1989 04 12 TTC MinutesDEPAR ENTAL REPORT MEMORANDUM TO: Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager FROM: Frank Reynolds, Director of Public Works/ City Engineer DATE: April 12, 1989 SUBJECT: Technical Traffic Committee The regular meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee was held at 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday April 12, 1989 Present were: Members: Sgt. Betty Byers, Sheriff's Department Inspector Ron Friedli, Sheriff's Department Roger Hirdler, City of La Quinta Dick Barrera, Riverside County Frank Reynolds, City of La Quinta Gene Marshall, Caltrans, San Diego Staff: Jerry Coffey, City of La Quinta Guests: Debbie Asten, Sunline Transit Frank Jones, Sunrise Media Rupert Yessayian OLD BUSINESS: Washington-Miles Intersection Mr. Reynolds reviewed this matter, which was originally brought up at the Committee's January meeting. At that time it wa:; decided to table the subject for a two month period in order to get: a better status on the development of tentative tracts in the: immediate vicinity. Since the Committee didn't meet in-_March, it is now up for further consideration. Neither of the two tracts has moved forward as yet, although it appears that the single family residential development. on the northeast corner may be imminent. Should it proceed, a traffic signal should be planned for. In the meantime, however, the situation with the 4-way stop has not improved. Mr. Barrera stated that the County has made an economic analysis which has shown the costs to Washington motorists in having to stop at: Miles is excessive, and that if a signal is not to be installed the stop signs on Washington should come out. If this were done, however, at least for a 2-week period flashing red beacons should be installed. on Miles in advance of the intersection to warn that a 2-way stop er;fists. Technical Traffic Committee-April 12, 1989 Page 2 Mr. Reynolds asked if the County has any money available in the event a signal is proposed for fiscal 1989-90, since one half of the intersection is in the County. Mr. Barrera said that he would check on any funds that might be available in that traffic mitigation district and get back to the Committee. It was agreed however, that if it is the recommendation of the Committee to remove the stops on Washington, direction to do so would have to come from the two governing bodies. Mr. Barrera said the proper procedure would be for the City to make the recommendation to his office, and then it would go before the County's Traffic Committee. If they concurred with the recommendation, the matter could then go before the City Council and the Board of Supervisors. The subject was tabled until the May meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Bus Shelters at Bermudas and Estado Mr. Reynolds announced that the City Council had approved a shelter design at its last meeting. Therefore it is appropriate to continue with a review of the proposed locations as presented by Sunrise Media, the installers of the shelters. Since the locations within the City's jurisdiction at Washington and Highway 111 had previously been reviewed and approved, the next two requested are in the vicinity of Estado and Bermudas. The Committee walked to the proposed site and concluded that any site south of Estado along Bermudas near the Post Office and Bank is unsatisfactory due to the narrowness of the street and general congestion by existing vehicular and pedestrian traffic. An area immediately in front of the bank was then investigated, and two problems became apparent 1) the shelter would have to encroach into the planter behind the sidewalk, and 2) a sight distance problem for cars exiting from the alley would be created. There was some discussion about placing the shelters near_ where the bus pickup points currently exist south of Tampico, but Sunline feels that they're too far from the post office and the bank, so that they still will get flag-downs. Sunline and Sunrise Media then asked that the matter be tabled until the Committee's next meeting. Mr. Reynolds pointed out that this Committee's review is strictly focused on traffic safety and that when sites are found to be satisfactory from that standpoint, they still will have to be cleared through Planning because of concerns to conformance with the Village Plan. The meeting adjourned at 11:55 A.M. The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled tentatively for Wednesday, May 9, 1989.