0009-065 (DSF)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION 1'hereby4r'irm�under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter,O (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # / Lic. Class Exp. Date -747W 04/30/2( Date'�''E)aSlgnature of Contractor u OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code).. ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals, Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: () I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (0)lfI have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier ?UpjC31 R 43tj A)4CE Policy No. WC6838965" (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any. manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of Ca[ifornia, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compens tior) pro islorpsIl o Se iom.3700 of the Labor Code, I.sh II fort with comply with t(hose provislo S. Date:&pplicant— i Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subjecftan employer to criminal penalties And civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any°permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a,result of this application btecomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days,will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby: authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property forin pectio, ppurpo%sees.- Signature (Owner/Agent) J�4 �—'' '»J !/I Date 1_ BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# ¢'g DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT 09/131200 9.00 JOB SITE APN ADDRESS OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN (NEER KSI. I -AM) u CORPORATION IASL LAND n CORPORATION 55.920 POAII.LVD 55.920 PGA,'ERL` D L.A. QUWA CA S12253 L„A. QUDrrA CA 92255 (760)564.7166 CRU. 5323 USE OF PERMIT Dndoxnla-a OEMOLITON OF ABANDON SJNCild,' FAMILY DWRLUNO LOC.A'1 IE© ON THE R&RORT CORB PROPERTY' ON POA WMT, L'SMIA.17D COST OF O0.119B'R"t7'%7f ION 0100 P"kiial u Fn gumma y ., DEAAOLITIO]q FEE 101-(W-423-000 $45.40 A i� SUB.-lOTTAL CON 9191)CT7fJA3AND PLAN' CHYA,41? $41.00 IMS PRE -PAM FM � � $0.00 s RECEIPT DATEy BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR - BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT fyOF INFO 777-7012 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE 777-7153 Owner . KSL LANDJI CORP ` . Contractor KSL ;LAND II CORP Permit Number 0609"0.65— POST 609"0.65,.POSTONr JOB -1N'CONSPIC000S-PLACE INSPECTOR.MUST SIGN ALL APPLICABLE SPACES JOB ADDRESS- E56'-000'PGA BOULEVAl;m 'DEMOLITION<OF ABANDON SINGLE FAMILY=DWELLING LOCATED ON THE RESORT CORE PROPTERY OF PGA WEST TYPE OF'INSPECTION DATE INSP. FOUNDATION;&, SETBACK FOOTING;STEEL,4 MAIN GROUND SYSTEM GROUND PLUMBING PRE;-GUNITE, 'PO NOT. POUR CONCRETE,UNTIL ALL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED 'CONCRETE.SLAB JOISTS & GIRDERS ELECTRICAL GROUND WORK DO,NOT.`P,OUR CONCRETE;UNTIL ALL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED '•� RO.UGH ;ELECTRIC ROUGH,RL gMBING; ROUGH GAS & GAS TEST -HEATING & VENT =A1C FIREPLACE: 'ROOF BOND BEAM T,O''.WRA P GROUT.'';O * - O 8' FRAMING- INSULATION' RAMING- INSULATION' ,PRE -ROOF COVER NO -WORK UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED .DRYWALL INTERIOR a EXTERIOR LATH, POOLPRE PLASTER POO,L;FENCE 8 GATE SEWER SEPTIC TANK FINALS ABOVE APPROVALS DO NOT INCLUDE RIGHT TO TURN ON UTILITIES,OR OCCUPY BUILDING 08/11/2080 07:59 7603478272 •` 4-8'%081/0 ' 09:06 22.9404-725445 Ms. H bare Larsh KSL ecreation Corporation 55-88 PGA Boulevard -- La QU nta, California 92253 Subje4t: Pre -Demolition Asbestos Surve Resort Core Property La Quints, California l Dear. Larsh_ In ac rdance with your request to proceed, besto Survey at the above- referenced site. - findi s, conclusions and recommendations rE We a#preciate the opportunity to be of servic, any q�estions regarding this report, please coi Since rely, NI O & MOORE Dana E. Williams Ce4led Asbestos Consultant #93-116B i DE /PAR/kI Dig'"��.tion: (2) Addressee — I i EMERY LANDCLEARING NIN10 k MOORE PAGE 01 Oeorecnn�i amo Frn�uonmental 5Cil�cai Coravil�nGt I July 25, 2000 Project No. 202575-01 Ninyo & Moore performed a Pre -Demolition As - The attached report presents our methodology, Rarding our survey. to you on this important project. Should you have tact the undersigned at your convcnience- Paul A Roberts, R.G., R.E.A. Senior Project Environmental Geologist raa�d tJ3sLVegai'•�Sal�take�Gry_� •� or,tano� Hca«- �i2 .r JeroNnto.IFaan� •>, SU TIIIP3 T;It �rotne C811(OI!' Pnoenl� • lrvirie� S8n Otegoi3`I.os M 991 t "+ y x--559 '•�r� < +kZ EMERY LANDCLEARING NIN10 k MOORE PAGE 01 Oeorecnn�i amo Frn�uonmental 5Cil�cai Coravil�nGt I July 25, 2000 Project No. 202575-01 Ninyo & Moore performed a Pre -Demolition As - The attached report presents our methodology, Rarding our survey. to you on this important project. Should you have tact the undersigned at your convcnience- Paul A Roberts, R.G., R.E.A. Senior Project Environmental Geologist raa�d tJ3sLVegai'•�Sal�take�Gry_� •� or,tano� Hca«- �i2 .r 08/11/.200 07:59 76034782.72,- 603478272:08/08%0 08/000' '09;' os, ?. ` 4"oe2S'448 ML �emation COIPW for ResoR Core Property,.L .Quints j 'EMERY LANDCLEARING 'PAGE.. .02 J NINlO & WORE' t�,uuo i July 25, 2000 Project No. 20257541 TABLE dF CONTEN'TS i p�P.9 1. INTRODUCTION ............................:.........................................................................1 i... _ .....1 2. zPURPOSE AND�SCOFE OF SERVICE$ .... .................... ............................ . 3. ¢SITE DESCRIPTION ............................ F............................................................................_ ...1 4. !SANjpLEcoLLECTIONAi�DvI&, INSPECTIONS....... .2 .3 S. LABORATORY ANALYSES AND UMTS ................. 6. JFWDINGS AND OFMONS........................................................................ ....................... 3 7. RECON ATIONS ......................1......................................................1, ........................4 8. LIWTATIONS.................................................................................... ........................5 Ta Ta e I — Asbestos Results ! A I e dices Ap endix A — Asbestos Analytical Results�an&Chain-of-Custody Records t 1 Ii } r Px¢Jb_ . Aim 08/11/200 07:59 76034782.72.. EMERY LANDCLEARING PAGE 03 osrosi0 09:06 $9o47'2yAAs` NINYO`b' MOOtiE IA 004 KSL ecreation Corporation I July 25, 2000 Resor Core property, La Quints project No. 202575-01 4 I. I TRODUCTION Nix:, .: Moore performed a Pre-DemolitionAsbestos Survey of a single-family residence Ia- catedi on the Resort Core property located in La Quinta, California (Figure 1). Work was -N co+d in general accordance with the proposal dated June 12, 2000 between KSL Recreation Corporation (KSL) and Ninyo do Moore. It i$ our understanding that KSL is considering selling the ploperty for redevelopment. This 'report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted environmental science and en'engir eering practices. This report is based upon conditions at the subject building at the time of the si unpling activities and provides documet itation of our findings and recommendations. 2. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES The' urpose of the survey was to evaluate s ecified areas of the subject s for the presence of as- -- bestZontaining materials (ACMs). The objective of the survey was to gain information regs4ng site conditions to assist in plannin . for proposed demolition activities. Ninyo & Moore pe! ed the following services: •assessment of the subject buildi g to identify and quantify materials in interior and building constriction materials 4uspected to be ACMs. • relimials to determine homogeneous areas and sampling my assessment of building mat �i •Collection and. analysis by polarized li: microscopy (PLM) of 57 suspect. building material ples.. Sample analyses were eond4cted in general accordance with EPA test method -- preparation of this:Pre-Demolition Asb tos Survey Report presenting our data, summarizing ur conclusions and- recommendations r gardin&ACMs in the subject building. 3:. SM. 'DES:CRIP.TION Tli 08/11/200 07:59 7693478272 EMERY LANDCLEARING: PAGE 04 08, 08 00 09:06 $9404725445 NINYo"t' NdoRE to 005 KSL ecreation Corporation July 25, 2000 Reso Core Property, La Quina Project No. 202575-01 i II ti I 2,400 square -foot single -story structure with a detached garage., The wood -framed residence was noted Ito have wood exterior walls covered wilh stucco and was on a concrete foundation. Floor- ingerials included carpet, ceramic tile, lin. leum, and vinyl floor sheeting. Interior walls were finid with either plaster or drywall_ Ceilin °s.:%were with finished drywall, No suspect pipe in- itsulatign was noted. The wood framed roof Was covered with built-up roofing material and the roof enetrations were sealed with plastic roof cement. The garage was also wood framed. The cess was not osslble. Interior walls and ceiling, north portion of the garage was locked an ac P of th7southern portion,of the garage were fin shed with drywall and linoleum was noted beneath earpei on the floor. Exterior walls were coved with stucco. A majority of the roofing material � had b6en removed and was lying on the grounpd•in the vicinity of the garage. Althdugh access was limited to a portion oftl�e detached garage, the survey appears to have ade- quat jy addressed suspect ACMs at the site. �f, during de7nolition of the building, materials not addressed in this report -am encountered, those:materiels should be sampled and analyzed for as- bes4 content prior to continuation of demolition activities. 4, 1 SAMPLE COLLECTION AND Nin & Moore personnel performed an '& 2011 : A Ninyo & Moore Certified Asbestos cons sted of a visual assessment of -the sul buile ing.materials to determine homogeneou material samples Were collected from the'su tive samples. of suspect ACMs, affer iden which the materials are, uniform in. color; v appearance). Each homogeneous, area= was, fliat "lity:. Sampl=w=_ .collected,using EP tens�which:were?s lodmnd anal eof& I S,ty'• �. fr a33 rr g INSPECTIONS )estos survey of the subject building on June 23, ;onsultant (CAC) performed the survey. The survey ect building and. a.preliminaryassessment of the areas and, simpling tchime. Next, suspect building ject building. Ninyo & Moore collected iepresenta- fication of homogenous- sampling.: areas (areas in eture; construction or application, date, and general bserved. formaterial type; location,. condition, and recommended: sampling,procedures_' Building me- the:pressnce of asbestos'.included: floor. the,.and.its Yar A;:%"ii snA ;tt,*ccAG1AteAl ibint comoound; bar- --7-7 7-7"7 7--, - Tri r.�..