08-1746 (SOTB)s P.O. BOX 1504 VOICE (760) 777-7012 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO _ FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT Date: 10/30/08 Application Number: 08-00001746 Owner: Property Address: 56150 PGA BLVD KSL. DESERT RESORTS APN: 775-370-016- - - 56140 PGA BLV Application description: STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BUILDINGS LA QUINTA, CA 92253 AA Property Zoning: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL j`;;j1IV 1 8 200 Application valuation: 60000 CITY OF �A Contractor:. F!ryAN QUINTA Applicant: Architect or Engineer: OLSON CONSTRUCTION LP', RD Cr DEPT. 2955 MAIN STREET - THIRD FLOOR (•� 'r_ _ ppCCc IRVINE, CA'92614 (949)474-2001 Lic. No.: 580097 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION .I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions otChapter 9 (commencing with I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Cade, and my License is in full force and effect. _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation; as provided License Class: B License No.: 5 8 "00'97 for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is �/ /� 'D1V �,eo OGS".) *0J- C7*4/ _ issued. Dat Contractor: �w I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor _ Code, for the performance of the'work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation . OWNER'BUILDER DECLARATION insurance carrier and policy number are: - I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the Carrier ZURICH AMERICAN 'Policy Number WC368668701 following reason (Sec. 7031 5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires -a permit to_ I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the person in,any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, permit to file a signed statement that,he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3-of'the.Business and Professions Code) or 3700 of he Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. that he or she is exempt therefrom. and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by �� "� ,�J any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars (S5001.: `'Date: /i qD Applicant: /�rl /`,K�l✓�E�� (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND'SHALL Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the DOLLARS (S 100,000)-. IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN. improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, thebuilding or improvement is sold within SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. - one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1 _ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of<Building and Safety for a permit subject to the 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License, Law does not apply to an owner of conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. \ property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). - whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, (_ 1 I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. Date: Owner:' 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced . within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY permit to cancellation. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the I certify that I have read this application and staqtkg�t�nebova_ informatio ' correct. I agree to comply with all work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). city and county ordinances and state laws relatins do, and hereby authorize representatives of this county toenteerupon the above-mentioner i ec n purposes. Lender's Name:gnature (Applicant or Ag Lender's Address: LQPEILNIIT Application Number . . . . . 08-00001746 Permit . . . . . . BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc . . GLASS GUARD & STAIR HANDRAIL Permit Fee . . . . 459.50 Plan Check Fee 298.68 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 60000 Expiration Date 4/28/09 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 414.50 10.00 4.5000 THOU BLDG 50,001-100,000 45.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments APPROVAL FOR GLASS GUARD AND STAIR HANDRAIL. LOCATION: REAR BALCONY AND EXIT STAIR. 2007 CODES. REFERENCE ORIGINAL PERMIT 08-946 FOR CLUBHOUSE REMODEL. = --------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . STRONG MOTION (SMI) - COM ------ 12.60 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited ----------------------------------------------- Due Permit Fee Total 459.50 .00 ---------- .00 459.50 Plan Check Total 298.68 .00 .00 .298.68 Other Fee Total 12.60 .00 .00 12.60 Grand Total 770.78 .00 .00, 770.78 LQPERA11T Bin # C., ,. City of La. Qu►nta Building U ;Safetybivision P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA.92251-:"(760) 777-70`.12 Building Permit Application. -and Tracking Sheet Permit # Q� Project Address:' ,S= Owners Name: ' AAA 6lej,,)1. A. P. Number: Address: Legal Description: Contractor: 1�,- S tJ City, ST, Zip: Telephone: Address: Project Description: .City, ST, Zip:ZA ,v� A Z2- 5_3 ort o si A f— c� Telephone: �., /I •� 14_T State Lic. # : City. Lic. #: Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: City, ST, Zip: Telephone: - ry< Construction Type: Occupancy: State Lic. #: Project type (circle one): ,New " dd' Alt Repair Demo Sq. Ft.:. # Stories: # Units: Name of Contact Person: CA Telephone # of Contact Person': ] G O — 578 —G Z Estimated "Value of Project: O APPLICANT: 60 NOT WRITE BELOW :THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Rec'd"TRACKING . PERMTT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted. 'VIA Item Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person PIao.Check Balance O Energy Calcs. Plans picked up Construction Y Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted 'Meclianical Grading"plan 2"" Review,'ready for correctionissue 3D ' Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person QD Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S:M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- Jn° Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue . School Fees Total Permit Fees I®• ... ... .. . . ... .... ..... . . . ...... ..... . ....... � .. ....... ..... .08/20/200.8 12:51 714641018 ELECTROLURGY:MFG GRLHR,S--GL, I ."!ft. IN. I SYSTEMS Certification o Test Result$ AvAJIM.0 I& N'th GlmWedgel�.Dry-,Glaze: , ,o CMnpletei Infor'thW ition,,y.4'e,06,W. I d ld-�F Hard'Copy Resbits Also Milable-With C sellingEfidii T -M .......... PAGE 02/04 For Pdclng on CK.Products, Call Ton Free (000) 421-61*44, or Visil alaurence-mm .Aem...a.nd,Wet.G19ie System r'stia'1:9hd-Si§nAtur9 r a Signature GME CONSULITANT8,10F ILLIN bi\1WU1INIG 019i,1NO., C "' * " , NEERRE .982.4 Industrial Drivo, Unt C /Bridgeivili '-6p4.55 y� jlIlnQq 17,08) 430-1.071 / Nx.(71X3) 4349854 -Febmwy:20, C.-PIJ4mirmce Co.. Inc. 21 Op E, 18 th.strett Los Angejeq:1-CA 90658' RE: GMt Piqject No. B -2626A Horizontal Load testing o , IF CR -.Laurence 48 by.A2 inch Glass BAlmstrado Assembly Clentimcn, As you.mquemed, we have completed the testing ofthe-C.R Laurence (CRS) 4S imb by 42 inch Gla"-4.13allustrade assembly. BaScd on a design. load^consisdng of concentrated hotizoatal force of 200 poun1dr, the.loadings in our testing program of tho CRL assemblies are 2.5'to 4.1 times the design criteria. The Assemblies tested1acluded-boib K and'/ inch"lemporod glpw; mounted in multiple -CRL.base shoe profjies.-InGMEs mpoWW b26t,�A, clf�A 4 ruar�18 -200 , we drictibc our testing Oro�gram where'su A: n1l, ftRL's glits�'.b,4 ad.,48 by 41 in.d.b �oje kynher o sk assemblies -Lo -a 6o:n6ehtrated.borizonW loadinj:ajpl[icd 64htmppencoinef.of the gimt. The glaw, mounting, system to theili66i inriudcd both'w'' i .. - and CRL wet systcms. -GlpsWcdsc.SY­,St&m-, Thi.i4minum" `sho`c's wcii.1nount4to the tcst f h6ffitytdar using thii.e methods, nese three methods Tn included.dizcct L oL-m'ti.pg- with rce'.6'a4 auction botts, mountingon 1/2 -Jin& thick -steel olates, andside.mouniing (&3_'-/. X,37�,by Vvinch.angle 'we applied and hold a concentratad horizontal load to -the up.p;r.c!Dmor of tho tempered glass (l5oth 1/2 and a/< inch thi&ness) o,f,thc-48-inch:widc.by4?.-inibhiLOi.CR'Lauren'ee imtintainqdfbT two: rr(jnl]lk4 mgcdfroin 5.00 pounds with th[ce 3-y: inch wide CRI. ,Q(assWpdps to 025�poui%ds mea :both the wct set system and four 3-%a', GLISSW.cdge% Sincerely 'pl. Eric.Zi erman, P hD ./p ill AUG 2 1 2008 par:'tn eer PRc ME :Co tants of Illinois. ,OF WLIJAM.0 W(ASPO, RE R 91F.Aly&k1m. E..'r. GREGORY R. REUTER, RE., P.G. r. VENEPAA. P.E. P, SM0 ZIMMERMAN. M.D., P.E. t Fee LOG ON TO c r I ajjr e Wce. c orn 'F10k:B11.S.1NE.SS:_T0-B0S1N.ESS SERVICES 1024 ': PUINE (800) 421-6144 1 PAX 0601 262.-3299 TOLL FREE FROM ANYWHERE IN THE U.S.A. OR CANADA 08/?_0/200B 13:51 7146411018 ELECTROLURGY MFG PAGE 03/04 T For Prlaing on CRL Produam. Call Toll rree r{r b s (800)421-614d,or visitalaurence.com CRS �a6ust�ades Hand.' Rails, and`Guard Rails Not all.CRL Hand Rail Systems and materials are.sultable for each. Typically, Hand RrtiPheights range between 34" (es3 mm) to project specification an safety recpilremGnt, Since most building codes make Clear the.dlfference batween:Hand'Rells and?Guard 38" (965 mm); whl)e Guard.Rails are typically 42" (1.066 mrri) In he'ighE I)i sometimes:npted in the code that the Guard Rail must Rails, You 'should consult the local code. Nomiany. Wand Rails are noted as used for guldartce and support,'whllra:Guard Rails are include a; Hand Rall as well. Again, check your local codes oefore beginning.any Hand R&if or Guard Rail project. Intended to prevent accidental Nile. Hand Railla-lustrade Guard, AaU balustrade Hand Ra6l/Guard Rail The Hand Grip Portion of the Hand Palls shall not 1-3& 138.1 ;mm) less than 1 112`•(38;1 mm) and no more lhan to 4' (101:6 mm.) 1 12 (.3$,1 frim) P'.(80,8 mm) in Cross Sectional Dimension. Guard -Rall Cap .I to 4" (t p1,6 mm) Guard p 1. Cap Top of Hanrj Rallshall not he placed less than 34' (am mm) nor more than 3P' (965 mm) above.ramp or toe of step Top of the GUdrd Rall shall not he•plaeed *less than 42' (1 066 mrn.In height (commercial); 3.$ (911;mm) ir1 height(reslddntlal) ILIGIN.W83(Uster .Glass Baluster Top of the -Guard Rail shall , not b'e'plaeef) less than 42',(1066 nim) ,in -height r^^mqerclal);.36' (916 mm) ie!ght (rosldentiai) ' Drawings :and Specifications - Harti ""to Get Them The Hand Grip Portion of the Hand flails shall not he less than 1-114' (31.7 mm) and no mbro 1-12' (38,1 film) than 21(50,9 or 2'.(60;8 mm) mni) in Cross sectlonal (38.1 mm) 31man:lon A9lnlmum r-1 LJ Top of Hand RWI shall not.be placed less than 34' (A63 mm nor more man 38' (965 fnml above landings, ramps or the toe of sten Glass 9sluster =_ Let CRL he a Tbam, Player on All Your Railing. Hardware Projectsl C.R. Laurence Company,is proud.to announce our web site is designed for easy .�+�mAMIM access to product Informallon and dravvings.afiket •Simply click on 'Architectural s- ( Customers. on.the orlaureiice.com home page and you w(li find;products listed by ,^II •T' y ttectlon for posy.y e'rence.`EFich producrwitr have links for technical drawings and wrilten product Speoificadons, which can easily.be downloaded Into .your owrt'working .1340 documents: ` LOG ON T.0 crlaurence.,c:mm ForaBUSINESS-TO-BUSI:N'ESS SERVICES POW (8.00.) 421-6144 FAX (8t]9) 262-;i%9:9 TOLL FREETPOM ANYWHfFIC IN !'HF, U.S.A. (tHf :raN r1n r t . A.. H615 r{r b s Naver.before haVe produot'submittaIs to architects and general contractors been so easy ;CRS wants you to Succeed. and by teaming together we feel -projects will run smoothi .on time, and within budget! ` LOG ON T.0 crlaurence.,c:mm ForaBUSINESS-TO-BUSI:N'ESS SERVICES POW (8.00.) 