1984 03 08 TSC MinutesII';»+i
March 8, 1984
Members Present
Members Absent:
Vf'i t�
3:00 P.M.
La Quinta City Hall
Martin Beck, Larry Allen, Lt. Lewis, John Jameson and
Doug Brown
A. R. Cablay, Chairman Bund, Sandy Bonner, Warren
Guests: Riverside County Sheriff's Deputy Stan Sniff, and Dr. Dyer
Meeting called to Order at 3:10 P.M.
Discussion by Acting Chairman Beck regarding various problems.
Secretary Brawn handed out several items of interest:
1) A reply letter to Mfrs. Reading
2) Updated committee membership roster
3) 1984 Schedule of meetings
4) Traffic Safety Committee report to the City Council. Brown
discussed these reports.
The question was asked if the Traffic Safety Committee would be invited to
the 3-15-84 adjourned City Council session? Larry Allen responded "No."
Discussion followed on the need for a joint meeting with the City Council
and Traffic Safety Committee.
Beck asked if it would be appropriate to discuss Councilmember Wolff's
report and it was decided not to.
Riverside County Sheriff Deputy Stan Sniff, Jr. made a presentation
to the committee regarding the traffic enforcement as it relates to
La Quinta.
Discussion on setting priorities and time limits to implement them.
There is a definite need to coordinate goals and objectives with resources
(i.e. funding, staff time, outside providers, etc.)
The following priorities were established to be completed,prior to the
next meeting if possible, of this committee:
1. Meeting with R.C.S.O. and staff to study where our problems really
L.Q.T.S.C. Minutes
March 8, 1984
Page 2
2. Prepare a draft of tentative costs for implementation of the
priorities established by the conrtittee.
3. Explore before 4-1-84 the Office of Traffic Safety grant program
and submit a request for funding (if time allows).
Secretary Brown related to the ccn¢nittee that the biggest problem in
meeting objectives was the lack of city staff. The traffic safety
cannittee enconpasses but one small fraction of the duties of
Conuunity Safety Coordinator. Suggestion was made by Beck and Allen
to solicit volunteer support to aid Brawn in his efforts.
Discussion by Deputy Sniff regarding radar gun. Brown to meet with
R.C.S.O. regarding this matter.
Discussion on cove traffic patterns (traffic flow, stop signs, yield
signs, etc.)
Progress report from Larry Allen on the installation of traffic signals
at Washington and Eisenhower. Tinting of a "timed" signal will be very
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Douglas Brown,
Traffic Safety Committee
Special Report
t® the
City Council
To The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council:
The following report is an eight month status report of the
La Quinta Traffic Safety Corrattee. The purpose of this report
should be to inform you of progress made by the Traffic Safety
Comnittee. Combined with this report will be a comprehensive
study and evaluation of the traffic safety programs for La Quinta
su}anitted by the Comumunity Safety Coordinator who also serves as
a member of the Traffic: Safety Committee.
The La Quinta Traffic Safety Committee was formed in June
of 1983. It is comprised of representatives from city staff,
contract service agencies, a City Council member, and four La
Quinta citizens. Initially the committee met twice a month but
that was recently changed to just once a month. The purpose of
the committee was to study traffic problems in La Quinta and to
make recommendations on correcting those problems to the City
Council. Being a new city, and being a new committee made tdiis
no easy task.
To begin with the committee selected Mr. John Bund as the
Chairman for the group. The first meeting centered around the
protocol for the committee and goals and objectives. It became
apparent that the comnittee, a group of dedicated and hard driving
individuals, wanted to do something about everything right away.
Although that is a worthy motive it is an overwhelming task and
certainly not a practical one from a logical, legal, economical,
and resourceful point of view.
Since all the committee members were more or less "new" to
this sort of committee, it became paramount to get the committee's
feet on the ground. To do this we solicited expert advise fran
the Automobile C1ab of Southern California. Traffic engineers from -
the ACSC came to our meetings and conducted training for the members
at no charge to the city. Three such sessions were held. Little by
little the committee members became more familiar with the jargon of
traffic engineering and the reasons "why" some things should be done
and why some things should not be done. The responsibility faced by
all members of the committee became apparent.
