September 30, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31627, the Residence Club at PGA West, Nadador, LLC. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Residence Club at PGA West is located south of Avenue 54, east of PGA Boulevard and west of Oaktree (Attachment 1). Subsequent to the City Council's action on this matter at the last meeting, it was determined by staff that because the on -site subdivision improvements that are the - subject of the SIA for the Residence Club at PGA West (Tract Map No. 31627) are located within 500 feet of certain common area owned by the PGA West Master Association, the two members of the City Council who are members of the Master Association should have abstained from the vote. Staff inadvertently failed to bring this to the affected Councilmembers' attention prior to the vote. The City Attorney 14� has recommended that City Council rescind the prior action and vote again on the matter to correct this inadvertent error. On April 15, 2004, the City and Nadador, LLC entered into a SIA for the Residence Club at PGA West. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the improvements. " On September 18, 2007, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the SIA to August 30, 2008. On August 5, 2008, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a second time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the SIA to September 30, 2009 with the exception of the perimeter wall and sidewalk improvements to be completed by January 2, 2009. The perimeter wall and sidewalk improvements have been completed. In a letter dated September 8, 2009 (Attachment 2), the developer states that delays on the project completion date have been caused by the continuing "slow down in sales absorption". The developer requests a time extension to August 31, 2011 for the completion of the remaining on -site improvements. The remaining on -site improvements include completing the final paving lift for the interior streets, finishing the gate house at the entrance and setting monumentation. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for approval of the third time extension of the SIA for the on -site improvements to September 30, 2010. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a resolution rescinding the City Council Action of October 20, 2009 and extending the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 30, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31627, the Residence Club at PGA West; or 150 2. Do not rescind the City Council Action of October 20, 2009 and do not adopt a new Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on - site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 30, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31627, the Residence Club at PGA West; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, dothy R. J nass P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: e i Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Nadador, LLC dated September 8, 2009 151 RESOLUTION NO. 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING PRIOR COUNCIL ACTION AND GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 31627, THE RESIDENCE CLUB AT PGA WEST. WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 31627, The Residence Club at PGA West, on April 15, 2004; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by September 30, 2009, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, on October 20, 2009, two members of the City Council inadvertently voted on this proposed time extension, and wish to rectify the matter by having the prior resolution rescinded. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The City Council vote on Resolution No. 2009-084 is hereby rescinded. Section 2. The time for the completion of the on -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to September 30, 2010. ,.- 15 ? Resolution No. 2009- Tract Map No. 31627, The Residence Club at PGA West Adopted: November 3, 2009 - Page 2 Section 3. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on September 30, 2010. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 4. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. Section 5. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 3rd day of November 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CIVIC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (Seal) �rr•••` 153 Resolution No. 2009- Tract Map No. 31627, The Residence Club at PGA West Adopted: November 3, 2009 Page 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 154 ATTACHMENT 1 TM 31627 RESIDENCE CLUB AT PGA WEST V I C I 53rd AVENUE 54th AVENUE a v N � z z AIRPORT BLVD.I m N —1 �*f WEISKOPF � 58th AVENUE NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Rescission of Action of October 20, 2009 and Readoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 31627, The Residence Club at PGA West APPLICANT: Mr. Terry Manley, Nadador, LLC 155 ATTACHMENT 2 NADADOX LLC septanbcr s, 2M RICEfto Mr. Tam Jona rom P.ublO int t`LWotics Cad c�a"Quinca City 7$-495:Odl1 Fampieo 2009 La Quin* CA. 92251 Re:" tbc" fo>-Extendon Cff $ite SubdivWo4'.k ' oveaneirt A mgSit-0031,627 near?& Jtmassotir (We ,A*wghcom Aue to outpace our peer g oup we *o have Wermeed a dow-d�to Market wuftom beyond our coutro): • Cif' tYell bite d> ivevuay ou:Avemte Sid - aik now completed waztiiaShf ff w nspecU`dtts; Rrquest�an eittensontir A%Iarcii,Rt)10 49w-iw •. :Fatal attg.ltfi Tl £ctal PavtiagllA"tl rt3te iaterior street in thex000 rce Cluo is sct(ednled i(sx eotnpletiwt in Augurt5 I Surue3' lvtomam"ttClTcsn"—.[ns allaticatr a ?1►p.. ur!✓tiY'monwueats: is soiruiiul ;ittttnediatel�•upori lion taf the t'aaai:ps:t}R W.MW1 fir-'MIDW%xrrAOMTA.CA9 253--7W744.WO 156 rage 2: Naww,, septea *w 8r'Z : T- m- Jame, OiyF ofLa Qwnta Wn;: your eotx&icl�afitm of nuC rpgtte4ty WanY Proud of our pcbyearaAit. t mapyrvent hWoven ,ieeltdingthoA-vtsnue 54 W& We look forward to 8gr coat trued relationsh s:m d woding 6o4 to the gum GonViedom of OW P-MOM l�eg�+ds; M, Oftinoxiow 157 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Authorization for the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Contract to Construct a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Dispensing Station for Fire Station 32 Project No. 2008-03 and Phase I of the Corporate Yard, Project 2007-08 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 1 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract with a qualified firm to construct a compressed natural gas dispensing station for Fire Station 32 Project No. 2008-03 and Phase I of the Corporate Yard, Project 2007-08. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following represents the previously approved project budget for construction of the Fire Station and Phase I of the Corporate Yard: Construction Technical Construction Management Administration Contingency $5,564,062 $216,286 $386,880 $142,647 $213,010 TOTAL: $6,522,885 Included in the construction budget are funds to construct the CNG dispensing station. The engineer's estimate for the installation is $210,000. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: Because the funding for this project includes County Fire Funds, the contractor will be required to pay prevailing wages. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: 158 The Plans, Specifications and Engineer's Estimate (PSE) for Phase I of the Corporate Yard and the new Fire Station 32 were approved by the City Council on July 9, 2009. The bids were opened on September 24, 2009 and on October 6, 2009 contracts were awarded for the following portions of the project: General Building Site Utilities Site Work Electrical Heating and Air Conditioning Plumbing Casework Fire Sprinkler Landscape Drywall, Lathe and Plaster, Painting Flooring Solar Electric There were no bids received for the CNG portion of the project. According to Resolution 2005-95, Section III., when no bids are received, the City Council may accomplish the project in any manner it sees fit. Staff is recommending that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate and execute a contract with a qualified firm for the CNG station as opposed to re -bidding the project. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract with a qualified firm to construct a compressed natural gas dispensing station for Fire Station 32 Project No. 2008-03 and Phase I of the Corporate Yard, Project 2007-08; or 2. Direct staff to re -bid the project; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 159 Respectfully submitted, Tom Hartung Director of Building and Safety Approved bmiasion y: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Approved for submission by: 160 1til 4 etwQumrw COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of 2o1 Quarter Community Services Grants and Funding Requests RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The Ad Hoc Committee received $34,100 in requests for consideration. The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget for Community Service Grants was $100,000, of which $37,050 has already been disbursed. The Committee is recommending funding $16,600 of the $62,950 in available funds leaving $46,350 in the Special Project Contingency Account No. 101-3001-451.80-01 for future consideration. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Ad Hoc Committee, comprised of Mayor Adolph and Council Member Henderson, met with staff on October 16, 2009. The committee reviewed eight grant applications from various local organizations. The Grant Guidelines indicate only non-profit organizations are eligible and are limited to $5,000 in funding. Grant recipients cannot receive consecutive fiscal year funding as stated in the City of La Quinta Grant Guidelines (Attachment 1). The exception to consecutive fiscal year funding is for requests for City facility rental fees by non-profit organizations. A summary of all previous Community Services Grant Funding requests and amounts awarded in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is provided as Attachment 2. The following table summarizes the requests and Ad -Hoc Committee's recommendation for this 2" quarter: ,... 161 Applicant Applied Committee Recommendation Olive Crest Treatment Centers, Inc. $5,000 $5,000 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute $3,600 $3,600 P.S. Women In Film and Television $3,000 $3,000 American Diabetes Association $5,000 $2,500 Integrated Learning Institute $5,000 $2,000 Desert Valley All -Star Mavericks $2,500 $500 Red Hot Ballroom, Inc. $5,000 $0 Dancing With Our Stars $5,000 $0 Total $34,100 $16,600 Recommended Grant Requests: Of the eight submitted grant requests, the Ad Hoc Committee has chosen to recommend six of the grant requests for City Council consideration: 1. Olive Crest Treatment Centers, Inc. (Attachment 3). The Olive Crest Treatment Centers is requesting $5,000 to pay for the utility costs of the three Coachella Valley Community Center (CVCC) community homes. Their Community Home Program was designed to provide safe, temporary housing for children, and support services for parents experiencing immediate crises. This organization was last funded $5,000 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $5,000 with the condition that Olive Crest provide copies of the past year's utility bills. 2. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB) (Attachment 4). Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, CSUSB is requesting permission to pay a reduced daily rental rate of $100 per day to rent the La Quinta Museum meeting room for mature adults college courses. A total of $3,600 would be paid to the City for the three quarters between October 2009 and May 2010 ($100 per day x 12 days per quarter x 3 quarters = $3,600). The Osher Institute is a self-supporting program of College of Extended Learning, and is thus required to generate all operating funds through class fees, grants, and partnerships in the community it serves. Allowing Osher to pay this reduced rental rate of $100 per day assists them in providing courses in La Quinta. This organization utilized the La Quinta Museum meeting room at a reduced rate for classes during Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended Osher to pay the $100 per day rate for a total payment to the City of $3,600, and funding $3,600 to pay the difference of the normal room rate. ,,� 116 3. Palm Springs Women in Film and Television (Attachment 5). The Palm Springs Women in Film and Television is requesting $3,000 to fund the psfilmoffice.com website on which the City of La Quinta has a banner ad and contact information. The next plans for the site are to continue to build out the "Locations" section and to market heavily to production companies outside the Coachella Valley. This organization was last funded $3,000 in Fiscal Year 2007- 2008. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $3,000. 4. American Diabetes Association (ADA) (Attachment 6). The American Diabetes Association is requesting $5,000 to support their annual walk, Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes. This event will be held on Saturday, November 7, 2009 at the La Quinta Community Center. Funds would help to underwrite the costs of the event, support the ADA's efforts to increase awareness about diabetes in our community, and support the ADA's efforts to provide information, research and advocacy to residents in La Quinta and throughout Riverside County. This organization has never been funded. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $ 2, 500. 5. Integrated Learning Institute (Attachment 7). The Integrated Learning Institute is requesting $5,000 to purchase a server for the office computer network, a video camcorder and one digital camera, and office chairs. The server is needed to increase administrative efficiency. The camcorder and digital camera would be used to facilitate in-house training and to improve the quality of presentations to the community and the website. The chairs are needed to accommodate the growing student population. This organization was last funded $2,000 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $ 2,000. 6. Desert Valley All -Star Mavericks (Attachment 8). The Desert Valley All -Star Mavericks is requesting $2,500 to maintain their facility, increase partial and full scholarships to qualified potential members, and to purchase additional mats and training equipment. The Mavericks are a year -long, competitive all-star cheer and dance program. This organization has never been funded. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $500. Grant Requests not recommended for funding and/or did not meet the criteria in the Grant Guidelines include: 1. Red Hot Ballroom, Inc. (Attachment 9). Red Hot Ballroom, Inc. is requesting $5,000 to assist the school district in purchasing dance outfits, trophies and awards, dance competition expenses, and salaries. This organization provides afterschool ballroom dance instruction to 41h, 5`", and 61h graders. This organization has never been funded. The Ad Hoc Committee did not recommend funding due to the organizations inability to provide a 501(c)3 non-profit documentation. 2. Dancing With Our Stars — A Charity Affaire (Attachment 10). Dancing With Our Stars is requesting $5,000 to sponsor the event and assist with advertisiii'g 16J costs. This is a fundraising event that serves many charitable organizations. Beginning this year, this event will now be held in La Quinta. This organization has never been funded. The Ad Hoc Committee did not recommend funding due to the organizations inability to provide a 501(c)3 non-profit documentation. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve funding for one or more of the following organizations: Olive Crest Treatment Centers, Inc. in the amount of $5,000; Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in the amount of $3,600; Palm Springs Women in Film and Television in the amount of $3,000; American Diabetes Association in the amount of $2,500; Integrated Learning Institute in the amount of $2,000; Desert Valley All -Star Mavericks in the amount of $500. 2. Do not approve funding for one or more of the following organizations: Olive Crest Treatment Centers, Inc. in the amount of $5,000; Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in the amount of $3,600; Palm Springs Women in Film and Television in the amount of $3,000; American Diabetes Association in the amount of $2,500; Integrated Learning Institute in the amount of $2,000; Desert Valley All -Star Mavericks in the amount of $500. 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respe fully submitted, Edie Hy ton Community Services Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. City of La Quinta Grant Guidelines 2. 2009-2010 Community Services Grant Awards 164 3. Olive Crest Treatment Centers, Inc. 4. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute 5. Palm Springs Women in Film and Television 6. American Diabetes Association 7. Integrated Learning Institute 8. Desert Valley All -Star Mavericks 9. Red Hot Ballroom, Inc. 10. Dancing With Our Stars — A Charity Affaire 165 r I I PAILI 71VICIV I I Lw� Q c o� Qum w rF.c��, wSd FN OFF GRANT GUIDELINES The City of La Quinta offers the Grant Program for Community Services Support and Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships. Community Services Grants go to recognized nonprofit organizations that benefit the residents of La Quinta. Priority for funding is granted to organizations that directly benefit La Quinta residents, second consideration is given to organizations that indirectly affect the quality of life for the residents of La Quinta. Economic Development Grants go to organizations that will help strengthen the business community of La Quinta. Marketing and Sponsorship Grants go to organizations that would benefit the City of La Quinta in a marketing capacity. Individuals are not eligible for funding through the City of La Quinta Grant Program. Organizations that receive Community Development Block Grants from the City of La Quinta during the same fiscal year are not eligible for funding through the Community Services Grant program. Organizations that have been funded are ineligible for funding for the next fiscal year. Requests are limited to an amount not to exceed $5,000. A second tier is available for Economic Development/Marketing requests above $5,000 (submission of a detailed marketing/media plan is required in connection with these requests). La Quinta service organizations may request funds to be applied directly to rental fees for City facilities for consecutive years without the $5,000 funding limit. Completed grant applications will be initially reviewed by a designated Grant Review Committee who will then recommend consideration of approved grants to City Council. For Economic Development/Marketing requests above $5,000, an in depth review will be conducted by the La Quinta Marketing Committee. Grant applications will be considered by City Council at the first City Council meetings in August, November, February, and May of each fiscal year. Applications are due three weeks before the scheduled City Council meeting. Applicants will be informed 1-2 weeks prior to the City Council meeting regarding the status of their request. Typed applications are preferred. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant. Organizations requesting "seed" money are required to obtain matching funds from other sources in the same fiscal year before Community Service Grant funds will be released. For more information on the City of La Quinta Grant program, please contact„the 166 Community Services Department at (760) 777-7090. 2009-2010 COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT AWARDS ATTACHMENT 2 Available Funding for Grants $100,000 DATE ORGANIZATION AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT FUNDED 8/4/2009 Arthritis Foundation $5,000 $5,000 8/4/2009 C.V. Community Recreation Foundation $3,000 $3,000 8/4/2009 Desert ARC $5,000 $1,500 8/4/2009 Desert Classic Councours d'Elegance $250,000 $5,000 8/4/2009 Healing Horses Therapeutic Riding Center $5,000 $2,000 8/4/20091NCIGHT $5,000 $1,000 8/4/2009 La Quinta Chamber of Commerce $12,000 $5,000 8/4/2009 La Quinta High School Tough Guys & Gals Dance $2,000 $2,000 8/4/2009 La Quinta Historical Society $5,000 $2,000 8/4/2009 La Quinta Playhouse $42,048 $5,000 8/4/2009 McCallum Theatre $5,000 $0 8/4/2009 National Charity League, Desert Cities Chapter $5,000 $0 8/4/2009 Soroptimist International $4,050 $4,050 8/4/2009 Truman Elementary $3,000 $1,500 TOTAL DISTRIBUTED FUNDS $37,050 REMAINING BALANCE IN SPECIAL PROJECT CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT $62,950.., 167 ATTACHMENT 3 a, a. F U _ SV5 CAM OF T 9 c&t!t 4 4 a" GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR 2009-2012 Name of Organization: Olive Crest Treatment Centers Inc. Amount Requested: $5 000 Contact Person: Tesha Vann Associate Director of Development Mailing Address: 50855 Washington St Suite 251 City: La Quinta, State: CA Zip Code: 92253 Work Telephone: (760) 564-1430 Cell Phone: Email Address: Tesha Vann(a)olivecrest org 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 95-2877102 Date Application Submitted: October 1 2009 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 168 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Typed applications are preferred) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: X Community Services Support ($5,000 limit) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships ($5,000 or less) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships (above $5,000) What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? Olive Crest transforms the lives of at risk children through the healing power of family. Olive Crest is dedicated to preventing child Abuse to treating and educating at -risk children and to preserving the family "One life at a time." 2. How long has your Organization been in existence? 