421-6144 FAX (8t]9) 262-;i%9:9 TOLL FREETPOM ANYWHfFIC IN !'HF, U.S.A. (tHf :raN r1n r t . A.. H615 f .... .. . ..... .... . ............ .................... . ... 08420/2008,�;- 13:51­� ... 7146411018 _t561 I.bs,�+- :- K 1. - - W j.,TS 'Ad ... ......... ... ....... .... . .... " . ..... . ... ... .. ELIECTR0LUPV,:MFG PAGE 04/04 80n finish and. masked one side Tlenbtlis. Alloy r_711>171171 5., 8 r x �i 5ckil x 8, N ArchltGct: AcAick MrodateaArchirpez 8" 89ja _i_ Fzbricator: Otiallty Architectural Jy FaMcation, Franklin, OH 19* 'x :,18qa J011 Glass Rail Shoo mouldings Were subjected to structural testing LCI'Lbe used to clad 5116E moulding, See detail page 4. by the independent testing lib of WISS.,lbriney. Elstney A$j6ci3t6q Inc: or Northbrook. Illinois. The full mpori i5iavallaibla'upori request. The. 7 summary of thd report is reprinted below. Polyv'inyl Chloride August 28, 1985 Jullus alum & Co., Inc P. b. aOX B 1 (5 Carlstadf, NJ 0702 RE. WJE No. 820960 J13 G&ss Railing Test-, At yout request, we have conducted tests - on gluminuir,shop moulding r Vedftdf0fth sMildihg that phl'.S perbcdfar ralling".SyVelrn.uses !W4,�k tempafiei glassSISA WbOitrade,ta support aluminum. brarne, or vainlos steel handmmouldings. ouldlAgs. 7we gi ,ass PaMeIR We .%M . ounted In the d1urn/hum hog.n7ouJdrrtgs ;which ere tl7c subject vOW-testing the load versus defh6ction ciiamcierlii'cs:op two typei ofshop mould: ingS, mounted inseveral dihfere*nt'tyays, in addition, the resfsto were .demorisirate that the Sh_0'0 "MOdings,could v4tv.46nd Wdirip'weli In excess Of current Model Code m. bWafibfis, w11h6Ut_fa161V or sig . nif- icant defammtiorr. Most A40dal bodd- reguloffans: r.rqu;1;.j uniform 1OZ106,19 of 6'D ibs. pib!r iMaal i1 200-0. corican- !rare�d /CkRd. These loads qro net to,bo 8D'p#Cd:&oMcuh"1Y' -1A the tests con6icted-and -da$cribed inour ' ' '4P0,7desidnated WJEMo-.82696b,'da(adJjnLm . ry 13,'IapC617c�6ntiarL,-dirinciaof400 tbs. 10.86106s,wam applieOat 6PPrPX,'rniitely'4trom.&m(&�ehc6d tloorslu?lace. The tastsea*JS were4i6o 7.7?70 testresuffsAnd neenrigcale.16100017s.sllow thigtMestmnloth atthc'sh6o mould;-�g which wom taVed would exceed MR ' ab0k-MPr?tf0rTed Model Code loading criteria kv a Nctor.ot four. ,Very Puly-y—M John M. Hanson President wISS. JANIVEY, ELSTNrrPA_5sc)cjA7Es. iNc. JULIUS BLUM & CO., INC. 'A"spencer' h--. Selling black Slice mouldlnq _J 'A" CLIp screws - _. 1p" O.C. .--... m a P.. . ['011 1Lang.t.h. $71-1 26' 8710 '/1' 11/A° 40' EM Materiel qt ippll(yj hy olhdm W.WW-11 AAHUSMUM-COM FAX.201 438:60M DAK - CAL GLASS, INC., DBA Midwest Glass'& Aluminum 42-240 Green Way, Ste.G Palm Desert, Ca. 92211 760-341-7725 Fax 760-776-1412 Date: 10/16/08 TO: Burt COMPANY: City of La Quinta FROM: Chad �� oct 21 zoos JOB NAME: Stadium Tournament Club - Remodel Lic. #716894 MWGA MIDWEST 100T MIRRORS WINDOWS ENCLOSURES COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL STOREFRONT MidWest 100T RE: Here are the product sheets for the Glass Railing system we will be using. Per the attached. Thanks, Chad McAfee 42-240 Green Way, Suite G ♦ Palm Desert, CA 92211 ♦ (760) 341-7725 ♦ Fax (760) 776-1412 ♦ mwga@verizon.net CRL HRS BASE SHOE FOR GLASS RAILINGSYSTEMS Fore)421 on CRL4,orVi itcrlaureIT°Il Free ' (800) 421-6144, or Visit crlaurence.com oRL t B-5-S=Buries--Sta-0ard-Sgb9re=Vi=asetShae) For b1%2 to 5/8" (12 to 16 mm) Glass e Typically Used as the Base Channel for Glass Railing Systems or Windscreens e Drilled and Counter Bored; or We Will Custom Drill to.Your.Specifications i Custom Cutting and Mitering Service Available - 1.. (25.4'mm) 4-1/8' (104.8 mm) L L 2-1/2' (63.5 mm) UndriUe.d 1/4' (6.3 mm) 7/8'(22.2 mm) 9/16' (14.3 mm) 1/2' (12,7 mm) 4-1J (104.8 1/2'(12.7 2-1/2" (63.5 mm) 9/16" (14.3 mm) Hole Pattern''D" 1/16" 3 mm) 7/8' (22.2 mm) 13/16' (20:6 mm) 29/32' (22.9mm e) ® 6.063 Alloy ® an T52 Temper Hole Pattern T' 17'(305 mm) C.T.C. The CRL B5S Series Standard Square Base Shoe is used as the base channel for glass railing systems. It can be clad in;five choices of,architectural finishes (see next page). The most.critical component in a railing system is the proper attachment of the Base Shoe to the substrate. CRL has engineered and tested a variety of.attachment methods,}and has developed an. acceptable combination of drilling pattems and fasteners. The five tested methods of attachment.can be found on pages H626 to H627,. and.associated fasteners are shown on pages H628 to H629. A printed brochure with Instructions, Installation Hints, Cleaning, and Refinishing techniques is available. You may also view it at criaurence.com. HS'Series Standard Square Base�Shoe ,ase -only Gasket Retention Groove Secures the Top Rubber Gasket in the Base Shoe WEr GCAZE:SYSTEM For.Use with 1/2" (12 mm) or 5/8' (16 mm) Glass * Stock lengths have a tolerance of plus or minus 3/4" (19 mm). Minimum order: t each. All Base Shoe can be combined for quantity pricing. Must ship common carrier 6 NOTE: 120' (3.05 m) and 240" (6.10 m) Extrusion Only (without holes) SHIPPING NOTE:.Due to the difficulty in packaging and handling 240" (6.10 m) stock cannot be used for the GlassWedge° Dry -Glaze System unless the Base lengths, it is suggested, that you WiII.C.all these at any of our distribution centers. If Shoe is fabricated to the above tested and approved hole and counter bore requiring shipment, all packaging, and handling concerns most be agreed to by CRL pattern. The GlassWedge9 Dry Glaze System requires that the attachment and the customer prior to shipping. All shipping arrangements will be documented holes be counter bored so that no part of the fastener protrudes above the on your quotation for your signed approval. base of the channel opening. i.D-G-o-N_T-0_c-r-l- 911- e-nLc-e_._c..o-m-j_D.fi-B-U-S 1'N E S S- T,O - B U S I N.E S S SERVICES �� For Test Results and CAPACITY: _ GlassVJedg'e® Dry GlazeSystem; .. wlm Drilling Recommendations, See Pages H624 and H629. 