As the committee ventured into problems brought to its attention
either by citizens or staff the committee became faced with several
"Catch 22" problems, some of �%nich are only now being resolved. The
use of properly scaled maps was needed, the services of a traffic
engineer, specialized tools and equipment, etc. were all needed by
the committee in order to function properly. This stalemated many
projects and created a growing frustration airongst committee members.
None -the -less, the coiunittee carried on through the heat of the
summer learning, studying, observing, and planning. Due to a lack of
city staff with traffic engineering expertise, the committee saw fit
to use the Institute of Transportation Studies to conduct a traffic
study of the city. Tnis took time to get scheduled as ITS cues such
studies at no cost to cities.
ITS finally studied La Quinta in late October of 1983. We
were the first city in the State of California with a popu:La.tion
of under 10,000 persons to get so surveyed. The results of the
ITS survey were not available until late November 1983. Even then,
the City Council received the first and original copies of the report
delaying access to the report by members of the Traffic Safety Commit-
tee until mid -December 1983. The ITS study was not all encxmpasi.ng
but it did do a great job of confirming some early opinions and ideas
of the Traffic Safety Committee members. The ITS report dealt with
two aspects: enforcement and engineering.
As a result of the ITS study the Riverside County Sheriff's
Department is presently undergoing substantial training and changes
to improve its ability to provide top-notch traffic enforcement.
One recent adoption was that of assigning personnel "full-time" to
given "beats" (ie. La Quinta). With the addition of the traffic
unit to La Quinta last October we have seen monthly increases in the
number of traffic citations issued of roughly 6000.
Since the city of. La Quinta has no public works department of
its own, mach of the on -site improvements to correct, modify, or
eliminate traffic hazards had to be routed through the Riverside
County Road Department-. This necessitates a fair share of "red tape"
for most non -urgent projects. Several minor projects were completed
through the use of the RCRD but at a high rate.
Tne Traffic Safety Ccncnittee depends heavily on support from
anciliiary services. The ultimate success of this committee also
depends heavily on support from yourselves, the City Council. We
have yet to see another City Council member other than Larry Allen
attend any of the Traffic Safety Cammittee meetings.
It is no secret. There are a magnitude of traffic problems in
La Quints. The cormittee knows this very well. In this report we
will offer up solutions, based on our training and knowledge, of
ways to handle these problems. That is the purpose of this committee.
You, as the City Council, will make the final decisions regarding the
problems. We know only too well the frustrations of the people of La
Quinta to want something done immediately. I am sure the City Council
often feels the same way. The Traffic Safety COP.Fmittee is a learning
process in patience. But patience is a virtue desired by many yet
possessed by few. We encourage you to be patient with our committee
and to work with us on common goals for the betterment of all the
citizens and persons driving the roads of La Quinta. Thank you.
John Bund, Chairman
La Quinta Traffic Safety Corti ttee
SOth - Between Jefferson Street avid Eisenhower Drive
This ledway is currently an unped, prima facie
55 mph speed zone. Speed survey shows this should
remain in force. Undeveloped adjacent property,
good visibility, and no reported accidents on Ave.
50th further support this recommendation.
(2) West of Washington St. • Restripe worn -off centerline
• AVENUE 52nd - Between Jefferson Street and Avenida Bermudas
(1) This road is currently an unposted prima
facie 55 mph speed zone. Speed survey shows this
should remain in force. Undeveloped adjacent
property, good visibility, and only one reported
accident on Ave. 52nd further support this
(2) At Avenida Bermudas s Visibility should be improved
for westbound vehicles stopped at the intersection
by clearing foliage north of the intersection.
o AVENIDA MONTEZUMA - between Avenida Obregon and Eisenhower Dr.
(1) This portion of Avenida Montezuma does not qualify
as a prima facie Residence District. Low traffic
volumes preclude development of a uniform inter-
mediate speed zone. The roadway should remain un-
posted at this time.
(21 At Eisenhower Drive ® Two broadside -type accidents
in the past year at this intersection suggest that
availahle sight distance may need inadequate. A
review of each intersection approach may reveal
£oilage, parked vehicles, or roadway geometries
that obstruct a clear view.
• AVENIDA OBREGON - Between Calle Tecate and Calle Tampico
(1) Between Calle Tecate and Avenida Montezuma
o Entire length qualifies as a prima facie Residence
District. The 25 mph speed zone currently posted
from Avenida Montezuma to Calle Monterey may be
extended south to Calle Tecate.
