1984 02 09 TSC Minutes 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564.2246 LA QUINTA TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES February 9, 1984 4:00 PM La Quinta City Hall Members Present: Chairman Bund (arrived at 4:35PM), Larry Allen, Sandy Bonner, Martin Beck, John Jameson, Al Cablay, Lt. Lewis, and Doug Brown Members Absent: Warren Stallard The meeting was called to order by Martin Beck a.t 4:08 PM. The new appointee to the committee, John Jameson, was welcomed to the group. John replaces John Burns as a citizen representative on the committee. Two items of correspondence were circulated to t:he members of the committee. Item 1 was a letter from Marie Reading regarding a traffic problem on Washington St. near the Shangra-La area. Item 2 was an article from today's (2-9-84) Daily News paper indicating that traffic accidents in La Quinta had increased 132%. Discussion was held first on Mrs. Reading's letter. It was decided unanamously that both of Mrs. Reading's ideas for installing traffic signals and/or stop signs at Washington and Highland Palms (or Singing Palms) was not warranted. Several alternative ideas were discussed. It was agreed upon that the entire length of Washington from Highway 111 to Eisenhower is in a state of flux due to new development in that area. It was recommended that turn pockets for both Highland Palms and Singing Palms be installed as improve- ments are done to that area. Discussion followed on the newspaper article. Mr. Brown explained how the article came about and that the statistics were gleaned from incomplete and inaccurate data. This info was passed on to the reporter but it was omitted from the story It was unanamously agreed to prepare a press release to set the record straight and to hand-carry it to the Daily News. (This was done on 2-10-84 @ 10:30 AM and the matter explained to Managing Editor Keith Carter.) The Daily News indicated that they will print a correction. Upon the arrival of Chairman Bund at 4:35 PM, acting Chairman Beck turned the meeting over to Mr. Bund. continued MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 TRAFFIC SAFETY MEETING, cont. PAGE 2 2-9-84 Additional correspondence was discussed and it regarded the letter from Mr. Rupert Yessayian dated 1-27-84. Mr. Yessayian indicated in his letter that a "serious" traffic hazard existed at the intersection of Avenida Navarro and Avenida Monteztuna. The reply to Mr. Yessayian's letter by Community Safety Coordinator Brown was also read to the committee. Extensive discussion followed in regards to traffic circulation and problems around the La Quinta park area. It was discussed that the City Council had mandated a "solution" be presented to that body by their next meeting on February 21,1984 by the Community Safety Coordinator. Based on Mr. Brown's response to Mr. Yessayian's letter regarding the same problem area - there is no real problem. Mr. Brown then indicated that there were some ways to modify traffic patterns around the park area that would serve to eliminate the five-way intersections at Montezuma and Navarro and Montezuma and Eisenhower. The recommendation was made that Montezuma, on the south side of the park, be cul-de-saced at both ends where it intersects with Navarro and at Eisenhower. This would limit access to off of Mendoza. Montezuma. north of the park, would be a through street then from Eisenhower to Bermudas, as it currently exists. Much more discussion resulted regarding this matter. The group decided that an engineer should be consulted prior to any action on this matter. This would take more than two weeks to come up with a solution for the City Council. It was decided that the Community Safety Coordi- nator should recommend to the council that it is the opinion of the Traffic Safety Committee, a body whose purpose it is to study such matters, that an extension of time be granted pending further study of this matter. Mr. Beck recommended that the committee spend sut~stantial time reviewing the recommendations made in the ITS traffic study. Discussion came up as to changing the meetings f:r~om twice a month to a single meeting each month. It was moved, seconder and carried that the meetings of this committee be changed to just the second Thursday of each month. In turn, t:he meetings will begin at 3:00 PM to allow sufficient t_Lme to deal with issues. The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM. Respectfully submitted, Douglas Brown, Secretary