MUP 2004-452N P.Q. Bbx,-150.4 78-4-95 'CALLE..-TAM PICO (760) 777-7000 LA'QUINTA, CAIAFOiNIA',922-63 FAX.(760) 7.77-7101 January 27,'2004 Mr. Mike Avila System Electric Co., Inc. 12 -7 -8 -MI -P Palm Springs, CA 92262 SUBJECT:, -.MINOR USE'PERMIT 2004-452 Dear Mr. Avila: The CommunityDevial6pm6nt: Department , hAs -.approved ,,'.,.Vour,.,reqyest -to establish temporary trailersat-1h6,'ih'ib'as�sy :§uit`&i*pr_0­jpct,.subiebtt6lth following findings and �,. conditions: Findings: A Ade.nate eparlpg'exists-forguest��ard"'rnlcyees;.ip- B The temp6raryjaciiiiies ate3exem"pt from C EdA,.statutes *'Per-' Class 4 (Section 15 304,(e'.) -) in!, 1,hat.the"improvements-I - .:are; -e mp.o r ., ary in.rVatLjrq,:_for an approved development -"r and P. OJP G. Adherence -to the. recomm'-e'nded do,nditio'ns* willIensure. impacts to surrounding properties, will. be minimized. Conditions: 1. A building. ,permi is-, required:. -for .: the ',��t6,mb�6rary .office *-trailer. ' Contact the Building ands Safety Department at'(760)" 777.'70'1 2,,for- permit requirements. 2. Moun'ted: close"..16--the exterior of. thefront 4-of,the: off ice-, trailer shall be a r. written notice 'in- f o" rffi-ing emerg ., cy:pqrspnnelof yQUir,'24-hour emergency phone; numbers) -in case -o problems' (i:e.1 minimum I.high letters):. emergency - 3. Install one '2A1 0Bq;1.1i.re,:ex inguisker�i inside by the 6xitdoor and 'provide.a "door to remain open ..d prjng 'business <hours" sigh 'above the d6or. If you h ave GAMUP Letters\MUP452:Fina1.wpd questions, please contact Fire Safety Specialist for Riverside County at (760)' 863=8886. 4. This permit expires; -on- January,_ -2 -7' -'2005' ­Upon ;w.ritteri request; a time extension. of up to' one :year may be`approved' b'y the ,community.: Development Director: 5. Temporary advertismo shall lieapproved separately by this Department. 1 6. Dust control> -measures shall -be; - employed during an'y grading. activities as set .forth by a Public_ Works Department permit (i e.' Ch°apter' 616 of the Municipal Code). 7. The City may :_°elect to' • add. conditions to this .;application to mitigate any problems that arise: not previously: addressed herein. This decision:: may be appealed to the - Planning Commission provided, the required. application form 'and filing" fee of ,$175 00:4ee -fi.led with this office .within 15 days of this decision. Should you have.questions:regarding this letter, please contact the.,undersigned at°f 760-777-7067 orvia a nail atgtrousde@la guinta.org 'The Municipal .Code can be accessed on the City's Web'site`by logging onto la-,quinta.org: Very trul yours, ' J R Ek' AN _:. . U T: DEVELOPMENT .DIRECTOR REG GUS ELL rA t nrer Enc. c: Community.D.evelopment,'Director Buildino and`Safety�Departn)6nt (c%o Ed Randall): Public'V1/ork's :Department Code 'Compliance Department Fire Marshal g, r ' V I/ VOV4. ,L L 'f AA -.1'.OV I t It1G0.7� ^' ,.LAVU11\I+A uumm. .ULV. WJ .ry I/ VV.J City(Ca FFICE USEONCommunity-Development Department :r _No°v� oy Yd. � os La:Qumta, California 92253 Fie ' Lo 'ed in 'by. (760) 777 71125, FAX77 1:233 APPLICATIONTO PERMIT APPROVAL TEMPORARY USE :PERhZIfi°applicah ed and approved at a pu c heanng by the. Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9 2.10 050;' of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to regulate certain' tem pvraryhnd uses and activities and einsure'mipimum negative ur, adverse' impacts on :. surrounding .areas. 4 ,g . q► APPLICANT SYSTEM .ELECTRIC: CO,. , INC (Print) M* MAILING ADDRESS 1'"27.8' 'MONTALVO WAY' „f Phone No: (76.0)' 327-7847 CITY, STATE, ZIP: PALM SPRINGS;; CA 92262. Fax No ('760).; 323-7247.,. PROPERTY. OWNER (If. different): SAME (Print). .'. .MAILING ADDRESS: SAME A5''ABOVE � '' a Phone No. M ' CITY, STATE, ZIP:: Fax No. . LOCATION OF . UWACTIVITY: 50777. SANTA,°ROSA PLAZA PROPOSED USE AND/ ACTIVITY: r: � O OFFICE AND STORAGE .TRAILER'. ` f Latta l,sheets f need4 A3\focm.409 �� 61, b!C V I/ VC// LVV4, IL. CJ rnA 1 3 V I I ILOJ• :Ln 1AU111:1 A, 4.V IIIM UCIV LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A P:N.) . ` Length'of Activity (Dates): JANUARY, 2.,. 2004 " NOVEMBER ' 30,..200,4 Hours of Activity: 7:-3: 30 PM Equipment Set Up Date: JANUARY 26., 200,4: Equipment Removal Date: November 30, 2004 Maximum'numb of people gat site•dunng achvl. at an` onetime, .:` 16 Y Maximum number ofpeople expected to 'att.endthe activity at any oneaime: .16 Total per Day: 16 Grand Total: 16 STTAMTSSTON^TZF(� TRE=T 0 Site Plan:Showing layout of activities, tents, parking:areas,' etc:.planned. - O Filing fee for Teinporary.Use Permit. If filing multtple appUcations, the most"expensive application will . be charged full fee; With.remaining relited applications,.discounted 30%'for each::This discount'does not apply to-Environmeiital Information forint NAME OF APPLICANT SYSTEM 'ELECTRIC CO.,, INC ' (PTease-Print). :SIGNATLTRE OF APPLICANTDATE-1/9/04 NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER SYSTEM ELECTRIC CO INC: (Please:Print) SIGNATCTRE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS`.',Xi0dC ANT: DATE (Signature provides- consent for applicant.to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate- written :authority by.owner to submit apmbprovidedpe ) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION "GLVEN IN THIS: APPLICATION SHALL . BE,GROUNDS FOR.DENYINGAPPLICATIOhi: r, riil;l If ill ®t 1 - I Ilk 1. 1r _ �[•.: LE -N-Tpv QU