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0010-174 (RR)
` LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION f,r reby•affirm'under penalty of perjury that I am licensed_ under provisions of Chapter 9,(commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the,Business and Pr(1fessio6al' Code, and my License is in full force and effect. ,r License # Lic. Class r Exp. Date _. 6). 9243 C3) B M5 Date4!1 r f �' ' Signature of Contractor i7" OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I Hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt.from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ' ( ') I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or•offered for sale (Sec: 7044, Business& Professionals Code). f I(,) I, as owner of -the property, am exclusively contracting• with licensed contractors-a'o construct the project (Sec. 7044, , Business ; & Professionals Code). �9r O I am exempt under Section " B&P.C. for this lreason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of, perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700,of the Labor''Code, for the ' performance of the work for which this permit is issued.. have and will -maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy'no:.,are: Carrier Policy No." (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). O I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued; I shall not employ4hy person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California; and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of'Section 3700 of the Laboi Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions Date ,,,, Applicant Warning:. Failure to secure Workers Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000; in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for, a permit subject • to the conditions and, restrictions set forth on his application.' 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued `as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify •& hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null'and void if work is notcommenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation:of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with allCity, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorise representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property ff or inspection,/purposes. ; Signature (Owner/AgentiN v¢ •, /:� ""-7 Date i.•. -- —Ay BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# DATE VALUATION . LOT (j>I)j(Q�..,• A TRACT tt aq JOB SITE ' APN y ADDRESS 7S4718 SCALL IT". A OWNER CONTRACTOR /DESIGNER / EN (NEER 78-x•9-76: L'ALL&MEANIA 41.910 BOARDWti� , A3 L.,g,• QMUA i°.1?. .92253 PAL? 1. E S;E9,Z.'7' , s C:.�s 922-11 Ci' -0)568 • 1751 CBIA' 4275 E USE OF PERMIT D,ft cso CLLABS A FIRE lR#•i.'Y•€ O KAYERIAL ONLY VALUATION\ Ls '13 COW WRTMON HaIDWIP f OF CONS, 90A+ ;ttARY RZA00031 FEE, $30.00 a� • t smq -on-PAW mu) $0.010 n 4 RECEIPT DATE �Y DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steelo_ Roof Deck 0. K. to Wrap _ lOZ�R' / Combustion Air Exhaust Fans F.A.U. Framing InsulationVents _ rzyj Compressor Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final `Q j/�� BLOCKWALL A lay— Final • POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings .. Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Pibg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit ' Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: �t' o�N eeq ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. � •/fie �6 ate= , 5360 WORKMAN MILL ROAD • WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601-2299 A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials EVALUATION REPORT Copyright © 1999 ICBG Evaluation Service, Inc. ER -3182 Reissued July 1, 1999 Filing Category: ROOF COVERING AND ROOF DECK CONSTRUCTION -Roof Covering (202) POLYURETHANE FOAM PLASTIC month shelf life when stored in unopened containers at 75°F ROOF -COVERING SYSTEMS (23.8°C). SWD URETHANE COMPANY 2.2.7 Ever -Gard Roof Mix: The Ever -Gard roof mix is a ce- 222 SOUTH DATE STREET mentitious material that consists of dry mix, acrylic and col - POST OFFICE BOX 1422 MESA, ARIZONA 85211 loid. The product has a one-year shelf life when stored in un - opened containers at 50°F to 80°F (10°C to 26.7°C). 1.0 SUBJECT Polyurethane Foam Plastic Roof -covering Systems. 