1983 12 09 TSC Minutes CITY OF LA QUINTA December 9, 1983 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 3:30 F'.M. Members Present: John Bund, Larry Allen, George Conroy and Doug Brown. Members Absent: John Burns, Warren Stallard, A. R. Cablay, Martin Beck and Sandy Bonner. 3:40 P.M. - Chairman Bund called meeting to order. Discussion on traffic signal at Eisenhower and Washington which was recently approved for installation by the City Council. I.T.S. study will be delayed until later this month. City maps are on order - unknown delivery date. Unknown as to status of a full-time city engineer. Discussion on fatal T.C. and after effects. Mitigating measures were also discussed including the recent increased traffic enforcement in that vicinity and plans for abandonment: of that portion of the channel as a part of the redevelopment project. Further discussion on the east-west through street concept. Yield signs and sight visibility were again discussed. It was suggested that "stop signs" be put along Desert Club Drive from Calle Tampico to Calie Estado and "yield signs" from Calle Cadiz to Avenue 52 (future). Discussion on Avenue 52 alignment and Bermudas area, re: potential traffic problems. Complaints from citizens reviewed. Montezuma at Eisenhower (crosswalks) and Avenida Bermudas at the Post Office (U-turns). Discussion on traffic enforcement and use of radar. Discussion on traffic problems for the Bob Hope Desert Classic. Meeting with B.H.D.C. staff suggested. Chairman Bund will attempt to contact John Burns, re: his membership in the T.S.C. Meeting adjourned at 4:50 hours. Respectfully submitted, Douglas A. Brown Secretary DAB/tb