0005-174 (SFD)to F- 0 UJ 0) W 0: Z 0. _J CO) Z' as CL ,In �r- 0'. V7 .. W­ X'-, W 0". , co M LKA_14brU 4,WNI I HAL; I Uh Ut6LAHAI WN I hereby affirm under penalty of perjurythat I am licensed iiridenprpvislons'.�V�'� I . I Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division .3 of the Business and .1 Professionals Code, and my Uc6nse Ii 16 full force and effect. Lic. Class ucense # . I . ". ., � z . E)O. Dal 69711'7 B MC 4 Date 'Slahattini Of ContractoA;Z_ , j. ,OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION. I heriby affirm, undeii:kenaliy of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractoeg License Law for the following reason: 1, as. owner, of _ft property, or my. employees with wages ad4heir able.., com0ensation,IwIll do the work,. and the structure Is not Intended or offered for iale'(Seci'7044- Bbalress & Professionals Code): )".11, as.oWdeh6f!the'property, am exclusively corltracting.wIth licensed contractom.to constfuct-the project {Sec. 47044, Sudiness &.Profeselonalb. OAil I.Am exemptundev action B&P.C. for this reason Signature of,0wrter,;.1w WORKER'S ,COMPEN DECLARATION' COMPENSATION nder penalty �of�oerjury 0n6. of the' i - , a consent t6 self -16 ur6 for4iorkers, ,;I have Ii�d -a certificate of ant 8 compensation, irdvIddd46t by-Se'ction'3700 of the LAbor C ,pensaton, amp, ode, for the. rformahc "of the workloPwhich this,permit-IS issued .' willFmw �ho:•and, htilnworkers' Com;%nsatIon li4sur4n'ce,'aS'r;q6ir�e6 b y '�J!4ctioh;,3700 of the. Libor -Code, the'performancie of the work for Which this ".1',permkis Issued. My,'workers' compensation Insurance: carrier -& policy. no. are: Policy No "467-W Owl 20 (This ge&IJIon,need not,be.completed 0 the permit valuatioh'Is for $100.00 or.6s)..;, su (,1,)".`I'6ertIfV'that in the erfdrmaince:bf the work for which thls7'permit Is Issued, 6d,' :1 ihall:not,,employ'any pemdii in any manner so as to become subject to the INOrkO'rS''compenigitio6'la��s-of talif6mla, and. agree that)f 1. should become subject to the �v'orke'�'r's*'."com�p'"e'n*sation provWorI6 of SedtI62..3700.9t the Labor Code; I s yypdt with comply w�lt �ho � 0�rdi bate:, .'_ApollcaA .'l.WnIng:. F'all6re to secure -Workers' Corperisation coverage is.uhlawful'and shall subject an ernplo`yer'tocilmlnal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in tor ."Oildit.IOK .� the Cost oic'ompienisiatlon, damageias provided for, In Section 3706. of the _!.Abor'Code�;, interest and attom6yd fees! IMPORTANT Application is,t�ereby.rha'dd to ih; Director of B6 Ildlng and Safitly '"I ondition' and restrictions . set forth on his' for;,a­!perrn t, subject I;to,'thdl'.c s, n appli6ation.,-1. Each persi;n 6'�dn Whos4.-behalf this application Is made & each person it--. A; ' work 16' whose request an0or w4ose benefitwo performed Under or pursuant to,s any permit Issued a- reWlft of this applicaton agrees to; &.shall, Indemnify b,'V�hbld Harmless th61C4.,'6f'La Quints, Its.offlcers; agents and employees.. , I , ­ I _d� . , 11 of', La Issue as a result of this application becdmei null and -void If ll,IT� , work Is I not commenced within 180 days from date of issuahce pf'such o , r ce6sationot.4;ik for 180 days will subject perihit to cancellation. Ji certify that.1 have, read thIsAPP1166tion and state that the above informati6nis correct: I agree to'complgWith all City,' and State laws relating to the buildih4". ","Const' ruction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to, enter -Upon the eibove,-'mentioned.otop"e�',O:for-insp ctlo-n pure as�d' Signature :(Qwnei Date E SUILDING PERMIT`�-)­ A '14 -,k DATE ;4'_4 VALUATION ;j , .", . 2. TRAV, IJ� 2595.3 Jos SITE A". :ADDRESS 4 IN - OWNER CONTRACTOR/ DESIGNER ENO(NEER , t -,77-9oo.AvVMo:P11M3LkM 71-900AvEi-moFTHE;mTEP ,.ilk".DE8.1£R? CA 92211 PAW DEMT :,CA 9221.1 (760)345-2626 CBL# 5203 USE OF PERMIT MHOLE FAMILY DVn9J_WG SM -LOT 24 PLAN 3B PEP -MIT DOES NOT FNdWIiZJ3LOCK WALLCIR TRACT CONSTRUCTION 7,M.r,f POPCHIPATIO 170.00 V -.0ARAGEW-A"ORT OF) IZ"4.8 -J 01, . KnWATED cour or cONSTM , 1. `t.,L to 1384MAO FERAarmsummARY, i C043TkICT1614 IIE l01-000-41$-000 PLAN CHECK FEE, 101-000-439-31V,' Y,s " MECHANICAti., 21 00 66 50, :101-000.421-000 A ELECTRICAL FEE. 101.000-420-000. _$150.48 PLUMBNO Fix 101.,000,419-000 , 'SI69'so MOTION FEZ - RESID 101-000-241.000 .3TRJD00 OPLAIDINO PER '101-000.423-000 ixoo `.IDXVELOPER IMPACT YZE BOB-70TAL , CONAM MUMONPLM $3,754.80 LE Pim-PAD 1 50.00 -LED DV 4(),W RECEIPT DATEI E FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs IR Underground Ducts Forms & Footings ILi Ducts Slab Grade 1Low Return Air Steel 1 Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O. K. to Wrap Z F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans 8 Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final BLOCKWALL AP ROVALS Final steel POOL ° - SFAS Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test _ C Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G. F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: