2010 01 12 PC MinutesMINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA January 12, 2010 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER A. A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman Ed Alderson. PRESENT: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Weber, Wilkinson, and Chairman Alderson ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Les Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen, Assistant Planner Eric Ceja, and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: It was moved by Commissioners Barrows! Wilkinson to approve the minutes of December 8, 2009, amending a portion of Page 3, Paragraph 1, to read "proposed was within La Quinta's allowable lighting and decibel limits...". Unanimously approved. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Continued -Conditional Use Permit 2008-1 16; a request by the City of La Quinta for consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the use of lighted play fields, located in the Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Palm Royale Drive (43-395 Palm Royale Drivel. Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the staff report. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. P:\Reports - PC\2010U-26-10\PC MIN_I-12-10_Approved.doc Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2010 Commissioner Wilkinson asked about the cost of the lighting. Staff deferred the question to Community Director Edie Hylton. Planning Director Johnson noted the addendum presented and stated he and Director Hylton had met and discussed the proposal with the Palm Desert staff resulting in the Attachment 2 letter. He pointed out the cohcern of pole height and explained the impacts as referenced in the memo and letter presented. Community Service Director Hylton responded the lighting would cost approximately 5240,000 and explained what that included. She confirmed Director Johnson's comments about lighting impacts and confirmed that the lighting was appropriate for the level of activity. Commissioner Wilkinson asked about studies on traffic distractions. Staff said they did not know of any definitive study but this level of traffic activity was not uncommon. Commissioner Wilkinson asked for comparable examples, which staff provided. Commissioner Weber asked Director Hylton asked if the lighting engineer's (Ralph Raya) study indicated that the lighting quality was sufficient for this use and if that was in accommodation to the City of Palm Desert's previous comments. He also asked about the type of shielding being used. Community Services Director Hylton said the shielding was specifically designed for sports-type equipment and was adequate for this use. Commissioner Weber asked staff if the City of Palm Desert had provided studies on lumens and decibel levels. Staff responded they received the letters which the Commissioners now had. Staff did add, in the second letter, the focus was on minimizing the pole height. After staff's discussion and research, it was concluded the Palm Desert noise and lighting standards vvere comparable to the City's. Commissioner Weber asked about studies for the Palm Desert High School lumens. Staff responded school districts are not required to adhere to city standards. Commissioner Weber asked about the school district's position on this project's system. Director Hylton said the school responded positively and referenced the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that the P:\Reports - PC\2010N-26-10\PC MIN_7-12-10_Approved.doc 2 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2010 City and School District will enter into for the shared use of the lights and field. Chairman Alderson asked if the field was to be used for soccer only or could it be used all year long. Director Hylton said it would initially be used for soccer, but could be used for additional youth sports throughout the year, if needed. Chairman Alderson invited Ralph Raya, MRC Engineering, Palm Desert CA to address the Commission. Chairman Alderson asked about the lowering of the poles and asked if public safety would be compromised in any way. Mr. Raya said no. Chairman Alderson asked about the light pollution. Mr. Raya explained about the shielding of the lighting and its affect upon the field and the neighbors. He then went over the items included in the memo and letter provided to the Commissioners. Commissioner Quill requested an explanation of the photometric sheets which Mr. Raya provided. Commissioner Weber requested information on the foot candles and light spillover comparisons which Mr. Raya provided. Chairman Alderson asked if the City would save on costs in reducing the poles from 90 to 75 feet. Mr. Raya said yes. There being no further questions of the staff and the applicant being the City of La Quinta, Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment. Michele Lawrence - 43-100 Palm Royale Drive #1621, La Quinta CA (resident of Mediterra Apartments). She said she was aware of the concerns and explained the amount and types of noises she hears. She explained she was a former AYSO coach and was acutely aware of the need for fields in the City. She fully supported the move to more and better fields. She added this was a very good field. Tony Bagato; Principal Planner for the City of Palm Desert, 73-510 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert CA 92260, wanted to thank the Commission for allowing them to continue