� --r• -- 2 �= '3y�•Y'4 r ',u�� NO . �, v EMERY LANDCLEARING NINYO & NO ORE PAGE 05: Z006x July 25, 2000 Project No. 202;5-01 i rier paper, roofing material, and stucco. Location and sampling of.underground items, such as asbestos -cement pipes, was not included as pert of the scope of work for this project. f 5. ILABOUATORY ANALYSES AND SULTS A tot%1 of 57 samples of suspect ACMs were (Collected and transferred to LA Testing. LA Testing is aro accredited laboratory in the Natioiaal Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVI AP) for bulk asbestos fiber analysis. Tile samples were analyzed using Polarized Light Mi- croA,.oy with dispersion staining (PLM/ ,fon the presence and quantification of asbestos fiber, iu gememl accordance with EPA Met iod 600IM4-82-020. The lower limit of reliable de- n for asbestos using the PLM met od is approximately 1% by volume. California tecti¢ regitth ons define ACMs as those materials aving' an asbestos content of equal to or greater than one of 1% (0.1%). Materials in which no asbestos was detected are defined in the labora- tory report as "None detected_" Materials containing asbestos, but in amounts less than 1% but greal er than 0.1%, are defined as containing "Trace" amounts, and are considered to be asbestos contl,dning. The laboratory was instructed to analyzed the samples on a "first positive" basis. If a sam�le was found to contain asbestos, the:.,remaining samples of that material were not analyzed and 1 he material is presumed -to be an ACM. 6. FINDINGS AND OPMONS. The ridings -,of this survey arc based on sual observations and. analyses of suspect building mat 'alt collected at the site building.lhe aboratory analyses revealed asbestos in samples of the following materials: o !Approximately 15.0 square feet of asbe los-containing mastic associated with floor the lo- ated in the east bathroom (located undei ceramic tile), containing 10% chrysotile. • 1 ipproximately 200 •squa=:feet. of asb os-coriiiining.mastic: associated. with-, pink. floor tile cated in the,latciren;<Iaundry- room;..&n ;central=b.edicom,. containing:.10%:chrysotile: �t ppxoxrmately, SS square lreeti of#asbest0-- 0 taining tan-flbor, the and mastic located, in the 08/11/2001 07:59 7603478272 '` 'i 08/06_.T' 09:07:7- $9494728'443 r`__I F p t .X !.. �, n d7 r . +� rte. s..;�- rJ3'�')r'AAsi KSL Ikecreation Corporation Resot�t Core Property, La Quints EMERY LANDCLEARING NINYO & NO ORE PAGE 05: Z006x July 25, 2000 Project No. 202;5-01 i rier paper, roofing material, and stucco. Location and sampling of.underground items, such as asbestos -cement pipes, was not included as pert of the scope of work for this project. f 5. ILABOUATORY ANALYSES AND SULTS A tot%1 of 57 samples of suspect ACMs were (Collected and transferred to LA Testing. LA Testing is aro accredited laboratory in the Natioiaal Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVI AP) for bulk asbestos fiber analysis. Tile samples were analyzed using Polarized Light Mi- croA,.oy with dispersion staining (PLM/ ,fon the presence and quantification of asbestos fiber, iu gememl accordance with EPA Met iod 600IM4-82-020. The lower limit of reliable de- n for asbestos using the PLM met od is approximately 1% by volume. California tecti¢ regitth ons define ACMs as those materials aving' an asbestos content of equal to or greater than one of 1% (0.1%). Materials in which no asbestos was detected are defined in the labora- tory report as "None detected_" Materials containing asbestos, but in amounts less than 1% but greal er than 0.1%, are defined as containing "Trace" amounts, and are considered to be asbestos contl,dning. The laboratory was instructed to analyzed the samples on a "first positive" basis. If a sam�le was found to contain asbestos, the:.,remaining samples of that material were not analyzed and 1 he material is presumed -to be an ACM. 6. FINDINGS AND OPMONS. The ridings -,of this survey arc based on sual observations and. analyses of suspect building mat 'alt collected at the site building.lhe aboratory analyses revealed asbestos in samples of the following materials: o !Approximately 15.0 square feet of asbe los-containing mastic associated with floor the lo- ated in the east bathroom (located undei ceramic tile), containing 10% chrysotile. • 1 ipproximately 200 •squa=:feet. of asb os-coriiiining.mastic: associated. with-, pink. floor tile cated in the,latciren;<Iaundry- room;..