1%2" (12 mm) or 5/8"'(16 -mm) Thick -Glass -when using We't Glaze System 't, gfi:4 6 �t '�' .:ys. 6 Ju'�;yta >�..�Fa� P :c; �3 Jae .s .�i » y.a '' E" t r^.'�`. .5��_ -•� CiC _ B5S10D 120' (3,05 m) 9/16" (14.3 mm) 7/8' (22.2'mm) x 1/2'(12.7 mm) 12'(305 mm) 84 pounds (38.kg) B5S20D 240' (6.10 m) 9/16' (14.3 mm) 7/8' (22.2 mm) x 1/2'(12.7 mm) 12'(305 mm) 167 pounds (76 kg) B5S10F 120'(3 - 05 m) 9/16" (14.3 mm) 7/8"(22.2 mm)x 1/2" (12.7 mm) 12' (305 mm) 84 pounds (38 kg) B5S20F 240' (6.10 m) 9/16' (14.3 mm) 7/8' (22.2 mm) x 1/2"(12.7 mm) 12' (305 mm) 167 pounds (76 kg) B5S106 120'(3.05 m) - Extrusion Only (Without Holes) 84 pounds (38 kg) BMO0 : 240' (6.10 m) Extrusion .Only (Without Holes) 167 pounds (76 kg) * Stock lengths have a tolerance of plus or minus 3/4" (19 mm). Minimum order: t each. All Base Shoe can be combined for quantity pricing. Must ship common carrier 6 NOTE: 120' (3.05 m) and 240" (6.10 m) Extrusion Only (without holes) SHIPPING NOTE:.Due to the difficulty in packaging and handling 240" (6.10 m) stock cannot be used for the GlassWedge° Dry -Glaze System unless the Base lengths, it is suggested, that you WiII.C.all these at any of our distribution centers. If Shoe is fabricated to the above tested and approved hole and counter bore requiring shipment, all packaging, and handling concerns most be agreed to by CRL pattern. The GlassWedge9 Dry Glaze System requires that the attachment and the customer prior to shipping. All shipping arrangements will be documented holes be counter bored so that no part of the fastener protrudes above the on your quotation for your signed approval. base of the channel opening. i.D-G-o-N_T-0_c-r-l- 911- e-nLc-e_._c..o-m-j_D.fi-B-U-S 1'N E S S- T,O - B U S I N.E S S SERVICES �� s� Yd�Yeo• O �'p O. w� 000 6Jj , 4 Ms IIWRhfb 4]H9 7b 1R lu.� /2 . GLASS BASE SHOE WITH CLADVA �OJd0..+y6: 7,,,19' 711/18 Ice.ximy r m d.�d a. �' VAi 7 , 4 Ms IIWRhfb 4]H9 7b 1R lu.� L HRS CAP RAILING SYSTEMFor Pricing on CRL Products, Call Toll Free (800) 421-6144, or Visit crlaurence.com CRL Extruded Aluminu�i Cap Rails ® Connects to a Variety of Fabricated Corners and End. Caps • Custom Shapes and Sizes are Available CRL Extruded Aluminum Cap Rails are extruded from alloy 6063-T6, which is suitable for custom finishes such as anodizing, powder coating, etc. Use of our 32629 Metal Contact Cement (see page H705) is required to achieve a .se cure and permanent bond at all connections. Use Connector Sleeves shown on page H679 to connect Cap Rails. Please contact CRL Technical Sales for more information or for a quote. NOTE: Cat. No. GR5PV Cap Rail Vinyl and 95CBL Silicone should be used to secure 112° (12 mm) glass; Cat. No. 95CBL Silicone and shims should be used to secure 5/8" (16 mm) glass; Cat'. No. GR7PV Cap Rail Vinyl.and 95CBL Silicone should be used to secure 3/4" (19 mm) glass. "�F��M12 mm) or 5/8 (16 mm) Glass GR19M Mill Aluminum 3/4'(19 mm) 9/16 (14.3 mm) .125 (3 2 mm) GRI9CSM i\(\villi it ►► GR19SA Satin Anodized 3/4"(19 mm) 9/16"04.3 mm) .125 (3:2 mm) GR19CSM GR19DUDark:Bronze Anodized" r3�4"" 19 mm "°'9716 1°4°3 mm `-;. "j ` m ( ) ( ) 125 (32{m)"`GRI9CSM V Minimum order. t each. Sizes finishes )Wl and canbe combined for quardity pricing. Must ship common carrier. ` - 2-1/2".1163.5 MM) DIAMETER EXTRUDED ALUMINUM CAP RAIL IN -240" (6.10 M) LENGTHS GRY5M Mill Aluminum 3/4" (19. mm) 1-3/16° (30 mm) .125° (3.2 mm) GR25CSM GR25SA Satin Anodized 3/4" (19 mm) 1-3/16" (30:mm) 125°.(3.2..mm) _6R25DU.....:Dark:Bronze-An6dized 3I4 (19 mm) 1-3/16" (30 mm) 125° (3:2 min) GR25CSM . GR25CSM • Minimum order. t each. Sizes and flNshes can be combined Tor quaNlty pricing. Must ship common carrier. ! WJ 3" (76.2 MM) DIAMETER EXTRUDED ALUMINUM CAP RAIL IN 240" (6.10 M) LENGTHS GR30M Mill Aluminum 3/4° (19 mm) �1-11/1.6° (43 mm) y .125'(3- 2 mm) GR30CSM, GR30SA Satin Anodized 3/4° (19 mm) 1-11/16° (43 mm) .125° (3.2 mm) GR30DU Dark Bronz6.Anodized .: 3/4° (19 mm): 1-11/16° (43 mm) (3.2 mm) GR30CSM GR30CSM .125° Minimum order.1 each. Sizes and finlshes can be combined for quantity pricing. Must ship common canter. LWI 3-1/2" (88.9 NIM) DIAMETER EXTRUDED ALUMINUM CAP RAIL IN 240" (6.10 M) LENGTHS Imini GR35M Mill Aluminum 3/4'(1-9 mm) 2-3/16'(H.8 mm) .125" (3.2 mm) + GR35CSM ]D GR35SA Satin Anodized 3/4".(19 mm) 2-3/16" (55.8 mm) .125" (3.2 mm) GR35DU Dark Bronze Anodized 3/4" (19 mm) 2-3/16'(55.8 mm) (3.2.mm). GR35CSM GR35CSM .125° Minimum order.. I each. Sizes end finishes can be combined for quantity pricing. Must ship common carrier.' )-Wj 4" X 2-1/2" (101.6 MMX 63.5 MM) OVAL EXTRUDED ALUMINUM CAP RAIL IN 240"• (6;10 M), LENGTHS r E • E �,: E «,1 i GROV4M _ Mill Aluminum mm) 1-1%4" (31 mm) .125" (3.2 mm) GROWSM .3/4"(19 GROV4SA Satin Anodized 3/4° (19 mm) 1-1/4'(31 mm) 125° (3.2 mm) GROV4DU Dark Bronze Anodized 3/4" (19 mm) 1-1/4" (31 mm) mm) GROV4CSM GROV4CSM D .125°-(3.2 Minimum order: I each. Sher and finishes can be combined for quantity pricing. Must ship common canter. 'This dimension Is used to calculate the glass she: Add the clearance you desire or allow an additional 1/8" (3.2 mm) If using cap Rail Vinyl lsea page Htip. ", LW -f For 3/4" (19 mm) Glass 3" (76.2 MM) DIAMETER EXTRUDED ALUMINUM CAP RAIL IN 240" (6.10 M) LENGTHS GR307M MITI Aluminum 1 (25.4 mm) 1-11/16"(31 mm) .125"(3.2 mm) GR30CSM (� GR307SA Satin Anodized 1° (25.4 mm) 1-11/16"(31 mm) .125"(3.2 mm) - GR30CSM J GR3070U Dark Bronze Anodized 1" (25.4 mm) 1-11/16"(31 mm) .125'(3.2 mm) GR30CSM GWS Minimum order: teach. Sizes and finishes can be combined for quantity pricing. Must ship common carder. -This dlmsnslon is used to calculate the glass size. Add the clearance you desire or allow an additional 1/8" (3.2 mm) It using cap Rad Vino (see page H865). ' LOG ON TO Cr.ia.,Ur,p.pc,G°.ClD_M._FOR 13'1j,S:IPJE-SS-7.0-`BIJ.S I,NES•S'SERVICES CRL S POST HILI SY STEI CRL "Welded"-P.ost 'Ra.ilihb..System for Use With Glass Infill Panels ®Available in 1-1/2" (38.1 mm) schedule 40 Pipe,. 