2009 12 08 PCT City of La Quinta o� ,moo Planning Commission Agendas are now available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-guinta.org F6 C�'hf OF T�'9 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California DECEMBER 8, 2009 7:00 P.M. **NOTE** ALL ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11:00 P.M. WILL BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING Beginning Resolution 2009-033 Beginning Minute Motion 2009-09 CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 24, 2009. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: For all Public Hearings on the Agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Executive Secretary prior to the start of the Planning Commission consideration of that item. The Chairman will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time. Any person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission before a public hearing, may appear and be heard in support of, or in opposition to, the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing. A. Item .................. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2008-116 Applicant........... Desert Sands Unified School District Location............ Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School Located at the Southeast Corner of Washington Street and Palm Royale Drive (43-395 Palm Royale Drive) Request ............. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to Allow for the Use of Lighted Play Fields. Action ............... Resolution 2009- B. Item .................. SIGN APPLICATION 2006-1022, AMENDMENT NO. 2 Applicant........... Freehand Sign Company Location............ 47-647 Caleo Bay Drive - East Side of Washington Street; North of Avenue 48; South of Lake La Quinta Drive Request ............. Consideration of a Request for a Second Sign Program Amendment for La Quinta Medical Center. Action ............... Minute Motion 2009- C. Item .................. CONTINUED - 2008 LA QUINTA HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE Applicant........... City of La Quinta Location............ City-wide Request ............. Consideration of a Recommendation for Adoption of the Proposed Draft of the 2008 La Quinta Housing Element Update Document. Action ............... Resolution 2009- VI. BUSINESS ITEM: VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: A. Update - League of California Cities 2010 Planner's Institute Vill. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Report on City Council meeting of December 1, 2009, by Commissioner Wilkinson. B. Chairman Alderson is scheduled to attend the December 15, 2009, City Council meeting. IX. DIRECTOR ITEMS: X. ADJOURNMENT: This meeting of the Planning Commission will be adjourned to a Regular Meeting to be held on December 8, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Planning Commission meeting of Tuesday, December 8, 2009 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and the bulletin board at the La Quinta Cove Post Office, 51-321 Avenida Bermudas, on Friday, December 4, 2009. DATED: December 4, 2009 CAROM WALKER, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California Public Notices The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at 777-7123, twenty- four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Planning Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's office at 777-7123. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Planning Commission during a Planning Commission meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Executive Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the 7:00 p.m. meeting. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA November 24, 2009 7:01 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission.was';called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairman Ed Alderson who asked Commissioner Barrows to lead the flag salute. I i B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Paul Quill, Mark Weber, Robert Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson. Staff present: Planning Director Les John Michael Houston, Planning Manager Dauic Jay Wuu, and Secretary"Monika Radeva. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: III. CONFIRMATION OFrTHE AGENDA: IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: on, Assistant City Attorney Sawyer, Associate Planner Chairman Alderson, asked if there were any changes to the minutes of November 10, 2009. Commissioner Weber asked the following typographical errors to be corrected: PageL11,0;,,Commissioner Items, C, second line, Hyndai should read Hyundai. Page 10 m Comissioner Items, D should read: Commissioner' Weber stated he wanted to say thanks to staff for clarification on the housing element item relating to guest houses, second units, and casitas. Page 10, Commissioner Items, E, first line, my should read may. There being no further comments or corrections it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Weber/Wilkinson to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. P:\Reports - PC\2009\12-8-09\PC MIN_l 1-24-09_Draft.doe Planning Commission Minutes November 24, 2009 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Modification By Applicant 2009-025; a request by Stephen Judice for consideration of a request to permit medical office uses in an existing office building approved for general office use only. Associate Planner Jay Wuu presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Chairman Alderson asked if there were ,any, questions of staff. Commissioner Weber wanted toconfirm with staff that the fee -in -lieu process was not a new one and: had been employed in the past. Staff confirmed. He inquired about the current fee -in -lieu amount. Planning Director Johnson replied the amount was individually calculated based on a development agreement process which required City Council approval. He said it had been,.a while since it had been done and gave examples of two projects it was, applied to. He explained that prior to these projects, there had been others" with lower amounts per space, emphasizing that the fee-in-lieu^was individually calculated. Cc nu 17 ki Use Commissid satisfy the street parl analysis, It Johnson s allowedi on Weber asked for clarification that the original required aces; for this project was 31 which had been reduced to ze,spaces. Staff, confirmed and explained the deviation ,lot design stemmed from the original approval of Village 103-019. Barrows asked if on -street parking could be used to juired number of parking spaces. Staff replied that on- 11 was usually not included in the count for the code it could be taken into consideration. Planning Director that currently, both Desert Club Drive and Calle Cadiz ,eet parking. Commissioner Wilkinson inquired about what parking alternatives were available and if there were any agreements to allow parking on the adjacent lots if there was an overflow. Staff replied there were no such agreements in place at this time. Staff said the parking study, recommended in the conditions of approval focused on on -site parking and street parking for medical use. P:\Reports- PC\2009\12-8-09\PC MIN_11-24-09_Draftdoc 2 Planning Commission Minutes November 24, 2009 Commissioner Wilkinson asked for clarification that if the parking study was conducted, it would not take into account the available on - street parking to meet the code parking requirement. Staff said the on -street parking spaces could be counted in. Commissioner Wilkinson asked if on -street parking would create a traffic hazard. Staff replied that Desert Club Drive was designed to accommodate on -street parking in both directions and to allow for two-lane traffic; Calle Cadiz was a little bit narrower. Staff anticipated Desert Club Drive would be the more prominent focus for any overflow parking due to its proximity, to the main entrance. Staff spoke with owners of the two most '''adjacent homesand both owners were supportive of the reduced .parking requirements allowing the medical use. Staff said the owners of the adjacent vacant lots had not been contacted since staff felt, the significant impact would be to the adjacent home owners. Commissioner Wilkinson, noted the aerial view showed that cars were already being parked on'one of the adjacent vacant lots. Staff said they were unaware of the exact situation and suggested parking may have been allowed due to on -going construction in the area when the image was taken. Staff stated the vacant lot was not set up to serve as a parking lot and, if that was to happen, the City would be addressing this issue with the property owner. Commissioner:,, ilkin'spni,inquired about the size difference between a stantlacd parking ,space andthe existing ones. Staff replied the sizes were listed in the staff report on page #i16. Commissioner Wilkinson expressedi �a concern'" that there might be some unintended consequences if the applicant was not held up to the code requirements. Commissioner Quill asked if the fee -in -lieu was being put aside for some type'' of a parking structure for the Village or if it was being rolled into the general fund. Planning Director Johnson replied that all monies collected were being put aside specifically for future parking improvements within the Village, such as land acquisition, actual hardscape improvements for parking, or potentially more parking structures being established as needed. He said nothing has been done to date because the latest parking study identified that the Village had more than adequate parking available. P:',Raports - PC\2009\12-8-09\PC MIN_ 11 -24-09Draft.doc 3 Planning Commission Minutes November 24, 2009 There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Michael Meade, a Broker with Lee & Associates, 48-972 Desert Drive, Palm Desert, CA, introduced himself and said he would be representing the applicant and the building owner. He explained the applicant had requested that the Planning Department grant a variance for the tenant to allow the remainder of the, building to be used for medical offices, so that the entire building „could be leased out to Dr. Fraschetti. Mr. Meade gave the Commission a'brief summation of the history of the building, its designated use, and parking challenges. He explained that the fee -in -lieu would, be too burdensome on the tenant and would cause him to relocatehis current practice from Yucca Valley to Palm Desert instead of: La Quinta. Chairman Alderson asked if the Commission had any questions for the applicant. Commissioner Weber asked if the applicant felt,°comfortable with the parking estimates provided by Dr. Fraschetti. Mr. Meade confirmed he did. Commissioner Weber said that if the applicant was comfortable with those numbers, then a parking study projected for two years into the future should not be worrisome. He pointed out that the Planning Department has been trying to work with the applicant to accommodate the business going' in and has proposed a reasonable comprise Mr''. 