LLA 0531Vince Falco plication No, S 3 / i' Date Fi 1 ed ,_/ Z-/S~- 78 RIVERSIDE COUNTY ?CANNING DE?ARTMENT COUNTY ADXINISTRATiVc CENTER . 40E0 Lemon Street, 9th Floor 40-209 Oasis Street., Room 304 Riverside, California 92501 Indio, California 92201 APPLICATION F^~ ~ O~ ~ i ~!~= pp.:~,S ~ P''~FA!i Ordinance 460.2S Sel.ticn ', 8.1 ~.~~~ ~~~~~ ~ G~,r ~~ _ Applicant ~/~G~ ~.~t/.~'.'0 D,s~~ g~6, 37sy. ~Vdm@ ~Accress) •/ [ /~,aL~'I C/ljr: (cone' Owner A: OFSF.z% ssse_er '~~ 37,s~ li ame (dd'ress Phone /~~~3 S~.~..J.e.~ o~rl z~3- Owner B: Af' ii/JOlSoa i ~,yL'/,C" ~'~'/- ~i/~Q Name Actress e-~~none ~ PROPERTY DATA: Assessor's Parcel Num:,er(s) 77 ~f- / ~ ~ - ~~8, -&~ 1 Road Book Page Zoning 2 , Supv„ District ~" Located at S3-yY ~ ~-/e~yt ~~c~, Jya ~C z approximately feet I, i N E ~ 'd (circle one) or CQ~I,~-_ G'~~~loN Nearest cross street j Section 1 2 Township G S ,Range ~, 5.3.3.M. L.4 e~'w^.T.o~ mi`l' Zoning District/Area This application shall be accompanied by a copy o; tha map o? record or tune current Assessor's map p:;ga showing t'r,a involved p:.rcois :.^d dutineating the proposed lot line adjustment. A fee of X60.00 shall be subTittad with this application. I certify that I am/we are the record owner(s) or aathcrized agent and that the informa- tion filed is true and correct to the best of cy kr,adiedge. (Authorized agent roust possess letter from owner indicating authority to Sign ~x.~the owner's behalf.) Signed ~ ~~i~~~:ir=-~ Date ~Z 7 Signed Oate PLANNING OE?ARTXcNT USE GNLY Receipt No. _ This lot line adjustment is approved b4.SeC upon the following findings:, 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. Nc new parcels are created. 3. None of the parcels involved arc rad4ced below the development standards ,:,~~ „~~ ,,.,,,4ncc , currently applied by the L°^~ "°~ G'^"~^~ Nc. 3r~S. Ap'/i Kant i5 reQul red t0 reCOrd this adjus"H°,~Gt Yli~G tf,G ~eunty RBCerdcr'S_DffiC:~.~ RiV::rSi d;:, ------~~ r~--"~^''~- pate ;tevin ?^. ,Manning -Senior F'lann~° PJ 77-29 (6-;~-77)