35 Years _ Months Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: Olive Crest provides foster and adoption specialized education family preservation and residential treatment for children who have been abused abandoned or neglected 4. How many does your organization currently serve? No. of Youth 12/1,000* No. of Adults No. of Seniors How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth 45/6.000* No. of Adults No. of Seniors 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 5/5* No. of Adults No. of Seniors *Note: Denotes Coachella Valley region numbers serve and Olive Crest national numbers served 'u•.. 169 How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees 400 Part time employees 200 Volunteers 200 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: Olive Crest is governed by a national Board of Directors and CEO who have oversight of all regions. Each geographic region has a local trustee board and executive director to provide regional expertise and presence. 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone Please see attached document for names of local trustees. Contact Tesha Vann for trustee contact information. 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? Olive Crest operates year-round in the Coachella Valley. Our annual fundraising luncheon event will be held on December 4 2009 for approximately 250 local supporters 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? Yes X No If yes, please describe: .,,_ . 170 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Amount Anderson's Children Foundation $25,000 Home Depot $5 000 Conrad N. Hilton Foundation $15,000 KPSP/Berger Foundation $25 000 Brinton Family $3 500 Misc. Community Support $5 700 Total needed $ 200,000 Total received $ 79,200 Balance $ 120,800 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 5,000 14. Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? X Yes No If yes, when? 8/18/08 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: Union Bank Newport Beach Branch Irvine CA 92612 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Donald Verleur Ed Becker Title: CEO CFO 171 17. Need statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. The Coachella Valley Community Center (CVCC) Community Home Program was designed to intervene prior to abuse by providing assistance to families experiencing immediate crises By providing safe, temporary homes for children and support services for parents this program is an innovative approach to child abuse prevention Funds will be used for utilities costs of the three CVCC community homes 18. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. If applying for Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain, how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited. The at -risk children placed in the community homes will benefit from funds to pay for utilities to ensure a safe warm place to live while they are away from their parents. Children average a 90-day stay in the community homes and are cared for by loving Olive Crest volunteer host families. 19. Marketing/Media Plan. If you are applying for an Economic Development/Marketing grant and your request for funding is above $5,000, you must submit a detailed marketing and media plan for review by the La Quinta Marketing Committee. Your plan must outline all of your advertising and marketing strategies (including, but not limited to: print, radio, television, online, public relations, and signage) and describe how those promotional efforts will benefit the City of La Quinta. N/A 20. Attach copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. 21. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 22. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS form 990. ,._. 1 172 ATTACHMENT 4 GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 Name of Organization: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Cal State U., Palm Desert Amount Requested: $3 600 Contact Person: Steve McAdams Program Director Mailing Address: 37-500 Cook Street City: Palm Desert State: CA Zip Code: 92211 Work Telephone: 760-341-2883, 14428 Cell Telephone: N/A E-mail Address: mcadamss(a csusb.edu 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 33-0644150 State entity (CSUSB's I.D.) Date Application Submitted: June 23, 2008 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 173 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Typed applications are preferred) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: Community Services Support ($5,000 limit) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships ($5,000 or less) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships (above $5,000) 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? To provide stimulating learning opportunities to people who are generally 50 and older through non-credit University -level courses Extend the resources of Cal State University & improve quality of life of our older, non-traditional students & encourage lifelong learning. 2. How long has your Organization been in existence? 6 Years Months Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: The Osher Institute is a member -driven organization intellectually stimulating courses shaped by its members Courses cover a wide variety of topics & are offered quarterly, usually for a 6 week period two hours per week. Arts literature, sciences, technology, history, religion and current events are typical areas of focus. 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 700 to 800 annually 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 700 to 800 annually 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors Approx. 150 /20% of our members 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees 2 Part time employees Volunteers 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: One Director and one Administrative Assistant operate the program M-Fri at 3 locations in the Coachella Valley (Palm Springs, Palm Desert and La Ouinta). Director develops programs. Some additional support from main campus in San Bernardino (records, etc.). Director reports to the College of Extended Learning's Dean in San Bernardino and also has meets with an advisory board composed entirely of Osher members. 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone Not Applicable. The Osher Institute does not have an Executive Board since it is a State entity. 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? The Osher Institute operates on a quarterly basis with roughly 16 courses offered in each quarter of the fall, winter and spring quarters and 5 courses offered in the summer quarter (53 total courses annually). The Institute offers 4 courses each quarter at the La Ouinta Museum during the non -summer quarters (12 total courses annually). 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? _X_ Yes No If yes, please describe: The Osher Institute is a "self-supporting" membershi program. Membership for each quarter is $135, which allows members to take ut to 5 classes at any of the 3 locations in the Coachella Valley. Weekly memberships are also available for $20, which allows members to take up to 5 classes_ per that week. 175 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Amount Memberships Fees $87,000 Endowment Revenue $20,000 Total Needed $ 176,500 Total Received $_107,000 Balance $_ (69,500)* *(The university's College of Extended Learning currently covers Osher's shortage) 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 3,600.00 14. Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? X Yes No If yes, when? _FY 08-09 & FY 07-08 (Reduced rent of LQ Museum classroom fall 2008 & winter & spring 2009. And LQ Library classroom fall 2007 & winter & spring 2008. See # 17 below.) 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: Funds are maintained as part of the University's account with Wells Fargo Bank. The Osher Institute does not maintain a separate bank account. 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Deletta Anderson Shannon Kelly Title: Accounting Director Associate Director of Accounting ,to.. 17b 17. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. Funds will be used for reduced rental of the La Quinta Museum's meeting room for Osher classes. ($25 hr x 4hr per day = $100 per day. 12 days per quarter = $1 200 per quarter x 3 quarters = $3 600) The Osher Institute is a self-supporting program of College of Extended Learning (the college is also a self-supporting unit of the university). We are thus required to generate all operating funds through membership fees grants and creative partnerships in the community we serve. Without support from community organizations services would be greatly limited, and likely only be offered at our Palm Desert Campus location. Also, membership fees are kept low to encourage membership registrations from all economic levels. Allowing Osher to pay this reduced rental rate of $25 per hr, greatly helps us to continue to provide quality university -level courses to La Quinta's mature residents. 18. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. If applying for Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited. La Quintals mature learners' quality of life is enhanced by increased access to university -level courses. Businesses also profit since the program brings non -La Quinta residents to the area to spend the day in La Quinta where they spend money on meals and shopping before, between and after attending Osher classes. 19. Marketing/Media Plan. If you are applying for an Economic Development/Marketing grant and your request for funding is above $5,000, you must submit a detailed marketing/media plan for review by the La Quinta Marketing Committee. Your plan must outline all of your advertising and marketing strategies (including, but not limited to: print, radio, television, online, public relations, and signage) and describe how those promotional efforts will benefit the City of La Quinta. 20. Attach copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. (Accounts are not separate from the University accounts.) ,,... 177 21. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. (Please see attached one page budget) 22. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. (The Osher Institute is part of a State organization, not a 501(c)3 corp.) ... 178 ATTACHMENT 5 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR: 2009-2010 Name of Organization: Palm Springs Women in Film and Television Amount Requested: $3,000.00 Contact Person: Denise DuBarry Hay Mailing Address: 78-140 Calle Tampico City: La Quinta State: CA Zip Code: 92253 Home Telephone 760-564-4094 Work Telephone 760-238-0306 E-mail address: dense@kaswit.com 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: EIN 42-1616628 Date Submitted: 10/09/09 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 17 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: Community Services Support ($5,000 limit) x Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships ($5,000 or less) _Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships ( above $5,000 ) 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? To empower, promote mentor and provide professional workshops for women in the entertainment and media industries. We also promote the idea of filming in the Coachella Valley ( La Quinta) to the entertainment industry. 2. How long has your Organization been in existence? 8 Years —Months Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: Provide Networkine onnortunities with entertainment industry speakers, held Primarily at the La Quinta Resort. We also host two websites; one (womeninfihn.com) geared to promoting local entertainment and media people who are members of women in film, the other (psfilmoffice.com) acts as a virtual film office for the Coachella Valley, listing over 400 local productions related personnel and businesses. The site makes it easy for local producers to find the resources they need and makes the area more attractive and user friendly to production companies who come in from the outside area. 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No. of Youth 250 No. of Adults 2.200 No. of Seniors 150 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth 250 No. of Adults 2,200 No. of Seniors 150 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth _?_ No. of Adults _?_ No. of Seniors _?_ 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees _0_ Part time employees _3_ Volunteers _50_ 180 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: The organization is managed through a board of 11 directors a president officers and a small part time staff. 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Rome Address Phone Diane Ahlstrom, President 49-455 Coachella Drive La Quinta 760-564-2112 Patti Gribow, Vice President 760-774-1234 Sharon Bell, Secretary 760-636-1446 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? Networking lunches are held every month except for July and August, mixers, Professional workshops and seminars are held throughout the year as well as several parties in conjunction with the PS International Film Festival and annual Academy Awards Party and The Broken Glass Awards honoring women who have shattered the proverbial glass ceiling (event is held in November). 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? _x_ Yes No If Yes, please describe: We charge annual dues to join PSWIFT. The dues vary depending on the level of Membership one chooses to join at. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Amount The City of Indian Wells $3,000.00 Membership Renewal $ 20,000.00 181 Total Needed $ 30,000.00 Total Received $ 26,000.00 Balance $ 4,000.00 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 3,000.00 14. Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? x Yes If so, when 05/2007 No 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: Pacific Western Bank — 74750 Highway I I I — Indian Wells, CA 92210 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Diane Ahlstrom Title: President 17. Need Statement: Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. These funds are used to continue to build and maintain the psfilmoffice.com website On which the city of La Quinta has a banner ad and contact information for the city of and then to market the site heavily to production companies outside the Coachella Valley. The banner has received a total of 200,000 unique views since it went live in July of 2006 to a targeted audience of entertainment related professionals. This was done with very little but efficient media spending. ..... 18 2 18. Goal Statement: Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. (If applying for Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited.) These funds will benefit the entire community. The first level beneficiaries will be The individuals and businesses who list themselves on the psfilmoffice.com site but the goal is to use this site to attract the attention of production companies outside the valley. The more production done here, the better the chances of those productions being seen on television and in films which can ultimately have a positive impact on tourism and improve overall economic development for the entire Coachella Valley. 19. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. Due to the efforts of PSWIFT over the past few years, several local filmmakers have produced films in the area -including "Adopt A Sailor", "Shoot The Hero" and currently in production "Shakespeare's Cat" These productions provide jobs and training opportunities for our locals as well as creating awareness for the area to other independent filmmakers. 183 ATTACHMENT 6 GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 Name of organization. American Diabetes Association Amount Requested: $5,000 Contact Person: Leslie Pepper Mailing Address: R.O. Box 13611 City: Palm Desert State: CA Zip Code: 92255 Work Telephone:888-342-2383 x7440 Cell phone: 760-333-4869 E-mail Address: 1pepper@diabetes.org 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number:13-1623888 Date Application Submitted: October 8, 2009 Applications will receiv a cons ideration without discrim ination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Typed applications are preferred) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: X Community Services Support ($5,000 limit) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships ($5,000 or less) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships (above $5,000) What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? The American Diabetes Association (ADA) is the nation's leading voluntary health organization for nearly 24 million Americans living with diabetes. Our mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. 2. How long has your Organization been in existence? 69 Years 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: Months To fulfill our mission, the organization funds research, publishes scientific findings, provides information and education to people with diabetes, their families, health pre professionals and the public, and advocates for scientific research for the rights of people with diabetes. The ADA conducts programs in all 50 states, including Riverside County. 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? There are an estimated 200,000 people living with diabetes in Riverside County. No. of Youth Not known No. of Adults Not known No. of Seniors Not known 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? We estimate that we will serve 20,000 Riverside County residents in 2009. No. of Youth Not known No. of Adults Not known No. of Seniors Not known 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth Not known No. of Adults Not known No. of Seniors Not known 7. 8. 10. 11. How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? 'These numbers are for Riverside County only and not the Greater San Diego area. Full time employees 4 Part time employees 0 Volunteers 500 Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: From a fiduciary and legal standpoint, the national Board of Directors governs the ADA. Community Leadership Boards lead community activities at the local level. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Hom a Address Phone Please refer to the roster list of ADA's 2009 Board of Directors. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? We operate year-round. For a complete list of our activities, including our programs and special events, please refer to the 1-page summary. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? Yes X No If yes, please describe: 186 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? *These sources are for the ADA, Greater San Diego office, including Riverside. Source Am *Individual Gifts *Corporations and Foundations *Workplace Giving *Net Special Events *Other Total Total Balance Needed $. Received 1,243,869 t 1,233,869 $ 10,000 ount $20,000 $63,000 $149,960 $896,609 $114,300 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 5,000 14, Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes X No If yes, when? 15. Please provide the nam a and address of the bank in which the Or ganization's funds are kept: Bank of America 16. Please p rovide the nam a and title of those individu als authorized to sign o n the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Title Kathryn Croskrey Lori Stevens Executive Director Vice President, Western Region 187 17. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state th a specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. Funds would be used to support our annual walk, Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes, to be held on Saturday, November 7, 2009 at the La Quinta Community Recreation Center. With over 500 people expected to participate, funds would help to underwrite the costs of the event, support the American Diabetes Association's (ADA) efforts to increase awareness about the growing prevalence of diabetes in our community, and support the ADA's programmatic efforts to provide information, research and advocacy to residents in La Quinta and throughout Riverside County. 18, Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. If applying for Econom is Developm ent/Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited. Residents of the City of La Quinta and throughout Riverside County stand to benefit from the use of these funds. By supporting our annual walk, the City of La Quinta supports the ADA's ability to provide services for all people affected by diabetes, including persons diagnosed with diabetes, their families, health and, medical professionals, school administrators and their students, and the public at large. 19. Marketing/Media Plan. If you are applyi ng f or an Econom is Developm ent/Marketing grant and your request for funding is above $5,000, you in ust subm it a detailed marketing/media plan f or review by the La Quinta Mark eting Committee. Your plan must outline all of your advertising and in arketing strategies (including, but not lim iced to: print, radio, television, online, public re lations, and signage) and describe how those promotional efforts will benefit the City of La Quinta. 20. Attach copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. All of ADA's banking is handled through our home office in Alexandria, VA; localized bank statements are not available. 21. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. Please refer to our 2009 Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes - La Quinta budget. 22. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. 188 ATTACHMENT 7 r= I GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 Name of Organization: Integrated Learning Institute Amount Requested: $5,000.00 Contact Person: Mrs. Cynthia Moses Mailing Address: 77570 Springfield Ln., Suite C City: Palm Desert State: CA Zip Code: 92211 Work Telephone: 760.772.9019 Cell phone: 760.218.9773 E-mail Address: cmoses@integratedlearninginstitute.org 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 900104408 Date Application Submitted: 1 October, 2009 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 189 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Typed applications are preferred) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: X Community Services Support ($5,000 limit) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships ($5,000 or less) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships (above $5,000) What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? To equip individuals with learning problems to become independent learners. 