'Meade explained that when the fee -in -lieu was originally proposed, it seemed like a good option. But after a more in depth discussion;,' the tenant would not want to proceed with the potential liability of a $200,000 fee, should the City arbitrarily decide to impose It ,after a parking study was conducted. The assessed fee - in -lieu was not financially feasible for either the tenant or the applicant, especially in the current economic environment. Commissioner Weber wanted to clarify that the fee -in -lieu was not arbitrary —as the intent behind the assessed fee was clearly stated. He said he would like to find a way to accommodate the applicant's request, however, he felt that a good solution had already been presented by staff. He noted that Dr. Fraschetti's pediatric practice would be a valuable business addition to the La Quinta Cove, but he questioned the lack of a signed lease and the tenant's commitment to relocate his practice. Mr. Meade replied that the applicant did have a P:II.Reports - M2009112-8-091PC MIN_11-24-09-0rattdoc 4 Planning Commission Minutes November 24, 2009 signed lease with Dr. Fraschetti, however, the lease included a contingency pending Planning Commission approval. Commissioner Weber asked staff if the applicant was in compliance with the requirement of having 30% of the parking area covered. Mr. Meade said he thought the applicant was in compliance with that requirement. He asked staff to display the site plan for more information. The site plan showed five covered'- parking spaces out of 17. Commissioner Quill said his questions were more directed to staff. He stated he was a member on the Commission when the building was originally approved in 2004. Even though parking was an issue at that time because it did not provide„'°th,e required 25 parking spaces for the w proposed uses, the building as approved because the consensus was that it was located in the Village and the Commission felt that the Village was over -parked. Further, the City was getting ready to complete a parking studyat that time which showed that The Village had adequate parking. He asked staff if,the required number of parking spaces had increased because it wouldbe used as a pediatric office. Planning Director Johnson replied,the medical office parking standard was the same, regardless of °the type of practitioner or location within .the community. Commissioner Quill said he remembered that when the Commission approved the building in 2004, 'credit was ,given for on -street parking which was how the requirement lof ,25 parkingspaces was met. He asked staff why the number, of parking spaces had increased and the applicant was being asked to incur "fe1.es for the difference. Staff replied the calculations currently conducted were based on the off-street parking provisions set forth for the Dr000sed medical use. Commissioner, Quill said that the applicant was being penalized because the''rules had changed from when the building was originally approved. 1Planning Director Johnson said there was a blanket provision, specific to the Village District only, which allowed the Commission to deviate from the established standards. Commissioner Quill asked what the empirical basis was for the code with respect to medical use parking requirements. Staff replied the standards were established based on what was happening in the industry at the time. For example, staff used data from the American P:`,Reports - PC',2009112-8-091PC MIN_11-24-09_Draft,doC 5 Planning Commission Minutes November 24, 2009 Planning Association which did a periodic analysis study of parking standards across the nation, calculation data from the Urban Land Institute, and an engineering resource that addressed parking. Staff stated the calculations were typically done by looking at a variety of different resources, sometimes even local assessment looking at neighboring communities and what they were establishing. Usually there were multiple sources that were researched in calculating what the ratio would be. Commissioner Quill discussed his observafions``,of on -street parking in the Village at different times of the day and ^stated there was very little, if any, on -street parking occurring I Ion that side of Desert Club Drive. He said the applicant should be able to use some of the available on- street parking to meet the parking requirements. He asked staff why the number•of required parking spaces had increased from 25 in 2004 to 34 for the current;applicant. Staff replied the original approval in 2004 required 26 parking spaces, out of which 8 were for the medical use offices in the converted building, and 18 for the expansion of the building -which were calculated based on general office use. For the current application staff's calculations called for 31 parking spaces based on medical,use.for, the expansion and general office use, for, the converted building. 'Planning Director Johnson pointedjout that'`there also was a condition in the original approval that prohibited medical use for the expansion of the building. Thus, the request, presented before toe Commission was to modify that 11 condition from;, the original Village Use Permit (VUP) application. Planning Director,Johnson explained that a VUP is a combination of a Site De'velopment'rPermit (SDP) and a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and the imposed conditions could have a more definitive and longer life than a �itypical' SDP entitlement approval. Therefore, in this instance, the',i,stipulation regarding limited use imposed by the VUP stayed with thhe land and the applicant could only change it by coming in"front of the Commission with an application for modification. He said the Commission could also treat this as a CUP. Commissioner Quill asked the applicant about the terms of the lease. Mr. Meade replied the lease was for five years giving the tenant the option to purchase the building within the first two years, as it was the doctor's intent to purchase the building. He explained Dr. Fraschetti would invest approximately $120,000 in improvements to the building and establish his practice. He would not want a possible expense of $200,000 hanging out there for parking improvements. P \Reports - PC\2009\12-8-09\PC MIN_11-24-09_Draft.doc 6 Planning Commission Minutes November 24, 2009 Commissioner Weber asked where the $200,000 dollar fee -in -lieu figure came from. Mr. Meade said it was an estimate of the number of missing parking stalls times $15,000 per stall. Commissioner Quill asked if the building was still owned by the original owner, Skip Lench. Mr. Meade explained Skip Lench was the Architect, the current owner purchased the building from Dr. Dixon under the assumption that it was designated for medical use. Chairman Alderson asked how the patients: Parking in the southern parking lot would enter the building. : Mr. Meade said there was a walkway from the back entrance of �the.building;to the parking lot. Chairman Alderson asked if Dr.;F,'raschetti would have four separate medical suites with different doctors. Mr. Meade replied the entire space would be utilized by one doctor. Chairman Alderson wanted to confirm that the parking would have to,;accommodate only one doctor and his four to five patients per hour, -,Chairman Alderson said that even though the applicant was not able 'to itake into account the public on -street parking available ;,on, Desert Club .,Drive, common sense dictated that the parking would!'be available for that building as it was a legal parking area for the generalipublic. He asked if the lease was contingenttupon Planning Commission approval. Mr. Meade confirmed it was. Commissioner Weber asked if" the lease was contingent upon a satisfactory eesolution'of the parking requirements or the change in permitted useyto allow for medical offices. Mr. Meade replied it was the latter. There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman Alderson opened the matter for Commission discussion. C'O' m.issione'r Barrows asked for clarification on the original approval of the' building in 2004. Staff described the original approval process and the placement of the medical limitation. Commissioner Barrows gave ",examples from the 2004 staff report stating that other businesses within the Village had been granted parking reductions. She said she was not very concerned about this application's parking issue and explained why. She was, however, concerned about the Village image with parking lot after parking lot. She stated she was concerned that a tenant might be potentially required to pay for more parking than it was appropriate for the location. P:AReports - PCA2009U 2-8-091PC MIN_11-24-09_Draft.doc 7 Planning Commission Minutes November 24, 2009 Commissioner Weber had visited the site and found the size of the current parking stalls to be completely inadequate. He said he viewed covered parking as a critical issue in the Valley. He only counted four covered stalls on site, which did not meet the covered parking requirement as 30% of the 17 stalls required 5.1 covered stalls. He asked staff to display the site map and commented on the differences between what was on site and what the map displayed regarding parking stalls, as well as landscaping and a fire! hydrant that were obstructing the parking lot. He said the parking stalls, located in the parking area on the back side of the building; were adequate, but he pointed out that the site map did not reflect the trash enclosure that was there. He asked for more clarification on the reasoning the Planning Commission based their decision in 2006 to prohibit the medical use for the building. H&asked if the use of Desert Club Drive for additional parking by patients and staff imposed a negative impact on the tenant and required him to pay for "parking mitigation in the future. He pointed out that he did not appreciate the flavor of the letter submitted by the ",applicant, attachment #7, putting a push on the City as if the City had done something inadequate, when the City had tried numerous times to accommodate the applicant to make this project work. Staff clarified the less-than-30% covered parking for the site was approved, as part "of the original VUP application. Planning Director Johnson�,explained that if the tenant was to use Desert Club Drive for a significant' amount of additional parking that exceeded what a parking•; study 'identified as expected, the City would evaluate the potential 1 limpacf not only on existing, but future business, and request the applicant to remedy the situation and a fee -in -lieu would be Staff said it would be recommending that the parking requirements within, the rVillage be reduced to encourage more buildings with pedestrian `focus instead of numerous parking lots. Staff stated it felt that this' case might be precedent setting for other projects in process, and that was why it was important to bring it to the Commission for review the way it's written. At the same time, staff expressed its support of having a pediatrician in that location and appreciated the Commissioners' comments about using Desert Club Drive for additional parking as that was the intent of it. `:`,Reports - PC'2009\12-8-091PC MIN_11-24-09. Draft.doc 8 Planning Commission Minutes November 24, 2009 Commissioner Weber said he was also supportive of the idea of bringing in a pediatrician into the Village, but he wanted to emphasize that he was concerned about setting a precedent. He noted that Calle Cadiz was inadequate for additional parking because it was a residential street. He said the Commission should make reasonable concessions, but should also be very cautious in addressing this matter and in setting a precedent. Staff pointed out that a VUP could be treated as a CUP which would give the Commission the ability to designate certain parking areas on the site for employee parking if warranted. The Commission could also condition the applicant to have, the tenant comply with its operational set up outlined in the second' paragraph of the letter dated November 9, 2009, as attachment #7. Commissioner Quill said the precedent of allowing lesser parking in the Village than required was already set back in 2004 because of the reasons outlined by staff above. The ',Commission had a different concept for the Village^;and felt it was overparked, and didn't need to have additional parking. Commissioner Quill': stated he remembered the approval, but did not recall any specifics on the different types of allowed uses for the building as being a; significant part of the parking concept He said, he was in support of setting the precedent that the Commission would allow deviations from having seas of asphalt in the Village.' He commented that the building in question was never designed asl"a retail space, it was always meant to be used as an office space"and this application was an opportunity not only to fill a vacant biJildin but to put a pediatrician in the heart of the La Quinta Cove. He; said he idid'"not foresee any possible issues with parking availability. 