2009 11 10 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
November 10, 2009 7:02 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:02
p.m. by Chairman Ed Alderson who asked Commissioner Wilkinson to
led the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Mark Weber, Robert
Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson. Commissioner Quill joined the
meeting at 7:19 p.m.
Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, City Attorney Kathy
Jenson, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal Planner Andrew
Mogensen, and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker.
III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Planning Director Johnson requested
Item B be presented first, as the applicant was present.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the minutes of
October 27, 2009. There being no comments or corrections it was moved
and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Weber to approve the minutes as
corrected. AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Weber, Wilkinson and Chairman
Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Quill. ABSTAIN: None.
A. Sign Program 1997-383 Amendment No. 1; a request by Kerr Project
Services, Inc. for consideration of a proposed Sign Program
Amendment to increase the permissible sign area for Smart & Final,
located in the Jefferson Plaza at the northwest corner of Jefferson
Street and Highway 1 1 1 .
Planning Manager David Sawyer presented the staff report on file in
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the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Weber asked if the grand re-opening banner and
temporary signs were handled through the proper channels. Staff said
they were; showed what was currently on the building and explained
what procedures were followed.
Commissioner Weber asked if the temporary "extra" was to scale.
Staff said the applicant was present and would provide more detail.
Commissioner Weber referenced Attachment No. 1 showing the sign
monument panel and asked if that panel will remain the same as the
existing standards. Staff said yes.
There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. ,George Adams, 16267 Crescent Moon Court, Riverside -
introduced himself and stated he was not with Kerr Project Services
who had been relieved of their responsibilities on this project. He
stated he was Smart & Final's Account Manager and representative.
He then responded to the question regarding scale and said the current
"extra" banner was not the same scale as the planned permanent
sign. This banner had been borrowed from another store just for the
grand re-opening. The permanent sign would be the same as the one
proposed and the temporary banner would removed after the 30-day
permit period. The monument sign would also be the same size as
Mr. Adams then explained how the company was changing, the need
for updating signs, and the choice of this variation of the word
Chairman Alderson re-confirmed that the company was changing their
product line and needed the word "extra" in their signage. Mr. Adams
said yes.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked Mr. Adams if he had heard him say
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the letters were smaller than those on the existing sign, when referring
to the examples. Mr. Adams replied the letters on the building would
be a little larger. He referred to the letters on the monument panel as
being smaller to accommodate the word "extra". He added the
building letter style had also been changed and went over some of the
Commissioner Wilkinson commented it not only looked better but was
more proportionate than the current sign.
Chairman Alderson asked if the word "extra" was going to be
illuminated. Mr. Adams said it would be illuminated with white leds.
Commissioner Weber asked about the illumination of the current sign
and the specifications on the leds for the proposed sign. Mr. Adams
said they were proposed to be low voltage leds and added the old sign
had probably been illuminated by neon. He did not have the
specifications on the leds, but he could get them.
Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment. There
being no public comment, he closed the public participation portion of
the meeting and opened the matter for Commission discussion.
Commissioners Barrows and Webers commented this sign was an
improvement on the current signs and more to scale.
Chairman Alderson said there were two arguments on behalf of
approval of this sign. One was doubling the size of the sign for a
building which was 400 feet from Highway 111. Two was the
encumbrance of a future building to be placed in front of this site. He
said making the sign larger would help the visibility of the building, as
well as the inclusion of the word "extra" fit better in scale and scope.
He stated this was a good idea and he supported it.
There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Weber/Barrows to approve Minute Motion 2009-008
approving Sign Program 1997-383, Amendment No. 1 as submitted.
AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Weber, Wilkinson and Chairman
Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Quill. ABSTAIN:
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B. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2009-099; a request by the City of La
Quinta for consideration of an amendment to La Quinta Municipal
Code Title 8, Chapter 13, updating the City's Water-Efficient
Landscaping Ordinance affecting all locations City-wide.
Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the staff report on file
in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Barrows commented on her involvement with a
landscape ordinance she was working on with Coachella Valley
Association of Governments (CVAG) and Coachella Valley Water
District (CVWD) and stated this Ordinance would be going to the
CVWD for their consideration. She referenced Page 9, 8.13.030 A. 1.
which stated:
"...all new construction and rehabilitated landscapes for public
and private development projects with a landscape area equal or
greater than 2,500 square feet."
She said CVWD staff had determined they were going to remove the
2500 square foot minimum, necessitating any project that has to
obtain a permit be subject to the Ordinance. That would be the
recommendation they would be forwarding to their board for
Commissioner Barrows further commented that the CVWD ordinance
was 30% more water-conservative than the State Model and spoke
well for the direction of the Coachella Valley.
Commissioner Weber said it would appear the staff review time would
be increased and asked what kind of impact that would have. He said
La Quinta and CVWD have done a fine job in protecting resources but
was concerned about unfunded mandates, the use of additional
resources, and the costs involved.