(2) N. of Avenida Montezuma
o This short, low volume, non-thru segment may remain
e A barricade and Type N (9-unit yellow reflector)
markers should be installed at the end of the road
to prevent motorists' driving into a dangerous
(1) Thisad qualifies as a prima W:ie Residence
Distr t and may remain an unposted 25 mph speed
s CALLE TAMPICO - Between Washington Street and Avenida Carranza
(1) Between Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive
o Post 50 mph per speed survey
40 Restripe centerline thru "S" curve near Avenida
(2) W. of Eisenhower Drive
o This short, low volume, non-thru segment may remain
o A barricade and Type N (9-unit yellow reflect r)
markers should be installed at the end of the road
to prevent motorists' driving into a danaerois
*-EISENHOWER DRIVE - Between Avenida Bermudas and Washington St.
(1) S of Calle Colima o Posted 45 mph speed zone is appro-
priate per speed survey.
(2) Between Calle Colima and Calle Tampico
• Post 50 mph per speed survey
o Because of high speeds on Eisenhower Drive and many
"near -miss" accidents, advance intersection warning
signs (W-9) at Avenida Montezuma (FNBT)and Calle
Tampico (FSBT)- Should be posted.
(3) N of Calle Tampico o Post 50 mph per speed survey
Note: Although the sampled critical speed is 55 mph, posting
50 mph is reconanended to maintain a uniform speed zone
on Eisenhower Drive. Stricter enforcement of the 55
mph maximum speed limit may be desirable on this segment.
a JEFFERSON STREET - Between the South City limits and 48th Avenue
(1) This road is currently an unposted prima facie 55 mph
speed zone. Speed survey shows this should remain in
force. Undeveloped adjacent property, good visibility,
and no reported accidents on Jefferson Street further
support this recommendation.
• WASHINGTON STREET - Between Avenue 52nd and SR ill
(1) At Avenue 52nd • Install barricade FSBT in front of
Type N markers. This will better delineate the road's
end and reduce the chance that errant vehicles will
crash into existing signs and 'trees.
(2). Between Avenue 52nd and Eisenhower Drive
• This portion of Washington Street is currently un-
posted, prima facie 55 mph speed zone. Speed survey
shows this should remain in force. Undeveloped adja-
cent property; good visibility, and no speed -related
accidents in 12 months support this recommendation.
(3) At Eisenhower Drive • Two nighttime accidents at this
intersection in the past 12 months demonstrate the
need for roadway safety lighting in La Quinta,
particularly at major intersections.
(4) N of Eisenhower Drive • Speed survey shows that the
posted 45 mph speed zone is unjustified. This seg-
ment should also be allowed to operate at 95 mph
(State maximum). Periodic reviews of speeds and
accident trends on this section of Washington Street
should be made as development occurs.
(5) Heavy traffic volumes and speeds justify widening
Washington Street to 4 lanes. This would more
safely channelize traffic, provide for acceleration/
deceleration of turning vehicles, and reduce driver
B. Reccnrnend adoption of the following recommendations from
the Institute of Transportation Studies Traffic Safety
Evaluation Report:
1.- The Riverside County Sheriff's Department should assion
Deputies on a Permanent Basis to the City of La (pinta.
• On a voluntary basis Deputies should be assigned on a
permanent status to the City of La Quinta.
• The tenure of assignment should be told to each Deputy;
either assigning a Deputy on a semi-annual or annua
• In selecting a Deputy for a permanent assignment to a
contract city, the Department should Zook at the Deputy's
performance, including his record- in traffic enforcement.
Responsible Agency: Sheriff Department
Status: Completed
2.- The city of La Quinta should, when funds are available, purchase
and maintain their own radar unit.
• This radar unit mould only be used by Deputies assigned to
the City of La Quinta.
• The radar unit could be kept at the City Administration
Building and picked up by the Deputies.
• Besides using this radar unit as an enforcement tool, it
also can be used by the City Traffic Safety Coordinator
for speed surveys.
• The cost mould not be that exvensive to the City, keeping
in mind the financial benefit from the citations mritien by
the radar unit.
