2000 06 15 CCU �5 G� OF I9 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Council Members: PUBLIC COMMENT City Council Agendas are now Available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-quinta.org City Council Agenda City Council Chambers 78-495 Calle Tampico La auinta, California 92253 SPECIAL MEETING June 15 2000 - 10:00 A.M. Beginning Res. No. 2000-63 Ord. No. 344 Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. CLOSED SESSION 1. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT - CITY ATTORNEY - PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957. (Continued from May 16, 2000) 2. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT - CITY MANAGER - PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957. (Continued from June 6, 2000) RECONVENE AT 11:00 A.M. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on matters not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and file it with the City Clerk. For all Business Session matters on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form should be filed with the City Clerk prior to the start of City Council Consideration of that item. The Mayor will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. Please watch the timing device on the podium. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS CONSENT CALENDAR 1. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR ONE COUNCIL MEMBER TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES MAYORS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FORUM TO BE HELD JULY 26-28, 2000 IN MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE REVIEW COMMITTEE, THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION, THE CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION, THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION, THE INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION ADJOURNMENT Page 2 11��1_��l:�t�L�1�L������ [►L� I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the Special City Council meeting, to be held June 15, 2000 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and at Stater Bros., 78-630 Highway 111, on Monday, June 12, 2000. DATED: June 12, 2000 JUNE S. GREEK, CMC/AAE City Clerk, City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICE The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7025, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. Page 3 I COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 15, 2000 Authorization for Overnight Travel for One Council Member to Attend the League of California Cities Mayors and Council Members Forum to be Held July 26-28, 2000 in Monterey, California RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: I - STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve authorization for overnight travel for one Council Member to attend the League of California Cities Mayors and Council Members Forum to be held July 26-28, 2000 in Monterey, California. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The costs associated with conference attendance include: Registration $300.00 Meals $250.00 Transportation $350.00 Hotel (up to 3 nights) $450.00 TOTAL: $1,350.00 Funds for this conference have been budgeted within the Fiscal Year 1999-00 Budget (Travel, Training & Meetings; Account No. 101-101-637-000) CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The League of California Cities is offering a Mayors and Council Members Executive Forum in Monterey, California, July 26-28, 2000 (Attachment 1.) This event will focus on the latest city programs, the effect of state actions on city budgets, and on determining the future direction of the League. Council Member Henderson has expressed an interest in attending this meeting. C:\MyData\WPDocs\CITY COUNCIL\CCSTFFECONCONFERENCEMONTEREY06-15-OO.wpd H FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Approve authorization for overnight travel for one Council Member to attend the League of California Cities Mayors and Council Members Forum to be held July 26-28, 2000 in Monterey, California; or 2. Do not approve overnight travel for attendance at the League of California Cities Mayors and Council Members Forum to be held July 26- 28, 2000 in Monterey, California; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, (W" "� fv�, Britt W. Wilson Management Analyst City Manager's Office Approved for submission by: r k)0-- Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. League of California Cities Mayors and Council Members Executive Forum Information C:\MyData\WPDocS\CITY COUNCIL\CCSTFFECONCONFERENCEMONTEREY06-15-OO.wpd Mayors and Council Members Executive Forum Monterey Conference Center Monterey, CA Wednesday — Friday July 26-28, 2000 Hotel Reservation Deadline: Friday, June 30, 2000 Advance Conference Registration Deadline: Wednesday, July 5, 2000 You'll Want to Attend If You Are A... • Mayor • Council Member • City Manager You'll Benefit By... • Learning the latest about programs to help your city • Hearing how the state budget affects cities • Helping direct the future of your League • Making and renewing valuable contacts and friendships • Earning credits in the League's Elected Officials Leadership Academy ATTACHMENT 1 Note: A strand of sessions will orient recently elected officials on some of the basic subjects essential to their office. These sessions are marked in the program outline as "MCI", or Mayors and Council Members Institute sessions. The full three-day Institute program is offered in January 2001, after the major municipal election date in November 2000. These MCI sessions are part of the Elected Officials Leadership Academy, marked by a This Conference will run concurrently with the Community Services and Economic Development Conference at the Monterey Conference Center. Some sessions will be conducted jointly. If you register for the Executive Forum, you may also attend sessions in the other program. See the Announcement for the Community Services and Economic Development Conference for program details. It may be viewed on the League's web page at www.cacities.org; or obtained by fax -on -demand at 8001572-5720; or requested by calling 9161658-8227. Post Forum Workshops Stay after the Forum for the Elected Officials Leadership Academy or the Elected Officials Redevelopment Seminar on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, July 28-29, 2000. See the separate announcements for details and registration information. Plan your travel to stay for these valuable sessions. Preliminary Program Wednesday, July 26, 2000 9:00 a.m. D 5:00 p.m. Registration and CityBooks Open D Portola Lobby, Monterey Conference Center 10:00 a.m. D Noon MCI Pre -Forum Session Welcome To Office The Challenge Of Local Public Office Introduction To The League Of California Cities This session is intended primarily for those who are recently elected, or have not yet participated in the LeagueOs Mayors and Council Members Institute, which provides a solid introduction to the basic requirements and restrictions on you as a city official, and to the resources available to you to help you serve the public. 1:30 D 3:00 p.m. Opening General Session City Dreams: Putting Your Vision and Values To Work Michele Hunt, Author and Founder of Vision, Values, and Creative Organizational Strategies In this stirring keynote, explore how you can help harness the dreams and resources of your residents to make a stronger, more prosperous and vital community. 3:30 D 5:00 p.m. General Session Evolving Local Governance: Cities, The Legislature, Special Commissions And The State Budget Many activities are underway that will affect cities. A key role of the League is informing you and orchestrating your influence to advance city interests. In this critical and timely briefing, learn what is happening at the Capitol, how it will affect your city, and how you can ensure your citiesO interests are advanced. 5:00 D 6:00 p.m. Hosted Get -Acquainted Reception Take advantage of this valuable social time to make and renew important contacts that will help you achieve your goals. Thursday, July 27, 2000 7:30 D 8:45 a.m. Informal Breakfast Discussion Briefings I. Complying With The Spirit And Letter Of The Brown Act (MCI) Learn what you can and canOt do under the open meetings law. II. Non -Point Source Regulations Learn what you need to do to comply with the new water quality requirements. III. Coping With Mansionization Learn what your options are to deal with the conversion of small homes on small lots. IV. Update On The bTakingsb Issue Learn what this serious issue means to your city, and what is being done to improve the situation. V. Update On Waste Reduction And Recycling Learn the latest on these programs from the Solid Waste Management Board. 9:00 ♦J 9:45 a.m. General Session A Preview Of Your City In The Future Hear a vital report on the social, economic, demographic and political future facing our California cities. Charting The Future Course Of Cities Your cityOs chance of success is greatly improved when all cities act together. How we act together, and on what issues is the focus of the LeagueOs current strategic planning process. This is your chance to provide direct influence on proposals for the League0s future, and determine how cities will work together in the 21 st Century. Take charge of crafting the future course of your League and your city0s support system. iI�Z�I�F ul�lir • • I General Session Taking Control of Your Destiny In these focused discussions, explore and develop strategies you can use to win support and resources for city needs, and guide the future of your League and your city. 12:15 D 2:00 p.m. General Luncheon Cities And The Pending Elections A look at the implications for cities of the November elections. 2:00 D 3:30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions Taking Charge: How You Can Give Your City The Lobbying Influence It Deserves (MCI) Cities are in a unique position to influence the state Legislature and programs. Learn what effective 21st Century lobbying will involve, and how you can develop the skills and resources to be the best in this increasingly vital effort. Transportation And Infrastructure Funding This is the year for transportation funding for cities. Learn what is happening and how you can help ensure your city gets its share. Council -Staff Relations (MCI) A well -functioning team wins. In this two-part program, learn how you can help make your council -staff team a real and popular winner, able to deliver victories for your residents. State Resources To Help Cities Many State programs are of great benefit to cities. This session offers you the chance to learn more about some of them, and very importantly, to develop relations with key State officials involved in those programs. After this briefing session, these officials will be available for informal discussions. 4:00 D 5:30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions The Basics Of Municipal Law (MCI) Community Banking: Changes, Trends And Opportunities (sponsored by the African -American Caucus of the League) Council -Staff Relations (MCI) 46 This session is the conclusion of the earlier session. Latino Caucus Session TBA 5:30 D 6:30 p.m. Caucus Receptions African -American Caucus Latino Caucus Evening Free Friday, July 28, 2000 7:15 D 8:45 a.m. Breakfast Discussion Forums Coastal Cities Forum Elected Educators Forum Small Cities Forum Division PresidentOs Forum 9:00 D 10:30 a. m Concurrent Sessions Complying With FPPC And Conflict Of Interest Regulations (MCI) Complying with conflict of interest and disclosure requirements can be daunting. This session will brief you on the latest requirements and interpretations so you can stay out of trouble. Controlling Your CityOs Destiny: OSmart GrowthO And Its Challenges OSmart Growth0 is a popular concept, but what is it really? How can you apply it in your city? Explore this concept from the perspective of elected officials. 