Staff responded that was something that still needed to be addressed
as the issue of rehabilitated landscapes was a new item. There were a
lot of homeowners' associations looking at reduction of interior and
exterior turf areas and conversion to desertscape. The City's current
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concern was with the perimeter of these projects because of the
publicly visibility. So, that would be the initial focus though the City
would also be interested in the interior conversions. Staff was already
talking about this prior to the State Model Ordinance matter coming
up. Currently there is a fee schedule for final landscape review and
staff has talked about utilizing that as well as the fact we are currently
going through a major review of the fee schedule for both the Planning
and Public Works Departments fees. The City does not want to be a
deterrent to rehabilitation but there is a cost associated with review of
these items. It will take some time to clearly define fees and propose
them to the Council
Commissioner Weber asked if the typical home in the Cove, or North
La Quinta would fall under the 2500 square foot limit. Staff
responded there was a provision noted on Page 9, Item 3.a. which
included an exemption for landscaping of single family residential
projects with a total project landscape area of less than 5,000 square
feet. As an example, the typical single family home front yard
conversion to a desertscape design would be exempt from review.
However, all non-residential rehabilitation projects as well as larger
homeowner association perimeter, and other community areas, would
have to go through the review process.
Commissioner Weber said he was pleased to see the definition of
mulch included decomposed granite.
Commissioner Weber asked for more information on the turf slope
issue. Staff responded this is an issue because turf is occasionally
used as stabilization to help prevent erosion. The current standard is a
3:1 slope. The State Model Water Ordinance limits it to a 4:1 slope.
Commissioner Weber used the example of the slopes on the north side
of Avenue 48 and said there were going to have to be some
significant remediation efforts to occur to meet standards. Planning
Director Johnson said certainly that example had a lot of issues with it
and the rehabilitation of erosion-related matters are going to be an
interest of staff as they review those plans.
Chairman Alderson asked if the Planning Department staff would be
doing the landscape plan checks. Principal Planner Mogensen
responded they currently do landscape plan checks for all new
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projects, but this will mean they will be doing rehabilitated projects as
Chairman Alderson asked if the Architecture and Landscape Review
Committee (ALRC) would be reviewing any of these projects. Planning
Director Johnson said they would not be reviewing rehabilitated
projects as that would only require administrative review. Staff also
pointed out that plan check review requires CVWD review and
Chairman Alderson referenced the soils analysis as mentioned on
Page 29, 8.C.iv.
"The soil analysis report shall be submitted to the City as part
of the Final Landscaping Plan."
He said he looked upon this analysis as having the same importance
as a soils report does to the structural aspects of the building which is
submitted with the initial plans. He asked why staff would not want
to see the soils analysis initially so the developer could design
accordingly. He felt it was untimely to be part of the final landscape
plans. Staff responded the landscape architect should be looking at
that very early in the process. Staff then explained the difference
between the soils report and the soil analysis and mentioned this
language was taken directly from the State Model Ordinance. Staff
would anticipate and expect that a landscape architect would be
considering that soils report early in the process to make sure they are
planting the proper plants to survive in that environment or if they
need to make modifications to ensure a high succession rate that they
are taking that into account.
Chairman Alderson commented on the City codes coordinating with
the CVWD requirements and asked if CVWD ever took into
consideration any of the City's suggestions. He then gave the
examples of the requirement of the option of alternative desertscape
landscape plans, and the 18-inch sprinkler setback to eliminate
nuisance runoff. Staff responded the first items was unique to La
Quinta, by requiring a desertscape option to be available with model
home complexes. The second item was in the previous Ordinance that
the Commission considered, and was aCVWD-initiated matter which
the City followed. Principal Planner Mogensen added it was a State
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Model requirement which was 24-inches from the curb instead of 18.
Commissioner Barrows commented on Page 17, item iv. Which stated:
"Turf areas irrigated with spray/rotor systems must be set back
at least 24 inches from curbs, driveways, sidewalks or any
other area that may result in runoff of water onto streets..."
She said water that runs off onto any hardscape was a problem
whether it was a street or pavement and wanted to modify this
section to read "...may result in runoff of water onto a hardscape, or
paved surface...." or something as appropriate.
Staff responded the text shown was taken out of the State Model
Water Ordinance and there is a caveat that allows a wick irrigation
system closer than 24 inches to the curb. The exception is an
irrigation system that is actually underneath the turf.
Commissioner Barrows wanted to point out that whether the water
ran off onto the street, sidewalk, or other pavement, it was still
nuisance water. She did not want the qualification of "onto streets"
and wanted to change it to say "any other area that may result in
runoff of water onto a hardscape" or words to that effect. Planning
Director Johnson said they could certainly make that recommendation
to the Council if directed. Staff gave an example and noted, for
clarification, that the issue is that we don't want to be creating, be it
onto a street or otherwise, any runoff-related matters relevant to
overspray or nuisance water creation. Commissioner Barrows said
that was right and this Ordinance references runoff.
Staff said there was an existing wastewater prevention clause, on
Page 33 B, that was approved by Council in 2008. That clause allows
Code Enforcement to enforce water waste.
