2010 04 15 HPCI
Historic Preservation Commission Agendas
are now available on the City's Web Page
@ www.la-quinta.orq
The Regular Meeting to be held in the Study Session Room at the
La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California
APRIL 15, 2010
3:00 P.M.
Beginning Minute Motion 2010-003
A. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Roll Call
This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Historic Preservation
Commission on matters relating to historic resources within the City of La Quinta
which are not Agenda items. When addressing the Historic Preservation
Commission, please state your name and address and when discussing matters
pertaining to prehistoric sites, do not disclose the exact location of the site(s) for
their protection.
A. Approval of the Minutes for January 21, 2010
P:\Reports - HPC\2010\4-15-10\HPC Agenda 4-15-10.doc
Historic Preservation Commission Agenda
A. CLG Grant Update: Discussion of application for 2010 Certified Local
Government Grant.
B. California Preservation Conference - Discussion of accommodations, travel,
and Conference agenda.
A. Quarterly Attendance Update
I, Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the
foregoing agenda for the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission meeting of Thursday,
April 15, 2010, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle
Tampico, and the bulletin board at the La Quinta Cove Post Office, on Friday, April 9,
DATED: April 9, 2010
CAROLYN WALKER, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
PAReports- HPC\2010\4-15-10\HPC Agenda 4-15-10.doc
A Regular meeting held in the Study Session Room
at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
January 21, 2010
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 3:04
p.m. by Chairperson Redmon who asked for the roll call.
A. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Roll Call
Present: Commissioners Maria Puente, Archie Sharp, Allan
Wilbur, Robert ' Wright, and Chairperson Peggy
Present: Planning `Director Les Johnson, Principal Planner
Wally Nesbit, and Executive Secretary Carolyn
A. It was movedand seconded by Commissioners Puente/Wright to
approve the minutes of October 15, 2009, as submitted. Unanimously
A. Historic Resources Section Report for the La Quinta Resort Draft EIR
Applicant: MSR Desert Resorts, L.P.
Consultant: Architectural Resources Group, Inc.
Location: 49-499 Eisenhower Drive
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Historic Preservation Commission
January 21, 2010
Principal Planner Wally Nesbit presented the information contained in
the staff report while Planning Director Les Johnson gave an
explanation of the exhibits presented at the meeting.
Commissioner Sharp had asked if there had been any traffic or parking
studies done with regard to the impact of the population influx; as
well as whether or not there would be subterranean parking. Staff
said this will be addressed in the environmental impact report. The
review process was then discussed.
Chairperson Redmon then asked:
• If there would be any destruction of the bungalow units and
staff said no.
• If they were going to maintain the existing spa and fitness
facilities and would they be open to the public. Staff said the
current spa was open to the public and the fitness center would
be improved upon.
• About continuity in architecture and exterior design features and
staff explained the design plans.
Commissioner Wright. asked about the effects on the Morgan House
and how many rooms ;would be torn down when demolition began.
Staff said there would be no effect on the Morgan House, only
improvements, and pointed out which buildings would be torn down.
Planning Director
Johnson then
explained how
report consultant
was chosen and
the benefits
of that choice
the City and the
Chairperson Redmon -commented on the impact of the removal of the
date ;palm grove to accommodate eight hotel villa -style units and
asked for confirmation that staff was recommending no date palms be
removed`Staff said their recommendation was the date palm grove be
retained, but said the applicant wanted to address the Commission on
that issue.
Chairperson Redmon asked about traffic flow for guests and
employees. Staff explained the shuttle stops, employee parking, and
traffic flow patterns.
Commissioner Wilbur said the Commission's concern was the historic
structures, and retaining the ambiance and architectural style of the
P:\Reports - HPC\2010\4-15-10\HPC_MIN_1-21-10_Draft.doc 2
Historic Preservation Commission
January 21, 2010
period. He then referenced the recommendations regarding the
walkway, and the grove. He asked for confirmation there would be no
impact on the Morgan House, the cove, or the casitas. Staff said there
would be no impact beyond what was identified in the historic
resources report.
Commissioner Wilbur asked if the Morgan House would be accessible
or just preserved. Staff said the applicants would like to make it
accessible but would address the Commission on their plans for
historic resources on -site.
Mr. Ken Hoeppner, Vice President with l< Pyramid Advisors, One Post
Office Square, Boston, MA, 02109, introduced himself and explained
the purchase and background of the hotel and their goal to indentify
and preserve historic buildings on the property. He then explained the
company's philosophy on the preservation and re -utilization of the
historic buildings; including their goal of pursuing historical
He then discussed the two areas identified in the report as sensitive
and explained their'plans''for the trellis, the date palm grove area, and
why those changes were needed. He explained their vision was to
create a special lodging place and still make it complementary to the
Morgan House and the other historical resources.
