1987 11 12 TTC Minutes
DECEMBER 1, 1987
The regular meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee was held at
11:00 A.M. on Thursday, November 12, 1987. Present were:
Members: Sgt. Stanley Sniff, Sheriff's Department
Gene Marshall, Caltrans, San Diego
Roger Hirdler, City of La Quinta
Frank Reynolds, City of La Quinta
Richard Barrera, Riverside County
Staff: Bob Weddle, City Project Engineer
There were three items on the Committee's agenda:
1. Speed limits and radar enforcement
2. Traffic impacts in the Village Plan
3. Anti-gridlock intersections
Due to the late arrival of Mr. Marshall, the agenda was revised to
hold Item No. 1 until he was present.
Item No. 2
Mr. Reynolds distributed copies of the Village Plan and called
attention to those sections which deal with traffic considerations.
Specifically, these are at pages 27-31, 31-54, 54-77 and page 127.
Mr. Reynolds cited page 76 as the Committee's initial assignment due
to the fact that the improvement of Eisenhower Drive between
Tampico and Montezuma is proposed for this fiscal year.
Therefore, the treatment proposed in the Village Plan for the awkward
intersection at Montezuma has immediate significance. They
Committee was asked to review this portion of the Plan and be
prepared to discuss it at the December meeting.
Item No
Mr. Reynolds gave the background on this subject. The Auto Club of
Southern California completed an engineering and traffic :survey in
January 1983, but since the results did not meet the City Council's
expectations, it was never accepted. Consequently, only prima
facie speed limits can be enforced with the use of radar,
irrespective of lower speeds which have been posted in various parts
of the City.
Mr. Barrera stated that it's very difficult to reduce speeds, even
though City Councils want to do it, and he cited examples in other
Riverside County cities. Sgt. Sniff pointed out that surveys are
valid for only a five year period and stated that in his opinion a
new one should be undertaken in view of the City's growth since the
1983 survey.
After further discussion, the Committee unanimously recomnnended that
the City Council authorize a new engineering and traffic :survey.
Item No. 3
The subject of anti-gridlock intersections is so new that t:he
Committee didn't feel comfortable with making any kind of
recommendation at this time. Mr. Marshall stated that Calt:rans
uses "Do Not Block Intersection" signs in cases like this,, but he nor
any other member had any knowledge of the means by which tkie motorist
will be warned that an intersection is designated as an
anti-gridlock intersection with special penalties for infractions.
Mr. Reynolds stated that La Quinta has only one intersection that
would possibly qualify, and that is the intersection of Eisenhower
and 50th. Due to the proximity of the Santa Rosa Cove
gatehouse to Eisenhower, there are times when westbound 50th
traffic will block the intersection when Eisenhower has tlzea green.
Sgt. Sniff wanted to study the issue further because he feeds that
it will be very difficult to enforce. He also questioned the
provision in the statute which would allow nonsworn personnel to
issue citations.
The Committee decided to table this item pending the receipt of
additional information.
Other Items
Mr. Reynolds reminded the Committee that at its next meeting set for
11:00 A.M. on December 9, 1987, the subject of the 3-way ;stop at
Eisenhower and Coachella will again be on the agenda along with the
completed warrant study.
The meeting adjourned at 12:10 P.M.