1.90". (48.3 mm) Outside Diameter ® Available in.Polished or Brushed Stainless Steel, Polished Brass, Mill or Powder,Coated Aluminum Glass is Secured With Our Z -Series. Glass Clamps, Custom Standoffs or Spider Fittings Custom Fabricated to Your Specifications euurvY C;J'1 ffU,�C �fl: IA�PENCE ' CRL WRS Post Railing Systems for use with glass.infill panels are custom fabricated to the customer's specifications. They are available In 1-1/2" (38.1 mm) Schedule 40 Pipe. Other diameters, are available on special order. Polished stainless steel or brushed stainless steel finishes are available from stock,.as well as polished brass, mill and powder coated aluminum. Other finishes are available on special order. All WRS Post Rails are supplied with Internal Splice Connectors and accessories required for completing the system. Welded Construction CRL WRS.Post. Railings are constructed using welded intersections and Internal Splice Connectors to produce a custom job site fabricated look, but with the convenience of being a modular system. Uaftus Mount ni O'ptio:ns When a more sleek design is required, CRL WRS Post Railings can be fabricated for embed mount into the concrete substrate. A minimum 8" (203 mm) embedment depth is required. Always consult local code requirements: CRL can design custom Fascia . Mount Brackets to meet your design. needs. As with all custom applications, proper engineering is required to ensure code compliance and. safety. For Pricing on CRL Products, Call Toll Free (800) 421-6144, or Visit crlaurenee.com iTEiN�ERED. CAT. NO:. PR1540 . For more information or a quote, contact, CRL Technical Sales at (800) 421-6144 in the U.S.,.(877) 421-6144 from Canada, or (323) 588-1281 International. Ask for Fact. 7730. You can also e-mail us through our web site at criaurence.com. From the home page click on Contact Us, and then.click on Technical Sales: Integrated Hand Railing' and Brackets ..:.CRL. Hand. Railings..can.be . . combined with Post Railings using Standard Post Mount Brackets found on page H712, or with custom designed brackets to meet any desigri need: A1lasr ety of GJV9S1SecuringYOptions E CRL Z-SeriesGlass-" Clamp1,*'are _-used as the`standard means of as .� � -.:ss�� "securing glainfill panels and are, stocked in a'vanety of finishes and sizes See pages H732 to H736 for he complete:lihe �_- CRL also offers a line of Spider Fittings especially designed for use on Post Railings. They are available in matching brushed or polished stainless steel. See pages H738 to H744 for details. CRL offers infinite design options with the use of Standoffs in your Post Railings projects. Consult CRL Technical Sales for complete information or a quote on your Custom Standoff needs. RN c I-��-Cxleaux nC .0 :n1 6_JU�S_lN_ESS-TO-BUSINESS SERVICES 4. E CRL Z-SeriesGlass-" Clamp1,*'are _-used as the`standard means of as .� � -.:ss�� "securing glainfill panels and are, stocked in a'vanety of finishes and sizes See pages H732 to H736 for he complete:lihe �_- CRL also offers a line of Spider Fittings especially designed for use on Post Railings. They are available in matching brushed or polished stainless steel. See pages H738 to H744 for details. CRL offers infinite design options with the use of Standoffs in your Post Railings projects. Consult CRL Technical Sales for complete information or a quote on your Custom Standoff needs. RN c I-��-Cxleaux nC .0 :n1 6_JU�S_lN_ESS-TO-BUSINESS SERVICES CRL 3-WAY ADJUSTABLE GLASS MOUNTED HANDRAIL BRACKET 3" (76mm) TO DESIGNED FOR 3 5/16" (84mm) —,�� 1-1/2", 1.9', AND Z' 1/2'(1 ) THK. (ADJUSTABLE),r �``� DIA HANDRAIL TUBING 3" (76mm) TO 1 1/2" (38mm) 3 5/16" (84mm)TEMP. LA SQUARE (ADJUSTABLE) HANDRAIL %k It a IL' Ir==:==_---,I TUBING 1i2" (12mm) 1 /2" {38mm E THK.TEMP u u E GLASS Ir it E 1/2" (38mm Ico L-- --� ^ o$ z �2 s �s 5/8 (16mm) C d E Cal 9 p y. ,• OPTIONAL o i r 11/16" (68mm) FLAT SADDLE 2 11/16" (68mm) CAT. NO: HBFP1. (SOLA SEPARATELY) FLAT SADDLE E CAT. NO. HBFP1 REQUIRES A 3/4" DIA HANDRAIL (SOLD SEPARATELY) b HOLE IN GLASS SADDLE GROMMET INCLUDED. E E E iOr �. E Ln E E to E E, a � � o. M't C4 SET 1� N N SET l� GLASS MOUNTEDSCR SCREW 13116" BRACKET ASSEMBLY 1 3/16" E (30mm) 11 E DETAIL,USEI FOR: (30mm) c 3/8.-16 MOUNTING HOLES C CATALOG N FINISH ALLEN SCREW HR2DGMA MILL ALUMINUM MOUNTING HOLES `0-`p (INCLUDED) FOR (2) #10- HR2DGSA SATIN ANODIZED _ FOR (2) #10 SCREWS. M SCREWS (INCLUDED) A HR2DGDU DARK BRONZE ANODIZED (INCLUDED) HR2DGBS BRUSHED STAINLESS HR2DGPS POLISHED STAINLESS. HR2DGPB POLISHED BRASS DBBCRWYN GLASS MOUNTED 3-WAY ADJUSTABLE HAND RAIL BRACKET cAT. (SEE CHAR'S °A� 05M& 8 ORMS I M 800-421-810 FX 800-282.3M � HR2DG �� N.T.S. ® www.CRLAtJF NCEODM MAWN 8Y: RA CHEpaEo BY. C.H., e T 1 of 1 4.3.2 HSL -.3 HeaVy Duty -Expansion A6.6hor Product Description HSLQ3 Product Description 4.3.2-2 Material Specifications 1 Technical Data 4.3.2A Installation Instructions 4,3.2,5 Ordering Information Bolt Washer Minimum — Embedment Mark. Spacer— Sleeve Plastic collapsible section YAM . anchor . . rotation prevention Expansion Sleeve Gone HSL -3 He6vy Uuty Expansion Anchor .The Hilti HSL -3 Heavy Duty, EY4xvisio.ri Anchor is a torque ­controlled expansion bolt dei,signed for high;performanqe in static and dynamic application including the tension zone of concrete structures where cracking can be expocted. HSL - 3 anchors are 'available in metric sizes from MB.to M24. With a.yariety of head configurations; ncIuding'b6It, stud and torque -cap. All VirsiJoh-s are available in . z I* 4d Jnc-p at carbon steel. Product Features • Approved for use in the concrete tension zone (cracked co6crete' ) • Data for use witli'the Strength Design provisions -of ACI 318-05 Appendix D. and ACI 349-01 Appendix. b • Almvable Stress.Design data for Listings/Approvals use %%q in Azad. ICC -ES (international Code Council} • High load capacity, ESR -1645 European Technical Approval (ETA) ETA -02/0042 Qualified under NQA-1 Nuclear-O—uaTi-t y Proa ram h M-3 Building Code Compliance IBCA` 2006 FffC�-` 2006 WOU 1997 * Force -controlled expansion which allows ioT follow-up expansion * Reliable. clamping of part fastened to overcome gaps • Suitable for dynamic loading, including seismic, fatigue and shook • �-Nq spinning of the anchor in hole when tightening bolt or nut • Seis"mic.qualificalion per_JCC=ES ACf 93 and the requirements of AU 318-05 Appendix D Guide Specifications Expansion Anchors: Carbon steel anchor consists of hex head bolt .