10:45 D 12:00 Noon Concluding General Session In The City Of Belonging David Whyte, Poet and Organizational Advisor Experience an insightful new perspective on cities, our relationship to them, and our relationship to each other. This internationally renowned poet, author, and advisor will provide a memorable and valuable closure to our gathering. Noon Adjourn 1:30 p.m. Elected Officials Leadership Academy Begins Elected Officials Redevelopment Seminar Begins Plan your travel to stay for the Elected Officials Redevelopment Seminar and the Elected Officials Leadership Academy programs on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. For details of each program, see the announcements that have been mailed to all mayors and council members. They may be viewed on the LeagueOs web page at www.cacities.orQ; or obtained by fax -on -demand at 800/572-5720; or requested by calling 916/658-8227. Reminder: The Ralph M. Brown Act does not apply to conferences simply because a majority of the city council or other covered body attends. However, a majority of the body may not discuss among themselves specific substantive issues at such conferences. Any such discussion is subject to the Brown Act and must occur in a meeting that complies with its requirements. Elected Officials Leadership Academy: Get credit toward completing the League0s Elected Officials Leadership Academy by attending the sessions identified with this symbol. The Academy curriculum provides you with a solid understanding of all the key subjects and skills you need to be an effective and successful mayor or council member; well prepared to serve your city and your constituents. The Academy encourages and provides recognition for education. It functions on the honor system. Completion of the Academy presumes one has participated in the educational sessions claimed. Registration Advance register by Wednesday, July 5, 2000, for the full meeting and receive a bonus coupon worth $25 at the CityBooks bookstore at the meeting. DonOt miss this great way to expand and share your learning with your colleagues in City Hall! Your advance registration must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, July 5, 2000. After that date, the bonus coupon is not available. The registration fee includes program materials, two breakfasts, one lunch, breaks, and one hosted reception. For any questions regarding registration, please contact the League conference registration office at 925/283-2113. Advance Registration Full Meeting City Officials $300 Non -City Public Officials $325 All Others $350 One Day Only City Officials $180 Non -City Public Officials $205 All Others $230 Payment Payment in full must accompany the registration form. You may pay your registration fee by check, Visa or MasterCard. No purchase orders, American Express or Discover cards, please. If paying by credit card, you may register by faxing 916/658-8220. Refund Policy Advance registrants unable to attend can send a substitute, or receive a refund of the registration fee, less a $50 processing charge, by writing the League of California Cities, Conference Registration Office, Box 1519, Lafayette, CA 94549; fax 925/283-7833. Requests for refunds must be received by Friday, July 21, 2000. Special Accommodations To assure this program benefits all who attend, please call our Conference Registration Office at 925/283-2113 if any registrant requires special accommodations for disabilities. Hotel Reservations The hotels are offering special League rates as indicated. To confirm hotel reservations, a deposit in the amount of the first night0s guest room rate or a guarantee with a major credit card is required. Please use the hotel reservation form when making reservations. Telephone reservations will not be accepted. Reservations sent by fax will be accepted if they have the appropriate credit card information. A deposit or credit card guarantee must accompany each reservation and cover at least one nightOs room cost. Checks should be made payable to the hotel of your choice. Refunds for cancellations will be issued directly from the appropriate hotel in compliance with hotel refund policies. We urge you to make your reservations early. Check -in time for the Doubletree and Marriott Hotels is 3:00 p.m., check out time is noon. Check -in time at the Hilton Monterey Hotel is 4:00 p.m.; check out time is noon. Luggage may be stored at the bell desk. Deposits are refundable if your reservation is canceled within 72 hours before the date the guest is due to arrive at the Hilton Monterey only. The Doubletree and Marriott hotels offer a full refund if cancellation is made prior to 6:00 p.m. on the arrival date. Record your cancellation number. If the League rate has sold out before the cut-off date, the next available rate will apply. Doubletree Hotel 2 Portola Plaza Monterey, CA, 93940 831/649-4511, fax: 831/649-3109 $135 single/double. Valet parking is $12 per day, and $10 for self -parking. Hotel joins the Monterey Conference Center. Monterey Marriott Hotel 350 Calle Principal Monterey, CA 93940 831/649-4234, fax: 831/647-4022 $135 single/double Valet parking is $14 per day. Hotel joins the Conference Center by a covered pedestrian bridge. Hilton Monterey Hotel 1000 Aguajito Road Monterey, CA 93940 831/373-6141, fax: 831/655-8608 $145 single, $155 double Free parking for hotel guests and complimentary shuttle services to and from the Monterey airport. The Hilton is about two miles from the Conference Center Rooms are also available at: Merrit House 800/541-5599; Hotel Pacific 831/373-5700; Monterey Hotel 831 /375-3184. Spouses There is no registration fee for spouses who attend the meeting who are not city officials, or other public officials. Meal tickets may be purchased on -site at the League registration desk. There is no spousesO program planned. For further information on events going on in the area, contact the concierge desk of the hotel. Transportation Southwest Airlines United and American Airlines serve Monterey. Discount airlines are available for city travel on any Southwest Airlines flight to Oakland and San Jose, where you can arrange discount car rental. Allow two hours drive to Monterey from Oakland, and one and one half hours from San Jose. Unrestricted ticket vouchers may be purchased in advance though the League -sponsored Statewide Purchasing Program. Tickets can be purchased for $70 per segment, ($140 round trip). If your city has not already purchased a minimum block of six vouchers, contact Karen Durham at the League (916/658-8262) or email durhamk@cacities.org for Southwest information and to request order forms (or call fax -on -demand at 800/572-5720, #17). Allow two to three weeks for delivery. For those who already have the ticket vouchers, advanced seat reservations are recommended by calling Southwest toll free at: 800/435-9792. Current prices are effective January 1, 2000. Tickets on hand are valid at the price purchased until they expire. Car Rental Discount rates with unlimited mileage are available one week prior and one week after this meeting from Hertz. Call Hertz Meeting Services at 800/654-2240 and indicate the League of California Cities Meeting Number CV#01270002. Directions To the Conference Center and downtown hotels: From the North on Highway One D Take the Del Monte, Pacific Grove exit. Continue straight for seven stoplights. At the seventh stoplight, get in the left turn lane to continue straight on Del Monte two blocks to the Conference Center. From the Airport/Highway 68 from Salinas D Take the Monterey FishermanOs Wharf exit. At the first stoplight, make a right turn onto Aguajito. Continue on Aguajito until it ends at Del Monte. From Aguajito, make a left onto Del Monte and continue straight for three stoplights. At the third stoplight, get in the left turn lane to continue straight on Del Monte to the Conference Center. From the South/Carmel on Highway One D Take the Aguajito exit. Turn left at the first stoplight (going under the freeway). Continue on Aguajito until it ends at Del Monte. From Aguajito, make a left onto Del Monte and continue straight for three stoplights. At the third stoplight, get in the left lane to continue straight on Del Monte to the Conference Center. Directions to the Hilton Monterey Hotel D Take Highway One South to Monterey exit. Stay to the left, turn left at first traffic light, turn right at next light, hotel is on the right. Commuter Parking Monterey Conference Center is near the following city operated parking lots: Calle Principal D located on Calle Principal between Franklin and Jefferson Streets East Custom House D located on Washington Street between Franklin Street and Del Monte Avenue (coin operated ticket dispenser; quarters only) West Custom House D located on Tyler Street between Franklin Street and Del Monte Avenue. MAYORS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS Executive Forum July 26 through 28, 2000 • Monterey Conference Center • Monterey, California Registration Enter first and last name and official title as they should appear on meeting badge and registration card. Please indicate spouse's name (if spouse is not a city or public official) if attending. If more than one delegate per city is attending, please attach a list of names and titles. Name Title Spouse (if attending) To help us plan for any special needs, please call the conference registration office at 9251283-2113 if any registrant requires special accommodations for disabilities. 0oo Registration Receipts Registration receipts will be mailed. Please provide the following: Name Title Address City Zip Telephone Fax E-mail This form must be postmarked by Wednesday, July 5, 2000. Please mail to: LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES P. O. Box 1519 Lafayette, CA 94549 9251283-2113 For those paying with credit card ONLY, you may fax to the League of California Cities at 9161658-8220. Full Conference City Officials @ $300 Non -City Public Officials @ $325 All Others @ $350 TOTAL $ One Day Only City Officials @ $180 Non -City Public Officials @ $205 All Others @ $230 TOTAL $ Indicate which day Payment Information Make checks payable to League of California Cities. (No purchase orders, American Express or Discover cards). O1l ❑ City Check ❑ Personal Check ❑ Visa ❑ Mastercard Name on Credit Card Authorized Signature Credit Card Number Expiration Date Advance Registration Deadline for CityBooks coupon is Wednesday, July S, 2000. After this date, please register on site. MAYORS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS Executive Forum July 26 through 28, 2000 • Monterey Conference Center • Monterey, California Hotel Reservation Please make copies of this form if more than one room is to be reserved. If you choose to fax this form, complete the credit card information below. Please do not mail a duplicate copy. Phone reservations will not be accepted. Name Title Address City Zip Telephone Fax Arrival Date: am/pm Departure Date: am/pm The rates listed do not include 10% hotel tax. Hotel Preference: If your first choice is not available, reservations will be made at the next available hotel. Monterey Doubletree Hotel $135 single/double 2 Portola Plaza, Monterey, CA, 93940 831/649-4511, fax: 831/649-3109 Monterey Marriott Hotel $135 single/double cl 1 350 Calle Principal, Monterey, CA 93940 831/649-4234, fax: 831/647-4022 Hilton Monterey $145 single/$155 double 1000 Aguajito Road, Monterey, CA 93940 831/373-6141, fax: 831/655-8608 Room Preference: - ❑ No Smoking room ❑ Handicapped access ❑ I will share a room with: ❑ Single King ❑ Double - 1 Bed ❑ Double/Double - 2 Beds Deposit Information Checks should be made payable to the hotel of your choice. All reservations must be guaranteed with payment for one night's room deposit or a major credit card. If payment is by credit card, please provide the following information: Name on Credit Card Type of Credit Card Credit Card Number Authorized Signature Expiration Date Reservation Deadline is Friday, June 30, 2000. Return this form to the hotel of your choice. t ccity/ 4 ei Q" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 15, 2000 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Appointments to the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee, the Community Services Commission, the Cultural Arts Commission, the Historic Preservation Commission, the Investment Advisory Board and the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: I - CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the selections of: 1) two appointees to a two-year term on the Architecture and Landscape Committee; 2) three appointees to a two-year term on the Community Services Commission; 3) three appointees to a two-year term on the Cultural Arts Commission; 4) three appointees to a three-year term on the Historic Preservation Commission; 5) four appointees to a three-year term on the Investment Advisory Board; and 6) three appointees to a two-year term on the Planning Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City Clerk's office placed announcements of the various Board, Commission and Committee openings in two monthly editions of the Chamber of Commerce newsletter and sent press releases to several newspapers. Letters and applications were also mailed to all members, whose terms were expiring, inviting them to reapply. The deadline for receiving applications was May 25, 2000. 1. Architecture and Landscape Review Committee - The terms of Committee Members Bill Bobbitt and Dennis Cunningham are due to expire June 30, 2000. Mr. Bobbitt and Mr. Cunningham have submitted applications for reappointment. Copies of the applications are enclosed as Attachments 1-A and 1-B. If, 2. Community Services Commission - Council has taken action to reduce the size of the Community Services Commission from seven to five members. At the present time four (4), two-year terms are scheduled to expire on June 30, 2000 and there is a vacancy on this commission. Five applications have been received from Joan Rebich, Mike Davis, Victoria St. Johns, Patti Stone and Kevin Weber to fill the three (3) available positions and copies of their applications are enclosed as Attachments 2-A through 2-E. 3. Cultural Arts Commission - Council also has taken action to reduce the size of this commission from seven to five members. At the present time there are three (3) two-year terms scheduled to expire on June 30, 2000 and one vacancy exists on this commission. Six applications have been received from Rosita Shamis, Kathryn Hull, Denise Diamond, Else Loudon, Stewart Woodard, and Carl Agliozzo to fill the three (3) available positions and copies of their applications are enclosed as Attachments 3-A through 3-F. 4. Historic Preservation Commission - A vacancy currently exists for a citizen appointee and two terms are scheduled to expire June 30, 2000 on the Historic Preservation Commission. Applications have been received from Maria Puente (who presently serves as one of three professional appointees), Barbara Irwin, (who serves as a citizen appointee), Jean Lahey and Archie Sharp. Copies of the applications are enclosed as Attachments 4-A through 4-D. 5. Investment Advisory Board - Four (4) three-year terms are scheduled to expire on the board as of June 30, 2000. Tom Lewis, Joseph Irwin and Lee Osborne have applied for reappointment and Gia Filice has also submitted an application for appointment. Copies of their applications are enclosed as Attachments 5-A through 5-D. 6. Planning Commission - Three (3) two-year terms are scheduled to expire on the Planning Commission as of June 30, 2000. Robert Tyler, Jacques Abels, and Tom Kirk have applied for reappointment. Copies of their applications are enclosed as Attachments 6-A through 6-C. 0 PLC The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Approve the selection of: 1) two appointees to two-year terms on the Architecture and Landscape Committee; 2) three appointees to two-year terms on the Community Services Commission; 3) three appointees to two-year terms on the Cultural Arts Commission; 4) three appointees to three-year terms on the Historic Preservation Commission; 5) four appointees to three-year terms on the Investment Advisory Board and 6) three appointees to two-year terms on the Planning Commission; or OU2 2. Do not approve the selection of: 1) two appointees to two-year terms on the Architecture and Landscape Committee; 2) three appointees to two-year terms on the Community Services Commission; 3) three appointees to two-year terms on the Cultural Arts Commission; 4) three appointees to three-year terms on the Historic Preservation Commission; 5) four appointees to three-year terms on the Investment Advisory Board; and 6) three appointees to two-year terms on the Planning Commission; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, J S. Greek, CMC/AAE City Clerk Approved for submission by: �_City homas P. Genovese, Manager Attachments: Attachments 1 - Applications for Architecture & Landscape Review Committee Attachments 2 - Applications for Community Services Commission Attachments 3 - Applications for Cultural Arts Commission Attachments 4 - Applications for Historic Preservation Commission Attachments 5 - Applications for Investment Advisory Board Attachments 6 - Applications for Planning Commission 0103 ATTACHMENT 1-A CITY OF LA QUINTA •.i r 2000 MAY - i Phi 4: 52 CITY 01 LA CUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE C I T Y C L E Kr(. S U F F I C E ON LA QUINTA ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE REVIEW CONMMTEE NAME: HOME ADDRESS: 76 " 786- WE 57 - /T eze WD DP— . (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) �► BUSINESS ADDRESS: E S ( RZE5 t (>E&�'/ALA . P.O. tjo?