1988 05 11 TTC Minutes
Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager
Frank Reynolds, Director of Public
May 12, 1988
Technical Traffic Committee
The regular meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee wsis held
at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 11, 1988. Present were:
Members: Sgt. Betty Beyer, Sheriff's Department
Roger Hirdler, City of La Quinta
Angel Cantu Riverside County
Gene Marshall, Caltrans, San Diego
Frank Reynolds, City of La Quinta
Staff: Bob Weddle, City Project Engineer
Old Business:
Mr. Reynolds reported that the traffic study at Avenue 50 and
Park Avenue recommended by the Committee at its April meeting
has been authorized by the City Council.
New Business•
The following agenda items were discussed:
1. The City's new pin map for vehicular accidents.
2. intersection of Jefferson and 50th.
3. Skateboards.
Mr. Hirdler displayed the new pin map which was presented at
the last City Council meeting, explaining that it indicates
graphically vehicular accidents by location, frequency, cause
and result. The Committee members concurred that this :is a
far more effective way to obtain this information than pouring
over stacks of statistics. Mr. Reynolds stated that one of
the Council Members suggested that each intersection should be
studied in detail with the goal of determining preventive
measures which might be taken to mitigate the causes. 'The
Committee agreed with this and decided to study one
intersection at a time in future meetings.
MAY 12, 1988
New Business (cont.):
Mr. Reynolds read a letter from a citizen regarding traffic
safety at the intersection of Jefferson and 50th. The
letter cited that intersection as being extremely dangerous
and called for flashing beacons on the stop signs. Referring
to the pin map it was noted that City records show five
accidents at that location in the past three years, of which
two involved injuries and the remainder had property damage.
At this point Mr. Cantu stated that this subject was dine to
be discussed at the Riverside County's traffic committee
meeting on June 1, since one-half of the intersection is in
the County's jurisdiction. City representatives agreed to
furnish Mr. Cantu the accident data it has on file to be
combined with that in the County's records. Therefore,
further action is planned to be taken at our June meeting when
we have a recommendation from the County.
Mr. Reynolds said the matter of skateboards was being brought
up primarily for information, and any input Committee members
might have would be appreciated. He outlined how the subject
came before the City Council, the research done by City staff,
and the Council's reaction to that research. Sgt. Beyer
checked the latest edition (1987) of the California Vehicle
Code and found only a reference to prohibition of motorized
skateboards in the traveled way. Mr. Marshall stated that
Caltrans has had to run skateboarders out of flood control
channels in District 11. Everyone agreed that they
represent a significant liability for any public agency or the
private sector when their use is allowed or condoned.
Sgt. Beyer announced that the week of May 22 through 28
has been designated as Traffic Safety Week. During that: week
the Sheriff's Department intends to enforce prima facie'
speed limits with radar visibly throughout La Quinta and the
other Valley communities. This activity will be well
The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m. The next meeting is
scheduled tentatively for Wednesday, June 8, 1988.
FR/ lmm
cc: Committee Members
Bob Weddle