1989 08 09 TTC Minutes MEMORANDUM TO: Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager / FROM: Frank Reynolds, Director of Public Works/ City Engineer ~- DATE: August 10, 1989 SUBJECT: Technical Traffic Committee A called meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee was held at 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, August 9, 1989. Attendance included: Members: Lloyd Hughes, Caltrans Charley Clay, Desert Sands School District George Conroy, Sheriff's Department Ronald Friedli, Sheriff's Department Dick Barrera, County Road Department Roger Hirdler, City of La Quinta Frank Reynolds, City of La Quinta Staff: Steve Speer, City of La Quinta Guests: John Walling, Walling & McCallum Associates Jerry Herman, City of La Quinta Stan Sawa, City of La Quinta NEW BUSINESS: Access to proposed restaurant at Point Happy from Highway 111 Mr. Reynolds brought the meeting to order and commenced with an oral synopsis of the proposed commercial development located on the north side of Highway 111, between the C.V.W.D. Flood Channel and the rock outcropping know as Point Happy. In his initial briefing, Mr. Reynolds specifically identified vehicular access to the restaurant site as the topic for discussion, and noted that Caltrans, who has jurisdiction of Highway 111, had not addressed the access topic during their review of the project a few weeks earlier. Mr. Reynolds concluded his remarks by stating that when the City Council reviewed the proposed development, it expres;se:d concern regarding the type of vehicular access to the site that would be permitted. As a result of the Council's desire for more _nformation regarding the traffic issue, they referred the topic to the=_ Committee for input which will in turn be forwarded to the Planning Commission. Mr. Reynolds yielded the floor to Mr. Herman who provided an additional oral presentation/orientation about the specific nature of the commercial development. When Mr. Herman concluded his short presentation a video tape of the Point Happy area prepared by Public Works staff, was presented to further orient those in attendance. During the video presentation, Mr. Hughes (Caltrans) pointed out the twin double yellow lines that create a painted median island directly adjacent to the proposed access point to the development site. Discussion followed the video presentation. Mr. Hughes stated that Caltrans had no objection to permit vehicular access to the development site as provided by the current traffic striping since there is adequate sight distance in both directions (approximately 1000'+ as observed from a point 15' north of the traveled way) for vehicles that exit the development site. It was further observed that current traffic striping legally prevents left turn movements in to, and out of, the development site, hence allowing only right-turn in and right-turn out access. Mr. Walling (project architect) then inquired about the possibility of installing left turn pockets to provide full access to the site. Mr. Hughes initially indicated that he didn't think Caltrans would approve left-turn pockets, because of prevailing conditions in the immediate vicinity such as: 1) the accident frequency east of the development site at the Vons market access point, 2) the bridge over the C.V.W.D. flood channel is not wide enough to accommodate a left- turn lane, and 3) there is insufficient distance between access points to the east and west of the development site where left-turns are currently allowed, to accommodate back-to-back left turn pockets. The insufficient distance is due to Caltran's desire to provide for deceleration clear of the through-traffic lanes, therefore, the left-turn pocket needs to be approximately 400-500 feet long plus additional length to allow for storage. Additional discussion ensued, consisting of predominately, "what if" type questions that precipitated Mr. Hughes retreat to Caltran's official position which is: if the developer desires to revise the current traffic control configuration, he must apply for an encroachment permit and submit traffic study data to support the adequacy of the proposed traffic control revision. Upon receipt of the permit application Caltran's would then comment on what the developer desires. Mr. Walling (project architect) noted the encroachment permit process is several months in length and raised an open question to the Committee to inquire if there was a way to get the project approved without Caltrans' comments on vehicular access to the development site. Mr. Herman responded indicating the project could be processed through the City's approval procedure as having right-turn-in, and right-turn-out access, with a footnote that the developer, through a concurrent independent action with Caltrans, would seek full access to the site. At Mr. Herman's request, Mr. Reynolds summarized the Committee's recommendation. The recommendation is: the developer may proceed through the City's approval process with vehicular access to the development site being restricted to right-turn-in and right-turn-out only, with the additional provision that the developer may seek improved access to the site via Caltran's approval proceduz•es. Mr. Reynolds asked for comments regarding the recommendation to which the Sheriff's Department responded. Lt. Conroy suggested that a raised median island or a barricade in the median be required as it otherwise would be time consuming to enforce compliance of the twin double yellow lines. However, Mr. Friedli withheld the requirement deferring consideration of same to a future date when the outcome of the developer's full access request to Caltran's is known. Mr. Hughes made a final comment noting that Caltrans would not approve a barricade in the median, but would consider a raised median if formally requested. Whereas, no additional comments, or requests for modification were heard, the Committee's recommendation remains as stated. The meeting adjourned at 12:00 PM (Noon)