1991 01 16 TTC Minutes
T0: Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager //
FROM: Frank Reynolds, Director of Public Works ~/_.
City Engineer G6~~~
DATE: February 4, 1991
SUBJECT: Technical Traffic Committee
A Regular meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee was held at
11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, January 16, 1991. Attendance included:
Members: Lieutenant Ron Dye
Riverside County Sheriff's Department, Indio
Gene Marshall, Local Street & Roads Engineer
Caltrans, District 11, San Diego
Richard Barrera, Traffic Engineer
Riverside County Transportation Department
Roger Hirdler, Assist. Community Safety Director
City of La Quinta
Frank Reynolds, Director of Public Works
City of La Quinta
Staff: Steve Speer, Senior Civil Engineer
City of La Quinta
Mr. Reynolds brought the meeting to order at 11:00 A.M.
New Business Item #1 - Intersection of Park Avenue and Calle
Mr. Reynolds gave a brief oral synopsis and video tape
presentation of the existing conditions and traffic safety
warning devices in the subject area. Mr. Reynolds explained
that construction of the 90-degree turn where the two streets
meet to form a single "elbow" turn was recently completed and
already we have experienced two automobile accidents in which the
Technical Traffic Committee Minutes
February 4, 1991
Page 2
autos missed the turn and crashed through the block wall that
runs colinear to the street. Mr. Reynolds requested the
committee to offer its suggestions regarding what additional
traffic safety enhancements, if any, can or should be implemented
at the the 90-degree turn. A number of options were discussed;
committee consensus yields the following recommendations:
1. Install a 4" wide white edgeline through the turn.
2. Install chevron signs if the Caltrans Traffic Manual
indicates this situation is an appropriate application.
3. Install a "15 MPH" sign on the existing advance 9(I-degree
turn warning signs.
4. Relocate the advance 90-degree turn warning signs to
positions that provides the correct safe slow-down
distance, if the existing distance is incorrect.
5. Install yellow raised pavement markers on centerline and
extend length of double yellow centerline stripe 2`rom
turn to eliminate potential for passing.
6. Install Type N-4 reflector signs in conjunction wi_t.h the
W57 arrow sign.
7. Install larger W57 arrow signs for both approaches.
New Business Item #2 - Intersection of Park Avenue and Avenue 50
Mr. Reynolds gave a brief oral synopsis and video tape
presentation of the existing conditions and traffic safet}~
warning devices in the subject area. Mr. Reynolds explained that
a raised median island was recently constructed in the center of
Avenue 50. In spite of signage and a painted gore with raised
pavement markers installed in conjunction with the median
island construction, westbound traffic is running into thca
easterly end of the raised median island. Mr. Reynolds requested
the committee to offer its suggestions regarding what add:it:ional
traffic safety enhancements, if any, can or should be implemented
at this location. A number of options were discussed; committee
consensus yields the following recommendations:
1. Extend double yellow centerline stripe with raised
pavement markers 300' easterly of the raised medi~sn.
2. Install 4" wide edgeline strip with raised pavement:
3. Install Type K-4 delineators on the gore stripe.
4. Install additional raised pavement markers on the yore
striping by decreasing the spacing between the markers.
Technical Traffic Committee Minutes
February 4, 1991
Page 3
New Business Item #3 - Washington Street and Highway 111
Mr. Reynolds gave a brief oral synopsis and presented a
channelization concept drawing for the south leg of the suk>ject
intersection. Mr. Reynolds explained the intent of the
proposed channelization concept is to improve the flow of
northbound traffic by creating an optional dual left/thru traffic
lane and by installing a 4-foot wide raised median island i.n
the center of Washington Street in a specific configuration that
allows left turns into the shopping center but prevents lei`t
turns coming out of the shopping center.
The committee rather quickly gravitated to an alternative
concept which provides the same intent traffic-wise but does so
without the installation of a raised median. The committee
suggests the alternative concept be implemented first and if it
does not solve the traffic problems that are being experienced
then consider installing the proposed median island. The basic
elements of the committee's alternative concept are as fo:Llows:
1. Create a 4-foot wide painted median island with an
opening, via the double-double yellow stripe method.
2. Paint a channelizing gore and right arrow on pavement in
the shopping center driveway to encourage and notify
motorists of the right turn requirement.
3. Install "No Left Turn" sign in a visible location.
4. Install K-4 delineators in median to elevate moto:rist's
awareness of right turn requirement.
The meeting adjourned at 12:00 P.M. (Noon)