1989 01 11 TTC Minutes MEMORANDUM TO: Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager /~ FROM: Frank Reynolds, Director of Public Works City Engineer DATE: January 13, 1989 SUBJECT: Technical Traffic Committee The regular meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee was held at 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday January 11, 1989 Present were: Members: Lt. Ron Dye, Sheriff's Department Roger Hirdler, City of La Quinta Dick Barrera, Riverside County Frank Reynolds, City of La Quinta Gene Marshall, Caltrans, San Diego Staff: Jerry Coffey, City of La Quinta Guest: Flo Richardson, Caltrans, San Diego OLD BUSINESS: Raised Medians and Safety Lighting Pursuant to discussions at December's meeting, a memorandum from Sgt. Byers regarding the safety aspect of center medians and safety lighting had been distributed with the agenda and a copy is made a part of these minutes. Each of the items in that memorandum was discussed. No exception was taken to the recommendation that raised medians be no longer than 1,000 feet, but there was considerable: discussion about how to break the median to accommodate emergency vehicles while still discouraging motorists from making U-turns through the breaks. Lt. Dye was asked if he knew of any similar situations in t:he Valley, and he could only think of one on Bob Hope Drive at: Eisenhower Medical Center. In that case there's an emergency vehicle only left turn slot, but except for signage to that effect, there i:: no special treatment. Suggestions were made regarding the installation of flexible delineators or some different treatment to the road surfacing in median breaks to set them apart from normal roadway surface texture. While everyone could understand the problem with large boulders or rocks in median strips, it was noted that in Palm Desert, for example, the desire for landscape attractiveness won ou.t over the safety considerations. The members concurred with Sgt. Byers' in the matter of low maintenance and sight distance considerations. No exception was taken to the matter of raised pavement markers, except that Mr. Reynolds noted that he favors installing the markers on top of the curb rather than on the pavement alongside the curb for higher visibility. Lt. Dye concurred, stating that in that position they are not vulnerable to street sweepers and stay cleaner longer. The Committee also concurred regarding sprinkler systems. Country Club Drive was referred to as "The Palm Desert Carwash." It's not only a nuisance to motorists with clean cars, but it ale,o creates a hazard where no hazard would exist if different watering techniques were employed. The Committee found Sgt. Byers description of the: suggested intersections to be confusing, so Lt. Dye agreed to get them clarified. NEW BUSINESS: Washinaton Street and Miles Mr. Reynolds stated that with the new traffic signal at. Washington and Fred Waring now in operation, the predicted congestion at the Washington-Miles intersection is now a fact. Southbound. Washington traffic stopped for a red at Fred Waring now approacr, Miles in platoons of a dozen or more cars, all of which have to stop for the 4-way stop at Miles, In anticipation of this situation the County had taken counts and determined that the ratio between Washington and Miles traffic is 4 to 1. A traffic signal could be warranted on the basis of minimum traffic volumes, but another alternative would be to remove the Washington stop, thus easing the frustration of the motorist on Washington. However, Mr. Hirdler pointed out that Miles traffic might be even more frustrated and take chances they might not otherwise take. Lt. Dye concurred. He stated that if Washington traffic gets'. frustrated to the point where they attempt to pre-empt the Miles right-of-way, a low speed accident could result. Whereas if the Washinaton stop is removed and Miles runs the stop, a high speed accident could result with much higher damage. Mr. Reynolds advised the members that currently the City is processing two tentative tract maps, one for each side of Miles at this intersection. If either of these developments coo forward a traffic signal will be required. Therefore, the Committee decided to table this matter for two months so that the dispositior.~ of the two tracts might be more clear. The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled tentatively for Wednesday, February 15, 1989, one week later than usual due to vacation scheduling. The meeting adjourned at 11:55 A.M. RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF fIF_MORANDUM TO: Frank Reynolds Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of L.a @ui!-eta FROt"; Sqt. Betty Byers, Traffic Services Team Riverside County SI-reri.'ff-Indio Station RE: Medians/Street Lighting DATE: December 21, 1988 Mr. Reynolds, the following are suggestions submitted by ne•mbers Of the Traffic Team regardr.ng installati.nr~ of medians and street lights within the City of I_a C~un~ta. My apologies i~or tF,e delay in forwarding i;he information. MEDIANS Suggest tf-rat merlrans he no more than IOOCr f~=et long to f~~ci.litate access by emergency ~reh isles. The islands could be eh tended by using double yellow Sires anc! posting the area with "for cse by emergency vehicles only" signs. These breaks should be large enough for ve=hicles to make a u~-turn from Zither direction. This would greatly assist deout:ies using radar to enforce speed violations. iLong medians make it difficult to get turned ~,-ound and safely catch up t.o the violators as is experienced nn Dinah Shore Drive in Rancho h{irage.) Sugge~~'t no large boulde=rs or roc.-4<s be placed in thc• median as they r.. t; r, become launch points for the vehicle. or may be ]ar_nched themselvr>s. Sugges'~. that vegation >.r~ the medians be of a low maintenance- type so thdit city crews would only geriodir_ally have to be in ~he roadway or .clock portions of the roadway durin~~ maintr-~r,anr_e. `iugges~ that trees and shruba be 4<ept at a height and density that doesn't interfer with the i-lear view of both lanes as this could effect enforcement of speed laws 6y radar. Suggest raised pavement markers 6e used at the sods of each median as well as intermittently along each edge of t:he me~ditan. Also sr.aygest the median er-ids be [:.rlainly marl<ed witl_r sigr5 .and paddle markers. suggest, that: watering system(s) be of a low height variety tr, dec_rease~ the driving hazards created by wind blowing wate~~ onto the roadway. LIGHTING Suggest lighks be plar_ed on all major arterials with particulzr attention given to the following intersections: Washington, Eisenhower, Avenue 5O, Avenue 52, Durango, Chihuahua, Bermudas, Tecate, Tampico, S.R. Hwy 111 and Jefferson Street. Suggest the areas facing onto the street he lighted in front of the Vista Dunes Mobile Home Park to Adams and in front of the Dune Palms Mobile Home Park. Suggest the area near Avenue 59 annj Jefferson Street be lighted. Respectfully submitted, Bet:t.y Bye-rs, Sqt,