2. How long has your Organization been in existence? 6 Years 2 Months Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: We provide one on one and small group educational therapy. We do community awareness seminars and we raise money to fund out program. 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No. of Youth 20 No. of Adults 2 No. of Seniors 0 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth 30 No. of Adults 3 No. of Seniors 0 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 6 No. of Adults 0 No. of Seniors 0 4e» ` 190 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees 3 Part time employees Volunteers 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: An Executive Board made up of six people over an Executive Director who conducts operations and reports to the Board. 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone Larry Houser Member 43587 Salerno Ct., La Quinta 760.345.6478 Cindy Johnson Secretary 41680 Brownstown Dr., B.D. 760.360.6515 Bob Kingsbury Member 34562 Stage Dr., Thousand Palms 760.343.3180 Debbie Mangus Treasurer 43227 Corte del Oro, La Quinta 760.218.4353 Cynthia Moses President 30200 Desert Rock Rd, Indio Hills 760.218.9773 Terry Pinzon Member 41603 Preston Trail, Palm Desert 760.200.2604 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? We provide educational therapy year round. We participate in commu- nity information events by having a booth. We conduct "Parents and Friends" community seminars. Our annual auction dinner is in the spring. This year we will participate in the Tour de Palm Springs. We promote community awareness by providing speakers to Rotary and other clubs in the valley. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? X Yes No If yes, please describe: We charge a reduced fee for services and provide scholarships to families who cannot afford the fees. 12. 13 14. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Fees for Services Fundraisers Donations Interest Income Total Needed $ 203,375.00 Total Received $ 198,641.00 Balance $ 4,734.00 Amount $137,771.00 $33,980.00 $12,909.00 Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $5,000.00 $339.00 Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? X Yes No If yes, when? 2007 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: Bank of America, 42095 Washington St., Palm Desert, CA 92211 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Cynthia Moses Debbie Mangus Judy Topolinski Title: President of the Corporation Treasurer of the Corporation Employee of the Corporation 17. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. 1. A server for the office computer network (We have 5 computers connected to an 8 year old computer that is our current server. Our computer IT technician says it will fail at any time). 2. One video camcorder and one digital camera (to use for staff evaluation, student studies, and additions to the web site). 3. Office chairs (Ten student chairs that we have are wearing out). 18. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. If applying for Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships, grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited. 1. The server to increase administrative efficiency and the ability to maintain important data. 2. The camcorder and digital camera to facilitate in-house train- ing and to improve the quality of presentations to the community and the web - site. 3. The chairs to accommodate our growing student population and their parents. 19. Marketing/Media Plan. If you are applying for an Economic Development/Marketing grant and your request for funding is above $5,000, you must submit a detailed marketing/media plan for review by the La Quinta Marketing Committee. Your plan must outline all of your advertising and marketing strategies (including, but not limited to: print, radio, television, online, public relations, and signage) and describe how those promotional efforts will benefit the City of La Quinta. 20. Attach copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. 21. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 22. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. 193 ATTACHMENT 8 Emm GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 Name of Organization: Desert Valley All -Star Mavericks Amount Requested t a ,SOd `- Contact Person: Amery or Karen Gonzalez Mailing Address: 73605 Dinah Shore Drive Building 500 Suite I City: Palm Desert State: CA Zip Code: 92260 Work Telephone: (760)328-1113 Cell phone: Amy 898-1678 or Karen 641-3791 E-mail Address: rev�ddc ❑ com 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 20-0816236 Date Application Submitted: Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 194 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Typed applications are preferred) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: _X_ Community Services Support (S5,000 limit) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships ($5,000 or less) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships (above $5,000) 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? Our goal is to provide each child regardless of economic background the opportunity to successfully participate and compete as a member of our community -based team. At DVAS, every child is accepted and trained to their potential It is our hope to positively shape the lives of all kids who pass through our program. Aside from being a positive healthytafter-school alternative we emphasize responsibility teamwork and goal -setting through positive community involvement and representation. 2. How long has your Organization been in existence? _12_ Years _4_ Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: We are a year- long, competitive all-star cheer and dance program. Our team members compete throughout the Western United States in various competitions representing the Coachella Valley. In addition to our team program we also offer low-cost tumbling and recreational cheer classes for ages three and up We also have partnered with valley high schools such as La Ouinta High School by allowing them access to our facility for their team practices. 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No. of Youth —approx. 130 No. of Adults _0_ No. of Seniors _0 How many people doyouintend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth 130+ No. of Adults 0 No. of Seniors 195 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth —approx. 62 No. of Adults _0 No. of Seniors _0_ How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees _0_ Part time employees _8_ Volunteers _4_ 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: Our program is.a 501(c)3 non-profit organization governed by a small board of three The day to day operations are under the direction of Amy Grey (CEO/Gym Director) and Karen Gonzalez (Business/Office Manager) We have five paid "team" coaches/instructors and three class instructors Another three coaches are volunteers in addition to Director Amy Grey. 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone Amy Grey President 67345 Garbino Road, 327-5267 & CEO/Director Cathedral City, 92234 Karen Gonzalez Vice Pres/Treasurer 68760 Raposa Road 641-3791 & Business/Office Manager Cathedral City, 92234 Regina Luna Secretary 81-760 Paseo Real 578-9236 Indio, 92201 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? Our pro rg am is year-round beginning in June of each year. We train and add to our teams throughout the year. We perform at local and community events throughout the year and begin our formal competitive season in January, ending in mid -April. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues. etc? _X_ Yes No If yes, please describe: Member pay a monthly tuition to cover operating costs such as rent. utilities liability insurance and coaches Additional costs may involve uniform and 196 supplies camps and competition entry fees — all costs that we help to offset through various fund raising activities and securing community sponsorships and donations. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Amount Various fundraisers (raffle cookie/cheesecake sales candles etc.) $10,000 Donations and/or sponsorships (secured by members) $5,000 Payments by members amount varies depending upon amount raised through fundraisers. Total Needed $_150,000 approx. Total Received $_ 15,000 + (depending on payments required) Balance $ 130,000 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 5,000 t4. Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes X No If yes, when? 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: Bank of America 68435E Palm Canyon Drive Cathedral City, CA 92234 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Title: Amy Grey CEO/Director Karen Gonzalez Business/Office Manager 197 17, Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. Due to the economic times participation in our program (or any extra activity) is one of the first to be cut in any household budget Consequently, our enrollment over the past year has decreased effecting our ability to continue operating such as we have over the past 12 years of existence Funding would provide us the opportunity to maintain our facility, as well as increase partial and full scholarships that can be offered to qualified potential members who would not be able to participate without financial assistance In addition we are also hoping to also secure enough funding so that we can improve our equipment and purchase additional ma�a.and training equipment. 18. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. If applying for Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited. Our goal is to help enhance the lives of Coachella Valley children, ages 3- 18 by providing the opportunity to participate in a quality, competitive and recreational cheerleading and dance program We help build self-confidence and improve overall physical fitness of the youth we serve. Our family -oriented, passionate team of coaches and staff aim to teach our members that hard work and dedication leads to positive results; a lesson that will continue throughout their childhood and adult life. 19. Marketing/Media Plan. If you are applying for an Economic Development/Marketing grant and your request for funding is above $5.000, you must submit a detailed marketing/media plan for review by the La Quinta Marketing Committee. Your plan must outline all of your advertising and marketing strategies (including, but not limited to: print, radio, television, online, public relations, and signage) and describe how those promotional efforts will benefit the City of La Quinta. N/A 20. Attach copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. attached 21. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. attached 22. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. (attached) ... 199 ATTACHMENT 9 LE. qW, GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 Name of Organization: Red Hot Ballroom Inc. Amount Requested: $5 000 00 Contact Person: Bob Horn Mailing Address: 78206 Varner Rd, Ste D-27 City: Palm Desert State: CA Zip Code: 92211 Work Telephone: 760-469-3430 Cell phone: 760-413-3593 E-mail Address: robertnancyh g earthlink net 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: EIN• 27-0201559 1 C C> r (- Date Application_ Submitted: October 5 2009 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 200 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Typed applications are preferred) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: X_ Community Services Support ($5,000 limit) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships ($5,000 or less) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships (above $5,000) What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? Red Hot Ballroom supports the school district's after school programs by 28 weeks of ballroom dance instruction for 4s 5' and 6s' graders In May, the program culminates with a interschool dance competition. 2. How long has your Organization been in existence? Years _6 Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: Each week, we will be teaching school teachers and staff representing the schools participating in the program ballroom dancing They in turnwill be setting up ballroom dance clubs and teaching the students to dance We have as volunteers "Dance Amigos", (experienced dancers) who will be assigned specific schools to support the teachers in teaching. We will organize and produce the May Dance Competition This involves obtaining dance outfits trophies awards and dance scholarships 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No. of Youth 1,800 No. of Adults _76 No. of Seniors _28 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth _1,800 No. of Adults _76 No. of Seniors _28_ 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 120 No. of Adults 18 No. of Seniors _8 211 How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees Part time employees _5_ Volunteers _21_ 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: Red Hot Ballroom Inc. is managed by two dance professionals and the day to day instruction is by six dance masters and their assistants teaching the school teachers and staff. Attached is a resume on the two dance professionals, who have an extensive background in teaching dance over the past 18 years. 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone Robert Horn President 80739 Avenida San Ignacio, Indio, CA 760-4123-3593 Nancy Horn Vice -President 80739 Ave. San Ignacio, Indio, CA 760-469-3430 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? For the Desert Sands Unified School District it is a 28 week program starting October 28a' and concluding in Mid -May 2010 with a Dance Competition. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? Yes X_ No If yes, please describe: 202 12. 13. 14. What are your other sources. of revenue for this funding year? Source Desert Sands Unified School District's ASES Funding_ Fund Raisers & Individual Donations Indio Youth Task Force Solicitation of Grants from Foundations and Cities Total Needed $ 37,775 Total Received $ 30,200 Balance $ 7,575 Amount $21,000 $ 4,000 $ 5,200 $ Unknown Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ $5,000 Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes x No If yes, when? 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: Wells Fargo Bank 77952 Country Club Drive, Palm Desert, CA 92211 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Title: Robert Horn President Nancy Horn Vice President 17. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. These funds will be used primarily to assist the school district in purchasing, dance outfits, trophies and awards, dance competition expenses and salaries. 18. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. If applying for Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited. The big beneficiaries are the children, where we build their self esteem, self confidence, grade point average and much needed exercise. The students learn valuable lessons in self-control, respect, manners, and poise. 19. Marketing/media Plan. If you are applying for an Economic Development/Marketing grant and your request for funding is above $5,000, you must submit a detailed marketing/media plan for review by the La Quinta Marketing Committee. Your plan must outline all of your advertising and marketing strategies (including, but not limited to: print, radio, television, online, public relations, and signage) and describe how those promotional efforts will benefit the City of La Quinta. 20. Attach copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. 21. Attach a copy of your Program Operat What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? Red Hot Ballroom supports the school district's after school programs by 28 weeks of ballroom dance instruction for 4s 5th, and 60' graders. In May, the program culminates with a interschool dance competition. ing Budget for the current year. 22. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 ATTACHMENT 10 Name of Organization: Dancing with Our Stars — A Charity Affaire Amount Requested: $5,000 Contact Person: Lynne Bunch Mailing Address: P.O. Box 11712 City: Palm Desert Work Telephone: 760-218-1687 Cell phone: 760-218-1687 E-mail Address: lynnc@acharityaffaire.com State: Zip Code: CA 92255 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: Application in progress Date Application Submitted: September 15, 2009 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Typed applications are preferred) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: _X Community Services Support ($5,000 limit) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships ($5,000 or less) Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships (above $5,000) 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? To provide innovative fundraisers to La Quinta and valley -wide non -profits. 2. How long has your Organization been inexistence? —3_ Years 11 Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: Our bi-annual Dancing with Our Stars provides a gala event in a multi -charities event that enables the charities to raise funds that result in services for residents in La Quinta as well as other areas. We have raised close to $300,000 for over 50 non -profits. The non -profits we have served with this event are: Alzheimer's Association, American Cancer Society - Discovery Shops, Angel Light Academy, Angel View Children's Foundation, Animal Samaritans, Armed Forces Foundation, Arthritis Foundation, Assistance League, Betty Ford Center Children's Program, Big Hearts for Little Hearts, Braille Institute, Cathedral City Senior Center, Center for Spiritual Living (Costa Mesa) Children's Discovery Museum of the Desert, City of Hope, Coachella Valley Community Recreation Foundation, Coachella Valley Women's Business Center, COD's Institute for Sales &; Service Excellence, Community Center at Tierra del Sol, Cornerstone Covenant Church, Community Blood Bank, DesertArc, Desert Samaritans for the Elderly, Fashion Group Foundation, Foundation of PSUSD 24/7 Laptop Program, German Shepherd Rescue (Costa Mesa), Gilda's Club Desert Cities, Guide Dogs of America, Indio Performing Arts Studio, Indio Youth Task Force, Joslyn Senior Center, Living Free Animal Sanctuary, Loma Linda University Children's Hospital, Mourning Star Center of the VNAIC, Natalie Tanner 205 Foundation, National MS Society, Olive Crest Homes for Abused & Neglected Children, Palm Springs Art Museum, Palm Springs Historical Society, Parkinson Resource Organization, Partnership for the End of Life Choices, Paws & Hearts, Red Hot Ballroom, RSCD Spiritual Center, SafeHouse of the Desert, Save A Pet, Soroptimist Int'1. of Palm Springs, Stand-up for Kids (Costa Mesa), Starkey Hearing Foundation, St. Margaret's Episcopal 8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip, The First Tee, The Girlfriend Factor, Theresa Wish - Making Memories Breast Cancer Fund, Tour de Palm Springs, Variety Children's Chanty and Wounded Warrior Project. 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No. of Youth 3,000 No. of Adults _5,500 No. of Seniors 1,500 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth _2,500 No. of Adults 6,000 No. of Seniors _2,000 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 300 No. of Adults 1,000 No. of Seniors 500 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees _1 Part time employees Volunteers 25 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: It is managed by Lynne Bunch and the Resource Council consisting of Mandy Nordenstrom, Cindy Woodward, Bria Barton and Barbara Forde. 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone Lynne Bunch Executive Director 44621 Dakota Trl., Indian Wells, CA 92210 760-218-1687 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? February — Rancho Mirage Women's Club Fashion Show March — Tim Barry's Pre -Memorial Irish Open Golf Tournament April — Dancing with Our Stars — La Quinta (2010) June — Orange County Dancing with Our Stars July -August — non operational November — Dancing with Our Stars - La Quinta, Save a Pet Luncheon & Fashion Show December — Palm Springs Youth Chanties Golf Tournament 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? _X Yes No If yes, please describe: Admission 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Program Ads, Sponsorships Source Amount Total Needed $ 45000 Total Received $ 34.000 Balance $_11,000 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $5,000 206 14. Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes X No If yes, when? 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: Sunrise Community Bank 41990 Cook St., Ste. 701 Palm Desert, CA 92211 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Lynne Bunch Title: Executive Director Name: Bria Barton Title: Secretary 17. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. - Our event, Dancing with Our Stars has been in Indian since its inception in 2006. We are very excited to call La Quinta our "New Home" for this event and with plans to continue in La Quinta for our two events in 2010. Embassy Suites has been especially accommodating and want to ensure our marketing and advertising benefits the City of La Quinta. We want to provide the residents with another cultural event to attend on a bi-annual basis. One of our chanties is a cancer fund that will raise money for those in need of financial help if they are experiencing hardships due to the cancer. La Quinta residents will be able to apply for a portion of these funds raised. These funds will be used to ensure we can put on a quality event and add advertising to our budget to highlight the event, the chanties and our new "home" in La Quinta. 18. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. If applying for Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited. To provide the City of La Quinta with a quality fundraising event that helps promote the attributes of La Quinta, its businesses and residents and utilize multiple chanties benefiting those in need in La Quinta and the Coachella Valley. 