2.0 DESCRIPTION 2.1 General: SWD Urethane Company's roof covering systems consist of spray -applied polyurethane foam plastic and elastomeric coatings. System descriptions, including classifications, are in Table 1. 2.2 Materials: 2.2.1 SWD 115-2.5 and -3.0: These polyurethane foam plas- tics are described in Evaluation Report ER -3805. 2.2.2 SWD 250-2.0 and -3.0: These polyurethane foam plastics are described in Evaluation Report ER -3805. 2.2.3 SWD 525-2.5 and -3.0: These polyurethane foam plastics are available in nominal densities of 2.5 or 3.0 pcf (40 or 48 kg/m3). The flame -spread rating is 25, maximum, and the smoke -density rating is a maximum 450, applicable to 1 -to 4 -inch (25 to 102 mm) thicknesses. The foam plastic is formulated in an "A" compound and a "B" compound and is packaged in 5 -and 55 -gallon (8.9 and 208 L) containers. The products have a six-month shelf life when stored in unopened containers at 50°F to 80°F (10°C to 26.7°C). 2.2.4 SWD 525b-2.5 and -3.0: The polyurethane foam plas- tics are available in nominal densities of 2.5 and 3 pcf (40 and 48 kg/m3). The flame -spread rating is 75, maximum, at 1 -to 2minch (25 or 51 mm) thicknesses. The smoke -density rating is 450, maximum, for the 2.5 pcf (40 kg/m3) foam plastic at f - or 2 -inch (25 or 51 mm) thicknesses and 3.0 pcf (48 kg/m3) foam plastic at 1 -inch (25 mm) thickness. The smoke -density rating exceeds 450 for 3.0 pcf (48 kg/m3) foam plastic 1 inch (25 mm) thick. The foam plastic is formulated in an "A" com- pound and a "B" compound and is packaged in 5 -and 55 -gal - Ion (8.9 and 208 L) containers. The products have a six- month shelf life when stored in unopened containers at 50°F to 80°F (10°C to 26.7°C). 2.2.5 SWD 1929 F Coating: The single -component, water- based, acrylic, elastomeric coating weighs 11.9 pounds per gallon (1426 kg/m3) and is available in gray, buff, orwhite col- ors. The product has a six-month shelf life when stored in un- opened containers at 50°F to 80°F (10°C to 26.7°C). 2.2.6 SWD-1000: The neoprene -based coating weighs 10.8 pounds per gallon (1294 kg/m3). The black coating has a six - 2.3 Deck Preparation: All parapets, crickets and valleys must be flashed in accord- ance with Sections 1508 and 1509 of the code. See Figure 1. The substrate must be free of all grease, oil, moisture, loose particles and other deleterious materials. Where precastcon- crete planks are encountered, all joints between planks must be taped with minimum 11/2 -inch -wide (38 mm) roofing tape identified as DT -100. Where wood decks are permitted, the decks may be covered with a vapor barrier in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and with the approval ofthe building official. 2.4 Existing Roofs: The roofing systems described in this report may be installed over existing roofs, provided the substrate is as required for the system in question. The existing roof covering may be re- moved or may remain in place. The existing roof must be in- spected as set forth in Appendix Chapter 15 of the Uniform Building Code'", prior to new roof -covering installation. Where the existing roof covering is removed to the sub- strate, the foam plastic is installed as setforth in Section 2.5. The roofing systems may be installed overbuilt -up roof cov- erings recognized in the code. The total insulation thickness of both new and existing roof coverings must not exceed the thicknesses shown in Table 1. Prior to proceeding with the installation of the sprayed foam and membrane, the substrate is to be prepared to assure proper adhesion. All loose roof coating, white cementitious material, loose gravel, dirt and debris must be removed by means of scraping, stiff brooming or by power vacuum. Dam- aged flashing and roof jacks are to be webbed off with glass tape and roof mastic. Blisters in existing composition roofing are to be cut open, nailed down and sealed. Cracks or tears in the felt are to be webbed off with glass tape and roofing ce- ment. Curled asphalt shingles are to be either removed or nailed to the deck. All projections through the roof deck are to be sealed with roof mastic. Particular care is to be exer- cised to seal underall roof -mounted equipmentwith cold pro- cess asphaltic products and to prevent roof depressions when it is not feasible to spray foam. Actual spray application of the foam is to be subject to the same precautions as listed under Section 2.5. On flat sur- faces, the