� /060, �z 3 TELEPHONE: (HOME)(7l�,J 772-7v3-2— (Bu 90-4,907T/-/23f4E 1- -4 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 6 )jFAAS Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. S �e-t-yr-' A c, Qc - &-c&, EA Cs�E �,2�✓io�s �3o���rY �7�� ��' /99� Date Q,/.'Ik1 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON i 0 rn rn T LA QUINTA ARCffiTECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE REVIEW Co m r-D = 3 v P — i� HOME ADDRESS: 78- 785 Gz/57' h�.ei�.yo o e. ✓ L O 9z z.5' (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to tote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: Po. gox /06,0 G.Q 2Lz.53 TELEPHONE: (HOME)C76o) 77Z-75:222 (BUSINESS) (760) 77 --/Z341 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSMON YOU HOLD: PG -A- ZX)C57 S/OE i-iAL �S aC T LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 111Y&,e5 Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. / 97o-T2 . ���D L•�/vsc�P�Yic.t i�J' u,�ED 1 ,uDS Ps 067l ,,J 6c/D Ci�AAk7-I.✓a- 0I A t i,J• 1973 / 98� OaE2 T . GL7- To &-49kk� Ao-,e . Sw�✓s,Yi r/ L,e,✓os�e�s rvE. i?s u�Fe ✓iso.2 aF �4drF� Ak:F.Pr 7,�-�- ��i9T/or�.s SEcTioit/ ot%E.eSEEi�- 3a��,efG-- �'cr,��.t�iec7" f��s XCquQs7- IAA e2: or 7'� C • L .Cel 1 I 4,03,Q 14L,=-�j 'J S T f /-;f:) 77-Z Ze 61730e. . KIM — cI.c- .06fl-I4—yG •,•noam rrom GCIT7 G3 - PGA WEST Jun-12-98 10: f'� . y page 2 P.02 AYPLICAMN, ARCHITECTURAL & LANDSCAPE REVIEW COMMITTEE PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, aW procedures of the Atclutectural and Landscape Review Cotmittee. �N LRNDScf�f �E_VI Cti 1i? oAf; oA1 j�L�-r✓ /ssu�s To �€ s c�,vltlli�lG-- C;ca�l/�rrsslo� . �/EJ►'r�� /7��r- What specific issues or problems face the Architectural & Landscape Review Committee and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? A NoAS fo6(4-D /LA7— -Ogg: What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you stunk you have which would entrance the work of the Architecwral and Landscape Review Committee? J¢ o� S dE & tbW5 C-- 2-7 44AA054¢PE L . S I 16;V441= �'ocl�.sEs��� u��c.�^r�Es �o,�� �ia� , �i�sT�f'u.4tio•J PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN JUNE 15, 1998 TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 LA QITINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOUFOft YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOPAL GOYE'P&ENT: MMM 007. ATTACHMENT 1-B Date RECEIVED 2000 MAY 2 3 PM 12: 0 7 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY YOKQIFIIYCLFR'SOFE APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE REVIEW COMMITTEE NAME: HOME ADDRESS: (Must be a Iwo Quinta BUSINESS ADDRESS: and eligible to vote in the City.) TELEPHONE: (HOME) `�� — ��� (BUSINESS) (i• ©`- IF EEWLOYED, W RE YOU WORK AND POS ON Y/OUHT �"j�y *v7 `- A- �? LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: l Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other backgrgqnd. Please be include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. 59 or <:Z� •i APPLICATION, ARCHITECTURAL & LANDSCAPE REVIEW COMMITTEE PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Archi c ural & Landsca R view Committee. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Architectural & Landscape Review Committee and d you have any su gestions to address t ose issues or problems? d .� -. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Architectural & Landscape Review Committe�e7 DT PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. 0. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT IL 009 Y 1 1 RECEIVED 7'U'0 r,AY 16 Pi1 2: 54 H I I AL:HMENT 2-A Date CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK'S OFFICE APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA CONEMNITY SERVICES COMIVIISSION NAME: - HOME ADD SS: S3 - — a (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to v e in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: S-0 TELEPHONE: (HOME) 5(v ` - 4 / / (BUSINESS) IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QuNtA: % L Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. Oin APPLICATION, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Community Services Commission. 1 / W14WA01.�Ei U ,�94� - W at spec is attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think yA Wave which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Community Services Commission? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. 0. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT oil Business Amass: Business Phone: Length of Residence in La O in a: ATTACHMENT 2-B May 1, 2000 Biographical Information on Mike Davis for the La Quinta Community Services, Commission 54290 Avenida Montezuma La Quinta, CA 92253 (760)564-1712 Sports Management Consultant (Self -Employed) 54290 Avenida Montezuma La Quinta, CA 92253 (760)564-1712 9 years B.A. Business, University of San Diego Work Experience: 17 years in Sports Management and Special Event Promotion and Management. Currently the Facility Operations Manager of the the Los Angeles Mercedes-Benz Cup, and the Sybase Open in San Jose. Has also worked at the U.S. Open a number of times and other tennis events like the Davis Cup. Has created settings for concerts such as Kenny Rogers, Julio Iglesias, and shows like Dorothy Hamill's Winter Wonderland. Maintaining a $500,000 facility budget, consulting on site issues, negotiating contractor bids, and ensuring a smooth running event. 012 Knowledge of La Quinta Community Services Commission regulations and 12rocedures: As a current member of the Community Services Commission, I am privy to how the city and commission work together. Because of this knowledge, I used my background to give suggestions for the Fritz Burns pool project. I also assisted in the planning and organization of the first and third Community Picnics. I hope to continue the work I've done in establishing relationships with my fellow Community Services commission members as well as city officials to further the "teamwork" environment necessary to accomplish the goals of the new Community Services Commission. Problems Facing the Commission from Your Perspective: My concerns are still that the proposed park system provide safety through proper lighting, avoiding the gang "turf' problem. We also need to expand on the wonderful programs already started so far in our city. This expansion would reach out to all community members by offering involvement opportunities for the various age groups. This kind of broad -based, and multifaceted programming will contribute to the reduction of gang violence, for instance, by providing alternatives for youth. Ultimately, La Quinta's image will be one of community in the true sense of the word, and become a sought after place to live. What Skills, Attitudes, and Expertise Do You Have That Will Enhance the Work of the La Quinta Parks and Recreation Commission: Having worked for 17 years in Sports Management, I've learned that remaining calm under pressure, and making decisions with a variety of personalities produces smoother management of events. My expertise is managing, budgeting, and planning events will enhance the goals already set by the city, and provide direction for effective facility/land usage in the future. 013 ATTACHMENT 2-C CITY OF LA QUINTA Date A4— _ 20 0 APR 28 PH 3: 23 CITY OF LA QU NTA APPLICATION TO SERVE C T Y C L c R K' S OFFICE ON LA QUINTA COMMUNITY SERVICES COMIVIISSION NAME: c:�oc- "a \ 02 SA-- cite HOMEADDRESS: (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: 9 2 -p er C'` c E , l 9 TELEPHONE: (HOME) 5 04 - , q \ 1 eA . 2 (BUSINESS) 10 2— $ as 1 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: Ir Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. o k \ n .. . ►G e \ . 111111 Ilk C- ci c O A.- cu C. P\ a ���ck ��— 0 - 014 APPLICATION, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Community Services Commission. - d- What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Community Services Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? o. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Community Services Commission? G C. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 015 w rr M 1 1 MUMVItN 1 1-U Date l Q • :Z- 5 '99 DOT 8 Pal 3 02 CITY OF LA QUINTA C(T; OF LA QUINTA A ; tA, r c-- ^ • 6,FM�FATION TO SERVE nS ON LA QUINTA COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION NAME: /fir �f'i- SfOA� HOME ADDRESS: `7 r 7,2r) (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: Y'S75- (,ciuit A___ „/i f 61,� c 'c i' TELEPHONE: (HOME) �"-(o -bS'S� �2 (BUSINESS) ,3 (o 5- IF EMPLOYED, /�WHElRE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: �� �.L V J / 1 P�K T'GC [A /t G A J c 3c re 0 et L LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: /0 Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. 016 APPLICATION, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Community Services Commission. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Community Services Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Community Services Commission? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN JUNE 9, 1999 TO: CITY CLERK P. 0. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. ATTACHMENT 2-E NAME: f avlo' HOME ADDRESS: 2000 MAY 25 PM 3: 31 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY O F L A Q U I N T A CITY CLERK'S OFFICE APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA. QUINTA COMMUNITY SERVICES COMAUSSION PL - L (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: f944� TELEPHONE: (HOME) 5�� -S3/D (BUSINESS) /305- - 3374 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. APPLICATION, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION PAGE 2 RECEIVED 29.00 MAY 25 PM 3: 32 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Community Services Com fission. CITY OF LA QUINTA �_ ?/._ A_A ,,1AP D. A,/. Doe_ DEITY �L��iC'S 0l�FIC�1_,49 What specific issues or problems face the La Cruinta Community Services Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Community Services Commission? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. 0. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 019 ATTACHMENT 3-A RECEIVED Date Muy �, �101011 2000 MAY - 8 PM 12: 4 6 CITY OF LA QUINTA CrrY OF LA QUINTA CITY .CLERK'S OFFICE 4 APPLICATION TO SERVE 4,'be o UL o ON ILA QUINTA CULTURAL ARTS C0MMIISSION 40h a«� NAME: HOME ADDRESS: Zo?fx-r- cZe-Z AkanC'% . .�! Pw-ero- , C (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: SOm TELEPHONE: (HOME) (BUSINESS) .9'4irJC- IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSMON YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: OF { Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other backgroun!L Pleas be sure to include a riences relev4nt to duties of the position you seek. See o�# For die ,c�asi- ✓o yegrs �'" hov'�. ,%een ✓ce,- 7&r CVMMjrsion OnCf havt ct ro XerVe4w as CoehOkle D e L.q u840.. i1P FOt�n dA f'tDn 6,�d reap[ Prvara.* �/ ,Finer 6rt 0ra(J t to o- Glrief Ot= /frr..r. 37 VD%s feu s. t4 epg�.,,ge, ini �rtisf' �t rf'r�errhs, f 740 L of R�t�r /fry 07 Wfr�% On 0 Ctr+r d �trren � ef7A ate rnce Mr e XaLar Fleme#An5t awo 035 e 7jjPeG umarr .t' M o m 7M�SS.io� /n✓i�14 . z KJa.r Q w;n ,7t vr•� = MA kint q /�✓ink e SQ it D/a` sti yo tn9._ Stud, 0r r . CA y cyatTexp 4f.a� a�rf cl,c. fK r r� wh-1c4 -wt'// 1cF, �01-44c Nm✓ A�. - r orr. rope 6 y "� y o,-'L� Qua - 020 APPLICATION, CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission. /iGryinq bee-*? at fiesip.6or Off' S'u�cess'0�; What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? �. j ,-Wee&�P.r o oO 7Zto NivamA-e. 'Y'4 S'v.",ovay."M s q ngp"'k C"/Y![,wI & leaders - //! C �tli//�4 6 Ns:his .t , C/fZP.�'! !' , �l►'�/'1� 1'z 4 40• atocw A=c& i i.4 lew gro✓e4l !/a-'f/C.ib�/iori ano/ G�vmn�i7J'M�, �v T� �zr�•e � u.�'isor� groc�?'�i sir Lcti l�uinT�, et S', ittl/w a vr.+li� hrl t ��tA i yiA� What specific attitudes �skil s afid/or expertise�do you think ou �6ve w is would enhance the work of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission? iori&gz—wal 607/0,* 610Ap IT41Aae hel, D Q ..oa r7` d>4 A-e Woo" �/�ea� D1 LQ QulriZ r- er Ii' ✓ Latev ,/ �oc�/off �e*hao Our ,n, 4U eaa414- of Ql �Gt.� !.G/- S / o he ien oVPa /h // re s'i den an V; S/Oh QA4 107�e�J�! . EASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: ✓Isirt-s, Ir CITY CLERK P. 0. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253, THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 021 r% M AT 1 AUNIVIr-N i 0-o i Date May 5, 244ar., ._ 2000 MA Y - 8 AM 4: 57 CITY OF LA QUINTA C I CITY L` R�, 0 U i N T A APPLICATION TO SERVE S OFFICE ON LA QUINTA CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION NAME: Kathryn B. Hull HOMEADDRESS: 77-260 ralle Chillon/ P. 0. Box 947, La Ouinta (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: same TELEPHONE: (HOME) 771-1041 (BUSINESS) same IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: S e 1 f - Emp 1 o y e d Music Teacher of Piano and Theory LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: Since 1993 Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. I am a college graduate with degrees is music education. and English. I have extensive practical and administrative experience in the arts working in my former city of residence (Glendale) in developing a performing arts center (the Alex Theatre) and directing the Regional Arts Council and its programs in five cities. In addition to my professional and volunteer work in the arts prior to living here, and since 1992 in La Quinta, I served on the Art -In -Public -Places Commission for two years and the Cultural Arts Commission since its inception. I was an arts consultant for the City of Rancho Mirage, producing their first concerts at the Ritz, and chair of the first Community Arts Committee for Palm Desert Chamber of Commerce, producing two public forums. I have been instrumental in the formation of the newly created Coachella Valley Arts Alliance. I am an independent teacher of piano and music theory and a consultant for the arts. I have held state and national offices in arts organizations. My life is devoted exclusively 7 022 APPLICATION, CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission. Having been a Commissioner (and Chair) for several years, I'm very familiar with the function, regulations anct procectures of Me UAC. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? Problems are (1) that the commissioners are not taken seriously or respected in their I =0111111cildations. Those whe have expertise irt the mis should haye a 9(fen - decisions made regarding art. (2) There is no specific functioning plan in place to guide the cultural development of the community. I believe the Master Cultural Plan, which was completed by the &tltttral Arts G . would give direction to the commission and planning of all activities in the city. (3) The Commission needs to work more closely with the City Council which should give more Commission budget needs to include both visual and performing arts. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission? With the background of more than thirty years of community work in multi -arts programs, I am knowledgeable in identifying needs, designing programs, procuring funds, administering pTogimns, prodneing afts festivais and theater programs, werking with City, Getmvy and stme government and educational agencies, as well as within the business community. I think creatively, and am highly organized, I keep up to date with the arts world, I'm actively involved our community. I have created a network of people in the arts throughout the Coachella Valley, and beyond. And I like being a Commissioner for La Quinta. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. 0. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 023 ATTACHMFNT 'q-r Date RECEIVED .�H APR 23 PIN 3: 46 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OER�'S .. OFFICE APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA CULTURAL ARTS. CONEMSSION NAME: DENISE DIAMOND HOME ADDRESS:53-960 Avenida Alvarado (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: (HOME) 564-3800 (BUSINESS) IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSMON YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 2 years Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. I am a professor who teaches English as a Second Language for College of the Desert and I teach Culture and Schooling in the teacher training program for Cal State. I have appreciation for and experience with diverse cultures; their history and art. I have always belonged to the local art museums and supported Arts in the schools programs. I enjoy participating in and supporting a variety of art forms. My own personal background is in Literature and poetry. I have two i ,cv�le master's degree, s and Jived all over the United States and overGeaG. ThPRP experiences have exposed me to a variety of cultural arts, people and ideas. 024 APPLICATION, CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission. I have read and understand the sections that apply to the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission. I am available for meetings and I am willing and capable of working cooperatively within the Commission and its extended network. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? To enhance public awareness and participation in the literary arts, a poetry/literary Is the community aware of the opportunities available for participation? Have community interests/wishes been surveyed. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission? I am bilingual. I write reports, brochures etc. I have good public speaking skills. I know how to build and support cooperation and participation in groups. I get along with diverse groups of people and artists. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT QTTAf-"RAl. — • - `%+# 11VICIV 1 J-U 9. G 04 2000 APR 24 PH 3: 53 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF Z g QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ON LA QUINTA CULTURAL ARTS CONEMSSION NAME: F1 se Laudon HOME ADDRESS: 7 R— t, l .7 M a g n t,, I- P Q„ i n r n �� A 999 5 i (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: (HOME) 7 6 o- 3 4 5- 4 o 81 (BUSINESS) IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: one y e a r Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. T was educated in Europe where I acquired the equivalent of a bachelor and master degree. I worked as an interpreter and teacher. Prior to my more_ serious education, I studied ballet and modeled in fashion and photography. Upon arriving in the Los Angeles area, I started my business carrier at the National Broadcasting Company in Hollywood and later became assistant to the President of Foot-e, r.nnP and RP1ding AdyPrtising_ Changing careers, I became a teacher 026 Page 2 and principal of a foreign language school for 14 years and had 16 teachers on my staff. Prior to this, I taught German at a private school in Encino and gave evening lessons to adults. After my teaching experience, I started, developed and owned two companies which were very successful. My civic involvement started in the Sherman Oaks Jr. Women's Club where I held numerous leading positions, including Ways and Means Chairman, Entertainment and Youth Chairman dealing with delinquent boys at Camp Kilpatrick. I joined the Assistance League of Southern California and have been an active member for over 25 years holding positions as President of Hill - toppers Auxiliary, 2nd Vice President - Ways and Means which enabled me to become active in fund raising. Obviously, I care very much about the community I live in and would like to participate in various civic activities within La Quinta. After I moved here a year ago, I became active in volunteering as a teacher of computer and dance lessons and I am considering working with the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce. In my recreational time, I started art classes and am taking gold lessons, enjoy tennis, bicycling, rollerblading and swimming. 027 APPLICATION, CULTURAL -ARTS CON NUSSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission. T have ad your general information in regarric to the functions, regulations and procedures of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission which gave me a good overall picture of what you would expect of me as a member of this commission. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? At the present time, T am not aware of the'slue or problems facing the Arts Commission. When I have obtained more information. I feel I would be able to address the issues and make suitable suggestions. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission? During my lifetime. I have fulfilled a great many different and exciting ventures in business and in general civic/cultural pursuits which prPnare me now to expand even further into the cultural arts within the La Quints area_ T have been fortunate to have traveled extensively, therefore, PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN JUKE 9, 1999 TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. A TT A r%I 111 ArPIT el r M i i MlrnwILiv 1 %J-L. RECEIVED Date �G� ��UOAPR I0 C I T Y G r L A gTOF LA QUINTA CI T Y C L E R jjhkjEj'jrrION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION NAME: T IIll-)COOPW4D� /41 A' HOME ADDRESS: (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: -TFP- U3SQdes-0k C9ro S (' TELEPHONE: (HOME) 15(n4 - o1(p F5Cl (BUSINESS) S(n tf-441 Ir IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 4P' / `Z Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. 029 APPLICATION, CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission. Tc': %el,� i�C�e �� C' Gy.�'�ei I i i1 u:1C��'•51��1C�►: 1� ��-� _Qi C1.'C`, `::i nG Ci �-i �11e1� �t � ���1 �► �C'lC-� � fi�� �vUc? ti� S t� ►�1��;�c4E Vie ; 13 �n C) .,ii C,:A t� � � ( (i(l -a What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? �O �C7:•'r'�)�C'�E' Thy �"lc��c� s�ci ��� �n �2,�J��,t,vi!1� �nc� �sLC �'�1r �i �n � ►0 5 -TI-w- C:, w(n 1. %cfi The What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission? ��,ul ►o�w-e_. in C���i ��� a �,�crt i n �1-ac� - PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN JUNE 9, 1999 TO: CITY CLERK P. 0. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR W LL17VGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 030 - rx THE WOODARD GROUP BIOGRAPHY STEWART C. WOODARD, A.I.A. Mr. Woodard was born on December 29, 1933 in Washington, D.C. He moved with his family to Carmel, California in 1948 where he attended Carmel High School. He received athletic scholarships from Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley. He graduated from California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo in 1957 with a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering. He was Vice - President of Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity in 1956, was on the Dean's List at Cal Poly in 1957, and he won the Cal Poly Architectural Honor Award that same year. Mr. Woodard joined the Armed Services after graduation, retiring from the U.S. Army Reserve in 1962 with the ranking of First Sergeant. From 1958-1960 he gained valuable professional experience with various architectural firms in La Jolla, Pasadena, and West Los Angeles. In 1960 he joined the renowned architectural firm of William Pereira, F.A.I.A. & Associates in Los Angeles, where he eventually became Director of Design for the 125 man firm. During his five-year history with the firm, he worked on commissions throughout the world. Several projects which he was involved in were the Los Angeles International Airport, the 76,000 acre master plan for Irvine Ranch, the Catalina Island Master Plan, the Los Angeles Times complex, and many other developments in Southern California. In 1968 he was named Director of Design and Planning for the Larwin Group, a national home building company. During his tenure at Larwin he designed thousands of residences, as well as many planned communities. In 1970 Mr. Woodard opened his own firm in Newport Beach, California, where he received commissions in all areas of architecture. Although his first love is in the design of custom homes and religious structures, he has designed more than 150,000 condominiums, apartments, and single family P.U.D.'s. He has land planned over 420,000 acres of property for new homes, buildings, hospitals, retail and commercial projects, resort complexes, and institutional structures. He has received design awards in every category of architectural design and has been nominated to the prestigious "College of Fellows" of the American Institute of Architects. In 1974 he opened an office in Orlando, continuing the same quality work on similar commissions in Florida. He recently opened an office in La Quinta, California to serve the architectural needs of the desert community. He served on the Planning Commission for the City of La Quinta from 1996-1998. A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, 51-370 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, SUITE 6, LA QUINTA, CA 92253, 760-564-4418 / 760-564-1705 FAX 'A quality of a body of work that creates a high moral impression. 