A006562 (SFD)FIELD DEPARTMENT OF•BUILDING & SAFETY PERMIT NO. I PERMITTjPE t COUNTY, OF RIVERSIDE &.`_ d- e a, Additional Information: FACTORY BUILT HOUSING This permit shall become void if work is not commenced within 120 days. Cessation of work for 120 days MOBILE HOME INSTALLATION any mann r o3 t ecome su Manufacturer,, 64 MH Monuf. New ❑ Model Designation Size Relocated ❑ Unit Serial No p /// t Total Fees $ .Plan Approval No.(�c ns g. Serial No. -. 0/75-0.2-5: 06— oving Sewage System T /D0® / 0� Permission is hereby granted to move the structure, described below, in otoI Fees $ _ G,� %�/ /his ��1� Width Length Height GRADING #1 r,. Number of #2 Sections #3 Cut Fill Total..Fees $ Present Location Community County RELOCATION INSPECTION Destination - - c . Present location Community County Total Fees $ Total Fees $ _.Pe _.iiNo_ ___., A.O0656 4. _._Job.A_ddress� - �'"f—. ,.,SP_#_,_ Zip -1 -Owner O :509-;?o,�� �.. 7,1-3 Co munity Valuation Q Dote Dist Off P.C. :Plan Check v A tN A $ I/ ~ci 7`?.? /f e ,- Use of Permit Parcel No_ Lot Size Reinspection �u 1A f...J W J FOctory- a Set backs Use Permit # Built ... Legal Description Bond zonerading Grp Type UnitTby- f�� % ��� z2z k ` Engineer License Final DateIns ctor Env. Assmt. Mobile home # Requirement . Escrow Company Branc o., Relocations Address City Zip Total Fees $� Cash I Check MO NC Owner Agent �t R., Tel. Rece"ve ' by Dot Add essCity Zip Related Permit(s) Contra r/ Mover Tela .µ.At l !` workers' comp. Address City Zip yes ❑ no E3--- _ ,I .certify that in the performance of a work for which th' permit is This permit shall become void if work is not commenced within 120 days. Cessation of work for 120 days ssued I shall not employ any person any mann r o3 t ecome su shall also cause permit to become void. get to the workers' compensotio of Califor I hereby agree that all work in connection with this permit will be done in accordance with the lows of .K Riverside County and the State of California. I hereby certify that the individual who prepared the plans and Owner Signature lis 1 Builder Signature /// t sp9cificotions hos done so in accordance with Section 5541 of the Business and Professions Code of the Sfate of California:' FORM 284.208A 5-77 NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS 1 Set Back 33 Ventilation System 2 Ftgs & Frms Q !fie 34 Plenums & Ducts 2A Slab Grade 35 Furnace Comport. 3 Steel _ 36 Inlets & Outlets 4 Grout Blocks 37 Combustion Air 5 Bond Beams 38 Compressor 6 Roof Deck 39 Appl. Clearance 7 Framing 40 Fire Damper 8 Vents 41 Smoke Detention Device —/ 9 Garage Fire Wall 42 Commercial Hood 10 Fireplace P.L. E] 43 Final loA Fireplace T.O. NON ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEWAGE SYSTEM SIZE & LOCATION 11 Exterior Lath 12 Internal Lath 12A Drywall 13 Finish Grade r INSULATION Thick R Value 7A Walls (Batts) 12B Ceiling IBottsl 12C Ceiling IBlownl 14 1 Final PLUMBING APPROVALS 15 Ground Plumb 16 Water Piping 17 Rough Plumb 18 Vents -- 19 Sewage Disposal 20 Sewer 21 Water Heater 22 Water Softener 23 Water Service 24 Gas Test 25 Final J, Tank 'QQQ Pit L. Line REAR OF PROPERTY LINE �7 ^t PA 1 Pi ELECTRICAL APPROVALS 26 Power Pole 27 Conduit 28 Service Entrance 29 Wiring 29A Grounding Wire -ItIR-29 29B Bonding 30 Fixtures J 31 Service 32 1Final 1-1,2 —.29 —e. STREET NAME ASIIINC-t1'Or+`( DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND'SAFETY 3, COUNTIT, OF RIVERSIDE.. ' a NOTICE TO APPLICANT '.In conformity with the provisions•of State of California°Labor'Code Section, 3800, the -applicant shall have on file or file with the Riverside County+•' e Departmentof.Building'and Safety a certificate as designated in Items I or II below, or shall indicate Item III; IV.or V, whichever.is applicable. CERTIFICATE ,OF APPLICANT41 Please mark +the appropriate block: Fs -•'x CZ ;I. Certificate of -Consent to self -insure issued•by' the 1 Director-of.Industrial.Relations. ED .Copy on file Copy' ^s ' bmit ted s t F-1 II. Certificate. of Workers' Compensation -Insurance issued by,y, • t. an.admitted insurer. 