December 9, 2009
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to
order at the hour of 4:00 p.m. by Vice Chairman Park, followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Olander, Moulin, Park and Rassi
ABSENT: Board Member Ross
OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director, Vianka Orrantia, Senior
Secretary and Bryan Gruber, Lance Soll & Lunghard LLC, Audit Manager
III Confirmation of Agenda
Mr. Falconer requested that the three handouts be added to the
agenda: Interim Revision of the 2009-2010 Investment Policy
prepared by Board Member Moulin and a letter from Board Member
Olander addressed to the Mayor to be added for discussion under
Board Member items; and an email follow-up to Pam Milliron, LAIF
Administrator at the request of Chairman Ross and Board Member
Moulin to be added for discussion under "Correspondence and Written
Material," Item B.
A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on November 4, 2009 for the
Investment Advisory Board.
Board Member Moulin requested that the following correction be
made to page 5, first sentence;
Board Members Park and 81ar~der Moulin volunteered to [...1
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer confirmed that
the first paragraph on page 2, fourth sentence, "the current TLGP
risk weighted factor declined from 20% to 0%," was correct.
MOTION: It was moved Board Members Rassi/Olander to approve
the minutes of November 4, 2009 as amended. Motion carried
Mr. Falconer requested that Correspondence and Written Material
Item A be discussed in order to meet the schedule of the
presentation by the auditor.
Board concurred.
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for October 2009
Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the staff report advising the
Board that page 2 reflects a slight decrease in cash by 54 million
due to a two month payment of police services, asemi-annual debt
service payment of 5500,043 and 5909,000 of various capital
projects payments. Mr. Falconer further advised that page 7
reflects a decrease in the portfolio due to a maturity of a Treasury
Bill and the current need for cash in the month of October. The
report also reflects a slight decline in the yields by three basis
points finishing the month at .50%.
Mr. Falconer advised that pages 5 & 6 the unrealized gain and loss,
the report currently reflects an unrealized gain.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Olander to
approve, receive and file the Treasury Reports for October 2009.
Motion carried unanimously.
B. Continued Consideration of the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Work Plan
Motion - It was moved by Board Members Olander/Moulin to
continue the discussion of the 2009-2010 Work Plan. Motion
carried unanimously.
A. City of La Quinta FY 2008-2009 Audited Financial Statements
Mr. Bryan Gruber of Lance Soll, & Lunghard, LLP, Audit Managers
presented the Audited Financial Statement. Mr. Gruber advised
that he would review the audited financial statements, the audit
process and the city's cash and investments as presented in the
financial statements.
Mr. Gruber advised that the audit is conducted in two phases, : an
interim audit which occurs during the fiscal year, and a subsequent
interim audit phase after the end of the fiscal year. Mr. Gruber also
advised that the audit's focus during the fiscal year is on internal
controls, processes of the City, and a test of internal controls; in
addition, an audit of cash and investments consisting of
reconciliations of cash and investments, procedures and controls
over purchases and sales of investments along with compliance
with the investment policy. At the end of the fiscal year, the
audit's focus is on balances and amounts reported in the financial
statements, cash and investments include independent third party
confirmation and testing of the reconciliations.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Gruber advised that cash
balances are confirmed 100%.
Mr. Gruber advised that at the conclusion of the audit there are
three letters issued, one One of the letters is an independent
audit report, which is included in the financial statements; the
letter expresses an unqualified opinion on the financial statements,
(which is the best opinion an entity can receive in a financial audit-,
in addition, there are two communication letters: a management
letter, and an audit letter which describes the process of the audit
and/or describes any issues as a result of the audit. Mr. Gruber
further advised that there was one material audit adjustment
related to payables and one immaterial audit variance that was not
booked due to immateriality but related to the fair value of cash
and investments at June 30, 2009.
Mr. Gruber further advised that the GASB 31 adjustment was the
fair value adjustment that was not recorded, which was
approximately 570,000.
Mr. Gruber also advised that this year the City implemented
Governmental Standard Board Statement 45 which related to the
accounting and reporting of post-employment benefits other than
pensions, a footnote disclosure and other amounts were reported in
the financial statements.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Gruber advised pension
benefits are similar in nature to post employment health care
Mr. Falconer advised that Note 15 gives an explanation of the
pension benefits and summarized the reason for the payment.
Mr. Gruber touched on a few of the highlights of the financial
statement as follows:
The government wide net assets increased from the prior year by
3% with the City's general fund reporting unreserved fund balance
at approximately S46 million, which is approximately 133% annual
of the Annual General Fund Budget.
Page 41 -Note 3 reporting of cash and investments governed by
GASB Statement 40; which is designed to provide a
comprehensive overview of the City's cash and investments and
discuss how the City is managing its risk as related to its
investment portfolio. The City reported approximately S193 million
in cash and investments, which is a 2% decrease in comparison to
this time last year. The table provided in the note reflects the
range of maturities of the investment portfolio, which 94% of the
investments are short-term. The City's investments as of June 30
were rated by the rating agencies within the parameters of the
City's investment policy.
Mr. Gruber advised that GASB 40 requires a separate note
disclosure for any investments with any one issuer that exceeds
5%, which the City did not have as of June 30, 2009nor did the
City have custodial credit risk to report.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that the
asterisk referenced on page 42 is referring to five-year
investments, which is required by state law. Board Member Moulin
stated that this might be something that will need to be reviewed
next year.
In response to Board Member Park, Mr. Falconer explained the
assumptions used to in the long-term financial plan.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Gruber advised that he
was not aware of any Governmental Accounting Standards similar
to those of the Financial Accounting Standards 168.
Mr. Falconer asked the Board if they wanted to review the audit
letters which could be included in next months agenda. It was the
conclusion of the Board not to review the audit letters.
The Board thanked Mr. Gruber for his presentation.
B. Month-End Cash Report and other selected Financial Data -August
Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the Month-End Cash report
advising the Board that page 3 reflects the current LAIF rates at
.59% with the City at .50%. Mr. Falconer also advised that page
4 reflects the recent bill results with the three-month bill at .03%
and the six-month at .15%. He further advised that the notes
report will be included in next months report, due to the investment
of the two year notes.
In response to Board Member Rassi, Mr. Falconer advised that he
contacted Pam Millirin from LAIF and she advised that the reason
for the decrease in the loans were due to the issuance of
government obligation bonds earlier in the year, which decreased
the amount of the loans to 9%.
Noted and Filed
C. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports -September 2009
Noted and Filed
D. October 27, 2009 Joint Meeting Minutes with the City Council
Noted and Filed
Board Member Olander presented his letter to the Board advising that
the letter was sent to the Mayor and the City Council for their
consideration in allowing him to continue to serve on the board. Upon
his appointment in June, Board Member Olander stated he was not
made aware that he had to reside within the city in order to serve on
the Board, he further stated had he known prior to his appointment he
would not have reapplied to the Board. Board Member Olander asked
the Board for their support, with Board Members Rassi and Park
volunteering to write a letter to the Mayor and City Council on Board
Member Olander's behalf.
Board Member Moulin advised the Board that he and Chairman Ross
met with Mr. Falconer regarding increasing the limit in TLGP Corporate
Notes to 20% of the portfolio. Board Member Moulin requested that
this item be placed on the January agenda for the Board's
consideration and approval.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Rassi/Olander to adjourn
the meeting at 4:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
S bmitt
Vianka Orrantia,
Senior Secretary