031 ARCHITECTURAL BACKGROUND 1957 Graduate Polytechnic College - San Luis Obispo Architectural Engineering "Dean's List" Honor Award 1962 Director Architectural Design William L. Pereira & Associates 1966 Director Architecture & Planning The Larwin Group 1970 Owner Stewart Woodard, A.I.A. Newport Beach, California 1973 President Ladd, Kelsey and Woodard, A.I.A. Newport Beach, California 1981 Owner Stewart Woodard, A.I.A. Costa Mesa, California 1989 Owner The Woodard Group Newport Beach & La Quinta, California CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS Board Member Friends of the Joffrey Ballet Board Member Orange County Master Chorale President Orange County Pacific Symphony President Dance Alliance / Performing Arts Center Patron Newport Harbor Art Museum President South Coast Repertory Theater Board Member La Quinta Arts Foundation Board Member Palm Springs Desert Museum OFFICES, COMMITTEES & HONORARIUMS 1996 Director of Development, OCC A.I.A. 1987 - 1998 Chairman, Architects Breakfast Club 1985 Director of Design Nomination, OCC A.I.A. 1980 Speaker, Design Conference - Monterey, California 1979 Speaker/Critic, Design Conference - Monterey, California 1979 Design Critic, CA Polytechnic School of Architecture 1978 Design Critic, CA Polytechnic School of Architecture 1976 Design Critic, CA Polytechnic School of Architecture 1976 Director of Design, OCC A.I.A. 1976 - Present Chapter Member, OCC A.I.A. 032 NON-PROFESSIONAL OFFICES, COMMITTEES & HONORARIUMS 1987 - Present Board Member, Friends of the Jof&ey Ballet 1987 - Present Board Member, Orange County Master Chorale 1985 - Present Board Member, Orange County Pacific Symphony 1985 - Present President, Dance Alliance - Performing Arts Center 1984 - Present Director of Committee for Monetary Reform 1983 - Present Founding Member, Orange County Chapter of the Joffrey Ballet 1977 - Present Patron, Newport Harbor Art Museum 1977 - 1978 Committee Member, Environmental Quality Control Commission 1976 - 1978 Committee Member, Architectural Standards Commission 1976 - Present Patron, Laguna Beach Museum of Art 1974 - Present Founding Member, Past President & Board Member of South Coast Repertory Theater 1970 - Present Patron, Bowers Museum of Art - Santa Ana 1970 - Present Patron, Long Beach Museum of Art 1970 - Present Patron, Los Angeles Museum of Art 1996 - Present Historic Preservation Commission - La Quinta 1996 - Present La Quinta Arts Foundation 1996 - 1998 Planning Commission, City of La Quinta 1999 - Present Board Member, Palm Springs Desert Museum PERSONAL AWARDS & COMMENDATIONS Man of the Year City of Hope - Recognition for outstanding achievements in community and professional service. Award of Commendation California Polytechnic State University - Support & Participation in Intern Programs. Certificate of Merit Orange County Board of Supervisors - Appreciation of distinguished and unselfish contributions on behalf of the people of Orange County. Business in the Arts Orange County Business Committee for the Arts - Award Certificate of Merit University of California at Irvine - Chancellor's Club - Recognition of generous support and commitment to insuring institutional excellence. Letter of Commendation South Coast Repertory Theater - Support & Participation Letter of Recognition City of Newport Beach Letter of Commendation State of California, Senator William Campbell Award of Service South Coast Repertory Theater Letter of Service South Coast Repertory Theater 033 BOOKS & ARTICLES WRITTEN BY MR. WOODARD Architectural Critique - 1992 Present Daily Pilot / Los Angeles Times Newspaper Circular Cluster Planning, Auto Parking Solution - April/May 1987 California Builder Magazine Circular Land Planning Permits Density Increase - June 1985 Apartment Builders Magazine Innovative Design Concepts - 1979 Apartment Builders Magazine Circular Planning - 1978 Los Angeles Times Density Planning - 1974 Urban Land Institute AWARDS - Stewart Woodard & Associates, A.I.A. 1997 Home of The Year 1992 Honor Award 1989 Honor Award 1987 Honor Award 1986 Judges Commendation 1986 Judges Commendation 1985 Honorable Mention 1985 Honorable Mention 1984 Honorable Mention 1984 Merit Award 1984 Honorable Mention 1983 Honor Award 1982 Honorable Mention 1981 Honorable Mention 1979 Merit Award 1977 Honorable Mention 1977 Honorable Award Mirada Estates Woodard Residence Woodard Residence Woodard & Associates Office Glenkirk Presbyterian Church Saddlebrook Village Peckenpaugh Residence Saddlebrook Villas Saddlebrook Villas Saddlebrook Villas Saddlebrook Village Master Plan Woodard Office Ridgewood Lakes Master Plan Woodard Residence South Coast Repertory Theater Quail Ridge Condominiums County Lakes Master Plan 034 416 PACIFIC COAST BUILDERS CONFERENCE Gold Nugget Awards 1986 1984 1982 1982 1982 1981 1981 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 Merit Award Merit Award Merit Award Merit Award Grand Award Merit Award Merit Award Merit Award Grand Award Merit Award Merit Award Grand Award BUILDERS MAGAZINE Builders Choice Awards 1986 Merit Award 1985 Honorable Mention 1982 Grand Award 1977 Merit Award MISCELLANEOUS 1988 1987 1986 1986 1986 1985 1983 1983 1982 1982 1982 1978 Planning Commission Best in America Award Aurora Award Grand Aurora Award Aurora Award (Merit) NAIOP Merit Award Honor Award Planned Communities Planned Communities Mobile Home Park of The Year Homes of Merit Merit Award House & Home Magazine Canyon Hills Woodard Office Woodside Condominiums Woodard Residence Woodard Residence Brief Residence Glenn Residence Quail Ridge Condominiums Quail Ridge Condominiums Woodside Fall Creek Fall Creek Wayne Residence Saddlebrook Pavilion Woodard Residence Quail Ridge Condominiums Glenkirk Presbyterian Church Wayne Residence Saddlebrook Villas Saddlebrook Villas Saddlebrook Pavilion Civic Plaza Indian Pines - Florida Indian Pines - Florida Indian Pines - Florida Indian Pines - Florida Indian Pines -Florida Quail Ridge Condominiums 035 ATTACHMENT 3-F Date &Allah CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA CULTURAL ARTS CONEMSSION NAME: �,Ae 4, /if, HOME ADDRESS: /A1.� (Must be a La Quinta reent a ekgzble to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: 5,4� TELEPHONE: (HOME) L7/. e� (BUSINESS) IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: r i EyItQ�7"uS r?lPrrRE S�1T ,e NR?io iJAI f�l?Ai1z.� rfi019 ,s�rL�fu /!/P2/�Anl. LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 61 S mr S • Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. r ssc<.��F<< �r�er^o•v, t��t/iv. G"A1,A ..L.P�,fJf� Wg�,ets_ G«•�.� mks �-T ������, v /• T 4 3 ��� '. Hti�TiY��� A)41 '7r — (-Vv ph-s "Al �E��� f!' APPLICATION, CULTURAL ARTS CONMSSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission. Z h � vim— l�Ft4�� ���; R r'�E r �. • ,Z.�^ � ;�x�� �: •:��-�. � R> I What specific issues or problems face the U Quinta Cultural Arts Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? oili I • �!L r What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the ' work of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission? ���f:�^ n ►' I't�'�rlsf � `Y.' /.�El��i„',d.P �a�, -- 19�Gu' n9fr� P� A/� GG�C�.E' ,'of cJ"eC .S /'� T 11*A, Dv, ��� Ca rx'e�i� .�rPT �t ^4A5> ��'� PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN JUNE 9, 1999 TO: >?a i4 art'j'e �RT /i��ATtO J''/Ei7iba?^Sii.S Litb/E' /�' E� 6p /17Ksa�,�, CITY CLERK P. 0. BOX 1504 A ,12 T I=owti',M-T.o.J tl �t Nrh, • jim, 8c,9eZ A Tit,ks�LA QUINTA, CA 92253 �Z��eu �Fc•cc.r.acl„v� PPrTieD,uJ �� �-< THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVE ?v NAME: IV(Ag A - CITY OF LA QUINTA ATTACHMENT 4-A Date -> — to CJ v RECEIVED 20"J3 MAY - 9 AM 11: S 6 APPLICATION TO SERVE ON HISTORIC PRESERVATION CONEMSSION L _ �vl-t E E - HOMEADDRESS: -49- ,C-, ZD 4v/2J3ES C,(P ci-E LA quir&t-Tyk CITY OF LA QUINTA .CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BusnvEss ADDRESS: 4'j- 2 5 S wEs i w -tto - � L-4 4) lAM, CA - TELEPHONE: (HOME) LfLf I I (BUSINESS) 04--) 4-+a - 4 ( S � x i51 o IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: /-A c? L) WT.A - tl aH-SC+EooL 1-ZfA6-Iir--K� 04= SFrW i-5 t. LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: � ( Ake 1-1 173 HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. .Pio1LN i+U $i LC3�ty �s��(iu) _ M , , Doll f� MA2. G f fl.Srv2`f t izT) . M . 8, Pr C uN; VAR.- -TX ,>F RED4ui-1%, _ SLt�2; n2 '�-��-�s / iV G.�SS f C� f�►�tTI� + G-�t�t M13�R r"� ll�t C- _ i4ff SWp -'SC4fp L or ARG4.jf1EoLo&-s Y4 ExCA�ar-J of 2�1'�t�r�J sPTr-= - =�� /��i c.l£..S t�J3t%Isf�o G��iiY�2�7y � Morn S�t'f►u, . — h).�jZL Ex+��6ti►cE :--'�.i�Tvr2Y vFM�.'' '1�tC+r��2 _+F►'f�+-F ..5�1�. �S�+�iu�_ r►USiC.'1'i—fAC-#e a- CRPY-4- vrMai 1- ) — ' lJ N J.PrL-- 76 =2- -i• SANDS UNi-ReD SC�1ll��-- J�dS7P-ICT_ iA APPLICATION, HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, duties and procedures of the La Quinta Historic Commission. — �-4 C��r/��► �r_s�o�L (yM���.S.1'ioN �i� PRov�P� �✓�"cE ��'r�t� ,—�Ji�vG : ����i j'br�. �yillEL�iV�j �N tliSr�iiL �SuRv�yo� PfiG��Fs, �oo�rioN r�FSTAi+�.�fZps 7U fi�iiEw /fPPj_i L?-0o 1V5 jR;�R p6e^75 -rD Zr _77YE t9t OF Three members of the Commission shall be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of architecture, h�s�, architectural history, planning, or other historic preservation -related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, cultural geogaphy, or cultural anthropology. Please explain -which specific discipline qualifies you for appointment. In Y 'o—tcIpleE ON A97- H161TorZ Y /h�E�f M-f--- R-WME_ OF — cLoPMEA)�j- .iill� f!C-1�1 AfE, OF CULMAhL_ (A - //iY7a6/'C_ l�►PYF M fl o L�iCRE -1 TfIN1�i pN �fi,ec/UrU _ Two members of the Commission shall be lay members who have demonstrated special -interest, competence, experience or knowledge in historic preservation, American studies, cultural anthropology, cultural geography, or other historic preservation -related disciplmes. Please explain your special interest/experience/knowledge as a lay member. M �I /CNor,J L -� IJ I f ttz M P_ y itMF_R? c-eA1 - lVtyl/QoP14t)T�->iX�IL �►C15�Ro�,�l� �lJy+�11� lf�-tom ' APPLICATION, HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION PAGE 3 What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the Historic Preservation Commission? Iti iL-1— -+ L_t=- j -Ti Urt?lor�J Ia- Z , -ffiS.1 oP) iC- -t A#2Tks rG -JC-A a4---M 1'4- 1-`N�RnU &JO. -3 _ 1 N�r'LSi one �tY�£�v►GiFi�l c i U�ui�N f�ND CUL'11Jt . f t i�PRE�-i i�n> or '� ! M�aQ"f�t1UC AND r� f4 N fIJ� aF T11 t= S S pt=5iF',�'io IAA) Hbi�R►"�j4�_ PR�r="Ario1V /f IJD HOC I N - PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF LA QU I NTA P. 0. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 040 MARIA L. PUENTE 78-620 Forbes Circle La Quinta, CA. 92253 (760) 345-4411 Mlpuente@aol.com EXPERIENCE 1990-2000 Bilingual Elementary and Secondary Teacher. Desert Sands Unified School District, California,USA. 1993,1996 Teacher for the G.A.T.E. (Gifted and Talented Education) Program Taught Music and Spanish at the elementary level, at Desert Sands Unified School District. 1988-90 "History of Music" Teacher at High School level in Madrid, Spain. 1986 "Solfeggio" Music Substitute Teacher at the Royal Conservatory of Music, Madrid, Spain. 1983 University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain. Practicing School of Archaelogy for the Basque Country. Formally enrolled for one school year. Took part in the excavations in the Cave of Arenaza I (Bilbao, Spain). EDUCATION 2000 M.B.A. University of Redlands (California). 1998 International A.V.I.D. (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Summer Institute, San Diego, California. World Language Strand. 1997 U.C.R. (University of California, Riverside). Certificate in the Education for the Gifted and Talented. 1996 U.C.R. (University of California, Riverside). Certificate for the Study of the Multiple Intelligences. 1995 California Professional Clear Teaching Credential: - Multiple Subjects (Grades k-5). Single Subject (Spanish), Grades 9-12. - BCLAD (Spanish) Professional Clear Credential. 1993 Canadian Studies Seminar, organized by the Ministry of Education of Toronto (Ontario), and the Foreign Affairs Ministry. 041. 1993, 92, 95, 99 Attended C.A.B.E. (California Association for Bilingual Education) Congress, in San Francisco and Anaheim, California. 1990 Presentation to the XXIII International University Congress in Madrid, Spain, on "Musical Dissonances at the end of the Present Millennium", which was later published by the University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. 1989 Presentation to the )MI International University Congress in Rome, Italy, on "Music during the French Revolution", which was later published by the University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. 1989 Royal Conservatory of Music, Madrid, Spain. Superior Degree in Classical Piano. Superior Degree in Chamber Music. 1988 University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. Institute of Educational Sciences: Certificate of Pedagogical Competence. 1987 University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. M.A., Double Major in History and Art. EXTRA ACTIVITIES 1994, 1997 Reappointed as a member of the La Quinta Historical Preservation Commission, La Quinta, California. SKILLS Languages Spanish, English, limited Italian, and beginning French and German. Computers Proficient in Apple Macintosh and IBM PC programs. Pianist Played in numerous piano concerts, social occasions and in musical plays. TRAVEL 1989-97 France, Italy, England, Mexico, Canada (Ontario and Quebec), Guatemala, Puerto Rico, British and U.S. Virgin Islands, and in the U.S. California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Vermont, New York, Colorado, and Hawaii. AFFILIATIONS Commissioner. La Quinta Historical Preservation Commission. Member of La Quinta Arts Foundation. Member of La Quinta Historical Society. Member of California Association for Bilingual Education. ATTACHMENT 4-B U RECEIVED CITY OF LA QUINTA . ZOO SAY 24 AR I I p APPLICATION TO SERVE CITY OF LA pl11pqTA ON CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ffiSTORIC PRESERVATION CO%fM1SSI0N NAME: HOME ADDRESS: BUSK MS ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: (HOME)(7Z d ),3Zo -,94J-/ (BUSINESS) IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: �9 HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMaSSION? Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. '�x'e - 4n APPLICATION, HISTORIC PRESERVATION COUNWSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, duties and procedures of the La Quinta Historic Commission. Three members of the Commission shall be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, or other historic preservation -related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, cultural geogaphy, or cultural anthropology. Please explain -which specific discipline qualifies you for appointment. Two members of the Commission shall be lay members who have demonstrated special.interest, competence, experience or knowledge in historic preservation, American studies, cultural anthropology, cultural geography, or other historic preservation -related disciplines. Please explain your special interest/experience/knowledge as a lay member. 044 APPLICATION, HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION PAGE 3 What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the Historic Preservation Commission? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 047 dI ( bra y�l NAME: HOME ADDRESS Date ATTACHMENT 4-C RECEIVED CITY OF LA QUINTA 20" ' ARR - 6 P; j APPLICATION TO SERVE CITY O' LAQUINTA ON CITY CL. I%'S OFFICE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMSSION �-a—(-) 9N-3 C ' 9,22 5 3' _ BUSINESS ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: (HOME) 7,6 p - 7 7/ -Ye 9 f (BUSINESS) IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? : ten ' n y A y/ Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other ME'E't-%� background. /' �; / `3 k, ..� �-Yer;, 411 r� 1,- i� �' G f, / �1. l 11164.s, E ,n ork ` I C/ia l' 'hW WTi / �Qfi�n f-�rdb/ergs 41Pef/ed-,n 14i�'STO/,i 'el-f'%s / /') Cf W -o Sfu o%e n fS i A' C 14( CAI / 'n c7iZ �20yrs . Fee —Ile Ile C GZ, LL1we,,,o4rmee-V ,Jo-Y'Xet- - wo �/"i i) y Iva ,-n e n l cn«/� �ll iefe %n �/ v �hUo>`�P�r►Ph' • Jai c ,� a fP e� �eM met n 1,74 % V r!/1 C • �' �y .%r� � S7zG2l�fS �e'��ie;�oo'rrr ncr/��� _9 —/eay c,ie r Cl' /� c+` ✓Zt rP n f q� %/'PS'� c7PI7 0 4 6 • 46 (L O�Er'Cle / ` fi;nr,�/ . APPLICATION, HISTORIC PRESERVATION CO1VMUSSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, duties and procedures of the La Quinta Historic Commission. l / hPi L!0Mm i55 i 0 n S 7'�c all ,r.R_4m -�-/ah do ��/PSPrea 747ir1 '1 Of' At,zz'oi-/`P �'��lr 5 lhG�' .Si/�S in ��)v nrTLi Of X et ///2l/in - GjL n i�S _ QIlQ/ wveacl '� /%;'fii ('v611" ; / K45( CitiZe-n6 of 7'IP 0 — V Three members of the Commission shall be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, or other historic preservation -related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, cultural geogaphy, or cultural anthropology. Please explain which specific discipline qualifies you for appointment. Two members of the Commission shall be lay members who have demonstrated special interest, competence, experience or knowledge in historic preservation, American studies, cultural anthropology, cultural geography, or other historic preservation -related disciplines. Please explain your special interest/experience/knowledge as a lay member. J?x &4 ple"n"Is A -.)I TV,- Tu vN a r_1pP.0 /a vP -Ar a-n W a.xmer is �� e -A's 1)v? rf Ot C DacAP//,t, lO 4.0U ;,,5 SAr/6 , .-7f ne45 Y s -ta y, 0 inpPG� /7-eOnd )-,5?ue, 41,jr , y , -�%r fir; n .048 APPLICATION, HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION PAGE 3 What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the Historic Preservation Commission? cc,, (�! 17/'.l` ;�el i7 C��[ h �e �/1L l �� l'11 i77L -Ih, -f- WA n Olt l- fiYlCiel�f S aAd r/S/-�V rS `1-V %I /�i�ll �P�U 7t /'�C� / Dld'(' P /' &!iI i -A/�/P �, UP PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF LA QUINTA P. 0. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT ATTACHMENT 4-D Date % _ _ REC IVED CITY OF LA QUINTA A . 21 APPLICATION TO SERVE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON CITY CLERK'S OFFICE HISTORIC PRESERVATION C011A IISSION NAME. HOMF ADDRESS:4r� BUSINESS ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: (HOME)1�. •�~]�.• D���j (BUSINESS) IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD:p't 1p. LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 1��'Se"CLN&S HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? p Biographical sketch, inc luding education, work experience, civic involvement and other ct�� 0.Z \O.S•.�•� ��.= ��a5� Sit �+T"C llC�'�., �y.N.t � � sztycy►�O ��C4.� S.ty c•4� 'J'S u�r►. O v"� ^r �iS,, 1 �•.•'S �.SZ"�.S`C4�1 W4 4Va'�• `� tt'�t '��'SI�U'•�NS'C ls�..L.�� �xvq I 050 APPLICATION, HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMiNIISSION PAGE 2 il Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, duties and procedures of the La Quinta Historic Commission. GSL Rtx\v(a U Three members of the Commission shall be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, or other historic preservation -related disciplines, such as urban .planning, American studies, American civilization, cultural geogaphy, or cultural anthrovology. Please explain which specific discipline qualifies you for appointment. Two members of the Commission shall be lay members who have demonstrated special interest, competence, experience or knowledge in historic preservation, American studies, cultural anthropology, cultural geography, or other historic preservation -related disciplines. Please explain your special interest/experience/knowledge as a lay member. -r-wo vc) VY edr f-' - .h�..ad► dl.r+� — tti`C'('tl�OLZ7 '�C �it.S. 1� LQw`'v 4 V1 e 0 d7 e. h`wa APPLICATION, HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION PAGE 3 What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the Historic Preservation Commission? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN JUNE 15, 1998 TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 0529 ARCHIE SHARP Motion Pictures Art Directors Guild - Local 876 - Group 1 Scenic Designers - Theatre - New York - 829 44030 Camino Azul - La Quinta, CA 92253 Phone (619) 773-0053 STAFF ART DIRECTOR - TV CBS, NBC, ABC �F + FRgg-LANCE ART DIRECTOR - `'TV SERIES AMERICAN GLADIATORS Sam Goldwyn, Jr. B01'�3 WILLBE BOYS Fox TV Network GEORGE BURNS COMEDY WEEK Universal Studos FA9-TTIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH Universal Studios HARDCASTLE & MCCORMICK Stephen J. Cannell HCIT L BALTIMORE Norman Lear, ABC ALMOnANYTHING GOES ABC CELEBRITYCHALLENGE OF THE SEXES ABC WENT GAME Chuck Barris, ABC CAME. . . E SHOVIf' Chuck Barris, CBS THR MICKIE.FINN SHOW NBC BEAUTIFUL PHYLLIS DILLER SHOW NBC 14EWLYWED GAME ABC FREE-LANCE ART DIRECTOR - TV SPECIALS BOB HOPE Air Force Academy, Colorado NBC MISSILES IN OCTOBER ABC PERRY COMO, In the Bahamas, New Mexico, Hollywood, Austria, New Orleans Mardi Gras, Christmas in Mexico, and Lake Tahoe - (7 editions) NBC PEGGY FLEMING. In Europe,:and at Sun Valley - (2 editions) NBC LINDSAY WAGNER' Dick Foster Prod. CELEBRITY CHALLENGE OF THE SEXES (18 editions) CBS Trans Worklintemational, Producer BATTLE OF NETWORK START - (15 editions) ABC LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, Hallmark Special NBC SOUND OF CHILDREN, Debbie Reynolds NBC FREE-LANCE ART DIRECTOR_ COMMERCIALS & SALES FILMS CLIENTS INCLUDE: Lofam & Assoc.; Coast Productions, Petersen Communications, Eggers Films, Johnston Films, Ray Corwin Productions, Film Fair, Mort Uboff Productions, The Burbank Studios, Young &'Rubicam, Petersen Company, Mid -Ocean Productions. FEATURE FILM DREAMER 20th Century Fox SET DESIGNER - THEATRE VARIOUS COL. HOWES CIRCUS Knott's Berry Farts SYMPHONY SHELL J. Paul Getty Museum NBC AFFILIATES PARTY NBC Studios NBC FALL PRESENTATION PARTY NBC Studios HISTORY OF NBC - Exhibition Burbank Museum SET DESIGNER 5 OPERA PROD. THE SEAGULL 01 THEATRICAL : . Uni. Texas-Austin,1986-88 Theatre Group, UCLA :. Director John Hots rnann 5 PRODUCTIONS Mark Taper Forum' ; PRODUCTIONS AT The Westwood Playhouse ALMOST ANYTHING GOES (2 editions) U.S. Tours BOOB TUBE REVIEW Harrah's Reno`=. PEGGY FLEMING (3 editions) Harrah's Tahoe & Reno PEGGY FLEMING CLASSICAL DRAMA ICE REVIEW OVER 60 OPERAS & LAS VEGAS;;:_ U.S. Tour UCLA & USC Drama Dept Golden Nugget, Atlantic Cllly-7,7 Opera Theatre & USC Opera Theatre > 16 PRODUCTIONS City of Angeles Opera Company TIJUANA BRASS Greek Theatre LOS ANGELES OPERA -(12 productions) VARIOUS - THEATRICAL Seattle Opera Huntington Hartford San Francisco Opera Co. EDUCATIONAL FACULTY APPOINTMENTS - Instructor for tv, Film & Theatre Depts. CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF ARTS, Valencia Head of set design 1988-93 High School of Performing Arts 1988 UCLA Extension 1987 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF THEATRE ARTS U.C.L.A.1965.83 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF THEATRE ARTS U.S.C.1979-82 University of California, Irvine Campus - 1985 Instructor for TV -Film & Theatre Depts. EDUCATION CHOUNARD ART INSTITUTE 1951 U.C.L.A. - MOTION PICTURE B.A. DEGREE (graduate work Ind.) AVALON FOUNDATION GRANT - 1960 BAYREUTH MEISTERKLASSEN- Germany KOMISHI OPER, EAST BERLIN - East Germany EXTENSIVE TRAVEL Throughout Europe (12 trips), Mexico, Central America, South Seas, North Africa, Russia, Mongolia, India, Turkey, Australia, U.S.A. Including Alaska, China, Nepal, Tibet, India, Thailand — 1989 T Archie Sharp - Biography Graduated from UCLA Theatre Department, Archie received,an Avalon Foundation Grant to observe and study in Germany at the," --Bayreuth Music Festival_ and the Komische Opera, East Berlin. TV Credits. include major and and series at NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox -Network, Universal Studios, Warner Brothers and PBS. Archie has filmed two TV specials in Europe, one in Mexico, and one in the Bahamas and Jamaica. For the theatre he has designed for the Mark Taper Forum, James A. Doolittle Theatre, as well as various other local theatre. For opera he has designed productions at San Francisco Opera, Seattle Opera, and L.A. Opera at Dorothy Chandler Pavillion. At a more popular level tie as worked on Las Vegas, Reno, Lake Tahoe, and Atlantic City productions. Locally tie designed for the Greek Theatre and J. Paul Getty Museum. As an c:.iucator he has taught theatre at UCLA, USC, Irvine, and the High School for the Performing Arts. Ile is pleased to be associated with California Institute of Lhe Arts. 054 Vh(;S%o in Entertainment A contivnnanl volurlle a, WI10'S W110 IN ANiEP.ICA, publrsheJ .tst,. 189Q by America's leading biograpluul rcicrcucc publisher MARQUIS IS WHO'S WHO.3002 Glenview RoadoWilnlette, IL 60091 I-800-6?-1-9ub9 tltl lilu,.,,s: 1-706­441-:3S71 h,r „w: rcc,•IJl. w. base rcpnxfuceJ your b,ocraI'll Ica I slacb as it will apl,car In Ow 2ud cJtrlun „I N'110's W110 I., ENTERTAINMENT. our Isles Iur the 2nJ ;Juuw arc now eluxJ. PLEASE. —IIOLD .ALL LIPUATES I„ your ,ketch wilil you rcccive our uIJatc request lot the 3rJ :Jul,rrt. 14pJatc, subrustwd at tho time cannot he mcorlsurawd.l —Du CIIECK CAREFLLLI THE MAILING ADDRESS SHOWN BELOW. 11 ru; chaugcs jr,; appropriate, pl.as. note them uu this lorm and return file enure lorm ill us fit Tuanl you for sour &fill, anJ c,wNrauon Junin the compilation al the end cJluun. Archie Bern;:rd Sharp 950 N Kings Rd Apt 147 LOS Angeles, CA 90069 2nd Edition 1t POST PUB UPDATE BC IJ ENTERTAIN-02 19442524 Submission ul this toms by the nominee coaslileles peimissian to Malpuis Who's Who to publish the inlotmation to punt etrutourc database. at olbet torn. The edilols twelve the light to select sp- ptoYtiale maielial consistent with Marquis Who's Who sivir at,d standalds and litimalions of space. Ill the even; of mots In publi- cation Ike sole Iesponslbihly b; Marquis Who, Whu will lit to collect such efluls in a succeeding edition of the publvauon Such cofrrction is in lieu of See ol11rl remedy. Marquis tnhu s Who e■- pleSsly discl slots all olbel liabilily lot loss of Ietiacntal of tonse- puenlial damage whelnen arising llom Negligence. contlact. of -olhel cause to shy party lai errols in publishing. Slgrlature Dail' ii OFFICE 19442524 /512/ 200/ 17 7 1 / 193 1 I'MIV A E ONLY o Copyright 1989. MARQUIS Whds Who. All rights rcscrvc.1. 1 010 010 H -k 010 X� FOR YOUR RECORDS Underlined information will not appear in the published biography. SHARP, ARCHIE BERNARD. artistic director; b. Honolulu, July 29, 1931; s. Archie and HaZei (Cooper) S. BA, UCLA, 1956. Asst. prof. theatre arts UCLA. 1965783, U. So. Calif., 1979-82; tcnr. theatre design and fine arts direction Calif. Inst. Arts, L.A., 1983— ; head of design program Calif. Inst. Arts, 1989-91; staff art dir. CBS, NBC, ABC. Freelance art dir. Boys Will Be Boys, George Burns Comedy Week, Hardcastle 8 McCormick, Newlywed Game, American Gladiator, Star Shoot. Parent Game, The Mickie Finn Show, Hot L Baltimore, Celebrity Challenge of the Sexes, Game Game Show, Beautiful Phyllis Diller Show, various specials; dir. feature film Dreamer; free-lance art dir, commercials and sales films; set designer City of Angeles Opera Co., UCLA Opera Theatre, Westwood Playhouse, Mark Taper Forum, NBC Studios, U. Tex. -Austin, others. Avocations: travel, swimming. Home: 950 N Kings Rd Apt 147 Los Angeles CA 90069 (213) 848-9545 Office: Calif Inst Arts 24700 W McBean Pkwv Valencia CA 91355 DO NOT RETURN SKETCH Unless updates to your address are needed. 055 I CHANGE See enclosed reservation form offering biographee discounts NO -CHANGE *ET028C-N--1944252411 ...rrr17Q/-_AI _1Qli I17r Ili 0 0 N-O N-O *ET028C-N--194425240 *ET02BC-N--194425240 ATTACHMENT 5-A Date 5 U 2000 MAY 11 Phi 12: 29 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ON LA QUINTA INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD NAME: I h0^-1 u s T HOME ADDRESS: IPy Q o X Z q -5- CA "T Z Z. % O BUSINESS ADDRESS: % Y `l Y 1 (4, . 1 L /4 9 Z Z- 10 TELEPHONE: (HOME) 7& 0- S 6 Fr - 0 6 Z S (BUSINESS) gu U •'f3 y- 4Y Y Fr x Zo`sX IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: L,45 fow, e r 1Ze.(ot4-rw-,slnir7 d-FtiCei' 7D T✓ e s +cj i Sze ry -c.Q S r ��,�: a ✓l l l/ e_ g G %-} LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: /V 14 HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD?• — Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. 1 LRD 14 SS'� // Iona aei ���-�� �/J tTec�.sL 9 �i S L%Aee- i s W G( 1 S . W0.4tj Tc� (i C3 'Hn t �JQSei7 ^Fy/ -7 ( [�% - �� �% �����5 I'� cr«o^e� /.�'•N�s ea T -0.5 0 APPLICATION, INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board. S 6u,v f- h e erg rn ee ✓,y r r G e +i U ✓1 t"' fs . What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board? wv ►10..