1990 09 19 TTC Minutes M E M O R A N D U M departmental Reports q. TO: Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager FROM: Frank Reynolds, Director of Public Works~-~ City Engineer DATE: October 16, 1990 SUBJECT: Technical Traffic Committee A Regular meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee was held at 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, September 19, 1990. Attendance included: Members: Sergeant John Carlson Riverside County Sheriff's Department, Indio Gene Marshall, Local Street & Roads Engineer Caltrans, District il, San Diego Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director City of La Quinta Frank Reynolds, Director of Public Works City of La Quinta Staff: Steve Speer, Senior Civil Engineer City of La Quinta Mr. Reynolds brought the meeting to order at 11:00 A.M. New Business Item #1 - Consider a proposal to vacate Avenue 53 between Jefferson and Madison Streets Mr. Reynolds gave a brief oral presentation of the proposed street vacation. Mr. Reynolds stated that Avenue 53 is currently in an unincorporated area of the county but is presently under annexation proceedings by the City and the developers on both sides of the street within the indicated vacation limits desire to have the street vacated. All three (3) of the proposed developments intend to be gated communities with private streets. Mr. Reynolds further explained that th,e Fire Technical Traffic Committee Minutes 9/19/90 Page 2 Marshal has preliminarily indicated opposition to vacating the street, therefore to obtain other opinions, Mr. Reynolds requested and welcomed input from the Committee members i,n attendance. Sgt. Carlson stated that closure and vacation of Avenue 53 would have no effect on the Sheriff's Department because they acre conditioned to think in terms of even numbered avenues whien responding to emergency calls. Sgt. Carlson said many of the odd numbered avenues in the valley are nonexistent or discontinuous from one section to the next and thus unreliable for emergency response while the even numbered avenues are known to be continuous. Mr. Marshall stated that Caltrans in general preferred mare arterial streets that parallel state highways because it helps reduce congestion on state highways. He went on to say however, that if Avenue 53 is vacated, the City should czirefully look at the internal streets within the subdivision so good circulation is provided for fire access. No motion was made, nor was one requested by Mr. Reynolds. New Business Item #2 - Intersection of Avenue 52 and Washington Street Mr. Reynolds gave a brief oral realignment situation in which Street is on the new alignment Washingtion Street is still on offset of several hundred feet the creation of a new "T" and Reynolds requested input as to appropriate signing of the two Street. presentation of the Avenue 52 the portion east of Washington and the portion west of the old alignment thus caccsing an at Washington Street and c:auses "L" shaped intersections. N[r. what the committee would c;onsider intersections on Washington After some discusssion by the committee, a consensus was obtained with the following traffic sign measures recommended: Washington Street @ Old Avenue 52 . Install 90-degree turn advance warning "arrow" signs for both the eastbound and southbound traffic:. install 10 mph or 15 mph recommended speed sign on the post with the advance turn warning sign. Technical Traffic Committee Minutes 9/19/90 Page 3 . Remove stop sign for southbound traffic. Install partial barricade on east leg of intersection with road closed sign on barricade. Install full barricade east of ranch access lane when Landmark Land Company joins old Avenue 52 with new Avenue 52 near Jefferson Street. Washington Street @ New Avenue 52 . This intersection should be a 3-way stop. The westbound traffic should have an advance "Stop Ahead" warning sign, but no rumble buttons are needed on the pavement. No advance "Stop Ahead" warning signs are needed for the north and south bound traffic. New Business Item #3 - Bus Shelter at Washington and Tampico This item was pulled from the agenda by Mr. Reynolds to save time for other business items that involved higher priori.t.y traffic concerns. New Business Item #4 - Speeding on Calle Colima Mr. Reynolds gave a brief oral historical background of t:tie factors that have lead to increased vehicular speeds on (:ail le Colima. Mr. Reynolds stated the Cove Improvement project has caused every third east-west street, of which Calle Colima is one of those streets, to be constructed with no cross gutters which tend to inhibit speed, while all of the other east-west :st:reets have a cross gutter at each intersection and thus signif:ic:antly affect lower speeds. As a result, not only is Calle Colima experiencing higher speeds but increased traffic volume <3:; well because traffic is avoiding the other east-west streets tYrat have the cross gutters. Mr. Reynolds expressed the City's desire to post a desireable speed limit and enforce it with law enforcement, however, Mr. Reynolds pointed out that previous attempts to post speed limits in the Cove that are lower than the 55 mph maximum legal speed Technical Traffic Committee Minutes 9/19/90 Page 4 limit, disclosed the fact that in order for a street to tie considered residential and automatically qualify for the 25 mph prima facie speed limit provided in the California Vehicle Code (Section 22352), it must have an average of 16 houses fronting the street for each quarter mile (Section 515). Mr. Reynolds then opened the item for discussion and welcomed input fx-om those members in attendance. Sgt. Carlson indicated the Cove area is not a "radar" type environment for law enforcement even if it were legally possible to enforce the speed limit with radar. Mr. Marshall said he was not familiar with the 16-house per quarter mile requirement to achieve the residential status, but stated the Cove has the "look and feel" of a residential neighborhood and didn't believe the residential speed zorie~ would be challenged if so posted. Additional short discussion focused on a recommended solution. The Committee consensus and recommendation is the City should post Calle Colima and each "third street" similiarly con:>t.ructed with 25 mph speed limit signs. Sgt. Carlson said that ai`ter the signs are posted, the Sheriff's Department will target they area for patrol with black and white units to establish an eni`arcement presence to encourage lower speeds. The meeting adjourned at 12:00 P.M. (Noon) MISC\100-02