4 Copy on file E-1 Copy ;submitted -R - III. The .cost of -,the work to be; performed ' is '$100,,or 'less. �.. I certify that in -the performance of the work for-which- this or-which.this permit is issued, I shall not employ •any.,person-in h any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation laws of California. I• further certify that, !' in the event'I become subject to the'.Workers'•'Compensaton u provisions of -the Labor Code that I will comply forthwith .. with the provisions,of.Labor Code,Section 3700, et seq.; and understand that, if I d'o_not comply, the'.permit'shall'- ' .'be ,deemed revoked. V. I certify as the owner (or the agent of the owner) that in• ,r .the performance'of the work for which this permit is'is sued, I have engaged contractor. (Contractor must have on file;'or'submit ' certificate required by I or. II ove. jj) + • p' c Applicant'sSignat re 11.4+ Date Permit No. S,• Address and location where work is to be performed ` i ® .. a• • q -75 o AY 284-141 . Rev.' -6/77 1 ri .1= .01 N r _ OTICE THIS IS":NOT AiBUI-,DING'PERMIT' • DISTRICT APPLICATION, -TO, CONSTRUCT Permit No DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND "SAFETY _ „y 4 'COUNTY OF -RIVERSIDE it #_ f,t! Owne ArchitecttF f Contractor Addre 0311!`�C��'��. EVOW. Addres ^^� Address _w, City City /T� '� % City_ �t Phone' "� Phone �f�' Phone W I (we) the undersigned, hereby certify and,acknowledge that I (we) have read the application and agree that if Curb and Gutter, and Z Paving, and/or Dedication ofjight of way is required by the,County of -Riverside, the Riverside' County Department of Building and Safety 3 shall not make,a,Final'•,Inspection until said requirements have been,met. I am also aware that no work -is to be done within the County R/W O without an encroachment 3_p_ermit. NOW, therefore, it is a reed that we) will not occupy said property and will.not cause said property to be occupied until:) (we) have complied with al' laws of a Cou ,ofRiverside and the State of California governing said property. complied with all laDATE r SIGNATURE OF OWNER AND/OR AGENT' Approval by Signature from the Following Departments Listed Be ow—'- Must-Be w Must -Be Obtained Prior;•Fo the Issuing -of a Construction Permit. ((SPACE N ' JOB ADDRESS( •, i �USE OF STRUCTURE � SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX LEG DES I TION PROPER �® ��� RTM ' fff ,Z W O e APARTMENTS AG RIC. H 'Q COMMERCIAL . .� INDUSTRIAL [] j in COMMUNITYALTERATIONS n ' Z N0. OF SUB — USE OF P IT uWi a CASE NO.'; Y — p Z NO. OF/ IN�SPACES REQUIRED- ..'� er -NO.^OF'BUILDINGS NO EXISTING - - r i- t 1 Q � ZONE' t'ETBACKS: FRONT _ c�:y •• SIDE REAR - J Cal GRADING PERMIT REQIyIfaED? YES �J NO ❑ LOT SIZE F SETBACK ORD NANC=- OF FEET REQUIRED ON t STR DATE Z' SIGNATURE,OF LAND USE OFFICIAL --- t' . �- C'r,tr,tis+a... Ju-. t&;.- �rx_. - t• ...i •' _ .,.:?j i . DEDICATION 'REQUIRED: YES ❑ "N0 ❑SINO." OF 7 EET_" 1 CURB AND GUTTER REQUIRED:_',ii`ES ❑ NO ❑ STREET d• AND GUTTEi��EASIBI 'BE TALLIED? YES ❑ NO ❑ V r' 3t ' ''HAS AN ACCEPTABLE •APPL ION BEEN; MADE FOR ENCROACHMENT'PER 'ITJR DRIVEWAY A STREET IMPROVEMENT? "YES NO,❑ t C °C DATE ..2' % SIGNATURE OF ROAD DEPT. OFF ICIA ' _ +SWIMMING POOLS PUBLIC SEWAGE ;DISPOS�AL = G Fpap g5.7A�L19" Y1, • WATER P0LLUTIO� "' REMARKS �n FLOOD CONTROE?,• W AIR POLLUTION DIY OF HWY 'YOUR PROPERTY MAYBE SUBJECT. -TP FLOOD. RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSUMES :'. . 'NO RESPONSIBILITY IN -EVENT OF'- FLOOD 1 r,,,�, 284)99 �, 9/74 a , �''E-i� ^• r+ CANARY—FILE,' PINK—APPLICANT I RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH _ DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Food Establishment,�y Sewage Disposal Trailer Park 7 Gal. Septic Tank Motel, Apt., Hotel �� Sq. hof Leach Line y Dwelling x Seepage Pit 'f,4'.4 � Commercial Building Connection to Sewer Swhn+wing Pool No on-site regenerating water softening devices may be discharged into the individual sewage disposal system herewith approved without clearance from the Water Quality Control Board: Water supply serving this installation must be from an approved source. _,_--_All sewage disposal installation must conform with requirements of current Uniform Plumbing Code. _GAny cutting, grading, or filling in exzcss of four (4) feet will nullify sewage disposal approval. Approval has been obtained from the Regional Water Quality Control Board for installation of the sew- age disposal system. �(� �f This is to certify that the Ri-veerrsidC County Department of Public Health approves for occupancy, construction or installation the item(s) checked above. Date_ �— 2 —^7 By_ COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT CASH RECEIPT DETAIL Received From: 'y IV �LXtI'T Address: Account No. (OCT OCO t(s) 27- Service Address L30(: CALLe- 0-51.5po 0 Meter(s) _50-q_75 0 Service(s) 0 Backflow(s) 0 House Laterals) 0 Detector Check(s) 1:1 Meter Surcharge (314.1-itation Capacity Charge 0 W.S.B.F.C. 0 Temporary Construction Meter 0 Turn on Charge 0 Uncollected Account - Name 0 Inspection Fee - Traci - Fee - 0 Plan Check Fees Water I Sewer - Traci - 0 Bond Payment - A.D. -- Bond - Assmt k 11 Customer Deposit b Other * . s5nsi, 1,- - Traci C 1-1? G.A. Code TOTAL S Remarks: odglp,y to: lCash I 1 1.'�R7-3 Water Service �� IOoneyCashier Mrder I I I CMD.&MIRRI .-�HAMMER PUMPING INC: JOB INVOICE P.O. Box 2448 CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA 92235-2448 (610) 321-7448 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL USED CUSTOMER'S ORDER NO. DAI(f7r _4F,_ ORDER TAKEN BY DATE PROMISED 0 A.M. 0 P.M. BILL TO PHONE ADDRESS -Pumping Fee per,1000 gal' MBNIC CITY HELPER JOB Myli�ff 'ffDAY WORK D CONTRACT .0 EXTRA DESCRIPTION OF C)OO Dumping Fee per 1000 gal. QUANT. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL USED PRICE -AMOUNT co 0 Gallons I'000 -Pumping Fee per,1000 gal' C)OO Dumping Fee per 1000 gal. Out of Area Fee L Locating Opening Fee (per hour). Size Sistem:' A SERVICE CHARGE OF $20 WILL BE DUE ON ALL RETURNED CHECKS. A FINANCE CHARGE OF 11/2% PER MONTH, -18% PER YEAR, WILL BE CHARGED ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS OVER'30 DAYS. HOURS LABOR AMOUNT TOTAL:' MATERIALS MECHANICS @ HELPERS @ TOTAL LABOR, I hereby acknowledge the je:1, I o'y completion of the'above cir�i work. 'ToTAL'LAB0 TAX SIGNATURE I_-- �­ V44�_�7 DATE COMPLETE) ':� /If '/ Itr-TOTAL PJ NOTICE TO OWNER Under the California Mechanics Lien Law any contractor, subcontractor, laborer, supplier or other person who helps to improve your property, but is not paid for his/her work or supplies, has a right to enforce .a claim against your property. This means that after a court hearing, your property could be sold by a court officer and the proceeds of the sale used to satisfy the indebtedness. This can happeA even if you have paid your contractor in full if the subcontractors, laborers or suppliers remain unpaid. To preserve their right to file a claim or lien against your property, certain claimants such as subcontractors or material suppliers are required to provide you with a document. entitled "Preliminary Notice." Original (or prime) contractors and laborers for wages do not have to provide this notice. A Preliminary Notice is not a lien against your property. Its purpose is to notify you of persons who may have a right to file a lien against your property if they are not paid. Generally, the maximum time allowed for -filing a claim or lien against your property is ninety (90) Days after completion of your project. TO INSURE EXTRA PROTECTION FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR PROPERTY, YOU MAY WISH TO TAKE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING STEPS: 1) Require that payments be made directly to subcontractors and material supplier`s through a joint control„ Any joint control agreement should include the addendum approved by the Registrar of Contractors. 2) Issue joint checks for payment, made out to both your contractor and subcontractors or material suppliers involved in the project. This will help to insure that all persons due payment are actually paid. 3) After UPON making payment on any completed phase of the project, and before making any further payments, require your contractor to provide you with unconditional lien releases signed by each material supplier, subcontractor and laborer involved in that portion of the work for which payment was made. On projects involving improvements to a single family residence or a duplex owned by individuals, the, persons signing these releases lose the right to file a claim against your property. In other types of construction .this protection may still be important, but may not be as complete. TO PROTECT YOURSELF UNDER THIS OPTION YOU MUST BE CERTAIN THAT ALL MATERIAL SUPPLIERS, SUBCONTRACTORS OR LABORERS HAVE SIGNED.