foam may be built up to provide a slope to assure adequate drainage. Before the coating application, all vents must be checked to ensure they are not plugged by the ure- thane foam. Evaluation reports ofICBO Evaluation Service, Inc., are issuedsolely to provide infornwiion to ClassA members ofICBO, utilizing the code upon which the report is based Evaluation reports are notto be construed asrepresenting aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed nor as an endorsement orrecommen- dation for use ofthe subject report. This report is basedupon independent tests or other technical data submittodby the applicant. The ICBG Evaluation Service, Inc., technical stafjh ay reviewedth e test results andlor other data, but does notpossess testfacifities to make an independent verification. T/iere is no warranty byICBO Evaluation Service, Inc., express oritnplied, as to any "Finding" or oth ermatter in the report oras to anyproduct coveredbyth ereport. This disclabnerincludes, but isnotlimitedto, merchantability. Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 2.5 Foam Plastic Application: y� Prior to foam application, the substrate is primed as neces- sary by spray application of Primer SWD-1000 at the rate of .250 square feet per gallon (1534 m2/L), yielding a 2 -mil (0.051 • mm) dry -film thickness. The primer is applied at a minimum • temperature of 40°F (4.4°C) and is allowed to cure for two hours, minimum, prior to the foam application. The foam plastic is then applied to the clean, primed sub- strate and must not be applied where ice, moisture or frost is present. The ambient temperature range during application must be in the range of 40°F to 100°F (4.4°C to 37.7°C). Wind velocities at time of application cannot exceed 10 to 15 miles per hour (16 to 24 km/h) unless adequate wind barriers are provided. The polyurethane foam plastics are two -component liquid materials applied at a ratio of 50/50 by column in layers 1/4 inch to 1 inch (6.4 to 25 mm) thick. Layers should be allowed to cure at least 15 to 60 seconds before additional layers are applied. 2.6 Coating Application: 2.6.1 1929 F, SWD-1000 and Ever -Gard: The roof coatings maybe applied 2 to 72 hours subsequent to the foam plastic application. The foam must be dry, clean and free ofcontami- nants and moisture. Where foam oxidation has occurred, the oxidation must be removed with a stiff broom before the coat- ing operation goes forward. The acceptable temperatures range from 50°F to 140°F (10°C to 60°C). The base coating must cure at least 24 hours before the top coating is applied. The top coating shall also cure 24 hours, minimum. 2.6.2 Ever -Gard Roof Mix: No. 6 crushed limestone, at 64 pounds per 100 square feet (3.1 kg/m2),is embedded into the top coating. The top coat is then covered with Ever -Gard roof mix, applied at the rate of one batch per 100 square feet (9.3 m2), to a 40 -mil (1 mm) thickness. One batch consists of 40 pounds (18 kg) of dry mix, 41/2 gallons (17 L) of water, 1/2 gal- lon (1.9 L) of Ever -Gard acrylic resin and 3/4 ounce (22 mL) of Colloid 60. 2.7 Wind Uplift Resistance: 2.7.1 Standard System: Installations described in this re- port, exceptas noted in Section 2.7.2, are limited to areaswith a maximum basic wind speed of 80 mph (129 k/h), Exposure B, on roofs not exceeding 40 feet (12 192 mm) above grade. Perimeter flashing shall comply with Section 2.7.3. 2.7.2 High Wind Uplift Systems: Wind uplift construction systems described in Table 2, when applied to minimum No. 26 gage [0.0179 inch (0.45 mm)] bare steel, minimum 1/2 -inch -thick (12.7 mm) plywood complying with UBC Stand- ard 23-2, or concrete, are limited to a maximum wind uplift of 80 psf (3830 Pa). The substrate must be designed for these pressures according to the code. Perimeter flashing shall comply with Section 2.7.3 2.7.3 Perimeter Flashing: Perimeter flashing, detailed in Figure 1, requires minimum 2 -by -6 wood nailers anchored to concrete or masonry with 1/2Anch-diameter (12.7 mm) bolts spaced four feet (1219 mm) on center, two feet (610 mm) on center at corners and up to eight feet (2438 mm) away from corners. To fasten nailers to steel, 3/4 -inch -diameter (19.1 ER -3182 mm) steel bolts are required; No. 10 screws in two rows spaced 24 inches (610 mm) on center may be used to attach nailersto steel deck. For nailer attachmentsto wood, 1/4 -inch - diameter (6.4 mm) lag