1988 11 17 TTC Minutes MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager Frank Reynolds, Director of Public City Engineer November 18, 1988 Technical Traffic Committee Works/ _ The regular meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee wa:; held at 11:15 A.M. on Thursday, November 17, 1988. Present were: Members: Sgt. Betty Beyer, Sheriff's Department Roger Hirdler, City of La Quinta Dick Barrera, Riverside County Frank Reynolds, City of La Quinta Staff: Jerry Coffey, City of La Quinta Guest: Lee Norwine, SunLine Transit Member Absent: Gene Marshall, Caltrans New Business• Mr. Reynolds explained that the City and SunLine Transit: would like to get the Committee's input as to the most desirable location for a bus stop on Washington near Highway 111. The bus stop has been placed in two locations thus far, and neither of them has: proven to be satisfactory. Mr. Norwine pointed out that this is an important transfer point between Routes 4 and 19. Route 4 travels north and. south on Washington, and Route 19 east and west on Highway 111. He said that the original location for the Route 4 stop was near the intersection, and as such it was quite convenient for his riders. However, it caused a problem for eastbound motorists making a right turn onto 111. Therefore, it was moved further south on Washington to a site south of the driveway to the shopping center and immediately north of the driveway to the Point Happy Ranch. This present location, while solving the traffic safety problem at 111, has resulted in the creation of other problems: 1. It's very inconvenient for riders wishing to trarsfer, both because of its distance from the Route 19 stop and the chronic water problems at the entrance to the shopping center. 2. Complaints from the owner of the Point Happy Ranch because of: a) Vandalism to his lighting and landscaping. b) Production of debris. c) Sight distance problems for vehicles attempting to exit the ranch onto Washington. Technical Traffic Committee Report November 17, 1988 meeting Page 2 Mr. Norwine then suggested that the stop be relocated. to a point some 90 feet north of the entrance to the shopping center, which would place it approximately midway between that entrance and the 111 intersection. Mr. Reynolds showed a videotape he had taken of the three. locations under discussion. In order to assist with the taping Mr. Norwine had helpfully furnished a bus so that its position at all three` locations could be shown and the aforementioned considerations demonstrated. In the discussion following the presentations the Committee members concurred that the proposed new location for the bus stop will be satisfactory. Mr. Reynolds pointed out, however, that the stop should not be relocated until after the construction of th,e drainage pumping facility near the shopping center entrance is complete. He will notify SunLine when the move can take place. Miscellaneous 1) Mr. Reynolds advised that pursuant to the comments made at the October meeting by Sgt. Beyer, the City has installed "Reduced Speed Ahead" signs in advance of the 25 mph signs on Avenue 50 at the school. 2) Scheduling of the new traffic signal at Washington and Fred Waring was discussed. In connection with this, it was pointed out that once the signal is in operation a problem probably will be created at the Miles intersection as southbound platoons of vehicles clear the Fred Waring intersection. Mr. Barrera agreed to check the traffic counts on Miles and investigate the feasibility of removing the stops for Washington and installing a flashing amber and red warning system. 3) Mr. Reynolds stated that he would like to place on the agenda for the next meeting items dealing with the safety aspects of center median island landscaping and safety lighting at problem intersection. The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, December 14, 1988. The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 P.M.