2000 06 27 CCa h� I�awo.nw 4'� V� City Council Agendas are now Available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-quinta.org City Council Agenda City Council Chambers 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING June 27. 2000 - 1:00 P.M. Beginning Res. No. 2000-77 Ord. No. 345 CALL TO ORDER I. Roll Call Council Members: Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. CLOSED SESSION 1. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT - CITY ATTORNEY - PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957. 2. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT - CITY MANAGER - PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957. (Continued from June 6, 2000) 3. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS SKI HARRISON, MARK WEISS AND JOHN RUIZ REGARDING NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6 - MEET AND CONFER PROCESS. RECONVENE AT 2:00 A.M. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on matters not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and file it with the City Clerk. For all Business Session matters on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form should be filed with the City Clerk prior to the start of City Council Consideration of that item. The Mayor will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. Please watch the timing device on the podium. • ' ll ' • 1 • ,. *11 , ANNOUNCEMENTS CONSENT CALENDAR - NONE BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 PRELIMINARY BUDGET. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 2. CONSIDERATION OF AN URGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14.16 (ENCROACHMENTS) OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 14.16.540 (DIRECTIONAL SIGNS). A. READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING. B. INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE. ADJOURNMENT - Adjourn to a meeting to be held on Wednesday, July 5, 2000, in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92553. Page 2 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the Special City Council meeting, to be held June 27, 2000 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and at Stater Bros., 78-630 Highway 1 1 1, on Friday, June 23, 2000. DATED: June 23, 2000 �. cJ JUNE S. GREEK, CMC/AAE City Clerk, City of La Quinta, California W19 The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7025, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. Page 3 Tjht 4 4 Q" AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 27, 2000 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of Fiscal Year 2000/2001 Preliminary Budget PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Fiscal Year 2000/2001 Preliminary Budget and direct staff to prepare a Fiscal Year 2000/2001 Final Budget for the July 18, 2000 City Council Meeting. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: All Preliminary Fiscal Year 2000/2001 revenues, operational appropriations and capital projects funding are included in this Preliminary Budget. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: INTRODUCTION This preliminary Fiscal Year 2000/2001 Budget is similar to the format implemented the last few years. This format utilizes two separate documents to develop the City, Agency and Financing Authority's Budget. The first of the two documents utilized for presentation of this year's budget is titled Fiscal Year 2000/2001 Preliminary Budget and includes the total scope of operations for the City, Agency and Financing Authority. The second document is titled the Supporting Document. This document provides the detail for each program operation and the justification for any of the changes requested. SUMMARY OF THIS YEAR'S BUDGET This year's budget reflects an increase in a number of revenue sources. Approximately $465,000 in increased General Fund revenues for Fiscal Year 2000/2001 are projected. More specifically, those more significant changes are in the following areas: Increases in Sales Tax $380,000; Transient Occupancy Tax $240,000; Motor Vehicle In Lieu Fees $170,000; Planning and Zoning Fees $80,000; Documentary Tax $50,000 and $70,000 in General Fund interest projections. The 4 growth of some of these revenues is a result of the successful implementation of the City's Economic Development Plan. Decreases in revenue for the Fiscal Year 2000/2001 include CVAG one time revenue of $470,000 (reimbursement for Avenue 48th Street Improvements) and one time County revenue of $55,000. This year's budget has also included, and required, close scrutiny of all planned expenditures. The effects of Proposition 218 have resulted in the need to utilize the General Fund to appropriate approximately $570,000 for operating expenditures ($370,000 for Landscape & Lighting and $200,000 for Parks) previously paid by the Lighting & Landscape District. City Staff has been directed to review the effect's of Proposition 218 and the Lighting and Landscape District. It is anticipated that said review will be presented to the City Council in February 2001. As identified on page C-2 of the Preliminary Budget, this year's budget is balanced and contains a $27,035 surplus. Some of the new enhanced items contained in the Preliminary. Budget are as follows: Commercial Property Improvement Program - $150,000 Geographic Information Services - $100,000 Two (2) Defibrillators - $ 10,000 Dedicated Sergeant and Motor Officer - $280,000 Contract Code Enforcement - $ 60,000 The personnel additions/changes proposed in the Budget are as follows: Additions: Recreation Coordinator (Community Services Department); It is anticipated that approximately 50% of this salary will be paid for by program revenues. Additionally, the position will absorb some of the new tasks assigned to the Community Services Department such as the Museum and Community Marketing activities. Deletions: Vacant Associate Planner (Community Development Department); These services will be performed by contract planning services. As previously identified, this year's budget review by staff included close scrutiny of all planned expenditures and, has to date, resulted in a balanced budget and a $27,035 surplus. The budget does not include funding for the publication of Planning Commission