LLA 1978 E,. ICJ II r.Jr ' . Date Filed RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER 080 LEMON STREET, 9 - FEB tit 197Q --• TI1 FLOORRIVERSILE, CA 92501 FNEP61u_ COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION �PPI iCArin�l FnR I (1T I TAIC ADJUSTMENT orkr oFPlce Ordinance 460.28 Section 18.1 Grant Hornbeak Applicant P.O. Box 9, La Quinta, Ca. 92253 564-4038 d Tess — Owner A: Owner B: ELKEE CORP. (P1-ioae ......... tAaaress) — Phone PROPERTY__ DITA: Assessor's Parcel Numbers) 617-431-nm thru 004 Road Book Page 121 Zoning R-i _ Supv. District 4ih Located at Avenida Montero N (D S approximately fee W (circle one) of Washington Street (Nearest cross street — Section 31 Township 5S , Range 7E S.B.B.M. La Quinta _ ng District/Area This application shall be accoapanied by a copy of the map of record or the current Assessor's map page showing the involved parcels and delineatipg the proposed lot line adjustment. A fez of $10.00 shall be submitted with this application. I certify that I amh'a are the record owner(s) or authorized agent and o:hat the informa- tion filed is true and correct to the best of my knowled (Autho�ry� led agent must posse letter from owner indicating authority to sign Wth , vner;,s,�ehpxt':7:7� Signed Grant Ho Signed Housley PLANNIING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY G Date Receipt No. _ This lot line adjustment is approved based upon the following findings: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. Ilo new parcels are created. 3. None of the parcels involved are reduced below the development standards currently applied by the Land Use Ordinance No. 348. b� 7l. E P,eticonb, Ylanair,g Ci: ector 4[PP/1 s YD 77-29 (6-13-77) J, J(41 <- ., 60 107 w,asu IN4To �t T: N OTEs Lois %nvolvr-� - 19, 20,21, 2Z o� , 41 1. 1. HAROLD HOUSLEY, BY: MTS CONSULTING ENGINEERS oaTe: 7.-iA•78 73-700 Highway 111, Suite 8 Palm Desert, CA 92260 714 346.3868 5`"4`6' t"� �0O , a''PR°x• ME5 z) Lo� ��v`es tvt 1.1ellow o be O�oa+�cionea . 3� � � r� e s � K b i u e. ale2. GL � � roX t vK.a.•%•G �o c1� +-� �,n..S OT pro�osec� lo� I��cs ct-ea�-�+� r�ew o s 4W, -U VA lok arGG is C.k'3t-�'I u=io Off 4MMENMU t. HAROLD HOUSLE Consulting Engineers 73-700 Highway 111 Suite PALM DESERT, CA 92260 (714) 346.3868 TO County of Riverside Planning Deplt. 46-209 Oasis Street, 3rd Floor Indio, California 92201 D..TE February 20, 1978 lot NO 7810-H Scott McClellan AF _ Lot Line Adjustment GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU C* Attached ❑ Under separate cover via __the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints 0 Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order pq Lot Line Adjustment Plan_ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 02-211-781 Lot Line Adjustment Plan Application 1 02-21-7_ 1430 Check in the Amount of $10,00 for Application Fee 3 02-14-73 Map showing Lots A,B,C & D THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: }U For approval N Approved as submitted ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted CI As requested Ll Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE — 19 ______ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US 'I'he enclosed information is being submitted to you for approval. REMARKS—------------------ ------ — - -- Please call if there are any questions regarding this matter. CI Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submitcopies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints COPY PLANNING COMMISSION SIGNED: Dc;:tRF OFFICE y FOkM 240-3 Ar 1I 18 I—I­11—W, MASS. 0141Al Ir BIILIObII/BB 51H IIOI BS OYICa� Illllllly 110(Ily IIS 3I O/I[C.