LLA 0152- 'pt�I e ritcd _ RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DLPA2MENT COUNTY AD,1INISTRATIVE CENTER 11080 LE'^O;i STRLET, 91-11 FLOOR RIVERSIL'L, CA 92501 AMLI C LL r;i OL_LI �Ga,ti,S=1 �`-i1C Ordinance r,60.2(3 Section 18.1 Applicant J. L. Johnston 44-883 King St. Indio, CA 92201 (714) 347-0887 T 1 _ (,uuress) r—_(P tune O'aner A: William T. Scamahorn 3640 Westwood ];'.vcl. Palms, CA 90034 Address Phorte Omer E ? = c NItIres) Phone PROPERTY D..-.IA: Assessor's Parcel Number(s) Road Eook Zoning — 101 — Dig <1/ Supv. District 4th Located at Avenida Cortez _,approximately 0.150 feet �E S 4f (circle one) of Ca Nearest cross street� Section 12 Township 6S Range 6F S.B.(3.M. La Quinta Zoning District/-A,-ca- This application shall be accompanied by a copy of the nap of record or the current Assessor's map r_ :: showing the involved parcels and delineating the proposed lot line adjustment. A fee of $10.00 shall be submitted with this application. I certify th-at 1 am/tire are the record ornier(s) or aut�iorized agent and that the informa- tion filed is true and correct to the best of niy kno;rledge." (Authorized ag::nt must possess letter from o.mer indicating authority to sign i11 the orn beha ) Signed Owner Wi. liam T. Scamalwrn�` �- Siyne Date 7 —Ap"pl 'Tohnsto� n PLANNI ;G DEPARTINE(IT USE ONLY Receipt No. This lot line adjustment is approved based upon the following findings: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. No new parcels are crested. 3. Non of the parcels involved ai'.' 1),,low the dove opirent $t�?Ilu rCis eurro.-My applied by Lhe Land d;,2 (ii':;:.'.:,1Ce No. 31iC,. ,1i ., ,0; z3dVNP sr CS, PS ai h vS ( of vS •S S lT�E7 m a- o h'O070 Y 666r O'330 va p Y <v M v �; t� n bED m b p u ry ry N nd H ll�O7FI r lout 2 p 1 J ~--•' ZJl✓00 VO/N3A11 ---* — h I � I s r ; IS c- I J� f �t %�.7 n it O � ♦. V ;' V {� • �-�� � �`.♦�� � �� lei 0