(threaded stud). sleave,,expansion sleeve, expain'sion cons, collapsible 'plastic sleeve, (nut) and washer, An6ho'rs shall be torque controlled expansion bolt as manufactured by Hilti, . Materlat 60 ecifications Carbon Steel Bolt or7hreaded Rod for HSL -3 (Bolt}. HSL -3 (Stud) and HSL -3-B conform to DIN EN ISO B96-1,_dade'.8`8,1, >* 93 ksi.-fu > 116 ksi Gkrbon'Steel Nut conforms to DIN! 934. Grade 8, fu > 116 ksi Carbon Steel Washer confornns,to DIN 1544; Grade S.t37J, > 100 ksi... Carbon Steel Expansion Cone conforins.to DIN 1654-4- f'> 80 ksi U Carbon Steel. Expansion Sleeve (%48 -Ml 5) conforms to DIN 10139 and (IVI204024) conforms to DIN 2393-2 Carbon SteelSp C, a ingSleeve confornis to DIN 2393 T1, % > 100 ksi Collapsible Sleeve is made from acetal polyoxyrnethylene (POM) resin Details .HSL-9Anchor.Tbtead:Diametei (nun) PA8 i'd10 M12 M16 M20 1,124 nNn1n91 dl'ill bit dnimeteli Gni mm 12 - 15 14 242i- ?i Hiai:121 TE 1=:.2 TE ` 12 '2 -G-T 2427 TE + T 28L27, Cnida-U -I drill bit - TEM12•`3a_ TE rn 1 aFP. TE 1:: ic.'2x TE='rn 24:32 TE a . _a « minimum base n�.iteld thirlar�s hmm nun 110 02,09. 12+71147 1: E (16r1,� Fl1(2D, . 1 0 (250) 225 (2W) . to oboin srmlleetcritu �.�jge dis[an�s in. 4 v� i4 3'4 4 3.4 (5-VZ, 5 3: E,tf.114) 61;4 (7-r lor._ ,mmnummdd:h Big 125 fa; 180 (in.) (3-lNi ( -U4, (a 11E (4-7PS) iE ilei r-1:` t effaeiira embadin?nt dC�rih heLmin Mill. 6u r0 e'! iru; 125 150 (in.:' (� 2'8) : (2 x'4j (i 1. (2,-7/:,) (4-7;i?) (5-a:r? minimum CIM-011.e hdadiametar d mm 14 17 in pail beingfmt?nE;i n On (x`16) (liiifi 0,iH6) (1) (1-114) ms)L cumulative phi betea�n Gart(s) - mm. 4 5 8 Ca 12 16 being fastened ant calue-ta sulfa.* (in.) nuxiinum ;thicta m of pit fastanedt mm 24 40, . . 20 10 25i, , . 50 30 60 3C+ 60 H"•13. HSL 3-6 (In,) (C Al (1 1;�1 .(cf4) (1 i �i {.it f2? (i;, 0 (1-116j (2-i/4; (I-IF . (z 1/4i overall lewth of anchu mm ct .. 118' 110. .130 t 1 155 1 �3 . 17e 13 21 2C5 235 ti�i :i. FISL 3-6 (in.) . (i-7l8 '(4-5.rc). (451`%t: (5 irc) c< 1;Si rf. l>yj (0 (7) (7-114?1f4:+ maximum thickness of dart fast.ned t150 mm 20 20 25 25 JJ 30 69 00 ,. (314) (&4) _ (ii (2)' (1) (2} (1-1!>i (2=1/4) overall leit7th of ancha mm 102 115 139 1 134 : 163 1 e3 11a7 1 210 H"L3 6 (5-1,21 f.5-�%S1 r� c;�j (i'-E;`�) (7 ir4i 1 (840) ��ashar di9mEtar • d:, mril 20 .. 25 00 40' 45 (in;)_ 1114,1 (i t ti 1?? (f -416) . (1=#4) �) instaltatim Mique H3L-3 Tei200 Mill' 25 .50 80 120 2a0 RAW 0e) I (37) (5_q (Wi (143) (18:;1 instalIsti n taque 9SL--3-GTki this 20 35 60 80 . 160 (nIbi. 05) (K) (441 (3- (ifei wiench slza HSL-3, 1431-3_G. - mm 131 1— 19 24 3i+ ; �srench size HSI-2 R - nim 24 .3C+ 30 41 R a �� Sae table 1. 2 See ACI 318-05 Semon D,4,4• 3 For use vith the load o mtti iiatims of ACI 316 05 Sectim 9.2, bindition A appile.s;nbe�e the e I concrete proPcto p to to the ph pNe�l wnaet? (allure prism Into tits structural member, Condition 6 e pile sv he a such sfailure jNn�n ryces ��ei� utl �t Is tp t pn7vid ro�nt heli ~nt pullout or pryout strength grvems. pp - 4 See ACh 31 B-% Seaon D,5.22. '5 See ACI 318-05 Seatlon D,52.6. 6 See SeMch 4.1.3 of 10:; ESR -1%, See Se tics 4.1.6 of ICC ESR -1546. 8 Minimum axL9l stiffness values, maximum values maybe" times larger due to high strength a-mcret@ ... r.' ._r.�.:,.: , Yu I�i��i��V■ Talale 2 �— HSL=3 Strength Design Information Design Parameter symbol units FOR111nal anchor diameter Aarw0•D, d urim M8 12 Pf110 1.5 1412 M . Ma td24 Effective min, embedment depths ° in, mm 0,47' 6n 0.59 18. 24 i 0.71 .. 0.94 2E' 1.10 ,, 12t ¢n � in.2^j 10 cn 1�!'� 125 1iiU Ai►chor ategcr}2 1.2cr3 . 2 76 5 d.&1 4,ai 5,91 Strength W'Vim factor for tendoiti _ 1 1 steel failure modes3 0- Strength WOW factor far shear, steel 0, io failure nrjdes3 ' a5 Strength re tl3tian factor for tension, xncuete failure mcdes3 Qmd 4• 0:75 Stuengtit rFdu:•tian,factor for sh�r, 0ond:B . O.E1 ' ooncrdte failure mode33 G�nd� 0, ra Yield Stizagth of anchor st:�l And.6 . 0.70 Ultimata strength • f fat . Tensile stress aea Nm iIL�IL , 116,00. 5teet strength in F ratan t��, i� Ib 0.05; ..' :0.77°0 0.1s1 0.243. 0.390 0.547 Effactivans factor uncracld ctnrrete k� - : 6,612 10,4.4U 15;1 £ 28,18; ; 44,00,852 EffectivenFsstartarc dcedconcretet kir 24 24 24 24 24 kunaEkcs 17 24 L4 24. 24 24 24 PuilOutstengthuocracicedpmret~s A, rcr Ib tAi 1' 1.UU 1,03 1. DO 1100 Pullout strength met r j concietpe 4,204 Steel strength In she FI$L 2.-B n' n. Ib 2 ,810. 4;490 Steels in shear FtSL-3-G . I, N� fb 7239 10, 9 14,7 9,i01 39, 1 45 Tension pullout strength seismic% /,, E 0 70 • . 8,3Po 12,1 22.ti43 t 33,159 iii - Steel'strength'inshear,, seismlF _. &ter, Ib 4.609 8,45a 11,8a? 24,it36 '. Steel stengt in shear, seismic'. Ilse �Anre 29,.135 3g 178 ML 3-G lb 6,924 6,924 9;824 21,G65 24,459 unaadkad Axial stiffness In seuviep a icirm Suter : bad rmngee 1 WO b.411. Jy Qacked . anaeta 1 . �Q . S•0 70 1 �+ 13U 130 13U Sae table 1. 2 See ACI 318-05 Semon D,4,4• 3 For use vith the load o mtti iiatims of ACI 316 05 Sectim 9.2, bindition A appile.s;nbe�e the e I concrete proPcto p to to the ph pNe�l wnaet? (allure prism Into tits structural member, Condition 6 e pile sv he a such sfailure jNn�n ryces ��ei� utl �t Is tp t pn7vid ro�nt heli ~nt pullout or pryout strength grvems. pp - 4 See ACh 31 B-% Seaon D,5.22. '5 See ACI 318-05 Seatlon D,52.6. 