to work with the staff. He explained the reason for their request and the fact they understood the P:\Reports- PC\2010\7-26-10\PC MIN_1-12-10_Approved.doc 3 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2010 need for recreational facilities within the community. He gave a comparison of light spill from Hovley Soccer Park and said they were comfortable with the request and the 90 foot pole height but happy to hear the 75 foot poles met the recreational needs and lowered the light spill. He stated they also had requested the opportunity to review noise impacts and understood there would be less activity in the evening compared to other times and usages and believed that even though there would be a slight increase it would not have a significant impact. Commissioner Weber asked if it was correct that Mr. Bagato did not believe there was going to be a negative impact to the Palm Desert residents. Mr. Bagato said he did not believe there would be. Kathleen Fitzpatrick, 81-824 Contento, La Quinta CA - (a Commissioner for Community Services) was in full support of this project. She said had gone by the La Quinta Park to see how impacted it was. She said it was overwhelmed with kids in the late afternoon and into the evening and this project was really needed. Andi Spirtos, 53-415 Avenida Obregon, La Quinta CA - (Chairperson of the Community Services Commission) said this is project was in concert with the master plan, but more importantly she was concerned about the safety of our young people. She added lighting at Colonel Mitchell Paige would be a short term solution and pointed out how many AYSO students played on those fields, most of them at La Quinta Park. She also visited the park and confirmed Commissioner Fitzpatrick's comments. She commented on the overuse of the fields and the possibility of young people being hurt. She also added the consideration of obesity in children today and the City's opportunity to help with recreational activities. She said this was a good short-term solution and she supported it. Mr. Andrew Nielson, 78-900 Galaxy Drive, La Quinta CA - on the Commission for AYSO, La Quinta, and a school neighbor. He gave the background of his work and his family and said his primary concern was overuse of the La Quinta Park. He gave examples of the overuse of the park and the number of children/teams using it. He also commented on the parking being out of control. He added the lighting at the Colonel Mitchell Paige field would allow 400 children to move immediately. from the La Quinta Park for practice during the week and Saturday games. He said this was a significant space, not for expanding the league, .but to alleviate the burden currently existing at P:\Reports- PC\2010\7-26-10\PC MIN_1-12-10_Approved.doc 4 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2010 the park. He explained what this additional space could mean to the recreational needs of the soccer league. He added they had an agreement with the City that there would always be a board member there to provide oversight and they have executive board members who make sure the lights are turned off as soon as possible in order to be good neighbors. He was in support of the approval. Chairman Alderson asked when the program could be implemented, if approved. Mr. Nielson said they could implement it next season and explained the dates for the upcoming soccer season. There being no further public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the public participation portion of the meeting and opened the matter for Commission discussion. Commissioner Weber commented he was a former AYSO Coach and had first-hand experience of the overcrowding issue. There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Weber to approve Resolution 2010-001 approving Conditional Use Permit 2008-116 as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. Conditional Use Permit 2009-122; a request by WFI, Inc. for Sprint for consideration to allow for the co-location of three panel antennas, three microwave antennas and one equipment cabinet for an existing telecommunication monopalm tower located at 77-865 Avenida Montezuma; Desert Recreation District - La Quinta Community Park. Assistant Planner Eric Ceja explained that the City received last-minute correspondence from the property owner, Desert Recreation District, who asked for a continuance while the lease agreement was negotiated. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. There being none, he opened the public hearing and invited Mr. Stan Ford to speak. Stan Ford -Desert Recreation District, 45-305 Oasis Street, Indio CA, introduced himself and explained why he had received a late notice of the meeting. He then gave his reasons for requesting the continuation; P:\Reports-PC\2010N-26-10\PC MIN_7-12-10_Approved.doc 5 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2010 as outlined in Director Johnson's memo as presented to the Commission. Mr. Ford then detailed his concerns. Chairman Alderson commented on Mr. Ford's concerns regarding the maintenance agreement and the current lease. Mr. Ford clarified why these were concerns and requested additional time to work on resolution of these items. Commissioner Quill made an ex parte disclosure stating he had a telephone conversation earlier that day with the Desert Recreation District attorney regarding this matter and the need for the continuance. Mr. Ford also commented he was not