1987 12 09 TTC Minutes MEMORAN®UM CITY OF LA QUINTA TO: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER / FROM: FRANK REYNOLDS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ' DATE: DECEMBER 23, 1987 SUBJECT: TECHNICAL TRAFFIC COMMITTEE The regular meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee was held at 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, December 9, 1987. Present were: Members Sgt. Stanley Sniff, Sheriff's Department Gene Marshall, Caltrans, San Diego Roger Hirdler, City of La Quinta Frank Reynolds, City of La Quinta Richard Barrera, Riverside County Staff: Bob Weddle, City Project Manager There were three items on the agenda: 1. 3-way stop at 2. Anti-gridlock 3. School safety. Item No. 1 Eisenhower and Coachella intersections The warrant study which .resulted from the traffic counts taken on December 1 and 2 was distributed and discussed. The following comments were made in the discussion of each of the study's recommendations. 1. The recommendation concerning advance TEE intersection warning signs had been previously implemented as far as northbound traffic is concerned. It was agreed that an identical sign be installed for southbound traffic. It was further agreed that the recommendation regarding flashing beacons be tabled pending the outcome of recent cliscussions regarding a traffic signal. 2. The committee concurs with the recommendation than the current condition of one lane northbound be maintained. Mr. Marshall suggested that in order to discourage. vehicles from entering the cross-hatched zone to pass on t:he right the City consider installing flexible glue-down reflectorized delineators along that zone's boundary. -1- memofr.123 3. The committee concurred with the recommendation that stop signs not be installed. 4. The committee agreed that the city should not install a signal since warrants are not met. Mr. Reynolds advised the committee that a study of the impact of the hotel expansion is underway and it may be well to review the warrant study when the results are available. 5. The committee took no exception to the recommendation regarding modification of the block wall, recogni:zi_ng however that it seems to represent a last resort. Item No. 2 Since the matter of anti-gridlock intersections was discussed at a previous meeting of the committee, members had looked into 'the origin of this legislation and determined that it stemmed from problems in Los Angeles. The committee agreed that due to the relatively infrequent problems encountered at Eisenhower and 50th, the matter of designation of that intersection as "anti-gridlock" should be dropped. Item No. 3 Mr. Reynolds stated that the reason the matter of school safety was again on the agenda was concern expressed by two Sheriff's 3eputies after two speeding citations were dismissed by a judge pro tem. Sgt. Sniff explained the situation and recommended that the r_ity take no further action. On other matters, Sgt. Sniff outlined for the committee the procedures his department follows in the investigation of vehicular accidents. His purpose was to explain why final reports may not be available to interested agencies for as much as 60 to 90 days following the date of the accident. The meeting adjourned at 12:20 P.M. -2- memofr.123