6 See SeMch 4.1.3 of 10:; ESR -1%, See Se tics 4.1.6 of ICC ESR -1546. 8 Minimum axL9l stiffness values, maximum values maybe" times larger due to high strength a-mcret@ HSL -S Heavy Duty.Expansion Psion Anchor 4.3.2 Table 3 --Edge Distance, Spacing and Member Thickness Requirementel.2 Case3 birmnsional parameter . Symbol Units. Nominal anchor diameter.. M8' M10 MI 2: 6116. M20 6924 A Minimum conriete thickness hmnA In. 4-'V4 5.1/1 6 1I4 7 -Tri 9 TIc 11-7/8 (mm) (1201 (2001. A Ulticaledgedhtance` cQ; in. '4-N ,44rc 4-3r4 5•i/S B-7/8 8716 (mmi (110) (Y1Q� (12x) (15Crj C45} (225) A Minimum edge dlstanre3 c,,; AA N, 2-318 2414 3 1I2 4-a/4 5 : 5-7/6 (mm) (601 (7Cy (fir) (12Cd p 25) 150 ( i A Minim urn awhorsWino Snin oh in. 51 9-112 11 12-5/0 13-3/4 11-778 (mm) (14 4'? (e8cti 132 (35n) (3J0i A Minimum edgedistanCS3 CrdnAB In. P:8 5 6-1/6 7-T I$ 6-1/4 "0114 (mm) (85) . (1.251 (155) . (20CA) 0210) (210.1 A Minimuman.horspqclncr3 s• mnAB In, . 2-3`8 '. 2-3r4 3-1k. 4 5 5Tf6 , (tarn) (60) Un (6ti) . (iD% n25) (15Ct 8 Mnimumconcretett Wan h • ma,e In. 4-3'8 43f4 5-318. 6114 71 8-7R. (mmi (110) h FJ) (13or , (160) 0 9) ua) 8 Critical edge dWance'- cQa In. 5-7/8 Fr76e NA t-Tlo 12-3.r6 14-0,14 (mm) (15Cr1 075 (LOOM �SC�. . 5312.5) (37 5) B Minimum edge dlsbnn3 - Cnin.Bz In, 248 31/1 4 -SA, F 1,14 7 -TIS 8-7/6 (mmi (60) f3Ca (11Cf) {160} (2riJt (225) B Minimumamhorslxicing3 s • mna� in, 7 10114. , 12 5`8 . 15 15 -2>r4 15 (mm) } (1i p2Er1)Q) (38LY) (4CQ (290) B Minimum edgedistanrs3 cdn.m In, .. 4 6:114 7:7& 1C 5r 11 7/6 iz-5`8 (mm) 0409 W) (2J Tt� 6100) (gni B Minim urn awhorspacingp sn;nee in. . 2-3`8 2 -SA 3 iB 4' . 6 5 ?/P (mm). _. (6jJ): .. (To) (N) (10C{ .. (123) (15.0) . —V u.0.0. muumum euur uuuutsv','zi-m mi unu memLier inICKnPSS Snail COmpl�f'Irltn �iH-1545.Table 4. 2 The concrete breftut strength calculated according to ACI 318 D.5.2, shall be further multplled by *jd y, See ESR -1545 Section 4.1.2, 3 Denotes admissible combinatiors of'hmin; cn; cmc, and smr,, For sample, hminA.+ C6hAi or hminA + Cm,+ CniroB + smjnpB are admissible, but hmn'e + caa + cm;Lq + sr& m is not Haiever, other admissible wiNnatims for minimum edge dish D39 cmin and spacing smin for hmin4 orh,�,Le may be derived hl linear Interpobtim behveen boundary values (,%e exampH for ham;" s te4✓rlf, Example of allowable interpolation of minimum edge distance and minimum spacing Sdasipi Cdesigr G hniin, m CminAk $Mr A4 N SdasimAB, SminAF . --- ----------------- -------- \ 7 i Cdesign edge distance 1 _ 4.3.2-HSL-3'Hvw ®u.y Exbansioh Anchoe Table 4 - HSL -3 Ailowable'Static Tension (ASD), Normal'Weight Uncraeked Concrete(Ib)1.3.a vwaca,v cwn-,+nv, om;UNI 4.6 C.14, D, 2 Values are fcrnomtal..weightoorrrete. For sand lighhvel0htcloncret?,multiply values by0.65; For altllght4ghtconcrete, multipiyvaiuesby0,75, SeeAC1318-05SrrticnD.3.4, 3 Condition A applies Mere the potential concrete failure. surfaces are Crossed by suppmentaryreinforcement proportioned to tie the potential concr4te failure prism Inti the strut, tura) member. Coalition B applies v&,re such supplementary reinforcement is'nrt prodded, or where pul but orpryt ut strength governs, 4. Allauable statV: tension leads for 2,500psi are calculated by multibiyi ng the*concrete breakout strength Alb by the strength reduction $ factbr of (116 and lidding by an a of 1,4 axording to rX ESR -1545 Sector 42 14 Is calculated as per Ar1316-05.0,52,2,' This b91 may be atlJust d .for otiter concrete strengths according to ICC ESR -1 Wi Se tion 4,1.3, by using the follai Eng �ustion, NG1'C - No RT 2500 Table 5 - HSL -3 Allowable Static Tension (ASD), Normal Weight Cracked Concrete (lb)a.3,a AlInvable Steen C HSL -3, HSL -3-B - , Shear HSL -3-G R18 3,361 Concrete coni ressive Stren the Strengthz 4,741.1 3,853 Nominal Anchor Embedment Depth het t'c _ Condiuon 2000 psi ` Condition PC -PSI Condition ContOtion 11C =4000 psi f'C a 6000 i Diameter -mm Qn,), A B A :: dition Condition. Con ition • Condition B' B_ A B A B PAS C 2.35 1,74E 1,746 2,139 2,13A 2,470 247.0 3;025 3.025 5110 70 2:76 2,531. . 2,280 3,t22 :2, 792 3,720 , 3,224 415% 3,94',Q 1+112 83 3,15 3214 2,785 3;EK 3,411 4,5�� 3 ��J 5,567 4,895 Kis iCrJ 3,94 .4,422 3,13"43 5,501 4,160 6352 1 5,505 7,7811 6,743 PA20 125 4M. 6,277 5,440 7,E8e: 6,£�3 0577 "a4 10197; 9,423 6124 150 5191. 8252 7,152 10,106 8 no9 11,670 10.114 14,292 12387 1 V9111p..^,nrl;LrglnnlaanrhnMh%- hnnodndel�i-,�.�,�:..,.,..L a..c r_.__.�__�___.___�'._,_ -.. __ _ vwaca,v cwn-,+nv, om;UNI 4.6 C.14, D, 2 Values are fcrnomtal..weightoorrrete. For sand lighhvel0htcloncret?,multiply values by0.65; For altllght4ghtconcrete, multipiyvaiuesby0,75, SeeAC1318-05SrrticnD.3.4, 3 Condition A applies Mere the potential concrete failure. surfaces are Crossed by suppmentaryreinforcement proportioned to tie the potential concr4te failure prism Inti the strut, tura) member. Coalition B applies v&,re such supplementary reinforcement is'nrt prodded, or where pul but orpryt ut strength governs, 4. Allauable statV: tension leads for 2,500psi are calculated by multibiyi ng the*concrete breakout strength Alb by the strength reduction $ factbr of (116 and lidding by an a of 1,4 axording to rX ESR -1545 Sector 42 14 Is calculated as per Ar1316-05.0,52,2,' This b91 may be atlJust d .for otiter concrete strengths according to ICC ESR -1 Wi Se tion 4,1.3, by using the follai Eng �ustion, NG1'C - No RT 2500 Table 5 - HSL -3 Allowable Static Tension (ASD), Normal Weight Cracked Concrete (lb)a.3,a 2 Values are for normal %veightconxet , forsand-llghhveightca rete„multiply upluesty 0,85. Fors1FilghGseight aortcrete, multiply values by 0,75, See AG1318 05Seotion 0,3,4, 3 0onditicn A applies where'the potential concrete failure surfaces are crossed by suMamentary rE nforreme I proportioned to tie the potential concrete fallure prism Into the stru tural member, OoMition B applies where such supplementary reinforcement is rot pUded, + or oere rmmt or pryout strength gorems, 4 Allmable Matic tension tads for 2,500 psi ere calcuatadby muftiplying the pullout strength Arp6by the strength reduAbn ¢ factor of 0:65 and di -Ming by an a of 1,4 a?yrding to M ESR -1545 Section 4,2..SeA Table 2 for App, This load may be adjusmd for otiter criinrete strenglis a-�rding b ICC ESR -1545 Sectim 4,13 by using the folla;,ing eqtuti)n: Npn,cr.Pc = Npner fC 2500 Table 6.