1988 04 13 TTC Minutes DEPARTj~NTAL REPORT MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA TO: Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager FROM: Frank Reynolds, Director of Public Work~- DATE April 14, 1988 SUBJECT: Technical Traffic Committee The regular meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee was held at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 13, 1988. Present were: Members: Sgt. Stanley Sniff, Sheriff's Department Roger Hirdler, City of La Quinta Richard Barrera, Riverside County Frank Reynolds, City of La Quinta Absent: Gene Marshall, Caltrans, San Diego Staff: Bob Weddle, City Project Engineer Others: John Curtis, Landmark Land Company Investigator Ron Friedli, Sheriff's Dept. Sgt. Betty Boyer, Sheriff's Department OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Reynolds reported that the Engineering and Speed Survey recommended by this Committee and authorized by the City Council had been completed the previous week and that the Auto Club is presently tabulating the results. It is expected that their report will be received in 10 days to two weeks. The Auto Club also has furnished the City and the Sheriff's Department with floppy disks which can be used in tabulating the results of future speed surveys. TECHNICAL TRAFFIC COMMITTEE APRIL 14, 1988 PAGE 2 NEW BUSINESS: The following agenda items were discussed: 1. Traffic Signal at 50th and Park Avenue. 2. Raised median on 50th. 3. Access to 50th. 4. Bikeways. Mr. Reynolds explained that all of the agenda items arise from a proposed development across 50th from the school and sports complex. This development, which is a portion of Duna La Quinta, is planned for 193 single family dwellings around the Dunes Golf Course and one multifamily lot with frontage on. 50th. He then provided the Committee with the background which resulted in the agenda items, noting the improvements along Tampico and Park Avenue, the anticipated school and sports complex traffic along those streets, and the status of the. school and sports complex development. On the matter of the need for signalization of the Park Avenue and 50th intersection, Mr. Barrera stated that without the: kind of traffic generation numbers that could be developed, from an independent study of all the various factors involved, it is not possible at this time to make a clear recommendation ass to if or when signals should be installed. Therefore, it was. the consensus of the Committee that a traffic study should be undertaken by the City, and the development should be conditioned upon the results of that study. With respect to the raised median on 50th, Mr. Reynolds explained that the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan calls for 50th to be a primary arterial, with a 100' right of way, four lanes and a raised median. The developer has suggested that perhaps the presence of the median would cx-eate a safety problem in that it might encourage jaywalking. The Sheriff's Department representatives responded that they 2`elt that the median would discourage bicyclists from crossing illegally; pedestrians might try to cross whether there i:s a techcom.fr i TECHNICAL TRAFFIC COMMITTEE APRIL 14, 1988 PAGE 3 NEW BUSINESS (cont.). median or not. Their only concern about the presence of a median on this or any other street is the negative impact medians have on speed limit enforcement by radar. Since most modern radar detection units are designed to observe oncoming traffic, the inability of the officer to make a U-turn hampers the enforcement. It was the consensus of the Committee that a General Plan revision should not be pursued to eliminate the specified median. The developer's plan showed an access to 50th from the multifamily lot, and the City staff had recommended again=_.t it, due to its proximity to the 50th and Park intersection. Mr. Weddle also mentioned a potential sight distance problem connected with eastbound traffic coming out of the wash. After considerable discussion it was decided that the subject of` the parcel's access to 50th should appropriately be included i.r.. the traffic study which had previously been recommended. There was a brief discussion on the proposed bikeways alonSf Tampico and Park Avenue, with the result that the Sheriff"s Department will check the Vehicle Code and with other jurisdictions to determine those restrictions which might aipply. The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 p.m. The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled tentatively for Wednesday, May 11, 1988. FR/ lmm cc: Committee Members Bob Weddle techcom.fr