TUP 1999-221-r, NOV z 18liv RE�n P.O..Box 1504. GA e 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO (760) 7'-7-67-0.00 cF`1jOF Ow LA: Q'U.I.N7A,..CALIFORNIA 9225.3 (TDD) (7601 77.7-1227 November, 18,1999. Mr. Larry Lichliter / l KDC Development 55=920 PGA Boulevard La Quinta; California .92253 �L SUBJECT: TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 99-221 Dear. Mr. Lichliter: The Community Development:Department has :appi'oved.your request to hold a Jazz Concert at the PGA West Resort Stadium Driving ..Range'on N6vembei:27, 1999; between the hours of 2-:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. according to' Section 9 1:00.140 (Temporary=0utdoor. Events of the Zoning Code; subject to :attached Findings and -,!Conditions. of Approval. If you have any questions, please contact me at.760-777 7067:. . Sincerely, ERMAN ` M IT.Y DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 1 1; r OQJ'DELL As- 0 ' ate. Planner: Enclosures c: Mr. Maury'Mortensen; La'Quinta Resort and Club 'City Manager Community Development Director r' Building ands Safety Directors Public Works Director n Shenff's Department Code Compliance Department FireMarshal . TUP218- 37 �� CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TEMPORARY U.SE.PERIVIIT'99-221'- JAZZ CONCERT NOVEMBER 18; 1999 FINDINGS:. 1 The event will not be detrimental to the health; safety and general welfare of the community in the area` of the .proposed :event. A. Various-. agency ;permits are ,required._prior to the special event occurring. to insure that the event will,:be conducted -in an. acceptable' manner. Health °Department::;permits are required for :all commercial food and" -beverage vendors serving. the,. event, and -police and fire personnel Will be on. hand. to, assist the -organizers -in providing a safe environment for vehicles grid patrons ,corning `to the event : PGA Boulevard is capable { . of handling the local patrons. No. problems are anticipated .which .would be -detrimental to the dor6n unity�:ba'sed on the recommended Conditions. B.' Temporary outdoor events .:are allowed -6t, this location pursuant to the provisions of Specific Plan;:83-002 (PGA West):: C. Temporary signs .for the event shall comply,with Section .9.100.140 (Item :8) of the Zoning. Ordinance. .'AII such signs shall be removed immediately after ;the event: 2. There is adequate, area-. to conduct` . the event .and to accommodate the anticipated'. attendance. A. The event.promoter is providing restrooms; food and beverages, parking, and other- facilitieswhich' provide services to` those attending. Information concerningthis.. event is on .file' with the Community . Development Department: CONDITIONS: \. Conditions from .each Oepartment,are as follows: Building and Safety Department 1. Portable restrooms shall be -provided for the event in a ratio required by the Building and Safety:D rector (i:e 11 men and. 1�3 women). One restroom shall be accessible.:to- the: -physically challenged. The temporary: restrooms shall be removed�by November�29, 1.9.991. CONDTUP 0-221 - 37 Page 1 of 3 1 2.. Obtain.perrriit from the'Building .arnd`;Safety:Department for temporary. electric, stand's or stages if, needed for;.the event on or before November 24, 1,999. �sde Enforcement Deoartnient 3. The Jazz, Concert ;may be;held.on.November 27, 1999, between the hours of .2:00. P.M. and,`5i00-P.M. (See 'attached). 4. Trash receptacles.of°adequate number.and type shall be provided. The site shall. be- left clean of. any -litter.. at the close of the event. Cr,mmunity vPlopment° Department,. a 5. Temporary sions-Ior the event must be approved. by the Community Development Department prior to:`installation. <. 6. Property owners within.1,000 feet.of the site shall, be mailed a letter informing them of -,the event and: any -special :'parking requirements or restrictions by November 22;.1999;: .A,copy of the letter._shall be given' to the Community. Development Department. 7.. Temporary structures for the. fair;'shall be reriioved by November .29, 1999, unless otherwise permitted by%the Community Development Director. 