19. Marketing/Media Plan. If you are applying for an Economic Development/Marketing grant and your request for funding is above $5,000, you must submit a detailed marketing/media plan for review by the La Quinta Marketing Committee. Your plan must outline all of your advertising and marketing strategies (including, but not limited to: print, radio, television, online, public relations, and signage) and describe how those promotional efforts will benefit the City of La Quinta. I. PSA's to all newspapers, radio and TV II. Submit event to all calendar sections of Palm Springs Life, Desert Entertainer, The Desert Sun and all TV stations III. Provide each chanty with a customized marketing slide show highlighting their dancer, the charity's mission statement and how to donate and attend. This is used in world-wide email blasts as well as on the internet on the event's website and each charity's website. The City of La Quinta's logo and pictures of the town would be included. IV. Signage in Old Town businesses and other appropriate businesses valley -wide. 2vl V. The fact that the event is held at the Embassy Suites — La Quinta is on all collateral 20. Attach copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. Attached 21. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. Attached 22. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. Application is currently in progress. 208 � o c� 5 CE OF COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of an Ordinance Adding Subsection 12.69 to Chapter 12 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Pertaining to Regulations for Golf Carts on Certain Streets, and Associated Materials to Implement Phase I of the Golf Cart Plan RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: c`— CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Motion to take up Ordinance No. _, by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion to introduce Ordinance No. _, on first reading amending the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code to add Subsection 12.69 to Chapter 12 implementing a Golf Cart Program. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The improvements proposed will result in an expenditure of approximately $347,436 to implement the program. These improvements and costs were included in the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget and have been carried over to the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 and Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Staff will be recommending a two-year renewable permit fee of $20.00. Adoption of the fee will require a public hearing which will be noticed for November17. The cost to issue a permit was calculated based upon the cost of one hour for a Code Compliance Officer to perform an inspection and issue the permit, and a quarter of an hour for a Finance Account Clerk to process the application, for a total of $59.40. The Cities of Palm Desert and Rancho Mirage have a $10.00 permit fee. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. 209 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: This item was originally before Council in July 2007. Following discussion, Council moved to take up the Ordinance on first reading, but asked staff to bring back a report, prior to the second reading that would address the questions that were raised during the meeting. The second reading was not to be held until the Plan was ready to go into effect. A report was brought back to Council in February 2008, and the item was continued to April 15, 2008. At that time, the item was tabled due to the number of questions raised by Council and to complete capital improvements. Golf Carts on Certain Streets Ordinance The draft Ordinance that is being introduced at this time amends the Municipal Code to add Subsection 12.69 to Chapter 12. This Ordinance is required by State law and provides the legislative authority for allowing golf carts on designated public streets and golf cart paths at a maximum speed of 15 mph. There are two circumstances where a golf cart can operate on a public street pursuant to this Golf Cart Plan. First, a golf cart can operate on streets where there is a striped golf cart lane (similar to bike lanes). Second, a golf cart can be operated on public streets with signs posted on roadways with speed limits of 25 mph or less. Key provisions include: 1. Definition of golf cart paths; 2. Golf cart licensing criteria; 3. Safety criteria for golf cart operation; and 4. The golf cart permitting process. The draft Ordinance is similar to existing ordinances currently in effect for the Cities of Palm Desert and Rancho Mirage. The draft Ordinance includes standards and requirements of State law, with three exceptions: 1) the requirement for seatbelts and 2) covered passenger compartments. These were added to increase the level of safety for drivers and passengers and increase the visibility for golf carts. The third exception is for a school district's maintenance crew to drive on sidewalks. The La Quinta Police Department has reviewed the Ordinance and Plan on several occasions and their suggestions have been integrated into the Ordinance. In addition to the Ordinance, staff is drafting an informational brochure entitled "Welcome to the City of La Quinta Golf Cart Program." The brochure will include a Map of Phase I (Attachment 1), the licensing and safety criteria, and the permitting process for the golf carts. It also identifies the Building and Safety Department as the designated Department to carry out inspections of the golf carts and issue permits. The Finance Department will handle collection of the fees. Golf Cart Plan Process According to the California Vehicle Code, in order to adopt a Golf Cart Plan, a city must first establish a Golf Cart Transportation Program. La Quinta chose to do this as part of the overall review and approval process for the General Plan Update in 2002. 210 After Council's initial review of the City-wide Golf Cart Plan, staff was directed to scale down the golf cart routes to provide a "Pilot Program" limited primarily to the Village, areas surrounding the Village, the SilverRock Resort, and La Quinta Resort. Staff then identified the streets that would be used in Phase I and the capital improvements that would be needed. These improvements have been, or are being completed. Of the remaining critical improvements yet to be installed are the traffic calming devices on Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive. In order to slow traffic, speed humps and speed tables will be installed in November through early December to reduce the speed. Once these traffic calming improvements are made, a new speed survey will be conducted in mid -December. Additionally, a signal at Desert Club Drive and Avenue 52 is being awarded under a separate report which will be installed by early 2010. Altogether, the costs associated with improvements required to implement Phase I were estimated at $347,436, including the installation of a charging station to be located at the Village parking lot. As a result of discussions with the City of Palm Desert, staff is recommending the design and construction of the proposed charging station be deferred. Palm Desert staff has reported that their existing charging station is not being used since the battery charging time is not fast enough to be useful. Should battery and charging station technology improve in the future, a charging station could be installed. Questions Raised by Council As stated previously, Council raised some specific questions in regard to the Golf Cart Plan. These and other questions that have been raised by interested parties are addressed below. Are 16 year old drivers allowed to drive golf carts? The Vehicle Code is silent on the issue of golf carts and minor drivers. Section 1961(c) of the Vehicle Code states: "Operators shall be required to possess a valid California driver's license and to comply with the financial responsibility requirements established pursuant to Chapter 1 of Division 7." However, minor drivers are limited in their privileges with provisional drivers' licenses, and the same restrictions would apply to golf carts, i.e., if the driver is under 18, he or she cannot drive with a passenger unless accompanied by an adult. Why is there a limitation for two people golf carts? Section 1951 of the Streets and Highways Code defines a golf cart as "... designated to carry golf equipment and not more than two persons..." A golf cart designed to carry more than two persons would not meet the State definition of a golf cart. It would be considered a motor vehicle required to be registered by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and comply with all motor vehicle regulations. 211 Are ignition locks versus door locks, and a covered passenger compartment required? Section 1961 of the Streets and Highways Code, includes minimum standards for golf carts. These standards do not require locks, seatbelts, or covered passenger compartments, but states, "...may include requirements for seatbelts and a covered passenger compartment." The State Vehicle Code does not define what specific equipment is required. However, it does states a golf cart is designed to carry two persons, the weight cannot exceed 1,300 pounds, and is designed to not operate at more than 15 miles per hour. For the safety of the drivers and passengers, staff has added the requirement for seatbelts and a covered passenger compartment, but locks are left up to the owners' discretion. The Cities of Palm Desert and Rancho Mirage have similar requirements. Another question was raised regarding the use of alcohol and driving golf carts on City streets. It should be well known that any motorized vehicle on any street is subject to the same laws and citations. If a golf cart operator is found to be drinking while driving or an open container is seen, law enforcement personnel will act pursuant to those regulations. Staff has also revised the Ordinance to designate the Public Works Director with the authority to add or delete golf cart routes as deemed appropriate. This will allow flexibility as the Plan develops to add, delete, or reroute the cart path to meet the needs of the residents. With the completion of the above, "Phase I" is ready to be implemented. Proposed Future Phases Pursuant to previous City Council direction, future phases of the Golf Cart Plan should be evaluated after the "Pilot Program" has operated for a period of time. The City's General Plan has a comprehensive network of future golf cart routes and as noted in this report the Golf Cart Master Plan should be updated as part of the General Plan Update. In addition, staff recommends the City Council direct staff to evaluate and bring back a recommendation regarding a provision in the State Vehicle Code which allows the following: Section 21114.5, allows "...physically disabled persons, or persons 50 years of age or older, or, while in the course of their employment, by employees of the United States Postal Service, state and local governmental agencies, or utility companies, on public sidewalks;" as well as "...to apply to the local authority for a permit and an identification sticker to so operate the cart, and requiring the person to affix the sticker to the cart in order to operate it on the sidewalk." This Vehicle Code section would allow electric carts on all sidewalks for individuals over 50 years of age. Staff needs to further evaluate this Code section as well as the safety of allowing golf carts on all sidewalks. City sidewalks have been installed at 212 various widths ranging from four feet to eight feet in width. In addition to the physical constraints, staff is also concerned about the equity and enforcement issues if a dual golf cart plan based on age is implemented. Lastly, staff has been unable to identify a city that has implemented this section of the State Vehicle Code. Staff has been contacted by numerous individuals regarding the City's Golf Cart Plan. Comments and suggestions have been discussed with residents and most concerns are adequately addressed within the draft Ordinance. A letter was received by Mr. Conly, a resident of Lake La Quinta, with a petition dated January 6, 2008 (Attachment 2) requesting golf carts be permitted on the sidewalks on Washington Street, particularly between Avenue 47 and the Vons Shopping Center, and on Highway 1 1 1 between the Vons Shopping Center and the City of Indian Wells boundary. Mr. Conly's letter states that golf carts have been impounded and/or fined for traveling in these areas in the past. Staff has spoken to the La Quinta Police Department on this issue and there have been occasions where golf carts have been ticketed and/or impounded for driving on Highway 1 1 1. Until future phases of the Plan are adopted by Council, the La Quinta Police Department will continue to enforce the Vehicle Code. In his letter Mr. Conly references the General Plan Golf Cart Route Map as including Washington Street or Highway 111 . As Council is aware, due primarily to the costs associated with improvements, the City is implementing the Golf Cart Plan in phases. The first phase does not include any street north of Avenue 50 with the exception of that portion of Eisenhower Drive by the La Quinta Resort. In addition, sidewalks on Washington Street (in several areas) are currently not wide enough to meet the golf cart off-street path requirements. Therefore, Mr. Conly's request cannot be accommodated by the proposed Plan. Washington Street could be included in a later phase of the program. Currently, the City's General Plan does not include a golf cart path on Highway 111 adjacent to the Von's Shopping Center. This was because Highway 1 1 1 at that time was under the jurisdiction of Caltrans. Now that the City controls Highway 1 1 1, the City may want to study additional golf cart routes as part of the upcoming General Plan Update. Staff checked with the Cities of Palm Desert and Rancho Mirage regarding the number of permits issued to see their level of interest. Palm Desert has issued 140 permits and Rancho Mirage has an average of 200 active permits at any one time. Neighborhood Electric Vehicle Staff has not included any reference to "Neighborhood Electric Vehicle" (NEV) in the Ordinance. The primary difference between a golf cart and an NEV is the speed in 213 which they can travel (25 mph,) and what streets they are allowed to travel on (streets with a speed limit of 35 mph or less) per the State Vehicle Code. Currently there are only two cities (Lincoln and Rocklin) in California who have adopted NEV Transportation Plans (via special legislation). In April of this year, Senator Benoit introduced a Bill (SB 663) in the State Legislature to allow the City of Palm Desert to establish an NEV Transportation Plan. Due to the complexity of adopting an NEV Plan, staff has concentrated on the implementation of the Golf Cart Plan for Phase I and not included NEVs in the Ordinance. Staff recommends the City's General Plan Update evaluate adding a NEV program to the City's Transportation Element. Based on this information, staff is requesting Council adopt the attached Ordinance establishing a Golf Cart Plan. Once adopted, the Ordinance will go into effect on January 1, 2010. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Council include: 1. Motion to take up Ordinance No. , by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion to introduce Ordinance No. _, on first reading amending the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code to add Subsection 12.69 to Chapter 12 implementing a Golf Cart Plan; or 2. Do not introduce an Ordinance amending the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code to add Subsection 12.69; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction ReAas y sub ' ted, DoEvans Assistant City Manager -Development Services Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Map of Phase 1 2. Letter from Mr. A. Glen Conly 214 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 12.69 TO TITLE 12 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, PERTAINING TO REGULATIONS FOR GOLF CARTS ON CERTAIN STREETS WHEREAS, the California Vehicle Code prohibits the use of golf carts on public streets except as permitted in California Vehicle Code 21115, 21115.1 and 21716; and WHEREAS, the City established a Golf Cart Transportation Plan as part of its General Plan Update process, adopted on March 20, 2002; and WHEREAS, in order to operate a golf cart on public streets in the City, the City Council finds that specific standards and requirements are necessary to preserve the public health and safety. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Title 12 of the La Quinta Municipal Code is hereby amended to add Chapter 12.69, to read as follows: 12.69.010 Purpose and Intent. The California Streets and Highways Code, Sections 1950 through 1961, authorize local jurisdictions to establish golf cart transportation plans within their boundaries, under certain conditions and with certain requirements. The City has established the Golf Cart Transportation Plan in its General Plan and intends, by the addition of this Chapter of the Municipal Code, to establish standards, requirements and procedures for the implementation of the Golf Cart Transportation Plan. 12.69.020 Definitions. As used in this Chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following meaning: "City" means the City of La Quinta. "Golf Cart" means a four -wheeled electric motor vehicle with an unladen weight of less than one thousand three hundred pounds (1,300), which is designed to be, and is operated at not more than 15 miles per hour, and is designed to carry golf equipment and no more than two persons, including the driver. •• 215 Ordinance No. Golf Cart Program Adopted: Page 2 of 6 "Golf Cart Paths" or "Golf Cart Routes" means all City -owned travel ways that allow golf cart travel, including roadways. There shall be three categories of golf cart paths: 1. Class I golf cart paths provide an area separate from the roadway used by automobile traffic for shared one-way or two-way golf carts, bicycles, pedestrians, and equestrians. 2. Class II golf cart paths provide a striped eight -foot lane for one-way golf cart and bicycle travel on a street or highway. 3. Class III golf cart paths provide for shared use with automobile and bicycle traffic. Class III paths are established by placing Golf Cart Route signs along roadways with speed limits of 25 miles per hour or less in order to link them to Class I or Class II paths. "Golf Cart Route" means the map depicting routes and crossings that will be constructed, posted and designated for use by permitted golf carts. 12.69.030 Minimum design criteria for golf carts. All golf carts traveling on any golf cart path in the City must meet the following minimum design criteria: 1. The golf cart must be electrically powered. 2. The golf cart must be equipped and safely operated with all of the following equipment: a. Red reflectors; b. Parking brake; C. Horn; d. Headlights, brake lights and rear lights; e. Front and rear turn signal indicator lights; f. Windshield; g. Seat belts; h. Covered passenger compartment; i. Mirror combination (left and right side mirrors, left and rear mirrors, or multi -directional cross bar mirror) and unobstructed view to the rear from the driver's seat. 12.69.040 Minimum safety criteria for operation of golf cart. rr�.. 216 Ordinance No. Golf Cart Program Adopted: Page 3 of 6 All golf cart operators operating golf carts on any golf cart path in the City must conform to the following operator requirements and safety criteria: 1. Golf cart operators must be licensed drivers in the State of California with valid California Driver's license, or have a valid driver's license issued by a jurisdiction in accordance with Vehicles Code Sections 12502-12505. 2. Golf cart operators must comply with the financial responsibility requirements (insurance) established pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 16000) of Division 7 of the California Vehicle Code. 3. No golf cart shall be operated on golf cart paths or Golf Cart Routes within the City without a current golf cart permit decal visibly displayed on the right rear, fender of the golf cart. 4. The golf cart permit shall be valid for two years from the date of issuance. 5. Golf cart operators must maintain the golf cart in a safe condition and be properly loaded to conform with CVC Section 24002. 6. Golf cart operators may only travel in those golf carts that meet the minimum design criteria required by Section 12.69.030. 7. Golf carts are limited to daytime operation and are permitted on public streets only during the time period between one hour prior to sunrise and one hour after sunset. 8. A maximum of two persons may ride in the golf cart and may only ride in the main passenger compartment equipped with safety belts. Both driver and passenger must wear safety belts at all times while the golf cart is being operated on Class I, II, or III golf cart paths. 9. Golf cart operators must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians, bicyclists, and equestrians. 10. Golf cart operators may only travel on designated golf cart routes or along streets with speed limits of 25 miles per hour or less. 11. Golf cart operators may not travel on or along streets with speed limits in excess of 25 miles per hour except on designated golf cart routes, and shall only cross at controlled intersections as designated on the golf cart route map. 12. Golf carts modified by removing any of the above safety equipment or a modification that in any way creates an unsafe cart will result in the immediate revocation of the golf cart permit and will be subject to any violations that apply under the California Vehicle Code. Should a golf cart be impounded pursuant to a violation under the State Vehicle Code, the registered owner shall be subject to any regulations imposed by the impounding authority pursuant to Section 22850.5 of the California Vehicle Code. 217 Ordinance No. Golf Cart Program Adopted: Page 4 of 6 13. No person shall operate or move a golf cart upon a sidewalk except those persons who are physically disabled, or persons in the course of their employment by a state, federal, or local government, or school district maintenance crew. 12.69.050 Golf cart permit process. The following golf cart permitting process is established: 1. No golf cart shall be operated on golf cart paths or Golf Cart Routes within the City without a current golf cart permit decal visibly displayed on the right rear fender of the golf cart. 2. Persons physically disabled, persons in the course of their employment by a state, federal, or local government, or school district shall be allowed to apply for a permit allowing operation of a golf cart on City sidewalks. 