Responsible Agency: City staff
Status: Pending Further Research
3.- As time and budget permit, the Indio Sheriff's Office should
continue to provide specialized traffic related training.
Speci_ficaZZy, for the City of La Quinta, all Deoui;ies assigned
shouZd have the basic 40-hour Accident Investiaati:on course
as outlined in 40600VC.
• The Department should prioritize the available training courses
in the area of traffic related training. These courses may
include as stated:
Advanced Accident Investigation class
Sveed From Skid course
Alcohol Druc vecocnition course
Commercial' Enforcement
.Radar Training
Traffic Management Course
s EnroZZ a Supervisor in a basic traffic engineering course to
understand the basic engineering problems confronted in any
small contract city.
Responsible Agency: Sheriff Department
Status: Pending Further Research
4.- Establish quantifiable traffic related goals.
The City of La Quinta and the Sheriff's Department working
in conjunction should develop quantifiable traffic related
goals. They should be directed in the area of reduction or
total accidents, increased enforcement contacts, increased
number of drinking driver arrests, and an increase in the
public's awareness of the traffic safety programs.
A reporting process developed by the Sheriff's Department
to provide the City with the necessary feedback on coal
accompZishments or Zack thereof. These quantifiable traffic
related goals should be reviewed quarterly and the Sheriff's
Department should provide the City Manager with an annual
report on the goal accomplishments.
• The City and the Department should keep in mind that these
quantifiable traffic related goals are not set in concrete,
and they can be adjusted as resources and manpower needs
Responsible Agency: Sheriff Dept. and City staff
Status: Pending Further Research
5.- The Department should seriously consider gathering and
categorizing the enforcement data by type of violation and
not solely by hazardous and non -hazardous.
• This type of information can be easily gathered if the
Department either changed the Officer's Daily log or include
special computerized codings for the citations issued.
Responsible Agency: Sheriff Dent.
Status: Currently being researched.
6.- Develop a new monthly report format that como_ares_ enforcement
with accidents.
The Department should seriously consider developing a new
report format for enforcement statistics. The format should
compare the percentage of the various accident -causing factors
with the type of citations being issued.
This report format should be routinely reported to the
contracting city for their purview.
Responsible Agency: Sheriff Dept.
Status: Currently being researched.
7.- Distribute high accident locations and primary collision
actor data.
• On a quarterly basis distribute .the leading primary collision
factors to all Deputies working the City limits of La Quinta.
• This data should be limited to the leading 5 or 6 primary
collision factors. A similar distribution should be made
relative to high accident locations.
• Since the City does not have a Traffic Engineer, this i,nformatic
needs to be developed by the Sheriff's Department.
Responsible Agency: County Sheriff Dept.
Status: Pending Further Research
8.- Consider shift start time for traffic units assigned to the
• The Department should seriously consider deploying a Traffic
Deputy berween the hours of Z2:00 to 18:00 hours, Tuesday
through Saturday. This was identified as 'nigh accident times
and 'nigh accident days.
• Both the City of La Quinta should monitor the 5WITRS Report
and the local statistics to ensure on a quarterly basis that
the accident trends and pictures have not changed. If the
pattern has changed then the Department should redeploy their
personnel to meeet these needs.
• Again, when dealing with such small accident statistics, the
Sheriff's Department can be very innovative in their deploy-
ment approach in a specific accident causing problem.
Responsible Agency: County Sheriff Dept.
Status : Completed
9.- Total enforcement contacts both hazardous and noon -hazardous
citations shoul be increased by the Deputies.
♦ The Department Managers should place an increased emphasis on
total enforcement contacts, especially in the area of hazardous
♦ A Deputy per shift should issue at least one hazardous moving
♦ If a Deputy is working specifically as a Traffic Unit it is notl
unreasonable for him to issue anywhere between 5 to 6 hazardous
moving citations per shift.
• Increased traffic enforcement should be emphasized by the
Department's Managers and incorporated into the Deputies annual
Responsible Agency: County Sheriff Dept.
Status: Currently being researched.
ZO.-The City Ma
on private
should review the
ty accidents.
artment's unwritten poli
e The Evaluator sees no usefuZ.purpose in documenting private
property accidents, if they do not fall in the categories
of a fatality, injury, or hit-and-run accident with investi-
gative leads.