'FI,, Commissioner, Wilkinson said he agreed with Commissioner Quill's statement that the Commission had already set the precedent to reduce the parking requirements for the Village. He said he viewed the vacant lots in the Village as potential for businesses and traffic as well. He asked staff for suggestions on solutions for parking such as a VUP allowing for the Commission to condition the tenant to have designated employee parking spaces. He asked if it was feasible to identify employee parking at the parking lot on the other side of the Village. He inquired if the City was working on any projects to provide parking solutions. Staff replied that at this time the City was not actively looking at the acquisition of property for additional parking. P:AReports - PC120090 2-8-09VPC MIN-1 1-24-09_Draft.doc 9 Planning Commission Minutes November 24, 2009 Commissioner Wilkinson asked staff what would be the best location to identify employee parking for this building. Staff recommended designating the seven spaces on the back side of the building, by Calle Cadiz, leaving all of the front parking area and parking along Desert Club Drive available for patients. Planning Director Johnson said he'd be hesitant to encourage the Commission to go too far beyond the property for employee parking. Staff said the applicant tried to obtain shared parking agreements with a few of the adjacent businesses, but was unsuccessful. Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the Commission was to condition the applicant to have the seven parking spaces in the back designated for employee parking how would that be monitored to ensure that the tenant was complying with the condition of approval. Planning Director Johnson replied the applicant would be trusted to follow the conditions of approval, but if there:,:,was, significant abuse, the matter could be brought back to the Commission for reconsideration. Mr. Meade clarified that;,! in the lease agreement, the applicant had strictly reserved the front pa�ki'ng for Dr. Fraschetti's patients and he would have all of his employees patlk in the back. Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the applicant would not have any objections if the Commission decided to add this as a condition of approval. Mr. Meade) said there would be no objections as Dr. Fraschetti mandated himself`'to have this provision included in the lease agreement. Chairman Alderson asked to verify that the business would operate during standard"business hours. Mr. Meade confirmed it would. Chairman 'Alderson,,:said the parking issue had been discussed at length. He stated in his opinion there was sufficient parking for the proposed business use and it would not be a good business policy to have the applicant tied into a possible $150,000 to $200,000 parking fee -in -lieu assessment two years down the road. He said in two years the City'''would complete a parking study that would indicate whether or not the available parking was sufficient. He asked staff what would happen if the parking study indicated that more parking was needed. Planning Director Johnson replied the Commission would still have the ability to impose the fee -in -lieu provision, request the applicant to obtain shared use parking agreements, accept it as the face value that was there, or the medical use could be restricted P:\Reports - PC\2009\12-8-09\PC MIN_ 11-24-09Draft.doc 10 Planning Commission Minutes November 24, 2009 again. Chairman Alderson said this could also be tempered by the upcoming .staff's overall parking analysis. Staff replied it anticipated that the analysis would give a good comprehensive assessment of the peak demand of the activity. Commissioner Weber asked if in the future staff could provide copies of the previous minutes relevant to the case being reviewed. He said the standards were established to safeguard the developer as well as the City. He was concerned regarding the front parking lot because of the stalls' inadequate size. He said he was trying to diligently look through the process and be consistent in applying the City's standards. He said he would be, willing to support a motion that would condition the dedicated parking spaces. He emphasized that with it being unknown how the surrounding vacant parcels would be developed the Commission might be setting standards that might not be possible to be met in the future. There was no further; discussion and it .was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Quill to approveResolution 2009-032 approving Modification By Applicant 2009-025 as amended below: 44. This Village Use Permit allows the construction of a one-story, 4,494 square foot commercial office building addition on a 0.41-acre site with, 17 on=site parking spaces. The original building area (Suite 1; approximately 1,450 square: feet) shall consist only of general office uses j -Medical office:,,uses shall be permitted only in the additional expanded area of the building (Suites 2 — 5). Equally or less intensive uses" '(based on parking standards in LQMC Section 9. 150.0501 ,are also ;permitted in the expanded area. No additional parking spaces beyond those provided on -site are required as part of the expansion`,of uses in Suites 2 — 5. Emploiyees of the medical use (Suites 2 — 5) shall park in the rear parking;"area on Calle Cadiz. The front parking area, on Desert Club Drive, all be reserved for patient parking. AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Wilkinson, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: Commissioner Weber. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. P:AReports - PCQ009Al2-8-091PC MIN _11-24-09_Draft.doc ] 1 Planning Commission Minutes November 24, 2009 VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: A. Informational letter regarding noise complaint. 19II�K�7JdiTi16X9[�]ll�:l�l�� A. Report on City Council Meeting of November 17, 2009, from Commissioner Weber, with comments on the following items: • Code Enforcement issues with regards, to the noise and dog barking issues. • Coachella Valley Parks & Recreation District proposal by Randy Hemingway by Desert Star, LLC.,for a Cultural Arts Center to be located down on a ,parcel owned by the district off of Avenue 58. • Council Member Kristy Franklin would be the Chamber Representative for the City of La Quinta. • Finance Director John Falconer presented the annual financial report. • City Hall would be closed on December 24 and 31, 2009. • Councilman Sniff indicated he attended' a presentation regarding the energy, the environment and :the'solar farm in the east end tithe Coachella Valley: • Another commendation for Vista Dunes Courtyard Homes. • Council a':! 'roved a donation for Martha's Village and Kitchen and,the Coachella Valley,Rescue Mission. • ., The PGA; West Private' Clubhouse and PGA West Golf Villas projects were continued for another 30 days. • Community" Development Block Grants annual solicitation of applications for funds for capital projects and for public service B. Chairman Alderson noted Commissioner Wilkinson was scheduled to 0 port,'!,back�,°gi ren the December 1, 2009, Council meeting. IX: DIRECTOR ITEMS: A. Interpretation of Allowable Uses in the Community and Regional Commercial Zone. Planning Director Johnson commented on the memo included in the Commissioners' packet on file in the Planning Department. Highlights of the discussion included: P:AReports - PC1200911 2-8-09APC MIN_11-24-09_Draft.doc 12 Planning Commission Minutes November 24, 2009 • Locations of allowable use. • Staff requested Commission's concurrence with the position that particular uses such as golf carts, neighborhood electric vehicles and/or scooters, categorized as motor vehicles, would not fit in the same category as automobiles. That they would be an outright permitted use within the three listed commercial zoning districts with the exception that if there was to be an outdoor display, it would be allowed via a Conditional Use Permit application which would have to come before the Commission for consideration. Staff asked the Commission to either concur or modify this proposal, so that the next municipal code update would properly,', identify it within the code provisions. • Commissioner Quill was ,supportive of staff's recommendation and he thought the City should do anything possible to promote alternative forms of transportation. He agreed that the outside display of electric vehicles should be brought to the Commission for consideration.: • Commissioner Quill asked staff to bring;. the issue of prohibiting the use of private golf carts at the Silverrock Resort for City Council consideration, in light 'of the fact that City Council recently :.approved phase 1 of the golf cart plan allowing residents to drive their private golf carts to the Silverrock 19esort. • The',,",:,,Commission passed; a motion concurring with staff's interpretation on motorvehicles permitted uses, as described ahnva 1' ®t•11b19:�►1Pil�iryl There being; no further Wilkinson/Quill to adjot next regular meeting 111�tc adjourned at 8:33 p:mT' Respectfully submitted, siness, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the held on December 8, 2009. This regular meeting was November 24, 2009. Monika Radeva, Secretary City of La Quinta, California P:\Reports - PC\20090 2-8-09\PC MIN_11-24-09_ Draft.doc 13 PH # A PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2009 CASE NO.: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2008-116 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA OWNER: DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE USE OF LIGHTED PLAY FIELDS LOCATION: COLONEL MITCHELL PAIGE MIDDLE SCHOOL LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND PALM ROYALE DRIVE (43-495 PALM ROYALE DRIVE) ZONING: MAJOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES (MC) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: MAJOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES (MC) ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT REVIEWED THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) AND HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSAL IS EXEMPT PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 15301 (EXISTING FACILITIES) AND 15314 (MINOR ADDITIONS TO SCHOOLS) OF THE CEQA GUIDELINES. SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USE: NORTH: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, MEDITERRA APARTMENTS SOUTH: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL, OFFICE BUILDING, VACANT PROPERTY EAST: MAJOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES, HORIZON SCHOOL WEST: SINGLE AND MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, CITY OF PALM DESERT CUP 08-116 Planning Commission Staff Report 12/08/09 - CUP to Permit Lighted Play Fields Page 1 of 6 PAReports - PC\2009\12-8-09\CUP 08-116 Staff Report.doc BACKGROUND: Out of the need for additional recreational space, the City of La Quinta has developed a partnership over the years with Desert Sands Unified School District for the shared use of existing school and city park play field facilities. The La Quinta Middle School Sports Complex on Avenue 50 is the most successful example of this partnership, but the fields currently serve as the only location available for evening baseball, softball, and football practice. The City has also benefited from the shared use of the Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School play fields since 2007. The five existing three -quarter -size soccer fields are currently used by the youngest divisions of AYSO youth soccer (ages 5 to 9) on Saturday mornings. The unlit fields are not usable during evening hours, particularly with the early sunset in fall and winter. La Quinta Park is the only facility currently available for evening AYSO soccer practices and games, and has been operating over -capacity. In response to this identified need, the City of La Quinta's 2007 Community Services Master Plan recommended the installation of outdoor lighting at the Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School play fields in order to provide for expanded hours of operation for youth soccer and relieve some of the burden from La Quinta Park. On September 23, 2008, the Planning Commission recommended approval of a rezoning request to change the zoning for the existing Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School from Office Commercial to Major Community Facilities. The purpose of the action was to bring the school property into conformance with the appropriate Major Community Facilities zoning designation, which also enables the use of lighted playfields with approval of a Conditional Use Permit. As school districts are granted certain exemptions from local zoning and general plans under California Government Code Section 53094, the school site was approved and developed independent of the City. The City Council approved the change of zone on October 21, 2008. On March 17, 2009, the City Council approved the release of a Request for Proposals to hire an outdoor lighting consultant to assist in the preparation of design plans to serve the Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School play fields. Following the review of proposals, the City Council voted to approve a Professional Services Agreement with MRC Engineering on June 16, 2009. CUP 08-116 Planning Commission Staff Report 12/08/09 - CUP to Permit Lighted Play Fields Page 2 of 6 P:\Reports - PC\2009\12-8-09\CUP 08-116 Staff Report.doc 2 PROPOSAL: The City of La Quinta is proposing to construct outdoor lighting to illuminate five, three-quarter sized youth soccer fields at the Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School (Attachment 1). The City has worked with a lighting consultant to design an optimum outdoor lighting plan that would provide the most appropriate lighting with the least impact on adjacent properties. In order to cover a large functional area with focused illumination, the lighting engineer has recommended a lighting design which incorporates fewer but taller lighting fixtures. As a result, nine lighting fixtures standing at 90 feet in height are being proposed (Attachment 2). This proposed layout places the light fixtures along the perimeter of four of the five three-quarter sized soccer fields so that the open space can be flexible and accommodate other sports field dimensions. Operations As the lighted fields will primarily be used by AYSO youth soccer, evening practices will begin around 4:30pm with the youngest players being scheduled first and conclude with the older children around 9:30pm. AYSO youth practices are generally held Mondays through Thursdays. Field lighting will only be used as needed and will be designed to permit authorized staff to turn them on or off as -necessary. The lighting will be operated by a central control service which is contacted by telephone. Authorized staff or coaches will contact this control center using their cell phone to deactivate the lights at the conclusion of practice. In the event no call is made, then the lighting would be programmed to automatically deactivate at 10pm. Use of the lighting would be limited from dusk until 10pm. Neighborhood Meeting Community Services and Planning staff conducted a neighborhood informational workshop at the Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School from 5:30 to 7pm on Monday, November 16'. Two weeks before the workshop, staff mailed a flier advertising the event to all property owners living within 500 feet of the school site, including residents of Palm Desert. An advertisement for the workshop was also posted in the Desert Sun. Representatives from the City and MRC Engineering attended the event to answer questions and the proposed lighting plans were put on display. One resident attended the workshop, Michelle Rose from the Desert Breezes neighborhood in Palm Desert, who had concerns about potential noise from practices in the evening. CUP 08-116 Planning Commission Staff Report 12/08/09 — CUP to Permit Lighted Play Fields Page 3 of 6 P:\Reports - PC\2009\12-8-09\CUP 08-116 Staff Report.doc 3 ANALYSIS: Light Spill In order to find an optimal lighting design which provided adequate illumination, flexible use of field space, and minimal nuisance, the engineers designed a specially focused lighting system. By using fewer but taller lights, in this case nine light poles standing at 90 feet in height, the light is better focused downward onto the playing surface. This design has the advantage of providing a wider area of illumination and a higher angle of reflectivity from the field surface. With a 90 foot height, the field lights can be pointed at a downward vertical angle. If the lights were lower, they would need to be focused more horizontally across the field, resulting in greater light spill from the lower angle of reflectivity. La Quinta Park has existing lighting fixtures at 80 feet in height for the same purpose. This high downward angle keeps the lights focused on the field and results in less nuisance lighting spillover (Attachment 2, E2.0-2.4). The field lights will consist of 1500 watt metal halide bulbs fitted with full visors. Metal halide is the preferred bulb type because it reveals a wider spectrum of color. Most of the light poles will be mounted with seven luminaries (bulb -fixtures) each, with the exception of two center poles mounted with eleven luminaries, and the eastern -most pole mounted with eight. The special aluminum visors are designed to minimize light spill and glare, keeping the lighting focused onto the playing field (Attachment 2, E1.1-1.2). The lighting engineer has provided photometric plans which identify a maximum illumination of 42 foot candles and a minimum of 18 foot candles on the playing surface (Attachment 2, E2.0-2.4)• The proposed amount of lighting is considered the minimum necessary to properly illuminate a playing field. The horizontal spill photometric plans (E2.4) identify less than one -tenth of a foot candle worth of illumination along the perimeter of the fields, a lighting level comparable to a full moon (.02 to .01 foot candles). The lighting engineer has also provided vertical property spill photometric plans with cross -elevations of Washington Street (Attachment 2, E2.1-2.3). These plans identify the level of vertical spill across the street at 5, 15, and 20 feet from above sidewalk level. These photometric plans identify a negligible level of vertical spill (up to .2 foot candles) when measured from these three heights above the sidewalk across Washington Street. CUP 08-116 Planning Commission Staff Report 12/08/09 - CUP to Permit Lighted Play Fields Page 4 of 6 P:\Reports - PC\2009\12-8-09\CUP 08-116 Staff Report.doc Noise Because the fields are currently used by the school during weekdays and AYSO soccer on Saturday mornings, and because Washington Street is a major arterial that consistently generates ambient noise, staff does not anticipate the evening use of the play fields to generate a noticeable increase over the current noise level. Staff has recommended a condition of approval to deactivate the lighting no later than 1Opm, the same time the reduced night time decibel standard in the Noise Ordinance 09.100.210) takes effect. Level of Service The soccer fields at La Quinta Park are burdened with heavy usage and over- crowded play fields, resulting in increased maintenance costs and less time available for practices. By permitting outdoor lighting at the Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School, the City will be providing an additional evening sports practice facility, reducing usage and the number of players at other practice sites, most notably at La Quinta Park. Because the Colonel Mitchell Paige School is an existing facility which already holds daytime practice and, because the proposed lighting plan is an optimal design which maximizes flexibility of use while providing adequate lighting with minimal spill, staff supports the findings necessary to approve the proposed Conditional Use Permit subject to the recommended conditions of approval. CEQA: The proposed Conditional Use Permit is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Title 14 California Code of Regulations Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities) and 15314 (Minor Additions to Schools), because the project is at an existing school facility. Public Notice and Agency Review: This request was published in the Desert Sun newspaper on November 27, 2009. A copy of this request has been sent to all applicable public agencies and City Departments. Staff received two letters regarding the proposed lighting project (Attachment 3), one letter of support from a Palm Desert Planning Commissioner and one letters in opposition from Michelle Rose, the Palm Desert resident who attended the neighborhood workshop. CUP 08-116 Planning Commission Staff Report 12/08/09 - CUP to Permit Lighted Play Fields Page 5 of 6 P:\Reports - PC\2009\12-8-09\CUP 08-116 Staff Report.doc 5 STATEMENT OF MANDATORY FINDINGS: Findings to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit can be made and are contained in the attached Resolution. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2009- , approving Conditional Use Permit 2008-116, subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval. Prepared by: PrJ Andogensen, AICP Prinnner Attachments: 1 . Aerial Site Plan 2. Lighting Plans 3. Two Letters of Public Comment CUP 08-116 Planning Commission Staff Report 12/08/09 - CUP to Permit Lighted Play Fields Page 6 of 6 P:\Reports - PC\2009\12-8-09\CUP 08-116 Staff Report.doc PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ENABLE THE USE OF OUTDOOR LIGHTED PLAYFIELDS AT THE COLONEL MITCHELL PAIGE MIDDLE SCHOOL, 43-495 PALM ROYALE DRIVE CASE NO.: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2008-116 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 81" day of December, 2009, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by the City of La Quinta for a Conditional Use Permit to enable the use of an outdoor lighted playfield at the Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School located at 43-495 Palm Royale Drive, the southeast corner of Washington and Palm Royale Drive, more particularly described as: APN: 609-053-001 WHEREAS, said Conditional Use Permit application has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" as amended (Resolution 83-63), in that the Planning Department has determined that the proposed Conditional Use Permit is exempt from CEQA review under Guidelines Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities) and 15314 (Minor Additions to Schools), in that the proposed field lighting is a minor addition to an existing school facility; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments of all interested persons desiring to be heard, the Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit: Finding A - The proposed Conditional Use Permit is consistent with the General Plan because schools and parks are permitted land uses within the Major Community Facilities land use designation, educational and recreational land uses which may include additional uses such as outdoor lighting. The proposed outdoor lighting is also consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan because the proposed lighting project will further enhance the joint use of an existing recreational facility. As a result, the Conditional Use Permit is consistent with the goals, objectives and. policies of the General Plan. 7 Planning Commission Resolution 2009- Conditional Use Permit 2008-116 Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School Outdoor Field Lighting December 8, 2009 Finding B - The proposed Conditional Use Permit will be compatible with the Major Community Facilities Zoning District because outdoor lighting is identified in the Zoning Ordinance as an approved land use with a Conditional Use Permit. Finding C - Processing of this Conditional Use Permit for the proposed use is in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. The La Quinta Planning Department has determined that the request is exempt from CEQA under Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities) and 15314 (Minor Additions to Schools), because the proposed outdoor lighting is a minor addition to an existing developed school site that is currently used as a joint recreational facility. The proposed outdoor lighting has been designed to be focused within the existing school site and not constitute a nuisance for surrounding property owners. As a result, no further environmental review is required. Finding D - Approval of this Conditional Use Permit will not be a detriment to the public health, safety and general welfare, nor shall it be injurious or incompatible with other properties or uses in the vicinity. The project is located within an existing school site along a major arterial roadway. No physical changes are being proposed other than the installation of the outdoor lighting. The project lighting plans have been designed to minimize nuisance light spill to a negligible level as evidenced by the photometric plans. The project will not result in a substantial change in land use from the property's current use as a school. The project site is currently used for recreational purposes and has existing safety fencing installed around the perimeter. The use of the lighting has been conditioned to cease operations by no later than 10pm, the same time at which a reduced noise standard takes effect under the City's noise ordinance. As a result, the proposed land use is compatible with adjacent land uses and will not have an impact on public health, safety, and welfare. Finding E - Approval of this Conditional Use Permit is consistent with the Community Services Master Plan in that the proposed project implements a recommendation of that plan by providing expanded hours of usage at an existing joint -use recreational facility. The proposed project will reduce the burden on existing recreational facilities by providing expanded hours of operation at an existing facility. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the Planning Commission in this case. Planning Commission Resolution 2009- Conditional Use Permit 2008-116 Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School Outdoor Field Lighting December 8, 2009 2. That it does hereby approve Conditional Use Permit 2008-1 16 as per the staff report and attachments, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this the 81" day of December, 2009 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ED ALDERSON, Chairman City of La Quinta California ATTEST: LES JOHNSON Planning Director City of La Quinta, California M PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2009- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL — RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2008-116 COLONEL MITCHELL PAIGE MIDDLE SCHOOL OUTDOOR FIELD LIGHTING DECEMBER 8, 2009 OPERATIONS 1. Hours of operation for the field lights shall not extend beyond 10:00 p.m. 2. Field lights shall only be operated as needed and shall promptly be turned off when not in use. 3. The City shall maintain the ability to review or revoke this CUP and set a new public hearing date in order to impose additional conditions to correct issues that may arise. BUILDING PERMITS 4. As issuance of a building permit and inspections are to be arranged through the State Office of the Architect, the City of La Quinta shall be notified and permitted to conduct a courtesy inspection of the lighting prior to final installation. 10 � �� �'. S' • � , � .�'. , I ,t sue.; �l' � � /y � �. 13 s Ef �t.P . it: "� •+.. r Y , y.� � ,�`.P A' S* ..r�' � ; I"p Sow -� �"'� $'.t`F •i`'+!% .. � `� \ f�' �_ _ t¢..' � !1 R j^ ;i^. �y�tl �`ir t � + ! • �.� o� eo u�.o dye ./� ` x. r• r� �� � I A � r t '1y Via, p I � '„ ti T..� � •�_� . -Y'fr - G yt it 11 t". �•` r o x � S r P is ry. w ' _ -Y-- ._ Rom• `g " J�4 COMMUNITY DEV DEPT Fax:213-744-9038 Nov 13 2009 12:23 P.01 ATTACHMENT # 3 To: La Quinta Plamn ng Department Fax: 766. 77 11 From: Michele Rose, 435118"Via Maggdllai , Palm Desert From: Chapa, Isela L. [mailto:isela.chapa@cvusd.us] Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 4:37 PM To: Planning WebMail Subject: Lights at Colonel Mitchell Paige Hello, As a Planning Commissioner for my city, I know the importance of Smart Growth and Safe Planning. The desert area is growing and neighboring cities, such as La Quinta have a high population of youth, and a lot has to do with the great neighboring schools. Adding the lights will be a positive step toward our kid's future as it will relieve the problem of overcrowding at the park, game time, vehicles, etc. Sincerely, lwla 1., C11;lp:l Your children will become what t'ou are; w be whin rou leant them to be. - David Bly Be Green! Please don't print this E-mail unless you really need to. STATEME,N"r OF CONFIDENTIAFrt"Y: THE CONTENTS OF THIS E-MAIL MESSAGE AND ANY ATTACHMENTS ARE INTENDED SOLELY FOR THE ADDRESSEE. THE INFORMATION MAY ALSO BE CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR LEGALLY PRIVILEGED. THIS TRANSMISSION IS SENT FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF DELIVERY TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS TRANSMISSION IN ERROR, ANY USE, REPRODUCTION, OR DISSEMINATION OF THIS TRANSMISSION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE SENDER BY REPLY E- MAIL, SEND A COPY TO "S, ";I illi .I (ec: W i AND DELETE THIS MESSAGE AND ITS ATTACHMENTS, IF ANY. IrMAiLlb. (.OVFRI i) HY I HE: I I i CSRON NOW CON1MUNICA"II(XNS Pf( IVAC.I At, fir, 1 R USC SS 251 0-2t'S2l AND IS I t C AI_I Y PRIVII.I-GI'1) 13 I DATE: CASE NO: APPLICANT PH#B STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 8, 2009 SIGN APPLICATION 2006-1022 AMENDMENT NO. 2 FREEHAND SIGN COMPANY PROPERTY OWNER: ACCRETIVE LA QUINTA PARTNERS, LLC REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR A SECOND SIGN PROGRAM AMENDMENT FOR LA QUINTA MEDICAL CENTER LOCATION: 47-647 CALEO BAY DRIVE — EAST SIDE OF WASHINGTON STREET; NORTH OF AVENUE 48; SOUTH OF LAKE LA QUINTA DRIVE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: ON -PREMISE SIGNS ARE CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT UNDER CEQA GUIDELINES SECTION 15311(a) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: CC (COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL) ZONING: CC (COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL) SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USE: NORTH: LAKE LA QUINTA DRIVE SOUTH: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) / VACANT EAST: CALEO BAY DRIVE WEST: WASHINGTON STREET BACKGROUND: La Quinta Medical Center's Sign Program was initially approved in October of 2004 and set forth guidelines for building address signs, freestanding monument signs, and building mounted signs on the parapet. A sign program amendment subsequently followed in February of 2008 to allow three additional tenant identification signs on the "eyebrow" wall architectural features of the building. When the La Quinta Medical Center was under construction, some of the residents within Lake La Quinta to the East of Caleo Bay Drive had concerns about the close proximity of the building to the residential homes and the height. In order to somewhat SA 2006-1022 AMD 2 PC STAFF REPORT lessen the impact, the Sign Program prohibited building and tenant identification signs from being located on the eastern building elevations and prohibited illumination. Under normal circumstances, La Quinta Medical Center would be allowed to have signs on both the western and eastern building elevations. CURRENT SIGN PROGRAM: The current Sign Program limits building and tenant identification signs to the western building elevation. The only signage allowed on the eastern building elevation facing Caleo Bay Drive and the Lake La Quinta residential community are the address numbers for the building. No signage is permitted on the northern and southern building elevations. Illumination for the signs must be halo lit reverse pan channel letters. The address numbers on the eastern building elevation are non -illuminated. Along with setting provisions for freestanding identification signs, address number signs, and "eyebrow" wall signs, the current sign program offers the property owner two different options for parapet wall signs. Option 1 The Option 1 alternative, allows one parapet sign on the western elevation at fifty square feet for building identification purposes or a tenant. This