3. The golf cart permit shall be valid for two years from the date of issuance. 12.69.060 Golf Cart Routes. The Public Works Director shall have the authority to add or delete Golf Cart Routes as the need arises or as conditions change in accordance with this Ordinance. 12.69.070 Enforcement of Golf Cart Plan. Any person operating a golf cart in the City in violation of this Chapter is guilty of an infraction punishable by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) or as permitted by the California Vehicle Code. The City Council finds and determines that the City shall provide law enforcement for the Golf Cart Plan and enforce the rules and regulations of Chapter 12.69 of the City of La Quinta Municipal Code, the Streets and Highways Code (Division 2.5, Chapter 6, Sections 1950 through 1961) and Section 21716 of the California Vehicle Code. The passage of this Ordinance enables the City to enforce this program's provisions not found in the California Vehicle Code. SECTION 2. The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall attest thereof and shall within fifteen (15) days of its passage cause the same or a summary of it to be published once in The Desert Sun, and thereafter the Ordinance shall take effect and be enforced according to law. 'r•.. 218 Ordinance No. Golf Cart Program Adopted: Page 5 of 6 SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance. The City Council of the City of La Quinta hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause, sentence or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, subsections, clauses, sentences or phrases may be declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 5. POSTING: The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council, shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance, and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City of La Quinta. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held this _day of , 2009 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 219 Ordinance No. Golf Cart Program Adopted: Page 6 of 6 APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 220 ATTACHMENT JAN 2 9 2008 January 6, 2008 CITY OF LA OUINTA The Mayor and Council Members, City of La Quinta, La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, Ca 92253 I am writing as a resident of La Quinta residing at 47415 Via Cordova at Lake La Quinta concerning the proposed General Plan for Golf Cart Routes, Phases I and II. Needless, to say there are many of "we" residents of La Quinta who are immensely pleased to see the city finally take some action that will permit the use of golf carts as an alternative means of transportation in and about the city. After having reviewed the proposed plans, I would like to ask City Council to consider adding the following to the Phase I plan: 1. I am specifically requesting the city to make it permissible to use the sidewalk on the west side of Washington, north of Simon Drive (Point Happy Way),to get to the parking lot for Von's shopping center (Plaza La Quinta). Under the proposed plan, golf carts will not be permitted to do so. The proposed plan does permit golf carts to travel along the west side of Washington from Eisenhower to 47th Street at which point carts will be permitted to cross Washington. To be able to get to the parking lot at the Von's center, I would like to propose that golf carts be permitted to continue past 47fl' Street to Simon Drive (Pont Happy Way) by traveling on the streets behind the walls of the community on the west side of Washington from 47th to Point Happy Way. Carts could then continue on the sidewalk on the west side of Washington to the entrance to Von's shopping center, a distance of about 100 yards. This is simple and safe. As well, the city plan will also permit carts to get to the corner of Simon Drive and Washington but carts are will not be permitted to cross to the west side of Washington. It would be a very simple matter to allow carts to cross Washington at the traffic signal and from there, proceed effortlessly to the Von's parking lot on the sidewalk. Please see attached Exhibit 1 and IA. Although the City Plan permits travel across Highway II I to the Stater Bros. center, travel to the nearby Von's center will not be permitted, notwithstanding the fact, that the entrance to the center is only 100 yards away and can be reached easily and safely by traveling on the sidewalk. This seems ludicrous given the proximity of these people to Von's and the ease of getting there on the sidewalk without having to use a car or truck. Additionally, the owners of shops and stores in the Von's center will not be pleased when they learn that competitors across highway 111 have been given a valuable competitive edge. 2. I am also requesting that the city make.it permissible to travel on the sidewalk from north entry to the La Quinta Plaza (Von's) to the sidewalk in Indian Wells, a distance of perhaps 75 yards. This would permit people from Indian Wells to use a golf cart to get to Von's from Indian Wells and for others to get to Indian Wells from La Quinta. Please see Exhibit 1 and IA attached. For years there have been numerous golf carts using this 222 short piece of sidewalk without accident, injury or mishap. In Addition, the city of Indian Wells drives small city trucks and city owned golf carts on the sidewalk along Highway I I I in this area. To the best of my knowledge there has never been a mishap or a conflict of any sort concerning the use of golf carts. (The only conflicts have been with motorcycle police officers who have gone so far as to impound golf carts for using the sidewalk, as just described, which has cost some residents as much as $1,200.00 to get their carts back). La Quinta holds itself out as the golf capital of the valley and as friendly city. The city should be making every attempt to live up to that reputation (costing residents up to $1200.00 for driving a golf cart on the sidewalk seems a little unfriendly). Other cities in the valley and other cities in California are quite permissive with respect to the use of golf carts for transportation, In today's marketplace, with gas over $3.50 per gallon and given the more and more crowded streets we have, La Quinta should likewise be permitting greater opportunity to use golf carts for a variety of transportation needs. The carts should be fully licensed, insured and street legal but that is up to the city to decide. I know that the plan will be coming before City Council for consideration in the near future. If any of the proposals that I have made seem possible, it would be beneficial if they could be incorporated into the proposed plan before it goes to Council for approval Thanks you for your consideration. Respectfully submitted, A. Glen Conly 47415 Via Cordova La Quinta 92252 760-574-8899 223 EXHIBIT IA ENLARGED VIEW OF EXHIBIT 1 Route Per Proposed City Can Route Plan a moE pas so o " Proposed e 619 t� WA "Z ro r,a otatj wt-Lv( fd��T 224 III IA OUWTA CENTRE VON 5 LA OUINTA LEGEND: -�-= CIVIC CENTER (CITY HALL. POST OFFICES. ETC.) ®d = SHOPPING CENTER LOCATION i • • 'H = SCHOOL LOCATION • • • • • b = GOLF COURSE LOCATION O =PARKS AND RECREATION J=FERNANDO 104 CHARGING LOCATION 3 - CLASS I PATHS P 0 0 14 RNER CLASS n PATHS • ■..=CLASS III PATHS P . o CALLE TMI�ICA P'• �I r-1 City of La Quints J TERRA NOVA ® General Plan Plying & Research, IIx. Phase I (2005) Golf Cart Routes Exhibit 225 As a concerned resident of La Quinta I am in support of the proposed modification to the City Of La Quinta General Plan for Golf Cart Routes per the letter addressed to City Council, dated January 6, 2008 as submitted by A Glen Conly. F A7A I -A QJ t N M REMCi{4t. IS , OW s1 t-r6�n k"A c1 tE70_S . Business Name s i3cxx��RJacic m8 /4--'R0xE-< ��. a `! ' � + j Address Phone No.. 16e)-S" c -mil ;?�. � s!`�b•'33/0 114S1ti 4a..1 ILA -160--nk 3YY"1 �-"S 1 TFtt 70V7 ZIWB3 3Yj 1A a^ 760-5164-011t, ,6 `7 Z 226 As a concerned resident of La Quinta I am in support of the proposed modification to the City Of La Quinta General Plan for Golf Cart Routes per the letter addressed to City Council, dated January 6, 2008 as submitted by A Glen Conly. NAME (Printed) NATURE DRESS PHONE NO. 5/ 7• GogY'9 joyae Coen Le. rn �SyG V1w 2ur lec 9d#-)w'IY -r' � `f763a (11oL e 7)9 ids Y 'S" ✓� A,^( 4"2 PRNML V-I rIA RAI /`7- Y17�iR.sd 7r S6y-/ ZJP e 60 1 i. V : �t ft, , 2 I 1677 AUPr`a 773-3dZ-? l 'tips ��1 saN ys61a V� Zm 1 z o4qy 6-1i IS^,��//pO 7 oy, Slav gY-31a tLk'k , dA- 'U -360 -3� yc 4)14 760 GP n/JrMw cvur 1 i Z 62 0) 11._ . 227 As a concerned resident of La Quinta I am in support of the proposed modification to the City Of La Quinta General Plan for Golf Cart Routes per the letter addressed to City Council, dated January 6, 2008 as submitted by A Glen Conly. 1.(Printed) SIGNATURE ADDRESS i �' %r l? t; L 1 R W� l-L.t�'S �a 9.�t.V.+_Ut-t'1(�o•S 't i� a. —�-� a�`ez-.--cam �1(, v S v C f o 0 (JiLL1AM Wig-! - C��iWoS o C� 1&(5 R r'N „_ 1'�z� `OVI✓i-lhsnrf�5 / ��� � ,Y ,�%' � d��� 1-imse� j �� ,Dovnce oc�sr1 a'�- mod, s�v.A a�xrg-� ser -?sC, 1:,�4x A0A �C�s%j �f 'll 8d �� C 'y;�77J -760 t vim FAY t2LSu� 1�u,w5�— y/5 d 16y�7o2-3 1.0 r (2) 23-;� i'6o - 7a D •3735' -777--dofs-� 228 As a concerned resident of La Quinta I am in support of the proposed modification to the City Of La Quinta General Plan for Golf Cart Routes per the letter addressed to City Council, dated January 6, 2008 as submitted by A Glen Conly. NAME (Printed) �8&-rty 0. (-R ) TM 1 ADDRESS PHONENO. L/ i y3Sy,A 0)2�`2fq 71.e - 7 7 / -S3 i 7 TT j)tkE 7(o-5 (3J `gkD JtA� a — Svq q}2yYVa ea (lbc ` 111-- 36 L4 z �1,71 yc yJ 13� ✓; b I YIesyt -77-)— (517 771-,F1rF 229 �n `y OF Tom' TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: DOUGLAS R. EVA ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER -DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DATE: NOVEMBER 3, 2009 SUBJECT: BUSINESS ITEM NO. 2 — GOLF CART ORDINANCE Staff has made a change to the attached Ordinance on Page 4, Item #13 with the deletion of "...physically disabled, or persons..." This will be included in the discussion of State Vehicle Code Section 21114.5 when it is brought back to the City Council at a future date. 230 Ordinance No. Golf Cart Program Adopted: Page 4 of 6 13. No person shall operate or move a golf cart upon a sidewalk except those persons who are in the course of their employment by a state, federal, or local government, or school district maintenance crew. 12.69.050 Golf cart permit process. The following golf cart permitting process is established: 1. No golf cart shall be operated on golf cart paths or Golf Cart Routes within the City without a current golf cart permit decal visibly displayed on the right rear fender of the golf cart. 2. Persons physically disabled, persons in the course of their employment by a state, federal, or local government, or school district shall be allowed to apply for a permit allowing operation of a golf cart on City sidewalks. 3. The golf cart permit shall be valid for two years from the date of issuance. 12.69.060 Golf Cart Routes. The Public Works Director shall have the authority to add or delete Golf Cart Routes as the need arises or as conditions change in accordance with this Ordinance. 12.69.070 Enforcement of Golf Cart Plan. Any person operating a golf cart in the City in violation of this Chapter is guilty of an infraction punishable by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) or as permitted by the California Vehicle Code. The City Council finds and determines that the City shall provide law enforcement for the Golf Cart Plan and enforce the rules and regulations of Chapter 12.69 of the City of La Quinta Municipal Code, the Streets and Highways Code (Division 2.5, Chapter 6, Sections 1950 through 1961) and Section 21716 of the California Vehicle Code. The passage of this Ordinance enables the City to enforce this program's provisions not found in the California Vehicle Code. SECTION 2. The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall attest thereof and shall within fifteen 0 5) days of its passage cause the same or a summary of it to be published once in The Desert Sun, and thereafter the Ordinance shall take effect and be enforced according to law. 231 E REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES September 14, 2009 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Community Services Commission was called to order at 5:33 pm by Chairperson Spirtos. Commissioner Brodsky led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Commissioners Biegel, Brodsky, Darroch, and Chairperson Spirtos ABSENT: Commissioners Fitzpatrick, Lawrence, and Leidner STAFF PRESENT: Edie Hylton, Community Services Director; Steve Howlett, Golf & Parks Manager; Tustin Larson, Recreation Supervisor; Angela Guereque, Senior Secretary; and Jean Wilson, Office Assistant BLIC COMMENT — None. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Motion - It was moved by Commissioners Biegel/Brodsky to confirm the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATIONS None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of July 13, 2009 Minutes Motion — It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Darroch to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR - None. PUBLIC HEARING - None. 23? Community Services Commission Minutes September 14, 2009 -2- BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consideration of Commission Meeting Dates Director Hylton presented the staff report. Motion — It was moved by Commissioners Biegel/Darroch to approve the Community Services Commission meeting dates as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Consideration of Artist Appreciation Day Director Hylton presented the staff report. Commissioner Brodsky suggested that Artist Appreciation Day be broad and not limit the presenters. Commissioners Brodsky and Biegel volunteered. Director Hylton stated that Commissioner Fitzpatrick participated in this program last year as an alternate. Motion — It was moved by Commissioners Darroch/Spirtos to assign Commissioners Brodsky/Biegel and Commissioner Fitzpatrick as an alternate to participate in the Artist Appreciation Day Program. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of the 2009-2010 Community Services Marketing Plan Tustin Larson, Recreation Supervisor, presented the staff report. Mr. Larson noted that on page 32 of the Marketing Plan, the date for the Pillars of the Community event should be January 15, 2010. Commissioner Brodsky asked how patrons find out about the Survey Monkey. Mr. Larson stated that survey cards are handed out to participants at the end of an excursion and at the last class of a program. Commissioner Brodsky noted that one of the responses on the Survey Monkey was that the online registration process was not user friendly. He asked how staff has addressed that. Mr. Larson stated that a step by step video on how to register online has been posted to the City website. Commissioner Brodsky noted that there was also a response complaining about the Resident Card restrictions for multiple homeowners. Director Hylton explained the Resident Card rules and noted that the City does not accept fractionalized housing for Resident Cards. 233 Community Services Commission Minutes September 14, 2009 -3- Motion — It was moved by Commissioners Biegel/Brodsky to approve the 2009- 2010 Community Services Marketing Plan. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consideration of Art Maintenance Priorities Steve Howlett, Golf & Parks Manager, presented the staff report. Chairperson Spirtos asked if there was anyway to protect the mosaics at Fritz Burns Park. Mr. Howlett stated that the weather conditions and open sun will continue to damage them because they are glass mosaics and subject to heat. Motion — It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Darroch to approve the art maintenance priorities as listed. Motion carried unanimously. STUDY SESSION None. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. Monthly Department Report for July and August 2009 2. Parks Improvements for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 COMMISSIONER ITEMS 1. Report from Commissioners Regarding Meetings Attended. Commissioner Spirtos attended the San Clemente Ocean Festival Excursion. Commissioners Brodsky/Fitzpatrick attended the Back to School Luncheon. 2. Calendar of Monthly Events Director Hylton noted that the Los Angeles Lobster cancelled due to low enrollment. She noted that it Excursion to cancel. PUBLIC HEARING — None. OPEN DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT Festival excursion has been was the first Super Saver It was moved by Commissioners Biegel/Brodsky to adjourn the Community Services Commission meeting at 6:24 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 234 Community Services Commission Minutes September 14, 2009 -4- NEXT MEETING INFORMATION: A Regular Meeting of the Community Services Commission to be held on October 12, 2009 commencing at 5:30 p.m. in the City of La Quinta Study Session Room, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. bmitt d b ���� Angela Guereque Community Services Senior Secretary ..» r 235 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 3—A / T n w� C yOFT1 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Veronica J. Montecino, CIVIC, City Clerk�l DATE: November 3, 2009 SUBJECT: January 5, 2010 City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting The first regular meeting for the City Council and Redevelopment Agency will be held on January 5, 2010. City Hall is scheduled to be closed a half day on Thursday, December 24, 2009 and all day on Friday, December 25, 2009 for Christmas Eve/Day holidays and a half day on Thursday, December 31, 2009 and all day on Friday, January 1, 2010 for New Year's Eve/Day holidays. If it is the Council's pleasure to hold the first meeting in January 2010, it will be necessary to modify the schedule for processing the staff reports to enable staff to distribute the packets either on Wednesday, December 30 or on Thursday, December 31, 2010 by noon. The City Council chose to cancel the first meeting in January 2009 because of the short work weeks during the agenda process. Staff would appreciate receiving direction from the City Council regarding the first City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting of January 2010. If it is the Council's desire to cancel the meeting, direction should be given to the City Clerk to prepare and post a Notice of Cancellation for the January 5, 2010 City Council and Redevelopment Agency meetings. 236 a o� �o f 4 4 y OF TF� COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of a Resolution Approving a One -Year Time Extension for Site Development Permit 2007-866, a ± 13.79 Acre Boutique Hotel Site (200 Units and 259 Keys) Consisting of a ±25,000 Square Foot Parking Structure and 29 Condominium Hotel Unit Buildings Containing a Meeting Facility, Restaurant, and Resort Spa on Property Located South of Avenue 52 and East of SilverRock Way. Applicant: Lowe Destination Development (LDD) SilverRock LLC RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving a one-year extension of time for Site Development Permit 2007-886, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Site Development Permit for "La Solana," a boutique condominium hotel to be located within the SilverRock Resort, was originally approved by the City Council on July 17, 2007 with a standard two-year period of validity (Attachment 1). The applicant, Lowe Destination Development, is requesting a one-year extension of time. As with any time extension request, modified conditions of approval pertain to those codes and development standards which have changed since the original Site Development approval. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The approximately 13.79 acre boutique hotel site, known as La Solana at SilverRock, 237 consists of a dog -bone shaped arrangement of 29 hotel buildings, a sunken two-story parking structure, a resort spa, and three swimming pool facilities (Attachment 2). The project is surrounded by Holes No. 2, 3, and 7 of the existing Arnold Palmer Classic Course. The boutique hotel site is approximately 375 feet at its closest point from both Avenue 52 to the north and the adjacent Tradition development to the west. The developer, Lowes Destination Development, has stated that they do not have a timeframe for the commencement of construction due to the current economic conditions. ANALYSIS Staff has updated the conditions of approval to reflect recent changes in Public Works Engineering Bulletin and State Water Quality Management rules. None of these modified conditions of approval will have a noticeable effect on the approved Site Development Permit. If approved, this time extension request would extend the validity to one-year from the expiration date, July 17, 2010. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENT The time extension request was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on September 4, 2009. All property owners within 500 feet of the site were mailed a copy of the Public Hearing notice as required by the La Quinta Municipal Code. No comments have been received from surrounding property owners. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Findings necessary to approve the time extension request can be made and are contained in the attached Resolutions. The alternatives available to the City Council include: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving a one-year extension of time for Site Development Permit 2007-886 subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully JohnJokr4al-anning Director 238 Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese City Manager Attachments: 1 . SDP 07-886 City Council Staff Report, dated July 17, 2007 2. SilverRock Resort Boutique Hotel SDP (booklet) 239 RESOLUTION NO. 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A ONE-YEAR TIME EXTENSION OF A SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A ± 13.79 BOUTIQUE HOTEL SITE (200 UNITS AND 259 KEYS) CONSISTING OF A ± 25,000 SQUARE FOOT PARKING STRUCTURE AND 29 CONDOMINIMUM HOTEL UNIT BUILDINGS CONTAINING MEETING FACILITY, RESTAURANT, AND RESORT SPA CASE NO.: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-886 TIME EXTENSION No.1 APPLICANT: LDD SILVERROCK LLC WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 3rd day of November 2009, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of LDD SILVERROCK LLC for approval of a one year extension of time for architectural and landscaping plans regarding a boutique condominium hotel resort, on property more particularly described as: PORTION OF SECTIONS 6 AND 8, T6S, R7E, SBM WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 17th day of July, 2007, adopt Resolution 2007-69, approving Site Development Permit 2007-886, subject to Conditions; and, WHEREAS, said Site Development Permit has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970." The City Council certified Environmental Assessments 2002-453 and 2006-568, prepared for the SilverRock Specific Plan 06-080, which was certified on July 18, 2006, of which this project is included. No changed circumstances or conditions exist which would trigger the preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report or environmental review pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21166; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said City Council did make the following Mandatory Findings to justify approval a one year extension of said Site Development Permit: An extension of time is warranted because the findings as noted below can still be made and apply to this request. 240 City Council Resolution 2009- Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1, LDD SilverRock, LLC. Adopted: November 3, 2009 Page 2 of 3 2. No changes have been made to this Site Development Permit from its original approval and no new or changed environmental considerations exist. 3. The boutique condominium hotel project is consistent with the General Plan and SilverRock Resort Specific Plan, in that it is a designated tourist commercial use which is served by the surrounding golf course uses. 4. The project has been designed to be consistent with the applicable provisions of the City's Zoning Code, or amended as allowed in compliance with SilverRock Resort Specific Plan 2006-080. 5. The architectural design of the boutique condominium hotel project including, but not limited to the architectural style, building mass and scale, materials, colors, architectural details, building heights, roof style, and other architectural elements are compatible with the surrounding developments, previously approved and constructed phases of the SilverRock Resort, and with the quality of design prevalent in the City. The boutique hotel is suitably designed and conforms to the established theme of the project and overall resort. 6. The site design of the project including, but not limited to project entries, interior circulation, landscaping, pedestrian access, pedestrian amenities, screening of equipment, exterior lighting, layout, and similar site design elements are compatible with the previously approved and constructed phases, surrounding developments, and with the quality of design prevalent in the City. 7. Project landscaping, including but not limited to the arrangement, variety, size, color, texture, and coverage of plant materials, with conditions, has been designed so as to provide relief, complement buildings, visually emphasize prominent design elements, screen undesirable views, provide a harmonious transition between adjacent land uses including the golf course, and provide an overall unifying influence to enhance the visual continuity of the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the City Council in this case; 241 City Council Resolution 2009- Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1, LDD SilverRock, L-C. Adopted: November 3, 2009 Page 3 of 3 2. That it does hereby approve a one year time extension for Site Development Permit 2007-886 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, subject to the Conditions, attached hereto; PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on the 3rd day of November 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA MONTECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 242 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2009- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-886 TIME EXTENSION No.1 (EDITED) LOD SILVERROCK, LLC - BOUTIQUE HOTEL NOVEMBER 3, 2009 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Site Development Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. This Site Development Permit shall comply with the requirements and standards of Government Code § § 66410 through 66499.58 (the "Subdivision Map Act"), Chapter 13 of the La Quinta Municipal Code ("LQMC"), Specific Plan 2006-080, Tentative Parcel Map No. 33367 and any Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) and Development Agreement (DA) entered upon between the applicant and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, a public body, corporate and politic (See related Conditions of Approval from the Disposition and Development Agreement [DDA] and Development Agreement [DA]). The City of La Quinta's Municipal Code can be accessed on the City's Web Site at www.la-quinta.org. 3. Site Development Permit 2006-886 shall comply with all applicable conditions and/or mitigation measures for the following approvals: • Environmental Assessments 2002-543 and 2006-568 • Specific Plan 2006-080 • Tentative Parcel Map 33367 • Disposition and Development Agreement • Development Agreement 2006-012 4. This Site Development Permit time extension is valid for ta� a one year period to expire on July 17, 2010, unless an extension is applied for and granted by the City Council pursuant to Section 9.200.080 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. ._.' 243 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 5. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) for Building Permits, Improvement Permit) • Planning Department • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Water Quality Control Board (CWQCB) • South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When the requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. A project -specific NPDES construction permit must be obtained by the applicant and who then shall submit a copy of the Regional Water Quality Control Board's ("RWQCB") acknowledgment of the applicant's Notice of Intent ("NOI"), prior to the issuance of a grading or site construction permit by the City. .. - _ .. 244 2 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 6. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit LQMC Sections 8.70.010 at seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls) and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No 457• the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Colorado River Basin Region Board Order No. 117-2008-0001 and the State Water Resources Control Board's Order No. 99-08-DWQ. A. For construction activities including clearing grading or excavation of land that disturbs one (1) acre or more of land, or that disturbs less than one (1) acre of land but which is a part of a construction project that encompasses more than one (1) acre of land, the 245 3 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 Permitee shall be required to submit a Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan ("SWPPP"). B. The applicant or design professional can obtain the California Stormwater Quality Association SWPPP template at www.caimphandbooks.com for use I their WSPPP preparation. C. The applicant's SWPPP shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any on or off -site grading being done in relation to this project. D. The applicant's SWPPP shall include provisions for all of the following Best Management Practices ("BMPs") (LQMC Section 8.70.020 (Definitions)): 1) Temporary Soil Stabilization (erosion control). 2) Temporary Sediment Control. 3) Wind Erosion Control. 4) Tracking Control. 5) Non -Storm Water Management. 6) Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control. E. All erosion and sediment control BMPs proposed by the applicant shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any onsite or offsite grading, pursuant to this project. F. The approved SWPPP and BMPs shall remain in effect for the entire duration of project construction until all improvements are completed and accepted by the City. 7. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Infrastructure Fee Program and Development Impact Fee program in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). A. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice all costs and actual attorney's fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions if Developer requests that the 246 4 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. PROPERTY RIGHTS 8. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. Said conferred rights shall also include grant of access easement to the City of La Quinta for the purpose of graffiti removal by City staff or assigned agent in perpetuity and agreement to the method to remove graffiti and to paint over to best match existing. The applicant shall establish the aforementioned requirements in the CC&R's for the development or other agreements as approved by the City Engineer. Pursuant to the aforementioned, the applicant shall submit and execute an "AUTHORIZATION TO REMOVE GRAFFITI FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY" form located at the Public Works Department Counter prior to Certificate of Occupancy. Additionally, pursuant to the approved Tentative Parcel Map, there is a proposed north/south easement across the center of the Site Development Permit for an existing 18" lake equalizer line for the perpetual maintenance and reconstruction and per the approved DDA affecting this Parcel. 9. The applicant shall retain for private use all private street rights -of -way in conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans, and/or as required by the City Engineer. The private street rights -of -way to be retained for private use required for this development include: A. PRIVATE STREETS 1) Private Streets shall have a 28-foot travel width measured flow line to flow line where curb and gutter are proposed. Flush curb street section shall have a full 28 feet of travelable roadway as approved by the City Engineer and the Fire Department. On -street parking is prohibited except for designated and striped parking 247 5 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 stalls, and provided there is adequate off-street parking for residents and visitors, and the applicant establishes provisions for ongoing enforcement of the parking restriction in the CC&R's. The CC&R's shall be reviewed by the Engineering Department prior to recordation. 10. The applicant shall dedicate easement to the City of La Quinta for public and utility purposes and ingress and egress easement for public and emergency access. 1 1 . Dedications shall include additional widths as necessary for dedicated right and left turn lanes, bus turnouts, and other features contained in the approved construction plans. 12. Direct vehicular access to Ahmanson Way is restricted, except for the access point identified on Tentative Parcel Map No. 33367, or as otherwise conditioned in these conditions of approval. 13. Emergency vehicle ingress and egress access shall be provided from Avenue 52 via the existing Secondary Access Road. 14. The applicant shall furnish proof of easements, or written permission, as appropriate, from those owners of all abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments will occur. 15. The applicant shall cause no easement to be granted, or recorded, over any portion of the subject property between the date of approval of the Tentative Parcel Map and the date of recording of any Final Map, unless such easement is approved by the City Engineer. STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 16. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Sections 13.24.060 (Street Improvements), 13.24.070 (Street Design - Generally) & 13.24.100 (Access for Individual Properties and Development), LQMC for public streets; and Section 13.24.080 (Street Design - Private Streets), where private streets are proposed. The applicant shall be responsible for completing the roadway improvements within the site development permit and as required by the approved DDA and DA, subject to approved coordination by the Public Works Department. 6 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 The applicant shall extend improvements beyond the site development permit boundaries to ensure they safely integrate with existing improvements (e.g., grading; traffic control devices and transitions in alignment, elevation or dimensions of streets and sidewalks). Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes and other features shown on the approved construction plans, may require additional street widths as may be determined by the City Engineer. 17. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using CalTrans' design procedure for 20-year life pavement, and the site -specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows: Private Street (Commercial) 3.5" a.c./4.0" c.a.b. or the approved equivalents of alternate materials. 18. The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation test results confirming that design gradations can be achieved in current production. The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved. 19. General access points and turning movements of traffic are limited to the following: A. Primary Entry (Ahmanson Way): Full turn movements are permitted. 20. Improvements shall include appurtenances such as traffic control signs, markings and other devices, raised medians if required, street name signs and sidewalks. 21. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, or as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by qualified engineers. 249 7 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 PARKING AREAS 22. The design of parking facilities shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and in particular the following: A. The parking stall and aisle widths and the double hairpin stripe parking stall design. B. Cross slopes should be a maximum of 2% where ADA accessibility is required including accessibility routes between buildings. C. Building access points shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plans to better evaluate ADA accessibility issues. Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes, ADA accessibility route to public streets and other features shown on the approved construction plans, may require additional street widths and other improvements as may be determined by the City Engineer. 23. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using CalTrans' design procedure for 20-year life pavement, and the site -specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows: Parking Stall/Access Aisles (Low Traffic Areas) 3.0" a.c./4.5" c.a.b. Parking Stall/Access Aisles (High Traffic) 4.5" a.c./5.5" c.a.b. Loading Areas 6" P.C.C./4" c.a.b. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect," refers to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 24. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans), LQMC. 250 8 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 25. The following improvement plans shall be prepared and submitted by the applicant for review and approval by the Public Works Department. A separate set of plans for each line item specified below shall be prepared. The plans shall utilize the minimum scale specified, unless otherwise authorized by the City Engineer in writing. Plans may be prepared at a larger scale if additional detail or plan clarity is desired. Note, the applicant may be required to prepare other improvement plans not listed here pursuant to improvements required by other agencies and utility purveyors. A. On -Site Commercial Precise Grading Plan 1 " = 20' Horizontal B. PM10 Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal C. SWPPP 1" = 40' Horizontal D. On -Site Street Improvements/Signing & Striping/Storm Drain Plan 1 " = 40' Horizontal, 1 " = 4' Vertical E. WQMP (Plan submitted in Report Form) NOTE: A through E shall be submitted concurrently. Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed above shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. All On -Site Signing & Striping Plans shall show, at a minimum; Stop Signs, Limit Lines and Legends, No Parking Signs, Raised Pavement Markers (including Blue RPMs at fire hydrants) and Street Name Signs per Public Works Standard Plans and/or as approved by the Engineering Department. The applicant shall prepare an accessibility assessment on a marked up print of the building floor plan identifying every building egress and notes the 2001 California Building Code accessibility requirements associated with each door. The assessment must comply with submittal requirements of the Building & Safety Department. A copy of the reviewed assessment shall be submitted to the Engineering Department in conjunction with the Site Development Plan when it is submitted for plan checking. 251 9 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 "Commercial Precise Grading" plans shall normally include all on -site surface improvements including but not necessarily limited to finish grades for curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, parking lot improvements and ADA requirements. 26. The Gity maintains siandard plans, detail sheets anWOF eenStFUGtieR notes 26. The City maintains standard plans detail sheets and/or construction notes for elements of construction which can be accessed via the "Plans, Notes and Design Guidance" section of the Public Works Department at the City website (www la -quints org) Please navigate to the Public Works Department home page and look for the Standard Drawings hyperlink. 27. The applicant shall furnish a complete set of the mylars of all approved improvement plans on a storage media acceptable to the City Engineer pursuant to Engineering Bulletin #09-01 and./or the latest revision. Upon completion of construction and prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall furnish the City with reproducible record drawings of all improvement plans which were approved by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawing" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy and completeness of the drawings The applicant shall have all approved mylars previously submitted to the City, revised to reflect the as -built conditions. The applicant shall employ or retain the Engineer Of Record during the construction phase of the project so that the FOR can make site visits in support of preparing "Record Drawing" However, if subsequent approved revisions have been approved by the City Engineer and reflect said "Record Drawing" conditions, the Engineer Of Record may submit a letter attesting to said fact to the City Engineer in lieu of mylar submittal. 28. At the completion of construction, and prior to the final acceptance of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall update the mylars in order to reflect the as -built conditions. 25 10 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 PRECISE GRADING 29. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Section 13.24.050 (Grading Improvements), LQMC. 30. Prior to occupancy of the project site for any construction, or other purposes, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit approved by the City Engineer. 31. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A grading plan prepared by a qualified engineer, B. A preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report prepared by a qualified engineer. C. A Fugitive Dust Control Plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 6.16, (Fugitive Dust Control), LQMC, and D. A Best Management Practices report prepared in accordance with Sections 8.70.010 and 13.24.170 (NPDES stormwater discharge permit and Storm Management and Discharge Controls), LQMC. All grading shall conform to the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report, and shall be certified as being adequate by a soils engineer, or by an engineering geologist. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the approved Fugitive Dust Control Plan provisions as submitted with its application for a grading permit. 32. The applicant shall provide sidewalks and golf cart paths for internal circulation within the Site Development Permit as well as to facilities within Tentative Parcel Map No. 33367 on the Precise Grading Plan in the plan check process as required and approved by the City Engineer. 33. The applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind and/or water erosion of such land. All open graded, undeveloped land shall either be planted with interim landscaping, or stabilized with such other erosion control measures, as were approved in the Fugitive Dust Control Plan. 34. Building pad elevations on the rough grading plan submitted for City Engineer's approval shall conform with pad elevations shown on the tentative parcel map, .. 253 11 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 unless the pad elevations have other requirements imposed elsewhere in these Conditions of Approval. 