screws in two staggered rows, spaced 24 inches (610 mm) on center, are required at comers; spac- ing is reduced to 12 inches (305 mm) on center, 8 feet (2438 mm) away from the corner. The metal flashing shall be mini- mum No. 26 gage [0.0179 inch (0.45 mm)] base metal galva- nized or stainless steel. The hook strip shall be minimum No. 24 gage [0.0239 inch (0.6 mm)]. Flashing ends shall be lapped 2 inches (51 mm) and set in plastic roofing cement or covered with a 4 -inch -wide (102 mm) plate. The flashing is fastened to the nailer with minimum 11/4 -inch -long (35 mm) deformed shank, galvanized steel roofing nailswith minimum 3/16 -inch -diameter (4.8 mm) heads, 1 inch (25 mm) from the edge at 4 inches (102 mm) on center. The hook strip is at- tached to wood with nails or 3/4 -inch -long (19.1 mm), No. 8 wood screws at 16 inches (406 mm) on center. For concrete or masonry parapet walls, flashing is set in a masonry joint or attached with anchors rated at 200 pounds (890 N) tension, penetrating 1 inch (25 mm), minimum, at 36 inches (914 mm) on center. 2.8 Identification: All material drums and containers are identified by the manufacturer's name and address, product designation, the evaluation report number (ICBG ES ER -3182), shelf life and the name of the quality control agency (Underwriters Labora- tories Inc.). 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data showing compliance with the ICBO ES Acceptance Cri- teria for Membrane Roof -covering Systems (AC75), dated September 1998, and the ICBO ES Acceptance Criteria for Foam Plastic Insulation (AC12), dated January 1996. 4.0 FINDINGS That the SWD Urethane Company Polyurethane Foam Roof -covering Systems comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Code-, subject to the following conditions: 4.1 All system components are prepared and applied by trained personnel approved by the SWD Ure- thane Company. 4.2 The roof -covering system is applied in accordance with this report and the manufacturer's instruc- tions. 4.3 Where moderate or heavy foot traffic occurs, such as for maintenance of equipment, the roof system must be adequately protected to preventrupture or wearing of surface. 4.4 Where plywood sheathing in accordance with Sec- tion 2602.5.3 of the code or noncombustible ce- mentitious substrates are provided, a thermal bar- rier is not required. 4.5 All SWD system components are produced at 539 South Drew Street, in Mesa, Arizona, with inspections by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (N ER-QA403). This report is subject to re-examination in one year. TABLE 1-SWD URETHANE COMPANY ROOF COVERING SYSTEMS SYSTM _NO.i Type COATINGS Application Rate (gal./100 sq. ft) DFT70 (mils) TOP SURFACING FOAM PLASTIC TYPE AND DENSITY FOAM PLASTIC THICKNESS (Inches) MAXIMUM ROOF SLOPE (Inches per foot) ROOF COVERING CLASSIFICATION 1 SWD 1929F 3.00 27 See Footnote 3 SWD 525 2.5-3.0 1 - 4 Unlimited A 22 SWD 1929F Optional 2 18 Gravel or slag4 See Footnote 5 1 - 4 1 A 36 SWD 1929F 3.50 32 See Footnote 7 SWD 525 2.5-3.0 1.5-4 0.5 A 4 SWD 1929F 2.50 20 Not required SWD 525 2.5-3.0 1 - 4 4 A (Continued) G` Page 3 of 3 ER -3182 TABLE 1-SWD URETHANE COMPANY ROOF COVERING SYSTEMS --(Continued) For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 mil = 0.0254 mm, 100 square feet = 9.3 ml, 1 pound = 0.4536 kg, 1 pcf = 16 kg/ms, 1 inch/foot = 8.3% slope, 1 gallon = 3.785 L. tExcept where noted, substrates mustbe noncombustible (cementitious ormetal). Assemblies over metal deck must be separated from the building interior by a thermal barrier complying with Section 2062.4 of the code. Assemblies with SWD 525 or 525b foam plastic may be applied without a thermal barrier over minimum No. 26 gage, 1 -inch -deep steel deck ribbed at 12 inches, maximum, on center. Deck ends shall be lapped at supports at least 6 inches without a thermal barrier. 2Substrate maybe minimum 15/34 -inch -thick plywood bonded with exterior glue, with all board edges supported by blocking, tongue -and -groove joints or other approved type of edge supports. :'The coating is surfaced with No. 11 roofing granules applied at the rate of 30 pounds per 100 square feet. 4Bare or coated foam to be covered with 400 pounds of gravel or 300 pounds of slag per 100 square feet. 5Coating may be either SWD 1929F or UL -approved fibered asphalt. May use either SWD 115, SWD 250, SWD 525 or SWD 525b polyurethane foam plastic in either 2.5- or 3.0-pcf density. 