8. The City of La Quinta;and its employees shall be.added to.the event's Insurance Policy as adiditionally insured.. with ":a copy :tieing submitted to the Community Development Department:.. Sheriff Department :. ' . 9. Any vehicles that _blo.ck traffic w;ill.be-towed at the owner's expense. �i�blic Works De artme'n 10. Track=out and other accumulations of: soil material(s): shall not. be permitted to accumulafe•'6 to any paved :;public _streets adjacent to -the areas proposed to accommodate event .;traffic Any track=out or'. othet `accumulation of soil materials) onto paved areas; whether public-or:private, -shall be wet -swept, water flushed,. or otherwise removed (no dry=sweep methods permitted), and roadways shal[be kept damp. uritil all event traffic clears the site area. CONDTUP 997221 - 37 Page 2 of 3 11. Disturbed: but inactive' areas' surrounding the event site shall be watered or otherwise, stabilized prior to the starting time for the. event. This is intended to reduce dust around"the site during event hours. 12. All. unimproved(unpaved) roadways and'.parking areas used'in conjunction with this event.:shall'be adequately stabilized" orcompaeted-and prepared so .as to create a hardened travel surface" ;which. will: minimiz'e'.dust during use by vehicular traffic. Preparatory wgrk.;sl all be"completed and ready for.use in time for.pre-inspection of: the event premises. 13.. The applicant., shall.. be responsible. for the installation;- maintenance 'and/or removal of- alf traffic' -control --devices required for, the special event. Fire Marshal 14. Plans,shall be'submitted to'obtain. permits• for temporary structures (e.g., tents in -excess of 200:"s,quare feet,z:canopies in.-'exces's of 400.square feet, stands, .stages;'etc.)`or any open flame -d:- icet:'shall.-b6.'6btaihe'd..prior to installation or use. Permits."shall ..be. obtained .by Noveniber 24.;.'1999; -If you have any questions, please contact°Fire Safety personneLby calling 863-8886. Fire lanes shall be.established. and/or maintained dur.ing,the_special.,even. . General Conditions 15. If ground .excavation -'is .required,...please contact' Underground Service Alert (USA) at 1-800-4.22-41-33: 'The service is free`of,charge `provided USA. is given at least two days' notice. 16. Commercial .food' and beverage vendors shalkhave a permit. to operate from the Riverside County.:Health:.Department, ,and .business 1icense�'from the City of La Quinta: 17. Permits from .othe.r.public, agencies `shall be obtaIined`as needed to comply with the above=mentioned. Conditions.- 18. onditions:18. The City may elect to add Conditions to this* application. request to :mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. 19: The applicant and.property owner ag"ree to: indemnify,, Aefend. and hold harmless the City ",.of La' Quinta in the event of any`aegal claim or litigation arising out of the City`s approval.of this event.: CONDTLJP221 Page 3 of 3 RESORT & CLUB Date: November 17, 1999 Subject: KDC. Development Jazz Concert PGA West Resort"Driving Range - November 27th,:.1999 To: File From: ..Maury Mortensen Detailed below is a.description of what will°occur at the KDC;Development.Jazz Concert on Sat- urday, November 27th at:P'GA West Resort: Tfie goal of the event is to:attract an affluent popu- lation of-vi'itors, members, homeowners in the desert for fhe.holiday to tour the six builders new model homes at PGA West: . Access to the event will.,be via PGA Blvd.. Two Riverside,County Sheriff Deputies will direct traffic,at the:intersection accessing the Pnvate Clubhouse,and.the':KSL.Corporate Offices. We have identified the paved. par king;area,fronting the Corporate Offices for non-ambulatory handl- capped parking.' A.shuttle'bus will.