&n ;central=b.edicom,. containing:.10%:chrysotile: �t ppxoxrmately, SS square lreeti of#asbest0-- 0 taining tan-flbor, the and mastic located, in the foie`,• p t .X !.. �, n d7 r . +� rte. s..;�- rJ3'�')r'AAsi R 08/11/2009 07:59 7603478272 I EMERY LANDCLEARING '08/08/ 0' 09:07 ID9494745445 NINYO & MOORE PAGE 06. a 007 KSL ecreation Corporation July 25, 2000 Reser ('ore Property, La Quints Project No. 202575-01 I • Approximately 50 square feet of asbestos containing linoleum located under pink floor tile in t* kitchen, containing 35% chrysotile. • A�I,�,roximately 5 square feet of plastic r of cement located on roof penetrations, assumed to bTa=ely containing. • 5 linear feet of transite fl e piping located on the roof, assumed to be asbestos 4 IItalning. The *lytical results from this survey are; summarized in Table 1. Copies of the laboratory analyses report and chain -of -custody recon are presented in Appendix A. The presence of ACTAs in a building does not necessarily mean that the health of the occupants is endangered. If _ A s are in good condition and have not bien disturbed or deteriorated, exposures arc expected to b I negligible. However, when ACMs are in a deteriorated condition, or are disturbed or dam- _ aged such as during renovation, demolition r repair operations, asbestos fibers may be released, crearg a potential health hazard for building occupants, maintenance personnel, and contrac- tors. The quantities shown above, and in , able 1, are estimates and should not be used for bidd ng purposes. The quantities of ACMs should be verified by contractors and/or KSL person- nel 'or to bidding on abatement projects o any other demolition/renovation projects. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS Sinct ACMs have been identified in sarnp es collected from areas within the subject site, the following recommendations are provided: • or to renovation or demolition activ ties, ACMs should.be removed by a contractor li- ed by the State of California to perf rm asbestos related work. 1 applicable laws and regulations sho Id be followed, including those provisions requiring otification to building renovation contr kctors and workers of the presence of asbestos. ••- • oUow federal, state, and local regulations for work with, removal and proper disposal of ..r.Ms- • enants-should be ati&d—,as to the p ence.and_locations of ACMs arthc sitc_It should be otedahat'the:presence.�of,AMU-in:a. trilding does, not:necessarily mean, thst>thetealth-of el occupants-is-endanjered'provided:thit�thematerials: remain iw.gvod:condition:; zk _ 08/11/200E 07:59 7603478272 • '08.,08,/0� Oil OSF 9A8'4,72344V - : II KSL ecreation.Corporation. Reso Core Property, La Quinta EMERY LANDCLEARING PAGE 07 NINT-0 e. MOORS' (4008 July 25, 2000 Project No. 202575-01 8. LIMITATIONS Ni:.; Moore's opinions and recommendations regarding environmental conditions, as pre - scene in this report, are based on visual obs ations, limited sampling and laboratory analysis_ The s pies collected and used for testing, md the observations made, are believed to be repre- senta 've of the area(s) evaluated. However, i I additional suspect ACMs are encountered during demolition activities, these materials should b sampled by qualified personnel, and analyzed for cont c}it prior to Ruther disturbance. In add:' in, please note that quantities of ACMs are ap- proxiinate_ These numbers should be confirm prior to removal or repair activities. The environmental services. described in thisreport have been conducted in general accordance with nirrent regulatory guidelines and the -sta ndard-ofcare exercised by environmental consult- ants performingsimilar work in the project ea. No ocher warrant expressed or implied, is P J Y� �p p made regarding the professional opinions presented in this report. Variations in site conditions may ist and conditions not observed or described in. this report may be encountered during subs el, uent activities. Please also note that thi study did not include an evaluation of geotechni- cal .y _'itions or potential geologic hazards. This focument is intended to be used only in' s entirety. No portion of the document, by itself, is M desig led to completely represent any aspect of the project described herein. Ninyo & Moore shout i be contacted if 'the reader- requires an `additional information; or has questions regarding conte at, interpretations presented, or complet nes&of this document. The vironmental interpretations. and opinio s contained in this, report are based on the results of la oratory tests and. analyses intended, to detect- the- presence and r concentration of specific chemical ou physical constituents in sample ° collected from the subject site: The testing and anal =,have:been.conducted-by an.independ ent.laboratory, which is accredited to conduct such tests: Ni AMoore--has=no involvemenuii or. control over, such testing and: analysis. Ninyo & Moo tl er�efore; diselaims-responsibility for, ' y inaccuracy in such laboratory results. 08/11/200 ' 07:59 76034782:72 EMERYkLANDCLEARING, PAGE 08 o8�oe�o o9:oa IT948.1s725446: I NINYO & MOORE x.009 KSL Recreation Corporation. � July 25,.2000 Resoit Core Property, i:a Quinta ' Project No. 202575-01 Our conclusions, recornmendations and opinions are.based2on 'an analysis of the. observed site conditions. It should -be understood tharthe cpnditions of a:site could change with time as a result of, al processes or the activities o€; •at the subject site or. naarby sites.. In addition, chan lges to the applicable laws, re codes, aad'atandards of practice may occur:due to government action or the broadening of land ledgi; :The Endings of this report may, therefore, be invalidated over time. in part or in`whole, by,:: hanges .over which Ninyo & Moore has no control. ._ FF f 08/11/20.°'� 97:59 7603478272 EMERY LANDCLEARING =08/08/ 0 09:09 09494725446 NINYO &:MOORE. KSLIPLecreation Corporation ' - -r Resoi t Core PY� La. I i Table 1—(Asbestos Results PAGE. 09 I July 25, 2000 Project No. 202575-01 Sam le Approximate ID Nb. Sample Location Sample Desciptton Result Quantity Condition (SF/LF/EA) 01 East bathroom Floor tilt and mastic Tile -ND, 150 SF Good - Mastic -10% . chrysotile 021 East bathroom Floor tile and taastic Tile -ND, Good mastic -10% chrysotile 03 East balbroont ;floor tilt and (mastic Tile -ND, Good Mastic-lOS4 chrysotile 04 ritcho-0 Pink floor tilt and Tile -ND, 200 SF Good mastic I Mantle -10% chrysotile 05 Kitchen Fink floor til and Tile -ND, " Good i mastic Mastic -10% ch rysatile 06 Kltcpen Pink floor tr; anti Tile -ND, Good mastic I Mastlo-l0% chrysotile 07 HIIflway Tan floor 614 and Ti1e-5% cbrysetile 55 SF Good mastic Mastic -20% chrysotile 08 I Hallway Tan floor Ulq and Tile --S% chrysotile " Good f r mastic hlastic 20% chrysotile 09 Hallway Ten floor til sad Tlie-5% chrysotile µ Good mastic I blastic -20% I ctiry`sotlle- 10 Kitchen. Linoleum. 