35. Prior to any site grading or regrading that will raise or lower any portion of the site by more than plus or minus five tenths of a foot (0.51 from the elevations shown on the approved Tentative Tract Map the applicant shall submit the proposed grading changes to the City Staff for a substantial conformance finding review. DRAINAGE 36. Stormwater handling shall conform with the approved hydrology and drainage report for (the "SilverRock Resort" of the underlying development). Nuisance water shall be disposed of in an approved manner. 37. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.120 (Drainage) Retention Basin Design Criteria Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 - Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements More specifically, stormwater falling on site during the 100 year storm shall be retained within the development, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The design storm shall be either the 1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour or 24 hour event producing the greatest total run off. A. Nuisance water shall be retained on site. Nuisance water shall be disposed of per approved methods contained in Engineering Bulletin No. 254 12 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 06-16 - Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. B. In design of retention facilities, the maximum percolation rate shall be two inches per hour. The percolation rate will be considered to be zero unless the applicant provides site specific data indicating otherwise and as approved by the City Engineer. C. The project shall be designed to accommodate purging and blowoff water (through underground piping and/or retention facilities) from any on -site or adjacent well sites granted or dedicated to the local water utility authority as a requirement for development of this property. D. No fence or wall shall be constructed around any retention basin unless approved by the Planning Director and the City Engineer. E. For on -site above ground common retention basins, retention depth shall be according to Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 - Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems. Side slopes shall not exceed 3:1 and shall be planted with maintenance free ground cover. Additionally, retention basin widths shall be not less than 20 feet at the bottom of the basin. F. Stormwater may not be retained in landscaped parkways or landscaped setback lots. Only incidental storm water (precipitation which directly falls onto the setback) will be permitted to be retained in the landscape setback areas. The perimeter setback and parkway areas in the street right-of-way shall be shaped with berms and mounds, pursuant to LQMC Section 9.100.040(B)(7). G. The design of the development shall not cause any increase in flood boundaries and levels in any area outside the development. H. The development shall be graded to permit storm flow in excess of retention capacity to flow out of the development through a designated overflow and into the historic drainage relief route. Storm drainage historically received from adjoining property shall be received and retained or passed through into the historic downstream drainage relief route. 255 13 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions for post construction runoff per the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 at seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2008-001. K. For post -construction urban runoff from New Development and Redevelopment Projects, the applicant shall implement requirements of the N_PDES permit for the design, construction and perpetual operation and maintenance of BMPs per the approved Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for the project as required by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. 117-2008-001. The applicant shall document and establish required association maintenance responsibilities within the recorded CC&R's. L. The aoplicant shall imDlement the WQMP Desion Standards Der (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. 147-2008-001 utilizing BMPs approved by the City Engineer. A project specific WQMP shall be provided which incorporates Site Design and Treatment BMPs utilizing first flush infiltration as a preferred method of NPDES Permit Compliance for Whitewater River receiving water, as applicable. UTILITIES 38. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Section 13.24.1 10 (Utilities), LQMC. 39. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above -ground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. 40. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained, or required by the City Engineer. 256 14 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007.886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. CONSTRUCTION 41. The City will conduct final inspections of habitable buildings only when the buildings have access to publicly -maintained streets. The improvements shall include required traffic control devices, pavement markings and signage. ol'A,� ;ol IRANGE (Quality Assurance Deleted in its Entirety) with the appFeval of the City Engineef-. other applmeahle4egulati�- 1. .0d; GAR -AN inted" and shall be stamped and SigRed by the eng'neeF-GPs­ufyeY,9f shs" have all appFG .,ad Fny!aFS ffeviously submitted to the City As huilt renditions. EngoneeF and refleet said "As Built" Genditie submittal- 257 15 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 MAINTENANCE 46. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Section 13.24.160 (Maintenance), LQMC and any Maintenance Agreement entered upon or required by the approved DDA and DA. 47. The applicant shall make provisions for the continuous and perpetual maintenance of all private on -site improvements, perimeter landscaping, access drives, and sidewalks. 48. The applicant shall enter into easements or license agreements for the construction and continuous and perpetual maintenance of all walls and added landscaping that encroach onto the golf course. 49. The applicant shall make provisions for the treatment, protection, and maintenance of all natural wood utilized in the construction of the buildings. The future substitute of any natural wood with alternative or synthetic materials shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. FEES AND DEPOSITS 50. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits), LQMC. These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. 51. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Infrastructure Fee Program and Development Impact Fee program in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s)• 52. The applicant shall pay the Coachella Valley Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Habitat Conservation Plan Mitigation Fee, in accordance with Chapter 3.34 of the Municipal Code, if applicable. LANDSCAPING 53. The applicant shall comply with Sections 13.24.130 (Landscaping Setbacks) & 13.24.140 (Landscaping Plans), LQMC. 258 16 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 54. The applicant shall provide landscaping in the required setbacks, retention basins, common lots and park areas. 55. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots and setbacks, medians, retention basins, and parks shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. 56. Final landscaping and irrigation plans (and precise grading plans relevant to landscape areas) shall be prepared by a licensed landscape professional and shall be reviewed by the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of the first building permit. An application for Final Landscape Plan Check shall be submitted to the Planning Department for final landscape plan review. Said plans shall include all landscaping associated with this project, including perimeter landscaping, and be in compliance with Chapter 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscaping) of the Municipal Code. The landscape and irrigation plans shall be approved by the Coachella Valley Water District and Riverside County Agriculture Commissioner prior to submittal of the final plans to the Planning Department. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the Planning Director. 57. Landscape areas shall have permanent irrigation improvements meeting the requirements of the Planning Director and the City Engineer. Use of lawn areas shall be minimized with no lawn, or spray irrigation, being placed within 18 inches of curbs along streets. 58. The applicant or his agent has the responsibility for proper sight distance requirements per guidelines in the AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 51h Edition" or latest, in the design and/or installation of all landscaping and appurtenances abutting and within the private and public street right-of-way. 59. Measures shall be taken to replace and repair any landscaping or irrigation equipment which is damaged. 60. Any ground -mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened by a wall, landscaping with significant foliage, or combination of the two, of a sufficient height and/or density to fully screen such equipment above its horizontal plane. 259 17 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 61. Any building mounted mechanical equipment shall be fully screened from view by an architectural feature, wall, or parapet of sufficient height to fully screen such equipment above its horizontal plane. 62. The applicant shall replace Chilean Mesquite, Bottle Trees, and California Pepper Trees with another similar canopy tree on the Final Landscaping Plans. 63. The design, materials, and colors of the covered parking canopies shall be consistent with the approved units and perimeter screening. Final designs for the covered parking canopies shall be reviewed by the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee on the Final Landscaping Plans and approved by the Planning Director. 64. Brick pavers or similar decorative paving shall be installed leading from the project entry at Ahmanson Way to the Arrivals Court. Final designs shall be identified on the Final Landscaping Plans, reviewed by the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee, and approved by the Planning Director. 65. Final Landscaping Plans shall identify enhanced landscaping for screening with significant foliage along all exposed perimeters of the parking structure. 66. The selected resort entry landscaping and wall design alternative (Sheet 8.07, 8.08, and 8.09), or combination of elements, shall be identified in the final landscaping plans provided for review by the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee and shall be approved by the Planning Director. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 67. The hotel shall provide a shuttle service for guests to the golf clubhouse and future resort areas (hotels, commercial uses, restaurants, etc.) within the SilverRock Resort. 68. The applicant shall provide the Planning Department with three copies of the project's Codes Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and a deposit of legal fees in the amount of $2000.00 for their review and approval. These items shall be provided to the City either prior to, or in conjunction with, the applicant's initial application for building permits. 69. The applicant shall offer for dedication an easement across the entire project site, including all units, to hold harmless the golf course and its players for any liability and damages resulting from golf course play. 260 18 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 70. The applicant shall enter into a construction and maintenance agreement with the City regarding construction adjacent to portions of the golf course lake prior to issuance of any grading and building permits. 71. The applicant shall enter into a domestic Water and/or sanitation installation agreement with the Coachella Valley Water District prior to issuance of any grading and building permits. 72. The applicant shall have submitted and received approval from the City an operating agreement in accord with the Disposition and Development Agreement and Development Agreement prior to issuance of any grading and building permits. 73. The applicant shall apply for a Sign Program application for the project site prior to the issuance of any grading and building permits. 74. Any modifications to the phasing of construction shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director and Public Works Director. BUILDING AND SAFETY 75. If the design configuration of the buildings results in window or door openings in locations prohibited by the Building Code due to proximity to real property lines, the applicant shall prepare and have recorded a "no -build easement agreement" to create an unbuildable area as necessary, binding to both property owners. Such agreement shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official and the City Attorney prior to recordation, if required. OUTDOOR LIGHTING 76. Exterior lighting shall comply with Section 9.100.150 (Outdoor Lighting) of the La Quinta Municipal Code. An exterior lighting plan with photometric study and manufacturers cut sheets shall be approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of first building permit for project. FIRE DEPARTMENT 77. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering a fire flow 2500 gallons per minute for a two hours duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure, which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the construction site. 261 19 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 78. Fire apparatus access road shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building hereafter construction or moved into our within the jurisdiction when any portion of the facility or any portion of an exterior wall of the first story of the building is located more than 150 feet from fire apparatus access as measured by an approve route around the exterior of the building or facility. Exception: When the building is completely protected with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system modification may be made by the chief. Pursuant to the above section a 200 foot hose pull from a fire access road will be acceptable. 79. Approved accessible on site fire hydrants shall be located not to exceed 330 feet apart in any direction as measured by an approved route around the complex, exterior of the facility or building, and no portion of a building further than 165 feet from a fire hydrant, or as approved by the Fire Department. Fire hydrants shall provide the "required fire flow. 80. Prior to building plan approval and construction, applicant/developer shall furnish two copies of the water system fire hydrant plans to Fire Department for review and approval. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer, and shall confirm hydrant type, location, spacing, and minimum fire flow. Once plans are signed and approved by the local water authority, the originals shall be presented to the Fire Department for review and approval. 81. Prior to issuance of building permits, the water system for fire protection must be provided as approved by the Fire Department and the local water authority. 82. Applicant/Developer shall mount blue dot retro-reflectors pavement markers on private streets, public streets and driveways to indicated location of the fire hydrant. It should be 8 inches from centerline to the side that the fire hydrant is on, to identify fire hydrant locations. 83. Access lanes will not have an up, or downgrade of more than 12%. Access will not be less than 20 feet in width and have an unobstructed vertical clearance not less than 13 feet and 6 inches. For a three story building, the access lane will be not less than 30 feet in width. Access lanes will be designed to withstand the weight of 80 thousand pounds over 2 axles. Access will have a turning radius capable of accommodating fire apparatus. Access lane shall be constructed with a surface so as to provide all weather driving capabilities. 262 20 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 84. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with approved provision for the turn around capabilities of fire apparatus 85. Driveway loops, fire apparatus access lanes and entrance curb radius should be designed to adequately allow access of emergency fire vehicles. The applicant or developer shall prepare and submit to the Fire Department for approval; a site plan designating required fire lanes with appropriate lane printing and/or signs. 86. An approved Fire Department access key lock box (Minimum Knox Box 3200 series model) shall be installed next to the approved Fire Department access door to the building. If the buildings are protected with an alarm system, the lock box shall be required to have tampered monitoring. Required order forms and installation standards may be obtained at the Fire Department. 87. Display street numbers in a prominent location on the address side of building(s) and/or rear access if applicable. Numbers and letters shall be a minimum of 12" in height for building(s) up to 25' in height. In complexes with alpha designations, letter size must match numbers. All addressing must be legible, of a contrasting color, and adequately illuminated to be visible from street at all hours. 88. A rapid entry Knox Box shall be installed on the outside of the building. If the building/facility is protected with a fire alarm or burglar alarm system, the lock box will require "tamper" monitoring. 89. Install a complete commercial fire sprinkler system (per NFPA 13 1999 Edition)• Fire sprinkler system(s) with pipe sizes in excess of 4" in diameter will require the project Structural Engineer to certify with a "wet signature", that the structural system is designed to support the seismic and gravity loads to support the additional weight of the sprinkler system. All fire sprinkler risers shall be protected from any physical damage. The PIV and FCD shall be located to the front, within 25 to 50 feet of hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building(s). Sprinkler riser room must have indicating exterior and/or interior door signs. A C-16 licensed contactor must submit plans, along with current $307.00 deposit based fee, to the Fire Department for review and approval prior to installation. Guideline handouts are available for the Fire Department. (Install a complete fire sprinkler system per NFPA 13R. A fire department connection that is 1 %2 "or 2 %2 " shall be wall mounted to the exterior of the building. 263 21 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 System plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for review, along with a plan/inspection fee. The approved plans, with Fire Department Job card must be at the job site for all inspections). 90. Install an alarm monitoring system for fire sprinkler system(s) with 100 or more heads (20 or more in Group I, Division 1.1 and 1.2 occupancies). Valve monitoring, water -flow alarm and trouble signals shall be automatically transmitted to an approved central station, remote station or proprietary monitoring station in accordance with 2001 CBC, Sec. 904.3.1. An approved audible sprinkler flow alarm shall be provided on the exterior in an approved location and also in the interior in a normally occupied location. A C-10 licensed contractor must submit plans designed in accordance with NFPA 72, 1999 Edition, along with the current $192.00 deposit based fee, to the Fire Department for review and approval prior to installation. Guideline handouts are available from the Fire Department. 91, Install a portable fire extinguisher, with a minimum rating of 2A-10BC, for every 3,000 sq. ft. and/or 75 feet of travel distance. Fire extinguishers shall be mounted 3.5 to 5 ft above finished floor, measured to the top of the extinguisher. Where not readily visible, signs shall be posted above all extinguishers to indicate their locations. Extinguishers must have current CSFM service tags affixed. 92. A UL 300 hood/duct fire extinguishing system must be installed over the cooking equipment. The extinguishing system must automatically shutdown gas and /or electricity to all cooking appliances upon activation. A C-16 licensed contractor must submit plans, along with the current permit fee, to the Fire Department for review and approval prior to installation. Alarm system supervision is only required if the building has an existing fire alarm system. 93. No hazardous materials shall be stored and/or used within the building, which exceeds quantities listed in UBC Table 3-D and 3-E. No class I, 11 or IIIA of combustible/flammable liquid shall be used in any amount in the building. 94. Exit designs, exit signs, door hardware, exit markers, exit doors, and exit path marking shall be installed per the 2001 California Building Code. 95. Electrical room doors if applicable shall be posted "ELECTRICAL ROOM" on outside of door. n 264 22 of 23 City Council Resolution 2009- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2007-886 Time Extension No.1 LDD SilverRock LLC - Boutique Hotel November 3, 2009 96. Access shall be provided to all mechanical equipment located on the roof as required be the Mechanical Code. 97. Air handling systems supplying air in excess of 2000 cubic feet per minute to enclosed spaces within buildings shall be equipped with an automatic shutoff. Ref CIVIC 609.0 98. Gate(s) shall be automatic or manual operated. Install Knox key operated switches, series KS-2P with dust cover, mounted per recommended standard of the Knox Company. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval of mounting location/position and operating standards. Special forms are available from this office for ordering the Key Switch. Current plan check deposit based fee is $126.00. The applicant may contact the Fire Department at (760) 863-8886 for a guideline handout. 