LLA 1977 AD� to Fi 1 ed JUT_ ft 1977 t .OUNTY EMISSION Applicant. da,�e Owner A: Owner B: (f:—am a RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLAN^:TNG DEPARTMENT COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER 11080 LED ON STRE'ET, �7fl FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 PP �TI�P! FOR I �T i i, JUS Ordinance 460.28' Section 18.1 ress ress ress (Phony PROPERTY D_•,A: Assessor's Parcel lrr,u;;e Road Book Paga 1 a -3 Zoning a flo n n Supv. District Located at R� V approximately.- fee. N E S I•f (circle one) of U A Plearast cross st Section � Townshi P �, Range �. S.3.3.f•1. Zoning District/Area This application shall be accompanied by a ccpy of the map of record or the current Assessor's nap page shoeing the involved parcels and delineatiog the nro osed lot li;;,, adjustment. A fee of $10.00 shall ho sai�ted t�1ih t.ili api1ioaGian'. p T certi'y that I am/I•re are the record a;vmer(:;) or authorized agent and that the inrorma- tion filed is true and correct to the best. of my knowledge. (Authorized agent must Posse letter from owner indicating authority to sign in th- rner's behalf.) Signet Date Signed Date I PLANNING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Receipt No. _ s lot line adjustment is approved based upon the following findings: I. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. No new parcels are created. 3. None of the parcels involved ara reduced belol•r tine develop;:er.t standards currently applied by the Land L's ^+ L' Di dinarice No. J48. b> u11i7•i i 1-29 August 12, 1977 MM:5704D0 --111s.Audrey Owtrowsky u P.O. box 9673 Marina del Rey, CA 90290 Indio Administrative Center 46-209 Oasis Street, Room 304 Indio, California 92201 (714) 342-8277 Re: Lot line adjustment Dear Me. Ostrowsky: ( This is in response to your visit to our office on August 11, 1977 requesting us to cancel your application for s lot line adjustment on Assessor's Parcel INo. 774-032-016. 017, 018. It will be necessaryfor you: to write to our office making this request. When we receive your letter requesting the cancellation we can take the appropriate action. i Should you have any questions please let us know. � I IF Yours very truly, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTM UT A. E. Newcomb - Planning Director L� Kevin M. Nanning - Associate Planner gene: j d cc: Riverside office LOO ANGELLJ. AlIll CALIFO �'i, IA Op024 1; -11 XY AW)FIEy K Y I Aw, MANNA DLL FLY, CA, 1 2 20"'Go DE 11 2 2 C, 73 yea 2 o i� /5 B 5 o, CALLS __._ -- G;'OGrD,Er---+----- 1 C./ to h• C, v+t \tV��f 11g JJ�IU Ll P4':a1:IJ.t�Ull (:H 47141 56U. QG. CnuRONNm HJat90 I7ta& BGkt•.'i6a6 ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS will hand you upon signjpg these instructions, the sum of $675.00 and will further hand you the sum of $6,075.00 d will deliver to you any instruments whiCh this ""crow too""' 'A"' bu executed by mu, ell of which you i mu,u,t.d to me provided that on or before You hold a policy of title ufence with the usual tide company's exC.PtiOns, Issued by California Land Title in a lisullity in the amount of S 6,750.00 covering Lots 8, 9 and 10 in Block 179 Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta Unit No. 18 Per map recorded in book 1 Mary Mandcrscllcid E... ow Officer 848o1 Escrow Number July 27 19 Data Paid out„hu of li u:rnw Cash through Escrow 6, j50 r 00 Encumbrance, of record New Encumbrances 9 paga(0 31 Of maps in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside to of California showing Oda rafted in: County. Audrey Ostrowsky, a single woman Polly address. Vacant Lots All a lien not yet due �ppay,H�le EE FROM ENCUMBRANCES EXCEPT: (7) General and Spaiel wxas for mo fiscal year 1977/]8/. mNutling any spacial district levies or personal Property taxes, payments for which ore included to ore in and colloctad tharowith. (2) A,wsaments and Bonds, not delinquent, unpaid balance (3) Any eovenanu, Conditions, rssvlctidn,, rewrvations, rights, rights of way no ea samon to of record, or In dead 20 file, and any EXCEPTION of water, minerals, oil, gas, and kindred substances, on or undo, said land, now of record, or in dead tO file. 14) DEEO OF TRUST to (-cord In the amount of $ None Execution of loan documvnts shall be doomed approve& of the trims thereof. You -to To follow the Instructions of the lender through ;his escrow. (6) OEEO(S) OF TRUST now Of record, unpaid balance of principal approximutuly 6 None the terms of which era known to the Pertloe hereto. (6) PURCHASE MONEY DEED OF TRUST on your usual form, executed by THE VCSTCE securing Note for S None . In taro( of 0 None with Interest at per cant per ennum, from data endorsed. paycole None .IFORNIA, principal and Interest due and payable in installmonl, of $ at OR MORE, each on the None month, beginning of everyg None ' Request a written statement from Santa Carmelita Mutual Water Company ascertaining any unpaid bills and/or assessments levied against the herein described property. Charge seller and pay any unpaid liens, charges and assessmentsand transfer fee, if any, disclosed by statement obtained. Buyer hereby acknowledges having received and read Public Report as furnished by the California Department of�Real Estate, receipt for which has been deposited with the Seller as required by Section 2795 of regulation of California Real Estate Commission. "Escrow ,is„con8ingent1�u.pon buyer's approval of Preliminary Title Report within 14 days of receipt of same. In the event buyer fails to give escrow written disapproval after receipt of same the title report shall be deemed approved. m STATEMENTS indicating unpaid balance of principal and interest on Deed, of Trust now of record, and it snm- should show to be more or lee man the nt shown herein, or If actual amount of NEW ENCUMBRANCE proceed. to be deposited into this escrow aq more or less than amount shown hu,uin, Than is to adjust the not applicable r thars(s) are to be transferred 10 buyers. Bills and asse,ementa to be paid to close of escrow based on statement from water company. If shares are transferred. "allowing adjustments ONLY, required In this escrow: PRORATE taxes, bated on 1 76/77 tax bill 1,A)' s(,,�/�AUV'/t4/s/iI based on approved rant statement handed you, to: Close of escrow ,�/'s// t r d It any, are IO be reimbursed to the seller in en,h by the boyar . otherwise Provided herein and pay usual buyers escrow charges. Endorsed Intarua on not" as paitl to not applicable if note and Trust Ound t by E,row holder. 1CH PARTY SIGNING THESE INSTRUCTIONS IiIAS READ THE ADDITIONAL I_SCROW CON DIIIONS AND INSTRU("rIONS ON 1"II1: itEVEitsF A:IILRP;OF AND APPROVES, ACCEPTS AND AGREES To BE BOUND THEREBY AS THOUGH THE REVERSE SIDE IILRLOP AITFARED ILK THEIR SIGNATURES. ALL PARTIES SIGNING THESE INSTRUCTIONS H1iR EllY INUI VIDUALLY OR JOINTLY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT A COPY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, TIIESE INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT SUPERSEDE OR AMEND ANY PRIOR CONTRACTS Bl"MLEN THE RTIES HERETO. TIIE ONLY RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ESCROW TIOLDER 1S TO CARRY OUT THESE INSTR uc'TInNc 's Audrey Ostrowsky GUY'ar'g Signafurd //�trrifn. ass-P• 0. Box 9673, Mauna del Ray, Ca. 90251 Phon6 _ _ feuding terms, Provision,, conditions and InRNCtlorl,, and those On Gle revert" 110o bureof oro huroby approvod antl accepted in tnuir unliratY and Concur", no. I will hand you necessary documents cued for on my Par, to c.uw title to Lu "nuwn st'"va, which you are ou lhoriiad to dmivdr wnen you hold for my A the money end Instrument, deliverable to me undo' thu,u intl'uc:ion, within the time e, above Pruvivad. Pay your Ostrow eha,go,, my r.Co,dma rue,, i fat evidence Of ,Ili- as Called for whether o, not this escrow is CUmun',mulpd, axO,Pt for tho. the bo,., .yaad to pay. You at. muructed to pay bono.. n.M., 1..O, .nd any lien, of (.,Old t4 .how title as Galled foL Pay ilunal err tux a, HILL VISTA, a partnership By: BY: