1988 01 13 TTC Minutes TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ~IIEfVIORAN®UM CITY OF U GUINTA RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER AGENDA ITEM # () APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( )CONTINUED TO,~ FRANK REYNOLDS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY JANUARY 20, 1988 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC COMMITTEE ENGINEER The regular meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee was 'held at 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, January 13, 1988. Present were: Members: Sgt. Stanley Sniff, Sheriff's Department Sgt. Jim Domino, Sheriff's Department Gene Marshall, Caltrans, San Diego Roger Hirdler, City of La Quinta Frank Reynolds, City of La Quinta Richard Barrera, Riverside County Staff: Bob Weddle, City Project Engineer The following items were on the agenda: Old Business: (1) 3-way stop at Eisenhower and Coachella (2) Speed Survey (3) Eisenhower and Montezuma Village Plan New Business: (1) 4-way stop and signalization at Washington and Calle Tampico OLD BUSINESS• Item No. 1. Mr Reynolds reported on the action taken by the City Counc:i.l at its meeting, January 5th. The Council voted to not allow the installation of a 3-way stop, but after hearing presentations made by persons in the audience, the Council tentatively agreed to share in the cost of a traffic signal. They also instructed the si=aff to install lane delineators along the cross-hatched zone and t:o install flashing beacons. rpteng.011 Item No. Mr. Reynolds reported that the City Council had authorized the staff to negotiate with the Auto Club of Southern California for conducting an engineering and traffic survey on the basis of participation by a representative of the Sheriff's Department. If the Auto Cl~,ib does not agree to this arrangement, it will be necessary to go back to the Council for authorization to arrange with a consulting engineer for the survey. Item No. 3. The Committee previously had been given copies of the Village Plan and had been asked to study in particular the problem intersection at Eisenhower and Montezuma. In view of the fact, that the Village Plan itself is still under consideration by the City Council it was decided to take any further discussion until the Plan is approved. It was pointed out by Mr. Marshall, however, that as designed in the Village Plan, the entrance to the south leg of Montezuma could be a problem due to apparent lack of stacking distance for vehicles waiting for a parking space to become available. NEW BUSINESS Item No. 1: Mr. Reynolds reported that a warrant study had been conducted for the intersection of Washington and Tampico, and that it has been established that the intersection meets warrants for both a. 4-way stop and for signalization. He pointed out this intersection is a problem not only for Tampico traffic entering the intersec;t.ion but also from the standpoint of drainage. Both problems can k>e~ mitigated initially with a 4-way stop and valley gutters across Washington. Then when signals are installed the intersection can be opened up and inverted siphons installed to eliminate the valley gutter:>. From the traffic standpoint, the situation with Tampico traffic will get worse as soon as the Plaza Tampico complex begin:> operation, and in the long range, the Civic Center development will add to the problem at this intersection. The Committee unanimously recommended that a 4-way stop b~=_ installed. OTHER BUSINESS Sgt. Sniff brought up the following items: 1. Commercial Vehicles Issue. The Cove communir_ies are engaged in a commercial vehicle inspection ;program which has been working very successfully. 'Slie City of La Quinta's Community Safety Director has been looking into how we might become a part of that program and is scheduled to report his findings to the City Council on February 2nd. rpteng.011 2. Speed zoning on Eisenhower. Sgt. Sniff report:ed that at the City Manager's request periodic radar surveillance is being conducted along Eisenhower to determine speeds in the stretch between Washington and 50th. 3. SWITRS. Sgt. Sniff pointed out that accidents in La Quinta ran about the same for 1987 as they were in 1986, which is encouraging, since in Indio for example, the rate increases at about 15$ per ,year. 4. Dismissed tickets. A previous recommendation by Sgt. Sniff that the matter of an appeal to the presiding judge in the Indio Municipal Court be dropped has been confirmed by the Indio Station Commander. The meeting adjourned at 12:30 P.M. rpteng.011