Rob Bernheimer, ;.Attorney at Law, 45-025 Manitou Drive, Suite 3,
Indian Wells CA 92210, introduced himself and commented on the
thoroughness and benefitsof the report done by Architectural
Resources Group' (ARG) and the fact they were chosen by the City
'and not the developer; He commented on Pyramid's goals and the fact
that the Morgan House did not lose its historic significance by removal
of the date grove.
He went on to discuss changing the shade structure from a hip -jointed
roof to a trellis on the historical structure in front. He said they agreed
with the ARG report; except their choice would be to extend the
shade structure all the way up to the building. He then discussed the
preservation of the ambiance of the hotel's arrival area and the need
to create a trellis structure which provided shade right up to the
building and maintained the historic character. He said they agreed
with the rest of the report 100%.
P:\Reports - HPC\2010\4-15-10\HPC_MIN_1-21-10_Draft.doc 3
Historic Preservation Commission
January 21, 2010
Commissioner Puente asked how they would blend the four-story
portions of the new buildings with the present hotel complex.
Mr. Rick Evans, with Oz Architecture, 3012 Huron Street, Suite 100,
Denver CO 8020 (with the project designers), said the overall style
was Spanish Colonial and explained what they would be doing to
maintain and blend in with the present style.
Mr. Bernheimer commented on the positive impact of the well -
established vegetation on the historical views, even taking into
account the four-story buildings. He commented on the original
master plan concept and the types of facilities needed to make the
resort economically viable; including several examples of the type of
hotel experience they hoped to promote.
Commissioner Sharp asked if the four-story structures backed up to
Eisenhower. Mr. Bernheimersaid they did not and noted their location
on the exhibits.
Commissioner Wright said he was pleased the applicant recognized
the historical aspects of the hotel and said there were only two issues
for the Commission to`address:
�1. The, date grove, which had no historical significance, and
its viability.
2. . The 'trellis, and its design, which could be worked out
with the Planning Department to blend in with the
historical style.
Chairperson' Redmon and Commissioner Wilbur agreed with
Commissioner Wright's comments.
Discussion followed regarding plant materials, the possible loss of the
existing date palms, a compromise on keeping some of the palms, and
the replacement of the cypress in the entrance.
Commissioner Puente asked who would be in charge of the process
for the State Registry nomination. Staff explained it would be lengthy
and gave the Commission an overview of the process.
There being no further comments it was moved and seconded by
Commissioner Wright/Chairperson Redmon to approve Minute Motion
2010-001 accepting the Historic Resources Section Report for the La
P:\Reports - HPC\2010\4-15-10\HPC_MIN_1-21-10_Draft.doc 4
Historic Preservation Commission
January 21, 2010
Quinta Resort Draft EIR as recommended by staff with the amendment
that the applicant could remove the date grove as long as they
maintained the date palm ambiance/theme. Unanimously approved.
B. Paleontological Resource Inventory and Impact Assessment Technical
Report for the La Quinta Resort
Applicant: MSR Desert Resorts, L.P.
Consultant: Architectural Resources Group, Inc.
Location: 49-499 Eisenhower Drive
Planning Director Johnson presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in;the Planning Department
Commissioner Wilbur asked if staff had received any tribal comments.
Staff indicated they received,a response from the Aqua Caliente Band
of Cahuilla Indians and a condition was included regarding their
availability to monitor the project.
There being no further comments it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright/Puente to "approve Minute Motion 2010-002
accepting the Paleontological Resource Inventory and Impact
Assessment Technical Report for the La Quinta Resort as
recommended by staff. Unanimously approved.
A., Discussion of California , Preservation Conference — Grass
Valley/Nevada.City, California — May 12-15, 2010.
A. Quarterly Attendance Update.
B. Commissioner' Puente asked about upcoming projects. Planning
Director Johnson said he would have staff give the Commissioners an
e-mail update of upcoming projects.
PAReports - HPC\2010\4-15-10\HPC_MIN_1-21-10_Draft.doc 5
Historic Preservation Commission
January 21, 2010
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright\Wilbur to adjourn this Meeting of the Historic
Preservation Commission to the next Meeting to be held on February
18, 2010. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was
adjourned at 4:17 p.m. Unanimously approved
Submitted by
Carolyn Walker
Executive Secretary
PAReports - HPC\2010\4-15-10\HPC_MIN_1-21-10_Draft.doc 6
Twit 4 maw
MAY 12-15, 2010
DATE: APRIL 15, 2010
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with a brief summary of Travel
and Accommodation arrangements for the upcoming Preservation Conference.