6S ubstrate may be minimum 15/32 -inch -thick plywood bonded with exteriorglue, with all board edges supported by blocking, tongue -and -groove joints or other approved type of edge supports. All plywood joints to be covered with a 12 -inch -wide strip of 85 -pound minerallfiberglass cap sheet. TThe coating is surfaced with No. 11 roofing granules applied at the rate of 50 pounds per 100 square feet. SSubstrate may be minimum 15/32 -inch -thick plywood bonded with exterior glue, with all board edges supported by blocking, ton gue-and-groove joints or other approved type of edge supports. 9No. 11 roofing granules are applied in wet base coat at 30 pounds per 100 square feet. 10DFT = Dry film thickness. 1t Section 2.6.2 describes Ever -Gard application and top -surfacing requirements. TABLE 2 -WIND -RESISTANT ASSEMBLIES SYSTEM COATINGS FOAM PLASTIC FOAM PLASTIC THICKNESS (Inch) FOAM PLASTIC MAXIMUM ROOF 1 Type Application Rate (gal./100 sq. ft) DFT10 (mils) SYSTEM NO.1 TOP SURFACING FOAM PLASTIC TYPE AND DENSITY THICKNESS (Inches) SLOPE (Inches per foot) ROOF COVERING CLASSIFICATION 58 SWD 1929F 2.50 20 Not required SWD 525 2.5-3.0 1 - 4 4 B 6 SWD 1929F 3.50 25-30 Not required SWD 250 2.5 11-4 1 A or B2 7 SWD 1929F 3.00 25-30 See Footnote 3 SWD 115 3.0 1 - 4 3.5 A 8 SWD 1929F 3.00 20-25 See Footnote 3 SWD 115 2.5 1-4 4 A 9 SWD 1929F 2.00 20 Not required SWD 115 2.5-3.0 1 - 4 2 A 16 SWD 525 102 SWD 1929F Not required or SWD 525b 2.5-3.0 1 - 4 2 B TOD g SWD 525 11 SWD 1929F 3.00 20-25 See Footnote 7 or SWD 525b 1 - 4 2 B 2.5-3.0 122 SWD 1929F fipe 10 See Footnote 11 SWD 525b 1 - 4 Unlimited A 11/4 2.5-3.0 IR11 10 11/4 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 mil = 0.0254 mm, 100 square feet = 9.3 ml, 1 pound = 0.4536 kg, 1 pcf = 16 kg/ms, 1 inch/foot = 8.3% slope, 1 gallon = 3.785 L. tExcept where noted, substrates mustbe noncombustible (cementitious ormetal). Assemblies over metal deck must be separated from the building interior by a thermal barrier complying with Section 2062.4 of the code. Assemblies with SWD 525 or 525b foam plastic may be applied without a thermal barrier over minimum No. 26 gage, 1 -inch -deep steel deck ribbed at 12 inches, maximum, on center. Deck ends shall be lapped at supports at least 6 inches without a thermal barrier. 2Substrate maybe minimum 15/34 -inch -thick plywood bonded with exterior glue, with all board edges supported by blocking, tongue -and -groove joints or other approved type of edge supports. :'The coating is surfaced with No. 11 roofing granules applied at the rate of 30 pounds per 100 square feet. 4Bare or coated foam to be covered with 400 pounds of gravel or 300 pounds of slag per 100 square feet. 5Coating may be either SWD 1929F or UL -approved fibered asphalt. May use either SWD 115, SWD 250, SWD 525 or SWD 525b polyurethane foam plastic in either 2.5- or 3.0-pcf density. 6S ubstrate may be minimum 15/32 -inch -thick plywood bonded with exteriorglue, with all board edges supported by blocking, tongue -and -groove joints or other approved type of edge supports. All plywood joints to be covered with a 12 -inch -wide strip of 85 -pound minerallfiberglass cap sheet. TThe coating is surfaced with No. 11 roofing granules applied at the rate of 50 pounds per 100 square feet. SSubstrate may be minimum 15/32 -inch -thick plywood bonded with exterior glue, with all board edges supported by blocking, ton gue-and-groove joints or other approved type of edge supports. 9No. 11 roofing granules are applied in wet base coat at 30 pounds per 100 square feet. 10DFT = Dry film thickness. 1t Section 2.6.2 describes Ever -Gard application and top -surfacing requirements. TABLE 2 -WIND -RESISTANT ASSEMBLIES SYSTEM COATING FOAM PLASTIC FOAM PLASTIC THICKNESS (Inch) SUBSTRATE WIND UPLIFT (psf) 1 SWD 1929F SWD 115, 250, 525, 1minimum ,525b Concrete or minimum 15/32 -inch plywood 80 2 SWD 1929F SWD 115, 250, 525, 1, minimum Minimum No. 26 gage 80 5256 (0.0179 inch) steel deck For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.88 Pa. PROVIDE THROlAH-WOU METAL FLASHING ROOF COATING SW SPRAY FOAM ROOF COATING SW SPRAY FOAM a .1<e r�• _�. STRUCTURAL DECK PRIMER IF REQUIRED J' CDpfTINUOUS METAL PRIMER. AS REOUIRED STf1UCTURALDECK J HOOKSTRIPNAILED NAIL METAL FOAM S1 FLASHINGAT WALL. FLASHING AT PERIMETER FOAM STOP FIGURE 1 -FLASHING DETAILS SEALANT • wooD BLOCKMG