265 23 of 23 ATTACHMENT # 1 C OF'I'�� COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 17, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing to Consider Adopting a Resolution of the City Council Approving Site Development Permit 2007-866, Involving Landscaping and Architectural Plans for a t 13.79 Acre Boutique Hotel Site (200 Units and 259 Keys) Consisting of a t 25,000 Square Foot Parking • Structure and 29 Condominium Hotel Unit Buildings Containing a Meeting Facility, Restaurant, and Resort Spa on Property Located South of Avenue 52 and East of SilverRock Way. Applicant: LDD SilverRock Inc. RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving Site Development Permit 2007-886, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City of La nuinta Redevelopment Agency acquired the current SilverRock Resort site in 2002, with the objective of facilitating the development of a resort and associated commercial uses that would generate•a recurring revenue source for the City and providing public recreation opportunities with the development of two public golf courses. The previously -approved SilverRock Resort Specific Plan divided the project into eight different planning areas. This Site Development Permit application for the boutique condominium hotel is located within Planning Area 3, and will be the first "resort hotel" portion of the project to be developed (Attachment 1, Sheet 2.01). The first two phases of the development, the Arnold Palmer Classic Course and the historic Ahmanson House temporary clubhouse, have been in operation since 2005. Future phases of the SilverRock project will include a permanent clubhouse facility, a signature four -star resort hotel, a mixed -use resort retail village, a second hotel with casitas, and a community park. 548 266 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The approximately 13.79 acre boutique hotel site, to be known as La Solana at SilverRock, consists of a dog -bone shaped arrangement of 29 hotel buildings, a sunken two-story parking structure, a resort spa, and three swimming pool facilities (Attachment 1, Sheet 2.02). The site, constructed with a contemporary Mexican architectural theme, maximizes outdoor living space with gardens, trellises, fireplaces, and water features. Connectivity throughout the project is achieved by a decorative meandering paseo for pedestrians and a 28 foot wide driving aisle for golf carts and vehicular traffic. The project is surrounded by Holes No. 2, 3, and 7 of the existing Arnold Palmer Classic Course. The site will be surrounded by a series of meandering cobblestone foot walls (about 2 feet) and desert landscaping designed to seamlessly integrate with the existing golf course. The boutique hotel site is approximately 375 feet at its closest points from both Avenue 52 and the adjacent Tradition development. Although the plans identify two phases for the project (Attachment 1, Sheet 2.03), this phasing plan is generally intended for sales and occupancy purposes. Construction will commence for all buildings as close to simultaneously as possible. Located at the southeastern corner of the project site is the proposed three-story "Main House," which includes the reception desk, restaurant, bar, and meeting center, and has been designed to give the appearance of multiple buildings. A focus of the Main House will be the promenade, and a wide deck with outdoor dining and terraces overlooking the adjacent lake. The Main House will serve as the dining, entertainment, and administrative center of the boutique hotel facility. Adjacent to the Main House will be a two-story, t 11,911 square foot Spa Building, which will orient towards an outdoor court with swimming pools. The Spa Building will consist of the fitness center, day spa, locker rooms, and pool cabanas. An outdoor event lawn, located above the lower level meeting rooms, will connect the Spa Building with the Main House. The remainder of the project site will consist of the Presidential and Hospitality Villas containing the more exclusive hotel units, the Spa Village (a cluster of buildings containing spa -oriented hotel units), twenty two-story hotel unit buildings, the Pool Pavilion, which overlooks the family pool area near the north end of the project site, a partially -sunken parking structure, and numerous small accessory buildings for housekeeping and maintenance purposes. Building height limits and the total number of condominium hotel units and keys are all in compliance with the approved specific plan. The entire project site will be interconnected by a pedestrian pathway or paseo weaving around the individual hotel unit buildings and passing through courtyards and small outdoor gathering spaces. The driving aisle and covered parking will be primarily screened from the individual hotel unit buildings by a smooth stucco wall designed with nooks, alcoves, and occasional lattice windows. Covered parking spaces are proposed 549 267 to be covered with either a solid canopy or with a trellis. Main House: As the focal point of the boutique hotel, the approximately 35,600 square foot Main House will serve as the administrative, entertainment, and activity center of the facility (Attachment 1, Sheet 4.01 — 4.07). The contemporary Mexican architectural style sets the theme of the entire project site, featuring substantial use of natural wood, stone accents, and earth -tone yellow walls with a smooth plaster finish. Window sizes, designs, and placement will vary widely from a traditional style with heavy -timber natural wood lintels supported by center posts, to more contemporary styled wood - framed glass doors. The Main House has been designed to take advantage of the slope, giving the impression of a smaller and more modest one- and two-story building from the interior entry at the arrival court, but presenting a much grander scale from the lakeside promenade. The height of the Main House, measured from the arrival court entry, is proposed to be approximately 29 feet in height. When viewed from the lakeside boardwalk, the Main House is proposed to be approximately 40 feet in height. The highest point of the building will be a small bell tower located adjacent to the arrival court, and is proposed to be 39 feet in height, measured from the arrival court's main entry (Attachment 1, Sheet 4.05). All three levels of the Main House will consist of outdoor spaces, wooden decks, fire pits, and balconies built out onto the lake. The entire architecture of the Main House has been designed to maximize usage of outdoor space. Presidential and Hospitality Villas: Adjacent to the Main House are the two-story Presidential and Hospitality Villas, which are the premium hotel units for the project (Attachment 1, Sheet 4.01 — 4.07). These villas are designed to seamlessly appear from the outside as if they were a part of the Main House and will share identical contemporary Mexican design details as the Main House. The Presidential Villa will be approximately 5,600 square feet and the Hospitality Villa will be approximately 5,000 square feet. Each unit contains living and dining rooms, multiple lock -off bedrooms and bathrooms, and private trellised patios and balconies overlooking the lake. Access to a pool/spa, plunge pool, and an outdoor shower garden is also included. Spa Building: Also adjacent to the Main House is the two-story, t 11,911 square foot Spa Building and a gated and screened receiving area connected to the Main House via the lower level (Attachment 1, Sheet 4.02 — 4.07). The entry to the Spa Building consists of a square spa arrival court with a fountain at the center. This square arrival court will not be used by hotel patrons, who will primarily access the facility via the pedestrian 550 268 walkways adjacent to the event lawn or via the pool area, but will provide an access for non -hotel guest spa users who are expected to park in the nearby parking garage. The Spa Building will consist of the same contemporary Mexican architectural details as the Main Building, but will instead focus inward on private spa courtyards and outdoor spaces. The rear of the facility will feature a partial courtyard surrounded by semi- private cabanas facing various pools. Spa Village: Adjacent to the Spa Building will be the Spa Village, consisting of a cluster of four buildings containing spa -oriented hotel units (Attachment 1, Sheet 4.08 - 4.11). Three of the four buildings are proposed to be two stories in height, and one is proposed to be three stories in height at approximately 39 feet-6 inches. The buildings range in size from approximately 6,500 square feet to 21,300 square feet. The Spa Village buildings include three different unit types. The Hotel Studio unit consists of a bedroom, bathroom, and an outdoor patio. The Spa Studio unit consists of a larger bathroom, bedroom, foyer, and outdoor patio. The Spa Suite unit includes two bathrooms, a larger bedroom/foyer area, two patios, and an additional treatment room. All of the Spa Village buildings will reflect the project's contemporary Mexican architecture and consist of flat -roofs, earth -tone plaster complimented by individual trellis -covered balconies, varied rooflines, real wood doors, and roofline accent timbers. Hotel Units: The remaining condominium hotel units on the Boutique Hotel site are located within the twenty buildings situated along the main circulation drive (Attachment 1, Sheet 4.12 - 4.18). The two-story hotel buildings consist of four distinct building types with varying unit configurations, and an architectural style consistent with the rest of the project. Each of the hotel units generally consists of kitchen and dining facilities, living room area, and a varying number of bedrooms, some with condominium/hotel lock -off units. Patios and covered terraces provide outdoor living space for each unit. The hotel units at the north end of the Boutique Hotel site will surround the family pool area. The family pool will feature three different pools, an artificial beach, snack bar, semi -private cabanas, and trellis -covered chaise lounges placed within the main pool. Accessory buildings for housekeeping, mechanical equipment, and restrooms will match the contemporary Mexican architecture. Landscaping around the family pool will be consistent with the remainder of the hotel and have a functional use for turf. Parking: Parking counts will be in accord with the minimum 347 parking spaces required under the SilverRock Specific Plan Resort Parking Program. The current site plan identifies 354 spaces. The applicants have stated that a minimum of 350 parking spaces will be provided, due to the fact that a few spaces may be lost or gained prior to construction. The majority of the provided parking will be either covered underneath the proposed 551 269 carports or within a parking structure served by valet. The proposed parking structure currently identifies 185 valet spaces with an adjacent 31 outdoor self -park spaces, and a handful of short-term parking available at the arrivals court. Trellis -covered parking spaces will be available along the remainder of the site for guest self -parking. To accommodate parking, the applicant is proposing to construct a two-story, 185- space, partially -sunken parking structure (Attachment 1, Sheet 4.21). The upper level of the parking structure will be essentially at grade with the hotel arrival court, while the lower level will be partially sunken into the hillside adjacent to the golf course. The parking structure will be utilized for valet parking and has been designed with tandem spaces (double-parked) along the east side (facing the golf course) to maximize vehicle capacity. Each level of the parking structure will be approximately 25,543 square feet. The upper portion of the east elevation of the parking structure will face Hole No. 2 of the existing golf course and Silver Rock Way. The exposed exterior fagade will be stucco painted an earth tone color to match the surrounding landscaping. The upper level fagade will be the most visible, providing 3.5 feet of vehicle screening. The parking structure will be constructed as far below the existing grade as possible, resulting in approximately eight feet of visibility above the proposed berm. The applicants have proposed screening this remaining eight feet with landscaping integrated into the golf course. This berm could be increased but would involve off -site grading which would impact the golf course. The applicants have stated that they are currently working on additional screening possibilities for the parking structure. Landscaping: The overall landscape design throughout the Boutique Hotel site is intended to complement the theme and character of the contemporary Mexican architectural style of the various hotel buildings (Attachment 1, Sheet 8.01 - 8.06). Plant material consists of a combination of desert -native plants that have previously been incorporated into the SilverRock Resort environment. Most utilized around the hotel site are numerous trees and a variety of dense hedges and shrubs, with minimal use of turf. The environmentally -conscious plant material palette proposed for the hotel site is characterized by low water use and minimal -maintenance plants, which further conserves resources. The hotel site has been separated into several zones with specific landscape concepts and distinct plant palettes. The Entry Drive Zone focuses on the entry monument and utilizes large canopy trees lining the entry drive leading to the auto court, supplemented with an abundance of various shrubs and ground cover. The Auto Court Zone features a large signature canopy tree as a central focus with perimeter landscaping that may include accent plants with a desert garden theme. The Golf Course Interface Zone includes the area of transition from the existing golf course to the Boutique Hotel site. The landscaping concept in this zone is to blend desert plant material used on the course with the new development. Hotel buildings and parking areas will be buffered with screening plants and strategically -placed trees and palms. Pool Zone landscaping 552 270 consists of plant materials that are more tropical in nature, while providing adequate shade and a pedestrian friendly atmosphere (Attachment 1, Sheet 8.10). The entire perimeter of the hotel is surrounded by an intermittent cobblestone foot -wall approximately 18 inches in height. Facility Operations: Guests will enter the site and proceed to the Main House for check -in. Temporary parking for guests will be located at the arrival court turnaround with the option to either self -park or utilize valet parking. Those individuals not staying at the hotel would either utilize valet services or park in the semi -circular lot located adjacent to the upper deck of the parking structure. During the high season, the parking structure itself will be exclusively utilized for valet and employee parking, due to the inclusion of tandem spaces (double-parked). The hotel will utilize golf carts to escort guests utilizing valet parking to their rooms. Housekeeping services will be primarily conducted via smaller accessory buildings interspersed throughout the site. Loading and receiving will be conducted within the gated area at the main house adjacent to the Spa Building. The loading area is large enough to wholly enclose and screen small and medium-sized cube -truck deliveries and can contain a semi -truck without obstructing the main drive. The applicants have provided turning templates that identify semi -trucks are capable of safely accessing the loading area. The buildings surrounding the loading area will contain engineering, housekeeping, human resources, and uniform services, with service elevators leading to sub -grade storage areas, service access to the meeting rooms, and the kitchen. The project is designed as a condominium hotel, with individual units to be sold as private ownership units. When not in use by the owner, these rooms are intended to be returned to the supply of rooms available to the hotel. Under the approved Development Agreement, owners are limited to a maximum use of 60 days per year for no more than 29 consecutive days. The property will feature 200 hotel units with 259 keys. The difference between the number of units and keys is due to the "lock -off' design of the rooms, in which one unit may consist of two or more bedrooms which can be locked from use, depending on the needs of the guest. To ensure that the project is designed for short-term stays, all kitchen areas and appliances are not full- sized. ANALYSIS Staff finds that the overall architectural style and layout of the proposed SilverRock Boutique Hotel to be well designed. The proposed Boutique Hotel conforms to the setback, height, and land use standards identified in the previously approved SilverRock Resort Specific Plan. The layout of the project site harmoniously merges a pedestrian - friendly resort spa with an existing golf course, while maintaining an adequate separation of vehicular and pedestrian circulation throughout the site by means of the walled paseo. 553 271 The proposed parking structure will be visible from SilverRock Way and Ahmanson Way. Concerns have been raised with regards to the visibility of the structure and parked vehicles along the southeastern perimeter. While the lower level of the structure is sunken and hidden from view behind the proposed berm, the eastern face and vehicles parked along the upper deck will be partially visible from behind the proposed tree line and landscaping (Attachment 1, Sheet 4.21). The Planning Commission recommended a condition of approval for enhanced landscaping along the exposed portions of parking structure. The final design will require a careful balance between screening the parking structure and vehicles, and maintaining visibility of the hotel building. The Planning Commission is generally supportive of the proposed landscaping palate and design. The applicant has provided a desert -appropriate landscaping design that provides an appropriate transition with the surrounding golf course while complimenting the hotel's architecture. The project will have a functional use of turf limited to the family pool area and the event lawn. Previous concerns with higher -maintenance plants, such as Chilean Mesquites, Bottle Trees, and California Pepper Trees, have been agreed for substitution by the applicant and addressed in the recommended conditions of approval. Final landscaping plans have been conditioned to be brought back for ALRC review and Planning Director approval. Sheets 8.07, 8.08, and 8.09 identify three different conceptual main entry design alternatives. The applicants have suggested incorporating the best of each alternative proposal for the project entry, rather than utilizing one of the three designs. Additionally, this entry should be evaluated in the context of the overall design of the SilverRock Resort streetscape as part of the design of Phase 2, which includes several golf, clubhouse, and associated improvements. The Planning Commission had no particular entry alternative preference and supported this concept, recommending that the final entry landscaping design be returned to the ALRC for review. The Planning Commission also recommended that brick pavers or a similar decorative paving be utilized, instead of the identified asphalt paving, along the entry drive leading from Ahmanson Way to the hotel arrivals court. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AND PUBLIC COMMENT At its July 26, 2007 meeting (Attachment 2), the Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed SilverRock Condominium Hotel application by a 3-0 vote (Barrows and Engle absent). During the public hearing, Commissioners asked questions of staff and the applicant regarding hotel operations and the use of natural wood in the project architecture. Testimony was given by Mr. Troy Worgull, project architect, and Mr. Ted Lennon, Sr. Vice President of Lowe Destination Development, in regards to the project design and concept. During the hearing, the architect discussed the underlying support structure and 06 551 272 pointed out that all of the large exposed timbers and beams were designed to be located underneath roof overhangs and out of direct sunlight. The architect and applicant reiterated their responsibilities for wood maintenance. They stated that they were exploring the use of synthetic wood for decking material on the promenade and that they felt synthetic materials were not appropriate for the building. Also during the hearing, Mr. Ted Lennon mentioned that they were working towards designing an environmentally -sensitive building and stated their attempt to achieve a LEED certification. No one else spoke on this item. No letters or comments from the public were received regarding the boutique hotel. Environmental Analysis This proposal implements the previously approved SilverRock Resort Specific Plan. The environmental impacts associated with the implementation of that Specific Plan have been previously assessed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). An Addendum to a prior Mitigated Negative Declaration (Environmental Assessment No. 2002-453) was certified by the City Council in 2006 in connection with the approval of the SilverRock Resort Specific Plan 06-080. This Specific Plan established design guidelines and development standards in a focused development plan for the distribution of land uses, location and sizing of supporting infrastructure, development standards, and requirements for public improvements on the 546 acre project site. A water supply assessment/verification for the project site was also completed and approved by the Council in 2006. Thus, as the proposed development is an implementation of the approved Specific Plan and no changed circumstances or conditions are proposed nor has any new information been submitted, no further environmental review is necessary pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21166 and the Section 15162 of the Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Findings necessary to approve the various development applications can be made and are contained in the attached Resolutions. The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving Site Development Permit 2007-886 subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council, approving Site Development Permit 2007-886; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 00 555 273 Respectful Planning Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese City Manager Attachments: 1. SilverRock Resort Boutique Hotel SDP (booklet) 2. Minutes of the June 26, 2007 Planning Commission Hearing 556 274