familiar with the Commission and its process and stated he would like to spend a little more time with staff on clarification of this and any future items. Chairman Alderson asked if the equipment would be placed on a new pole or the current pole. Staff responded it would go on the existing pole. Commissioner Weber expressed concern regarding the plantings in the area, their maintenance and the need for any remaining plants to blend in. Staff said they would follow up with Mr. Ford on that and other maintenance issues at that location. Chairman Alderson and Commissioner recommended representatives from Sprint and TowerCo be present at the next meeting. Staff said they would pass that information on. Chairman. Alderson commented on the addition of conditions and staff responded if there were condition changes, they would work with Mr. Ford to make sure they were properly addressed and brought forward to the Commission. Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment. Mr. Leonard Jensen representing Wireless Facilities, Inc. as agent for Sprint/Clearwire (WFI-, 6170 Cornerstone Court East, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92121 introduced himself and said he had .been working with staff and was unaware there were any problems. P:\Reports- PC\2010\7-26-10\PC MIN_1-12-10_Approved.doc Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2010 Chairman Alderson clarified some of the issues for Mr. Jensen and said he would have an opportunity to work on their resolution. Mr. Jensen asked if the whole project was going to be tabled for two weeks. Assistant City Attorney explained this would be continued to a date certain, not tabled, if that was the Commissions' direction. Chairman Alderson asked if Mr. Jensen understood the request for continuance and he responded that he did. There being no further public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the public participation portion of the meeting and opened the matter for Commission discussion. Commissioners Wilkinson and Quill were concerned about the ownership of the tower, as well as the original design. Mr. Jenson gave an explanation of the tower design and explained it had been sold to TowerCo, a tower management company, which was independent of Sprint. He said Sprint/Nextel owned everything on the ground, in the equipment shelter, the cabling, and antennas. Mr. Ford commented on TowerCo being the company they were having difficulty reaching. Commissioner Quill asked if Sprint/Nextel had any responsibility for the tower. Mr. Jensen said they did not, other than to forward information to TowerCo and encourage them to correct the problems since a building permit cannot be issued until all these items are addressed. Commissioner Wilkinson asked if there would now be three users. Mr. Jensen explained that Clearwire was a subsidiary of Sprint, but was owned separately. Commissioner Wilkinson was concerned about a situation that had previously occurred with a tower having to put wires on the outside due to lack of space inside. Planning Director Johnson explained the situation and the fact that they were adding a microwave dish and there would be no issues with exterior wiring. Mr. Jensen confirmed that and explained how many and what type of antennas/dishes would be included and their mounting. P:\Reports- PC\2010\7-26-10\PC MIN_1-12-10_Approved.doc '] Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2010 Commissioner Wilkinson said he was also concerned about weight/strength and whether the pole was designed for this capacity. Mr. Jensen said the structural analysis allowed this use. Commissioner Wilkinson also asked about studies of power output and negative impacts on the surrounding areas. Mr. Jensen explained the FCC website, test levels and studies. He added there was no danger to anyone on the ground, but tower climbers should exercise caution. Chairman Alderson asked about possible improved reception in the cove area. Mr. Jenson explained why this would be of benefit in the long-term, when the network was completed. Chairman Alderson and Commissioner Quill expressed their interest that the representatives of the various companies are in attendance at the next meeting. Chairman Alderson asked Mr. Ford how much time he needed to work on resolution of these issues. Mr. Ford said he would prefer four weeks. Chairman Alderson asked Mr. Jensen if he had a problem with that and he did not. There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Weber to continue Conditional Use Permit 2009- 122 the February 9, 2010 meeting. Unanimously approved. C. Continued - 2008 La Quinta Housing Element; a request by the City of La Quinta for consideration of a recommendation for adoption of the proposed draft of the 2008 La Quinta Housing Element Update document. Planning Director Les Johnson explained the continuing problems with State approval and requested a continuance of this item to February 9`h. Chairman Alderson asked, after reading the staff report, that would be the last request for continuance. Staff said yes. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions from the Commissioners. P:\Reports - PC\2010\1-26-10\PC MIN_t-12-10_Approved.doc $ Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2010 The Commissioners discussed the City's successful affordable housing programs and their concern about the delays for approval. Staff explained the changes in State law, the City's move towards build-out and the push to maximize densities on certain properties. Examples of density districts and what the state was requesting were given and it was noted staff was consistently dialoging with the State. There being no further questions or comments by the Commissioners, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Weber to continue this item to the February 9`h meeting. Unanimously approved. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Consideration to Become a Healthy Eating Active Living City; a request by staff for the consideration of a recommendation to encourage the City Council to adopt the League of California Cities Healthy Eating Active Living City (HEAL) Program. Planning Director Les Johnson presented the staff report. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. Chairman Alderson commented the Planning Commission was already following the Planning Related Policies and asked about direct costs. Staff responded this campaign would be in partnership with the League of California Cities; of which the City is a member. Also, there did not appear to be any direct costs but there would be some indirect costs for additional capital improvements to emphasize and strengthen the walkability of La Quinta, as well as additional services through the Community Services Department. Commissioner Quill asked if that could include trails. Planning Director Johnson said that was one example. Commissioner Quill asked about the impact of this resolution on businesses and his concern about mandates. Staff explained the changes this program could bring about, especially with new development. P:\Reports-PC\2010U-26-10\PC MIN_1-12-10_Approved.doc 9 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2010 Commissioners Quill and Weber expressed their concern about the City dictating the types of foods and activities planned by outside organizations. Staff explained the sample resolution did not mandate anything from a food or service standpoint. The only potential mandates could be to add requirements for certain amenities and features to be established into future developments and those would have to be approved by Council Commissioner Quill said that was what the Commission had wanted. Staff said the City is already doing a lot of this, but this was just reinforcing that. Staff commented on the appropriateness of the timing, if Council supported the resolution, as the General Plan is being updated. Commissioner agreed Weber with Chairman Alderson's previous reference, but echoed some of the concerns by Commissioner Quill, on mandates. He had questions/concerns on some resolution points dealing with 1) the commitment to decrease the rate of obesity and the implementation of laws to create healthier work, school and neighborhood environments; 2) the appropriateness of the promotion of the California Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights; 3) zoning to support community gardens; and 31 the City's pledge to implement an employee wellness program and Community Services involvement because this was a part of their financial model. He was in support of the concept of healthy living, but wanted to make sure the Commissions' concerns were addressed. Commissioner Barrows spoke on behalf of the Community Services Department's efforts on some of these issues and explained the California Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights which had been promoted by the City. She also commented on 1) walkability; 2) possible revisions to the General Plan; and 3) zoning for community gardens. Chairman Alderson pointed out the resolution was only a sample and suggested staff pass on the Commissions' comments. Planning Director Johnson said he and Community Services Director Hylton would be crafting the resolution, for Council's approval, and their would be considering the Planning Commission and Community Services Department concerns in that process. P:\Reports- PC\2070\7-26-10\PC MIN_1-12-10_Approved.doc ]~ Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2010 There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Weber/Wilkinson to approve Minute Motion 2010-001 recommending approval of the League of California Cities Healthy Eating Active Living City (HEAL) Program adding comments from the Planning Commission. Unanimously approved. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Reports on City Council Meetings of December 15, 2009, and January 5, 2010, from Chairman Alderson; along with additional comments from Commissioner Weber. Commissioner Barrows thanked them for their attendance on her behalf. B. Chairman Alderson noted Commissioner Quill was scheduled to report back on the January 19, 2010, Council meeting. C. Quarterly Attendance Report IX: DIRECTOR ITEMS: A. Planning Director Johnson gave a brief update of the League of California Cities, 2010 Planner's Institute, March 24 - 26, 2010, Monterey, CA. All Commissioners had responded and three would be attending the conference. X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Chairman Alderson/Commissioner Barrows to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting to be held on January 26, 2010. This regular meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m. on January 12, 2010. Respectfully submitted, ~1~~+~=~icl G~,~Zu~ Carolyn W~Iker, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California P:\Reports- PC\2010\7-26-10\PC MIN_1-12-10_Approved.doc 11