°provide transportationpearthe concert'site and model home tour. The valet parking area of.:PGA West Resort fhas been designated, as handicap parking for per- sons requiring wheelchair.:aceess. Parking- Lot aides will _be instructed to accommodate the dis- abled-who display the Handicap card ;on theirrearvie-w mirrors and%or displayed on their license plates. Four KSL Desert Resorts Loss- Prevention-Officers will direct traffic in the event parking lot. The parking lot will have been,wet down prior.to-the event by Emery Land Clearing as required by the.terriporary use permit�and, local statutes Afte�.the,eveit, th`e parking area will be treated with a product to prevent blowing sand. The bond 'requirement by statute is on ;file as the: bond used during the September Mariachi event was'not released. Value of bond is $9,000.00. :Fifteen "hightower" lights will be rented so as to provide adequate'aighting`for exiting automobiles from the event after 5.00pm: We anticipate..the parki igtlotto,be clear by 5:30pm. All lights will be directed-away from horn eowriers at PGA`West and,p%dt out in the parking area after the per- formance. Two hightower' lights directed on the stage area will be left on while the stage and ' set :is dismantled at'the conclusion of the pe formance..- We have. identified :five parking areas.within the parking area; We will'post signs in each area and post.themon.Nthe "hightower" lights so,attendees may recall where they have parked. There .will be six shuttles operating to.transport attendees to the home tour;and the concert event. Similarly, they will transport back to vehicles. by parking area at the conclusion of the event. 49-499 Eisenhower Drive, Post Office Box 69, La Quinta; California 92253, TeL 760.564.4111, Fac 760.564.7656 One co-ed handicap port -a=potty has been,rented;•and`will be placed;.on,the part path near the event. A large "executive" porta=potty'has been rented to. provide, anumber of 6athrooms for <: the general public: This will.be located>onthe,valet-par,.ing;service of the resort clubhouse. Electrical generators and;garbage containers will. be placed along the':chain-linked fence on the north-east side of=the parking lot: Food, soft drinks, waterand.wine will be available forrpurchase.from KSL,Desert.Resorts: One outside vendor;• Tom my-Bahama's will be providing foo"t the 'ev'edt.`L Bartenders will card all persons who appear to be 30 years of age'Or less, Two uniformed Sheriff Deputies.will patrol the event from Noon,unti1,6:00pm. Four contract secu- rity officers.,Mll patrol the perimeter of the event and.will assist=as` necessaryduring any distur- bance Four KSL Desert Resorts Loss,Prevention Managers:&.Officers..will be in attendance to assist. One will be assigned :as a '-irst.Aid Attendant. The "talent"will be transported from a:'ResortHom'e to the. -stage for:the, performance. Golf carts along.with ttie shuttle:van,from he hotel�will be used:to transport musicians and band instruments to the stage. A':10' x 20' tent will be'-erecied near the =stage to be used as a. "green, room" for the entertainers before the performance A.number (less than -ten) of other, similarly sized -tents will be erected for food, beverage, pro- duct and home builder displays. �^ The City. of La Quinta will require an electrical„check before, the:, performance: The, company do-. ing this work said that will-be'ready on Saturday morning at 10:30am: 1 will secure an "additionally. insured'; document showing the city;as part of our.policy during this event, declaring it not:responsible' for actions atahe event. We request the'assistance of th'e City of. La;Quinta to'provide'a list of homeowners at -PGA. West who live closer. -than' 1,000 feet to the event- go thatwe may notify.them as requested` This request has been fulflled during`Martachi events rn the same area-(thankyou) Signs will be posted -at the corners of •Avenue 52A':Jefferson. and at the.,entrance to PGA Blvd, up through'the blvd'leading to the entrance to'the parking facility. KSL DesertResorts Loss Prevention believes it has addressed what,it,believes will be the City of La Quinta's concerns for_public.. afety: cc: Michael:Wiles Isabel. Lozona . Joey Garon - Eric Affeldt- Lynne Putman -Longstreet` Claude Brock Dave Bricker Todd Connelly Eric Boberg . • OFFICE USE ONLY men'`;.City of La Qulnta . �.Case NoT — ! Community. Development Qppart a �y • nate Recvd: .:. s .78=49'SLCa1:le T4mnplcoFee`s l Jo -9� La Quinta,'Californ>la 92253 �M of t►�� _ a . Related Apps.: (7.60).777=7125 FAX: (76.0) 777 :1233 APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT APPROVAL. TEMP OItARY USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9:210 050, `of the 2Zoning Code. Thepurpose acts on surrounding crease certain temporaryland uses and activities and:ensure minimum:negatrvew adverse imp. 4!4- _ APPLICANT (Print) �,5`� x_��' •� L V (� .:.Phone No.. NJA LING ADDRESS 20 S y i 1 Fax, No. CITY, STATE,.ZIP: < L. .PROPERTY OWNER. (If different): �L (Print) Phone No. MAILING ADDRESS: Fax No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: fi O(Z /Ir LOCATION OF USE./ACTIV, H : . � Y ��A LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR. A PN.): • PROPOSED USE AND/OR ACTIVITY: Z ,00,007 (attach sheets if need d OCT 2.9 °lggg: ;ITYOF LA QUINT, ° e AI I\fonm.409. Temporary.Use Permit Length of Activity.(Dates): !, Hours of Activity' Equipment- Renmoval Date Equipment Set Up Date:. .7f Maximum number of people w rki * site dunng activity at any one=time:; f Maximum number -of people expected to attendathe activity at any one time:. v`` r Total per. Day: Grand Total: crrn�A7CCT(lAl ��r[REMENT : Site Plan showing layout. of activities, tents, parking areas, etc; planned. ❑ Filing fee for Temporary. Use Permit If filing multiple applications;.; them ost expensive application will be charged full -fee; ppl with remaining aications. discounted 50% for each. { NAME OF'APPLICANT/�'., lease Pnnt) DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT, NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER ��S;L 1/�•�`-�G�`�/�' (Please Print). SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY O. DATE /oI22 /1 S IF NOT SANE.AS..APPLICANT: (Signature proyides consent for app ccrn to use e for proposed acliwity): DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFOIWATION-GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A 11 \forihAC19 yu ,kL DO SO:�- ANY UNAUTHORIZED ' USE IS • ' 4NOT DESSOLELY AT THE RISK OF THE' USER. TRACT _ efB� 3, r P,o �u N C� .n �z Ee. . O IGNATm Q 5PGA• . NO. 29004° .. III/%/ (LOTS 1-11) O ST x P.tia u 4 cLe s GATE -;�, F 1 T(1M C.�t' p M (31A 1. A 'N G.E , R.Cn^tr� O • M �a2TG f "TTI f IMP CA � p S 5=14) w THE CLUB -^�-t� AT v�G PGA WE RPS •, � � � �� :fid// � 00 SE CLUB ®®®® //� o T' FMTR 289 1 BYE fi ' .3 .4 T 1- • _W ' � :-�, •sr : - HOLE ~o " WOO �f'� - TENATiVE TRACT. �1 - = NO. 28259 (LOTS 1-11D Ilk r^ n ",,•�� f ^ a i•a O 14C -RIVERSIDE COUNTY F W. DEPARTMENT In cooperation with,the " California Department'of Forestry and Fire Protection 210 West San"Jacinto Avenue Perris, California "92570 (909) 94Q6900 d.FAX (909)%94D 910 RECEIVED November 9, 1999. h o Npy,9q .Z James M..Wright To: City-of La Quetta' ` Fire Chief Community Development.y ee .t DEV V Proudlyserving. the Attn.: Greg Trousdell unincorporated areas of-Riversiae Re: Temporary Use Permit 99-221 county and the 1999. jazz Concert . ,cities of: .. ' La _ Banning. Vlfitti respect to the condition of approval regarding;the above referenced T U:P.;.the.. Fire Department requires the following fire pro -p on measures'be provided in accordance wilt Quints Municipal Beaumont Codes, and/or'Riverside.Cod tyFire Department'protectio "standards: " calimesa �) .. plans:shall;be-submitted to,obtain permits for temporary use structure(s); (tents in excess of ° 200=sqo ft , canopies in excess of 400-sq. ft:, stands, stage; etc:)'or anyopen flame devices or Canyon Lake f t0 Installation. O fireworks prro,.. Coachella ° All questions regarding-the meaning. of these conditions should" be referred to the Fire Department Desert Hot Springs Plannin 4-En i eefing staff at. 60 863 8886." Indian Wells Sincerely, O. - Indio FRANK KAWASAKI 0 Lake Elsinore Chief Fire-D"e'partmerit'Planner La Quints O Moreno Valley, o.:. Palm By. y Desert o Welter Grandes Perris Fire. Safety Specialist e Rancho Mirage O . San Jacinto FME2%G06RA WVP_FORMS7UP.WPD Temecula Board otSupervisors Bob Busier, District 1- , John Tavaglione, District 2 Jim Venable District 3 Roy Wilson,. - District 4. Tom Mullen, District 5 EMERGENCY SERVICES DMSION - ♦ " PLANNING SECTION a ':INDIO OFFICE 82675 Highway 11.1, 2nd F1 Indio; CA 92201 ® (760) 863.8886 . O Fax (760) 8637072 0 �i J r I as $ v k , 0 �i J w � as $ �: J� __�4 ni: a J �C �O ✓1 0 �i J w �