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LLA 1983-002
i r CITY OF LA QUINT* CASE INFORMATION Case No. L, L ,%4,,AApplication Received by 1'�'3 W Application,Checked by Applicant: Address: Owner:.���"`iv Phone: to ,.S/ 2/S>3 Address: Street city State Zip Code Representative: Sda,t G✓ Phone: T - Address: _ Street City State Zip Code 1. Subject: 2. Location: 3. Environmental Information E.A. No. fx nnp+ E.I.R.No. Notice of Declaration 4. Related Files: Fee Informati Filing Fee $ E.A. Fee Total 5 / Additional Fees $ Receipts for Fees: 5. Parcel Size/Acreage 1 2SoQlj aS 2 G c g. Circulation Element 6. General Plan Designation Lh. R 10, Housing Element 7. Zoning Z-) -t-H* 11. Council District 8. Surrounding Zoning-( 12. Assessor's 77Y-23 O,CS'G2� 13. Tentative Hearing Date A)/ 14. Agency Deadline Date /v //9 15. Plot Plan Checked - V2 S 16. Legal Descri� i/on 49h 4"Z, -4,2V i,�,. ark Z4A it 17. Tr a nSm-Itta'IS q-)I a nunry Fx "A" Nnti rP Hearin Information Date Action CC -EA PC G lr C Acencv Ex "A" Notice General Telephone I Road Departme t —T—____ Citv ofI- Cal Trans Countv Planning_ I Water Quality CVCWD Home Owners Parks Duilcino Deot. _ _-- Health Deot. i re _ ly Engineer—I -_--- -0. �ransr,J ttais sent by: Date: lg. Public Hearing Notice Date: Notice Flailed by: 20. P1otice Posted by: - Date: _ 21. Entered in: Counter Book: 77,?y Page 23Y Parcel /J-, 17__ BY 22. Applicant Notified of Action: Aoencies Notified: 23. File Closed: 24. r.dditional Pertinent Information: El 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 August 7, 1989 Mrs. Helen Murray 2470 North Beachwood Drive Hollywood, California 90068 SUBJECT: APN 774-234-015, 027 Dear Mrs. Murray: Per our discussion the other day, you may reconfigure your parcel boundaries so that the house and pool are on one :Lot and the studio/residence on the other. You will not be required to enlarge the studio to the 1,200-square-foot requirement of the SR zone. This interpretation is based upon the current SR Zoning Chapter Standards adopted in 1986. However, individual utility services must be provided to each unit. Also, the minimum setback standards must be provided as part of the new lot configuration. I would remind you that once you adjust the lot lines, the property cannot be re -subdivided unless each lot meets the minimum lot size requirements in effect at that time. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, )Jerr rman Planning and Development Director JH/mr MR/LTRJH.104 -1- MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Ll L� S¢OCA t00 0 SI <F3 ,F ^�O 78-105 CALLE ESTADC June 14, 1983 Mrs. Helen Nnrrray 2470 N. BeacIraood Drive Hollywood, CA 90068 RE: lot Line Adjustment No.: LA QUINTA, CAUFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 83-002 Location: 54-273 Avenida Rubio La Quinta, CA 92253 Assessor's Parcel No.: 774-234-015, 027 TThis letter is to report approval of your application for a lot Line Adjcs-�:,"nt pursuant to Section 18.1 of the '•lanic_-pal Land Division Ordinance No. 460 s.:'sjcct to ccxmpliance with Exhibit "A". This Lot Line Adjustment is approved kDased upon the following findings: Tne adjustment involves adjacent parcel; no now D rcels are created; none of tine parcels involved are reduced bela,, the QevelopjTent st.anjards curiently apD1ied by the Land Use Ordinance No. 348. This approval is your authorization to have new deeds recorded reflecting this Lot Line Adjustment. These deeds should indicate that a lot Line :ojust,ont has been approved. EnClased, for your files, is a copy of the appro�red Eahihit . Very tr,,lly yours, Ca•i--v,TN 'I^_" DE\=Pn="P DL`P[i21e•2INT l - -f - S ra L.-5o:�= S1 : c<m A UN G A5JRFSR - P D- E07: 1551 - LA OTNTA, CAUFUN A RM3 6 CITY OF LA QUINTA Department of Community Development 78-105 Calls Estado La Quints, CA 92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJDSfMENT Applicant Instructions Case No. 83-0e_)Z Date Received, KZ_ A request for a Lot Line Adjustment may be approved only if the following findings are made: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. No additional parcels are created. 3. None of the parcels involved are reduced below the minimum development standards. The completed and notarized Application shall be submitted with three (3) copies of the map of record or the current assessor's map page showing the involved parcels and delineating the proposed lot line adjustment. All exhibits of the proposed lot line adjustment shall indicate the angle and the distance of each newly adjusted line. A fee of $ l2,S "_ shall be submitted with this Application. The Director of Community Development will review the Application, make a recommen- dation and schedule the case for City Council consideration. The Applicant should be present at the City Council hearing. APPLTPA NT• Name: Addres PROPERTY OWNERS: Owner 'A' Name: +4dMa- M (, AAC_.(A,- Address: a4 _�0 /U . 50CC A J� -f-L Qt , C r - City Staate Zip Owner 'B' Name: n AA 0-IL [A Address: ^ A11 Q City State Zip PROPERTY DATA: Lot A: Assessor's Parcel Number: -7Z `{ -,;C5 - Street Address: J �Z I ?) i Q Lot B: Assessor's Parcel Number: -7 7 D-3 q Street Address: Phone: (�03) `/ b%- 906S Phone: ���3� y�7 `f-O6� Phone: _ ' — Y'© 8I _ " f7i'LICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSMITE, City of La Quinta Adjustment Requested: A k-rvu i3. d I -to ak_ C Q J4 `1 v Reason for Request: f dj_ _ AUTHORIZATION: I (we) certify that I am (we are) the record owner (a) of said parcels and that the information filed is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge. 6 Owner Name Date A Owner _S 3 e- 3 Name Date Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 14 ,w.4 •.� OFFICIAL SEAL BECKY K. KOCHELL 3h day Of P NOT PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN w ., /./�iT/////. RIVERSIDE COUNTY "ECKP k KOCHELL' -t ':�..x•a^t,_�_.+_w.wwY'. a.ru� ', POR, M.112 SEC. l3 r 6'S. R. 6E AM7 rn; jF) EXHIBIT -20 CASE NO. ------ MAD / �.) 5 24 ) h / (�� o he 24� - _. _— , o c _ n 5 n ] o boa .-:!•.� -^/ _� Nkv- --5 5 , 4 2/ 4 1 -- b3 - -- - - N�--- — u,� .5 J 20 �, `_'i CJ 5 20 ,i�/ J _5 ' m �� lm—D.,i, 2 •i 6' 19 ��� i-�g 6 l9 (De 6SR'99 /7 /7 6 �hh i✓� /6 (9� 9 /6 f4' Y7r �1 T` 14 ,/ C� // 14 24 ©a !3 f 2 23 O rl (D4- �vs� 2210 Q, ) 3 2/U v4 200 5 h 5-*- 5 9 �[ /9 !� Sy 3 95 !$ 66 �' 235 O h ' `O o0 5 �/B rr 17O°J_�i�"'f u 1� j 2a B l6 qo�1) 9 h rv- IYW/i 0lv h 14 of Ta' 3e ti \ F.. 2 E T..,. qr. EXHIBIT CASE NO. L� �'3 h%l --I% 7_1- 01 ISy-3 30 3 S /.415 v � sv- 4'7s-. MORGAN PANY N0 5527 7 2472 NORTH BEACHWOOD DRIVE (213) 466-9757 HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90068 PAY TO THE ORDER OF HOLLYWOODOFFICE / " V FORJ[12 ET BLVD., IHOLLY COD, CA 90028 - 11100 5527112 I: 12 200021, 71:0626 01032F. �( 11_24/427 1210(8) _J $