- HSL73 Allowable Static Shear, (ASD), Steel (lb)1,2 Nominal Anchor Diameter AlInvable Steen C HSL -3, HSL -3-B - , Shear HSL -3-G R18 3,361 Concrete Compressive Strengthz 4,741.1 3,853 M12 Nominal Anchor 6nbedment Depth hef Pe =M i Condition, -Condition ../'0=.3000 ....t'e>=4000 Condition, Condition Condition si. f,r=gyp 18,34ci Diameter mm On.) A B A Conditionndhian Cond dition B' A B A 116 1;429.. :. . _ ...1;429...:._ .. 1�6�1..... .. ,.1;650 ..........2,n?1 _... _ 2,011 M10 70 2.76 1,867 1,037 2,28E 2,286. 2,6�r . 2,E.40 3;2x3 32333 PA 12 W 3.15 3,214 2,785 3,8936 SA11 4,545 3,939. 5,517 4X25 M1E 1Crl 3.9-4 4,492 3,c•�3 5,5(11.. 4,768. 6,352 5,Ft15 t,790 8,743 M20 125 4�2 6277 5,440 7,68`0 6,ES3 8,611 7,F:14 10,€ry 9,423 M24 150- 5,91. 8,252. 7,152 10,10E 8„a9 11, rj 1r; 114 14,11 12,33 1 Vahlnaro irr cinnL-nnrhn,cavifh n�en„�dldn.ve,M.....,,.i.... .<..�...u__ 2 Values are for normal %veightconxet , forsand-llghhveightca rete„multiply upluesty 0,85. Fors1FilghGseight aortcrete, multiply values by 0,75, See AG1318 05Seotion 0,3,4, 3 0onditicn A applies where'the potential concrete failure surfaces are crossed by suMamentary rE nforreme I proportioned to tie the potential concrete fallure prism Into the stru tural member, OoMition B applies where such supplementary reinforcement is rot pUded, + or oere rmmt or pryout strength gorems, 4 Allmable Matic tension tads for 2,500 psi ere calcuatadby muftiplying the pullout strength Arp6by the strength reduAbn ¢ factor of 0:65 and di -Ming by an a of 1,4 a?yrding to M ESR -1545 Section 4,2..SeA Table 2 for App, This load may be adjusmd for otiter criinrete strenglis a-�rding b ICC ESR -1545 Sectim 4,13 by using the folla;,ing eqtuti)n: Npn,cr.Pc = Npner fC 2500 Table 6.- HSL73 Allowable Static Shear, (ASD), Steel (lb)1,2 Nominal Anchor Diameter AlInvable Steen C HSL -3, HSL -3-B - , Shear HSL -3-G R18 3,361 2,815 f:110 4,741.1 3,853 M12 61637 5,647: M15 12,41+_1 10,531 !-*) . 18,34ci 15,,`-,`A5 M24 21.2?4 v duos ale v l anlge unalorsmill no eage arsrance orspacing redu - n due to concrete fallure. 2 Allowable stalk:: shear loads are calul_atyi Gy multil:4ying I;, by the stength reduction 4 factor of 0,65 and dividing by an a of 1,4 aco3rding t) IT FSR- 1"54--) E&+^tico 4.2, See Table 2 for V, . x s f 4.3.2 HSL -3 Heavy Duty Expansion,Anchor 4'.3.2.4 HSL -3 Installation Instruction 1, Using the correct diameter metric bit, drill. hole to minimum required hole depth or deeper, 3-d"H h.•�1 'V Remove drilling debris with a bloavout bulb or with co'r#estl air. . R01 ` a <:•: ooj. WX i.a 3, Using a hammer, tap the anchor through 4. Using a torque vo.ench, apply the specified the part being fattened into the drilled hole installation torgUie. HSL -3-B does notrequire until the washer is in contact with the use of,a torque wrench.Tighten until torque fastened,part. Do not expand anchor by cap shears off. hand prior to installation. 1-1�L 3 Heavy'Duty Exptirisidn- Anchor 4.3.2 Table 7 -HSL-3 Allowable Seismic Tension (ASD), Normal Weight cracked Concrete (lb)1A4 Hontinal Diameter Enihedment 41C= 200D si ncrete PC, C� 3000 sii'i tessive sirens the :. i=4 psi PC6{300 i –—Cn" –Cnion C—Achor-- —Depth-he--ContFtion--Conditioq -O-diiMilian Condition mm (10 A . B. A BA Condition B 1118 '60 236 1,114 1,114 . -1,,W 1364 .11575 1155 N124 16,918 1141(i 70 2.76 1.7$2.. 1,7K... ..2,182 2,182 _ 2,520 ' 2,520 S,Uc� M12 80 315 3,068 .2,653 3757,..: 3,256 4,3390 3,Terj 5,314 41605 M16 100 .3.94 4,288 3:716 5,251 4,551E,06? 5,256 7;426 6,435 1420 125 4,92 U@Z. 6,3f?n E,474 7,344 10,378 819 M24 150 5,91. 6,560 5,676.. 8.U�� 9,02$ 11,344 9,8329 �u,u:J Lllc ,w ou,`yl6 alydl N,D vnI i uv Cu}JC uwl iiuu W wxii4 I uuvw I, cul uum w5p15; 5*E' Oh-1040::er'Tun 4,Z tq, 0, 2 . Values are for normal %velght oonerete. for sand -lightweight a5nciete,:tnultpy values by 0,85, For a11-llghtrreight concrete, multiply vcltes by U, 75, � ACI 318-05 Section D, aA 3 CondltlonA applies Oere the *Wentlal cunaete failure surfaces are cpkod by sup{ilementaty reinfcireement proc� mcd t+ tiethe p atentisl COX., fsilure prism Into the structural member. Ccnditbn 8 applies vfiere sueh'sdpplementar)i ielnfr rcer>ient is noLp'66ANU; or vrliere pullout r(pryout str angth grrverrc, 4 Allarcobie seJsmlo tension loads for 2,500 psi are Waulated by nulbptying the pullAt strength 6'p� tip the strength reduction � lacturof 0,65, then muMpNing by a 0,75 W;tor des°.ribe in ACI 318-05 D.U.S. and (Widing by an a of 1'.1 a6!brding to ICC ESR 1545 Section 4.2 Seg T9bl.,2 fort,' ,, This bad, maybe adjustW fcr other concrete strengths wording to ICC E5r+1545Secticn 4.1,3b/'usirnilr::folln;,ing,egiiation, p Npn,crt,c Npn,er 1 C F 2SOU Table 8 a HSL -3 Allowable Seismic Shear (ASD); Steel,04)1� ttonunal Anchor Diameter AllaWable Steel Capacity. I�-3, HSL•3.B Shear HSL -3-G ...: �:... ......: .:. _2,04y.: `. .......:. :. 9 ,674.. :... MID 3,746 3,C►E.�+ M12 . 5,270: 4,354 . b116 10,91 `� 9,336 M20 `12,912 10,840 N124 16,918 1 WOE-. are for.Ingle awhors With no edge distance or sparing reductem due to conxete failure, 2 A11:nwable seismic shear'bttds are calculated by multplying t/amu by the' sUzngth reduction � factor of 0,65, then multiply,bj U; iotas p?rACI 318= 05 D,3,3.3, and dividing b/ an a of 1.1 so_*Aing trr.ICC,I SR 1595 Section 42 See Tabu 2 for l,,,h ,