is the option that is currently utilized for the building, with a building identification sign "LA QUINTA MEDICAL PLAZA" at fifty square feet. Option 2 The Option 2 alternative allows a maximum of two signs on the parapet on the western elevation at twenty-five square feet for building identification purposes or tenants. SIGN PROGRAM AMENDMENT REQUEST: The proposed amendment (Attachment 1) includes a request to remove the option alternatives from the sign program and to simply allow two signs on the parapet at fifty square feet each along with the three "eyebrow" wall signs in the locations that were approved in the first sign program amendment. The following compares the two options currently allowed and the proposed changes for signage on the building: Existing Option 1: 1 parapet wall sign at 50 square feet 3 eyebrow wall signs at 25 square feet each Existing Option 2: 2 parapet wall signs at 25 square feet each 3 eyebrow wall signs at 25 square feet each Proposed Amendment: 2 parapet wall signs at 50 square feet each 3 eyebrow wall signs at 25 square feet each 2 SA 2006-1022 AMD 2 PC STAFF REPORT ANALYSIS: The applicant's proposal to include an additional sign at 50 square feet on the parapet, would allow a total of 175 square feet of signage to a building that has approximately 214 linear feet of frontage. The proposal does not change the style of the signs which have always been compatible with the design of the building. As proposed, the additional 50 square foot sign on the parapet will not create visual clutter and will to a greater degree provide a balanced appearance by allowing two signs on each end of the parapet along with the three "eyebrow" wall signs equally spaced on the lower level creating a more balanced fagade. Although the applicant's proposal would maintain the same style as the existing Sign Program, be proportional with the building size and would not detract from the design of the building, Sign Ordinance Section 9.160.050 Table 9-19, states that identification signs are not permitted for tenants above the ground floor in buildings with only interior access above the ground floor. The intent of this provision was to discourage the placement of multiple signs from wrapping around the building through the Sign Program approval process, the Planning Commission may grant approval to a Sign program when the purpose and intent of the Sign Ordinance is maintained. The Sign Program for La Quinta Medical Center eliminates that possibility by limiting sign placement to only two locations on the parapet wall. In addition, Staff recommends that one of the 50 square foot parapet signs be restricted to building identification purposes only and another for a main building tenant only. The proposed Sign Program amendment with the recommended Conditions included in the staff report would be consistent with the intent of the Sign Ordinance by being in harmony and visually related to the building keeping the same design and letter style as previously approved. FINDINGS: The following findings can be made in support of Sign Application 2006-1022 Amendment No. 2: A. Sign Application 2006-1022 Amendment No. 2, as recommended, is consistent with the purpose and intent of Chapter 9.160, in that it does not conflict with the standards as set forth in Chapter 9.160 by encouraging that signs effectively identify businesses without creation excessive and confusing signs. B. Sign Application 2006-1022 Amendment No. 2, as recommended, is harmonious and consistent with all signs as proposed under the Sign Program, due to the common use of letter type and size, color and location of signs. C. Sign Application 2006-1022 Amendment No. 2, as recommended, is harmonious with and visually related to the subject buildings as the scale of the signs and letter sizes used accentuate the building design. D. Sign Application 2006-1022 Amendment No. 2, as recommended, is harmonious 3 SA 2006-1022 AMD 2 PC STAFF REPORT with and visually related to surrounding development, as it will not adversely affect surrounding land uses or obscure other adjacent conforming signs in that all signs are located on the west building elevation facing Washington Street. PUBLIC COMMENTS: This project was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on November 25, 2009, mailed to all property owners within 500-feet of the site, and posted on City Public Hearing information boards. At the time of the filing of this report, staff had not received any letters or phone calls from the public regarding the proposal. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion No. 2009 -_, approving Sign Application 2006-1022 Amendment No. 2, based on the findings and analysis included in the December 8, 2009 Planning Commission Staff Report for Sign Application 2006-1022 Amendment No. 2, and subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of the first sign permit, a final version of the sign program (text and graphics) shall be submitted to the Planning Department incorporating any amendments or Conditions of Approval by the Planning Commission. 2. The additional 50 square foot sign shall be used for the main building tenant of the building the other 50 square foot parapet signs shall be used to identify the building. 3. Sheet 4 of 10 shall delete "in two optional configurations", in the Building Identification Wall Sign section. Prepared by: Assistant Planner Attachment: 1. Sign Program 4 SA 2006-1022 AMD 2 PC STAFF REPORT ATTACHMENT # 1 ">- ,_�u O' 8u °_rsSm C 3n �d NMI Ci :9 oQ66ty c 0 a 1_ i i ca �o y O � i N o O q b cw � W a s A 2 ., T g s o z � ^s w s fl , �I 6 C' m r a f Op o$ w ��ga't E Q E E O hm 3'�Fo3 N a0 ..m 01�d°p Er E v` 'c 2 �V oax n u o� I I 1 LL �_ 41 I I v 11 rym� I .I F- �� I Q �f. v � I �'I 'I —•_ �I II Z I ❑ 1c E v� E o l u I 19 II m I I� - •-sr I I I - 1 1 fff W l 1 t_ I�� i cc \ d I II r 3AIU t/1NIf1t�bl3Hb1— 0 N1 i 3 � 0 Nm U L Ito q�e rn L a U' s�a 6 3a Mmm�C PS O O u (Atl .099H'Jltl —I}I Xf , � I / I an11a sump e� a�e� r_1 >2 0 H ¢ 17m £ 5 � „o f OCo M °f3 �t� Ow m�P- iz Na CaY u „° cc c i Ci 3' 0< a ,. o W 0 gc o m� EM OpE V 0-id 041 9P „V g ; C�CpL d �� Eo g Eft u LvE = c$ y .H v a o o� nEry a NN C° va o0°0 �VCC �CC °$ pT N-8o O Qq0 0 W O a�E E t {Ti R u°d EZ U ov„ n3 $$4 a,Sc�G,co- a �,$ 'F H 8 c° o E c $ o y �"' co c dN °O 7 g i7 070 _ nY N C6 94V Y d udi0 4 O 9 C a�nvLBio' `o E °cya«cg r�E�Y a�22ga°fig � „^ +t'o -c9 �� �$a abA�wvS m� ° aaq,a, o"E E V.°l�'o m°$ °AEu�g� 5 E u9 �v8''8 3' Oa', g GS�c S..a Qcwa.0= w b -�Ec m�<50Ev Z°s T': i ¢�us.See o`o a`o m Z�-~� m a `o_ H- °c 24 E$ aid E g o <S,.s n 0 EL O .6O S6yc Q$ SSQ _ t B Y Ca = O n V y ° F VJ 0. 3oo a3 E a c- � 3 -- g� $E ZF -oy�o �°u u -na39S E"Ssn °a og o c Sq2.gE H c$ 0oo"`� o -$amo €E r� oN n 'na' ofm c .g my mid €5 .y fag v"y a 9Eg o_ 33 o p0' vE.'ag�oC FsV3 =a� ckti3U`..ia. <d` x�ya=d4° 5�� o a 9 o,aj Qoo 0- E<oE o -.1 X. : 3 ° ego ppaE -oE$Ep �3 E9'_ �`o" $� '� SEEQ�u`�.°�.UbF3S fi£�v� ES�E� �t0 'b Sc3 ca'iq o3gog a�a'iS$c - o S- � .gv oc ;a c.4$n`c pp 55 �E a 3 5._ 0 Qeo 4im$�o`o^c oo ° o C a N ='i 3�E.E E3.; �o EE3'�g &;v E}'0'a °p'^£°°�mMa Ep�i. a DES `dd$a .6LJCi a g o oa ce D m nAdE �81 2� a9ossa°` O O to a w P a m Z f Uo . t5Ax u mN a gu > �'lJ� o enis A:s z s 11 m's 'fig t m '� €�g a I'M iE F` W E � m ._ e� auHaS °P d 0Ci Ml 10 17c 280 `g€ ow $u v cSE SS a s "n„ U ipm 3� O CY is.o EEE, S SW IS ° 2 3 3 2i NMI z 0 J J 3 QW C a z i LL W cl V a N X H N cc a O f z 0 U. 0 a 0 z H z J m z 0 u W H rW W J zz 0 0 7 0 11 > 2 IL 2 ME 60 Ea "-�t�' o=za E 5t6iE E i o e fB y ZOItl H�. !!� a q _kk35a5 $ 'a 3 z�. .d zcr P°3 G Qii9 Y F - 7 m E V LL W V Q ON W too Ln R* M t� u H z O LL G f7 z FQ- l7 z m z O u W H O: rW r W J O o w 0 0 12 d m m S emssdd°a 's� g n� n > 2 € 2 �m y NaN `u•mae= 4Ea gIS.M Cu a� m8 emG ognd a= i < CY wdCY g ' iSJ�z E aV0 a< 3 a'rC2 a Z o 0< p� �' n dPE ! �. e mm ' modi Ci :3 � a` N LU W H Z W W g eL Vl H W a n d O C C71 y N CLS r— 'C ac OA 7 a d ea N Y = � O AM IL H tA W cc Ln maN Qom b a Ufa �Nm0s o iE'0 !�7 i to dy a� f 0p N Y� Pill fis Mill !-Ai g=6 r �}µo Q O O O w,i -= F I Z V �,D1"D=iL� 2- 0J 9 V i °LS rp7 � rl 4�5 W Z F J 5•J r rL 6ti C=y i J�� I COD C O C7 m CL C/o S= m 0 a 14 ceitr 4 XP 0 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Les Johnson, Planning Directo DATE: December 8, 2009 79/ SUBJECT: Public Hearing Item No.1 - Conditional Use Permit 08-116 Mitchell Paige Middle School Outdoor Lighting Project In light of the attached letter, staff is requesting the Planning Commission continue this hearing to the January 12, 2010 Planning Commission meeting in order to provide additional time to discuss the proposed lighting plans with the City of Palm Desert. CITY 01 PH M OESE � 73-510 FRED WARING DRIVE PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260-2578 TEL: 760 346-o6u FAX: 760 340-0574 info@palm-daert.org 0117[,:1' 11PTI11- M UIY ANAGE'. December 8, 2009 La Quinta Planning Commission City of La Quinta Planning Department La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 Re: Conditional Use Permit 2008-116 La Quinta Planning Commissioners: SENT VIA EMAIL DEC 8 M19 Cj%, of i, IAMG On behalf of the City of Palm Desert, I respectfully request that this item be continued to allow our staff more time to review potential impacts from the CUP and nighttime use of the fields. Our staff had not received any notification of this proposal until yesterday afternoon, a day before the public hearing. No prior notice for comments was sent to our City, and the request will have negative impacts to residents within the City of Palm Desert. This is not an acceptable amount of time to respond to this request and address any concerns we have for our residents. Due to the late notice and timing of the public hearing, this letter is being sent via email. The CUP request may only be for lighting, however, the use of the fields at night will result in an increase of noise and light glare negatively impacting residents within Palm Desert. The request for a continuance is needed to allow our staff time to work with your staff to discuss the overall design and impacts. Additional information is needed in regards to setbacks of the poles from Washington Street, use of g0-foot poles compared to other facilities in the area, and noise impacts to residents in Palm Desert in the evening. The City of Palm Desert has been successful with 75-foot tall poles for sports facilities adjacent to residential neighborhoods, and is not familiar with the impacts from 90-foot tall poles. In addition, staff does not believe that the noise impacts have been adequately addressed. The staff report indicates no impact to noise, however, the use of soccer fields Monday through Thursday until 9:30 pm will result in higher noise levels above the existing nighttime ambient on Washington Street. As a neighboring city, and a concerned staff member for the City of Palm Desert, I again respectfully request a continuance of this matter to allow our staff to work with your staff to address any impacts to our residents. City Manager Tom Genovese, City Manager, City of LaQuinta )FFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER December 8, 2009 ALm PALM'I PD ` d TEL; 761 FAX: i6(' info@paln DEC 9 20,19 c%, Of L(I La Quinta Planning Commission FIB n�ngDeQa,r„ City of La Quinta Planning Department