Commissioner Barrows said she wanted to make the change so both
sections would be consistent with this provision.
Commissioner Weber asked if it was appropriate for the Planning
Commission to make the adjustment. Staff said they would be
making a recommendation to Council and could include the
modification. Staff would make sure it was reflected in the ordinance
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introduceii to Council.
Commissioner Weber pointed out Item e, on Page 31- Maintenance
Schedules. The Item states: "A regular maintenance schedule
satisfying the following conditions shall be submitted as part of the
landscape documentation package". He asked if staff could provide a
more detail on that item. Principal Planner Mogensen said that was
part of the State Model Water Ordinance. It would be part of the
application items when final landscaping plans are submitted for
approval and would be required to obtain a Certificate of Completion.
The job card would not be signed off unless this item was submitted.
Commissioner Weber asked if the applicant would have to go into
detail on day-to-day maintenance. Commissioner Barrows said the
applicant would have to provide the maintenance schedule, but the
Ordinance doesn't describe the enforcement.
Commissioner Weber was concerned about how the enforcement, of
this clause, would be handled. Planning Director Johnson said they
would not be going to every site asking for a maintenance schedule.
However, if there were an issue with a system either in response to a
complaint, or by observation of Code Enforcement personnel, the City
would have the ability to correct that problem. Additionally, if, there
continues to be an issue, the City can require a maintenance schedule
to be reviewed and considered by staff.
Chairman Alderson pointed out an item on Page 17.5.d.iii, referencing
'...Landscape areas less than 8 feet in width shall not be designed
with turf." He applauded the fact these small, confined, narrow areas
would not include turf.
There being no further questions of the staff, and with the applicant
being the City, Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public
There being no further questions, or public comment, Chairman
Alderson closed the public participation portion of the meeting and
opened the matter for Commission discussion.
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Commissioner Barrows complimented staff on their efforts to bring
this forward after spending so much time on it. She said they did a
great job and she appreciated it.
There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Wilkinson to approve Resolution 2009-031
recommending approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2009-099
with the following amendment:
"Turf areas irrigated with spray/rotor systems must be set back
at least 24 inches from curbs, driveways, sidewalks or any
other area that may result in runoff of water onto haidscape."
"As per" the provision identified in item 8.13.040 B regarding
Waste Water Prevention -include recommendation to Council.
Unanimously approved.
A. Letter from William L. Puget and response from Ralph Wick (Managing
Director of the La Quinta Resort & Club and PGA West-. Staff said
that was provided as requested it be forwarded to you and no action
was required.
A. Report on City Council Meeting of November 3, 2009, from Chairman
Alderson, with comments on the following items:
• Placement of the Wayfinding signs and a letter of
concern from Las Casuelas restaurant.
• Comments on the Consent Calendar
• Review of Second Quarter Service Grants
• Introduction of an ordinance for allowance of golf carts
and discussion of the rules.
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• Discussion of Councilwoman Henderson's term on the
Santa Rosa/San Jacinto National Monument Advisory
Committee and suggested that she not realign herself and
question of future participation.
• Discussion of Highway 111 and Washington artwork
renovation and removal.
• Time Extension request for consideration regarding the
La Solana Boutique Hotel at Silverrock Resort.
B. Commissioner Barrows reminded everyone of the La Quinta
Trails Day on Saturday, November 215`.
C. Commissioner Weber commented on the former Dodge, now
Hyundai, dealership, the Commission's part in helping this move
forward, and his hope for the dealership's success. Staff
commented on a recent visit, the number of .people at the
dealership and the owner's optimism about the future.
D. Commissioner Weber stated he wanted to say thanks to staff
for the clarification on the housing element item relating to
guest houses, second units, and casitas.
E. Commissioner Weber commented that he may possibly submit
an application for position on the Santa Rosa/San Jacinto
National Monument Advisory Committee that Mayor Pro Tem
Henderson may be vacating. He would not be an official La
Quinta representative but the City would have representation.
F. Commissioner Weber commented on the Art in Public Places
program covering the painting of the utility boxes. He wanted
to point out those were only the City utility boxes and not those
owned by the various utilities. Those utility boxes are the
property of the utility companies are not to be painted or
defaced in any way. This may change in the future, but there
are no changes to that right now.
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A. Discussion of upcoming Holidays and their proximity to the
Thanksgiving and Christmas meetings. Meeting dates of November
24 and December 22, 2009, were identified.
Staff commented they did not currently have any agenda items for the
November 24"' meeting, but were working on a possible Business
Item, with a bit of urgency. If that were to occur, staff would advise
the Planning Commission as early as possible.
Staff's concern was in finding out if there were any potential conflices
with Commission members' holiday schedules.
After discussion, it was decided to leave both meetings on calendar.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Barrows/Wilkinson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to
the next regular meeting to be held on December 8, 2009. This regular meeting
was adjourned at 7:59 p.m. on November 10, 2009.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
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