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2000 06 20 RDA
Tiht 4 4 0" Redevelopment Agency Agendas are now Available on the City's Web Page @ www.ia-quinta.org Redevelopment Agency Agenda CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting June 20. 2000 - 2:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Beginning Res. No. RDA 2000-03 a. Roll Call: Board Members: Adolph, Pena, Perkins, Sniff, Chairperson Henderson PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. 1. CONFERENCE WITH AGENCY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, MARK WEISS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND MILES AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT: THE NORTH CENTRAL GROUP. 2. CONFERENCE WITH AGENCY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, JERRY HERMAN PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54656.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET AND 48T" AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT: CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP. NOTE: TIME PERMITTING, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD MAY CONDUCT CLOSED SESSION DISCUSSIONS DURING THE DINNER RECESS. IN ADDITION, WHEN THE CITY IS CONSIDERING ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY, PERSONS IDENTIFIED AS NEGOTIATING PARTIES ARE NOT INVITED INTO THE CLOSED SESSION MEETING. RECONVENE AT 3:00 PM 00-1 At this time members of the public may address the Agency Board on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or matters that are not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. Please watch the timing device on the podium. For all Agency Business Session matters or Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the Agency beginning consideration of that item. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 10, 2000. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 6, 2000. Note: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED JUNE 20, 2000. 2. TRANSMITTAL OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED APRIL 30, 2000. 3. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT DATED APRIL 30, 2000. 4. APPROVAL OF AN APPROPRIATION OF $175,000 FOR THE BUILDING HORIZONS PROGRAM. 1. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE INVESTMENT POLICY OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000/2001. A. RESOLUTION ACTION. 2. CONSIDERATION-0E-AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO CONSTRUCT THE PHASE VI - A, B, C, AND D IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 98-19, WITHIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2000-1. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION B. STUDY SESSION - None 00,21 -2- PUBLIC HEARINGS JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP TO CONSIDER TERMINATION OF TWO AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 2. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND RECREACTION GROUP OF COMPANIES AND LINC HOUSING TO CONSIDER TWO AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND RECREACTION GROUP OF COMPANIES AND LINC HOUSING. A. RESOLUTION ACTION(S) rtar•Pr ut4a DECLARATION OF POSTING I, June S. Greek, Secretary of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency meeting of June 20, 2000, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and at Stater Bros., 78-630 Highway 111, on Friday, June 16, 2000. DATED: June 2, 2000 JUNE S. GREEK, CMC/AAE Secretary, La Quinta Redevelopment Agency PUBLIC NOTICE The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7025, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. -3- 0 0 v J ceih,4 XP Q" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: JUNE 20, 2000 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated June 20, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Demand Register Dated June 20, 2000 BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING 41377 - 414041 3,077.12 41405 - 414171 47,958.58 41418 - 414211 41,773.34 Auto Mall Cks} 4,853.76 Wire Transfers; 25,207.71 P/R 5132 - 5204; 90,577.21 P/R Tax Transfers; 25,497.76 CITY DEMANDS Payable Warrants: 41422 - 415471 340,941.53 RDA DEMANDS $579,887.01 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash -RDA $0.00 hn M. Fal6oner, Finance Director $579,887.01 0.00 $579,887.01 CITY OF LA QUINTA AUTO MALL BANK ACCOUNT TRANSACTIONS 3/8/00 - 4/5/00 CHECK # 1027 STAMKO DEVELOPMENT TOTAL TRANSACTIONS $4,853.76 $4,853.76 ��J CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 5/11/00 - 6/15/00 5/12/00 WIRE TRANSFER - DEFERRED COMP 5/12/00 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 5/12/00 WIRE TRANSFER - CREDIT UNION $5,479.65 $13,440.06 $6,288.00 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT $25,207.71 3 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 10:12AM 06/15/00 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 41422 06/15/00 &01113 CONVENTION SUPPORT SVC 100.00 41423 06/15/00 &01114 JAMES DAUGHTRY 321.87 41424 06/15/00 &01115 R & R SERVICES 100.00 41425 06/15/00 &01116 VERONICA SOPTICH 15.00 41426 06/15/00 &01117 WAL MART PHARMACY 350.00 41427 06/15/00 &01118 JEAN PROCIW ' 10.00 41428 06/15/00 &01119 MATTHEW D BREINDEL 4.00 41429 06/15/00 &01120 PATRICK MORSE 23.00 41430 06/15/00 &01123 GERARDO MELGOZA 5.00 41431 06/15/00 &01124 FRANCISCO MERCADO 5.00 41432 06/15/00 AlRO01 A=1 RENTS 372.92 41433 06/15/00 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 981.37 41434 06/15/00 ADT100 ADT SECURITY SVC INC 318.94 41435 06/15/00 ALC050 BOB ALCALA 115.50 41436 06/15/00 AMC050 A & M CONSTRUCTION 3365.00 41437 06/15/00 AME200 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS 157.99 41438 06/15/00 AN1050 ANIMAL CARE EQUIPMENT 455.93 41439 06/15/00 ATT075 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 425.28 41440 06/15/00 AUT030 AUTOMATED TELECOM 600.26 41441 06/15/00 BER150 BERRYMAN & HENIGAR INC 5184.00 41442 06/15/00 BOG100 SHARON BOGAN 168.00 41443 06/15/00 BOY075 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF 14295.00 41444 06/15/00 CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY 317.33 41445 06/15/00 CAL016 CA ASSEMBLY OF LOCAL ARTS 75.00 41446 06/15/00 CAR300 CARQUEST 115.55 41447 06/15/00 CDW050 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 714.50 41448 06/15/00 CEN010 CENTURY FORMS INC 69.07 41449 06/15/00 CEN050 CENTURY CROWELL 8.65 41450 06/15/00 COA071 COACHELLA VALLEY PRINTING 4797.84 41451 06/15/00 COA073 COACHELLA VLLY RECREATION 1538.86 41452 06/15/00 COM015 COMPUTER U LEARNING CENTR 1125.00 41453 06/15/00 COM030 COMSERCO 967.07 41454 06/15/00 C00100 COOLEY'CONSTRUCTION INC 1666.67 41455 06/15/00 COS050 COSTCO BUSINESS DELIVERY 994.88 41456 06/15/00 DESO49 DESERT SANDSCAPES INC 49.00 41457 06/15/00 DES060 DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 2131.38 41458 06/15/00 DES065 DESERT TEMPS INC 4564.22 41459 06/15/00 DOU010 DOUBLE PRINTS 1 HR PHOTO 8.43 41460 06/15/00 DOU200 LES DOUGLAS 157.15 41461 06/15/00 EVA050 DAVID EVANS & ASSOC INC 24030.00 41462 06/15/00 FED010 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 390.66 41463 06/15/00 GAR040 GARZA TURF & POWER EQUIP 288.61 41464 06/15/00 GAS010 GASCARD INC 257.95 41465 06/15/00 GCS010 GCS WESTERN POWER & EQUIP 3403.52 41466 06/15/00 GE0010 GEORGE'S GOODYEAR 696.40 41467 06/15/00 HAI100 HAINES & COMPANY INC 288.91 41468 06/15/00 HEG050 JIM HEGGE 580.00 00: E ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 10:12AM 06/15/00 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 2 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT 41469 06/15/00 HER010 JERRY HERMAN 56.50 41470 06/15/00 HIG010 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 297.81 41471 06/15/00 HOA010 HUGH HOARD INC 130.00 41472 06/15/00 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 52.43 41473 06/15/00 H00050 FAYE HOOPER 100.00 41474 06/15/00 IMPO10 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 4.11 41475 06/15/00 IND030 INDIO SHOE STORE INC 203.,65 41476 06/15/00 JAC200 JACOBSSON ENGINEERING INC 13485.79 41477 06/15/00 JAS100 JAS PACIFIC 11649.80 41478 06/15/00 JPRO10 JP REPROGRAPHICS 1432.80 41479 06/15/00 KEL010 KELLY SERVICES INC 1495.84 41480 06/15/00 KIN100 KINER/GOODSELL ADVERTISNG 5456.75 41481 06/15/00 KRI100 BRUCE KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION 440.00 41482 06/15/00 LAQ030 LA QUINTA CAR WASH 29.85 41483 06/15/00 LAQ058 LA QUINTA H S FOUNDATION 5000.00 41484 06/15/00 LEA020 LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES 15.00 41485 06/15/00 L00010 LOCK SHOP INC 8.00 41486 06/15/00 LOW100 LOWE'S COMPANIES INC 95.88 41487 06/15/00 LUC050 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES 1346.79 41488 06/15/00 LUN050 LUNDEEN PACIFIC CORP 39019.81 41489 06/15/00 MCDO10 MC DOWELL AWARDS 207.69 41490 06/15/00 MCK010 McKESSON WATER PRODUCTS 146.60 41'491 06/15/00 MIT150 MICHAEL MITCHELL 90.30 41492 06/15/00 MOM100 MOM'S GAS STATION 1425.41 41493 06/15/00 MUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC 3041.16 41494 06/15/00 NAD100 JACK NADEL INC 462.56 41495 06/15/00 NAT022 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 1132.00 41496 06/15/00 NAW010 RON NAWROCKI 1000.00 41497 06/15/00 NIC101 NICKERSON & ASSOCIATES 15134.85 41498 06/15/00 OLI100 OLINN MESSAGE CENTER 91.09 41499 06/15/00 OUT100 OUTDOOR SERVICES INC 100.00 41500 06/15/00 OWE020 OWEN & BRADLEY 14494.00 41501 06/15/00 PER010 RONALD A PERKINS 25.12 41502 06/15/00 PRI020 THE PRINTING PLACE 870.62 41503 06/15/00 PROO10 PROTECTON SERVICE IND 248.04 41504 06/15/00 RAD050 RADIO SHACK 33.45 41505 06/15/00 RAL050 RAL•PHS GROCERY CO 36.99 41506 06/15/00 RAS020 RASA - ERIC NELSON 2370.00 41507 06/15/00 RIE200 PAT RIENSCHE 246.40 41508 06/15/00 RIV072 RIVERSIDE CNTY EXPLORER 6000.00 41509 06/15/00 RIV080 RIVERSIDE COUNTY HEALTH 1145.00 41510 06/15/00 RIV102 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF 1200.00 41511 06/15/00 RIV103 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF 1200.00 41512 06/15/00 RIV106 RIV CNTY SHERIFF TECHNICL 20560.00 41513 06/15/00 RUI100 JOHN RUIZ 41.67 41514 06/15/00 SAN200 SAN DIEGO ROTARY BROOM CO 387.90 41515 06/15/00 SAX100 SAXON ENGINEERING SERVICE 5040.00 41516 06/15/00 SEC050 SECURITY LINK/AMERITECH 108.21 41517 06/15/00 SIM025 SIMON MOTORS INC 29579.76 00 5 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 10:12AM 06/15/00 CITY OF LA.QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 3 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT 41518 06/15/00 SKY200 SKYTEL 12.81 41519 06/15/00 SMA010 SMART & FINAL 160.24 41520 06/15/00 SMI010 MARILYN SMITH 36.70 41521 06/15/00 SM0010 DONNALDA SMOLENS 208.00 41522 06/15/00 SOU007 SOUTHWEST NETWORKS, INC 4481.11 41523 06/15/00 S00010 SOUTHERN CALIF GAS CO 175.74 41524 06/15/00 SOU100 SOUTHLAND GEOTECHNICL INC 602.50 41525 06/15/00 SOU201 SO CAL CITY CLERKS ASSOC 30.00 41526 06/15/00 SPRO10 SPRINT 710.90 41527 06/15/00 STA045 STAN'S AUTO TECH 115.02 41528 06/15/00 STA050 STAPLES 1147.33 41529 06/15/00 STA150 STATER BROS 74.95 41530 06/15/00 STE002 STEAM ON 100.00 41531 06/15/00 SUN080 SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP 100.52 41532 06/15/00 SZE100 SHARON SZESNY 284.20 41533 06/15/00 TIE050 TIERRA PLANNING & DESIGN 50.00 41534 06/15/00 TOP010 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 642.16 41535 06/15/00 TRA020 TRANSAMERICA INTELLITECH 490.74 41536 06/15/00 TRIO10 TRI LAKE CONSULTANTS INC 30516.00 41537 06/15/00 TRU010 TRULY NOLEN INC 86.00 41538 06/15/00 TTI100 TTI NATIONAL INC 17.99 41539 06/15/00 USO100 US OFFICE PRODUCTS 1280.26 41540 06/15/00 VAN075 VANDORPE CHOU ASSOC INC 3862.50 41541 06/15/00 WAL010 WAL MART STORES INC 649.76 41542 06/15/00 WEB100 BONNIE WEBER 728.00 41543 06/15/00 WES009 WEST COAST TRANSPORTATION 656.25 41544 06/15/00 WIL050 BRITT W WILSON 201.96 41545 06/15/00 XER010 XEROX CORPORATION 1928.22 41546 06/15/00 YEA100 E.L. YEAGER CONST CO INC 26641.33 41547 06/15/00 YOU100 YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICE 1610.00 CHECK TOTAL . 340,941.53 V Vv 6 z N m c N l0 � H M H N V E. O z 0 0 H w rr U kD l0 l0 to N m m V' a m m o w H O 0 0 o O O I H "o ID ID .o ID w (.� W < m E• ko E+ w E .o E ID E F E E H F. E+ H E. c m E. 0 O o O r oo o O 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 o 0 O 0 O 0 o 0 O 04 H O W z O O H O 11'1 O O C - M N Ln N m H £ D O In N r O .--1 r-4 N M .-1 N N r-I N a O �d .-i O o r cn o 0 O o o O 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M o W nw + a o v) a o o rC c a m N N ' Ln N O a a N m w O H r1 W Ln m lz w N O >> O O W E+ E+ rn O oN H .] a a U H .4 O a O a E U H r7 U W ❑ W ❑ W .7 w w W a U w 17 rl rC U w< a (D zlic 1-7 a a d a W< .a a ry .7 a 94 w Cu rC E w r.0 H z r%4 E.V) E+ Z El E-F EE z E W F W E p O U ❑❑ (D O Ho u) E W a O E-F H V) O E. x O 0 E o H F Ho U) E U O O F U O U E+ w U H E. Q. D E+ a .4 E D .7 D m m O U m z a D m a O t!) a O V) a U) u) H O CL H E+ a O m m a O m a. 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E+ Da al P+ W w H aL H H x x x x x x x x x H a E+ a H w a cn w a a a O RC a FC a FC a a a a O a FC U % U >> �: U cn a 0 U w x v w x U w x U w x U w x U w x U w x U w x= U w a 0 0 F a U O w > H O H a O ❑ 9❑ a a a a ❑ a s ❑ U U U u U U u U u❑ o o < > z U z F z O D O O O z D W a a m z z a z m �..� v) W to H w > 0 w a > a a a a a a a a a W > a a E E+ W C7 W C7 w 0 w > z RC z FC z FC Z FC z FC Z z a z a z w a > F W V7 > W w a w a w w u)❑ o v v 0 v u U rQ a CU W M Q1 Qa1 Qa1 U W P N M c m u1 r M Ln P c N N O O O O r H O r m M N M M M c M z z n M O 1n 0)M ul N M. m e P c M c H ❑ H '.i c N 1D Ln en %D ti) r-1 r-4 N M P 1n H z 0 m r r N r r 1n 1n 1n -i rl r r r r r r r r r ❑ In 13) N r1 M N N O O 0 1-4 rl rl H r-1 -4 -4 -1 .-4 H r1 14 H x a � m w m a 1 0 o w E. p4 c u) O O O O o O r1 O O o r r r r r r r r r N r W M -4 m ID �D m to w .-1 to w ko Ln 1n u7 Ln Ln N N 1A rn m M m 1D m to V> ID 19 w lD w w ID u7 Ln N u7 Ln N Ln Ln u) in u) M 1n 1n in 1n ul 1n r1 u'1 Lo 1n D1 m aN O) 01 o) o) O1 01 r z O O M M M M M M N M M M O O O O O O O O O O O m r kD W 1D tD to %D to .1D w to w w w w to W %D to \D w kD E z N M M M M M M M .-i M M M N N N N N N N N N N r1 D O 1n uY 1n 1n Ln 1n Ln Ln Lo u N u'1 u) N Ln N 1n Ln u) to O ul O N M H r-I ri rl ri rl M q -4 ri P P P P P P c P P N N - U U 11 H .-� rl r-1 r-1 r-1 rl ♦-/ rl H H �--I r/ ri ri ri .� �--I rl .� f-1 r1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1-1 -4 rl H H H 'q H r-I ri r-1 rl r-I ra �--� rl rl ri rl r1 r-I rl rl m U w rn.w w m U U U U U U U U U U] z U U U U U H H H H H H H H H Ira >> a o a a a a a a a z E E ON H W W W W W O O O O O (7 U' C7 C7 C7 (7 C7 C7 C7 O (si .J U U U U H H H H H H H H H a H a w w w w w z z z z z z z z z U a w m w w m cn a a a a a w w w w w w w w w � 1 W W W W W w H F 1+ f- E a W E ❑ W W w W W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O H a 2 m 1.y H a u U a H a H a H a H a H W E W E W F W F W E z z z Z z z z z z m CD � p r4 3 3 3 3 3 >+ >+ >a >+ >+ >+ >a >a >+ z O H H H E E.o 0 0 0 0 a a a a a a a a a a co w a o w H w w w a a F F F F F a a a a a a a a m < >+ .a 0 z F H H H F O D m O m W W W w w w W w w x O u) za a a a a a a a a m m m m m m m m m u m E El o w > O O rn 1n 1n Lo Ul o O O O O O O C. O 0 0 0 0 O O z O u1 r r r r r M M M M M o Ln N un rn u1 Ln to 1n O N O O O O O O O C. O O O H H .--I r-1 r-1 -4 rl rl r1 W H z F F F E El E F F F. F D F D F D H D El D a W a W a W am w w a w a w a W m w O O U U a a a a a a a a m m m m m m m m m m m 9 Z N m c Ln w Ln ID r m m O H N M a N M vT Ln N Ln CrY.0 N N N N N r H H H H N N N N N N N N N N O F Z LO 0 � � x l0 U N N N N N M m m m m m m M M m w W tD t0 m M O w F 0 O O o ri H C7 a lD lD lD lD lD lD tD tp lD tD tD l0 w ID kD 10 ID ID t0 W m E H F E F H E F E F E F F E H E H E. E F F c m O m 01 m O tD m O t0 M O H c O O O H N a' Ln N 01 E O r N tD O N Ln O N Ln O 10 01 01 Ol Ln Ln N O lD N O W 2 r 01 O r r O N w H W H r 01 N N N H H H V' M >+ O � ,� r to a a a O m Cl Ln o r Ln o M o Ln Ln o tD Ln r Ln v 0) 0) a m w m H r w a m H r a > o m O m E � a H a a F m M. a a w a a s z a ma ma cn U a a D a m (n ❑ a 0+ O Z E+ E H E+ &, a E a E a E F a o o u u u o m w 1,o E H wEa o0 U El H a a s H a z H a a m m m 0 m m 0 m m m a x a (n a x a m m m a m a 0 O H O E x x z£ E E£ E x O m 0 W W W W O o 0 m m m 0 O H > D: ❑ a a a a a a a a a a❑ a❑ a H a a❑ o❑ W W W❑ ❑❑ F z U Z O O O O O O O O o O z W z H Z z z z z z z a H m W w - m w H a H H W N W H H H W D w W W > H H H H H H H H H H> E> x a x x> > m m m> G-i > 0' ❑ z z z z Z Z z z z z w w m w w a o 0 o w w CO o a o a❑❑ 0 5❑❑ > m > > x m m m a a w f. U W o o M H❑ a r rn r r tD . O> > m m M M VI kD .4 H O N N r r- r r O N N N v z z z m m M M M a v O M M O O O O c H H H H H ❑ H O V' c V V cl c' c aT V v O O O Cl Ln lD to tD O1 H z N O O O O co m v N N H H H H x to ID w v ❑ Lo Ln Ln Ln Ln c v Ln Ln Ln r r r r m c a c H H x a z a a m W m a o 0 w E. Ix o Cl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 01 r 01 01 0 r r o 0 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c v v c o W c 0 0 0 O O O O o 0 0 0 O 0 O tD do ID to O m m O 0 O O r r r r r r r r r r m 01 m m 01 Ln m m m m r z H H H H H H H ri H H a 1-4 o H H Ln O O O -W p 1D ID ID tD ID to %D w ID tD ID kD r 'D to co r r r N l0 F z r m C m r m C r m V' H H m H H H M C N O H O Ln Ln Ln 0 0 Ln Ln o Ln Ln Ln O Ln O O In Ln Ln Ln O to O m a' a' m Ln Ln H 'Ir c -�r O N U U H H H H r-1 H H L-1 H H rt o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o H H H H H H H H H H H Ln H Ln In H H H H Cl) U' H Z a F �+ i+ >1 N >+ >L >+ >+ is >1 a H a a a a a a a a a a a a m a a a a a a a a a a U U D, o a a a a a a D. a a a 0 z U U U 0 0 0 0❑ n n a n n Z)a H z z z > Ln m m m m m m m m m m H H 1-I r7 W 0 Q E Fd Fay F� z m CO m w a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x a s �d o > a w w a w w w w w w w a z O o o a W E-L . H . H H Fi . H H H W W U .-1 Z z Z •Z z z Z z z z z m H E E-E E W m H P O D D O a D D D 0 W m m m m > a o m w w w w 0 a a a a w >+ a E H E F F F E+ H F H m D O M D (D D D b p a a W W W w W W W W W W a a a Cl a H H H H U a s O O❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ a a a a z z z z a .7 ❑ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ❑- W W W W O W U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U F Gti Z o > - O O O o O O O O O O 10 O o O O O O. O O O H "J' 0 >+ H O H H O O H CDO H O H O H O H O H H O H O O m O m O m O m Ln O H O H O H O Ln O r O O 4 1 O E. ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ a m a a a m z z z z a U H a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 1 ❑ w W w W O a U U U v U U U U v U U U U U U U U U U U U U i 1� z �o N I0 N r N r N r N O N N N m N O M M N M M M V' M Ln M 0) M Ol N 0 M OD N 0 O F O z \ N w x U M l0 M N N M N N N N N N N N M M kD p W � m .-i ID E4 p IJO E C. % F F .-1 'D E+ H kD E H %D El O E. w El w E ID F ID F O E �o E E E- w F �o F v M � F rn N o O ID O O O O O r r O V' u) w O l0 H to N DD N GD M O O 10 m N N N O O z w Yi E. z O w H O O O m M In n N .-1 o OD H m r w w H rn 0% w H o N + M Ln H c %D l0 m C (n (n m r M N r N N a v m l0 40 O O r O r 10 oD OD O O co 1` r 0) r OD M 1n in N .-1 r I0 0) l0 w to C al cn 01 c M rl w -w GE. E. H .•-I a z •� a H N a 0 H .7 H rl W E. x w O F a H F H F E. H F F E. F F U W z p a w 0 F x O E x H❑ r1 O F O E O < O z z 0 En H W w z 0 z w z w m FO O U x O W a a d O W FC A: O to W O W to w u) W to w to w U) x w O O x H O V] H 0 z H O E. U O > z H x U En 4 x ❑ z > > ❑ . z x ❑ z o p4 a ❑ z U ro ❑ z H a H a H a H a H a H a H ❑ a z F ❑ O z E x E. ❑ x z H v) w U a> W a o a o> w F h> w H o F cn W > ❑ z> W a a a o. a a a a a a a n. a W as > £ W O> W >>> w W E+ z u) ❑ 0 a 0 a 0 a z H z H a o m o (n p VI o (n 0 (n o V1 a O a. a 0 Q 0 0 U, w E.. H ❑ x D1 N w M O o O O O 1 O I O I a O Im oo W �p M N M N O m c m V' m d' 01 a' r Ol r 01 r al H H m r 0) r Ln co 2 ❑ H '�J OND H o M O O O (n o) ul) N w .--1 0) l0 H Cl w ri m l0 r1 Ol C' M m C M m V' M Ol Ln N m N W N LO V) u) H x of z r.0 m W m x I O 0 w E C p r 01 Ma) N 01 C' ONM V' .n N O -4 H O o p O p O H M N H N O CD o m M m p W � In l0 l0 �n O O O O O m dD m 00 O O Ln .£7. z r c H N M to O1 O 0) H 01 Ol M O M O 1-4 O M O H O M O M O .n O M C M V L) O - F Io w ID w w "o r r r r cr r r ID io ko n z O N u) H u) H Ln N O H O H o O N M in M Ln H Ln r Ln H v1 M in N u'1 M O H O ri O '•I In o N N N Ln .n M '-i r1 M H N V' N Url p .-1 H O H H O r4 H O H O un O to O o o O O O O O O O O O z' H O H O H F z U >+ A: x > a > a ? x Y x >+ a O U O U _ F z F RC F aC W U z H WWWWWWW > > > H > H > H > H > H U z u z U' z M H a a w x U W x U m z z O H a w H a w a w a w a w a w a W H H x H m p >� W x W x H z H F ❑ m ❑ m ❑ m ❑ m Q m ❑ w O m to w a to H .a to H a U z LO a a a r a N s w x m w m w m w m w m w m w m w 4 U m 5 m 5 H r.� > a > s > .-7 F (n z H z H z H z H z H z H z H m ❑ a s m a E. a a a 1 D W 0 0 z O U w o m o o m a m o m m a m cn a m m o m z FC to z o to z o to E W E+ row 01 W x s W. x E D a w s W N w O' U O U O U O U O U O U O U F x El x F x E. x >>, a a rC C 0 U rC U 8< U a E to £ w E a O E m E w E w E+ w F m E m F w W cn w w w w W N i-7 VI ❑ z 0 U U 0 U 0 U O U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U o U W 0 W O w ❑ W Cl z0 > H M r M r to 0 M 0 M O o O n O o O Ln O Ln O Ln O Ln o Ln c O w O ID LO %o O /� O0 U E. o a 0 rf o o E 0 E o E .� 0 o m o w Cl m O to o m 0 m o w O v) 0 m o to O 1 to U� U 0 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 v 0 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U o U W ❑ W ❑❑ W w ❑ 1� i z O1 O w r r1 -1 (14 M y m o .-1 N M v ul w r M c L) m N M M M M M M M M M C v� V' -w fl 9 O F z O O r-1 w w x U w w N N w M M M M (N N N N N N N N N v v v N O W E O 0 rl rl O 11 - H 1- 1-1 1- H .-1 1-1 J 4 w w w w w w w w w w w io w w w w w w w w w w £ a Cq E F E-E F F H F F E H H E. 