1987 10 15 TTC Minutes
OCTOBER 15, 1987
The initial meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee was held at
11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, October 14, 1987. Present were::
Members: Sgt. Stanley Sniff, Sheriff's Department
Angel Cantu, County Traffic Engineer
Charley Clay, Desert Sands Unified School
Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Director
Frank Reynolds, City Engineer
Guests: Bob Weddle, City Project Engineer
The Committee had two items on its agenda: 1) request for. a 3-way
stop at the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and Coachella Drive;
and 2) school safety.
Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Weddle gave a brief history on the development
of this intersection and a video presentation was made to illustrate
the existing conditions. It was agreed that the problem has been
caused by the lack of adequate sight distance due to the block wall.
In order to give a motorist exiting Coachella against two northbound
lanes of 55 mph Eisenhower traffic some degree of safety, a sight
distance of at least 450 feet is required. To achieve that distance
a substantial length of the block wall would have to be lowered or
possibly removed.
Recognizing the inherent difficulties with that solution, it was
agreed that the action which was taken to provide sight distance by
closing off the northbound No. 2 lane was prudent. However, Mr.
Cantu suggested that a standard intersection ahead sign be added to
advise Eisenhower northbound traffic of Coachella's presence.
A suggestion was made that perhaps Coachella should act as an
entrance only, with exits to Eisenhower prohibited. Mr. Weddle
pointed out that this would cause internal circulation problems.
Sgt. Sniff stated that when regulatory stop signs are installed
without warrants having been met, unless there are some .other highly
unusual circumstances involved, their enforcement is virtually
impossible. He also pointed out that stop signs give people a sense
of false security and without meeting warrants could create a
liability for both the City and the Homeowners' Association. Mr.
Weddle and Mr. Reynolds stated that they doubted this intersection
would meet warrants but that an actual warrant study has not been
conducted. Mr. Weddle noted that the most recent traffic count on
Eisenhower showed 7,000 vehicles per day, and based upon the number
of dwelling units behind the Coachella gate, he estimated that the
maximum which would pass through Coachella gate would be 1,500
vehicles per day. This would not meet the minimum volume warrant,
and since there have been no recorded accidents, the accident warrant
would not be met.
It was agreed that in order to come to a factual conclusion, a
warrant study should be conducted. However, in order to get more
representative traffic counts, it was decided to wait until after the
beginning of "the season". Therefore, it is planned to conduct the
survey closer to Thanksgiving. Sgt. Sniff agreed to have all
collision reports available at that time. Therefore, this matter was
tabled until the December meeting of this Committee.
Mr. Reynolds made a video presentation of the various traffic control
facilities which have been installed in the vicinity of the new
school on 50th Avenue and solicited any further suggestions on
additional facilities which might be desirable. There were none. A
brief discussion ensued regarding a bicycle path along the Evacuation
Channel and the Tampico-Adams extension.
Mr. Reynolds noted that some calls had been received inquiring about
the interpretation of the "when children are present" portion of the
signage. He stated that he had read the pertinent section of the
Vehicle Code, and it appears that the 25 m.p.h. speed limit along
50th Avenue applies only when children are arriving at or leaving
school, during the lunch period, and during recess. However, he also
pointed out that the videotape showed open gates along 50th
Avenue. Mr. Clay agreed to determine why those gates had been left
open. Sqt. Sniff stated that deputies have to use judgement in the
25 m.p.h. enforcement.
Mr. Reynolds stated that future agendas will include such items as
the advisability of a speed survey, the traffic aspects of the
Village Plan, and Highway 111 issues.
Since the second Wednesday in November is Veterans Day, the next
meeting of the Committee was scheduled for Thursday, November 12th
at 11:00 A.M. The meeting adjourned at 12:05 P.M.