Responsible Agency: City staff
Status: To be done.
ll.- The City of La Quinta, s
should implement andmai
i£ically the Safe
in an accident pi
• The 5 or 6 major accident causing vaolations for the City should
be Listed in a specific color scheme giver, to each violation.
A specific color should then be utilized to denote all other
• This accident pin map should be kept on a caZendar year and
before being removed the map should be photographed for future
Responsible Agency: Citv staff,
Status: Ac:aiting Resources
12.- The Riverside Countv Sheriff's
t should send a cooy'of
afety Coordinator.
• Not only is this needed to maintain an accident pin map, but
as discussed in the Traffic Engineering Report, it is also
needed for an accident file.
Responsible Agency: City staff
Status: Being done
13.- The Riverside
DUI arrest Toc
t should implement a
• The information in the log should include location: day of week;
time of day; and blood alcohol level.
• The Department's Managers should utilize this tog in reviewinc
blood alcohol levels to determine the effectiveness of their
DUI Program and training needs.
Responsible Agency: County Sheriff Dept.
Status: Currently being researched.
14 — Obtain the following basic traffic engineering references:
• 1. Transportation & Traffic Engineering Handbook,
Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1982 Edition.
2. Manual of Traffic Engineering Studies, Institute
of Transportation Engineers, 4th Edition, Z976.
3. Uniform Manual of Traffic Control Devices,
U.S. Government Printing office, Z978.
4. A Policy on Geometric Design of Urban Highways,
AASTO, 9Z7 National Press Building, Washington. D.C. 20004
5. Planning & Design Criteria for Bikeways in CaZifornia,
June 30, Z978, CaZtrans.
6. Traffic Manual, Z977, updated to present, Caltrans.
Responsible Agency: City staff
Status: Being done
15• Develop an Accident Location File.
• Set up the accident location file so that the actual
accident report can be filed and retained for a three
year period.
• File all accidents that are intersection-reZated in the
intersection file.
• Establish separate sections of the Location file for
midblock accidents.
• Be sure that the Sheriff's Department sends copies of
all accidents occuring in La Quinta for this file.
The use of the CAP short form accident report mould
be most advantageous.
Responsible Agency: City staff
Status: In Planning stages
16•— Develop an accident spot map based on primary collision factors.
e The map should be constructed using a portable backing and the
Last year's map should not be dismantled until the current
year has been completely constructed.
Responsible Agency: City staff
Status: Awaiting Resources
17.- Develop a limited traffic counting oroaram.
• Develop a Limited traffic counting program, coupled with the
traffic counts made by developers through the EnvironmentcZ
Impact Studies, and assemble the'traffic counts in the position.
of Riverside. Approximately every two years construct a
traffic volume map of the City.
Responsible Agency: City staff
Status: Awaiting Resources
18•- Improve traffic control and safety in the Cove are
• Install YIELD signs at all the uncontrolled intersections
in the Cove area, except on the perimeter inhere a STOP sign
should be used.
• Develop an on -going, agressive program of keeping clear of
obstructions on the right-of-way at intersections in the Cove.
• Develop as good a site distance ordinance as possible. However,
because of past Zack of adeouate set -back, small odds, and Iona
standing obstructions on private property, an ordinance pro-
viding for site distance will not really be effective nor will
enforcement be completely possible.
Responsible Agency: City staff
Status: Currently being done, and awaiting resources for expansion.
19.- ImDrove the Traffic Signing P rogram.
o Use the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the CaZtrans
Manual to make certain that you are using the proper sign in
the proper place, at the proper distance.
• Develop an annual night inspection program to determine if your
STOP signs and warning sians are in place, are reflecting light,
and can be seen and not hidden by vegetation.
• Date all signs equipped with refZective sheeting when they are
installed, either using an indelible felt pen or metal dyes.
The indication could be LQ-11-83. This will identify the sign
as the property of the city and will help the City develop a
replacement program.
Responsible Agency: City staff
Status: Being Done.
C. A recent meeting was conducted with Mr. Rich McCoy, acting
City Engineer, to discuss engineering items relating to
traffic safety and similar problems.
(See Page 5, "Engineering" of this report.)
D. Traffic Signals: Plans are already underway for a
traffic signal for the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and
Washington St. We recommend the City Council to proceed
on this project.