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W H z z D 0 z o D D p1 x H H H a a a a a w a a a a a a w W W W W. U U U m a a a a ,a M a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 x m m m U U U U U w w w w w a o U U U U m to m 3 3 3 S 3 W 1n z z z z r << $4 m m m m m 0 0 0 0 0 g a1 H H H H m m m m m a a a a a Q ° m m m m [m-1 a a a a a W W a .a w I a a a a z m m m m a a a a a U U z W FC E-F x w x W E W x w H o: rC a z z FC z FC x w x w x w x W x w k a [+ w Gu P4 G a Gu a z H z H tZ w a z E H E E a C9 > > > m m m m m E (n H m W W W a a a a a E F F E H ❑ A m r1 m F F F F W O O N < a IZ a w s w a: w a W a x ❑❑❑ H H H W w w w fZ w rt N FC N RC N rC N RC N U a U 3 a r.0 0 m w m m m m >>> ❑❑❑❑ a a a a a a m m m a ❑ w w w w 0 w a a w w w w w a a a a a U m z ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ a ❑ ❑ ❑ w w k E. [ 0 r, (D cD 0can H 0 > 1n a)In 1n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o, ` i �` m w w w w 0 1n 1n 1n -4 1-4 r1 r1 H <r a -W c c ,-4 r1 � 1 0 0 O O O O N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O U E. m m m m m m ❑❑❑❑ a a a a a m m m U H W W W w 0 0 > > > W w w w w (t Fr. 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H o w W W W w S w W > W w w fL w w a, a W F W U w W w w w > a > E > ❑ > rt > w al a > w > o o > > > W ❑ H W ❑ d D D O z .W1 U) cf) U) H z a E+ to to to a to a1 H W cn H O fY ul O O W O m m m m m 1n )o H InZ z m r- m Lr) N m m Ln N N r-1 H m H in H O (') m - L) m w to N O m M O r1 o r m c c c N N (N Ln )o H x a C m w m 1 0 0 o w E' a 01 0) 0) r) O O r O r O r O N M r W c a v H O 0 c O O 0) Ln N M tD lD lD m O O m 0 m w m O Ln in m n 0) 0) o) m H r M m m d> m M 0) 0) M Z rl r-4 11 Cl N m O O O O O O O O O to W to r lD ID r r r \O r r )o \o r F N a' N V' r N 0 m •Z M O b 0 1n 1n b 1n 1n 1n O 1n Ln O 1n 1n ' O to 1n 1n m N v v cr v N a m N ID c U (� r-I H e-1 rl ri rl H r-1 H ri -4 a b 0 O O O O O o 0 0 o b 0 O O In In lfl H H cw H H z z z cn WW h I7 A H 1-1D W W OH H H H O H H W Z Ln S 3 Cal Cal 0 O U Cal a a rL O x a a d H a F z H H H vi W O O ❑ F H W- H W W El W W = x x a O O w O a z F E cn w (D W U U U a fL 04 O a s ca H to m - (7 x W W W O W W O a Vl a D W W W fn W E F F x O❑ x H Ol $ 3 Z a < a x x x W W W W w ❑ a m y O H E a O O C9 C7 ',❑ E E >1 a Q U U w a H w H H H x O O a E z co z C7 O z o > o b o 0 0 0 b o C. o 0 0 0 0 0 U •J H r1 H O Ln -4 N r-I H 11 m M Ln H m 0 >1O O O .--I O O O O O O O O O O D+ O ❑ E. Vl ca O H 0 0 CD a E E O (Uj H U U W a W W H h-1 F 4 O O O x O E H z H a U O(D x= x x x x 13 r N M m C 0 w r O m O H a) N (`") O m H In H 11 In H H .--I- r7 H .--I N N In N Cl) to N N l0 N a o E Z 0 0 In OD x l0 U N c` C N V' C C v V' cT sM C N 'v' kD (N N c o W E H H H H .o o ff H H 'D W ko w w w w tD a m F F F F E E-I F E E E E E, E E F E F E. E-+ E c M r N o r W O1 r 10 In l0 0) M c O In O O O In p m O E 4 z F 10 r1 W N M M r N W N a CO O r O O O O O W z to 0) - 01 In M O In M N In In 0) In O OD O OD O Ch O x p to r-1 c' v N W In o In In r In r N N O N cr N O >1 O In (n l0 (14 M M r1 H 00 to U') V tf) V' O 4 £ N H M I!) W RC ri 11 In lT O O C In O N w r o m w r p m M Ln 41 N In to O m . O m v' M 0) In v N N v' Cl) 1D r/ a H c rl LO � v H H cr) E a O z U) W W .] Z .7 .a O < H .7 r.0 o. 4 4 r.0 U H< H z El � W E+ cn E+ E U U E > E E-< F Z F > O O a O z 0 u) cn W rn cn cn v7 v) 0 > > 0 (0 0 0 a 0 H O cn W H E E+ H E+ W w w w W w w W E. (n (n E+ £ E W E E U El E W z H H H H H H H H 0. O a H o. a D, O a U a CI, 04 a W fL CL M W a E-E+ a z a a m s a F 0 > H a 0 ❑ < H U E+ 0 ❑ z H❑ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O D U U U U U U U❑ 0 U 9 U rC 9 0 ❑ H F W z a 0 ❑ a W❑ 0 E4 0 O (� H z z U z O ' Z Z ❑ z F+ z z W H H W W W > ❑W z E-1 W > .] H W > Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z H r.0 < - aC < 4 < W E > Z E Z W > x< a E+ H ❑ w > H r� W H > x w > £ £ ❑ 1 W D a a a a .a a a a a O O W W a W O W w a s m w a a w n. w w w u, U U a z E > U H O ❑ a N W O W r -1 -WO p > i > m In In In H r m (N 0) 0 M r w o N Z Z E to M c v M cO M l' Ln r H In N to H ❑ H r Ln In In In In lf) lf) In Ui In H In r N to >I H z Z H v C c c� v' v� R� V' v� 0) O1 O o ❑ x m N H ri H �--I H H H `-I H N N 0) Ol •-i m Q1 N . FC Z a � m w m a i o O w F a M r O Cl) M M M mM M Cl) e N NM O 01 O W Ln In In c O u) Ln Il) In In U) In M m MN N N O �. O � In If7 In a) In In O to to In to Ifl N In to W N W O l0 O o rn rn In r 0\ 0) 01 0) M 0) 0) 0) In In In In M i m M z O O O P O O O O O O O O O O O O N ,_.I w F z In In c N M W In In to to N 1-1 M M M r .4 H D In In In In r r r r r r. r r In In O p 0 In 0 In 0 w %0 (n c' lD ID to to l0 to l0 ID c N e-1 H .-1 M In N U H H H r-1 H H H .--I rl H '-1 •-I H ri H H ♦-1 H .--I RC O O p O O O o O O O O O O C. O O O O O r-1 O -4 H In H U U CD u (7 z 0M H H !n U) (n O H H H E. �y z z w w F H H w lz o Ix w o w H 4 < N o w W to N (n y to to N to U 1z i a a 0 In z z U U U U U U U U U 0 3 1-4 CL H H H H H H H H H H H U) U) .a r-1 .] U W w .4 a s a Cl) 1 z z W W H W W w W rah a a a a �a 9 9 a 9 U U W U) W U) w to (n r.0 U RC W E+ 9 9 9 9 �' > > s O O m H x a z 0 0 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w w o 8 o a H F m H En cn U a a a a (z a a a a cn (n 0 u O x z z a o m w 4 a, as o4 as w a a w w 11 >• a m m o , w w w w w w w w w r >+ a a a w a a w a 0 0 a m m a a a a a a a .4w a a m w w o a a < a W 44 aJ GL P+ C4 LL M W W H H H a co W z � h h z 0 > O C. O o O CD O O O O o O O O o O O C. p m C. O -4 r-I r-I H -4 rl H .--I H 1- r-4 C.O p O M CO In 0> N N -4 O O O 0 0 O CD 0 0 O O H ( H O1 U E U U co m a a a a a a a .a a z z z H a a U H fC DA a M W CLI W W a W w w H H H a rC U h' h h h h h h h h h h x x x x x x 14 t0 v r m N N M l0 m O H m N M N M N N M m l0 M N M (n M M M Q F z O O u1 H � m x U C q C V' m N N l0 O w E H 0 1-1 N O 1-1 O r-1 H H -4 H ri U' I•C �0 l0 k q m w ko lD w w w ko pp E E E F El F E F E+ E E4 E F, E �d a M O O v) M 01 m M m 0 0 O H N M F O O M N r o z F N m c ti m H r N c Cl 1n ID u)E M H r N a' H O O w m 0) (N Ln ID N Q M H 0) H M LO a M O O o m Ol '.•-I 01 o o H 0 0 o m r m 1� M C o ,n m Ln w rn r kD U o LO m v o m c o W N .r > Ln .M-1 001 a M o D 0 z z ccnn F W H H a d U d d d 9 d H H d a d W W It a d W d z E > E E E F d d E d 3 6+ 0 E d E d F 0 d E-1 O v) d E+ F O m I,O co W O E u) O EF O E+ `.L x O E. w H 0 E ££ O E d F 3 3 E+ P, E. x E+ H H H W W x U ❑ ❑ 1U-1 W a F a a M m a of a a V) a (DC7 a W a a s a 0 Q Q O z z Q O D O aO w a ❑ z ❑ ❑O El E+ U in H H H ❑ ❑ W ❑> E z U z D Z Vl z z w z m m z x z J4 x z W z z H H H v) W £ w x w O❑ w z w ❑❑ w W W z z W > w 1-7 W 0 > 0> o> a a> °x >> 9> oa a> o o> w> a to U a x m a U W r r m I I O H ❑ a (n V' m z C O 14 O u') in a c a m O > I > m r H H m a H N N M M H l0 m m r O Ol N N v1 0 N H ❑ H "£,, z r rl) O N O N O N H m N m 11i r .-1 H \0 z D u7 Ol N m H AG a � m w a 1 1 0 o w F m O O O N N O l0 O O W O O O O O o O O m m O c- O O (p O O O O w O O O m m O O O D .-I M vt u7 01 0) 0) M M M r Ol r r z .n O O q O O O O O C. M H w l0 <0 r r r w �o %D r r r l0 VJ N N F z ri r r r M a N M M .-' .--I O O v1 u7 u) u) v1 u) O u1 N O O O O 0 N m M M ri C V' N .--I r-1 C Ln O O U U d ri Cl H O r-i O .--I o .--I O '-1 O H O H O .--1 O .--I O r-I O H O O .•-I u) a -1 .--I r-1 u) r r En v] U U 0 a cl) H H H w 0 0 0 s U U U W z0 O14 m v] C7 cn C14 .7 (n vw) N Eu w W O U U ❑ a H a, H H H ha H H a a s w F a s a U z z Q E. w d w w x d d d d z d d z H H $ F E U E H H U H a s x U U d d d E m U U d E U d d 3 3 H z z a Q O W as a a m d d .Wj Z O 0 U U E W m H z z O O 1-a C�7 H H d W v) m u) ElW W 3 m m W [=.1 Cu O ❑ - - z w W o cn m d m w w w ❑ ❑ ❑ W W x 0 H H a d O d U u S 3 U. Z z d4 x U Z Z a ❑ w o 0 0 ❑ D D U U U H o D D v, z a a a s a a s E E E E w W z O > O O O q O O o O (z)o O O O O N -1 O O In in In H .-I -4 N O .--4 .-4 O yi O O .- 1 e-/ O O O O O O H H o 0 O F d U 3 3 U z z z z Ud W Q O O O O D U U U H O D D U a a .a a .a a s x E E O1u 15 ,^L v In to r r a d� O H N M v' u) kD r 0p 01 O In l0 OD ry M M (n m M. ko M v c vw c T In l0 lD M O E- F 2 O O u1 H O \ O x c l0 N a c c c c v V• c c v c v N N 0 o W F H H o r H + i + H + O (� O w O 10 ko10 O lfl � 1D P O O O t0 W W F F F H F E E. H E H E- F E F F E F H H F E F c M M o r '-1 w o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ui o 0 o o) o u) a1 H ul M M H u) O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m u7 O u) O O M O Z F w z l0 H O H N N O O u) o O u1 u) u) m r u) N .--1 O O O Ol f-I M ID M O u7 N O 01 (n H N m N to 0) O O r W M e• -4 O M co M M M (N N H Ln •--I .--I ID a w k0 0 0 Lr) rn O ( In o o m o 0 H N N O c C7 H O M o a a a a a a a a a a a M z o1 0 O v' H O Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q H H H M (n ,-, •-, U U U U U U U U U U U Ln a z F H H H H H H H H H H H H w H a Z z z z z z z Z z z z 3 rn H H H ❑ x U U U U U U U U U U U z O £$£ Q u] W W w w w w w w w w W Q N ❑ ❑ in E+ E+ F H F F H H H F F u) Q Q E-F a a a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a -1 a E+ a 1- F (n H H Q H O F Q E Q Q F E z E z E E z F F+ z E-E H H z E+ z F Q O FC Z Q c z O E w w W❑ O U O to F O O ££££ z E H F O H O r p p H wa E.W E+ E+ 0 0 0 0 O u 0 0 0 0 0 F z H � E. \ - O F a D £ .£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ O (n O H a a a H O z O O O E F H H F F F F E F E O O H O W > aY. E££ ❑ H O P6 ❑ ❑ U U U U U U U U U U U❑ a-❑ Q❑ w z U H H H a Z z W z m z W W W W W w W W W W W z Z E+ z H (n Q W Q W co W z w h h h h h h h h h h h- W w z W ?� W U U U U> ❑> £> (7 > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> H> =)> F ❑ 0 0 0 O 4 W H a % a W' z a: m %% a 0: zQ (n a a a a rp £ (n a a a a a o. a s n, a s w � W w H ❑ a co N N N N N N N N In M m O O w In N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I O O > I > Cq M M M M co O w to w w O w ko w to %D w N O z z to In in In M O 01 H r-I '-1 r1 H H -1 H •-1 •-1 H to co . H ❑ H 5 u) In (o to m O u) I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I co Z oo H z 01 01 Ol o) l0 O O m 01 .1 01 Ol 01 01 11 O) 01 m H p r ❑ H ,G H H H �--I r-I N l0 01 01 01 M 01 (n 0) M O1 01 O1 N rJ O Q Z a Q w I1 a I O o a H 4 O O O O O O N O O O O O O N O O O O M M O W O O O O O O M o O O O O O M O O O O 0p C O £ 0 0 0 0 q O u) 0 0 0 0 0 O u) 0 0 0 O u) l0 p r r r r M dl In ul u) u) u1 u7 v' u) u) m v a• m m Z wtD t0 O ax O O o O O O O O O O O O O O w F N N N N r l0 t0 ID to l0 1D ko 01 1D l0 tD Cl 01 1D w N z O O O O c H M N H v m M H O1 N M N (+1 r O Z:)O O o O u) O M M O r r oD m u) r 1n O u7 u) p O O O O O M H l0 l0 w lD l0. l0 ko ID 10 W C w l0 l0 M M O UQ O In o 111 H H H H e-1 rl r-1 H f-I r-I H H H e^1 to N N M M O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O o H r r r r H v v v v v v a v v r v v H r u) W U U U U H W W w W W w w w W W w U F E H F F F F F H F E U >>>> Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 43 w z H 00 O U U U U U U U U U U U z (W In w (0!1 (0 (On (0 (0 (0 w (v) (u) (On U W a a a a a U a w rn w m m w cn (n w (n (n Q U Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q W H w H H H H H W I U U U U x lb o w o o o W o a W w a p W z z z z z o a 0 0 0 0 (" a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w ro Q o w r>r w w z z Q a a x x a o; rx a a a x o 0 z w w w w w w w w w w w z o H H H H x x x x x x x x� x x z ❑ z a Q O z z z z U F+ z U U U U U U U U U U U H r7 ❑ .'. O O O Q Q O H H H H H H H H H H H a g u) F w z W ££££ h z a z z z z z z z z z z z o 0 0 Z O > 0 0 0 0 O N O H H N .-I H H .--I H .-4 r-I H O O O ^ a H H 1-4 H O N '-I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O >+ O O O O ( O O N H H 1-4 rl '-i Iq 11 ri H H H O U E+ z z z z O E 3 U U U U U U U U U U U H [-a a, 7 Q U ££££ z Z z z z z z z Z. z z z z z O O O 16 z 0) .--I N r m M to l0 r m O tT cr to of to O ID H l0 M to U') to to 1n N Ln 1n to N O E-F z O o L i to x U W v v� N N C v' v' v� C c l0 N O (DW E O H -4 ID H kD H �o -4 ID �o ID m l0 ID -4 w to ko I c7 £ a a fA to E �o F E 4 E-E F E+ E-1 E E F H H E+ E E. v M v r-I N O N rn v' O C v 1--1 o k0 to m 1n to m O O o 0 O v o 0 rn E r o H r o w z a; rn 1n N r m rn c -4 O c to 1n Ol r W C o O to c D m m N M M V� N .--I H H M of N O H O r H N Ln N a O N N d' to 01 O O O c O O O li 10 O 7 Ol c to > O m M W M O r w 'd' O O Ol N O r E m Q' N M rn N O V w N '0 � z > M a �� w v) u) U o a a x a H z .a a a W H W H w H 4 a Q a RC a U< a w c N FC r.4 F a s E < E K4 E .1 ClL rl w 1-a 4 w F El E. > E+ E+ z O r r o to E O O a 0 O O w w w 0 O `.4 O rn O a (,� H to E-1 W E O E E E D D D EE `.4 E+ U U a E O E+ >+ W x U E+ cn H O a y w W a U > a co a rn cn rn. a W w a E a E+ a to H aL W W 'c1' r a O x 0 a E 0 coo W w o C9 O C7 O x x O U O H O 0" > a C. r❑ ❑ O cn ❑ ❑ " H❑ z z z o U U❑ D❑ z o a , ❑ z a w z E z a a z H H H z w z z z W a z F. W D z 14 H UUi N O w E W W D W a w W 04 W E E W F w > a > U)> > H W H > > a > rC > n w > w w w w E- >> w a z w w a a D cn D w E E w w H ° a m w ru U W rC F (31 \0 o) t0 m to O C. H O O W N M r M O O O O N > 1 > W O '-1 OD r N M O M -w N a' N c N O N � HO H ZD al Ol O M N N In O ID m ID m r-1 O r-1 O r-I O O O m a Oa H 0 z m O m O H H rl O O ri 1-i r-I r-1 r-I Q H JG a g4 m W CQ a 1 O 1 o w E a O O O O O O O O O O O r r N O M W o 0 0 O -w0 0 0 0 0 to to 0) to (D o m 1n pq o 0 o co m o o, o 0 0 o to Lr) wr r 1n M r of M M r r M rn o, of M of z to W M O v O O O M M O O O W to O <0 to �o O t0 N N to r to to r r t0 %0 r F z O (DM M M N N N c r N N N H M D O O to to N O O O O 0 11'I to u)O to to M O O O .-1 ri M N N N '-1 ri M a' a N (N U U H l0 r-1 e-1 0 H 0 O c) C) 0 0 0 O 0 r1 O c) O 0 cD O O C) O ri O C) O � N r H r O ri r H ri r r 1 i r a x W F O Z O H E4 M o 0 0 o a w x o C. in a u u) Ln H a w > a N N w w N z W W x a a a a z z E D a s a U 0 W w w w w z O l ❑ w z z to x U U U U U x U U a a H F H E z U fC U FC O a O i.Z O a H H a a U m W W z i>7 W FC OH C9 C7 C� W W ❑ ❑ 14 H ❑ H a H s U to W (n (n cn 1 i w H V) m w w 14 nl 04 W Q o W a a o w w z w W o ❑❑ a Qx1 a 0.xi a a V) cn E W > W > a o o w F H a cn z O w E r-4 z, O w > 0 0 0 o 0 O o o O O O o 0 o N o lu O N N -1 N N O 1--1 O to O to O to O to O to O N N O O O N r O m O O N O O O w O a s w u 1H-1 4 U 3 0 3 0 w m W w a a a 17 O N H N M ar 1-1 N M CP o lD M -�T r In kD . r kD <T c 'wc aT r r r r r r %D ID r lD ID O F Z O 0 In -I N H x o m to o ID o o W F o o 0 0 o H H H H H H H H H H H H E- E- E- E- E, E- E- E- H H tD kD � m �E £ W C] E. F E E F H E F E F F E F p F HP FvC �.: O O O O or- o O o o O O o Ha N N N D� E. O o 0 o In H cl 0 0 o O O O H H If) H H O Z E w z o o r 1m c r r o 0 0 0 0 o v c n N N x D o o o In M 00 H m N o H N In In r O 0 >H 0 N N r CD M N N In V' N c M IA 1D H H M lD N H -w v' O O O o r O O H O O o o lD tT O N In U o p o o r O m E a a 0 O E rl N O N In (`m'1 a 4 H w o N m W < z z U m a m p D H U O o o w a s a H a w a W> a E U) a W W a a a a >+ . Q N D r•C Z Z r.0 < K4 0.' H W> Z E O E O H F Q RC E F H E r.0 x w O O C. 0 In O a cn O a a 0 0 O o a U x W H E. H In H H£ E+ EH E x x x x x J4 E E W U U E+ m '-1 OI a 3 3 U U U U U U U U a o H a a H a V' a a W W a a W W W w W W a >> a H o O H 0 0 0 r 0 q a o H H O o x x x x x x 0 m o o w I H > a ❑ M❑ r❑ Z E+ ❑ >>❑ to ❑ U U U U U U o q a cn to W W o W W O W W W W O W W W W W rzH W > d' O > U > E+ q > F F > O z > z RC z FC z r.0 z r z r.0 > < r� H > x 0 O 0 O ❑ r > a z z 04 a s h7 a w o 0 un r H M H H [Q a a a a a a FC 4l; > N N U44 w H H O O In In H q a O o H H V' sr O w N H. m o In r m M O 0 M M c -1 .--4 > 1 > Di o H m 01 to r-4 H H H N H m m m (n En Z z 2: v v 1 1 lD N N N N N N V' C M U U H ❑ H. 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H H H £ U U w E. W W k. W EF E E+ F E E+ E E O ❑ H a z < g 0 w m w w 0 w to z z z U W H w a w z q w w w w w w w w a s < o a >� a 14 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 W w a a N a w E F E a rC < x x x x x x x x x x x x a a s x x a aa zz a MD D a o 0 0 E. a Z m oMyw o OW is ul ul�(n m w i w U) U) w ilF : (+l z 0 > o 0 0 O O O 00 rHbb0o , 11 11 O O O O O O O O 1-4 -4 O OO >+ N O O O CDOOCDCDOOOO OCD -4 N U H J4 £ < U Ul to O Ul to ££ U) U) O O m w O w O 0 O 0 O m O m O m O to O Ul O M O w O to r m rn 0 r m M 0 -4 r N -4 m M U-)oo N V' LO `n LO z m c v c -WUO LO LO w Ln F z 0 0 ut c ko to c W a O �o O w U N H H .-1 -4 p p o 0 0 0 0 O 0 .--� O � r-1 10 C) p 0 l0 � l0 w w w ID I E E F E F E W m F E+ F F E F F E E E E E ,w M M r U7 r c m 0 M W CDv' M LO O N U) O N 0 0 Ul M m r-1 m M l0 M W N U) N O 0 0 l0 W M N O v rl M O� a O O O v W O U7 a O w £ E- O M r r M r r %D V� l0 S r r �0 r O .--I ri N H H H N .--I a M U) O N O O O M a1 O L7 N O O M -4N W >" U) a, W F P+ E+ H H H rC a rC a RC Ga+ RC rC F F < E+ E E El El El z z E.E+ 9) O E-O O W H o E O E O f E > E-4 O HE U U m O m E+ El a❑z UwHa) " W > > wH o w 0 m 0 a 0 U 0 o ,n o W a W o ❑ ❑ z 7❑�❑ z Z U Z W w z U z az fL W < W M)U) W W W z Z W W w> a> w> E> m> a> w > o o> x x> a Q. 04 as w w w 0 0 a z M a o x x W W 7 J p 0 p .7 m 0 U m m U z U)i U) a s >> m m m m m W dp 0) 0 0 0 O O O O 04 O Ln M O M O at 01 P U')I m H W 11 -1 0 � M � �o 0) W -1 �o LO r Ln r r o r Ln � o 0 m c Z N r M ko r Ln 0 N r r N r o W r m r M H ❑ Z H a Cl) M r-I .--I, -4 N H CD h O 1J N O U7 M O 1] N 0 M H z .W m rl .-i M W z O M W ❑ O ❑'-+ ❑ .� N. 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U) z U) U) M 0 u') U) O O O O O O O O O O 0 PW p .1 N u U1 U ) U Ln Ln Ln L O Ln O O 00 OOOOCDOOCDP Q 4 4 -1 4 W z w w a m x W a E 4 Fc E+ a F s E-E 4<F:C E+ E-E E+ E+ E-E F F E+ O N H O E U) U) U) (n U) V) U) U) U) U) U1 U) U) V) U) V) E a U 20 z m 0) O V' M W Ln co r m 0) W m m O H N H N M Ln m r O m m M 0) m m m m m m m Ln 0 Ln �0 w kD m m m m m m m (1 9 O E z 0 0 Ln H Ln \ H m N N v' s7` V' w sP Vr c w m to m lD ID N N N N N N a' w O W U E N r-1 N H H H H .-+ H H H H H O O O O O O H . i .+ H -4 w 0 m m w lD ko ID w m m m m m w m m w m w m m H F H F F F H F H E+ H E 4 H E-F E &+ E E+ E H E+ E+ F E+ c M M Q> cT O 0 0 0 0 0 O Ot Ln O N at O O .-1 r O a O m 0� E. r v. P m r O O O O O O O al O H H N m 10 Ln O z W H z N M H o O m m a' o l0 l0 r m r In H H V' v r .-I w v m D r v' N <' Ln w w c N m M LO M M m M H r .-i O N O e-1 H M M Ln o H M .--1 H H r-1 N N w N N O (L N m C O O m N O l0 m r C 01 H m m m Ln W a z E 2 H \ m a z a z o z 0 z 0 z o a a ❑ a ' E RC ff' H H H H H H < � m <z x E+ E+ E E H E F H a H Z E+ p C7 O O U U U U U O O O O O W H H FI E+ W W W W W E a EE a ElU E a z z w w w w D. E. H O W H m W m w W z <$4 O U U PG m 0 z m z m z m z m z w O Z O O < O W W W W W W W W w W W W > L4 H H a ❑ m m ❑ H H H H H ❑ U ❑ a ❑ H H H H H H H H H H H H z U a .a U z o O z z z D z a a a a a a a a .4 a a a H m PL R. H w a s W U U U U U w E+ W a w W W 0. 0. 44 04 a W LL 04 M W W W W x > F H > > > > > > > m > a > P. f1 W W m W W W P4 04 (14 LL ❑ D D W w W m m m m m W w D D D D D D a D a D D D m m m> E as w w w P, a U m m m m m m m m m m m m U W M N M N M r r r r N w ID O M " ❑ pG N O H m N M M C V' C Ln Ln t0 N O W O M t0 Ln N O r a M l0 W W M M r 01 01 e'n m > I ' m Ln M r ID O O M Ln H Ln m m r r m H .-I m (n z z' 2: Ln tD C w 0) I O H H H x = H H H 1'.� h H H H O H O co m M r r r r r r r M O m no W W W m fb [0 m m m M H Z M M M N N 1-4 r-1 H r-1 H H O H 1-4 1-1 r-4 H H '1-I H 11 H H H ❑ 01 m at r-I H H H H H H H M O O O O O O O O O O O O H x r.0 Z a rt; W w m a I O o w E x M M 0) o O O O w w w r 0 O O O H O H O O N O O O W M M O 0 0 O Ln Ln M l0 O 0 0 H O H O 0 O 0 0 0 m m %D �o 00 0 o Ln Ln Ln 0 ID %D o 0 o m o m o o m o 0 0 M M 0) m 01 m m m 0% m o) Ln M H e-1 M M M M r-I M H H H Z O O H O O 0 0 0 0 0 O M O O O 0 O O O O O O O O r r LD zM M H .--/ rl m r N N N r M N H H M N M N H M H H N m Ln Ln O Ln Ln m Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln O Ln O p V' c Ln M M m, w a Vw v M H C M 1-1 H c H V' M H N m N U U H 14 H H H r-4 H H H H .--I H H H H e-1 .--I H H H H .-1 H H O O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln e-i H -w c H r-1 r-i H H H -4 H H H -4 H -4 H u U z z z z z . W w H H H H H U U U H E H H H a s H F E E E- rr) a s z z Z z Z m m m m m m m m m m m m O m m m w W < FC FC IQ H E H H E+ E H H E+ H E+ E+ o W W W H E-F F H H E H U U U U U U U U U U U U U Ln ❑❑❑ z z a a a a 14 U z D D D D D D D D D D D D H H D D D D D z H ❑❑❑ O❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ a U U U m m m m m H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H H H z z z z z a z a a a a z z a z a % a I x x a U U O O O O O z a a a a n, 01 01 as w 01 w w 04 . Lx ai a. a H H U U U U U w z w H FC d< z a a o w w w w w w w w w w w w a z W ca W w W w Y" w w w w O z H E U H U H U H U H U H U H U H U H U H U H U H U H 03 O Z Z Z rC Q a w w w w w w w w w w w w rL w w w w w w z cn m z m a a a a r a z w o 0 0 0 0 0 w 0 0 w 0 0 w 0 w 0 L4 Q 0 0n iL W H H H H H ^,) H a ❑ O O O rxx z z z a a w E-1 m m m m m m m m m m m m En z El F+ E-F F H E H E. H H E E D D D D O D D m D D D D H Cv W z O > O O O O O O o O o o O o O O O O O O. O O O O O O D H H H N N H 1-I H 1-I H H O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p N O O O O O O O O O O O H ` H -4 H H H H e j -/ H H U E+ m a a RL r{ H H H H H a a . H O O m o m 0 m o m o m 0 0 m 0 o o p U H < U 0 H 0 F 0 E-E c� F z E-H m H a H m H of E H o. E-E H H m D D D D D D m D D m D m D m D m D 02 y 21 z z m 0) N -4 N M c m Ln l0 01 r of m eT 01 01 O O •--I O N O m O c O Ol m 0 m m mOl �a dt H rl ri ri •-1 O r-I F z O O Ln r1 to �o U N N N ID ko to ID w w ID ko to l0 l0 to tD to to (7 W RC W F E+ F F F F F E+ F F F F F F F El E+ c M O sF r H M H O Ln M Ln 0 m v m r O Cl) M O Ln m El Ln Ln N 01 of H O N Ol Ol Ln Ln y r O w z N 0� m 0) m M m to N m In a LT m M L--1 m r M M N O V' w M w r-4 r N Ln r r M H m N 1- �+ O m a r H -w H rn a m H H O w 1O o w O Ln l0 O1 N N M M O O M N r O N m ,� O co N V• o 11 a RC poo lN0 co C l0 N r ul N N H M H a a a N 0 a a a w > El El � a� a a w w w a > a a FO W a a F a W F E E F cA F W 0 0 a 0 z 0 a to 0 W W W O O pl 1..1 F E" ElO F Z F � F W H F F U Cm7 Cm.7 E. X W X W a: O to a s < a < s < a, oc U W x " a a W am h m h w W N W N W a O E. U a O r.0 a (Z O W 4 O O O 5C O O H O mC U O 0 H H H 0 O 0 F O 0 U a a 0 a a 0 o 0 0 0 U 0 > a U O z z a a a .a a z a. z z < H W W z W w z Ln Ln Ln z z z H !n 14> w W > W W a, a, a� W > F En W > a. W > W H a r>� r>� W > H H W > > W > > rz� W > .7 ri RC D O D z a O 0 > En a, 3 3 w W 0 H F H Q (4 N m N O O W > I >£ c o c o w m to r m m c o o rri WW Lo c c m a M aH cc.0 N Ln I I 1 1 I H 0 Hz O N N N m N Ln OF 0 N N N m N m N m m m N m H O O O O O H x a � ao W as a 1 0 o w F a r Ln o o o o N o O O O O N c m m M r W H H o o o cn o o o o 0 0 0 w Ln Ln Ln a• Ln �p Ln m m o o o to o 0 o o o m Ln Ln Ln £ Ln m m m m m 01 M ri .