Agendas. If this item is desired by the City Council the estimated cost is $14,000 and would need to be taken from the $27,035 surplus. The budget includes the funding of the Chamber of Commerce and Arts Foundation at last year's amounts. The Chamber of Commerce's has not submitted a written request for funding and the Arts Foundation request (provided as Attachment 1) is $5,000 more 1-2 than last year's. Finally, the La Quinta Historical Society funding of $27,000 has been retained in the 2000/01 budget. Since the proposed Budget contains funding for the maintenance of this facility the Council may consider reprogramming these funds. Provided as Attachment 2 is a chart which identifies the funding requests received to date, the funding requests for the previous year and those funding requests that are contained within the proposed budget at the amounts provided in last year's budget. As you will note in the final column of the chart, the total of non -funded requests is $15,000, of which $5,000 is from the Arts Foundation $10,000 is from the Arts Association (Arts Association request provided as Attachment 3). Staff recommends the review of the budget include: 1) Review of proposed Funding Requests as previously addressed in this memorandum (Attachment 2). 2) Review of the Preliminary Budget. Attached is a brief outline of the City staff anticipated presentation of the Preliminary Budget (Attachment 4). TIMELINE Staff is requesting that at the June 27, 2000 City Council meeting, the Council review and make any amendments as necessary to the Preliminary Budget. Subsequent to this review, staff is requesting approval of the Preliminary Budget with a July 1, 2000 effective date. Staff will then incorporate all changes pursuant to the discussion of the Preliminary Budget and schedule the item for consideration at the July 18, 2000 City Council meeting for Final Budget adoption. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The City Council has previously approved a list of Capital Improvement Projects to be included in the FY 2000/01 Budget which is located on page H-1. In addition to the previously approved projects the preliminary budget contains one additional project entitled "Automall Public Improvement." This project provides for reimbursement of public infrastructure improvements to Highway 111 and Adams Street paid by the developer and in connection with the La Quinta Automall. FIVE YEAR RESOURCE ALLOCATION PLAN City staff is currently completing the Five Year Resource Allocation Plan (RAP). This five year plan forecasts the operating expenditures and the anticipated revenues to pay for these expenditures. Staff will incorporate any changes between the Preliminary Budget and the final budget into the Five Year Resource Allocation Plan which is scheduled for presentation at the July 18, 2000 City Council meeting. ,w� 03 SUMMARY This memorandum is intended only as a summary of the issues and details of the budget. We look forward to these discussions with the City Council at the June 27, 2000 City Council meeting. City staff is requesting: 1) Review and comment on the 2000/2001 Fiscal Year Budget and provide direction regarding any proposed changes to the document. 2) Approval of the 2000/2001 Preliminary Budget as amended at the June 27, 2000 City Council Meeting. (Any approved changes by the Council to be corporated int th Final Budget for adoption on July 18, 2000.) Thomas P. Genovese City Manager Attachments: 1. La Quinta Arts Foundation Grant Request 2. Chart identifying Funding Requests 3. La Quinta Arts Association Funding Request 4. Brief Outline of Preliminary Budget %"i 0 c' ATTACHMENTS 005 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 May 26, 2000 Mr. Tom Genovese City Manager City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Tom: COPY A6k LA QUINTA FOUNDATION In compliance with our Contract Services Agreement 1999/2000 with the City of La Quinta, for which the City paid La Quinta Arts Foundation the sum of $75,000 to assist with marketing La Quinta Arts Festival 2000 ($55,000) and Desert Plein Air ($20,000), enclosed is the following: 1. 2000 Art Festival Marketing report (copies of invoices available upon request) 2. La Quinta Arts Festival 2000 Demographics report 3. 2000 Art Festival Local Economic Fact Sheet 4. 2000 Desert Plein Air Festival Marketing report (copies of invoices available upon request) 5. Desert Plein Air Demographics report The documentation submitted verifies total expenditures for marketing La Quinta Arts Festival 2000 (March 16-19) in the amount of $172,323 and Desert Plein Air (January 23- 27, 2000) in the amount of $56,093 for a total of $228,416 paid out in marketing expenses for the two events. This amount represents a 32% increase from the previous year's total marketing costs of $137,626 for the same two events. On behalf of La Quinta Arts Foundation, I thank the City of La Quinta for their ongoing financial support which has played such an important part in the overall success of our events. The proceeds of these events help fund our education and scholarship programs, thus enabling us to successfully meet the goals of our mission statement to provide innovative cultural arts opportunities for children, youth and adults in the Coachella Valley. Sincerely, Susan Francis Executive Director cc: Dodie Horowitz Director Community Services Dept. POST OFFICE BOX 777 J LA QUINTA, CA 92253 760 564 1244 A FAX 760 564 6884 .1 La Quinta Arts Festival 2000 ART FESTIVAL MARKETING EXPENSES MARCH 16-17-18-19, 2000 ACTUAL/VALUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT / VALUE MARKETING PAYROLL $17,573 AIRPORT DISPLAY $2,940 ANNENBERG PROGRAM ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... $2,100 BILLBOARDS SMALL ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... $231 BOB HOPE CLASSIC PROGRAM AD ................................. $1,500 DATEFESTI.................. ................................................................................... FAIRWAY BILLBOARD _....__..........................................................................................._.........................._.................................................................................... $30,000 FESTIVAL PROGRAMS .................................................._.._..............................................-........................................................._...............-....................................................._.................... $15,621 GRAPHIC DESIGNS FOR ADS ..................................................._-............................................................................................-._.................................................................................................... $2,453 LA QUINTA FESTIVAL POSTERS ..........................................................................................................................................................._..............._................................................................. $4,450 LA QUINTA FESTIVAL T-SHIRTS $6,796 LA QUINTA MISC RESALE ITEMS .................................. ....-......................................... ....................... ..._....................................... ........................_......................... $11,615 ... ............. ...........................:................ MAGAZINE ADS [SOUTHWEST ART /ALASKAN AIRLINES/ DESERT KEY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... $9,997 NEWSPAPER ADS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... $19,815 PALM SPRINGS film festival program ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... $900 ......... PALM SPRINGS LIFE ...................................................._...................................................................................................................._...................................................................................... $5,270 POSTAGE & DIRECT MAILINGS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... $3,195 ............ RACK CARDS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... $4,718 RADIO ADS ..................................... ............................................ -...... ............ _............ -......... -............................................ .......................... $7,111 .............................................. .............. ENNIS PROGRAM AD [rack cards with ticket] _..............................................._.................................. $2,500 .............................................................................._ TENNIS TOURNAMENT BOOTH SPACE [to pass out Festival Programs] _ ............ ............... _........._ ..._......._...._._.._.._._._................................................. $5,000 .........ADS.............._.._................._..............._. $17,163 .....................................................................................................-.................................................................................................................... WEB PAGE ........................................................................................................................._....................................................................................................................................... $1,250 Total Marketing 007 5/26/2000 12:04 PM La Quinta Arts Festival 77 2 0. del-ogra fiP __._ �.__...._. . 2000 Attendance 26.460 visitors Residents vs. Visitors 56% Residents vs. 44% Out of Valley Visitors Primary or Secondary Residents? 59% Primary vs. 41 % Secondary Residence Repeat Visitors Ages Attending Reason for Attending Local Resident Breakdown Children's Art Center Visitors Student Tour Visitors New Artists Accepted Sales & Attendance Compared to 1999 Advertising & Editorial Publicity Southwest Arts Magazine Palm Springs Life Sunshine Artist Magazine Best Read Guide Local Arts Magazine Alaska Airlines Key Magazine Celebrity Society Desert Art Scene Native Peoples Magazine Travel Host Magazine Annenberg Theatre Program Entertainment Programming Group Lapidary Journal 52% have attended more than once 26% Ages 65 and older 55% Ages 46-64 18% Ages 31-45 2% Ages 30 and under 73% View the Artwork 50% Purchase Art 36% Enjoy Live Entertainment 31 % Social Outing 19% Family Outing 20% Enjoy Wine Tasting 14% Enjoy Beer Garden & Food 31 % La Quinta 46% Palm Desert 20% Palm Springs 13% Rancho Mirage 26% Other Desert Cities Saturday, March 18 300thildren Sunday, March 19 300 Children Friday, March 17 400 Children 119 new artists juried 2000's show, 48% of the show! 33.5% Art Sales Increase 25% Overall Festival Sales Increase 20% Attendance Increase Home & Garden Television Travel Scope, L.A. & San Diego KMIR — NBC KESQ-ABC, FOX A&E, Bravo, CNN, Food Network KJJZ/KPLM FM KPSI FM KWXY AM KDES FM KPSI AM EZ103 KDHI, KQYN, KKJT Los Angeles Times The Desert Sun The San Bernardino Sun The Press Enterprise L.A. Daily News Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Program Palm Springs International Film Festival Program Riverside County Date Festival Indian Wells Tennis Garden 008 La Quinta Arts Festival 2000 ART FESTIVAL LOCAL ECONOMIC FACT SHEET MARCH 16 -17-18 -19, 2000 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Local Marketing.................................... ......................................__...................................................................... .$103,252 Local Labor - includinq Security & Electricians ......................................................................................................................... .............w.... ...................... ....... ...................... ................................... $45,875 ..................... Performers Lodging [local hotels] .........................................................................................................................._..................................................... $2,410 LocalPerfor.................................................................................. Local Vendors Supplies [excluding Marketing �- ^ _ _ $510,156 Donations to Local 501 [c) 3's (Rotary, LQHS) ........................................................................................................................................._........._............................................... $3,572 $677,465 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................_....................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Total Art Sales ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... $2,100,981 Total Revenue to LOAF on -site festival income ................................................................................................................................................................................................ $658,096 ...................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Estimated sales taxes due to City from all areas of Festival ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................_........................................................................... $24,145 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I.......... ..............................................................................................................................................._................................................................................................................... Attendance 26,460 009 5/26/2000 12:12 PM La Quinta Arts Foundation 2000 DESERT PLEIN AIR MARKETING EXPENSES ACTUAL/VALUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT / VALUE PLEIN AIR MARKETING PAYROLL ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. $9,488 AIRPORT DISPLAY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. $1,600 BILLBOARD.............................................................................................................................................. ........... ..................................$20 :000 DIRECT MAILING .POSTAGE &. PRINTING. _......................... _......_. .... . . .. ....................... . ........ ...... ..... ..... .................................$1.:025 . .... ... ... GRAPHIC DESIGNS FOR ADS .........................................._..._._..................._..........................................................................._......._....._.............................................._............................ $1,413 INTERNET $250 LA QUINTA MISC. RESALE ITEMS $2,000 LA QUINTA PLEIN AIR POSTERS .................._.._........ ._................. _......... $3,000 AGAZINE ADS [!SOUTHWEST ART /ALASKAN AIRLINES/ DESERT KEY] $2,859 MISC. MARKETING ITEMS $2,000 NEWSPAPER ADS $8,405 PHOTOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... $459 PORTABLE BILLBOARDS $450 PRINTING $2,245 PROCESSING COSTS FOR ADS $900 RADIO ADS + DESERT RADIO GROUP $15,203 SM. ADS FROM LQ HOTEL $1,200 TV ADS $17,274 Total Marketing Sam 0-1l 0 Si26/2000 12:35 PM Desert Plein Air, January 2000 Following are the results based upon sales receipts. Where do you reside? 58% of purchasers reside in the desert. 17% of purchasers reside in Southern California. 26% of purchasers reside outside of California. Breakdown of Local Residents La Quinta 50% Palm Desert 23% Indian Wells 13% Rancho Mirage 9% Within the Coachella Valley 6% Price Points 6% purchased artwork $2,001 to $6000. 7% purchased artwork $1,501 to $2,000. 2 1 % purchased artwork $1001 to $1,500. 34% purchased artwork $501 to $1,000. 32% purchased artwork $500 or less. Purchased artwork featured the following sites: 33% were Desert settings. 21 % were La Quints settings. 18% were from outside the valley. 9% were from the Palm Springs area. 7% were from the Produce fields. 12% were from a variety of areas. -011 City of La Quinta School/Grant/Contract Contributions FY 00/01 Thru 6/09/00 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 Budgeted Actual Total Budgeted FY 99/00 FY 99/00 Actual & FY 00/01 Category Expenditures Committed Committed Schools LQ High School - Interact 500.00 500.00 LQ High School - Track Team 500.00 500.00 LQ High School - Volleyball Team 500.00 500.00 LQ High School - Swim Team 500.00 500.00 LQ Middle School - Band 500.00 500.00 LQ Middle School -PTO Awards 500.00 500.00 LQ Middle School - Odessy of Mind 500.00 500.00 LQ Middle School - Earthquake Preparedr ies500.00 500.00 Harry Truman Elem - McCallum 2,000.00 2,000.00 Adams Elem - Earthquake Preparedness 500.00 500.00 Adams Elem - Testing 500.00 500.00 Subtotal 8,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 7,006.00 8,000.00 Grants LQ Historical Society 27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 Soap Box Derby 1,600.00 CV Economic Partnership - Footnote 3 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 Mountain Conservancy 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 CVRPD - Octoberfest 2,200.00 646.50 646.50 2,200.00 CVRPD 3,000.00 2,610.56 2,610.56 3,000.00 Date Festival 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 Subtotal 47 200.00 30 257.06 0.00 1 30 257.06 48 800.00 Contingency LQ High Foundation 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 LQ Arts Association 4,000.00 4,000.00 Riverside County Explorer Post 503 6,000.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 Community Blood Bank 1,000.00 1,000.00 CVAG - Census 5,000.00 5,000.00 Simon Motors Plaque 251.11 251.11 Community Concerts 5,000.00 5,000.00 Friends of Desert Mountains 250.00 250.00 Desert Valley All Star 1,000.00 1,000.00 Soap Box Derby Franchise Fee 1,300.00 1,300.00 Riverside County CARE Program 1,000.00 1,000.00 Desert Council on Aging 650.00 650.00 Desert Rehab Services - The Ranch 1,000.00 1,000.00 Foundation for the Retarded 1,000.00 1,000.00 Mc Callum Theatre Institute 215.00 215.00 Subtotal 54 369.00 32 666.11 11 000.00 43 666.11 40 000.00 Contracts Chamber of Commerce - Footnote (1) 155,000.00 155,000.00 155,000.00 155,000.00 LQ Arts Foundation - Footnote 2 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 230 000.00 75,000.00 Subtotal 230 000.00 230 000.00 0.00 230 000.00 AB939 Requests Unallocated 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 Subtotal 10 000.00 0.00 0.00 Ho 10 000.00 Additional Requests 0.00 Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total I 349 569.00 1 299 923.17 j 1 11 000.00 310 923.171 336 800.00 15 000.00 Footnote - (1) The City has not received a written request for FY 2000/01. We have received verbally that the request will not exceed the FY 1999/00 budget amount of $155,000. Footnote - (2) Total Request $80,000 of which $75,000 has been budgeted in the FY 00/01 Preliminary Budget and an additional $5,000 would be required to meet request Footnote - (3) The City has received a request of $5,000 for FY 2000/01 which has been included in the budget. 012 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 4% 'J& 041% Nox - Profit Orgaw SdIDA 77IW97 5 May 2000 1 V A UPI Mayor and Members of the CityCounc Cityof La to ILL Qum PO Box 1504 La Quinta CA 92253 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: The La Quinta Arts Association's Village Gallery can become a key asset in the development of the Village of La Quinta. We must get the word out that we have a wonderful gallery featuring the work of local artists to fill homes and businesses with beautiful art. This we can do with media advertising and your assistance. The attached proposed 2000-2001 budget reflects this need as well as the need for professional sales assistance on a part-time basis. In addition, assistance is needed in order to handle the, requirement for insurance coverage. It is requested that the City Council grant the Association $10,000 for the fiscal year 2000-2001 to help promote La Quinta as "The City of Art". Ver)�ruly yours, Aameynolds, President La Quinta Arts Association PO Box 4 La Quinta CA 92253 013 I. Pinr MAY 8 2000 LA QUINTA ART ASSOCIATION Annual Budget "2000-2001" PROJECTED INCOME Art Sales $50,000 Membership (100) 3,500 Gallery Fees (50) 11.000 Total $64,500 PROJECTED EXPENSES 1) Advertising: a) Newspaper ($200/ad) $ 2,000 b) Radio (opening) 1,400 c) Radio (January - March) 1,500 2) Insurance 1,800 3) Security ($21/month) 252 4) Landscape Maint. ($100/month) 1,200 5) Telephone/Utilities .1,000 6) Part-time Employee 720 (3 days/5 hrs. x $8.00/hr.) 7) Gallery Fee (10%) 5,000 8) Sales Commission (10% @ 25%) 1,200 9) Artist's Fee (90%) 40.000 Total $56,072 014 05/94/2890 13:16 FROM REUBEN.C. -...,..TO TO 3645957 LA QUINTA ARTS ASSOCIATION STATEMENT OF GASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 1989 TO APRIL 30, 2000 CASH RECEIPTS SALES (EXCLUDES SALES TAX) LESS: 90% PAYMENT TO ARTISTS COMMISSION ON OFF SITE BALES MEMBRSHIP DUES (89 MEMBERS) GALLERY EXHIBITORS FEES SHOWS AND MISCELLANEOUS INCOME DONATIONS TOTAL CASH RECIPTS CASH DISBURSEMENTS GRANT RECEIVED FROM THE CITY OF LA QUINTA REMODELING EXPENSES ADVERTISING, SHOWS & PUBLICITY CREDIT CARD CHARGES INSURANCE MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS NEWS LETTER COSTS OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSE REFUNDS TO MEMBERS SALES COMMISSIONS PAID SECURITY SUPPLIES AND GENERAL EXPENSES TELEPHONE AND UTILITIES TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS CASH IN BANK $5,313.12 $4,781.81 $4,000.00 (54,511.20) P.01 _ • e::wtwirii11M1�� SW1.31 $1,329.82 $3,940.00 s1,800.00 $2.456-73 s982.16 $511-20 $1,919.89 s135.05 s1,783.00 S824.84 sm.81 S658.82 s150.00 $150.20 3165.00 S338.44 S623.49 FOOTNOTE:SALES AS REPORTED ABOVE INCLUDES ONLY ART SOLD ON THE GALLERY PREMISES. OTHER SALES GENERATED BY MEMBERS AT SHOWS AND EVENTS OFFSITE SLIT PRODUCED BY THE GALLERY AMOUNTED TO $13,298.20 ON WHICH THE GALLERY RECEIVED A COMMISSION OF 10%. IN THIS EVENT THE MEMBER IS SOLELY RESPONswLE FOR THE REPORTING OF SALES TAX, WHERE APPLICABLE. IN TOTAL SALES FOR THE PERIOD AMOUNTED TO $18,611.32 $8,241.54 s2,267.17 #915 TOTAL P.B1 1, THE WOODARD GROUP May 5, 2000 Mayor John Pena, City Council Members CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Honorable Mayor & City Council Members, s-_ I11 1 2000 It is with a great deal of excitement and expectation that I write this letter asking you to support the La Quinta Arts Association's Village Gallery to quest to become a major influence in the Downtown Village area. Having been personally involved in the art world for most of my life, I find the philosophy of the Gallery (of giving most of the money back to the artists) not only unique, but a philosophy that should be supported by all of us. We have all talked about the potential of the Downtown Village to be the Art Center for the entire valley. It appears to me that the vision is finally being "hatched." The Association includes many dedicated volunteers to. provide an art environment that we so desperately need here in La Quinta. As a homeowner in this City, I strongly support the City financing the Association. If there ever is an organization that needs your financial support, it is the La Quinta Arts Gallery. If endeavors such as this are not "seeded", it would appear to me that we would have a very slim chance of attracting other art galleries and artists to bring that vision to our City. I therefore request that the City Council grant the Association $10,000 for this year to promote not only the Association, but the artists and the City as well. Thank you for your consideration. Since ely, Stewart Woodard, A.I.A. SW/drw 016 A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, 51-370 AvENiDA BERMUDAs, SUITE 6, LA OuINTA, CA 92253, 760-564-4418 / 760-564-1705 FAX -A quality of a body of work that creates a high moral impression. top MOM VATTS FM • ►000 Wagg AM TO% M AINE, REYNOLDS FROM, JERRY ADAMS/KWXY SLAINSt HERE IS THS INFORMATION, ABOUT KNXY THAT WE DISCUSSED. AS YOU CAN 3XZ..eXWrY IS.THB RADIO STATION THAT THE` "FIFTY PLUS" CROWD LISTENS TO. IN F'ACT..WE HAVE MORE LTSTENERS AGED "FIFTY PLUS% THAN TRX NEXT FIFTEEN STATIONS COMBINED SINCE KWXY DOES NOT HAVE A SPECIAL "XON-PROFIT RATE".... USE $21.00 AS THE SIXTY SECOND RATL...AND $18.00 DOLLARS AS THE TKrRT? SECOND RATE FOR TAL LA QUTAITA ARTS ASSOCIATION, WE WILL, THROW IN ONE "NO CHARGE ANNOUNCEMENT" FOR EVSRY rZVE BOUGHT. Kwx AANFIIA OSpringy CsMNft Wb3 1 >KMiM•1tM CAX �At1.+9A.+�•+ .... .._ ..... -. v .... -L 1./V-9-.. f. 5 a c'dcN d-./Mir/ puX��iil — �i�'!/r tl. tur/ring nri�tt%�u't cil�. 1 y S KWXYAM/FM _ ^ r. -LIVE REMOTE 5040 wArrs Pu • saw wwr►a AM PURPOSE: 7b CREATL AWARENESS AND DELIVER POTDMAL CUSTOMERS TO YOUR DUSINF.SS. , PROMO: SIX t S-SECOND PROMOTIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS PER DAY FOR FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO REMOTE. SCHEDULE: SIX 60-SECOND ANNOUNCEME Mrs PER DAY FOR FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO REMOTE. PROGRAM: 12 TWO -MINUTE BREAKS, LIVE, ON -SITE. TALENT: POPULAR KWXY ON -AIR PERSONALI-nES. COST: AD SCHEDULE & REMOTE S 1200 TALENT FEE S 21M %02L rr a4Ac Qum FLZiL KW V AW M 0roadcatt Comer 8 0.700 Dinah Snare D►ira8 Pain Sod"ps. CaiiforMa 92263ES190328.1lcm 01 lit O rw .. ... .� ADVERTISING INVOICE PUBLISHING COMPANY P. 0. BOX 2737 • PALM SPRINGS. CA 92263-2737 750 N. GENE AUTRY TRAIL • PALM SPRINGS. CA 92262 BILUNG INQUIRIES: (780) 7784600 MAIN OFFICE: (760) 3224= LA 12UINTA ARTS ASSOCIATION PO BOX 4 LA gUINTA CA 92253-0004 1090 6 1 CUSTOMER NO 131 INVOICE NO. 209261 0001576921 ii—ou E DATE AMOUNT DUE .OD GS/15/00 4 1 FOR THE PERIOD THRU 03/27/00 04/30/00 EDT 6 CLASS 9 DESCRIPTION 10 COL 1101 DEPTH ,1 ia� 12 TOTAL SIZE 13 RATE 14 AMOUNT WEE BALANCE FORWARD ART IN THE GARDEN 2 3.00 1 6.00 29.50 177.00 177.00 CURRENT 161 OVER 30 DAYS OVER W DAYS OVER 90 DAYS OVER 120 DAYS J171 TOTAL DUE -00 •00 .00 .00 •0 • GO COW TVPPI CONTRACT QUANTITY EXPIRATION DATE CURRENT USAGE TOTAL USED QUANTITY REMAINING SALESPERSON WYMER ------- ------ - Os — -- --_+-------- and Return with Remittance ;n Enebsed E CUSTOMER NUMBER 19 1 NAME I INVOICE NUMBER I AMOUNT PAID '19261 LA oUINTA ARTS ASSOCIATION tOO1576921_] 1 _• �• �_ _�..._ w�wrw� Nw .�w MYMYt M Ydl M• n"RRRT SUIT PUNLISHMIG CO.. Ann: Acco n dog, P.C. b11 2737. Ptln1 Sprlr10s, cA - s HRH INSURANCE SERVICES OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY 77-564 Country Club Dr., Bldg. B - Ste. 401. Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 360-4700 - (760) 360.4899 Fax March 24, 2000 La Quinta Arts Association Box 4 La Quinta, CA 92253- Dear' Elaine: I received a note from Leanna stating you needed some pricing indications for next years insurance. I do not expect any increase, but if we have one it will be slight. Estimated annual premium for Directors and Officers $850.00 Estimated annual premium for Package Policy $985.00 If you need any more information please give me a call. �Go 'er Gomes !g 35 020 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 June 27, 1999 • Summary of Financial Condition • Summary of Preliminary Budget • Summary of Revenues A. Expenditures B. Review Items Listed on Transmittal Letter • A-2 - Review of budget process • A-5 - Review of budget format • B-1 - Present Organizational Chart • B-6 - Review of community profile which compares changes in the categories listed. • C-2 - Review of the Budget Summary by Fund which brings together the financial activities of all the City, RDA and Financing Authority Funds. • B-3 - Present General Fund Revenue Pie Chart which shows percentages. Mention that Pages D-1 through D-5 graph major revenue items and we are prepared to go over them if requested. • B-4 - Present General Fund Operating Expenditures Pie Chart - not net of reimbursement. This indicates in what areas the City is directing its efforts. • B-5 - Present City, RDA, Financing Authority expenditures by component - this is how each dollar of total expenditures is broken down. • Section E - Explanation of Department by Department overviews of City operations 021 • E-6 & E-7 - Explanation of format of the two budget documents which are tied together by the schedule of expenditures schedules. As an example, pages E-6 and E-7 are contained in each budget document. • C-5 - Review of reimbursements to the General fund from other funds - other funds pay for personnel and operating expenditures that are recorded in the General Fund. • H-1 & H-2 - Review of the City capital improvements approved by the Council in the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. Question & Answer Period 022 T4 4 4a Qum& MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the La Q inta City Council FROM: John M. Falconer, Finance Director, DATE: June 27, 2000 RE: Budget Items for Review Attached is the following: 1. Fact Sheet summarizing the Fiscal Year 2000/01 Preliminary Budget; 2. An Executive Summary report of each of the exhibits that will be used in the staff presentation. These documents are excerpts of the FY 2000/01 Budget that will be presented at the June 27, 2000 City Council Meeting. City of La auinta Budget - Fiscal Year 2000/2001 Fact Sheet Addition of Two New Police Officers: 1. Dedicated Sergeant 2. Motor Patrol Officer Capital Project Spending for FY 2000/01 - $9,673,745 1. 4,882,000 Phase II Jefferson Street Improvements 2. 2,000,000 Phase I Community Park Development 3. 525,000 Municipal Library 4. 410,000 Montero Estates Sound Wall 5. 373,695 Avenue 50 Low Water Crossing Interim Imp. 6. 197,614 Avenue 54 (Jefferson to Madison) 7. 167,655 Phase II Fritz burns Park Improvements 8. 150,000 Traffic Signal (Tampico & Ave. Bermudas) 9. 145,827 Sagebrush Sound Wall 10. 140,720 Cove Mini Park Improvement 11. 128,680 Highway 111/Jefferson Vicinity Improvements 12. 127,047 Adams/Westward Ho 13. 84,000 Museum Expansion 14. 75,000 Seasonal Signage Program 15. 71,507 Sagebrush Avenue 16. 50,000 Sports Complex Lighting System 17. 50,000 Washington St./1-10 Interchange Improvement 18. 40,000 Pocket Park (between Saguaro and Bottlebrush) 19. 25,000 Sidewalks - Various Locations 20. 20,000 City-wide Obelisk Program 21. 10,000 Handicap Access Ramp - Various Locations Attached are the FY 99/00 Carryover/Completed Capital Improvement Projects of the City of La Quinta REVENUES All Funds Anticipated Revenues - FY 00/01 $45,417,821 FY 99/00 $45,317,755 General Fund Budgeted Revenue - FY 00/01 $12,189,365 FY 99/00 $11,732,821 Major Sources of General Fund revenues: 1. Sales Tax - 22% 2. Hotel Room tax - 27% EXPENDITURES All Funds Anticipated Expenditures - FY 00/01 - $52,969,064 FY 99/00 - $45,455,81 1 General Fund. Budget Expenditures - TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET FY 00/01 General Fund $27,035 FY 00/01 - $15,268,431 FY 99/00 - $14,095,646 $15,268,431 0 V M O h M N O N V M w O M N (D 0 O N O O N V O O O W 0 O O N r W tD V O O O V O O O O M W t0 m r m N t0 0 0) O n N M OR (P OR 7 V to O O t0 01 t0 O O V N O 0 tD M 7 0 O0 0 O M tO O) M t0 O O O w O O G ri N O O N h O 01� 0 w 1D W of O h 0 0 0 0 m w of m O h N h to m 0 N . 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N N N O M V W CO n M w N m N a0 � aD M to (0 M M M V N a0 M O 0 to ¢ O O N aD a0 N V: N to M n N M V_ M O tD t` W n (D O V N V M O h co h O O N act (D r r W O O O H w O� co N t0 t0 0 M O v �- w m" m w M w (D M O N m N tD N t0 W W tO 00 V tD tD O M M p LL tO 0) N w r N r N O N V h M M M W N O) t0 M r N. m W N M m M m N O N O o M M N W r � � t0' � � � tD V O M N � Cl) � M M V Cl) N M '- N N J N M CR Cl) R M V h OD O O 0 w 00 O O P. O V N O N W o 0 0 0 0 0 o M 0 M O N O N V O () M O o 0 0 0 0 0 o M O) V tO .- M to M n O/ O (D O M O V M O O O O O O M to 0 N V 0 0 0 N Q) V N V O O N O O N O O N Q 01 V N h M O N V 0 0 0 M M 0 w W 0 0 0 O O 0 N 0 0 W W N 0 W n W r W O O V 0 0 0 O O N N t+i m w Of m t w I, '7 v 0) Itn M 0) 1D N Ol M f� t0 O M O M o M N N M N h 0) V O M V: a V N M tD n M '- O (D O V w (O 0) O 11- "It N w N a0 0N t-O e- a0 Ol Ol N O M r DD N � (D V a0 to 0 � O � M OO 0) (D N rh M M Cl) Cl) < a- 0) 0) co0) N N LC)O O M 0) N W M N N < N N N e- ... 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CO V 0 r 0 N N M N V M tD r T r N (, t0 O M O O V r W N N M N M V m N O f` CO n O O O R r' O tD O) tO r n W M 0) V N O O O h N tO V M M W CO tD (O N tO N M V N V N N N 0) O O N N N •- 01 O) N V M M N N N N O h e- e- r- 0) M V M N qq O) � V N M M .- (O O M M h O r tD (O 1O n O M O V N co O co O O a0 (D N 0) 0 0 0) O tb t0 O N o 0 M O to 0 (D O O O r- V 0) 0) W a0 r' IQ MC) to N O M O M r V O N O O Cl o O M O O N O NM M O O O) n O (O O O tD O O O n Q N N w tO N r M V O O (D O n C V' (0 N O O Ol W C O mn h r C (V R O W 0 0 0 0 0 0 m} 0_ M O V r W n (DM t) 0) n V n M t0 n r M N O M N M N V to u) O O tO w V0: tO n N t0 V M N O M� M a0 M M act r (0 N M O r t� t` tO 07 O) O O0 � O as m Q �d-. 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U N N W W 0 U to w w J¢ M¢ -) M O> > [C LL LL Z w Q LL w Z Q w w w¢}} w z Z w to Z F_ > 2 2 ¢ ¢ x x J J ¢ ¢ Q ¢ a0 F ¢ o o LL W > > ¢ > o W ¢ m ¢ W ¢ [C D:' vaaUUaaa�53U¢3�D3¢oo?F �Q¢r-¢�minx�¢t-��¢3: 3:CO3¢LL aD V N N M M O) tD O CO �� h N V O h tO O tD O m Of N V N t� M tp N O t0 tD N N tD V (V N `f V (D r r W O r M r M n M r O) n O) N t0 O r t0 N M V V M t0 Ol O a0 t0 � M tD V Of tO a0 tO N 0) M t0 (n V tD V t0 t0 (D (0 t0 tD O tD tD tp tD t0 t0 tD t0 tD t0 t0 tD tD tD (D fD tD (0 tD (D fD tD tD tD t0 tD tD tD tD fD (D tD tD tD (0 t0 (0 O t0 City of La Quinta City Council Meeting June 27, 2000 Executive Summary • Summary of Financiaa Condition • Summary of Preliminary Budget • Summary of Revenues A. Expenditures B. Review Items Listed on Transmittal Letter • A-2 - Review of budget process • A-5 - Review of budget format • B-1 - Present Organizational Chart • B-6 - Review of community profile which compares changes in the categories listed. • C-2 - Review of the Budget Summary by Fund which brings together the financial activities of all the City, RDA and Financing Authority Funds. • B-3 - Present General Fund Revenue Pie Chart which shows percentages. Mention that Pages D-1 through D-5 graph major revenue items and we are prepared to go over them if requested. • B-4 - Present General Fund Operating Expenditures Pie Chart - not net of reimbursement. This indicates in what areas the City is directing its efforts. • B-5 - Present City, RDA, Financing Authority expenditures by component - this is how each dollar of total expenditures is broken down. • Section E - Explanation of Department by Department overviews of City operations • E-6 & E-7 - Explanation of format of the two budget documents which are tied together by the schedule of expenditures schedules. As an example, pages E-6 and E-7 are contained in each budget document. • C-5 - Review of reimbursements to the General fund from other funds - other funds pay for personnel and operating expenditures that are recorded in the General Fund. • H-1 & H-2 - Review of the City capital improvements approved by the Council in the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. Question & Answer Period 2 C U pC U)c Ea) C --C Ev O O L C a) a) N 3 O L- Cu N O N O C o f C •O " a) C LL 0 O a) O O �C c15 ep a) ��E U-a)ai r- �O = a Ca CU _ .. U) a) a C U Ca` Q O O a) N a .0 0-0 C C C Q O a O N a) O COO U A C Q co N a) > U CO 0 N O 7 -OCu p 4- Q LL N N N a) - CCu C O a a) L N� mE �� -Dp•� N E U p �� C 0) Q E u- O N C CO) N � Q V) O C � a) O a) a) a) O Cu O },C o �N� CO 0�X� E Ea _ L O m N U C � N a) CD a) to.- M -0 a) E Cu >, a U D CO C N N C� Ca N V- C "a N CU m (� a C E L =Cu`- aa)a) 0Co Ewa o�� 3 n o -°vim 0 o a�U o aC i.L m O • o Cn a)a)a °a U) C Q-0Q Ca)Q E�E W c cv a) •. C ' E � is Cu -v — � 0 ca 3 E m N� O j� U�Q LL-C N U U E a) a N 0)> � cVo v >, �C �' C O N cv CUC: >�a� na)a) a) U >,a� U0) -0 W N E E 2 O ) a C :O L- -0 N a) O a — rr 0) a) O a) 'L U (ts N U m p a) CU a)'a C O) CU .0 p) cv �.= N C ca m �Q ENS 5 fl. �Ca a +.0 W p U cif a s sT O cn Cu Cu a) E C a) O LL >, U O X C N a) Q.% U O cis > -p a) C U a) a) a .. Oa a+ U ``� U a ++ �=) a)aAg a)) Ewa oUc-O Boa CO a)= �, v�3a) N� ��" V.- U) O N C E m v, ` � O �. .r (tf -D Ca .= U N LL N "� C 0) l a) 'O Q. a) U C U) C E' Cu d. O Cu O L O CD N C O V- C a) a) � a) U Ca N Q. a) Cu O U Cu C C a) U) `� C Cu C: C .� _ to a .� .. a) O N a) � C a) _A a to to O E O Cu a) a) EO Cp�pC�� O C O p U O N N 'C a) C O C a E �' N N O O a to m a) CM E aa) E M ai o- N Z' c0.� U n a v i �� o � E CU rn 4-:3 Cu C N C O to p m m (n Cu CL C N C C E Cu a) 2�aV �vE C) °��a) >,a)a a) CO C f'U ''a)C a)N oCCC LcaC O m00 my E N aa)) � �. U- E o >,E o U O C m CO V- O a) a O L cv O a '- L ` C a a� cv cif U L a O O O a) L C 7 T >+ a) "� 0 a) S O N H cts F- � 0 F- c0 CO M a M a Q a F- t >, � > N 'Ov c li c C C G 0 a) U W .0 Vj)) LL a) V c a) V— Q o c cc/ c— a) v, > iF o ECG �� O a) -0 O O 7 Q cam_ a) cr N O ai N a) L c ' > a) N .Z a) O O � O -c a)N U � c O U) c LL 4-a) a) cLL ' `) O L (a CO) N� - c 0 c0 �U) c tA.� �aa) �E F- o °-v cm SO EZZc o o V v= U c F-- O >, a) o ca -0 a) C c� a) -O :3 c a) ca Q _ ~= -p N N O U a) co -6. CO U .- � c N a) N N p- ca c O O O 0-� cu a) 0) 0) O O E > N to .--0 U 7 O �-a 0) a) N cco� N -Q -Q DNa) O a) cv ca U) v� - � O C a) 0 (j cu aa)) a) U c ai >; Q. v) v� c ca U a)ca c aa)) 0 c.� c n 0) °��-' 2 (n� U) c CCUU) 'U ate) a) c 0 N O a) �+_ +-� c -C U)) O �'> "= a)c O O > N c O cu "-' N L cu (� r O -p a) U)"- O cv O E a) CD 7 a) C N N V Q) c m C -0. 5 C N N � O W 'C �.. _ a) L 4- N i O c O N N c O m Ur E N > N C NU c. Q U L v co ca U O p � O O -p N a) O � N U) O ca c O 0) «+ a) U U to c E O a� E cu ca m e 0 z E �c -c c O L ''' L 0 -p c cu 3 U -p (n U N~ c 0 a) O p •U CO Z I— O O) aj O "Cu 0 '0 «. 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(zk/\k®{f / .Ef,_rE R / 30 .o elaxL- «f§f!(tttttƒ(ckkk\)§)2 g�, §�«Kw§e$£05Lo u°&�� »;e f g`|�(o —L!22 |-t��«e■- [§} +kl-e£2 EAe■°&E o (L$ƒZJ)w «)!ƒ$ƒaJ/2ocn M Fm T4'!t 4 4 Q" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 27, 2000 Consideration of an Urgency Ordinance Amending Chapter 14.16 (Encroachments) of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code by Adding a New Section 14.16.540 (Directional Signs) RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: C CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Introduce an Urgency Ordinance amending Chapter 14.16 (Encroachments) of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code by adding a new Section 14.16.540 relative to Directional Signs: A. Move to take up Ordinance No. _ by title and number only and waive further reading. B. Move to introduce Ordinance No. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: as an Urgency Ordinance. On June 6, 2000, the City Council directed staff to research the possibility of allowing temporary signage during the temporary street closure for construction of the golf cart tunnel on Madison Street north of Airport Boulevard. In discussions with the Acting City Attorney, it has been determined that a section can be added to the Encroachment Chapter of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code to allow directional signs. Madison Street is currently closed until September, therefore, staff has drafted an Urgency Ordinance, which if adopted by a 4/5 vote, would take effect immediately. This would allow the placement of directional signs immediately following Council action. Staff has drafted the Urgency Ordinance for Council consideration. C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\ccjhUrgOrdDirSgns.wpd KLo FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Introduce an Urgency Ordinance amending Chapter 14.16 (Encroachments) of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code by adding a new Section 14.16.540 relative to Directional Signs; or 2. Do not introduce an Urgency Ordinance amending Chapter 14.16 of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code relative to Directional Signs; or 3. Refer the matter to the Planning Commission for further consideration; or 4. Continue the request and provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully,submitted, rry Heiman immunity Development Director A�rove for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\ccjhUrgOrdDirSgns.wpd URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ADDING SECTION 14.16.540, DIRECTIONAL SIGNS TO CHAPTER 14.16, ENCROACHMENT, REGARDING THE PLACEMENT OF TEMPORARY DIRECTIONAL SIGNS DURING THE CLOSURE OF A CITY STREET WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta hereby finds that the construction activity on a City street which requires its closure interrupts ingress and egress circulation and causes confusion to the operators of vehicles; and WHEREAS, the City has established encroachment regulations in Chapter 14.16 of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code identifying the process for construction in City rights of way; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that there is a current and immediate need for temporary directional signs to assist drivers in finding alternative routes to their destinations due to the construction activities which require closing a City street and which limit the ingress and egress to existing developments and residential developments under construction; and WHEREAS, such signs are necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of La Quinta; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Urgency Ordinance to be adopted to enable the City to adequately protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 14.16.540 Directional Signs, shall read as follows: "Existing and developing residential projects within the City and/or its Sphere of Influence, are permitted to install temporary directional signage during the construction period for which an Encroachment Permit is issued for the construction in the public right-of-way which results in the closure of said right-of-way and impedes the normal route of travel to those projects. Said signage shall be limited to four signs per project having a maximum size of 32 square feet and a maximum height of five feet." CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\ORDUrg-DirSign.wpd Urgency Ordinance Directional Signs SECTION 2. This Urgency Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Urgency Ordinance and shall cause the same to be posted in three public places in the City of La Quinta, California, and the same shall be in full force and effect immediately after its adoption PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, on this day of , 2000, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\ORDUrg-DirSign.wpd a'7- as aoa T,iiit 4 eCP Q" MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the La Qui to City Council FROM: John M. Falconer, Finance Director DATE: June 26, 2000 RE: Revised Budget Pages Attached find revised Budget pages B-6, C-1, H-1 and H-2 for the 2000/01 Preliminary Budget on City Council Agenda for June 27, 2000. B - 6 The revised page includes updated housing unit information and street information. C - 1 the revised page is for FY 99/00. The original page was a duplicate of C - 2. H - 1 and H-2 The revised page has the museum costs of $84,000. The originally proposed Capital Improvement had the budgeted museum amount of $800,000. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Thank you. L 00 � ""' O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O CA (U� N� CZ) OOOOOOO OOOOOOOON�-000OONO OO C)- - C � O 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 O C7 C; CO C; C; C; O C) F O C; O C; 0 C; C; C; C] >+� CU\oL 0 co .= c U g � U D O U LL: LL. LL L Cl) Cl) C/) ch 00000 0 C 0 0 0 � o �M �NOONe-� Ltd MNm�NpO�N��N�.6 Nt�p rN M .- VV� LL LL LL —U) U) U) p�p� Lo C 0 0 0 oto OI"�� ��r"•-N�r- �! d MN�L(i-Ir(5cq Cj 06 Ntoo M C Nice) .. Ne-�00N ISM f� W LL 00 ce >. -a co Zo Mo � N 0 Q co E Z p o M CL CY cc Q co J c° .o E c LD C U l`_'J =3 U ` .. 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