La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 Re: Conditional Use Permit 2008-116 La Quinta Planning Commissioners: On behalf of the City of Palm Desert, I respectfully request that this item be continued to allow our staff more time to review potential impacts from the CUP and nighttime use of the fields. Our staff had not received any notification of this proposal until yesterday afternoon, a day before the public hearing. No prior notice for comments was sent to our City, and the request will have negative impacts to residents within the City of Palm Desert. This is not an acceptable amount of time to respond to this request and address any concerns we have for our residents. Due to the late notice and timing of the public hearing, this letter is being sent via email. The CUP request may only be for lighting, however, the use of the fields at night will result in an increase of noise and light glare negatively impacting residents within Palm Desert. The request for a continuance is needed to allow our staff time to work with your staff to discuss the overall design and impacts. Additional information is needed in regards to setbacks of the poles from Washington Street, use of 90-foot poles compared to other facilities in the area, and noise impacts to residents in Palm Desert in the evening. The City of Palm Desert has been successful with 75-foot tall poles for sports facilities adjacent to residential neighborhoods, and is not familiar with the impacts from 90-foot tall poles. In addition, staff does not believe that the noise impacts have been adequately addressed. The staff report indicates no impact to noise, however, the use of soccer fields Monday through Thursday until 9:30 pm will result in higher noise levels above the existing nighttime ambient on Washington Street. As a neighboring city, and a concerned staff member for the City of Palm Desert, I again respectfully request a continuance of this matter to allow our staff to work with your staff to address any impacts to our residents. City Manager Tom Genovese, City Manager, City of LaQuinta Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School Field Lighting Project Desert Sands Unified School District supports the field lighting project as the children living in La Quinta need additional play fields. However, there are a few items that need to be addressed and discussed as part of the development of a MOU. 1) School uses the MPR on Wednesday and Thursday evenings weekly and the parking lot would have limited space for the athletic practices and games. 2) Twice a year, the drama class has a play on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening. Again, limited parking for sports. 3) Additional school events such as Back To School Night and band concerts would need to be coordinated with the youth sports league. 4) Lack of restrooms is the most critical item. The school buildings are secured by wrought iron fencing and there are no restroom facilities available. The lighting project would need to include restroom facilities that the City would install and maintain. 5) A separate electric meter would have to be included in the project to clearly identify the lighting costs that the City would pay. 6) No reconfiguration of the fields is being considered as the layout meets the needs of the school program. Principal Derrick Lawson reports that the usage of the fields has worked well this year on Saturdays and after school until dusk Monday - Friday. Mr. Lawson proposes three nights (Monday, Tuesday and Friday) and Saturdays . Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School Field Lighting Project Desert Sands Unified School District supports the field lighting project as the children living in La Quinta need additional play fields. However, there are a few items that need to be addressed and discussed as part of the development of a MOU. 1) School uses the MPR on Wednesday and Thursday evenings weekly and the parking lot would have limited space for the athletic practices and games. 2) Twice a year, the drama class has a play on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening. Again, limited parking for sports. 3) Additional school events such as Back To School Night and band concerts would need to be coordinated with the youth sports league. 4) Lack of restrooms is the most critical item. The school buildings are secured by wrought iron fencing and there are no restroom facilities available. The lighting project would need to include restroom facilities that the City would install and maintain. 5) A separate electric meter would have to be included in the project to clearly identify the lighting costs that the City would pay. 6). No reconfiguration of the fields is being considered as the layout meets the needs of the school program. Principal Derrick Lawson reports that the usage of the fields has worked well this year on Saturdays and after school until dusk Monday - Friday. Mr. Lawson proposes three nights (Monday, Tuesday and Friday) and Saturdays . ip en s 2�y cy0 0 00 BERMUDA DUNES RANCHO MIRAGE Ea INDIAN WELLS Go PALM DESERT �y LA QUINTA �O INDIO y� Peggy Reyes Director Facilities Services Tel: (760) 771-8516 Fax: (60)771.8522 E-mail: peggy.reyes@dsusd.us District Educatbn Center • 47-950 Dune Palms Road • La Duinta, CA 92253 PH # C STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2009 (CONTINUED FROM 10/27/09) CASE NO.: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2008-599 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2008-118 REQUEST: 11 RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT; AND 2) RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL AN AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN, INCORPORATING THE HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2008-599 WAS PREPARED FOR THE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, INCORPORATING THE HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT OF 1970, AS AMENDED. BASED UPON THIS ASSESSMENT THE PROJECT WILL NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT; THEREFORE, THE PLANNING DIRECTOR HAS RECOMMENDED THAT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BE CERTIFIED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE AMENDMENT BACKGROUND: On October 13 and 27, 2009, the Planning Commission considered the staff reports and related materials for the La Quinta Housing Element Update (Attachment 1) • Staff presented an overview of the housing element process and the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) requirements, and reviewed comments made on the draft element by the Housing and Community Development Department (HCD). At the last meeting of October 27, 2009, the Planning Commission continued further consideration under open public hearing to the regular meeting of December 8, 2009. OCTOBER 27 PLANNING COMMISSION At the October 27 Planning Commission meeting, there was no substantive discussion of the Housing Element. A few questions were raised in regard to guest house, casita and second unit standards. The minutes of the October 27 Planning Commission meeting are provided as Attachment 1. ONGOING HCD CONCERNS The City and its consultant, The Planning Center (TPC), prepared revisions to the Housing Element based on the HCD letter of October 12, 2009 (Attachment 2). The most substantial land use -related revision was to increase maximum densities to 22 units per acre, in the HDR, VC, RC, CC, NC, and CP categories. The revisions were submitted to HCD on November 4, in the hope that a quick review and acceptance by HCD would occur. A conference call was conducted with HCD on December 3, at which time HCD expressed more concerns about adequate capacity, lot consolidation capability and the density assumptions for the land inventory. TPC is currently putting together the revisions and will submit them to HCD as soon as possible, in order to at least obtain a verbal acceptance of the draft element from HCD and present a final draft element to Planning Commission for formal action. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Under an open public hearing, continue consideration of Environmental Assessment 2008-599 and General Plan Amendment 2008-1 18, recommending adoption of the La Quinta Housing Element Update, to the regular Planning Commission meeting of January 12, 2009. Prepared by: Wallace Nesbit Principal Planner Attachments: 1 . Planning Commission Minutes — 10/27/09 (3 pgs.) 2. HCD 2nd review letter, dated 10/12/09 (3 pgs.) 2 ATTACHMENT # 1 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA October 27, 2009 CALL TO ORDER 7:02 P.M. A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Ed Alderson who stated the flag salute was done earlier at the Joint Council Meeting. B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Paul Quill, Mark Weber, Robert Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, City Attorney Kathy Jenson, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal Planner Wallace Nesbit, and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: CONFIRMED IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the minutes of October 13, 2009. The Commissioners had no changes but Chairman Alderson made the following correction: Page 12, Commissioners Items, A, bullet point 5 should read: Council Member Franklin's concerns on SilverRock. There being no further comments or corrections it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Barrows/Wilkinson to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Continued — 2008 La Quinta Housing Element; a request by the City of La Quinta for consideration of a recommendation for adoption of 3 PAReports - PC\2009\11-10-09\PC MIN_10-27-09_Approved.doc Planning Commission Minutes October 27, 2009 the proposed draft of the 2008 La Quinta Housing Element affecting all locations City-wide. Chairman Alderson commented that the public hearing had been left open from the meeting of October 13, 2009. He then asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Wally Nesbit presented the staff report which included a request to continue this item to the Planning Commission meeting of December 8, 2009. The staff and consultant are preparing responses to the comments made by the State in a phone conversation on October 21, 2009. The December 8, 2009, meeting date should allow time for review of the State's recommendations and for preparation of revisions and re - submittal to the State for either verbal or written certification. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Planning Department.) Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Weber referenced his comments in the last meeting and asked for definitions of a second unit, casita, and guest house. Staff responded that casita is an informal term used for a guest house. A guest house is a bedroom and bathroom, with no kitchen facilities. A plumbed kitchen is not allowed in a guest house and this would typically be referred to as a casita. A second unit is basically the same thing, but with a plumbed kitchen. It can actually be lived in independently of the primary unit and generally requires that parking be provided, as it is considered a separate unit. Commissioner Quill asked about allowable square footage. Staff said both the guest house and second unit have a percentage and a threshold. The percentage is based on the area of the primary unit and the threshold is 1200 square feet maximum. Commissioner Quill asked if that was for both. Staff responded they believed it was for both. 4 P:%Rcport.0 - PC4200M11-10-09 PC MIN_ 11)-27 09,,,APpun Planning Commission Minutes October 27, 2009 Chairman Alderson asked if the Commissioners would be able to go over this, in more detail, on December 8, 2009. Staff said yes and added they hoped to have a State certification letter by that meeting. Staff also said the consultant would be at that meeting to answer any questions. There being no further questions of the staff, and with the applicant being the City, Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment. There being no public comment, Chairman Alderson left the public participation portion of the meeting open. There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Quill to continue the 2008 La Quinta Housing Element Update to the Planning Commission meeting of December 8, 2009. Unanimously approved. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: None VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None Vill. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Report on City Council Meeting of October 20, 2009, from Chairman Alderson, with comments on the following items: • Discussion of the pros/cons of leasing or buying needed golf course maintenance equipment at Silverrock. • Consideration of capital contributions to Coachella Valley Rescue mission. • Consideration of a request from Martha's Kitchen. • Consideration of a request for the Concours d'Elegance car show. B. Chairman Alderson noted Commissioner Quill was scheduled to attend the November 3, 2009, City Council meeting. IX: DIRECTOR ITEMS: 5 P1,Repor(s PC12009;11-10-091PC MIN 10 27-09. Appm e.o.doc SSAIE_QECAf iFORNIA-BLISIN SS SEANSP9RTAT10N.ANQHOLSING..AGENCY _._. ARNOLQ.SGHWARZENEGGER_Go-verno[ DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF HOUSING POLICY DEVELOPMENT a o + 1800 Third Street, Suite 430 P. 0. 952053 Sacramento, CA 94252-2053 (916) 323.31771 FAX (916) 327-2643 w .hcd.ca.gov OCT 15 2009 October 12, 2009 Mr. Les Johnson Planning Director City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 Dear Mr. Johnson: CITY OF LA OUINTA ATTACHMENT # 2 RE: Review of the City of La Quinta's Revised Draft Housing Element Update Thank you for submitting La Quinta's revised draft housing element received for review on August 13, 2009 along with draft revisions sent by e-mail on September 18, 2009. The Department is required to review draft housing elements and report the findings to the locality pursuant to Government Code Section 65585(b). A telephone conversation on October 8, 2009 with you and Messrs. David Sawyer, Planner Manager, and Wallace Nesbett, City Planner, facilitated the review. The revised draft element addresses some of the statutory requirements described in the Department's June 30, 2009 review (enclosed). However, the following revisions are still needed for the element to comply with State housing element law (Article 10.6 of the Government Code): Include an inventory of land suitable for residential development, including vacant sites and sites having the potential for redevelopment, and an analysis of the relationship of zoning and public facilities and services to these sites (Section 65583(a)(3)). The inventory of land suitable for residential development shall be used to identify sites that can be developed for housing within the planning period (Section 65583.2). Realistic Capacity: While the element indicates capacity estimates for mixed -use sites account for 1,159 units, it must still demonstrate how estimates of residential capacity were determined considering the potential for non-residential development on commercial and mixed -use sites. As noted in the June 2008 review, projected residential development capacity should not assume residential -only development on all mixed -use or commercial sites. Lot Consolidation Opportunities: The element was revised to indicate where there are opportunities for consolidation of sites in Tables C-1 and C-2. The element, however, should also describe the potential for lot consolidation, including conditions rendering parcels suitable and ready for redevelopment, trends and how the City will encourage and facilitate lot consolidation. Additional information and sample analyses are available on the Department's Building Blocks' website at http://www hcd ca gov/hpd/housing element2/SIA zoning php. Mr. Les Johnson Page 2 Zoning to Encourage and Facilitate Housing for Lower -Income Households: The element was not revised to demonstrate how the maximum allowable density of 20 units per acre in the in the VC, CC, CR, CP, and CP zones can accommodate the development of housing affordable to lower -income households. The element continues to require revision to address the statutory requirements of Government Code Section 65583.2(c)(3)(A), requiring an analysis including, but not limited to, factors such as market demand, financial feasibility or information based on project experience within a zone(s) that provide housing opportunities for lower -income households. As noted in the previous reviews, for communities with densities that meet specific standards (at least 30 units per acre for La Quinta), this analysis is not required pursuant to Government Code Section 65583.2(c)(3)(B). For your information, other Coachella Valley cities are zoned to provide densities of 20 units per acre or greater. For example, the City of Coachella has residential densities at 30 units per acre and Cathedral City has an established minimum density of 20 units per acre in its higher density residential zone. Pursuant to conversations with local developers, densities of 20-30 units per acre maximize efficient use of land and financial resources to promote affordable housing development. It is recognized that housing affordable to lower -income households requires significant subsidies and financial assistance. However, for the purpose of the adequate sites analysis and the appropriateness of zoning, identifying examples of lower density subsidized housing projects alone is not sufficient or appropriate to demonstrate the adequacy of a zone and/or density to accommodate the regional housing need for lower -income households. 2. Identify adequate sites which will be made available through appropriate zoning and development standards and with public services and facilities needed to facilitate and encourage the development of a variety of types of housing for all income levels, including rental housing, factory -built housing, mobilehomes, and emergency shelters and transitional housing. Where the inventory of sites, pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (a), does not identify adequate sites to accommodate the need for groups of all household income levels pursuant to Section 65584, the program shall provide for sufficient sites with zoning that permits owner -occupied and rental multifamily residential use by right, including density and development standards that could accommodate and facilitate the feasibility of housing for very low- and low-income households (Section 65583(c)(1)). As detailed in Finding 1, the element does not include a complete sites analysis and, therefore, the adequacy of sites and zoning were not established. Program 1.5 commits the City to allowing densities of up to 20 units per acre in the VC, CC, CR and CP zones; however, as noted in the previous review, based on the results of a complete sites inventory and analysis, the City may need to add or revise programs to address a shortfall of sites with appropriate zoning. An adequate sites program must make sites available in accordance with subdivision (h) of Section 65583.2 to meet 100 percent of the remaining lower -income housing need. 7 Mr. Les Johnson Page 3 Among other things, the Program must include sites zoned to permit owner -occupied and rental multifamily uses by right, ensure sites allow at least 16 units per site, at a minimum density of 20 units per acre, and accommodate at least 50 percent of the remaining need for lower -income households on sites zoned exclusively for residential uses. For additional information, refer to the Building Blocks' website at http://www.hcd,ca.gov/hpd/housing element2/PRO adgsites.php. In addition, as the element is relying on vacant an underutilized sites with the potential for mixed -use development to accommodate its regional housing needs allocation for lower -income households, it should include specific program actions to promote redevelopment of underutilized sites and encourage and assist in lot consolidation. For example, Program 1.5 should include incentives to encourage and facilitate additional or more intense residential development on non -vacant and underutilized sites such as organizing special marketing events geared towards the development community and identifying and targeting specific financial resources. 3. The housing element shall contain programs which "assist in the development of adequate housing to meet the needs of extremely low-, low- and moderate -income households (Section 65583(c)(2)). The element was not revised to include or expand existing programs to specifically assist in the development of a variety of housing types to meet the housing needs of extremely low-income households. Please refer to the previous review for additional information on this statutory requirement. Once the element has been revised to address these requirements, it will comply with State housing element law. The Department hopes these comments are helpful. If you have any questions or would like assistance, please contact Mario Angel, of our staff, at (916) 445-3485. Sincerely, f / � ea �. y�Zr— Cathy E. Creswell Deputy Director Enclosure CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL From: development_ directors-bounces@lists.cacities.org [mailto:development_directors- bounces@lists.cacities.org] On Behalf Of Lorraine Okabe Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 1:28 PM To: Development_directors@lists.cacities.org Subject: [Development directors] Registration is now open for the 20101-eague of CA Cities Planner's Institute Registration is now open! League of California Cities 2010 Planner's Institute March 24 26, 2010 Portola Hotel, Monterey To register online, click here Housing is limited, register now to ensure you get the conference hotel. You must first register for the conference before reserving any hotel reservations at the Portola Hotel. Conference highlights include Sessions for the novice and the seasoned planning commissioner and/or planning official with topics such as: a Cultural arts a Finance • CEQA a Sustainability a Air Quality a Mobility a Planning commissioner roles & responsibilities a How to run a meeting a Architectural and site plan review • Ethics (AB 1234) • High Speed Rail • Climate change a Healthy Communities a Housing elements & housing laws • Mobile tours a And much more! Do not miss this opportunity to keep up-to-date on the issues that will help you do a better for your city and your citizens. Watch for the announcement in your mailbox next week. www.cacities.org/even Questions? Need more information? Please contact Lorraine Okabe at okabel(@cacities.org.