�Q� yi "C/ I*^ ` y- 4 -"nC--C (*CA 1 tiS I,' 40r '��� Iev S f PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN JUNE 15, 1998 TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 057 ATTACHMENT 5-B E�� RECEIVE 'PETERSON - SLATER • OSBORNE ""I MAY23 PM12.07 ACCOUNTANCY CORPORATION "A proven investmenf for your business" CITY 0, QUINTA CITY CLFP,K'S OFFICE May 22, 2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council La Quinta, California Please accept my Application To Serve On La Quinta Advisory Board. I greatly appreciate the opportunity you have given me in serving the City of La Quinta. as a member of the Investment Advisory Board. This would be my third term as a member of the IAB and I believe, as outgoing chairman, this year we have had another productive year in protecting and overseeing the investments of our city. I would ask that I -be allowed to continue to serve our great city and yourself, the honorable Mayor and City Council, in a third term as a member of the Investment Advisory Board. Sincerely yours, PETERSON, SLAT R & OSBORNE Accountancy q_qrforation l� Lee M. O. borne. CPA President LMO/rls Enclosure 058 LESTER R. PETERSON, CPA JOHN T. SLATER, JR., PA . LEE M. OSBORNE, CPA 81-711 Highway 111 • Indio, CA 92201 . psocpa@aol.com • 760..347.3462 . fax760.347.1669 RECEIVEG Z^�n KAY 23 IPM 12: 07 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK'S OFFICE APPLICATION TO SERVE ON Date .S- Z Z —60 LA QUINTA INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD NAME: /- & e HOMEADDRESS: /3 - 6 7 / /�'I�SSi'�A C'i t 1,4 Qu �`� 7;4., 9ZZS BusnvEss ADDRESS: 8/- 2// /fw s! i//. %��ro. C'4. 9ZZO/ TELEPHONE: (HOME) 7 7a2 - 83 S' ,9 (BUSINESS) IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: ��e( CrSorL, S�i4 r � �5�2�r� �C'COy✓1Ti�s�C�/ L"U.t✓,�. LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 5 . HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD? �� S Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. n I/F S i fir• P,.� T /4-r%vt 5y,r V �a�✓L 059 APPLICATION, INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board. / T .7 T, .4, . What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? % �`�= /✓l v�'S%/ut'r! !� i� r ly �Ui� i/KU e i� h erz S C A S%2 on c ho 04rr d .' S �S S c�� T: of �• What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board? F, e sT , 4 szlzznAQ eo,2.1,,n 7- -C a 44y9&t,1f-/ /9- f � PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN JUNE 15, 1998 TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 060 N . u •r1kIT r n A 1 1 A .nwiEZry 1 CJ-%.. Date / ' A_ r R��O��; _Do, 475�y�Y P G �i CITY OF LA QUINTA CCr Y OF i <. 4U 3' 2 / APPLICATION TO SERVE �R� S Fj F ON LA QUINTA INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD NAME: (,OS -E °N /, HOME ADDRESS: y'y" a6S C',g,�r /.vv /C -f- C' I z a s r40 /C Q BUSINESS ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: (HOME) `j GD (BUSINESS) IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: 7- LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: ,� F y6A 2 S HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD?- Sftic Sl9y Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. Res&AtE ,4 T7---,fCHEn, Alf Toe 144- e- �a6 /6T 06t APPLICATION, INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD ' PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board? C(rr Sreo /,41w�� o S'�t FfT �- �., C& 17-14 Cy tt 2 6- -r PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN JUNE 15, 1"8 TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 77L4NK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT Joseph A. Irwin 44-065 Camino La Cresta La Quinta, CA 92253-3950 619-760-360 Qualification Statement Proven track record administering the tax function of firms in the paint and chemical, data processing and financial services sectors. Heavy experience with mergers and acquisitions, international tax planning, tax litigation and legislative strategies. Professional Experience Security Pacific Corporation, Los Angeles, CA October, 1974 - April, 1991 Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate Tax Department. Responsible for domestic tax compliance and world-wide tax planning for an acquisitive employer, the fifth largest bank holding company until its merger with Bank of America. Managed two partners, five senior managers and 29 other tax analysts and lawyers. Also recruited and managed 12 tax professionals in remote locations (San Diego, San Francisco, Hong Kong, New York and London). Emphasis on international tax treaties, accounting methods, compensation, Sub part F planning, FAS 96, ad valorem and franchise tax issues. Accomplished legislative successes in 1987, 1989 and 1990 on important federal tax issues. Extensive successful negotiations with large case audit teams (24+ agents) and appellate conferees. Significant Proposition 13 planning/implementation and a 90%+ litigation record for federal income, state franchise and ad valorem disputes. Additionally, managed the corporate insurance function for six years, successfully exploiting soft casualty markets with innovative new forms of coverage. Was active in the formation of three semi-public casualty insurance companies with risk equity approaching $1 Billion. Other positions held, Senior Vice President, Security Pacific National Bank. Burroughs Corporation, Detroit, MI August, 1971 - October, 1974 Director of Corporate Taxes. Responsible for a department of 18 tax professionals and extensive coordination with offshore professionals, engaged in tax compliance and planning in 85 countries. Achieved significant success in financial planning, Sub part F minimum distributions and maximum foreign tax credit utilization with some treaty work. Negotiated settlements with foreign taxing jurisdictions and responsible for the management of complex large case IRS audit teams. Emphasis on accounting period and method issues and well as extensive dealing with agents and appellate conferees. Significant experience and settlement of Section 482 issues and major ad valorem litigation. 063 Sherwin Williams Company, Cleveland, OH February. 1969 - August 1971 Manager, Tax Department. Ran 35 person tax department. Experience and success in sales, use and property tax planning and legislative functions. Other positions held; Manager, Tax Research and Planning. Internal Revenue Service, Cleveland, OH July, 1960 - February, 1969 Revenue Agent with varying assignments. Field agent in the fraud group for two years, supervised office audit group for one year, managed numerous special projects in the Manhattan District and National offices, International examiner, computer audit specialist and large case team coordinator during last five years. Instructor for IRS schools and local college. Education Dyke College, Cleveland, OH BBA, Magna cum Laude, 1960 Major: Accounting & Finance Minor: Economics Professional Affiliations Ohio Society of CPA's American Institute of CPA's Tax Executives Institute International Fiscal Association Los Angeles International Tax Club Tax Council (Policy Board) Tax Foundation (Program Committee) National Foreign Trade Council Chaired tax committees of both California and American bankers associations Personal Characteristics Intelligent, energetic, enthusiastic, strong moral character, quick study, hard worker. Understand and work around cultural differences of large organizations. Experienced in turning around troubled departments. Able to identify and hone strong technicians and to groom managers and partners. My successors at both Burroughs and Security Pacific were lieutenants I had recruited and groomed. !1 RECEIVED 20�0 NAY 25 PE 1 31 CITY Of LA QUINTA CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF LA QUINTA ATTACHMENT 5-D Date J APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD NAME: ( I &I- g-- / Z— /C 6 HOME ADDRESS: CT-7- Z2 BUSINESS ADDRESS: ���, /�� �- V e5, TELEPHONE: (HOME) (-76�07 7 / n1-17) . (BUSINESS) LZ&Q) Sly-/• D 7-7 7 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: 0 LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD? Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other ""'`` /" ' background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. L-CZ Quin1Zc. r5 CL ]clait�T I f`mii�tJ.�'7,i�/ c ?1'�ti1 S� i1lUCjl �i�%If'Jl�C��r Ct) n'1. r� es Z�'l� u v -e-- jV I Ct p s,-horn L.o h j Cn ll � u /'A I I fit 1 ' alf jrn n'-Jr-'- /7 r 1-ri r --H/t r j�/�c �� lam, I„ I , 4% , _-O-v i 065 i ,b Lid -tom C s � , � f(e v i w Ct r) GGjIL- I OU 1 I ►1t, t"f v I' Et,�.: � c- I b f�ti z a n G ` A)ILCdl l'►1 T Y oc� reQ I -eLc � 0►,1 4 u a)'t�r-1 Theme cze-'-J'�j a / pDiE5. X7C12 a Ve he /a' ire 11-2 04- Sa�v /te r-n��71 1401 y .y U) i*t,) CL rl u Vn 4e r cl Fbr -fi t n.e- c h v Pl.� C, a u a 6L oo1vva l procs . �k,FUi9me55 Cc onomic✓� C crc Q- W rc �cCuno��-�►c� - OV (.C►i ►.r er5)+y choenX a%/Cu2 s 17Ze�, Ccr,Frafe av) J " nanc la 1 JoacKe-rvuod Gtn -fV T tualmori y) ��-e�l I/py C.or pvy-a-te)-eeor?om1c ana f r�;onoI money maha eo-r sK, lt? ar?d eyerG-er2« oJou 1 d a /lain me, `k:> a- u v? / y �-a uca4vt C I 00 z tZs i iv ?'c o N o l7') IC s ) I QqZ ' ��9 N-rH (f ft L9 J N I Kt� i T/ _1 ::5 TM C-W-lgt' J C*-4f - jcz� o M t KC6, 148 ,:� . �-� ��'. M:1�K�i'I h �- � I too � . �►�� 1 � s >� 066 N APPLICATION, INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD II PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board. W—cn,--tor- C^rrriniiQII�e, QJ :1111Sr--h- k2', trJ74r'-th -exK15 "jn�4�Q CDR�r! v I �J f'J' ��G�[ -Fd►V,f t�1G1,K�✓Q�f��V17t"YIPL'1/7/F`�71J�'J�-, �"rl7/Gv"ri,:�T_'lc'lX'�C�L.iI/�"� �I"1.�/��i'Yll���� What specific issues or probleitts face the La Quints Investment Advisory Board and do you ha any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What specific attitudes, skills a�/or expertise rtise do you think you have which woU d enbar4ce the work of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT Q ►�Cf Ce r t n c� i .n v FS-t ► r�-j r ti c P S j r i h� �]`v � S a re A- 1 T Y G i + y C ou r.�lc �'l lP v`1 I V� 1 �J ►r 2 - f- J- ! �, CZ .�� I v �c ft Tlan vC�772Vi9t I"IWYJ pry 3©�rrc�' Gu16&1117Z 5 al'�e eey //y cr )Per vet a��c /1-2 rr>�rr . � U s � �,� PAS rGO�r. S� nc� U� c�.v► iy7� i� cc ������,� co�nmuY),f y a�� ;� -or - u h y :g�e et? ane-I a,�YYPi�'7' IMV '�' ,r Ci7';' Cel,�rle /l �t'-f"r�� r,Pv e'}eecf� arr rzeeJ 5;e%O 1-2 ha ve a12 y bra //•�,� �`- /PlDi�rrlPr,�m� v man My ou9n Zy-may �eoce- J'hat - C;®�'J mu n �u from & fc,veeo -f -MM t2 (-Ju6h as -14& COane. na\4inJ ct- ` I f-ot- CCr),)0Un��� Il C Gj ugI'1 -tW e ODcfIPc,-� Cuh lie I.p jr) �Iu ref tn-nOn 0 CuYrP►�+ �►�C>C� �- I�ec�ce -}�� cey ►h J- 'evalua-fin 61nct N1 a n cq{ ► ne `t" t�.: - .0 VA e I t I AO l I t'LE �O n i c In of , i t I V y J,,�,�( -i u �� ct � 5 w' C e S y rV y c GEe> 1 GIA FILICE 57-355 Interlachen La Quints, CA 92253 Daytime phone: 310-255-3298 Evening phone: 760-771-5040 Resume for Acceptance in the La Quinta Investment Advisory Council Brief Biography: I wanted to tell you a bit about myself before you, the reviewer(s) launched into my work, and educational qualifications. I am extremely interested in becoming affiliated with the Investment Advisory Council. I have been a desert resident for four years and truly enjoy living in La Quinta. Our city has so much to offer, and so much potential, all which will be realized only with diligent financial guidelines and carefully creative money management decisions. I would like,to be apart of this process. In my previous and current jobs, I have been responsible for managing, according to guidelines, very large corporate budgets, been responsible for their review and guideline review with management and been in process reviews on a quarterly basis. I hope this, and my economic background in money management will make me an acceptable candidate. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY: Santa Monica, CA OpenView Software Business Development Representative - Canada. Northeast/Midwest United States June 1999 - present Customer Base: Enterprise Customers/Fortune 500 customers HP Openview system integrators and resellers Primary focus on meeting the software needs of our enterprise customers. Interaction with CIO/ITManagement and Corporate VP level Responsibilities include: *Divisional quota attainment in Northeast, Midwest and Canada *Working within customers budgetary policies and constraints to implement solutions *Driving field marketing messaging *Customer and sales support UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX: National Degree Program January 1999 - present Economics Instructor *International Money Management *Micro and Macro Economics *Economics for Business Decision Making HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY: Pleasanton, CA National Channel/Distribution Marketing Manger June 1995 to June 1999 Responsible for strategic market planning at the executive level, market plan deployment at the headquarter and second tier level: -Drive marketing activities to exceed HP quota -Optimize budget of 5-6 million dollars annually -Direct and matrix management of 1-5 employees 069 Resume -continued THE SANTA CRUZ OPERATION INC.: Santa Cruz, CA — UNIX Software Company Manager/Americas Channel & Field Marketing Organization June 1992-June 1995 Responsible for strategic planning and program deployment for OEM, VAR, Reseller, and End User marketing programs in the United States, Canada, and Mexico Budget holder for all channel and field marketing activities - $2 million dollars annually Management of six to eight employees nationwide THE SANTA CRUZ OPERATION INC.: Santa Cruz, CA — UNIX Software Company Corporate Account Program Manager February 1991-June 1992 Responsible for strategy and implementation to increase SCO awareness to top 100 end user corporate accounts. Responsible for: -needs analysis -SCO sales and end user relationship marketing -creation and execution of yearly major account marketing plan and budget Channel Business Development Manager February 1987-February 1991 Responsible for development of territory and quota attainment for pacific northwest and western region accounts. Consistently achieved quota performance. Average account base: 50-60 developing/active accounts EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND San Jose State University, San Jose, CA. Masters in Economics, 1992 *Emphasis in International Business Development Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, BS/Commerce, 1987 *Major/Marketing, Minor/English 070 Da ATTACHMENT 6-A RECEIVED CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION 2000 MAY -2 PM 2: 15 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK'S OFFICE NAME: ROBERT T. TYLER HOME ADDRESS: 44-215 VELLETA DRIVE, LA OUINTA. CA 92253-3871 BUSINESS ADDRESS: NONE TELEPHONE: (HOME) (760) 345-2116 FAX) (760) 345-2717 EMPLOYMENT: Retired from the Lockheed Corporation (now the Lockheed Martin Comyanv) in mid-1990. LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 8-1/2 years. (I am a registered voter and vote regularly). HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? Yes. Since my initial appointment to the Planning Commission in January 1996. and reappointment in June 1998. I have attended all but a half -dozen meetings. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: I hold a BA Deg= (UCLA - 1951). a BS ( Engineering) Degree (USC - 1961). plus post graduate engineering studies at UCLA. I was a professional engineer in the Aerospace industry for overt ' -five years. Although my degree was in Electrical Engineering. my Lower Division curriculum included a significant amount of Civil Engineering. Thus, I am conversant with the various engineering disciplines related to community planning;__ During my 4-1/2 vear tenure on the Planning Commission, I have co-nAinuously undated my knowledge base with regard to all aspects of La Ouinta City Government. plus Federal. State and local statutes relatingto o city planning and land use functions. The City has sponsored my attendance at several annual sessions of the League of California Cities Planners Imdtute, as well as to several local planning -related seminars. The City has also provided me with numerous pertinent reference documents, including the La Ouinta General Plan. the La Quinta Zonim Code, and a large number of Specific Plans for various projects. In return. I have regularly devoted several hours per month studying all pending �Planning�Commission issues and visiting all of the related sites, so that I could obiecti Ay Rarticipate in each Public Hearing and Business Session in an informed manner. During_ FY 98-99 I served as the Chair of the Planning Commission. Since I am fully retired. I have no potential business -related conflict of interest situations. Other current volunteer activities include representingLa Quinta on the Palm Springs Airport Commission and on the HD Power Consumers Advisory Committee, teaching at the La Ouinta Senior Center, serving as an election Precinct Judge, and being a Foster Parent. Previously, served on the La Quinta Human Services Commission and was Co -Director of the Greater Coachella Valley Soap Box Derby for its first five annual races. 071 APPLICATION, PLANNING CONIlvIISSION - ROBERT T. TYLER PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations and procedures of the La Quints Planning Commission. Having served on the Planning Commission for the past 4-1/2 years_ I am thoroughly conversant with its functions. regulations. and procedures. The Planning Commission provides an advisory function to the City Council. and has no contracting_ authority per se. Actions taken by the Planning Commission go to the Cites, Council for review and final approval/disapproval. In accordance with the Brown Act, all meetings and hearing of the Planning Commission must be opens to the p-ublic. Under California law. the Planning. Commissiom in conjunction with the Community Development Staff. develops and maintains the Citv's General Plan. and develops such SQecific Plans as necessary or required. The City Council may also task the Planning Commission with specific responsibilities relative to Zoning Regulations and Subdivision regulations. The Planning Commission works closely with the Community Development Staffff, and relies on Staff Reports prepared for each agendized item. The Planning Commission also receives recommendations from the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee, as additional resource material. What specific issues or problems face the La Quints Planning Commission, and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? La Quinta is one of the fastest growing cities in California. with rapidly changing demographics. City population has more than doubled in the past ten years, and its current population has a median age in the low Vs. The City must strike a balance between continued growth. while maintaining the quality of life of its residents. La Ouinta needs additional economic development. including some forms of fight industry and affordable hotels. for increased tax revenue. A current key issue is the logical annexation of adjacent properties. Another issue is completin the in -process update of the General Plan. Periodic informal meetings between the City Council. the ALRC, and the Planning Commission would be helpful to communicate the City's goals and objectives among all three organizations. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quints Planning Commission? During my tenure on the Planning Commission. I have assiduously studied all issues that have come before us, and have made it a point to visit each and every related project site. Each vote I've cast as a Planning Commissioner has been based upon my careful consideration of the facts. rather than emotion, and, hgpefully, has contributed to the long term betterment of our beautiful City. MM as. moo PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN 0 TO: CITY CLERK P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 077 ATTACHMENT 6-g Date MBF.. C'� I*Ao 2"rr MAY -4 AM 10: 20 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK'S OFFICE APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: JACQUEsABELS HOME ADDRESS: ag-gg ,;—AV€N i w MaKarz°A, I A QUINTA `��= (P11 RnX 1416) (Must be a. La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: RD Box 1416, 1 A 011 T PST—^ T CA 922S3 TELEPHONE: (HOME) 756-564-4368 (BUslNEss) 760-771-3433 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: JACQUES ABELS INSURANCE SERVICES LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? Mrmm 6 YEARS Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. .SEE ATTACHED 073 0 JACQUES ABELS INSURANCE SERVICES Post Office Box 1416 - La Quinta, CA 92253 Phone (760) 771-3433 - Fax (760) 771-3435 May 02, 2000 800-458-0919-89 - Ca. Lic. #0532001 The Honorable Mayor John Pena Councilman Stanley Sniff Councilman Ron Perkins Councilman Don Adolph Councilwoman Terry Henderson I would like to submit for your utmost consideration my application for re -appointment to the Planning Commission as of July 1, 2000. You have known me for several years due to my involvement and activities here in the Coachella Valley, both with the Coachella Valley Recreation and Parks District Board of Directors representing La Quinta, and the La Quinta Planning Commission for the past six years. A. I have lived in La Quinta for the past 30 years. B. Occupation - Insurance Broker C. Widower; one son, Jerry, one daughter, Judy, and one grandson, Hale. D. Attended the University of Denver where I studied Business Economics for 3 1/2 years before being called into the service with the United States Navy. E. Served in the US Navy for five years and obtaining the rank of Lieutenant Senior Grade in the Submarine Service. Remained in the Naval Reserve and resigned prior to the Korean War. F. Member of the La Quinta Rotary Club for the past 12 years with prior member- ship in the Studio City Rotary Club (past president) for a total time of 32 years of service. G. Past Chairman of the Board of the East Valley YMCA during the sixties and part of 1970. H. Member and past president of the Desert Valley Life Underwriters for the past 18 years. I. Member of the City of La Quinta Master Plan Committee when La Quinta originally incorporated. J. Member of the initial Chamber of Commerce and First Task Force for incorporation for the City of La Quinta K. Served on the CVRP District as La Quinta's representative on the Board of Directors for 8 years; 2 years as president. L. Served as chairman on the La Quinta Task Force on Investment Policies in j 1992. M. Served as Planning Commission member for 6 years, 2 years as Chairman. 074 As you are well aware, I am an independent and beholden to no one or to any special interest group. I have the time, energy, desire and commitment to serve the City of La Quinta. Please know that if I am re -appointed you will have my utmost and total commitment as a Planning Commissioner. jaluesbels 079 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. AWARE OF ALL FUNCTIONS, REGULATIO"!S AND PROCEDU°ES. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? SPEC I c I C ? SsuES I NCLUDE : A) V I ! LAu OF LA Qu ul A; R) Awy ltl ANT] M ANNFXATTnNS, T %unGEST MORE pIIRLTr IN01f1 PROM AEEF('TFn PROPERTY OWNERS, CONTINUED DEVELOPMENT OF REVENUE ENHANCEMENT INDUSTRIES, AND CAUTIOUS ANNEXATIONS THAT INHIBIT DETERIORATED`' INFRASTRUCTURE. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? I COMBINE BOTH PRIVATE AND PUBLIC EXPERTISE WITH MANY YEARS IN IN THE P�IV�TE SECTOR AS WELL ;S E;GHT YEARS IN THE P'IBLIC SECTOR. NOTE; OTHER THAN MY PERSONAL RESIDE^!CE; I HAVE NO OTHER REAL ESTATE OR BUSINESS INTERESTS IN THE CITY OF L^ OUINTA. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN JUNE 99 1999 TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 71YANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 5C ATTAr`URACAIT a_r% Date RECEIVED 2000 MAY 23 PM 1' 22 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF L A QUINT A APPLICATION TO SERVE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: Tom Kirk HOME ADDRESS: 78-150 Calle Cadiz, La Quinta BUSINESS ADDRESS: 78-401 Highway 111, Suite T, La Quinta TELEPHONE (HOME): 564-1452 (BUSINESS) 564-4888 May 22, 2000 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD Salton Sea Authority, Executive Director LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 4 Years HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? Yes Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. Education: University of Califomia, Berkeley, Master of City and Regional Planning, Class Rank #1: University of California, Los Angeles, Bachelor of Arts, Geography, Magna Cum Laude: Trinity College Dublin; Politics/Geography (45 units): University of California, Irvine, Development (12 units): Coro Foundation, Public Affairs. Work Experience: Salton Sea Authority Executive Director (2.5 years). CVAG Supervising Director (2.5 Years). Land Use/Planning Consultant, Project Manager -The Planning Center (6 years). Independent Consulting for transportation consultant (K. T. Analytic) (1 Year). Research/Teaching. Guest speaker (various land use, transportation and environmental topics). Research of various land use, mass transportation and paratransit issues Awards: American Planning Association awards (national, state, local) Civic involvement. • La Quinta Planning Commissioner (97198-99100). Imperial Irrigation District Power Advisory Committee (97). Boys Soccer Coach (Regional Champion). La Quinta Recreation Vehicle Ordinance Committee (97) Other Background .• Wife, Julie. Sons, Jake & Gavin. Dog, Nevada. We spend much of our free time either working on the house or camping and other outside activities. Play volleyball, basketball and other sports locally. f _ 077 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 RECEIVE 22 A ICE The Commission serves at the will of the City Council and provides recommendations to the Council on a variety of major zoning and general plan matters. Additionally, the Commission serves as the final review body for lesser development -related actions. My knowledge of the functions, etc, of the Commission is derived, in part, from my three years on the Commission, including the last as Commission chairman. My experience is buttressed by a significant amount of coursework in planning, environmental and related fields Additionally, I have worked with, or presented to, many planning commissions in other Ca6fomia communities What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems. Several issues will be addressed during the coming year or two: including potential annexation, Me General Plan Update, the final plans for commercial property along Hwy. 111, and potentially major mixed -use resort -related development. I noted on my last application for Planning Commission that there is not a one size fits all approach to issues that come before the Commission. The same is true today. I believe that. • La Quinta is a high quality community and that that essence should be refiected in the built environment, developers should encounter a fair, transparent process when working w/th the city; and commissioners should not take the place of staff` but should utilize the expertise and commitment of staff to the greatest degree possible. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? The Planning Commission, as reconstituted two years ago, has been an always impartial, mostly efflden4 and particularly dedicated group that has served the City well. If fortunate enough to be re -appointed, I provide to the Commission a fair degree of understanding of the planning process, a good dose of common sense, a commitment to quality and a healthy respect for private property rights and the challenges developers face in the approval process. My design perspective comes In large part from an appreciation for the combined results of many actors on the urban scene, and distaste for a single design aesthetic applied "cookie -cutter" across the city. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P.O. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT