2010 02 02 CC MinutesLA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 2, 2010 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 3:30 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Sniff, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT -None CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with City's real property negotiator, Douglas R. Evans, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located southwest of the intersection of Highway 111 and La Quinta Centre Drive. Property Owner/Negotiator: Direct Point Advisors, Inc., Michael Hastings. Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 4:00 p.m. 400 P_M_ The City Council meeting was reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.1 (Brown Act). Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Stan Ford, representing Desert Recreation District, reported the Live RoQ Concert Series will begin on February 13, and the International Sports Festival event will be held February 4-7. He stated they anticipate 50 cars will be registered for the Soap Box Derby this year. City Council Minutes 2 February 1, 2010 Mark Weber introduced Lisa Guy from New Zealand who is the foreign exchange student hosted by the Rotary Club this year. Richard Grund, of Old Town Artisan Studio, thanked the City Council for their grant support and reported they have obtained a 501.3(c) status. He stated they are in the final stages of planning the annual Charity Soup event scheduled for February 18, 2010. Bob Horn, Red Hot Ballroom, thanked the City Council for considering their grant application. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA -Confirmed ANNOUNCEMENTS -None PRESENTATIONS David Willmon, representing League of California Cities, presented the Helen Putnam Award to the City Council and Redevelopment Agency for the. Housing Programs Innovations category for the Vista Dunes housing project. He then gave a brief presentation on the League's ballot measure and an update on the State budget. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS -None APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin to approve the City Council Minutes of January 19, 2010, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED FEBRUARY 2, 2010, City Council Minutes 3 February 1, 2010 2. APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION X(81 OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 INVESTMENT POLICY MAKING MODIFICATIONS TO THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION (FDIC) TEMPORARY LIQUIDITY GUARANTEE PROGRAM (TLGPI. 3. APPROVAL OF A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AMONG THE CITY OF INDIO, THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, THE CITY OF COACHELLA, AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TO SHARE THE COST OF A LADDER TRUCK COMPANY. 4. APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO SIERRA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL TO CONSTRUCT THE HIGHWAY 111 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTERCONNECT AND CONTROL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT, PROJECT NO. 2008-16 -FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. CML 54331009). 5. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PASSES TO THE FRANK SINATRA STARKEY HEARING FOUNDATION CELEBRITY INVITATIONAL GOLF TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 19-20, 2010 AT THE EAGLE FALLS GOLF COURSE AT FANTASY SPRINGS RESORT. (RESOLUTION NO. 2010-007) 6. APPROVAL TO EXCUSE PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN ED ALDERSON'S ABSENCE FROM THE FEBRUARY 9, 2010, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. 7. APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT WITH CGI COMMUNICATIONS REGARDING "COMMUNITY VIDEO SHOWCASE PROGRAM." MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and with Item No. 5 being approved by RESOLUTION NO. 2010-007. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF 3RD QUARTER COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANTS AND FUNDING REQUESTS. Recreation Supervisor Ambriz presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson asked if the Red Hot Ballroom program is age restricted., Mr. Horn explained the program is designed for 4`", 5`" and 6`" Graders; and stated the organization will be giving lessons to senior citizens at the YMCA. City Council Minutes 4 February 1, 2010 Marlene McNulty, Quilting for Good Times, thanked the City Council for their grant award, which enables the organization to make quilts for children at the Ronald McDonald House. Council Member Evans stated she was approached by the Old Town Artisan Studio regarding the cost to provide an engineer's wet signature before they can obtain a permit to erect a tent for an event. City Manager Genovese explained the inspection is conducted by an independent engineer. Council Member Henderson suggested the Artisan Studio contact other engineers for a cost comparison; and suggested increasing the grant amount agreed by the City Council. In response to Council Member Franklin, Building & Safety Director Hartung explained the required permitting and inspection process to erect a temporary tent; and stated staff can contact the group to guide them through the process. Council Member Franklin explained she is not prepared to support a motion for an unspecified amount. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Evans to approve Community Services Grants as follows: Coachella Valley Housing Coalition, 52,500; La Quinta Middle School, 53,500; Old Town Artisan Studio, 55,000; Quilting for Good Times, $2,000; and Red Hot Ballroom, Inc., 52,000. Motion carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDERATION OF TWO CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO SERVE ON THE CIVIC CENTER ART PURCHASE COMMITTEE. Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report. In response to Mayor Adolph, Community Services Director Hylton stated there are a number of public facilities that can accommodate new art work including the library, museum and city hall, particularly the wall space at the library. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to select Council Member Evans and Mayor Adolph to serve on the Civic Center Art Purchase Committee. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 5 February 1, 2010 STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP BLUEPRINT. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans presented the staff report. Kathy DeRosa, Chairperson for the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP-, explained the formation and partnership of CVEP; and introduced Wes Algren, Director of Operations, who gave a presentation on the regional strategy for economic development. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Algren stated it is hopeful the region will see the following in the next five years: a more diversified economy with high-paying jobs, higher per capita income, less high school drop outs and increased college enrollment. Mr. Algren further explained CVEP will not be providing funding for the proposed programs but will partner with local organizations; and explained the budget for CVEP is a five- year, 512 million budget. He stated anticipated population growth in the Valley in 2016 is up to 600,000 residents. Council Member Sniff expressed concern about implementing the proposed programs at the present time due to air quality problems, the proposed cap in trade increasing the cost of utilities, and there is a shortage of water. Ms. DeRosa stated the program will enable smart growth for future generations; and this is the time to develop a regional economic development plan. Council Member Sniff commented on the reduced population during summer months. He expressed concern about the program being idealism and not reality, and suggested those involved think big with practicality; and stated he is unsure of the funding source. Council Member Henderson asked if the 512 million will be used to back-fill current grant programs. Mr. Algren explained the grant funding is included in the S 12 million budget figure; and that CVEP currently has no full-time staff. Council Member Henderson asked how staff will pursue businesses once the programs and staffing are established. Mr. Algren explained CVEP will be fiscally responsible and utilize public/private partnerships to bring businesses to the Valley. Council Member Henderson asked if the organization will remain a 501.3(c) and be a public/private partnership, to which Mr. Algren responded, "Yes." Ms. DeRosa explained the public/private partnership will City Council Minutes 6 February 1, 2010 be similar to the public/private partnership of Palm Springs Desert Resort Communities Convention & Visitors Authority. Council Member Henderson expressed appreciation for CVEP's efforts; stated she understands the funding request will be brought before the City Council; and suggested setting caps for operational expenditures. Terry Green, Educational Consultant, stated this is the first sophisticated, well-thought-out plan he has seen; if we want to transform the local economy from tourist-based to the next level, we must partnership between business, education, public and private entities. In response to Council Member Evans, Mr. Algren confirmed the cost for membership eligibility for a board seat has increased from 55,000 to 525,000; and stated they have already received a check from Eisenhower Medical Center. Council Member Evans asked why CVEP is establishing the first year as an 18-month period. Mr. Algren explained the time to establish organizational structure will take longer than the traditional 12-month period. Council Member Evans stated much work has been done by CVEP; referenced Council Member's Sniff's comments regarding seasonal population and stated she believes the number of permanent residents during the summer is increasing. Mayor Adolph agreed this is the time to plan for growth and establish partnerships to implement business attraction programs; and stated he is willing to work with CVEP. Council Member Sniff expressed concern about the end product, cost, impacts to traffic, and the availability of water. Ms. DeRosa stated they will consider all the concerns referenced by the City Council, and avail CVEP staff to meet with them for additional review. Council Member Franklin commented on the complexity of their proposal and asked what percentage of the annual budget will be allocated for salaries, etc. Ms. DeRosa explained the organization will add staff in small steps. Council Member Franklin stated it will take longer for the higher educational component to be established. Mr. Green stated the dilemma is to create a college-educated and technically-trained workforce for industries that are beginning to emerge. City Council Minutes 7 February 1, 2010 REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Palm Springs Desert Communities Resort Convention & Visitor's Authority - Council Member Evans thanked staff for attending the luncheon held January 28, 2010 at the Agua Caliente Casino and Spa. CVAG Executive Committee -Mayor Adolph reported the Committee approved an agreement to provide 75% of the cost to widen Fred Waring Drive at Washington Street and Adams Street. SunLine Transit Agency -Mayor Adolph reported the City of Indio has indicated they will be requesting other cities consider financial support of the train/bus station in Indio; and stated the City of Coachella is moving forward with their transportation center. Bob Hope Classic -Mayor Adolph commented on the Bob Hope Classic being a success and stated they may have obtained a sponsor. Riverside County Transportation Commission - Council Member Henderson reported the Commission will be seeking a demonstration project to bring Amtrak or Metrolink to the Valley; stated a station will be needed and that a spur exists on Bob Hope Drive to establish a platform. All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 2. City Attorney. City Attorney Jenson announced the California Redevelopment Agency argument will be presented to the court on Friday, February 5, 2010, and she will report back to the City Council on the outcome. 3-A. REQUEST FOR DIRECTION REGARDING INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD VACANCY. City Clerk Montecino presented the department report. Council Member Evans suggested making an appointment in June when the annual appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions are done. City Council Minutes 8 February 1, 2010 Council Member Henderson commented on Mrs. Deniel being upset for. not being appointed to fill the vacancy and there was no expectation for her to reapply since her application was already on file. Council Member Franklin stated Mrs. Deniel has declined the position even if it was offered to her. Council Member Evans explained her declining the position was subsequent to the City Council opening the recruitment for additional applications. Council Member Sniff requested the City Clerk check for clarification of Mrs. Deniel's letter. Council Member Evans explained the City Council's original direction to staff was to present the applications on file in the City Clerk's Office, and when only one applicant was presented, the City Council opted to open recruitment for additional applications; stated there was an assumption that Mrs. Deniel would be appointed since she was the only applicant, but when she was not chosen for the appointment, she declined to consider the appointment any further. Council Member Henderson suggested the appointment be considered with the annual appointments in June 2010. The City Council concurred. 7-A. DISCUSSION OF THE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE WITH MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Planning Director Johnson presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Henderson, Planning Director Johnson explained staff plans to present physical boundary scenarios and population estimates. Council Member Henderson suggested the meeting begin at 6:00 p.m. Council Member Franklin suggested dinner be provided and begin the meeting at 5_:30 p.m. Planning -Director Johnson stated staff will contact the Planning Commissioners to see if they are able to convene and begin at 5:30 p.m. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS Council Member Franklin reported Planning Commission Chairman Alderson recently had knee replacement surgery and is recovering well. City Council Minutes 9 February 1, 2010 Council Member Henderson thanked staff for their work on the homeless bill; and asked if the City will meet the February 19`h deadline for the legislative counsel. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans stated if the bill clears the legislative counsel it should be on track for review by the appropriate committees. Mayor Adolph stated he attended the Earthquake Preparedness workshop held January 27th at City Hall, and received suggestions from the speaker to incorporate into the City's emergency plan. PUBLIC HEARINGS -None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respect ly submitted, VERONICA J. NTECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California