In addition, at the meeting ,staff will be providing you with your completed travel
folders which will include your airline ticket information, hotel confirmations,
expense envelopes, and a color brochure which includes additional Conference
Preliminary Itinerary
Wednesday May 12m
6:00 a.m. Flight Out
The flight departs Palm Springs Airport at 6:00 a.m. and arrives at
LAX at 6:46 a.m. At LAX you will change planes and leave at 8:37
a.m. and arrive at Sacramento Airport at 10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m. Drive to Conference
A rental vehicle (SUV) will be waiting at the Sacramento Airport for
the drive to Nevada City. The drive should take approximately 1 hour
and 15 minutes.
1:00 p.m. Conference Registration
Check -in and registration for the conference is at Conference
Headquarters in the Miners Foundry (Nevada City)
3:00 p.m. Hotel Check -In
Check -in at the hotel is available beginning at 3:00.
7:00 p.m. Kick -Off Dinner
I'd like to provide the opportunity for us to get together for dinner to
relax a little after your long day of travel and any coordination needed
for the next 2 days of conference activities. I'll handle the
reservations, location TBD.
Thursday May 13'h
9:00 a.m. Plenary Session
This is the general kick-off session and is held at the Del Oro Theater
(Grass Valley). We'll need to leave for Grass Valley at approximately
2:00 p.m. Regular Sessions/Mobile Workshops
The regular sessions begin at 2:00 and again at 3:45 and are held at
the Miners Foundry (Nevada City). The afternoon mobile workshop
begins at 2:00 and ends at 5:15.
Friday May 14'h
9:00 a.m. Regular Sessions/Mobile Workshops
The morning regular sessions begin at 9:00 and again at 10:45 and
are held at the Miners Foundry (Nevada City). The morning mobile
workshop begins at 9:00 and ends at 12:15.
2:00 p.m. Regular Sessions/Mobile Workshops
The afternoon regular sessions begin at 2:00 and again at 3:45 and
are held at the Miners Foundry (Nevada City). The afternoon mobile
workshop begins at 2:00 and ends at 5:15.
7:00 p.m. Wrap -Up Dinner
I'd again like to provide the opportunity for us to get together for
dinner, this time to recount and share our adventures over the past 2
days and relax a little before your long day of travel tomorrow. I'll
handle the reservations, location TBD.
Saturday May 15'h
11:00 a.m. Hotel Check -Out
Check-out time at the hotel is 1 1:00.
12:00 p.m. Drive to Airport
Drive to Sacramento Airport, the rental vehicle is to be turned in at the
2:30 p.m. Flight Home
The flight departs Sacramento Airport at 2:34 p.m. and arrives at LAX
at 3:56 p.m. You'll switch planes and leave LAX at 6:35 p.m. and
arrive at Palm Springs Airport at 7:23 p.m.
Mobile Workshops and Special Events
Due to limitations resulting from this year's travel requirements, participation in
mobile workshops and tours is limited to those available on Thursday and Friday.
Please keep in mind these events have additional costs associated with them,
consequently the City is limiting the number of these it will pay for to one mobile
workshop per Commissioner per day. Please also note, the City will not pay the
additional cost for any of the special events or receptions. Everyone is welcome to
sign-up for any of these other events they wish to attend but please keep in mind
you will need to pay for the cost of the events as well as any associated travel
costs. If you'd like to attend any of these, please let Carolyn know as soon as
possible and payment will need to be made prior to April 91h Alternatively, you
may also wait to sign up and pay for the events at the time of registration, when
we arrive, but please be aware some events may sell out.
We will be staying at the Northern Queen Inn in Nevada City within 5 minutes drive
of the Conference Headquarters at the Miners Foundry. The address and contact
information is as follows.
Northern Queen Inn
400 Railroad Avenue
Nevada City, CA 95959
Meals (food and non-alcoholic beverages only) are reimbursed up to $75 per day.
Mileage to and from the Palm Springs Airport and parking at the airport are also
reimbursable. Receipts are required for all reimbursements.
Please remember all receipts will need to be turned in to Carolyn Walker no later
than five days after your return from the Conference.
If you have any further questions about reimbursement, or payment, please contact
Carolyn Walker at 760-777-7118.