E. Street Name Signs: We reconviend the installation of traffic
control signage at ALL intersections in La Quinta. Such
signage (Stop or Yield) should be installed on a steel post
sunk in concrete. Space should be left above the sign for
the installation of new street name signs. The design of
those street name signs (lettering style, color scheme,
etc.) is still undecided. It is desireable to follow the
recommendations in the A.C.S.C. publication "Street Name
Signing". It is the opinion of both engineering surveys,
city staff, and the Traffic Safety Committee to eliminate
the old "monument style" street signs. The old monuments
should be removed to increase visibility and to prevent
confusion with the new signs.
F. Striping- and Legend Repainting: A service request has
been prepared instructing the Riverside County Road Dept.
to re -stripe all roads in the city and to re -paint all
traffic legends (Stop, 45, etc.). This will cost more
than having a private firm do the work. However, time
does not allow staff to do the research work needed to
prepare a contract bid for such work in a timely manner.
The City staff has also obtained used, surplus legend
stencils from the City of Palm Desert with which to allow
our Maintenance Worker to do this work in the future.
We recommend the Citv Council approve this project.
G. Street Lighting at Intersections: It is recomiended that a
high priority be assigned to high -volume intersections
receiving street lights. These intersections would include:
Eisenhower at Calle Durango
Eisenhower at Avenida Montezuma
Eisenhower at Calle Tampico
Eisenhower at Avenue 50
* Eisenhower at Washington
Washington at Avenue 52
Washington at Calle Tampico
Washington at Avenue 50
Avenida Bermudas at Avenue 52/Calle Durango
Avenida Bermudas at Calle Estado (Post Office)
Avenida Bermudas at Calle Tampico
Washington at Miles Avenue
Washington at Avenue 44 (Fred Waring Drive)
Miles Avenue at Dune Palms Road
*Street lighting to be included with signal
- /9-
Jefferson at Avenue 44 (Fred Waring Drive)
Jefferson at Miles Avenue
Jefferson at Avenue 50
Jefferson at Avenue 52
A. Education and Training: It is recommended that all City
Council members receive specialized training in basic
traffic engineering and traffic warrants. This training
could be provided at no cost by the A.C.S.C. It is
further recommended that the City Attorney conduct training
on tort liability to the City Council regarding case law
on traffic safety matters.
I. Traffic Warrants: It is reconmended that the City Council
adopt by resolution the traffic warrants set forth in the
latest addition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices and the California State Traffic Manual.
J. General Plan - Traffic Element: It is recommended that the
new Planning Director include the Traffic Safety Committee
as an advisory panel in the drafting of the Traffic Element of
the La Quinta General Plan.
K. Conminications: It is recommended that each representative
of the Traffic Safety Committee from public agencies,
including the City Council representative, make monthly
reports back to the respective agency or body, verbally or
in writing, to allow the prompt dissemination of information
relative to Traffic Safety Committee activities, actions,
and efforts.
L. Goal Setting: It is recommended that the City Council meet
annually with the Traffic Safety Committee to review
progress, discuss problems, and to jointly establish goals
and objectives for the following year. This would provide
a forum to establish goals and objectives that are realistic
and attainable within a given time frame.
Much has already been done by the Traffic Safety Cortit.tee,
City staff, contract agencies, and the City Council to improve
traffic safety in La Quinta. Many projects and changes are
occurring presently to improve traffic safety, yet there still
remains much to do.
It is hoped that the City Council finds this report as a
milepost on the roadway to an unspecified objective of traffic
safety on the horizon.
The problems faced, in relation to traffic safety, are
unending. The Traffic Safety Ccnrr ttee is working diligently
to identify, study, and propose solutions to problems that have
been thirty -plus years in the making and that increase each day
as the city grows.
The Traffic Safety Committee wishes to extend
its thanks to the City Council for its creation and seeks to
go boldly forward together in seeking solutions to common
Respectfully submitted,
La Quinta
Traffic Safety Committee
John Bund, Chairman
Douglas Brown, Secretary
Larry Allen
Martin Beck
Sandy Bonner
A. L. Cablay
John Jameson, Jr.
Lt. Mike Lewis
Warren Stallard
- 21 -