-1 r r m m LT m m Ln `M z O o o O O O O C. Ln m m O O o O O o F m m N N M N m M m m m a D Ln o 0 o O O Ln Ln O O O O Ln Ln w ko la w w w Ln m O m M M M N N N N 1-4 1-1 1-4 .4 H. 4 U U r-I '-I .� f-I 1ti H 11 .-1 rl .-i •-4 -4 e1 11 11 H O o O o O O O O O O O O O O O O o o H z w H U z z z H H H a H E OU U S M O y H H H H H � O O El) w z N a a, W a W a W a W a W x z 0 z 0 z 0 z 0 H 9 FI 9 O U O U O U a w a a O 0 0 0 0 0 a H 0 N 0 N w H H F E. H W a s W W 1 U u y m m y m co ai H H H H Call Iz+ 0 W z CO H W W EF F F F E+ 3 < 3 3 3 3 o; O a O C9 FC 0 << u z a £ HO H El F X X CW7 z 0 a a w f4 0 z a a a a a H a H a H a H x ooa w POG w a o a 0 a a a a FC o w W LCl a1 X X w W W >+ O �.. z > 3 3 3 3 3 Cq 3 CYI z0 > In o 0 o o o o m o o o o o 0 0 o o o .a r H H ri 14 ri o o Ln Ln o to r1 O r-4 o O H o o o O O o O O O 'r Cl O O o O 14 14 .-4 z a a a a a 14 W Fi H Fi F-I W W w w w o a U > 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 X X >+ >+ >+ >+ 22 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER .CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NO. NAME ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 41418 06/09/00 CAL040 CALIFORNIA VISION SERVICE 41419 06/09/00 CAN050 CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO 41420 06/09/00 PRI050 PRINCIPAL MUTUAL 41421 06/09/00 TRA030 TRANSAMERICA INSURANCE CHECK TOTAL 4:25PM 06/09/00 PAGE 1 PAYMENT AMOUNT 1138.85 505.33 40076.88 52.28 41,773.34 02U 23 z tn M r N a 9a E Z 0 0 0) rn ID O £ £ O C9 W F E F £ 4 E. E• E. a a H M l0 N CD a; E. W M 1D N N W z OD Ln OD co N £ O M O N u7 �y ry N On H ko Cl) a m ''� Ln M OD co OO M W N O N u1 W N N M o u1 r 0 N W o 0 Z O O v O O rj O N o O N W O W O h Z N W RC FC 4 Z H Z E. -, h E. F O O O O O \ H z z U z H z a H o 0 0° 0 S a H a a ❑ ❑ ❑ H rn H W W W H E W w W ' ❑ H I"I W W ❑ rn 9 a E ❑ FC U W H o H ❑ a Q 1 O I O O O I °' ONr r Ln Z 2� �0 0 0 H ❑ H z O r a M m r ❑ O a Z Z 0 H `,L a a w W m a 1 0 O w E. a 0 0 0 0 0 W p o 0 0 0 CQ p o 0 0 0 M z M M M M M N N N N N E z p O 0 0 O a C. O O O 0 O O O O O O U U H H H Q 0 0 0 0 0 W OU H w z � a o z Ln H H a F H a Ems. 1 £ £ a 4 H E. H a a s w a a a H H U) H FC Z z Z 04 < a Cl U U H H W Cl) z Oa. F z 0 > o 0 0 0 0 O a u) In ul M O a O z O H O H O v v w a 4�yL v F 027' 1 24 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 10:27AM 06/09/00 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 41405 06/09/00 AMC050 A & M CONSTRUCTION 6780.00 41406 06/09/00 BAL150 ART BALLOY 420.00 41407 06/09/00 CAL050 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 224.80 41408 06/09/00 ELRO10 EL RANCHITO 240.34 41409 06/09/00 GTE010 GTE CALIFORNIA 2857.69 41410 06/09/00 GUM050 BRAD GUMMER 1008.00 41411 06/09/00 HOP100 NANCY HOPKINS 63.00 41412 06/09/00 INT005 INTERNAL REVENUE SVC-ACS 200.00 41413 06/09/00 LAQ050 LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES 338.00 41414 06/09/00 LOG020 MARK LOGAN LANDSCAPE INC 35060.75 41415 06/09/00 RIV040 RIV CNTY DISTRICT ATTORNY 468.00 41416 06/09/00 SUP100 SUPPORT PAYMENT CLEARING- 150.00 41417 06/09/00 UNIO05 UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 148.00 CHECK TOTAL 47,958.58 - 028, 25 Ln l0 N m r V' u7 u: O H z 0 0 m 0 0 rn ��£ rn m ID W W W m m O W W Om1 W m m w E 4 F E+ F E H E E- C) 0 0 o a m p o 0 0 In 0 0 O H O o co O O r O O ri z H ON • • (+1 O O DD (*1 O �O co l0 O u-) £ a W N C Ln O O w N (`'1 N g o r % tT N N m N ~Ln M a 0 0 o a rn o 0 0 o ui o o p w 0 o r o O O c O r DD O D DD O ❑ m W co N H N c u) O ID O p' N ❑ (n M lQ O l0 O ,4 - a• (/] N N m O Ln ID 04 H Ft ° 0 1 I I x 5 W 7C x O � VJ O . H H H U H 1 w y a a s a a a a s Ol a a a .4 a a w a a a a a a a a s a z W E F+ U E. z E E E. F, 0 EO .j E. O O 0 O 17 o a 0 0 1° z o 0 0 0 E ElF H E W H W E. a0 E+ H 0 F E. O E+ O E N H N 'N fa U Z U z 4J Z IUi W u) d E a 4J a d > 1% E C. E PG 1-) P' +J D O N 0 1-) u) ° H a4 0 U O m 0 a 0 u) 0 U o U 0 m 0 m o ❑ C> ❑ Q'. O ❑ J ❑ •r1 ❑ H ❑ ❑ O ❑ D ❑ •.i ❑ •.I 6L' •rl ❑ •H z U on z % Z. ❑ z U z W z a z a z ❑ z ❑ z E z z ❑ H V] E W F W W z 14 z W E W E W W W (n W W w H W > 7. J O 7 0> (n > (n i a> w > z0 > a> a ❑ .> H W W a a a O H H a a U w w IU-I W a r N 1 Ln H 2 E 0 H ❑ H O O a w H ❑ z a a N H x • w � m w oa x 1 0 o w E . (L C. N O O O N N O O (+1 O O w p m O O O m m O O Ln O O O p ul C. O O to In O o un O O D ON m H r Ln m m a (n m ri y O O N O O N No N N %D � w V) ID N N N %o N N E z rn In o rl n h o O o 0 0 O Ln N o o N LO � o o m O o 0 c N O r-I H N N O O I O O U U -1 H .--I r-I r-I e•i ri r•1 r-I r-I r-I r-I ,,C o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O 0 0 ri •-1 .--I e-i .i .--I .-i e•i r-I V' e•1 r-I �+ 1 (n (n U z 0 < W H O H I >+ H a4 a vi a < a a H o y E U E. U H a W W 0 E- H H Ln ° z N a z Q 5 H H u) W El a H a (n E E. z H w to p U O 0 w w a � ❑ W w H E. a a o a w x HE 0 Q D ° a ° z 4 m z H ° z a Cl � PO � U U W O U ° 4 F ❑ l x a O. a rt 0 z < z H W a w zz a vFi W cF7 pp y H a x (n ''ll z 0 > o 0 0 0 0 0 o N o 0 0 o O J in u) in u) O O u'I N C• O !►. �. ° N O O O O O .--I O O O 0 D .--� a U E+ U a a a W E a H a v U W CF.7 x H �•l z (On F�Gi .l 26 z � Ed ZE C. 0 rn �o N U M o W E M c7 FC O) W E W 0 0 O F O H Z E+ W z m D a' H a 0 0 0 0 o co 0 <* H H r 3 L] W F O O O W H E. F U El N 0 z U z z w > a >. o w U o a z £ z H O H D H z O H x z w V¢ m w w x i O O Gu E+ a O w o co O Eun z N N z O D o O o U � O r-I E a W N W o 0 Ln F a w O 1 a 3 a z � o 0 w F a o .+ a m z E. 14 O > 'n D O r 0 H D a u i 0 w w m 0 E+ O 3 u 27 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 1:55PM 05/31/00 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 41377 05/31/00 ABE001 JAQUES ABELS 150.00 41378 05/31/00 BECO10 DEBORAH BECHARD 50.00 41379 05/31/00 BLA060 JAN BLAKELY 50.00 41380 05/31/00 BOB100 BILL'BOBBITT 50.00 41381 05/31/00 BUL100 JAMES BULGRIN 50.00 41382 05/31/00 BUT010 RICHARD BUTLER 150.00 41383 05/31/00 CUN100 DENNIS CUNNINGHAM 50.00 41384 05/.31/00 DAV010 MIKE DAVIS 50.00 41385 05/31/00 HUL010 KATHRYN HULL 50.00 41386 05/31/00 IMP010 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 450.00 41387 05/31/00 IRWO10 JOSEPH IRWIN 50.00 41388 05/31/00 IRWO20 BARBARA IRWIN 50.00 41389 05/31/00 KIR010 TOM KIRK 150.00 41390 05/31/00 LEW010 TOM LEWIS 50.00 41391 05/31/00 MAH100 CYRILLE P MAHFOUD 50.00 41392 05/31/00 MIT150 MICHAEL MITCHELL 50.00 41393 05/31/00 MOU100 DONALD J MOULIN 50.00 41394 05/31/00 OLA100 MILTON OLANDER 50.00 41395 05/31/00 OSBO50 LEE M OSBORNE CPA 50.00 41396 05/31/00 PED010 KATHRYN PEDERSEN-NADLER 50.00 41397 05/31/00 REB050 JOAN REBICH 50.00 41398 05/31/00 REY055 FRANK R. REYNOLDS P.E. 50.00 41399 05/31/00 ROB150 STEVE ROBBINS 150.00 41400 05/31/00 SHA040 ROSITA SHAMIS 50.00 41401 05/31/00 STJO10 VICTORIA ST JOHNS 50.00 41402 05/31/00 TYL050 ROBERT T TYLER 150.00 41403 05/31/00 USPO10 U S POSTMASTER 827.12 41404 05/31/00 WRI050 ROBERT S WRIGHT 50.00 CHECK TOTAL 3,077.12 03� M'? z Ln N N m ID c r w m H H H N O F+ O Z O H (+1 n -4U O W U E-F 4 U £ co U £ W U £ W U £ W U £ W U E W U £ W (.7 £ W U £ W U £ W U £ W U £ W F £ a a (A F E F F F F E E+ F F E m m E 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 14 £ z .Q O L O N O Ln O In o In O In O 1n O U] O Ln O In v O N O LO i+ O H H a1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o O O �n r1 U O Ln U O 1n O o LO a4 F4 00 O Ln O .� 0� O O U F O N U O o 0 N O c a4 0 < � 00 z 0 F F Ez., En E- H £ O w U a u) F a U £ O E O £ w o (pn > W £ £ a U U< a U (n U) a ❑ a a 4 H £ U) U E+ U E a 4 E $ E+ > .a ❑ a < E V) w a Da z 0 £ 00 E > m E4 o E+ a F o 10 E FC F o 00 E' FC a F o > m o a O 00 0 W 1U-1 H W U U E-+ a'. E E. Z FC a F H s U EH a E- W E+ U a U E, z I- U E a4 E+ E-F m FZ r7 E D. E+ a4 U 114 H E+ W Z U 0, > H a4 z H 0 ❑ H z O ❑ 9 0 w ❑ E 0 Q £ E. o z ❑ H 0 ❑ W E O ❑ H z O ❑ o > 0 ❑ Ul ❑ £ O E+ ❑ H (� z H U U] z Z z W ❑ z W ❑ F z H w x Z W U) W z z W Z z W 1-1 x Z W D £ z w 5 E+ z z W U W U z W w O E. w p FC a > > a O > u a > > z > Fc a > U z > £ 0 > a 5 > w > a > > z (n H N D U U Fa H a FC U U W H x U W O W o o O o o 0 O o 0 o 0 0 O 0 0 o o 0 0 N O 0 0 N O o O N O1 r Ln O 0 O N O 0 0 N > H ❑ Hz Z H £ O N >+ N ?+ N >+ N �+ N >+ N >+ >1 �+ >+ .�L (L >+ >+ Q H x U FC z a FZ as w as 1 0 0 O w F ix W o O 0 O 0 O 0 O o O o O 0 O O 0 O O 0 O O (n U1 Lr) O O O 0 O Cl (!� O O O O O O z 01 o O� 0 Ol 0 Dl 0 Dl 0 O Cl 0 D1 0 m C. 0 ON 0 m 0 E z p O o 1n N In N o d' N H o v' 0 C 1n N In N r (D 1n rl o a U U FC H o 0 0 ( o r+ O o r 0 0 0 0 r 0 H 0 E U) H Q rh z 0 C a a w z M E4 H FC a u N H z a H z a a z 3 FC a z W Q W a x H ccl a) V' S 4° z coi U) O x H a 3 H a N a o >• a U) w a w m m U) a a m H o >z1 a x a FL a s a 0 0 Q o a FC O W w z Fc a a H w x U H z z w W x H m F W (L £ W o 0 m cn F E. z W h ❑ h m h a Q £ H ti J � Z O > e-1 O O H O ID 0 O O O O e-i 0 O O H O 1-1 0 1-1 O O `7 O > U E-1 U H O w m O U w o Ft a H In 0 H a 0 O F 5 z 5 O > FC O a o O a £ O S a O 3 a FC U a a] W W as Im U O x H H 1-1 za z r m Ln o N o c r co rn �o c N rl r-1 N r4 H H 14 N O E Z O O H M � j. N U £ £ £ £ £ £ O W E £ W £ W £ W £ W £ W £ W W W W W w W £ a OQ F F F+ F+ F F F F F F E E. a a m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 E. O O O O O O o O O O o O zj z O O N O Ln O ul O u') O in O N O N O u) O O N O u) N o in H H a �a C. o O O O O o o 0 O 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o x 0 n 04 a 0 L 0 N a a o Lo a a o u) rz a (D 0 0 Ln 'n 0 N £ 0 £ u') 0 ut t� u7 N z Z O p00 000 CQ o] R] E+ U E. E £ £ > a z O 0 a o 0 O £ £ a z £ cn o w � (n cq O O U F O H H u) H H H U U cn £ U a a > a > a w a > a > a > a a a ❑ a a a s ❑ a E+ ❑ a a E a a s F ❑ r•C a EH ❑ a a F ❑ a a U a F > ElE.> U a zza a E. £ a £ F E z 0 ElF 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o .7 ��777 o O o a W H E-F O F F F E E i-7 F F E E+ F F F E. F \ E U E. a H w 0 a W a W a U P4 W w W z W z F P4 H G4 U a O H a 0 z 0 £ 0 £ 0 H O £ 0 £ 0 £ O H O H O W O z 0 a, > a ❑ H ❑ F ❑ E ❑ (Z ❑ F ❑ F ❑ F+ ❑ z ❑ z ❑ E+ ❑ H ❑ [G z U z z z u) z m z O z EO z u) z cn z o z p z H z z z D H cn W z W W W W w E w W W W W W W £ W W x W z W F w > a > > > > > cn > > > > > > > £ > > U > a > a p o-7 z z H z z z H O U 0 U z a a a a U co a H H H H U W O O O O O O O O O O O o O O O O O o O O O O O O O w O O O o O O O O O o O o > > p7 N N N N N N N N N N N N H ❑ H o r �+ r N H x a z a r.0 co w° m x i o F o 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 w o O o 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o 0 pq o o O o o o 0 0 o 0 0 o a rn of rn rn ON rn rn M rn o) rn z o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 n ut un u) LO u7 Lo LO un LO In u) E z O o Ln u) o un uo to n n o o u) 0 V' H r1 C .-4 H rl N N C V' N U H e-4 r-I r-I N �--I r-I H r-1 o o O o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 .-4 a w a w ❑ a w ^� 0 pI z co O U ut a w w H x m O U Z O z W N z H i E. O z z 0 5C W H £ Ft £ a m a H x m co a E h O m H d S w a 0 N x x '' £ x a H x a ° z z > H a rC O £ O £ o a U H z O a H w W E a O w F m O_ a m z z E F u U £ ❑ £ a h w m El p> o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o V H .--I O N O O V7 H to ul 'O LO sT F O a O 3 ti x .--I F .-I D H a O oa O ❑ o W >1 -4 W O a UO o o a a a oa m x a 30 Z M M N N N N O F 2 O O L M x O W F pj W W W E+ F F E-F a a x M O O N O N 0 1- o Z F O 14 O r CD r D N in N Ln r C �. O H W Q F� ri a p O O N O p O O r O p o o r O o-7 �n C7 Ln Ln N . 2 In FC y r o O El Ell El O a z U E £ m o 0 o N a a 0 o o o w H E-H E. U E+ w EH .4 E. E H W 0Y f� C� P4 PG U fZ O H O H O Z O W O H 0 9z n Z 0 H 0 0 PG 0 z H H w m w w w w W > 7 i U) 9 H> 1 n o a a 0 x n 0 0 o d O O O a H 0 PG 1 7 m N N N G] O H JL a m w as a 1 O o w F a w 0 O o O O O 0 O p] O O O O 01 m Ln O� z O O O O u') U') %D u1 F z rl ri V' H 0 N p 01 O 0 N -T w <P H .+ H 11 aU o 0 0 0 H 1+ a H M O O LO a 0 a H 1 RC uu)i E cn a 3 W .7 O 0 z H ao U H F a m O a a a co O a z0 o 0 >, U E+ F4 U > o H o h cn 0 L 0 E 0 0 H N 0 0 a D S 03 II A/P - AP6002 CHECKS TO BE VOIDED CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF CHECK BK INVOICE VENDOR VENDOR INVOICE NUMBER ID DATE AMT. PAID NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION 41213 DEF 05/24/00 1033.89 USP010 U S POSTMASTER POSTAGE TOTAL VOIDED 1,033.89 2:42PM 05/31/00 PAGE 1 03j Td4t 4 4 Q" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 20, 2000 Transmittal of Revenue and Expenditure Reports dated April 30, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: C212- STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Transmittal of the April 30, 2000 Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. Respectfully submitted: M. Falconer', Finance Director p oved for sub is by: Thomas P. Genovese City Manager Attachments: 1. Revenue and Expenditures Report, April 30, 2000 v 3 tl LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVENUE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO, 1: DEBT SERVICE FUND: Tax Increment Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Interest Advance Proceeds Transfers In TOTAL DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: Pooled Cash Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Litigation Settlement Revenue Loan Proceeds Transfers In TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: Tax Increment Allocated Interest Miscellaneous revenue Non Allocated Interest LQRP-Rent Revenue Home Sales Proceeds Sewer Subsidy Reimbursements Rehabilitation Loan repayments Transfer In TOTAL LOW/MOD TAX LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND: Allocated Interest Home Sale Proceeds Non Allocated Interest Transfer In TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND 07/01/1999-4/30/2000 REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED 11,489,722.00 6,782,599.50 4,707,122.50 59.03% 0.00 22,347.72 (22,347.72) N/A 0.00 235,215.76 (235,215.76) N/A 358,636.00 360,484.00 (1,848.00) 100.52% 1,739,297.00 1,109,185.69 630,111.31 63.77% 13,587,655.00 8,509,832.67 5,077,822.33 62.63% 0.00 9,235.44 (9,235.44) N/A 125,000.00 73,984.41 51,015.59 59.19% 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 115,000.00 107,850.00 7,150.00 93.78% 1,855,699.00 0.00 1,855,699.00 0.00% 2,095,699.00 191,069.85 1,904,629.15 0.89% 2,872,431.00 1,695,649.87 1,176,781.13 59.03% 200,000.00 48,060.15 151,939.85 24.03% 0.00 179.99 (179.99) N/A 0.00 174,125.25 (174,125.25) N/A 341,000.00 306,639.32 34,360.68 89.92% 150,000.00 266,437.27 (116,437.27) 177.62% 0.00 48,859.97 (48,859.97) N/A 0.00 471.60 (471.60) N/A 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 3,563,431.00 2,540,423.42 1,023,007.58 71.29% 0.00 6,906.20 (6,906.20) N/A 0.00 44,930.53 (44,930.53) N/A 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 0.00 51,836.73 (51,836.73) N/A 003 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVENUE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO. 2: DEBT SERVICE FUND: Tax Increment Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Interest Advance Proceeds Transfer in TOTAL DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Developer Agreement Transfers In Proceeds from City Loan TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: Tax Increment Developer funding Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Transfer in TOTAL LOW/MOD TAX LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND: Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Transfer in TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND 07/01/1999-4/30/2000 REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED 4,510,675.00 2,642,377.49 1,868,297.51 58.58% 0.00 9,319.67 (9,319.67) N/A 0.00 160.80 (160.80) N/A 435,712.00 363,090.00 72,622.00 83.33% 338,841.00 206,377.50 132,463.50 60.91 % 5,285,228.00 3,221,325.46 2,063,902.54 60.95% 20,000.00 26,263.85 (6,263.85) 131.32% 0.00 21,686.68 (21,686.68) N/A 0.00 5,000.00 (5,000.00) N/A 494,139.00 0.00 494,139.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 514,139.00 52,950.53 461,188.47 10.30% 1,127,669.00 660,594.38 467,074.62 58.58% 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 20,700.00 55,679.74 (34,979.74) 268.98% 0.00 15,931.88 (15,931.88) N/A 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 1,148,369.00 732,206.00 416,163.00 63.76% 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 0.00 1,865.95 (1,865.95) N/A 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 0.00 1,865.95 (1,865.95) N/A 033' 004 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO. 1: DEBT SERVICE FUND: SERVICES BOND PRINCIPAL BONDINTEREST INTEREST CITY ADVANCE INTEREST - ERAFLOAN PASS THROUGH PAYMENTS TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: PERSONNEL SERVICES LAND ACQUISITION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL - BUILDING REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: PERSONNEL SERVICES ASSESSMENT SUBSIDY PROGRAM LQ RENTAL PROGRAM LQ HOUSING PROGRAM BUILDING HORIZONS REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL LOW/MOD TAX LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND 07/01/1999 - 4/30/2000 REMAINING % BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET EXPENDED 221,000.00 210,126.67 0.00 10,873.33 95.08% 1,352,660.00 1,352,660.00 0.00 0.00 100.00% 3,345,284.00 3,346,507.35 0.00 (1,223.35) 100.04% 358,636.00 360,484.00 0.00 (1,848.00) 100.52% 0.00 174,095.98 0.00 (174,095.98) N/A 6,508,231.00 3,860,824.07 0.00 2,647,406.93 59.32% 1,855,699.00 0.00 0.00 1,855,699.00 0.00% 13,641,510.00 9,304,698.07 0.00 4,336,811.93 68.21% 8,950.00 5,994.61 0.00 2,955.39 66.98% 169,409.00 60,695.16 0.00 108,713.84 35.83% 85,000.00 70,740.00 0.00 14,260.00 83.22% 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00% 115,000.00 106,773.21 0.00 8,226.79 92.85% 636,619.00 498,543.58 0.00 138,075.42 78.31% 3,932,987.36 901,707.88 0.00 3,031,279.48 22.93% 4,987,965.36 1,644,454.44 0.00 3,343,510.92 32.97% 3,900.00 2,630.70 0.00 1,269.30 67.45% 169,451.00 144,453.81 0.00 24,997.19 85.25% 253,000 132,924.32 0.00 120,075.68 52.54% 125,000 217,418.56 0.00 (92,418.56) 173.93% 1,166,151 1,057,094.72 0.00 109,056.28 90.65% 210,000 192,500.00 0.00 17,500.00 91.67% 258,954.00 , 219,975.51 0.00 38,978.49 84.95% 1,739,297.00 1,109,185.69 0.00 630,111.31 63.77% 3,925,753.00 3,076,183.31 0.00 849,569.69 78.36% PERSONNEL 5,700.00 3,365.84 0.00 2,334.16 59.05% SERVICES 57,401.00 32,150.54 0.00 25,250.46 56.01% REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A HOUSING PROJECTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 3,230,884.13 1,021,001.76 0.00 2,209,882.37 31.60% TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND 3,293,985.13 1,056,518.14 0.00 2,237,466.99 32.07% 0 303 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO. 2: DEBT SERVICE FUND: SERVICES BOND PRINCIPAL BONDINTEREST INTEREST CITY ADVANCE INTEREST - ERAFLOAN PASS THROUGH PAYMENTS TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 07/01/1999 - 4/30/2000 REMAINING % BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET EXPENDED 74,350.00 82,986.93 0.00 (8,636.93) 111.62% 152,340.00 152,340.00 0.00 0.00 100.00% 607,009.00 605,786.40 0.00 1,222.60 99.80% 539,878.00 363,090.00 0.00 176,788.00 67.25% 0.00 15,931.88 0.00 (15,931.88) N/A 3,687,871.00 1,747,896.82 0.00 1,939,974.18 47.40% 494,139.00 0.00 0.00 494,139.00 0.00% 5,555,587.00 2,968,032.03 0.00 2,587,554.97 53.42% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: PERSONNEL 5,300.00 3,521.30 0.00 1,778.70 66.44% SERVICES 124,426.00 61,470.80 0.00 62,955.20 49.40% ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY 128,000.00 9,925.00 0.00 118,075.00 7.75% REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 174,307.00 150,263.58 0.00 24,043.42 86.21% TRANSFERS OUT 1,773,004.22 127,711.26 0.00 1,645,292.96 7.20% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 2,205,037.22 352,891.94 0.00 1,852,145.28 16.00% LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: PERSONNEL 3,300.00 2,060.44 0.00 1,239.56 62.44% SERVICES 479,674.00 132,988.73 0.00 346,685.27 27.72% LQ HOUSING PROGRAM 536,000.00 3,700.00 0.00 532,300.00 0.69% REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 364,346.00 291,398.16 0.00 72,947.84 79.98% TRANSFERS OUT 1,481,053.00 206,377.50 0.00 1,274,675.50 13.93% TOTAL LOW/MOD TAX 2,864,373.00 636,524.83 0.00 2,227,848.17 22.22% LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND PERSONNEL 2,600.00 1,459.31 0.00 1,140.69 56.13% SERVICES 47,774.00 17,488.74 0.00 30,285.26 36.61% REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 1,881,526.17 (379,247.12) 0.00 2,260,773.29 -20.16% TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND 1,931,900.17 (360,299.07) 0.00 2,292,199.24 -18.65% v4U T4ty,l 4 4 Qu&& COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 20, 2000 Transmittal of Treasurer's Report as of April 30, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated April 30, 2000 for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government Code Section 53645 as amended 1 /1 /86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Money and Funds. I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month's estimated expenditures. pe fully submitted: n M. Falco er, Finance Director pr ved for Sub iss'o y: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: Treasurer's Report, La Quinta Redevelopment Agency 041 Tit(t 4 4 Q" MEMORANDUM TO: La Quinta City Council FROM: John M. Falconer, Finance Director/Treasurer SUBJECT: Treasurer's Report for April 30, 2000 DATE: May 30, 2000 Attached is the Treasurer's Report for the month ending April 30, 2000. The report is submitted to the City Council each month after a reconciliation of accounts is accomplished by the Finance Dept. The following table summarizes the changes in investment types for the month: Investment Beginning Purchased Sold/Matured Other Ending Change Cash (1) $1,167,246 755,339 411,907 ($755,339) LAIF $10,832,650 1,240,310 1,500,000 10,572,960 (259,690) US Treasuries (2) $19,503,949 1,990,209 (8,337) 21,485,821 1,981,872 US Gov't Agencies (2) $19,790,293 55,786 19,846,079 55,786 Commercial Paper (2) $0 0 0 Mutual Funds $5,348,920 999,686 4,349,234 (999,686) Total _ $56 643 058 $3 230 519 $3 302 474 $802 788 $56 666 001 $22 943 I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code; and ins in conformity with the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the pools expenditure requirements for the next six months. the City of La Quinta used the Bureau of the Public Debt, U.S. Bank Monthly Statement and the Bank of New York Monthly Custodian Report to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. John]M. Falconer ' Fin ce Director/Treasurer 3i a& Dat Footnote (1) The amount reported in the other column represents the net increase (decrease) of deposits and withdrawals from the previous month. (2) The amount reported in the other column represents the amortization of premium/discount for the month on US Treasury, Commercial Paper and Agency investments. 04 003 c U z z z z z z z z 0 y R3 �co' $E Aq J d; C U LL LL a�`o m N m g E Go CC O W C b 8 16 U 5Q� > &' O E N �'� N v H v C X z W cr M w ffi 7c ((pp (D CSC p N V N p O p 8 C pp s m m �p N fV a Z O O C � n a E N 02 li -b C $ o �r v C m °0 ly 8 o g IL8 U a N f0 r a E n y ^ U O z_ � O � C ma W LL a g a m :p S Cyr' z v W 'S UL Lq c 00 r o 1 a O 'E •� .211c E �E a Ez � � a a � E 4 T1t0 E L, U M UiLLL�U.� fA LL LL LL LL LL LL C O U- !� U > > a 2 _ l(1 0 In CO c m� UQ� 6-61- PPP .9.� .E " 3 www Q c c C C C?S a0 004 aa L 005 G N W� i0 r m A NQ 3g o00 9g o0o g2Qo - 0000 �$$$$$ g19g $ ZSoom ��Q000 i 000 �go gg0000 ��a&a&& m xtS�Y� xYNY� MY� ppY�� pp A �#3$p� 'Rig OUR xl Y$ '♦5 >go !z x Y N Y $ Y f "Iflu 5 >~~~ >LL~ auau8 LL �gg�8 �8S8S g86�B �� 98gB� g88EII8 _ Oil) Hill g - its a 3LL33~ Jill p0ui 3 rL a■ 3LL $ g I— I 045 11. 0 Q rn c .v c c� c ii Nv > U C C Q a) Ec c ++ y N E 49 .5wcoo WDo Oo>o N J Ea'M w u Co < p o d � LO N CD N O C�QQQQQNQ O LLzZZZZZmz c0 m d N O MEZZZZZWZ W O O O O O O O O O O a>QNNNNNQ O O O O O �Z Z QQQQQ M r eCL 0 O O pp�0)N ~ r O Z p O M O p C C�OOL6 •L N a co U) M fA C G ZCw mCL O O OONC ad°000Laaaa, Cps mmITI)� YUUCOco cri L j U .a d N N Z_ IL 0 IL m N ENE d c ca N d c-Usou- c E U W- w w =z0ggggM� 4 c6 � co ti LO G N OInOLo J0000O mcoL� M N N -1 to M cM d O O Z � Z Z O N O C N co O O C 06 U- �m ��U t U c 8 C� 0 M N E m a co- ` N •E 42 O > d 'a N E m c wc EEaa M cm caa->>�C �crs�UQo�� aN �cc HmU OS tow ;E tE= n 040 U. +�, 0 V C N y 0 C ' m= =z0-- 3 0 •L E a �aa_5Q2 o 007 § § K rSr, © 8�2lk §0 §n©w 00, § §iac k 2 oKW ®0� m_ � n�0 ° °°�- ®$ _ 2�q��--§sN ■ § Cl) kk § . wk■ Go ' --®�#� Kq �&kk# 0. acmwa )�LLr aLL c '§���a § ]U.. 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ME CITY OF LA QUINTA BALANCE SHEET 04/30/00 ASSETS: POOLED CASH LQRP INVESTMENT IN POOLED CASH INVESTMENT T-BILLMOTES & OTHER AUTO MALL CASH LQRP CASH BOND REDEMPTION CASH BOND RESERVE CASH BOND PROJECT CASH BOND ESCROW CASH PETTY CASH 1,000.00 1,000.00 CASH & INVESTMENT TOTAL 33,753,480.26 22,433,540.84 593,080.13 56,780,101.23 INVESTMENT IN LAND HELD FOR RESALE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PREMIUM/DISCOUNT ON INVESTMENT LQRP-ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE INTEREST RECEIVABLE LOAN/NOTES RECEIVABLE DUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS DUE FROM RDA INTERESTADVANCE-DUE FROM RDA ADVANCES TO OTHER FUNDS NSF CHECKS RECEIVABLE ACCRUED REVENUE TRAVELADVANCES EMPLOYEE ADVANCES PREPAID EXPENSES RECEIVABLE TOTAL 9,963,435.57 3,517,289.28 8,247,876.93 21,728,601.78 CITY CITY RDA RDA FA FIXED LONG TERM FIXED LONG TERM FINANCING LONG TERM GRAND CITY ASSETS DEBT RDA ASSETS DEBT AUTHORITY DEBT TOTAL 1,463,351.82 8,345,206.97 (786.84) 9,807,781.95 805,000.00 805,000.00 31,980,000.00 31,980,000.00 309,118.44 309.118.44 61,956.86 61,956.86 11,059.61 28.73 11,096.34 13,210,297.40 693.838.24 13,804,135.84 29,931.67 60,983.90 (90.423.90) (11,552.08) 56,516.36 27,229.46 18,605.17 2,858,850.80 127,984.00 785,501.19 741,658.90 7,113,127.20 1,776,774.34 170,780.58 1,911.86 833.40 2,013.00 8,260,000.00 (12,123.07) 8,360,915.57 (114,099.05) 56.516.36 27,229.46 2,687,456.97 127.984.00 1,527,158.09 7,113,127.20 1,776,774.34 170,780.58 1,911.86 833.40 2.013.00 WORKER COMPENSATION DEPOSIT RENT DEPOSITS UTILITY DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 MISC. DEPOSITS 2.100.00 2.100.00 DEPOSITS TOTAL 2,175.00 2,175.00 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 1,356,535.88 15,285,816.00 10,236,506.05 28,878,857.93 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION (665,581.27) (685,581.27) AMOUNT AVAILABLE TO RETIRE LIT DEBT 3,395,117.03 3,395,117.03 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED FOR LIT DEST 1,677 482.02 95 221 354.06 8,260,000.00 105168,866.08 TOTAL OTHER ASSETS 570,954.61 15,285,810.00 1,877,482.02 10,236,506.05 98,616,501.09 8,250,000.00 134,747,259.77 TOTAL ASSETS 44,390,045.44 15,285,816.00 1,677,482.02 25,950,830.12 10 238 506 05 98 818 501 09 8,840,957.06 8 280 000 00 213 258137 78 LIABILITY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 11,999.44 11,999'" DUE TO OTHER AGENCIES 928,969.44 928,959.44 DUE TO OTHER FUNDS 575.00 1,517,278.09 9,306.00 1,527,15&09 INTEREST ADVANCE -DUE TO CITY ACCRUED EXPENSES PAYROLL LIABILITIES 46,924.20 48,924.20 STRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTS 3,584.78 3,584.78 FRINGE TOED LIZARD FEES 28.890.00 28,890.00 SUSPENSE 2,8W.00 2,800.00 DUE TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PAYABLES TOTAL 1,011,733.42 11,999.44 1,517,278.09 9.305.00 2,550,315.95 ENGINEERING TRUST DEPOSITS SO. COAST AIR QUALITY DEPOSITS ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES DEPOSITS 427,971.30 427,971.30 LQRP DEPOSITS 15,164.00 15,164.00 DEVELOPER DEPOSITS 1,175,899.20 25,000.00 1,200,899.20 MISC. DEPOSITS 408,271.59 408,271.59 AGENCY FUND DEPOSITS 1,182,185.10 1,182,185.10 TOTAL DEPOSITS 3,194,327.19 40,164.00 3,234,491.19 DEFERRED REVENUE 8,270.67 8,260,000.00 8,288,270.67 OTHER LIABILITIES TOTAL 8,270.67 8,280,000.00 8,258,270.67 COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE 337,880.88 337.830.86 DUE TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 1,327,601.72 8,887115.34 9,994,717.06 DUE TO COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 12,466,237.00 12,488,237.00 DUE TO C.V. UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST. 10,068,148.75 DUE TO DESERT SANDS SCHOOL DIST. BONDS PAYABLE 67,415,000.00 8,250,000.00 75,675,000.00 TOTAL LONG TERM DEBT 1,685,482.58 98,616,501.09 8,260,000.00 108.541.983.67 TOTAL LIABILITY 4,214,331.28 1,677,482.02 1,657,442.09 98,616,501.09 8,259,305.00 8,280,000.00 122,595,061.48 EQUITY -FUND BALANCE 40,175,714.16 15,285,816.00 24,393,388.03 10,238,605.05 571,652.06 90,663,076.30 TOTAL LIABILITY & EQUITY non net 44 15,285,816.00 1,677,482.02 25 950 83012 10,236,505.05 98,616,501.09 8,840,957.06 8,200,000.00 213 258137 78 CASH & INVESTMENT TOTAL 56,760,101.23 PREMIUMIDISCOUNT ON INVESTMENT (114,092.03 (' TOTAL 56,888,002.18 v 41 010 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: ,June 20, 2000 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Approval of an Appropriation of $175,000 for the Building Horizons Program PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Approve a Budget appropriation of $175,000 for the Building Horizons Program and authorize staff to make the necessary ledger changes from the Project Area No. 1 Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: An amount not to exceed $175,000 will be expended from the Agency's Project No. 1 Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In Fiscal Year 1998/99, the Agency Board approved the Affordable Housing Agreement by and between the Agency and Building Horizons to facilitate the construction and sale of three single family homes to low or moderate income households. At the end of the 1998/99 Fiscal Year, the funds were not carried over to the next fiscal year to facilitate the completion of the housing units. This allocation will clarify the accounting records for the 1998/99 Fiscal Year which shows a deficit of $175,000 due to the prior appropriation lapse, resulting in this Budget adjustment. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Alternatives available to the Agency Board include: 1. Approve a Budget appropriation of $175,000 for the Building Horizons Program and authorize staff to make the necessary ledger changes from the Project Area No. 1 Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund; or 2. Do not approve the appropriation of $175,000 for the Building Horizons Program and authorize staff to make the necessary ledger changes from the Project Area No. 1 Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund; or _ OJT C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\ccjh-BHAppr.wpd 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, erry erma Com unity evelopment Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director U5 02 C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\ccjh-BHAppr.wpd T4tyl 4 4 Q" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 20, 2000 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of a Resolution Adopting the Investment Policy of the Redevelopment Agency for Fiscal Year 2000/2001 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: I Approve a Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency adopting the Investment Policy of the City of La Quinta for Fiscal Year 2000/2001. SEE CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT �J RESOLUTION NO. RA 2000 - A RESOLUTION OF THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE AMENDED INVESTMENT POLICY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000/2001 WHEREAS, the general purpose of the Investment Policy is to provide the rules and standards users must follow in investing funds of the City of La Quinta; and WHEREAS, the primary objectives, in order of priority, of the City of La Quinta's investment activity shall be: Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments of the City of La Quinta shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. The investment portfolio shall remain sufficiently Eiqmid to meet all operating requirements that may be reasonably anticipated. The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return or yield throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the investment risk constraints and liquidity needs. WHEREAS, authority to manage the City of La Quinta's investment portfolio is derived from the City Ordinance. Management responsibility for the investment program is delegated to the City Treasurer, who shall establish and implement written procedures for the operation of the City's investment program consistent with the Investment Policy; and WHEREAS, the Investment Policy will be adopted before the end of June of each year and amended as considered necessary; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of La Quinta to adopt the 2000/2001 Fiscal Year Investment Policy (Exhibit A). 05 002 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, held on this day of , 1999 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: TERRY HENDERSON La Quinta Redevelopment Agency ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, Secretary City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 0 J Td4t 4 4& Q" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 20, 2000 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of an Award of Contract to Construct the Phase VI A, B, C, D Improvements, Project No. 98-19, Within Assessment District 2000- 1 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolutio i of the Redevelopment Agency authorizing appropriations, establishing a loan from the City of La Quinta to the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, making certain findings, and awarding a contract for Phase VI A, B, C, and D Improvements, Project No. 98-19 within Assessment District 2000-1 . The following table summarizes the proposed construction (based upon the actual low bid) and various support costs: Description 98-19 A&B, Prototypical Street 98-19 C 98-19 D Totals Construction $ 4,425,431 $ 1,41 1,674 $ 977,232 $ 6,814,337 Inspection/Testing/Survey $ 342,971 $ 109,405 $ 75,735 $ 528,111 Construction Management $ 442,543 $ 141,167 $ 97,723 $ 681,433 Administration $ 221,272 $ 70,584 $ 48,862 $ 340,718 Contingency $ 543,222 $ 173,283 $ 119,955 $ 836,460 Total $ 5,975,439 $ 1,906,113 $ 1,319,507 $ 9,201,059 0J% T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2000\00062ObRDA.wpd The following table summarizes the various revenue sources available to these projects: *Revenue Sources Village Dev/ Prototypical Street 98-19A 98-19B 98-19C 98-19D Totals RDA PA#1 $ 921,307 $1,901,405 $1,459,420 $ 0 $ 0 $ 4,282,132 Village Parking Dist. $ 0 $ 29,236 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 29,236 Trans DIF (sound wall) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 145,827 $ 145,827 RDA PA#2 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $1,260,076 $ 792,131 $ 2,052,207 CVWD $ 0 $ 355,841 $1,193,100 $ 54,230 $ 0 $ 1,603,171 Fed Assist (CDBG) $ 0 $ 0 $ 100,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 100,000 Asses. Dist $ 0 $ 273,062 $ 886,398 $1,374,730 $ 272,506 $ 2,806,696 Total $ 921,307 $ 2,559,544 $ 3,638,918 $ 2,689,036 1 $1,210,464 1 $ 11,019,269 There is sufficient funding for these projects; however, there are restrictions placed upon the various funding sources limiting their use to a particular construction category. *Revenue source amounts reflect current account balances plus recommended additional appropriations. None. These improvements are being partially funded by RDA funds and therefore must be bid specifying prevailing wage requirements. Therefore, there are no Charter City impacts. On July 7, 1998, the City Council approved the Fiscal Year 1998/1999 through 2002/2003 Five -Year CIP. As part of this program, the Phase VI Improvements were identified as follows: Phase VI A - Village Commercial Area Phase VI B - Cove Area Phase VI C - Westward Ho Phase VI D - Sagebrush, Bottlebrush, and Saguaro The City Council also approved the project entitled "Village Development" which is the �1JtJ completion of a prototypical street (Calle Estado). T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2000\000620bRDA.wpd 0 0 On February 15, 2000, the City Council adopted a Resolution of Intention to order the construction of certain improvements and to form Assessment District No. 2000-1 (Phase VI Improvements) for the public sewer facilities; and preliminarily adopted the Engineer's Report appointing the time and place for hearing protests; and approved project plans and specifications and authorized staff to bid the Phase VI Improvements project. On March 7, 2000, the City Council approved an agreement for installation of domestic water improvements within Assessment District 2000-1, Phase VI Improvements, Zones, A, B, and C. The Agreement provides that CVWD must approve the bids for the domestic water installation prior to award. As of the date of this report, CVWD is in the final stages of its decision on whether to proceed with the domestic water improvements. The bid openings for construction improvements occurred prior to the April 18, 2000 proposed Public Hearing and Ballot Count. This was to provide actual numbers and to verify the estimate utilized in the Engineer's Report that establish assessments. The bid is structured so the City Council may award all or parts of the bid, or may reject all bids. The projects were advertised for bid and were opened Wednesday, April 12, 2000. The following table summarizes total bids by area and contractor. The details for all bids by contractor are available for review within the Public Works Department. AREA Granite Yeager Riverside Matich Area A & B, Prototypical Street $ 4,425,431 $ 4,728,409 $ 4,690,802 *No Bid Add Alt. #1 $ 92,124 $ 101,336 $ 82,912 *No Bid Add Alt. # 2 $ 289,558 $ 424,067 $ 471,708 *No Bid Area C $ 1,411,674 $ 1,577,620 $ 2,088,042 $1,869,000 Area D $ 943,432 $ 1,083,282 $ 1,168,460 $1,163,000 Add Alt. #1 $ 91,000 $ 38,480 $ 156,000 $213,200 TOTAL $ 7,253,219 $ 7,953,194 $ 8,657,924 $3,245,200 Additive alternate # 1 included in Area A & B bid documents, requested a unit price to install additional 5.5' wide common concrete sidewalk at additional locations within the improvement area. Due to funding constraints, this item is not being recommended for award. Additive alternate #2 included in Area A&B bid documents, requested a unit price to install enhanced paving sidewalks and cross walks at various locations throughout the, downtown area. Due to funding constraints, this item is not being recommended for award. T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2000\000620bRDA.wpd 003 Additive alternate #1 included within Project Area D requested a unit price to construct the sound wall adjacent to Washington Street, fronting Saguaro, Sagebrush, and Bottlebrush using special acoustical masonry units. This item is being recommended for award in place of base bid item 43 in the amount of $57,000. The bids have been structured to award each area separately (areas A, B, C, and D). If all areas are awarded and construction area begins concurrently in all areas, the following is the proposed schedule: City Council Award June 20, 2000 Notice to Proceed July 24, 2000 Project Completion March 2001 The original Assessment District 2000-1 was established to provide public sewers and the undergrounding of overhead utilities. The undergrounding of overhead utilities was proposed for Phase VI A - Village Commercial, Phase VI C - Westward Ho, and Phase VI D - Saguaro, Sagebrush, and Bottlebrush. The ballots indicated that the public sewers were approved in all areas; however, insufficient petitions were received to proceed with establishing an assessment district to place overhead utilities underground. Assessment District 2000-1 proceeded and was established without the assessment district for placing utilities underground. Prior to the April 18, 2000 ballot count, property owners in Phase VI A - Village Commercial completed a petition with approximately 53% of land area owners in favor of establishing an overlying assessment district for placing overhead utilities underground (this included approval by the RDA for the RDA properties affected). The City also received petitions from over 60% of the land area owners in Phase VI C - Westward Ho for establishing an overlying assessment district to place overhead utilities underground. During the June 6, 2000 City Council Meeting, City Council approved the Engineer's Report, approved the Notice of Intent, and approved the plans and specifications and authorized bids for the overlying Assessment District No. 2000-2 to place overhead utilities underground in Phase VI A - Village Commercial (modified) and Phase VI C - Westward Ho. Ballots are being mailed in June 2000 with the Public Hearing and ballot count scheduled for August 1, 2000 City Council Meeting. If the establishment of proposed Assessment District No. 2000-2 is successful and acceptable bids are received, schedules for Phase VI A - Village Commercial and Phase VI C - Westward Ho may change due to coordination efforts of placing overhead utilities underground with the other work proposed. 0J u ME T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2000\00062ObRDA.wpd The alternatives available to the RDA Board include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency authorizing appropriations, establishing a loan from the City of La Quinta to the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, making certain findings, and awarding a contract for Phase VI A, B, C, and D Improvements, Project No. 98-19 within Assessment District 2000-1; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency authorizing appropriations, establishing a loan from the City of La Quinta to the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, making certain findings, and awarding a contract for Phase VI A, B, C, and D Improvements, Project No. 98-19 within Assessment District 2000-1; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Chris A. Vogt Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese Executive Director 05 T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2000\00062ObRDA.wpd 005 RESOLUTION NO. 2000- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATIONS, ESTABLISHING A LOAN FROM THE CITY OF LA QUINTA TO THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS, AND AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR PHASE VI A, B, C, AND D IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 98-19 WITHIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2000-1 WHEREAS, the activities of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") - Project Area No. 1 and 2 cause improvements to be done that are beneficial to both the City of La Quinta (the "City") and the Agency; and WHEREAS, current Agency - Project Area No. 1 and 2 revenues are of a limited nature, although additional future revenues would be forthcoming as development continues; and WHEREAS, the City desires that the Agency - Project Area No. 1 and 2 continues with such mutually beneficial improvements and particularly with the Phase VI A, B, C, and D Improvements, Project No. 98-19 within Assessment District 2000- 1 (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the City has authority to provide a loan to the Agency as an investment under Government Code Section 53601 (d) and the City's Investment Policy; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California as follows: Section 1: The Project is hereby found to be categorically exempt under the California Environment Quality Act Sections 15301 & 15302 of the guidelines due to the fact that it consists of improvements, alterations, and reconstruction of existing public streets. Section 2: That portion of the Project be funded with Agency funds is of benefit to the Project Area No. 1 and 2 and no other reasonable means of financing such improvements are available to the community. Section 3: The attached Promissory Note with no specified repayment date and an interest rate of 10%, between the City and the Agency be approved in an amount not to exceed $1,500,000. T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2000\00062ObRDA.Wpd 006 Section 4: Authorize an appropriation of funds from the Village Parking District fund in the amount of $29,236, for parking improvements within Project Area A (Village Commercial). Section 5: Authorize an appropriation of $1,922,953 of RDA Project Area No. 1 funds to support construction of curb, gutter, street and storm drain improvements within Project Areas A, B and Prototypical Street. Section 6: Adopt a Resolution authorizing a loan from the City General Fund Reserves to the Agency Project Area No. 2 in the amount of $1,500,000 to support construction of improvements within Project Areas C and D. Section 7: Appropriate an additional $560,560 from RDA Project Area No. 2 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Fund Reserve account (Account No. 245-300-290) to support construction of Project Area C curb, gutter, street and storm drain improvements. Section 8: Appropriate an additional $173,200 from RDA Project Area No. 2 CIP Fund Reserve account (account #245-300-290) to support construction of Area D curb, gutter, street and storm drain improvements. Section 9: Award a contract to Granite Construction Company in the amount of $4,054,844 to construct improvements including curb, gutter, street improvements, drainage improvements, and public sewer within Phase VI Project No. 98-19, Project Areas A, B, including enhancements to Calle Estado (Prototypical Street), within Assessment District 2000-1, contingent upon the sale of bonds. Section 10: Award a contract to Granite Construction in the amount of $370,587 to construct waterline replacements within Phase VI Project No. 98-19, Project Areas A and B contingent upon acceptance of the unit prices bid for the domestic water system improvements by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). Section 1 1: Award a contract to Granite Construction Company in the amount of $1,285,769 to construct improvements within Phase VI Project No. 98-19 Project Area C, within Assessment District 2000-1, contingent upon the sale of bonds. 06A- AM T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2OOO\OOO62ObRDA.wpd Section 12: Award a contract to Granite Construction in the amount of $125,905 to construct waterline replacements within Phase VI Project No. 98-19 Project Area C contingent upon acceptance of unit prices for domestic water system improvements by Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). Section 13: Award a contract to Granite Construction Company in the amount of $977,232 including additive alternate #1 (sound wall at Saguaro, Sagebrush, and Bottlebrush), to construct improvements within Phase VI Area D, Project No. 98-19, Within Assessment District 2000-1, contingent upon the sale of bonds. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 20th day of June, 2000, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: TERRY HENDERSON Chair Person ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2000\00062ObROA.Wpd 008 La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Project Area No. 2 PROMISSORY NOTE La Quinta, California June 20, 2000 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned promises to pay to the order of the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation, in lawful money of the United States of America, the principal sum of one million five hundred thousand ($1,500,000) together with interest per annum on the principal balance from time to time outstanding after the date hereof until paid in full. 1. Maturity. The principal amount of this Promissory Note, together with any accrued but unpaid interest, shall be due and payable on no specific date. 2. Interest. Interest on the unpaid principal balance hereof from time to time outstanding shall accrue at the rate of 1QJ0 per annum, commencing on the date hereof. 3. Prepayment. The undersigned, at its option, shall have the right to prepay this Promissory Note, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time, without penalty, provided that such optional prepayment shall be credited first to accrued interest, if any, and then to unpaid principal. 4.1 The undersigned hereby waives presentment, protest, notice of protest, notice of dishonor and notice of nonpayment of this Promissory Note. 4.2 The undersigned promised to pay costs of collection, including attorneys' fees, whether or not suit is filed under any instrument or obligations evidence by this Promissory Note, upon the occurrence of a default hereunder. 4.3 The undersigned promises to perform and comply with each of the obligations of any and all of the undersigned set forth in every instrument evidencing this Promissory Note. 4.4 This Promissory Note shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the State of California. U6 1,2 009 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound hereby, has duly executed this Promissory Note effective as of the day and year first written above. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, a public body, corporate and politic of the State of California 92 Its: 0 `` 010 Tiht 4 4 Q" AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 20, 2000 CONSENT CALENDAR: Continued Joint Public Hearing Between the Redevelopment Agency, the La Quinta City Council and Catellus Residential Group to Consider Termination of Two Affordable Housing Agreements Between the Agency and Catellus Residential Group for the Property Located at the Northwest Corner of Jefferson Street and 48th Avenue. Applicant: Catellus Residential Group RECOMMENDATION: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: 1 Approve an Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreement for Single Family Residential and the Affordable Housing Agreement for Senior Apartments between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group, and authorize the Agency Chair and Agency Executive Director to execute the necessary documents to implement the Amendment. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Amendment would result in the expenditure of up to $750,000 of Agency Housing Bond Fund revenue; this amount is part of the 1998 appropriation for the project. Of these funds, $75,000 would be used to reimburse Catellus for project related expenditures incurred to date and $675,000 would be used to acquire the three existing model homes. No new appropriations are required to implement this Amendment. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Agency is mandated by the California Redevelopment Law to continually endeavor to increase and improve the supply of affordable housing in La Quinta. In an effort to address this mandate, the Agency purchased a 40-acre parcel located northwest of the Jefferson Street and Avenue 48 intersection. In 1996, the Agency requested proposals to develop this property with housing affordable to moderate -income family households, and low-income senior households. The Catellus Residential Group was selected to undertake this project. 065- C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\ccjh AHATerm Cat RDA.wpd The Agency and Catellus entered into an Affordable Housing Agreement for Single Family Residential and an Affordable Housing Agreement for Senior Apartments (collectively refereed to as the "Agreements") in October 1998. The Agreements were intended to facilitate construction of 86 single family dwellings and 118 senior apartment units, and associated public improvements and open space amenities. All of the single-family dwellings would be affordable to moderate -income households. The 118 apartment units would be affordable to very -low and low-income senior households. Catellus subsequently implemented this development, known as Miraflores. To date, all off -site improvements, 30 single family dwellings, and on -site street and utility improvements have been completed. Seventeen dwellings have been sold and are occupied by moderate -income households with another six under contract for sale. The Agreements provided a total of $10,352,525 in Agency property and financial assistance to facilitate the affordable housing development. This assistance was funded from the Agency's 1995 Housing Bond proceeds. A total of $8,190,906 has been expended to date. The remaining $2,161,619 has been retained by the Agency. In March of 2000, Catellus informed the Agency that it could no longer achieve the terms of the Agreements without additional financial assistance. Further, Catellus also relayed that Catellus Development Corporation, the Catellus' parent company, will be selling the merchant housing division, which includes Catellus. After substantial consideration, the Agency elected to conclude the Agreements with Catellus. The Amended Agreement institutes this conclusion. The attached Summary Report (Attachment 1) presents a synopsis of the transaction and the proposed Amendment. Attachment 2 presents the Amendment. In general, the Amendment provides for the following: • The termination of the Agreements. • The transfer of the single-family dwelling site (the portion that is not developed with the 30 single-family dwellings), the three model homes, and the senior apartment site from Catellus to the Agency. Approximately 17.7 acres will be transferred at no cost to the Agency. The property has been subdivided and entitled, and improved with base infrastructure and landscaping improvements. • An accounting of the funds due either Catellus or the Agency for Catellus' obligations under the Agreements. Catellus has constructed many of the on- and off -site improvements specified in the Agreements and has incurred costs in doing so. The Agreements provided for Agency reimbursement of these costs on a monthly basis. 0'� CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\ccjh AHATerm Cat RDA.wpd • The Amended Agreement provides that both parties will reconcile all improvements and expenses constructed or incurred to date, and reimburse what is due either party. Catellus would be reimbursed for any outstanding costs associated with the improvements completed to date. The Agency would receive funds for any improvements Catellus has completed but need further work to meet City standards. • Catellus' continued warranty of the 27 remaining first phase homes and the infrastructure improvements associated with these homes for the time periods specified by applicable California codes. • The release of the four remaining finished homes from the Agency's affordability covenants, allowing Catellus to sell these units at market prices. The sale proceeds would be used to fund the remaining costs due Catellus. • Concluding the bonds that Catellus obtained for those improvements that have not yet been constructed. • Catellus responsibility for any environmental hazards subsequently found on the site that resulted from activities under Catellus site control. If approved, the Agency may expend up to $75,000 to reimburse Catellus for site improvement costs incurred to date. These costs are related to site improvements constructed to date. The Agency will also pay Catellus $675,000 for the three model homes which the Agency may use to market at future phases of the project. With the release of the remaining units from the affordability covenants, unit sale proceeds not directed to cover dwelling construction and sales costs, will be used to fund these reimbursements. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Alternatives available to the Agency Board include: 1. Approve an Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreement for Single Family Residential and the Affordable Housing Agreement for Senior Apartments between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group, and authorize the Agency Chair and Agency Executive Director to execute the necessary documents to implement the Amendment; or 2. Do not approve the attached Amendment nor authorize Agency Chair and Executive Director to execute the necessary documents to implement the Amendment; or 3. Continue the Public Hearing to July 5, 2000; or 064 r 4. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, S&VlHerman) om unity development Director Approved for submission: Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachment: 1. Summary Report 2. Amendment to Affordable Housing Agreements 06 ME ATTACHMENT 1 SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE AMENDMENT TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT FOR SENIOR APARTMENTS BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP May 22, 2000 INTRODUCTION This document is the Summary Report ("Report") for the Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreement for Single Family Residential and the Affordable Housing Agreement for Senior Apartments ("Amended Agreement") by and between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") and the Catellus Residential Group ("Catellus"). This project is known as the Miraflores residential development, and is located in La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2, northwest of the Avenue 48 and Jefferson Street intersection. The Agency and Catellus entered into the Affordable Housing Agreement for Single Family Residential and the Affordable Housing Agreement for Senior Apartments (collectively refereed to as the "Agreements") in October 1998. The Agreements facilitate construction of 86 single family dwellings and 118 senior apartment units, and associated public improvements and open space amenities. All of the single-family dwellings would be affordable to moderate -income households. The 118 apartment units would be affordable to very -low and low-income senior households. In March of 2000 Catellus informed the Agency that it could no longer achieve the terms of the Agreements without additional financial assistance. Further, Catellus also relayed that Catellus Development Corporation, the Catellus' parent company, will be selling the merchant housing division, which includes Catellus. After considerable consideration, the Agency elected to conclude the Agreements with Catellus. The Amended Agreement institutes this conclusion. DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY Through the Agreements, the Agency was to provide up to $10,352,525 to facilitate the affordable dwelling development; $1.9 million to purchase the site, $4.5 million for on- and off -site improvements, $2.17 million for governmental agency fees, $1.0 million in planning, development and bond expenses, and $750,000 in homeowners' 00 00 C:\MY DOCUMENTS\WPDOCS\SUMRPT-CATT.WPD.DOC association assistance. This assistance was funded from the Agency's 1995 Affordable Housing Bond proceeds. To date, a total of $8,190,906 has been expended. The remaining $2,161,619 has been retained by the Agency. Catellus has subdivided and entitled the site, and has constructed a majority of the on - and off -site infrastructure improvements. In addition, Catellus constructed 30 single family dwellings, of which 17 have been sold to moderate -income households. The senior apartments are to be financed through the sale of investment tax credits. Catellus did submit one tax credit application in the Spring of 1999. The senior apartments, however, were not awarded tax credits in that round. AMENDED AGREEMENT SUMMARY The Amended Agreement provides for the following: • The termination of the Agreements. • The transfer of the single-family dwelling site (the portion that is not developed with the 30 single-family dwellings) and the senior apartment site from Catellus to the Agency. Approximately 17.7 acres will be transferred at no cost to the Agency. The property has been subdivided and entitled, and improved with base infrastructure and landscaping improvements. • An accounting of the funds due either Catellus or the Agency for Catellus' obligations under the Agreements. Catellus has constructed many of the on - and off -site improvements specified in the Agreements and has incurred costs in doing so. The Agreements provided for Agency reimbursement of these costs on a monthly basis. The Amended Agreement provides that both parties will reconcile all improvements and expenses constructed or incurred to date, and reimburse what is due either party. Catellus would be reimbursed for any outstanding costs associated with the improvements completed to date. The Agency would receive funds for any improvements Catellus has completed, but need further work to meet City standards. • Catellus' continued warranty of the 30 homes and the infrastructure improvements associated with these homes for the time periods specified by applicable California codes. • The release of the 13 remaining finished homes from the Agency's affordability covenants, allowing Catellus to sell these units at market prices. The sale proceeds would be used to fund the remaining costs due Catellus and the Agency. ^ 0 ' v _ _ 0'7 C:\MY DOCUMENTS\WPDOCS\SUMRPT-CATT.WPD.DOC • Concluding the bonds that Catellus obtained for those improvements that have not yet been constructed. • Catellus' responsibility for any environmental hazards subsequently found on the site that resulted from activities under Catellus site control. COST OF THE AMENDED AGREEMENT TO THE AGENCY The Agency will not expend any additional funds to implement the Amended Agreement; the funds due Catellus will be derived first from the sale of the remaining single family homes, and if any outstanding obligations remain; and second from the funds remaining on hand with the Agency per the Agreements. The reconciliation completed to date indicates that as much as $294,316 remains due to Catellus. Staff continues to review estimates for cost to complete which may reduce this amount. The Amended Agreement provides that the final amount will be fully paid from the sale proceeds of the remaining single family homes. FUTURE DISPOSITION OF THE MIRAFLORES DEVELOPMENT The Agency is negotiating with a development partnership comprised of the RecreAction Group of Companies (RGC) and LINC Housing to assume the Agreements. The partnership proposes to assume the project and build -out the remaining 56 single- family dwellings and senior apartments per the existing, approved Specific Plan for Miraflores. The partnership proposes to modify the sales mix of the remaining 56 single-family dwellings to feature 29 market rate units and 27 moderate -income affordable units. This would yield a final unit mix for the single-family component of 42 market rate units and 44 moderate -income affordable units. Sale proceeds generated by the market units would be used to fund construction cost increases, interest rate buy -downs and other buyer assistance for the moderate -income affordable units, and costs associated with improving the tax credit competitiveness of the senior apartments. The senior apartments would also be developed by the partnership through a combination of Agency funds (per the Agreements) and tax credit financing. Negotiations are underway to accomplish this assumption by July 2000. This would allow. the partnership to assume site maintenance and development responsibilities, and continued unit sales. CAMY DOCUMENTS\WPDOCS\SUMRPT-CATT.WPD.DOC ATTACHMENT 2 AMENDMENT TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT FOR SENIOR APARTMENTS This AMENDMENT TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT FOR SENIOR APARTMENTS (this "Amendment"), dated as of , 2000, is by and between CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP, INC., a California .corporation ("Catellus") and LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body corporate and politic ("Agency"). EE-QITALS: A. The parties previously entered into that certain Affordable Housing Agreement for Single Family Residential, dated as of October 6, 1998, as supplemented by that certain Agreement to Encumber Additional Property Under Affordable Housing Agreement for Single Family Residential, dated as of March 18, 1999, as further amended by that certain Second Implementation Agreement, dated January 3, 2000, 1999 (collectively, the "Housing Agreement"), as well as that certain Affordable Housing Agreement for Senior Apartments, dated as of October 6, 1998 (the "Apartments Agreement"). The Housing Agreement and the Apartments Agreement together, are referred to herein as the "Agreements." B. Pursuant to the Agreements, Catellus and Agency agreed to cause the development of certain income restricted, single family residential houses ("Houses") on the "SFR Site" (as defined in the Housing Agreement), as well as certain income restricted, senior apartments ("Apartments") on the "SA Site" (as defined in the Apartments Agreement). The SFR Site and the SA Site together, form a project located in the City of La Quinta, State of California (the "Project"). C. The parties desire to disengage from each other with respect to the development of the Project, by modifying the Agreements such that Catellus' only remaining obligations (collectively, "Catellus' Remaining Obligations") shall essentially be (i) to sell the existing Houses that have not been sold (as evidenced by recordation of a grant deed to a buyer) as of the "Closing Date" (as defined in Section 1 below) and (ii) to provide certain warranties with respect to the construction of the Houses as more particularly set forth in this Amendment. To facilitate the sale of the foregoing existing Houses, the parties will terminate all affordability restrictions currently applicable to the sale of the Houses, so that the Houses may be sold at market prices. Other than Catellus' Remaining Obligations, the parties desire to terminate the Agreements entirely, subject to the terms and conditions of this Amendment. Page 1 of 12 �! 09 Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreements Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group July 5, 2000 D. The purpose of this Amendment is (i) to determine the amount of costs and expenses Agency owes Catellus as of the Closing Date; (ii) to set forth the new terms and conditions under which Catellus shall perform Catellus' Remaining Obligations; and (iii) to provide the procedure whereby Catellus shall convey the Models (defined below), the undeveloped portion of the SFR Site and the entire SA Site back to the Agency and terminate the Agreements, except for Catellus' Remaining Obligations, subject to the terms and conditions of this Amendment. AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Catellus and Agency hereby amend the Agreements and agree as follows: 1. Closing. The disengagement from the development of the Project and the modifications to the Agreements set forth herein, shall be completed pursuant to a closing (" Closing "), whereby the parties shall deliver the funds and documents required by this Amendment to an escrow officer, who shall be acceptable to both parties (the "Escrow Officer"). The Closing shall occur on the date that is five (5) business days after the date both parties have executed and delivered this Amendment and the Agency has completed all necessary public hearings and received final approval of this Amendment, or such earlier date the parties may agree upon in writing (the "Closing Date"). The parties acknowledge that this Amendment shall also constitute the parties' joint instructions to the Escrow Officer. Catellus and Agency agree to execute, deliver and be bound by any reasonable or customary supplemental escrow instructions of Escrow Officer or other instruments as may reasonably be required by Escrow Officer in order to consummate the Closing contemplated by this Amendment. Any such supplemental instructions shall not conflict with, amend or supersede any portions of this Amendment, unless expressly consented or agreed to in writing by Catellus and Agency. (a) The Agreements provide for Catellus to perform certain land improvements (the "Construction Work") and pay certain fees, the costs of which are to be reimbursed by the Agency (the "Reimbursed Costs"). Catellus and Agency agree that at the Closing Catellus shall receive Seventy -Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000) of Reimbursed Costs for completed Construction Work. The parties agree that Catellus shall not perform after the. Closing any additional Construction Work which would CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTermRev.wpd Page 2 of 12 Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreements Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group July 5, 2000 constitute Reimbursed Costs and that at the Closing Agency shall have no further obligations to Catellus with respect to payment of Reimbursed Costs other than pursuant to Section 4(b). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, if Agency, in writing, requests Catellus to do incidental Construction Work on the Property prior to the sale of all the Remaining Houses and such Construction Work would be appropriate Reimbursed Costs and funds are available to pay Catellus, Catellus shall cooperate with Agency to cause such Construction Work to be performed. (b) Catellus constructed and furnished on the SFR Site three (3) model houses ("Models") which it has utilized to market its production Houses. Agency desires to purchase at .the Closing, and Catellus desires to sell, the Models and all furnishings ("Furnished Models") for Six Hundred Seventy -Five Thousand Dollars ($675,000). Catellus shall transfer the Models by grant deed. :L Termination of Agreements. Effective as of the Closing Date, the Agreements shall be terminated except for Catellus' Remaining Obligations (and the modifications to the Housing Agreement related thereto, as set forth in Section 4 below), and, except as expressly provided herein, Catellus and Agency shall have no further obligation or liability to each other with respect to the Agreements. The parties acknowledge. that the termination of the Agreements shall not affect Catellus' obligation (via its affiliate) to warranty the infrastructure improvements, as set forth in that certain Subdivision Improvement Agreement dated January 19, 1999, by and between Catellus Residential Communities Inc., a California corporation and the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation of the State of California (the "City Infrastructure Agreement"). The foregoing termination of the Agreements shall be conditioned upon the parties performance of the following on or before the Closing: J& Grant Deed. Catellus shall deliver to Escrow Officer at least one (1) day prior to the Closing Date, a grant deed or deeds in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "Al (a "Grant Deed"), duly executed and acknowledged by Catellus' affiliate, Catellus Residential Communities Inc., a California corporation, conveying (i) the SA Site, (ii) the Models and (iii) the "Conveyed Portion of the SFR Site" (defined below), free and clear of all monetary liens (excepting other than annual or semi-annual payments, if any, to any assessment or utility districts) and, except for any liens in which Agency is the beneficiary. The "Conveyed Portion of the SFR Site" means all the real property comprising the SFR Site except for the Houses sold and the "Remaining Houses" (as defined in Section 4 below). The Grant Deed shall create or reserve necessary easements and development rights to permit Catellus to perform the Catellus Remaining Obligations. CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgiCatTermRev.wpd Page 3 of 1 / `�[ Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreements Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group July 5, 2000 Lb1 Plans. Permits & Reports. Catellus shall deliver to Escrow Officer, at least one (1) day prior to the Closing Date, those certain plans, permits and reports listed on Exhibit "B" attached hereto, which pertain to the Project. Catellus hereby represents that the costs in connection with the preparation of such plans, permits and reports, have been paid as of the Closing Date. ki Assignment of Contracts. At least three (3) business days prior to the Closing, Agency shall inform Catellus in writing which contracts pertaining to the Project that Agency desires to assume (the "Assumed Contracts") and which contracts pertaining to the Project Agency desires to have terminated ("Terminated Contracts"). Catellus and Agency shall deliver to Escrow Officer, at least one (1) day prior to the Closing Date, counterparts of an "Assignment of Contracts" in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "C", duly executed by Catellus and Agency (or an assignee designated by Agency), assigning to Agency (or its assignee), without warranty, all of Catellus' right, title and interest in, and Agency (or its assignee) assuming all obligations with respect to, the Assumed Contracts. Catellus shall terminate the Terminated Contracts at the Closing or as soon as the Terminated Contracts permit termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Catellus may retain an interest in any contracts whatsoever pertaining to the Project that Catellus deems appropriate to facilitate Catellus' performance of Catellus' Remaining Obligations and terminate any other contracts other than the Assumed Contracts. (d) Deposits. Catellus shall deliver to Escrow Officer, at least one (1) day prior to the Closing Date, any written agreements regarding deposits or other refundable funds ("Refundable De osit(s)") pertaining to the Project. Catellus hereby assigns its right title and interest in and to the Refundable Deposits, to Agency, and Agency hereby assumes Catellus' obligations in connection with the Refundable Deposits, if any. (e) Title Insurance. Escrow Officer shall have received an irrevocable commitment from First American Title Insurance Company (the "Title Company") to issue a standard CLTA policy ("Title Policy") in favor of Agency for the SA Site, the Models and the Conveyed Portion of the SFR Site, in the amount of Two Million One Hundred Seventy -Five Thousand Dollars ($2,175,000). ll Condition of SA Site. Furnished Models and Conveyed Portion of the SFR Site. Agency has inspected and investigated (including without limitation, environmental -related matters), the SA Site, Furnished Models, the Conveyed Portion of the SFR Site, the Furnished Models and all related infrastructure improvements which Catellus constructed, or caused to be constructed, and Agency accepts the SA V ! j CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTennRev.wpd Page 4 of 12 12 Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreements Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group July 5, 2000 Site, the Furnished Models and the Conveyed Portion of the SFR Site, subject to Catellus' Remaining Obligations, in their "AS IS, WHERE IS", condition, and releases Catellus pursuant to Section 5 of this Amendment, except for matters arising directly from the presence of hazardous materials on the SA Site, the Furnished Models or the Conveyed Portion of the SFR Site, which are proven to have been introduced to the SA Site, the Furnished Models or the Conveyed Portion of the SFR Site -by Catellus. LcIl Payments. Agency shall have delivered to Escrow Officer at least one (1) day prior to the Closing Date Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000), representing the payments to Catellus in accordance with Section 2 above. (h_) Non -Foreign Status. Catellus shall deliver to Escrow Officer at least one (1) day prior to the Closing Date, a customary certificate of non -foreign status, duly executed by Catellus. & Infrastructure Improvements. As of this date Catellus and Agency agree that Catellus shall do no further work pursuant to the City Infrastructure Agreement and at the Closing with Catellus' receipt of funds for Construction Work pursuant to Section 2(a) all Construction Work which Catellus and Agency agree Catellus would perform is completed and paid for. Therefore, on or before the Closing, Agency shall cause the City of La Quinta to terminate and exonerate the City Infrastructure Agreement and Catellus' affiliate's bond obligations pursuant to the City Infrastructure Agreement. The parties agree the post -closing work described on Exhibit "D" attached hereto shall not be Catellus' obligation, but shall be the obligation of a subsequent developer of the Project with whom the Agency shall contract, including the execution of new subdivision improvement agreements and bonds. Additionally, from the Closing, Agency hereby agrees to indemnify, save harmless and defend Catellus from any construction work or bonds or agreements relating thereto referenced on Exhibit "D" or otherwise which by the terms of this Amendment, Agency has agreed Catellus is no longer obligated to perform. Such portion of the work described on Exhibit "D" relating to and benefiting the Houses which Catellus constructed on the SFR Site (for example, the final lift/cap on the private streets) shall be performed by the Agency or its subsequent developer in a manner and time frame so as not to unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of the owners of the Houses which Catellus has constructed on the SFR Site. !jZ DRE Subsidy Agreement. Agency shall have delivered to Catellus at least one (1) day prior to the closing date of the Escrow for the sale of the last Remaining House, a written instrument duly executed by Agency wherein Agency (or CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTermRev.wpd Page 5 of 12 O - 13 Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreements Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group July 5, 2000 a subsequent developer of the Project) shall assume all of Catellus' obligation to subsidize the payments of Home Owner's Association (HOA) dues for the Project, pursuant to that certain Department of Real Estate (DRE) Subsidy Agreement executed by Catellus. Additionally, from the Closing, Agency hereby agrees to indemnify, save harmless and defend Catellus from and against any obligation to make subsidy payments of HOA dues for the thirty houses which Catellus has sold or will sell after the Closing Date (including the Remaining Houses) and all future houses developed within the Project, pursuant to the DRE Subsidy Agreement. 4 Modification of Housing Agreement For Remaining Houses. Effective as of the Closing Date, to facilitate performance of Catellus' Remaining Obligations, the Housing Agreement shall be modified only with respect to Houses that have not in fact sold prior to the Closing Date, four (4) Houses, and such Houses that are presently subject to sales contracts if such contracts are cancelled for any reason and any Houses subject to pending sales but for which a contract is not finalized on or before June 20, 2000 (such Houses are referred to herein as the "Remaining Houses"), as follows: ial Termination of Restrictions. Effective as of the Closing Date, the low income requirements and related restrictive covenants, servitudes and such special requirements, excluding any. restrictions against race discrimination and any references to the overall Agency Redevelopment Plan to which the Project is subject to (the "Restrictions") for potential purchasers of the Houses set forth in the Housing Agreement, set forth in any other agreement between the parties, and set forth in any instrument that may have been recorded as a matter of record title for the SFR Site, shall hereby be terminated and have no further force and effect. Additionally, Catellus and Agency shall deliver to Escrow Officer, at least one (1) day prior to the Closing Date, counterparts of a "Termination of Restrictions" in the recordable form attached hereto as Exhibit "E", duly executed and acknowledged by Catellus and Agency, which shall globally terminate any and all such Restrictions which presently affect the sale of the Houses. Additionally, both before and after the Closing, the parties agree to execute and record such other instruments needed to effectuate the purposes of this Amendment and other instruments as the Title Company may require, in order to effect the termination of such Restrictions. (b) Proceeds Upon Sale of Houging Units. Catellus shall use commercially reasonable efforts to market and sell the Remaining Houses. Upon the close of escrow of the last of the Remaining Houses, Catellus shall prepare a written accounting of the aggregate of the sales prices from the sale of all thirty (30) Houses (the "Housing Project Revenues"). As soon as practicable after the accounting is CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTennRev.wpd Page 6 of Ii—, — 14 Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreements Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group July 5, 2000 prepared by Catellus and delivered to Agency, Catellus shall pay Agency all the Housing Project Revenues which remain, if any, after the following deductions: fir , the escrow, title and other closing -related fees and costs incurred in connection with the sale of all the Houses, shall be deducted, second, the aggregate of the release prices paid to Sanwa Bank for the Sanwa Bank loan encumbering the SFR Site, shall be deducted, third, all project -related development costs not otherwise drawn from a construction loan or included in Reimbursable Costs (including, by way of example only, sales and marketing costs, trailer costs, interest, brochures), shall be deducted (consistent with the SFR Agreement),.fourth, an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the aggregate Housing Project Revenues, representing Catellus overhead costs shall be deducted, and if fah, an amount equal to five and one-half percent (5'/2 ) of the aggregate Housing Project Revenues, representing Catellus' profit shall be deducted. In no event shall Agency incur any additional financial obligation if the Housing Project Revenues are inadequate for the foregoing deductions. Agency shall have the right to conduct a reasonable audit of Catellus' accounting, provided such audit occurs within six (6) months after Catellus delivers the foregoing accounting to Agency, and provided further that, Agency uses a C.P.A. to perform such audit, and in no event shall such C.P.A. be paid on a contingency basis. isl Warranty Work for Houses. To the extent Catellus is obligated to perform warranty work for the Houses pursuant to the Housing Agreement, Catellus shall remain obligated to do so; provided, however, Catellus may elect to obtain insurance coverage to pay for and otherwise defray the costs of the warranty obligations for all or some of the Houses; provided further, however, such insurance coverage shall not relieve Catellus of its obligation to perform warranty work for the Houses pursuant to the Housing Agreement. (d) Assignment. Catellus and Agency acknowledge the facts and circumstances that Catellus may sell all or some of its assets related to its home building ventures and operations ("Assets") and such Assets may be sold to a new owner ("Catellus' Successor") prior to the time the Agreements, as amended by this Amendment, are fully terminated. Accordingly, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Agreement, Catellus hereby agrees that unless Catellus assigns and Catellus' Successor assumes, all of Catellus' right and obligations under the Agreement (as amended by this Amendment), Catellus shall remain liable for the obligations under the Agreement (as amended by this Amendment). In the event of such sale of the Assets to Catellus' Successor, Agency shall have the right to approve the transfer of Catellus' obligations under the Agreements, including this Amendment, to Catellus' Successor only if by reason of such transfer Catellus' Successor assumes all such obligations. Agency's right to approve the transfer in such circumstance shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. CAMy Documents\WPDOCSWHAgrCatTermRev.wpd Page 7 of 12 f -- 15 Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreements Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group July 5, 2000 i—el Use of Models. Following the Closing and the transfer of the Models to Agency, Catellus shall have the right to the exclusive use of the Models to facilitate its sale of the Remaining Houses until the earlier to occur of (i) the sale of the last Remaining house or (ii) forty-five (45) days from the Closing. If Catellus has Remaining Houses at the end of said 45-day period, it shall be entitled to use the Models on a non-exclusive basis until the Remaining Houses are sold. During the period of its exclusive use of the Models, Catellus shall be responsible for the cost of utilities, maintenance and costs related thereto, attributable to the Models. After the end of such exclusive use period, the Agency shall be responsible for the cost of the utilities, maintenance and cost related thereto, attributable to the Models. 5. Release and Termination (a) From and after the Closing Date, the parties hereto release and discharge each other and their affiliates, officers, directors, partners, employees, agents, attorneys, representatives and assigns (collectively, "Releasees"), jointly and severally from any and all rights, claims, demands, charges, agreements, liabilities, obligations, damages, costs, fees (including, without limitation, those of attorneys), expenses and/or causes of action of every nature, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, which a party may now have or hereafter have or claimed to have against the other party's Releasees by reasons of any matter, act or omission arising out of or related to: (i) the SA Site, the Models and the Conveyed Portion of the SFR Site, (ii) the Agreements except for Catellus' Remaining Obligations and the indemnity obligations of Catellus set forth in Section 5(c) below, and (iii) immediately and automatically (without need for further documentation) upon the date that the last Remaining House is sold pursuant to the Housing Agreement (as amended by this Amendment), the Agreements in their entirety (including Catellus' Remaining Obligations) (the foregoing (i) through (iii) collectively, the "Released Claims"). THE PARTIES TO THIS AMENDMENT HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE READ AND ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTION 1542 ("SECTION 1542"), WHICH IS SET FORTH BELOW: "A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR." BY INITIALING BELOW, THE PARTIES HEREBY WAIVES THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 1542 SOLELY IN CONNECTION WITH THE RELEASED CLAIMS: r Catellus' Initials Agency's Initials 16 C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTermRev.wpd Page 8 of 12 Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreements Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group July 5, 2000 (b) Agency and Catellus acknowledge that: (i) upon the Closing, the Agreements, except for Catellus' Remaining Obligations and the indemnity obligations of Catellus set forth in Section 5(c) below, are terminated, pursuant to this Amendment, and (ii) immediately and automatically upon the date that the last Remaining House is sold pursuant to the Housing Agreement (as amended by this Amendment), the Agreements in their entirety, including Catellus' Remaining Obligations, will be terminated. (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Catellus hereby agrees to indemnify, save harmless and defend Agency from and against any claims made against Agency based on alleged defects in Catellus' construction of the Houses or any portion of the project Catellus has constructed. Additionally, Catellus hereby agrees to indemnify, save harmless and defend Agency from and against any mechanics or other liens to be file against the Project as a result of labor or materials furnished in connection with Catellus' Construction Work or construction of the Houses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Catellus may in good faith contest the validity of any lien filed against the Project, provided that Catellus shall remain obligated to release and remove such lien (or insure over such lien to Agency's reasonable satisfaction by bond or otherwise) during any such good faith contest of such lien. The indemnity obligations of Catellus set forth in this Section 5(c) shall survive the Closing only for the period of time corresponding to the applicable statute of limitations governing the underlying action, if any is filed, upon which Catellus' indemnity obligation hereunder would be based. The parties acknowledge that the release and termination contained in this Section 5 shall not affect Catellus' affiliate's obligation to warranty the infrastructure improvements which it constructed pursuant to the City Infrastructure Agreement. -6, escrow Officer Closing Instructions. On the Closing Date, provided all the conditions precedent set forth herein have been satisfied, Escrow Officer shall promptly undertake all of the following in the manner indicated: L& Prorations. Prorate all matters for the SA Site, the Models and the Conveyed Portion of the SFR Site, based upon the signed statement that Catellus and Agency may deliver to Escrow Officer at least one (1) day prior to the Closing Date. Real and personal property taxes and assessments on the Property shall not be prorated, but rather, in accordance with the Agreements, shall be accounted for as a Reimbursable Costs, pursuant to Section 2 above. (b) Cause the Termination of Restrictions to be recorded in the Official Records. (c) Cause a Grant Deed or Deeds conveying the SA Site, the Models and the Conveyed Portion of the SFRSite to be recorded in the Official Records.% -- 17 c:\My Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTennRev.wpd Page 9 of 12 Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreements Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group July 5, 2000 (d) Disburse the Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000) to Catellus as provided in Sections 2(a) and (b). (e) Charge Agency for the Escrow Officer's fees and expenses, the premium for the Title Policy, all recording fees (if any) and all transfer taxes (if any). (f) Direct the Title Company to issue the Title Policy in favor of Agency. (g) Deliver to Catellus: (i) a fully executed Assignment of Contracts; (ii) evidence of the termination of the City Infrastructure Agreement and the related bonds and (iii) a conformed copy of the recorded Termination of Restrictions. (h) Deliver to Agency: (i) the plans, permits and reports referenced in Section 3(b) above; (ii) a fully executed Assignment of Contracts; (iii) Catellus' non - foreign entity certificate; and (iv) the Title Policy. !i�1 Brokers. There are no brokers in the transaction contemplated herein. If any claims for brokers' or finders' fees for the consummation of this Amendment arise, then Agency hereby agrees to indemnify, save harmless and defend Catellus from and against such claims if they shall be based upon any statement or representation or agreement by Agency, and Catellus hereby agrees to indemnify, save harmless and defend Agency if such claims shall be based upon any statement, representation or agreement made by Catellus. !b1 Effect of Amendment. Except to the extent the Agreements are modified by this Amendment, the remaining terms and provisions of the Agreements prior to the Closing Date and/or the termination as provided herein of the Agreements, or either of them, shall remain unmodified and in full force and effect. In the event of conflict or inconsistency between the terms of the Agreements and the terms of this Amendment, the terms of this Amendment shall prevail. LG1 Entire Agreement. This Amendment, together with the Agreements, embodies the entire understanding between Catellus and Agency with respect to its subject matter and can be changed only by an instrument in writing signed by Catellus and Agency. W1 Authority. Each individual executing this Amendment for a party hereto represents that he or she is duty authorized to execute and deliver this Amendment for such party and that this Amendment is binding upon such party in :. accordance with its terms. CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTemiRev.wpd -- 18 Page 10 of 12 Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreements Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group July 5, 2000 Jel Independent Counsel. Catellus and Agency each acknowledge that: (i) they have been represented by independent counsel in connection with this Amendment; (ii) they have executed this Amendment with the advice of such counsel; and (iii) this Amendment is the result of negotiations between the parties hereto and the advice and assistance of their respective counsel. The fact that this Amendment was prepared by Catellus' counsel as a matter of convenience shall have no import or significance. Any uncertainty or ambiguity in this Amendment shall not be construed against Catellus because Catellus' counsel prepared this Amendment in its final form. iff Attorneys Fees. In the event of the bringing of any action or suit by a party to this Amendment against the other party to this Amendment, by reason of any breach of any of the covenants or agreements or any inaccuracies in any of the representations and warranties on the part of the other party arising out of this Amendment or any other dispute between the parties concerning this Amendment, then in that event, the prevailing party in such action or dispute, whether by final judgment or out of court settlement, shall be entitled to have and recover of and from the other party all costs and expenses of suit, including actual experts' fees and attorneys' fees. Any judgment or order entered in any final judgment shall contain a specific provision providing for the recovery of all costs and expenses of suit, including actual attorneys' fees (collectively "Costs") incurred in enforcing, perfecting and executing such judgment. For the purposes of this Section, Costs shall include, without limitation, attorneys' and experts' fees, costs and expenses incurred in the following: (i) post judgment motions; (ii) contempt proceeding; (iii) garnishment, levy, and debtor and third party examination; (iv) discovery; and (v) bankruptcy litigation. This Section shall survive any termination of this Amendment prior to the Closing and shall also survive the recordation of the Grant Deeds and the Closing and shall not be deemed merged into the Grant Deeds upon their recordation. jg1 Exhibits. The Exhibits attached hereto are hereby incorporated herein by this reference for all purposes. (h) Counter arts. This Amendment may be executed in counterparts, including facsimile copies of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which, together, shall constitute one in the same Amendment. M Maintenance. To the extent not otherwise specifically negated, limited or otherwise provided for, in this Amendment, if pursuant to the Agreements Catellus had maintenance obligations with respect to the Remaining Houses for the SFR Site and the SA Site, such obligations will continue until the full termination of the applicable Agreement, as provided herein. CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTermRev.wpd Page 11 of 12 .. 19 Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreements Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group July 5, 2000 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as of the date first set forth above. "Catellus" "Agency" CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP, INC., LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a California corporation a public body corporate and politic By: Name: Its: CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTermRev.wpd Name: Its: ATTEST: By: Name: Its: APPROVED AS TO FORM: -32 Name: Its: Page 12`of 12 20 GRANT DEED RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS GRANT DEED AND ALL TAX STATEMENTS TO: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Executive Director P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 (Exempt from recording fees pursuant to Government Code Section 6103) (Above Space for Recorder's Use Only) Exempt from documentary transfer tax pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 11922 Exempt from requirements of Revenue and Taxation Code Section 480.3 (PCOR) pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 5081 GRANT DEED FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES, INC., [NOTE: VESTING SHOWS THIS ENTITY] a California corporation ("Grantor"), hereby GRANTS to the LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body corporate and politic ("Grantee"), the following described real property (the "Property") located in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: SEE EXHIBIT "1 " ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE SUBJECT TO: 1. Taxes and assessments. 2. All other covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights, rights of way, easements, encumbrances, liens and title matters whether or not of record or visible from an inspection of the Property and all matters which an accurate survey of the Property would disclose. 3. That certain Termination of Restrictions recorded in the Official Records of the County Recorders Office of the County of Riverside, State of California, on 2000, as Instrument No. 21 CAMy Documents\WPDOCSWHAgtCatTennRev.wpd Exhibit "A" Page I of 3 Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreements Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group July 5, 2000 RESERVING THEREFROM: An easement in favor of Grantor and its affiliates, agents, employees and contractors, to access the Property at any time to the extent needed for Grantor to perform it's obligations pursuant to that certain Amendment to Affordable Housing Agreement for Single Family Residential and Affordable Housing Agreement for Senior Apartments, dated as of , 2000, by and between Grantee and Grantor's affiliate, Catellus Residential Group, Inc., a California corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this Grant Deed to be executed as of the day of , 2000. CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES, INC., a California corporation By: _ Name: Title: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On 2000, before me, a notary public, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. By: D80 22 CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTemiRev.wpd Exhibit "A" Page 2 of 3 EXHIBIT 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY [Legal Description of SA Site, the Models and Conveyed Portion of the SFR Site to be attached] 0 23 CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTemiRev.wpd Exhibit "A" Page 3 of 3 ASSIGNMENT OF PLANS, PERMITS & REPORTS [List of Plans, Permits and Reports to be attached] CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTermRev.wpd Exhibit "B" Page 1 of 1 - 24 ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF CONTRACTS THIS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF CONTRACTS (this "Assignment") is made this 28th day of April, 2000 by and between LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body corporate and politic ("Agency"), and CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP, INC., a California corporation ("Catellus"). WITNESSETH: A. Catellus and Agency entered into that certain Amendment to Affordable Housing Agreement for Single Family Residential and Affordable Housing Agreement for Senior Apartments, dated as of , 2000 ("Agreement"), respecting certain real property known as the "Project" (as defined in the Agreement). B. Pursuant to the Agreement, Catellus shall assign to Agency any and all of Catellus' right, title and interest in and to those certain contracts described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof ("Contracts"). NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. Catellus hereby assigns, sells, transfers, sets over and delivers unto Agency all of Catellus' estate, right, title and interest in and to the Contracts, and Agency hereby accepts such assignment "AS -IS", without any representation or warranty of any kind from Catellus and without any recourse against Catellus. 2. Agency hereby assumes the performance of all of the terms, covenants and conditions imposed upon Catellus as landlord under the Contracts accruing or arising on or after the "Closing" (as defined in the Agreement). 3. Agency hereby agrees to indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel chosen by Catellus) and hold Catellus harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, damage or expense (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees) which Catellus may incur under the Contracts, and from any and all claims or demands whatsoever which may be asserted against Catellus by reason of any alleged obligation or undertaking on its part to perform or discharge any of the terms, covenants or agreements contained therein, to the extent such claims or demands are attributable to the period after the Closing. 4. In the event of the bringing of any action or suit by a party hereto against the other party by reason of any breach of any of the covenants, conditions, agreements, indemnities or provisions on the part of the other party arising out of this _ 25 CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTennRev.wpd Exhibit "C" Page 1 of 3 Amendment to the Affordable Housing Agreements Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Catellus Residential Group July 5, 2000 Assignment, then in that event the prevailing party (which for purposes herein, is the party obtaining substantially the relief sought) shall be entitled to have and recover of and from the other party all costs and expenses of the action or suit, including reasonable attorneys' fees. 5. This Assignment may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which, together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. 6. This Assignment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors, agents, personal representatives, heirs and legatees of the respective parties hereto. 7. This Assignment shall be governed by, interpreted under, and construed and enforceable in accordance with, the laws of -the State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Catellus and Agency have executed and delivered this Assignment as of the day and year first written above. "Agency": LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body corporate and politic By: ............................ Name: .......................... Title: ........................... ATTEST: JUNE S. Greek, Secretary City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency "Catellus": CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP, INC., a Delaware corporation By: _ Name: Title: t 8 4 26 CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTermRev.wpd Exhibit " C" Page 2 of 3 List of Contracts (See attached list) 2. 3. 27 CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\AHAgrCatTennRev.wpd Exhibit "C" Page 3 of 3 RS6, INC. ID:714-836-1748 hQA4F-: (IMites Lis Oblu14 ROM01E 0ATr'51a1100 SUBCONTRACTOR -VbCQ+^—t,^ fJiC7Q1t I CQ�.TAC, t RI10NC N $ I �. �-- o iar'.+lRrmeatdz 00LEY C0WfRUC71C I,80%AJW 76W"1414 C a r12 Ki" 94oloi41. JROT6imo4 70Ni-117 C 20 l l '•. -ury $:wa V A M C9MWCt+GP SN+i Vaaw 760/J4".791 C I IV3? m �xmDtwa V A M C-*u6oa Dow Vidir Y"7-3% C LJslwt. M 771RwPW. JN %bmPnn 760/14s-w C • Warm Srtwo` V R IA GEAIRwucm 810„ o Vow 7GW47-391 C • I:'K WAIV tyau,ma-JaRanor- Sue• v A M Cowwwoa $"Vow 760/)47.791 C ItItI WOO MaMMAJIMCYFOUlt W _ i say Grw,l{V?•*,ea, �.: C Juift TYMchinMll.wdu.td6or V t M C „�tior Shut V rul 71tIt141.143 C 7,ally,ingAtil,,, MOMAN 41KA14Ca,. JOW WARTH00S97-a14 C I .,vy G I t3aylcr 71IM".94 1 c: CDDL y CCwST1 t C1'IC IX M'1ARD �s'== C r72 C.,o/enw>t� �•�CwComn OMMYAF1.lA%WAS-R71 �wpe 4' Ji saewaalkal+roRney ArcowkuCoto.OW ?MAMYARC1R710.745417! C .ale st'" I.iANiwy 1*14lt,o►vN cwurol %i'.' itl'1ni AJf4limt+u '3"4 S•gn:JBwtrad,..ISInDY►oN ..Zl �initloCoaurMirc. _I2RIR4Ia1, MW Koh" �t,17 \ladd f a�mv vowl4r Wn Drm Car1YRwJ&m0oM o DIANI WIW.JA17mdl-4 C vt9 Lted o" CASPV 6MVI! 71[0a40•i!a C � :u=o �7n irwon VIP L""t44 CAtCY 30XP l74W0 . C JUN 15'00 12:29 Nu.009 P.0.3 MOTES Y 7HV1•P•OD514 Y YIDI.O.9W01 1' SJ01.0.OG)D.? Y 5401.0.=23 Y 34U14VJ5W Y 5101-0-0Gf�b i I Y 7471�.OpiO4,iV5,+ Y 14VI.0-0V111 P L4V1*bbitf Y' iN01.0.OM17 V R49i.C.t10=10 Y iA0!•Oatt)blz Y 'S6014t•006:1 Y,W141.00SI6 • COSI'>.I-: ! . r,'pl,rf�aC7 tMeo6w►sIVN.dSaTTrdDMMfRAe7 7t•7Y►pJ.11AII.W TO::ilb 10R 40MATVRI:,'4/�WIt117Ff.444PAS T P-aWAX:II? WMW TO IC'MIvrTWt • ('G W MN7.ORWJ\NCI tNIt7416NT14T1 • Y• 1NIlAIOQ 1►9@RIb10 p►w, WN?"1o>rAM MW FLOW ,1ATI0)441,•14 fflfrRACTOR LIST 4; —•----- -- DATE �f OD ' ;OI 77lADH 6 OR > "T"" IADNU►A� E CONTACT AltUktS HO i MAILYA • Mopm iJOi! 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III:?14-836-1748 NHASE: OF F-SITE' La QWnta Apartments DATE:12/21 /WBCONTRACTOR LIST i JUN 15 ' 00 12 : 30 N .009 F .04 ODE TkAM:, suscONl'MCTOR CONTAM' PHONE NO ' NOTES 4>Uf Uzmulitionlitamet1ia19 COOLS CY ONSTRUCr1LEONAILD 7601775.33 C Y 5401-0-10513 2.0t21Rough Gradirit Nuevo Enginottin& Inc. � Jett Thtxton 7601345-177 C Y 9401.0.10500 2013 1telkinlnlr Walls 20,31 Saniuuy St-W V t4 M CunStrprAign Stcvc Vetter 760/34:-393 C,Y S4U1.0 lbSb] 2032 Sronn Drain V & M Construction Etevu Vaster 7601347.393 C Y S401-0-10302 2035 Wcllsitr JHTho►t!pson JHThompson 760%5-W C P $401-0-10516 2040 Water Syt:tents V & M Constntction Steve Vuttt:r 71M347.393 C Y $401.0-10503 104n Water systetng- Jefferson Strcrt. ^b4 f `%Rater Nscim Agency FoOnsmil ti. Drainage Decice9 ''ic51' Joitlt T'rtilohing V & M Canstmtiol! Steve Vaticl 7WR47-393 C Y S401-0.10504,-50 i, 205o Ticnch:ng/tltiflty bumdee Elactr1W Conam John McCarthy 909/597-534 C Y S401-0-1051 t l?.f 11sviug COOLEY CONSZRUCT'IOLLONARD 70775-534 C Y S401-4-10512 ''arb A. G uer Att;hutete Canereto Contra Tornnry Archuleta 760.345-972 C Y S401-0-10510 .j - 2123 Sldewalk!APPMcks 2 iS4 Street Lighting D14 l MAO'n Control 2417 Wood Abet MOM 2.2'2i S!pS(8PT1cad63lfltrippie9 2221 TrsSio Control/Misc. 2229 Re pair and kt"Val f (=1aw 1 - CONTACT 1iMRMA7WN - CoSrOME0 M14TRACT. TA'!WAI). hWLED TO SUB FOR S1C3VKME, w-WRlTMe.1: N=AWAlweb MEBDS TOM tV!Z! -Ml • CQ!.Uh*Z 2.1NSURANCI INfORMAID 1N -V- MOMAD. P-FIINMO O 1 :IlYl,1,iRMyM, iIaMPMrYNKVMIMMM,MIp11MIP..►-- ^"+ 29 56-15—SS 12:24 RECEIVED FROM:714 836 1748 P-S4 RSu, INC. 3ti l4 3oR2� 107 310" 3107 .1125 3126 A 45 3144 3117 316'1 P &I ,164 �i31 I 126 , .1'S0 3260 J301 3303 3309 3324 331.7 I1):714-836-1748 7UN 15'00 12:30 No.009 1✓.0 MODELS & PPLI►SI I ONTRACTOR LIST-Onslte I)ATE:5131 /00 TRADE CONCRETE F()LTNDA '1 CRMITE CONTROL CAIiPE,N'I'RY - ROl}C} CARPENTRY - ROUG CAKPENTKY - ROUC; ELECTIUCAL WIRTNO FIREPLACES HEATING - AC INSULATION SEV ER HOUSE CONN PLUMBING ROOFING SASH AND SCREEN TELEPHONE PREWIRE C'•ARP1~WtRY-FINISH CL.zAN LIP -ROUGH DRYWALL STUCCO STUCCO APPLIANCES CABINETS CEFAMIC TILE ELECTRICAL, FIXTU 3336 GARAGE DOORS E' 13331 0ARAGIr DOOR OP 3341 I HARDWARE: FIMSH f�1 "V93 MIRRORS 30 357 MIRRORED DOORS ! 3'1 PANTING I ?3Q COUNTERTOPS MAR P.R 5389 TUUP01OW 3411 CLEAN UP FINAL 3431 FLOORING - CARPk"1 3432 13433 ;vSR 3940 �47t FLOORING -CERAMIC FLOURING-RESILUNT ROLLER SHAIIES MAILBOXRS 1 ONSiTE- FENCING I z T H CONTACT PHONE NO + CONTRACT N DESERT GOMMUNITIT DIANE WILLIAM. 76t:►/943-4598 C Y S401.0.20500, -01 S IaUiLDEkS TERMITE & I RICHARD L£MCRJ714/985.963 C P S401-0-0152S H COUNTY LINE FRAMINt BILL DICKENS01 909/795-618 C Y S401.0.20501,-01 COUN T V LINE FRAMITI( BILL DICKENSO 9o>i/7)5.614 C Y S401.0.2050Z. -01 H COUNTY LINE FRAMIN( 81LL DICKENS01 909/795-618 C Y 5401-0-20SO3, -01 HEGGE I11Mftrj0E 760-77.5.697 C Y S401-U-20S11,-0i MARCO DI 5z tt1BUTING STA-N SASH 818/782-QO C P S401-0-20507, -01 S RCR RANI}Y 90671400 C Y S401.0-20508, -01. I WESTERN INSULATION, SCOTTKREMLING90906.97 C Y 5401-0-20518,-015. HOOD CHRIS HELLER 909.689-M C Y S401.0.20503, A05 HOOD C•HRIS MLER 909-689.24C Y S401.0.205K -015 . IPA[NCROSS ROOFING RICK FE171T 909/423.033 C Y S401-0.20506, -01 ABC Wll`'DVW IGYCE SALAZAR 909.391.649 C Y S401.0-20509, --019 GUY EVANS GARY 160/343.129 C P S401-0.20517,0151 NLINGARAYCONST SANTIAGONUNCu909-249-137 C Y S401-0-2.0513.41S G}tAND PACIM BUILD) DANNY BROWN 909-466.385 C P S401-0-70310, -015 SILVSkADO PI,ASTERTNJOE LEWIS 909/657.188 C Y 3401-0.01522 PHS CONTRACTING NC DAME BOGGS 160-863.383 C Y S401420512 WHIRLPOOL MARVINPA,NZ M/457-185 C Y PO CAPITAL CABINET MIKE ANDERSON M-923.941 C Y S401-0.20514, -01, 9 LECTILE PON SCHWARTZ 1 81V401-997 C Y S401.0-01519,2452 MODERN ELECTRIC REX S'TEINER 949/551.730 C P PO I LM1 I.ARRY METHVIN 0OW477.797 C Y S401-0-20511, 01 S, RNARE1M DOOR, MIKE SLANCHAR1714779.191 C; Y $401.0-2051(,, -015 )PTIONAL IEE 3205 I .MI LA-RRY METHNTi 909/947.797 C Y S401-0-20522, 015. )PTIONAL , 11LMARK BOS MILLER 760/360.729 C Y S401-0-20S24,-019; )GAL CULTURED MAtCHUCK CHAMI LER71Us25.43s C V S401.0-20$19, -015 ,ASC0 BATIM ARE DCA.NNA COX 1760/345-449' 8 BOO-228 CY S4014-20515, -015 1$:G CLEANUP DAVRGISSON C P I lOMFWORKS BRENDA MILHAY1949/393.300 C P S401-0-20523,415; • N>AwA"r-D ta= 71P BE WRMEN ERENDA MILHAYI94'3.�'393-3002 I'-1IS •HAY7 949/393-3002 STATE t'ENCE I RAVE HALI, 90onas-sr Y S�40.Q-00522 RD YA OUR Poll SMA ruRE, 06-15-90 12:24 � O RECEIVED FROM:714 836 1748 P.@5 3432 13433 ;vSR 3940 �47t FLOORING -CERAMIC FLOURING-RESILUNT ROLLER SHAIIES MAILBOXRS 1 ONSiTE- FENCING I z T H CONTACT PHONE NO + CONTRACT N DESERT GOMMUNITIT DIANE WILLIAM. 76t:►/943-4598 C Y S401.0.20500, -01 S IaUiLDEkS TERMITE & I RICHARD L£MCRJ714/985.963 C P S401-0-0152S H COUNTY LINE FRAMINt BILL DICKENS01 909/795-618 C Y S401.0.20501,-01 COUN T V LINE FRAMITI( BILL DICKENSO 9o>i/7)5.614 C Y S401.0.2050Z. -01 H COUNTY LINE FRAMIN( 81LL DICKENS01 909/795-618 C Y 5401-0-20SO3, -01 HEGGE I11Mftrj0E 760-77.5.697 C Y S401-U-20S11,-0i MARCO DI 5z tt1BUTING STA-N SASH 818/782-QO C P S401-0-20507, -01 S RCR RANI}Y 90671400 C Y S401.0-20508, -01. I WESTERN INSULATION, SCOTTKREMLING90906.97 C Y 5401-0-20518,-015. HOOD CHRIS HELLER 909.689-M C Y S401.0.20503, A05 HOOD C•HRIS MLER 909-689.24C Y S401.0.205K -015 . IPA[NCROSS ROOFING RICK FE171T 909/423.033 C Y S401-0.20506, -01 ABC Wll`'DVW IGYCE SALAZAR 909.391.649 C Y S401.0-20509, --019 GUY EVANS GARY 160/343.129 C P S401-0.20517,0151 NLINGARAYCONST SANTIAGONUNCu909-249-137 C Y S401-0-2.0513.41S G}tAND PACIM BUILD) DANNY BROWN 909-466.385 C P S401-0-70310, -015 SILVSkADO PI,ASTERTNJOE LEWIS 909/657.188 C Y 3401-0.01522 PHS CONTRACTING NC DAME BOGGS 160-863.383 C Y S401420512 WHIRLPOOL MARVINPA,NZ M/457-185 C Y PO CAPITAL CABINET MIKE ANDERSON M-923.941 C Y S401-0.20514, -01, 9 LECTILE PON SCHWARTZ 1 81V401-997 C Y S401.0-01519,2452 MODERN ELECTRIC REX S'TEINER 949/551.730 C P PO I LM1 I.ARRY METHVIN 0OW477.797 C Y S401-0-20511, 01 S, RNARE1M DOOR, MIKE SLANCHAR1714779.191 C; Y $401.0-2051(,, -015 )PTIONAL IEE 3205 I .MI LA-RRY METHNTi 909/947.797 C Y S401-0-20522, 015. )PTIONAL , 11LMARK BOS MILLER 760/360.729 C Y S401-0-20S24,-019; )GAL CULTURED MAtCHUCK CHAMI LER71Us25.43s C V S401.0-20$19, -015 ,ASC0 BATIM ARE DCA.NNA COX 1760/345-449' 8 BOO-228 CY S4014-20515, -015 1$:G CLEANUP DAVRGISSON C P I lOMFWORKS BRENDA MILHAY1949/393.300 C P S401-0-20523,415; • N>AwA"r-D ta= 71P BE WRMEN ERENDA MILHAYI94'3.�'393-3002 I'-1IS •HAY7 949/393-3002 STATE t'ENCE I RAVE HALI, 90onas-sr Y S�40.Q-00522 RD YA OUR Poll SMA ruRE, 06-15-90 12:24 � O RECEIVED FROM:714 836 1748 P.@5 • N>AwA"r-D ta= 71P BE WRMEN ERENDA MILHAYI94'3.�'393-3002 I'-1IS •HAY7 949/393-3002 STATE t'ENCE I RAVE HALI, 90onas-sr Y S�40.Q-00522 RD YA OUR Poll SMA ruRE, 06-15-90 12:24 � O RECEIVED FROM:714 836 1748 P.@5 POST -CLOSING WORK (See attached letter containing Preliminary Punch List) 04 0 Exhibit "D° 31 �Q" P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO LA. QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 May 23, 2000 Mr. John O'Brien, Project Manager Catellus Residential Group 4000 Westerly PIace Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Preliminary Punch List - Miraflores Improvements, Tract 28601 Dear Mr. O'Brien: (760) 777-7000 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 In response to your request on May 15, 2000, City Staff performed an inspection of the Miraflores Residential Development Project, Tract 28601 and are providing the following "Preliminary Punch List" for your action. Phase I improvements will not be deemed substantially complete until all punch list items are completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Upon substantial completion performance bonds may reduced to commensurate levels. Final acceptance and 100% release of bonds can not occur until all improvements required by the tract map are complete. . 1. Original mylars for all improvements shall be updated to reflect the as -built condition, or progress condition, and certified by the project engineer. 2. Utilities a. Provide evidence that demonstrates all utilities have been installed as indicated on the plans for lots 19, 76, 77, 75, and 57. b. Provide "letters of acceptance" from all utility companies. 3. Provide a certification letter indicating that all monumentation has been performed. 4. Provide unconditional lien releases from all subcontractors. Miscellaneous work: a. A general clean up of the entire tract shall be performed removing all construction debris, including but not limited to, stock pile of dirt within the future senior apartment site, all concrete, broken A.C. pavement and block, and removal of sand build-up along the interior of the perimeter wall. b. All on site streets, gutters, and sidewalks will be cleaned of sand and/or dirt build up. . 6. Avenue 48 Street Improvements: 093 a. Correct site distance problem for -traffic entering the project site from the left turn pockets adjacent to both project entries (there are trees obstructing the driver's view of . on -coming traffic). Plan revision approval from the City is required prior to commencing work. b. Raise sewer manhole to grade. C. Respond to additional comments and corrective items identified by Korve Engineering as described within Mr. O'Rourke's May 2, 2000 letter, attached. 7. Phase I Street Improvements: a. Install the final lift of A.C. b. Install stop signs and stop bars in accordance with the plans and specifications. C. Raise sewer manholes and clean -outs to grade. d. Mark "S" on curb face for sewer laterals. e. Respond to additional comments and corrective items identified by Korve Engineering as described within Mr. O'Rourke's May 2, 2000 letter, attached. 8. Phase I Curb and Gutter Repairs: ia. Remove and replace 10' of curb and gutter on the southwest comer of.Miraflores and Silver Berry. b. Remove and replace 10' of curb and gutter at 47-905 Silver Berry and repair chipped gutter lip. C. Repair chipped gutter lip at 47-875 Silver Berry. d. Remove and replace 20' of curb and gutter at 47-870 Silver Berry. e. Remove and replace 10' of curb and gutter at 79-851 Cassia. f. Remove and replace 10' of curb and gutter on the northeast comer of Cassia and Silver Berry. g. Remove and replace 10' of curb and gutter just east of Cassia and Silver Berry. h. Remove and replace 10' of curb and gutter on the northeast comer of Cassia and Sumac. i. Repair chipped gutter lip at 47-815 Sumac. j. Repair chipped gutter lip at 47-750 Sumac. • k. Repair chipped curb at 47-810 Sumac. 1. Repair chipped gutter lip at 47-870 Sumac. - 33 • M. Repair chipped gutter lip at 47-890 Sumac. n. Respond to additional comments and corrective items identified by Korve Engineering as described within Mr. O'Rourke's May 2, 20001etter, attached. 9. Sand Filters a. Provide general maintenance to both Sand Filters and to inlets on line `B" and "D". b. Raise 2 manholes on "A" Street and one manhole on " H" Street to grade. Respond to additional comments and corrective items identified by Korve Engineering as described within Mr. O'Rourke's May 2, 2000 letter, attached. 10. Water Improvements - Phase I a. . Raise inline gate valves to grade. b. Raise fire hydrant valves to grade and paint fire hydrants. C. Raise blow -off valves to grade. • d. Raise blow -off cans to grade. e. Respond to additional comments and corrective items identified by Korve Engineering as described within Mr. O'Rourke's May 2, 2000 letter, attached. 11. Construct and install the Well Site improvements on Avenue 48 as conditioned by the Coachella Valley Water District. The balance of on -site improvements, including the remaining street improvements, raising the remaining water and sewer facilities to grade, and the balance of the off -site improvements, including the construction of the City entrance monument, median island and median island landscaping on Jefferson Street shall be performed by others at the project's expense. Please complete.all punch list corrective items on or before June 5, 2000. Should this schedule present a problem, contact Nick Nickerson at (760) 777-7088 so the City can coordinate your action with the RDA contractual commitments. A D. EER, P.E. Senior Engineer cc: Tim Mulrenan, Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. Nick Nickerson, Nickerson & Associates Dawn Honeywell, City Attorney Project File , 0 34 '4 1 Korve 1� Engineering • May 2, 2000 John O'Brien, Project Manager CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP 5 Park Plaza, Suite 400 Irvine, CA 92614 RE: Miraflores Project, La Quinta, CA Tract 28601-1 "Progress As -Built Plans" 598060X0 Dear John, To accompany this letter, we have prepared "redlined" plan sets detailing the "Progress" As -Built condition for the above -mentioned project, as observed in the field. On Thursday, April 20, 2000, the following people walked the project site: John O'Brien - Catellus Residential Patrick Bird - Catellus Residential • Joe Gross Jr.- Catellus Residential Daniel J. O'Rourke - Korve Engineering, Inc. Hector Guzman - City of La Quinta Howard Compton - City of La Quinta The purpose of the field walk was to observe the visible limits of construction that have been completed by Catellus Residential. We cannot attest to the quality of materials used, or the completion of subsurface construction, except as evidenced by above -ground appurtenances. The "Progress" As-Builts provide the limits of the existing construction; the City of La Quinta must decide what is acceptable. Per my discussions with Hector and Howard, there has not been a final inspection performed on - site or off -site, so there are no inspection reports orformal punch list items for resolution by Catellus Residential. Furthermore, we did not receive any redlined plan sets from Catellus Residential, and it is their contention that all construction that has been completed, is per the project plans. As we walked the site, Hector and Howard marked damaged curb and gutter that will need to be replaced, but as stated by Hector, it was only to be considered a cursory inspection. Hector and Howard stated that a final "bond release" inspection would not be completed until the tract is complete, probably because they do not understand how the tract will be completed. From our understanding, how the planned improvements will be completed is somewhat discretionary, based on the City's choice of a new developer, or entering into a monetary agreement with Catellus Residential. City staff needs to communicate how an interim inspection for all work completed to 09 A California Corporation With offices in: 290 North V Street, Suite 504 Oakland Los Angeles- 35 San Bernardino, CA 92401 San Francisco La Quinta 909-884-4777 San Jose Salt Lake City 909-884-2277 Fax Madera Ranchos Denver • Mr. John O'Brien As -Built Letter Page 2 1K Korve 1 Engineering date needs to be performed, and Catellus needs to call for that inspection. For the inspections, the City has stated that gutters will need to be cleaned to check for potential damage, and for hydro - testing gutter flow lines. In some instances, Catellus' contractors may need to be called into repair or replace items under warranty retention agreements. With regard to the mapping, and for the benefit of readers of this letter who are not familiar; Tract 28601-1 was mapped as eighty-six single family residential lots, with remainder parcels set aside for future apartments or single-family homes, to be decided at a later time. A Final Map will need to be prepared and recorded for those "open" areas, as they are referred to herein. We have separately listed each plan set with major topics for each. For more detailed descriptions please see the "redlined" sets. Dry Utilities - For this category, there are no "redlined" plans prepared by Korve Engineering, (KORVE). Catellus Residential has provided, and.we have attached, letters from Media One, GTE, IID, and The Gas Company which state that underground dry utilities have been placed and accepted, as well as red - lined plans from the contractors. D utility sweeps and stubouts have been installed, but the as - built utilities and hand holes will need to ae coordinated with future meter pedestals and other improvements. The dry utilities were not within the purview of KO 'Nf5 Precise Grading, Models, Tract 28601-1 Z S • All three models constructed per the plan set. • Please see the Precise Grade Verification letter from Tri-State Land Surveyors, attached. We did not access back yards to verify the construction limits against the project plans for retaining walls, standard block walls and wood fences. Precise Grading, Tract 28601-1 11054 • Twenty-seven homes constructed per plan, combined with three models for a total of thirty. • See also the above -mentioned Precise Grade verification letter. • Several architectural "elevation" updates were noted on the plans, as sent to Catellus and the field office on 7-14-99. We did not access back yards to verify the construction limits against the project plans for retaining walls, standard block walls and wood fences. Storm Drain Plans, Tract 28601 31A • High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) was used an alternate to Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP). All storm drain manholes will need to be adjusted. to grade with the final lift of AC paving. • The Village Green sand filters were constructed in parallel, rather than in series per Steve Speer. We do not have contractor's redlines to transfer the information. Sand filter grates in the Village Green area fit poorly. Catellus' contractor is to replace them, as well as replace the existing "I" beams with galvanized rather than steel. 1� Korve Mr. John O'Brien 1 Engineering . As -Built Letter Page 3 The two storm drain easements as shown on the plans, (sheets 2 and 3), are not recorded easements. T Standing water was observed in the sand filters. Sand was built up against the two desilting inlets in the open -graded areas, and should be removed. a� .f Offsite Water Plans - Jefferson Street Z 6F ► Water valves in Jefferson will need to be adjusted to grade after final lift of AC paving is placed. • Per discussion with Mike Tanner of CVWD on 5-2-00, CVWD will take care of their own As - Built plans. Since the water has been energized, we can assume their facilities have been accepted. need .......................... e r- Onsite Water Plans - Tract 28601-1 4' • - All water valve cans will need to be adjusted to grade after final lift of AC paving is placed. • Per discussion with Mike Tanner of CVWD on 5-2-00, CVWD will take care of their own As - Built plans. Since the water has been energized, we can assume their facilities have been accepted.-- Ile-e-a • Catellus' contractor constructed the copper water services to each lot, per plan. CVWD will not set the meters until they are needed. Na.v e- A i e_rr s been pv i- l 4or? -� Some entire meter boxes in Phase 2 and 3 were missing. Some meter boxes in Phase 2 and 3 were missing their lids. —'Two locations - future sidewalk may conflict with irrigation backflow preventers. Three locations - At dead ends, the valve cans and blow -off lids were not observed at - grade, per CVWD standards. Water service to serve park site between lots 78 and 79 will need to be moved back behind the modified curb location, (modified by addition of sheet. SA to the street plans). Onsite Sewer Plans - Tract 28601-1 0 Sewer manholes and cleanouts on westerly side of site appear to have been paved over. 1 Sewer manholes and wet well in Avenue 48 appear to have been paved over. • All sewer manholes will need to be adjusted to grade after final lift of AC paving is placed. Per discussion with Mike Tanner of CVWD on 5-2-00, CVWD will take care of their own As - Built plans. Since the sewer is operational, we can assume their facilities have been accepted. flt,c6 autpacc,.rc-e l,r_-4er • �. Sewer laterals locations are to marked with an "S" on the curb. These marks were not observed in the field. Rough Grading - Tract 286014 • See offsite street plans for comments regarding grading along Jefferson Street. As a result of precise grading spoils and waste stockpiled on the future northerly apartment . area, it was difficult to ascertain final as -built grades. .I, ,:i • Rough Grading of all building pads done, Pad Certifications are attached. Open areas are 37 Mr. John O'Brien • As -Built Letter Page 4 1� Korve 1 Engineering in substantial conformance with the exception of above. Due to blow sand, the site may need to be surveyed to certify line and grade, if the City so desires. Offsite Street Plans - Avenue 48 and Jefferson Stree� • Existing striping has been left in place. Striping at -the project exits will need to be redone with the final AC wearing course on -site. • Fog Seal and subsequent final striping will be needed throughout. This includes stop bars and legends for site exits and crosswalks. • At least one sign on Avenue 48 needs to be installed, see sheet 5. • Rough AC patch area noted by Hector on Avenue 48, just west of Miraflores Boulevard intersection. • Inspectors to check sight distance for both left turns leading into the site for potential conflicts with landscaping. • Catellus was apparently asked by the City to pull off of Jefferson during CVWD's work. CVWD has loose AC backfill on their work. From curb line to centerline street, AC needs work. • Water valves in Jefferson will need to be adjusted to grade after final lift of AC paving is placed. • Formal inspection of public improvements should be performed by the City of La Quinta: • As noted on the redlines a portion of the as -built slope appears to be steeper than 3:1 . design, between sidewalk and curb. Onsite Street Plans - Tract 286014 • No erosion control measures �vefe observed at existing curb ends. • We did not observe curb markings denoting locations for sewer laterals, gas services, and electrical services. • Final AC pavement course and striping yet to be installed. • Street name signs in place. See sheet 1 for street name comments. • Westerly portion of site, (Phases 2 and 3) as denoted, has no sidewalk or pedestrian ramps; only curb and gutter. • Limits of constructed curb and gutter shown on; plans. • All driveway aprons constructed. At least one driveway appears to have been constructed in a location other than plan. We did not check every lot in detail, Lot 73 was noted as such. All valves and manholes will need to be adjusted to grade with final AC pavement course. • Dry utility sweeps and stubouts have been installed, but the as -built utilities and hand holes will need to be coordinated with future meter pedestals and other improvements. • Barricades and redwood headers were not constructed at the street dead ends per plan. • Some curb return stationing and elevation callouts were corrected, as they were staked during construction. • Mr. John O'Brien As -Built Letter Page 5 C7 IC Korve 1 Engineering We trust these comments, as well as our "redlined" sets, will satisfy the needs of Catellus Residential and the City of La Quinta. Please call me at (909) 884-4777 if you have any questions. Sincerely yours, KORVE ENGINEERING, INC. $I 04Z Daniel J. ourke, P.E. Project Manager asbuiltltr.wpd xc: Nick Nickerson, City of La Quinta, (with bluelines) 39 Tvy 4 4 Qum& AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 20, 2000 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Continued Joint Public Hearing Between the La PUBLIC HEARING: s Quinta Redevelopment Agency, the City Council and RecreaAction Group of Companies and LINC Housing to Consider Two Affordable Housing Agreements Between the Agency and RecreAction Group of Companies and LINC Housing RECOMMENDATION: Continue the joint Public Hearing of the Agency Board until July 5, 2000. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Upon electing to terminate the existing agreements with the Catellus Residential Group for the Miraflores residential development, the Agency authorized staff to negotiate with RecreAction Group of Companies (RGC). The goal was to achieve an orderly transition of this project to a new development entity. RGC has agreed to assume the Miraflores development with no modifications to the site plan and building configurations. The agreements required to institute the RGC transaction, however, could not be completed until a termination agreement and a final accounting of the improvements needed to complete Miraflores was concluded with Catellus Residential Group, the current developer. Thus, staff is requesting that the Public Hearing be continued until July 5th in order to finalize the Agreements with RGC and make them available for public review. C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\CCJH-RGC RDA.wpd FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency include: 1. Continue the joint Public Hearing of the Agency until July 5, 2000; or 2. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, f He rlhan mun'ty Development Director Approved for submission by: / r !!! Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\CCJH-RGC RDA.wpd 02