1988 10 19 TTC Minutes MEMORANDUM TO: Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager FROM: Frank Reynolds, City Engineer DATE: October 20, 1988 SUBJECT: Technical Traffic Committee The regular meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee was held at 11:00 am on Wednesday, October 19, 1988. Present were: Members: Sgt. Betty Beyer, Sheriff's Department Ron Friedli, Sheriff's Department Charlie Clay, Desert Sands Unified School District Mr. Sherwood, Desert Sands Unified School District Frank Reynolds, City of La Quinta Roger Hirdler, City of La Quinta Staff: Jerry Coffey, City of La Quinta OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Reynolds reported on the demise of the traffic study at Park Avenue and Avenue 50. Work by the consultant on that. study was halted when a Senior Vice President for Landmark Land Company announced that Landmark would not settle for anything less, than full access to their proposed 194 lot tract on the south side of 50th along the old Adams Street alignment. Adams Street previously had been abandoned in favor of a preferred 4-way intersection at Park Avenue, and the current study had confirmed that two signalized intersections within about 550' of each other would be highly undesirable. Therefore, when Landmark dropped its plans to develop, the traffic engineer was directed to submit a summary report and do nothing further. NEW BUSINESS: Had the above tract development gone forward, provisions would have been made to construct a bikeway which would connect tYxe: end of the existing Calle Tampico with the Park Avenue - Avenue 50 intersection. This would have afforded a much safer route from the Cove area to the schools than the route presently be.~ng followed along Washington Street and Avenue 50. It had been noticed that since the opening of the Middle School this Fall there has been an increase in the number of bicyclists and skateboards using the latter route. Mr. Sherwood felt that the numbers were not large, perhaps a total of 8 bicyclists. He also believes that the school officials can put a stop to the use of either bicycles or skateboards, but it would take frequent reminders to enforce the prohibition. _' - Technical Traffic Committee October 19, 1988 Page 2 Mr. Clay expressed the opinion that if there were a safer route to school, probably the use of bicycles would increase. It has been observed by the Sheriff Department that some students are taking a shortcut by entering the Dunes golf course in the area of the IID substation at the end of Calle Ultimo and traveling down the levee towards 50th. It also has been observed that students using this route or the Washington route cross 50th at the bottom of the wash in order to access the sidewalk on the north side of the street. It was agreed by all that this crossing is at the worst possible location due to sight distance problems. Mr. Reynolds stated that after the death of the previously mentioned subdivision Landmark was approached regarding the possibility of obtaining an easement to construct a temporary bike path. generally along the same route which would have been folloHred had the development proceeded, and Landmark indicated that this might be worked out. However, both the school districts' and t:he Sheriff's representatives opposed this idea due to the remoteness of` the area. Access by emergency equipment would be extremely difficult, and it would open up opportunities for rapists and bullies. It was the concensus of the Committee members that this bike path over a half mile of open desert would create more problems than it would solve. It was suggested that such a solution would not be inexpensive, and the money would be better spent on making whatever provisions are necessary to widen Washington and 50th to provide bikeways. Two of the problems in doing this, however, are the need to wide:ri the bridge on Washington at the Evacuation channel to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians and the possible encroachment with fill material on adjacent low-lying properties. Nonetheless, the City staff will continue to look into possible alternative. OTHER MATTERS: Sgt. Beyer reported that there have been some very recent instances where speeding tickets in the school zone have been dismissed. The judge's rationale has been that inadequate warning of a speed reduction is given for 55 mph traffic entering a 25 mph zone. It was agreed that the City staff immediately will arrange for' additional signage. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 A.M.