35%.cbrysatilc %SF' Good - ll L'inokn F 35% thrysotAe - I latches: Clooleu 3S% ebrysotile it Good: 23 Living to=- cove:masi : Nonc-dateetad Not applicable. Good ld Livingroom cove''mut None$etected, Notapphezble� Good: 15 Living;room. cove:rttast C, None detected- Not.applicable Good: 16 N$=Bedroottt. P.lasccr NoneActeeted: Norapplicitili: pond: 17 Nlr'aBedtvom Plantar. No6e,detwcC Notrapplicable: Goody; lB. ICite�� P<lasier- Noae deteeied: No;,applicable! good;. i 9 Ccreter,Dedroom°: Platemrr +_' r ' None detected ; Not"applieables {' y (1'o0d� - NW 9ediooiit Planer, s, x :None deEeeied " Not appl ' c �eable Qcod' WE �f } - . 07:59 7603478272 LANDCLEARING PAGE 10 0., 09':10 V.94947254'44 NINYO,&INOORE Z011 Recreation Colporation July 25, 2000 —Core Property, La Quinta Project No. 202575-01 Table 1- Asbesto'3 Results Sale m]"P Approximate U) Sample Loc2don Sample Dei—f ptlo'n, Result 'Quantity Condition 10. 'g . (SF/LF/EA) 2 Bathroom Plaster None detected Not applicable Good We3t bedroom PWt None detected Not applicable Good 21 Closet Drywall an joint None detected Not applicable Good 24 South bedroom DryQ) an joint None detected Not applicable Good compound' 24: Family room Drywall 2A Joint ata None detected Not applicable Good ct�iiipc ' 2J Family town DrYW411,ail Joint None detected Not applicable Good compourd 21 Living room Drywall an ijoint None detected Not applicable Good 21• Living room r"l an, Join( None detected Not applicable Good complo, A 21 Laundryroom Drywall an Joint None detected Not applicable Good compou id. Exterior wail st4ci None dcticttd Not applicable Good 3 Exterior wall Stu None detected Not applicable Good Ext"t wall N oine detected Not applicable Good ExterioTwall Slue" None detected Not applicable Good I Exterior -wall, Stucc Nine detected Not applicable Good 31 Extehor Wall Sluce , None detected- Not applicable Good 31 - Exterior wallc stucc None detected Not applicable Good' 3 Root I tial Nonvdetectetl: Good Roof: Rooffiltyn None detecie'd-, Not ,'. cable- Good' 3 Roof RoofW tai nb Noncdeticte& I Not,a .-T Oood 44. Laundrymort B&ffW.p per None-ditcctdd- -.-NOi;&PP))ciblw = Good 4 --A Laundry mom BerrF. 0, Berries , NonazdatecW-, Nott-applieBible-- Good 4 'Laundry icam Btirrier.p per P ited, Nonc�dm Not *ppliesblev Good 4 a M,ge Drywall Len. ,joint n. Ne detected. Not Good Campo & 49, isp :joint- None.deucted. mi Not"pliable. Good Coff 4! % Drywall, j6lni Nonc.-ditectcdU 'C9 IC"cad- o". 71 7.7'.Vv US= I 'g T' I 08/11/200q 07:59 7603478272...:'EMERYALANDCLEARING!' PAGE. 11 08 low 09;:10 '�`9a94,TZ8466 M I' NIA]0 8 MOORS %012 KSRecreation Corporation I July 25, 2000 Redrt Core Prop , La Quinta Project No. 202575-01 i :Table 1 -Asbestos Results 9 ! ID c Sample Location Sample Des 'ption Result l�pproitirnate Quantiq_ .(SF/LF/RA). Condldon 4 G=ga Stucco , Noiie,detected- Ngtapplicable Good < Gtirage Saieco : - Node'Qetected ,14ot,a0p1icabIc Good 4# Gage .. Barrier pape<r.,; None do eeied ,;Not applicable Good 56. Garage awrier pa :er' ' None detected Not.applicable Good 51 Garage Barrier- "` er,; None detected Noi'sppliteble Good S - Gar>tge Roofitlg.m el Nt)ne:detected Not applicable Poor 5 Garage Roofing rna' 'id Noet deteveted __4101. applicable. Poor Gatege RootSt+g 7+n `il' .'' None &tecved : Not appiica6le Poor S Garage.`t1f • . None dewcied Not applicable Good S Gatt#ge Lieole!lyp. Nonc detected Not applicable Good CMM .ge Liaoleu+, . Node 4el f d.Not applicable Good ;w 99/12/2000; 10:20 7603478272 Sap -12100 10:03A .+aw Ste hum CA 0411 N NwHAZARDOUS,M EMERY LANDCLEARING PAGE 02 t�:ma`pr�nn htl�l �tIM 'ASTE: DAl P_02 812 TkWf# .29421 T" BL". �. 01731 JOB / 3316 IeDp�q t 5 1920 PCA li].VD.Aq %Tj R E@ pYylbdR LAMTA C1 9I2S3 pmomNo.(760)345 6766 ea f 1 -MRS: No. 13 u� _.,., �� �-7 wila►+rneN! t a T a �� a DOW" o MK�� s P' w art M NON FRIABLE A9BE9TD9� REMOVAL o Ir! w w.ET� pMA x 60MPONB106 OF VVAM roM x 1 s CC1IM. 00118 'P4 vocewi • e M 11800121117111110, JN N /A b =UD Q LwuD O WAM C31UAW L' CWHU NiwE►lawE , I.TMONSE OF. PRbDER. E6PIR TORY pulp w�fttTIM QU ')A CWTIMM"T .AS a , 5009ao 19 10%,Z! �'�_r: _ c.. •� c, u <t_. �r�------ —1—c� J Twin"PQV#M ft" a swwm DATE PIC L:Y ENUTACNMENTAL rV—WMM RE E7 • aft NIOMRNa 1 Te1Idl4lM� l M SEC I IIeeNE�e . flU�7( IMYT. � 1, RE LANDFILL Aeean . wrR,wT. ,w.o ai L A �wce a� po. We ' fQAV10! OfDER NO. i"M W OATS FULL M ho • YIOMATUNi ONE �A olEros.a Irwoo xOLANORK OOTWA WN* 4 Yelow 4 - 9D COPY Pink • GENERATOR COPY BW COPY] Goldenrod - TRAN8POWER COPY A 09/12/200Q 10:20 7603478272 EMERY LANDCLEARING PAGE 03 •e jj hr e1Co31lerr�ia�- rniron•�teh�~lrelrrtlbdA rnry ve•�'a4wsw��i��.• •wra r* 'u• MAOp.e•,d Nn.101AOM41�Mi•�=1n-oyl. See Inst/While"! all (tack 0f.Ir 0 6. ry yr•r Or - yp lrsr,. t4nrymq! /m gb• eu •b!w j 19 .»h hJ I17� �••. . � wpYtkr•nt c Terve I•i,t•.a•, C•nlyd - {•cr wb• faU6.r1. U IiCtM MAZi►RQOUS •• 1 A•My. llm'r 116 ►►A !p Nc MrutlfYl f).xi.•w•t f la �. Oryx 1 M��n In •-=- "Ran prat f WASt[ MAN1i 1. #0,.wlyd v pod" low. LA,IcIVlol21? 1141'f l�� o l J 3 �... 1 °�_1_ i.._. S. Pan torstlame•,dM .. . Hrlrr.g,AJdr..• .1..1 +A,.Gf•4 Mlr•i1N11lseum•w1.Mra1•+ 1' _. RS .. PulaysWifkaff sn . DQq 9 4 55 O': F"".'ZLVD ` Tl1A 129AZ1' l Jr U A CIS y2253 Ni..'i160 x345-4746_ LA' .BLV.. ItTA; CA • "�''°"'�"'„0 nes, w 1 r..rpenytwr„• a UA to 'ioNnn,fdv a'a w10e.bp.r..;!.le(t!wedl I BRI LEY ENVIRONMENTAL jLj; °' M� e ). frons sur 7 C•mvny Nem, f! uy 1, 'IU Nu whbr If. `.i#ft Ro"I orw:c SCT NR. 953 W. RLRACt1 Q ,...CA 42.4 ., _.. - 0 JU In 1014 1910 16 14 ,: YrdrlPOrcN'f ►hfi.. (4091 eei -7424 r>_ .... tri i t �u, N ,m .. d: cu:: til.,, 1 p €► li>• Nrm{,P Ow' Swii ioiay� ro A8U LANK” Rk,(;I,AHA1'10N (0 12111 W. GLADSTONE t ff. Y�ell1►j./Mtn:. ') !t?U , CA 91702. IC IA 11:10 10 1910-10 17 *12 10 W0 334-0719 •— —_1 11. us '"T' Dbc•iplien Inr,lydln9 eloper Shipping Nem•, ►1•rerd l'bn, and IDNumhal 1� J• tehfl f I. Unit � I •.. ••.•t-• • • •• ,. I � Nv. ire.. �iwwttltlr w►/Vd 1. •Juu Nemh, iii V ASBS3TOS,y,: NA2212, PG III (N' RG 4171) g IN E f b R a3 O ..__.�..__. I d f);r.uiptbu. br•Mnhulob 4.LJ A6orr• I ..... _ , RCRA WASTE STOS CONTAINING CONSTRUCTION FIAT IALS SN BbNO.,..CA AS (D 16 OIN!X101 t C111/1►KAIIOM r h•r•br J,ckl• Arot #r cv�kah of rhti'eari mash, and lah•I•J.'md me In a114A.I .a. in prop, ro.wRt:rr. I�. r a q � I am a hoar Vauntuy Y•nndor. 1 carkFr rias I hmm n er�+p�mn In pl't••t t.. proal NeenA.hat I har�,ulwr•rel Ihr yyptNeu06 mAIwJ•f treelirear, r►pl •rr) Ih •ry.rronm•M• Ufl. I{ 1 e•1 n imrilquen.:y �wr..w.a., 1 tier.q, rood, a. ereU 01� in• Nrd 11H't I r.rr. ,11.•J. /rhrrJ/W 1Mitlt... e'yexoi%i,�. If 1r•w tv'I Actr.e �I 40 Recf1•. el'Mat.Nnl4 ,... ►.sora)%i „�.. ...i--,•_.._ CG r,r 1111-tad/77 4 0 •/11,1L.L(_�' [ vat/.w�G /ilk.. /i T rr it .ti ) A. rne.l�d011arn1.1 0.eielpt d.M�1 II.Qj!.wY . - 9. inavultsitty 1witalie. Spee. ' ► A t l � T p-ind etSC 11U71A 11/001 rb• 6,00 22 SO-d "ft 01 Wma DO NOf W 0-530-3366 N-1% / g A oil 10 1. 1 Y ai e I I I Jag" k. Mondfb o s•Jn for woo" tismod M•.• 03 . ►' 24 HR• EMERGENCY 01-800-i35-5053 MMI•.• fuli, nn) nrriurv! Aa Kfl han6•, by prams ch llfping ••nr n.J nr•ol• :f M/h•II, -�'id""el'aceadUr010-�teil•d lrlrrnellenal 011d MlirrMl �ewrnmMl r•�r/pllr �, du+:. ,hr:v�rm� nn� to.rlelly, Ur rWfr 0•.1•r•4i lh ` 71 lh ` I' r_. • is